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Version 1.0.0
The Industrial Site is a vanilla-style monument that works with any map, big or small. This monument is excellent for players looking to get some loot early to mid-game. Originally a storage port for perishable goods, it now sits as a rusting hulk and hideout for survivors. Loot 3 green crates 3 brown crates 2 tool crates 1 hackable crate NPCs 4Free -
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- #helldivers
- #helldiver
- (and 13 more)
Version 1.0.0
RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect Discord Core creates essential links between your RUST and Discord servers. It lets you display the player count, enable chat between Discord and the game, and send messages to the server or connected players. Allows you to connect users' RUST accounts to their Discord accounts. Send private messages to connected players. You can grant Discord or game roles to players who have linked their accounts. You can create a chat between Discord and RUST, displaying messages from RUST in a Discord channel. Show your player count in the bot's status. Send private and server messages through the API. To make this plugin work, you need to have the Discord Extension and a pre-made Discord Bot. A full tutorial on how to set it up is available on the Discord Extension web page. Please note, the bot must be connected to only one server! How to connect? To connect your Steam account to Discord, generate a code using the /discord command in-game and send it as a private message to your pre-created bot. /discord - Generates or shows your discord connection code. (Editable in config) void API_SendPrivateMessage(string userId, string message) - If player is connected, it sends private message to connected discord user. void API_SendMessage(string channelId, string message) - Sends message to channel on discord. { "BOT API Token": "Paste Token Here!", "Commands": [ "discord", "dc", "connect" ], "Show Player Count In Status": false, "Connect Granted - Discord Group ID": "", "Connect Granted - RUST Group Name": "", "RUST Chat - Discord Channel ID": "", "RUST Chat - Discord Output Format": "**{0}** » *{1}*", "RUST Chat - RUST Output Format": "<color=#aaee32>[Discord]</color> <color=#5c81ed>{0}</color> » {1}" }Free- 24 comments
- #discord
- #discordbot
- (and 14 more)
Version 1.0.0
The Oil Depot is a monument made in the style of existing rust monuments, perfect for blending into any map, large or small. This monument has a small parkor puzzle and two NPCs guarding the loot. Requires RustEdit DLL Loot 6 Brown Crates 3 Green Crates 3 Tool Crates 2 Component Crates 2 Vehicle Parts 3 Diesel Barrels Recycler Help me Robj has put me to work making free prefabs in his back garden and only pays me in Robux and pocket lint.Free- 1 review
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- #free
- #free prefabs
- (and 11 more)
Version 1.0.0
The LPG Terminal is an early-game ocean-side monument, giving your players decent loot early to mid-game. With plenty of places to hide and defend, you are assured that cheesy plays will happen here. This asset will blend well into any map, big or small. Puzzle Type Electric Flip both light switches to solve the puzzle, and the two doors will open. Loot 4 Green Crates 2 Normal Crates 2 Diesel Barrels 1 Components Pile 1 Tool Crate 1 Food Crate Recycler Sub-1000 Prefabs When installing, line up the water level with floating debris.Free- 1 review
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- #free
- #free prefab
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Version 1.1.1
The Extraction Rig is a free vanilla-friendly custom monument meant to give your players an extra option when they want to gather loot mid-game or early-game. Extraction Rig is made in the style of existing rust monuments and provides a custom feel to a vanilla experience. This monument is excellent for all servers and maps, big or small. Loot 3 Fuel Barrels 3 Regular Crates 2 Green Crates 2 Diesel Barrels 1 Hackable Crate NPCs 2 Junk Pile Scientist Prefabs Sub 1000Free- 1 review
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- #free
- #free monument
- (and 9 more)
Version 1.0.0
The Pump Station is a tier-one free vanilla-friendly monument meant to be able to take on the role of a mining outpost. Pump Station provides a custom feel to a vanilla experience. This monument is excellent for all servers and maps, big or small. Loot 1 Green Crate 3 Normal Crates 2 Tool Crates RecyclerFree- 1 review
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- #free
- #free prefab
- (and 12 more)
Version 1.0.0
The Gas plant is a vanilla-friendly custom monument meant to give your players an extra option when wanting to gather loot early and mid-game. Made in the style of existing rust monuments, Gas Plant provides a custom feel to a vanilla experience. This monument is excellent for all servers and maps, big or small. Puzzle Type Parkour Loot 5 Green Crates 3 Normal Crates 2 Diesel Barrels 1 ToolboxFree- 1 review
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- #monument
- #monuments
- (and 15 more)
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- #codefling
- #logo
