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Risk Factors 2.1.0

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About Risk Factors

Just released an update that expands functionality to other lootable entities, as well as a gear damage reduction system still a WIP and a message system for the different effects still a WIP.

Additional effects have also been added to make the damages feel more realistic, improvements to this will be made over time.


Modifies the three loot barrels and crates to include additional risky effects upon breaking and looting.  Spawn chance is configurable for each entity type in the RiskFactors.json, the damage modifiers are based on a percentage of your health so no worries about dying easily. Permissions to enable or disable certain effects from the barrels. (Permission manager highly recommended).

Configurable spawn effect chance and damage percentage based on players health amount.

Modifies the three loot barrels to include additional risky effects upon breaking.

Yellow - Has a configurable chance to spawn a Scarecrow or Bear Trap with damage adjustments

Blue - Is the radioactive barrel of Rust, configurable chance to inflict radiation and reduce hunger and thirst if near.

Red - Has a chance to break into flames or explode causing damage and bleeding if near.

Loot Crates - Most all loot crates have been added with chances for splinters, nails, and cuts to happen

Computer Stations - Chance to be shocked when attempting to mount.

Elite Crates - Have a chance to cause radiation, some of their contents might have been affected.

Food Crates - Have a chance for rotten food to be inside causing vomit and thirst and hunger reduction.

Please provide suggestions and improvements! Currently will be working on adding other entities and more configurable options. Really excited about this plugin and what it will become!



oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.yellow
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.blue
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.red
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.fireball
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.c4
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.beartrap
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.scarecrow
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.hungerreduction
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.thirstreduction
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.cratesplinter
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.toolscratecut
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.crates2
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.crates3
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.hazmatreduction
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.glovereduction
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.bootsreduction
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.electrical
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.heavysuitreduction
oxide.grant user <steamID/username> riskfactors.foodcrates

oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.yellow
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.blue
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.red
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.fireball
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.c4
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.beartrap
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.scarecrow
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.hungerreduction
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.thirstreduction
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.cratesplinter
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.toolscratecut
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.crates2
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.crates3
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.hazmatreduction
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.glovereduction
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.bootsreduction
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.electrical
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.heavysuitreduction
oxide.grant group <groupname> riskfactors.foodcrates



  "YellowBarrel": {
    "SpawnChance": 50.0,
    "MeleeSpawnChance": 25.0,
    "BearTrapDamagePercentage": 25.0,
    "BearTrapBleedingPercentage": 15.0,
    "BootsDamageReduction": 50.0,
    "BootsBleedingReduction": 50.0,
    "ScarecrowHealth": 15.0
  "BlueBarrel": {
    "SpawnChance": 50.0,
    "MeleeSpawnChance": 25.0,
    "EffectRange": 10.0,
    "RadiationDamagePercentage": 25.0,
    "HungerReductionPercentage": 30.0,
    "ThirstReductionPercentage": 20.0,
    "HazmatReductionFactor": 50.0
  "RedBarrel": {
    "SpawnChance": 50.0,
    "MeleeSpawnChance": 25.0,
    "EffectRange": 10.0,
    "C4DamagePercentage": 25.0,
    "C4BleedingPercentage": 7.5,
    "HeavySuitReduction": 50.0
  "Crate": {
    "SpawnChance": 30.0,
    "SplinterDamagePercentage": 10.0,
    "SplinterBleedingPercentage": 5.0,
    "GloveDamageReduction": 50.0,
    "GloveBleedingReduction": 50.0
  "ToolsCrate": {
    "SpawnChance": 30.0,
    "CutDamagePercentage": 15.0,
    "CutBleedingPercentage": 5.0,
    "GloveDamageReduction": 50.0,
    "GloveBleedingReduction": 50.0
  "Crates2": {
    "SpawnChance": 30.0,
    "NailDamagePercentage": 15.0,
    "NailBleedingPercentage": 10.0,
    "GloveDamageReduction": 50.0,
    "GloveBleedingReduction": 50.0
  "Crates3": {
    "SpawnChance": 50.0,
    "RadiationDamagePercentage": 15.0,
    "HungerReductionPercentage": 5.0,
    "ThirstReductionPercentage": 5.0,
    "HazmatReductionFactor": 50.0
  "Electrical": {
    "SpawnChance": 30.0,
    "ShockDamagePercentage": 25.0,
    "HazmatReductionFactor": 50.0
  "FoodCrates": {
    "SpawnChance": 25.0,
    "ThirstReduction": 5.0,
    "HungerReduction": 5.0
  "DisableChatMessages": false


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