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About Me

  1. IIIaKa

    Real PvE

    Version 0.1.14


    Plugin for Real PvE servers, featuring damage prevention, anti-griefing measures, customizable PvP zones, an automatic loot queue in radtowns and raid zones, and much more. P.S. Since the previous implementation with DynamicPVP was not correct and had some issues, I have added universal hooks(Developer API section) for general access from all PvP plugins, which are currently missing in DynamicPVP. I have requested the author to add them(3 lines), but for now, you will need to use the modified version of DynamicPVP.cs The ability to set "server.pve" to "true", which allows the server to have a "PvE" flag; Damage from NPC's are enabled when server.pve is true; The ability to inflict damage to one's own structures with "server.pve true"; The ability to destroy(including external walls) or rotate one's structures without any time constraints; The ability to force the decay of building blocks with Twigs grade, even if there is wood in the Tool Cupboard; The ability to toggle the gather resource restriction in someone else's Building Privileges; No one, except the owner or their friends, will be able to open their loot containers (chests, storages, bodies, etc.); Administrators can bypass loot restrictions; The ability to schedule the killing of players if they disconnect within someone else's Building Privilege; Disabling backpack and active item drop upon death, even if backpack is full; The ability to disable 'Give' messages; The ability to modify the items given at spawn on the beach; The ability to create an unlimited number of custom permissions; The ability to allow players to bypass the queue; The ability to set limits on sleeping bags, shelters and auto turrets for each permission; The ability to set a multiplier for the prices of monuments and events for each permission; The ability to customize the price and amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; The ability to assign vehicles to each player; The ability to customize the assigned price and available amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege; The ability to loot monuments through a queue system; The ability to configure monuments, setting their looting price and time, and adjusting status bars for each monument; The ability to acquire the privilege to loot events (helicopters, bradleys, and raidable bases) through a purchase; The ability to customize the price of each event types and loot attempts (lives); NPCs only aggress against players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases; Only players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases can inflict damage to NPCs; RaidableBases are protected from griefing(no damage, no loot and etc). Only the owner can interact with the raid; Neutral RaidableBases can be purchased; Prices for purchasing neutral raids are configurable for each difficulty level; Configurable raid limits (currently available) along with discount multipliers for purchases, for each permission. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\PermissionConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/5VtWZZVr All permissions are created and configured in the config file under the "List of permissions" section. You can create as many permissions as needed and customize them flexibly. It is recommended to use the prefix "realpve" in the permission's name, for example: "realpve.vip". NOTE: The first permission will serve as the default permission for those who do not have any permissions. { "List of permissions. NOTE: The first permission will be used by default for those who do not have any permissions.": [ { "Permission Name": "realpve.default", "Bypass Queue": false, "Limit of beds": 15, "Limit of shelters": 1, "Limit of auto turrets": 12, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate": 0.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 1.0, "Events price multiplier": 1.0, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 1, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 1.0, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 10.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 5.0 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 20.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 25.0 }, ... } }, { "Permission Name": "realpve.vip", "Bypass Queue": true, "Limit of beds": 20, "Limit of shelters": 2, "Limit of auto turrets": 15, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate": 450.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 0.9, "Events price multiplier": 0.9, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 2, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 0.9, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 9.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 4.5 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 18.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 22.5 }, ... } } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 1 } } An example of a monument/event/rb multipliers using default permissions. For example, if you set the price for the Harbor at $1000, a player with the default permission(1.0) will pay $1000 * 1 = $1000. Meanwhile, a player with a VIP permission(0.9) will pay $1000 * 0.9 = $900. However, if a player possesses a misbehaving permission with a value of 1.1, they will need to pay $1000 * 1.1 = $1100. { "Chat command": "realpve", "Chat admin command": "adminpve", "Is it worth forcibly implementing PvE for a server?": true, "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing the sending of 'Give' messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing resource gathering in someone else's building privilege area?": false, "Is it worth preventing the pickup of plants spawned by the server in someone else's building privilege zone?": false, "Is it worth forcibly blocking damage from the patrol helicopter to building blocks and deployables?": false, "Is it worth preventing players from handcuffing others?": true, "Is it worth assigning portals(Halloween and Christmas) to the first player?": true, "Is it worth preventing a backpack from dropping upon player death?": true, "Is it worth preventing damage to the laptop of the Hackable Crate?": true, "Is it worth removing the penalties for recyclers in safe zones?": true, "Is it worth allowing all players to pick up items dropped by others? If enabled, personal settings will be ignored": false, "The format that will be used for prices": "${0}", "Vehicles - Time in seconds to display the marker when searching for a vehicle. A value of 0 disables the marker": 15.0, "Anti-Sleeper - Time in seconds after which a player will be killed if they disconnect while inside someone else's Building Privilege. Set to 0 to disable": 1200.0, "Is it worth enabling support for the 'Npc Random Raids' plugin?": true, "Is friendly fire enabled by default when creating a new team?": false, "PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for PvP zones?": true, "PvP - Name of the map maker": "PvP Zone!", "PvP - Settings for the status bar": { "Order": 9, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 0.39 0.28 0.7", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/oi5vIkk.