- (and 8 more)
Version 1.0.0
The loading station Rail pack includes three monuments. This pack is an excellent option for any server owner wanting to add more to their server's rail line. Made to fit the existing Rust theme, they won't look out of place in vanilla+ maps. Monuments List Loading Station Derailed Train Derailed Train Toxic Loot Tier 1 - Tier 2Free -
Version 1.0.4
Gravel Pit is a 4000 vanilla blend custom map that has been redone to fix most issues with procedurally generated maps. It comes with many large custom rock formations to build on and much more for your players to enjoy and explore. (WARNING: If you edit this map, you need the latest version of Rustedit from the RE discord, or it will break. I am not responsible for any map fixes if you have edited the map yourself and it no longer works as intended, though I am always willing to help) Custom Monuments and POIs Oil Depot Oil Fields Research Post LPG Terminal Extraction Rig Pump Station Gas Plant Gravel Pit Large Bouys Custom Canyons Loading Station Derailed Mini Monuments Vanilla Monuments Train Yard Harbor Missle silo Water Treatment Launch site Outpost Dome Radtown Lighthouse Giant Excavator Arctic Research Base Gas Station Mining Outpost All mining Quarrys Military Tunnels Junkyard Satellite Dish Fishing Village (Big and small) Ferry Terminal Supermarket Bandit Camp Large Barn Both Oil rigsFree- 12 comments
- 3 reviews
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Version 1.5.1
Yet another very simple plugin, but hey we all start somewhere, players with the permssion, giveairdrop.spawn can use the command "/spawnairdrop" by default it has a cooldown of 5 minutes New Update: Instead of giving the player an airdrop signal, now it spawns an airdrop prefab 100 units above the player, Added a notify message for the player to look up, this message can be configurated The notify message can also have its colour configurated, the default is white.$2.99 -
Version 1.0.1
This monument is designed for my TrainHomes plugin, but if you like it, you can use it on your map. (for personal use only, no resale) You can read more information on the plugin page. Description 266 Prefabs for this build There are all the necessary modification masks for easy installation on the map Triggers Not has any loot Modification masks Height Mask Splat Mask Topology Mask Triggers Building Box Collider Instruction Video example: Check out more of my work here!Free- 3 comments
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- #custom
- #custom monument
- (and 7 more)
Version 2.0.1
This monument is a great small but central monument for your rust map, This monument will serve as a location for Chinook Helicopter to drop a locked crate for your server to fight for. Designed after an abandon cobalt landing pad the Helicopter Landing Zone will be a great addition to your map. Need to have Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.dll installed on your server, you an locate how to install this here Map will automatically take priority for locked crate drops, you do not need to change anything in your server settings. Includes, 2 Regular Box Spawns 1 Food Box 1 Scientist 1 Wooden Box$2.50- 6 comments
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- #monument
- #chinook dropzone
(and 2 more)
Tagged with:
- 1 comment
- 1 review
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- #bridge
- #concrete bridge
(and 4 more)
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Version 0.1.8
A simple plugin that allows players with permissions to open card-locked doors in Rad Towns without a card, by knocking on the door instead (except for Arctic Research Base and Nuclear Missile Silo) : Arctic Research Base: Opens by toggling a switch button; Nuclear Missile Silo: Opens by pressing a button. P.S. You can also grant temporary permissions using the TemporaryPermissions plugin. freert.all - Allows players to open all card-locked doors without a card; - Allows players to open only green card-locked doors without a card; - Allows players to open only blue card-locked doors without a card; - Allows players to open only red card-locked doors without a card. { "Is it worth showing messages to players who don't have permissions?": true, "Time in seconds(1-10) after which the door will close(hinged doors only)": 5.0, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 8 } } EN: { "MsgNotAllowed": "You do not have permission to open this door without the card!" } RU: { "MsgNotAllowed": "У вас недостаточно прав для открытия этой двери без карточки!" }Free -
Version 1.0.1
Very simple plugin for healing Your mates in area. Features: - You can customize for any donate groups Healer class. - AutoLoad to config file Your oxide groups. Permissions: healerarea.use - Permission for use plugin command. Config: { "Permissions Groups": { "default": { // Default group from start plugin "priority": 0, "HealInterval": 5.0, //Heal timer "HealRadius": 5.0, "InstantlyHeal": 5.0, //Static heal for once "PendingHeal": 10.0 //Metabolism gradual heal }, "vip": { //Example from my oxide.groups "priority": 1, "HealInterval": 1.0, "HealRadius": 10.0, "InstantlyHeal": 50.0, "PendingHeal": 50.0 } }, "isEffect": true, //Enable/disable water BOOM effect for detect Healer "ChatCommand": "heal_area" //Your command for start Healer }Free -
Version v1.3
About Hapis2019exactcopy1.1replica About Facepunch Hapis 2019 exact copy/ replica. Hello Welcome to Facepunch Hapis 2019 exact copy/ replica. every cliff is same pos axis and size as facepunch every cave everything is the same not a single digit difference Everything included in Map is Free to use, but please Do Not Resell any of it! Map Size = 4096 All Main Monuments Are Custom 2019 Monuments This Map Is Still In Beta Alot More Versions Will Come Soon As I Will Be Constant Updating Every Month. New world update file will be put out before or on 4th dec Credits: To Nox Grape and Bxr For Helping Me With This Project! To Join My Server And Report Bugs: Discord Custom Monuments Are Not Official Facepunch Monuments The Hapis Ones Below Are Old Monuments For Facepunch Hapis No Longer Official! All monuments have been generated from facepunch scene files!Free -
Version 1.0.3
RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect Carbon Aliases Oxide Extension is a tool designed to seamlessly integrate plugins originally developed for the Carbon Engine into Oxide server environments. This extension facilitates the cross-platform compatibility of plugins, allowing them to be used on both Carbon and Oxide servers with ease. Primarily designed for the high-performance Carbon Engine, the plugins experience significant performance enhancements within the Carbon environment. However, when deployed on Oxide servers, these plugins seamlessly adapt to function as regular Oxide plugins, without incorporating the specific performance optimizations of the Carbon engine. Moreover, the extension is an open-source project, encouraging collaboration and community involvement. If users find the need for additional functionality, such as the creation of more aliases for specific Carbon functions, they are welcome to contribute by committing updates to the project. INSTALL THIS EXTENSION ONLY IF YOUR SERVER IS RUNNING OXIDE! THIS EXTENSION IS NOT REQUIRED ON CARBON SERVERS! There are 2 ways of installing the extension: Put the extension (.dll file) in /RustDedicated_Data/Managed/ folder. Install CarbonAliasesDownloader plugin that's included in the package. Plugins that use CarbonAliases: Meteor Event 2.0 Extended Crafting Road Bradley Custom Mixing CUI Aliases ImageDatabase Aliases (Works on regular ImageLibrary plugin)Free- 2 comments
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- #extension
- #free
(and 6 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.5.15
DBD Nexus DBD Nexus is your comprehensive solution for centralized bot management. Our intuitive UI streamlines your operations, allowing seamless configuration and control from a singular dashboard. Say goodbye to cumbersome config files and embrace efficiency with DBD Nexus. DBD Nexus allows users to run their Discord Bots on their machines. Users can choose to use the site for configuration or a local configuration file. FREE Modules Our platform offers a wide range of modules including many free features! FREE Trials Every module on DBD Nexus has an optional Free trial where you can test every feature completely for free! Hosted Locally Every bot runs on your own machine, this way you will always have full control over your own bots and no monthly hosting fees! Previews This is the home page where you can quickly navigate to the most important pages. Modules Page - On this page you activate and manage all your modules. Module Page - Each module has its own details page that shows important details about the module. Profile Page - On this page you can see all your account details, modules, payments, logs and more! Configuration Page - On this page you can configure all your bot features and much more! Language Selector - More languages will be added overtime. (or help translate with us!) Local Discord Bot App - Here is a image where one Discord bot is locally running on your machine. Local Bot Folder - This is how the bot files look like when running the bot locally. Links DBD Nexus: Bot Download: Documentation: Support DBD Suport Server: Get Started Here For Free:
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- #discord
- #playercounter
- (and 5 more)
Version 1.0.0
The Derelict Platform is a small ocean-based monument that provides other options for players wanting to gather loot mid—or early in the game. This small monument has a single scientist protecting his stash; kill him and get your bounty. Loot 2 diesel Barrels 2 Green Crates 2 Normal Crates 1 Tool CrateFree- 1 review
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- #free
- #free prefab
- (and 8 more)
- 1 comment
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- #free
- #decor prefab
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0.2
Smelting ore during mining and in inventory using the chat command Defalut chat command: /smelt Permissions: "zxcsmelter.instant" - smelting ore during mining "zxcsmelter.command" - smelting ore in inventory using the chat command Config: { "Cooldown": 300.0, "Chat command": "smelt", "Smelt wood?": true, "Special smelting rates": { "crude.oil": 3 } }Free