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_PvP", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 0.39 0.28 1", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" }, "PvP - Settings for the progress status bar": { "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.15", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FF6347", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 14 } } ENG: https://pastebin.com/ZMUL6pYL RUS: https://pastebin.com/Mx8cbMts Main commands(/realpve ) : autobuy - Toggle autobuy for monuments, vanilla events and raid bases with a total price greater than 0; pickup - Toggle access to pick up your items from the ground for all players; share - Manage access to looting your entities by other players(outside of the team): status *entityID*(optional) - Display information about the settings of the entity you are looking at or the one you specified; add *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Add the specified player to the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; remove *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Remove the specified player from the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; toggle *entityID*(optional) - Toggle the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; delete *entityID*(optional) - Delete the settings for the entity you are looking at or the one you specified; clear - Delete the settings for all your entities. team - Manage your team: ff - Toggle the ability to damage your teammates. vehicle - Manage your vehicles: list - List of IDs for all your vehicles; find *vehicleID*(optional) - Help finding the vehicle you are looking at or the one you specified; unlink *vehicleID*(optional) - Unlink the vehicle you are looking at or the one you specified; clear - Unlink all your vehicles. Admin commands(/adminpve). Permission "realpve.admin" required: autobuy - Manage autobuy for monuments, vanilla events and raid bases: *nameOrId* - Toggle autobuy for the specified player; force monument/event/rb - Toggle forced autobuy. If enabled, player settings will be ignored; clear - Disable autobuy for everyone. config - Manage settings for values in the configuration file: forcepve *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth forcibly implementing PvE for a server? gametips *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages? givemsg *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing the sending of 'Give' messages? resource_privilege *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing resource gathering in someone else's building privilege area? plant_privilege *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing the pickup of plants spawned by the server in someone else's building privilege zone? heli_damage *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth forcibly blocking damage from the patrol helicopter to building blocks and deployables? handcuffs *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth assigning portals(Halloween and Christmas) to the first player? portals *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing players from handcuffing others? backpack_drop *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing a backpack from dropping upon player death? laptop_damage *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing damage to the laptop of the Hackable Crate? recycler_safezone *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth removing the penalties for recyclers in safe zones? item_pickup *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth allowing all players to pick up items dropped by others? If enabled, personal settings will be ignored; priceformat *stringValue* - The format that will be used for prices; vehicle_marker_time *floatValue* - Vehicles - Time in seconds to display the marker when searching for a vehicle. A value of 0 disables the marker; antisleeper *floatValue* - Anti-Sleeper - Time in seconds after which a player will be killed if they disconnect while inside someone else's Building Privilege. Set to 0 to disable; randomraids *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth enabling support for the 'Npc Random Raids' plugin? teamff *boolValue*(optional) - Is friendly fire enabled by default when creating a new team? pvpmarkers *boolValue*(optional) - PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for PvP zones? pvpmarkersname *stringValue* - PvP - Name of the map maker. loot - Manage player access to entities without restrictions: *nameOrId* - Toggle unrestricted access for the specified player; self - Toggle unrestricted access for yourself; clear - Revoke unrestricted access for all players. monument - Manage monuments: list - List of available monuments; *monumentID*/this - Instead of the monumentID, you can use the word "this", but you must be inside the monument: suffix *boolValue*(optional) - Toggle the suffix display in the monument's name; broadcast *boolValue*(optional) - Toggle notifications about monument occupancy/release; time *intValue* - Set the looting time limit for the monument in seconds; price *floatValue* - Set the cost for looting rights. A value of 0 makes the monument free; offer *floatValue* - Set the offer duration for purchasing the monument in seconds; map_mode *intValue* - Set the marker display mode on the map. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - enabled during PvP mode; map_circle *boolValue*(optional) - Toggle the display of the monument's circle marker on the map; pvp *boolValue*(optional) - Toggle PvP mode for the monument; pvp_delay *floatValue* - Set the PvP mode duration in seconds for players after leaving the PvP monument; bar_progress *boolValue*(optional) - Toggle between TimeProgressCounter and TimeCounter bars for the monument. perm - Manage permissions: add *permName* - Adds a new permission to the list by copying values from the first(default) permission in the list. If the permission name starts with 'realpve', it will also register a new permission; add *permName* *sourcePermName* - Adds a new permission to the list by copying values from an existing permission in the list; remove *permName* - Removes an existing permission from the list; edit *permName* - Edits a permission: queue - Toggle the permission to bypass the server queue; beds *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available beds; shelters *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available shelters; turrets *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available turrets; hackable *floatValue* - Number of seconds(0-900) to skip when opening a hackable crate; monuments *floatValue* - Price multiplier for monuments; events *floatValue* - Price multiplier for vanilla events; rb_limit *intValue* - Restriction on the number of raid bases available simultaneously; rb_mult *floatValue* - Price multiplier for raid bases; vehicles *vehType* - Vehicles settings: limit *intValue* - Limit on the number of available vehicles by type; price *floatValue* - Price for registering a vehicle by type. clear - Removes all permissions from the list except the first one. pickup - Manage access to picking up another player's items from the ground: *nameOrId* - Toggle access to picking up a specific player's items from the ground; clear - Revoke access for all players to pick up items from the ground. share - Manage access to looting entities by other players(outside of the team): status *entityID*(optional) - Display information about the settings of the entity you are looking at or the one you specified; add *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Add the specified player to the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; remove *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Remove the specified player from the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; toggle *entityID*(optional) - Toggle the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; delete *entityID*(optional) - Delete the settings for the entity you are looking at or the one you specified; clear *nameOrID*(optional) - Delete the settings for all entities or all entities of the specified player. tc - Manage building privilege: add self/*entityID* *nameOrID*(optional) - Add yourself or a specified player to the building privilege of the area you or the specified entity are in; remove self/*entityID* *nameOrID*(optional) - Remove yourself or a specified player from the building privilege of the area you or the specified entity are in; clear self/*entityID* - Clear the list of authorized players in the building privilege of the area you or the specified entity are in; info self/*entityID* - Get information about the building privilege of the area you or the specified entity are in. vehicle - List of all available vehicle types: types - List of available vehicle types. Example: /realpve pickup /realpve vehicle find *netID* /realpve team ff /adminpve perm add realpve.vip2 /adminpve perm add realpve.vip2 realpve.vip /adminpve perm edit realpve.vip2 queue true /adminpve perm edit realpve.vip2 vehicles horse limit 5 /adminpve monument list /adminpve monument *monumentID* pvp /adminpve monument *monumentID* price 7.5 /adminpve loot iiiaka /adminpve pickup iiiaka /adminpve tc info self /adminpve tc info 6959689 /adminpve vehicle types This plugin provides the ability to claim vehicles, thereby preventing theft and griefing from other players. In permissions, you can set the price and quantity restrictions for each type of vehicle, ensuring flexible customization according to your preferences. An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\MonumentConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/XY1d9YaM This plugin introduces queue system and loot purchases for monuments. You can customize the price and time for looting for each monument. Within monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot, pick up items or damage entities. Additionally, NPCs and animals within monuments do not aggress against other players and do not receive damage from them. If a player dies within the monument, they will have a grace period to return. This allows players to safely loot monuments without fear of griefing. Example of monument configuration: "ferry_terminal_1": { "Type(This parameter is just a hint. Changes won’t have any effect)": "RadTown", "Is it worth displaying the suffix(if any) in the monument's name?": true, "Is it worth notifying all players about the occupation/release of the monument?": true, "The cost for the right to loot the monument. A value of 0 makes the monument free": 15.0, "The time in seconds(1-3600) given for looting the monument": 900, "The time in seconds(1-15) given to make a decision to purchase the monument": 5.0, "Map marker display mode: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - enabled during PvP mode": 1, "Is it worth creating a circle in the map marker?": true, "PvP - Is PvP enabled at this monument? If so, players will be able to kill each other and loot will be publicly accessible": false, "PvP - The time in seconds(0-60) during which the player retains PvP mode after leaving the PvP monument": 10.0, "Is it worth using a progress bar for bars with a counter?": true, "Settings for the status bar": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFBF99", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/awUrIwA.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_ferry_terminal_1", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFDCB6", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" }, "Settings for the progress status bar": { "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.15", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FFBF99", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" } } Type - This field serves only as an indicator for you. The changes won't have any impact; ShowSuffix - Suffix display. Some monuments (for example Warehouses) have suffixes in the name, like "Warehouse #12"; Broadcast - Enabling or disabling broadcasts when a monument is occupied or vacated; LootingTime - Time allocated for looting the monument; Price - The price for which you can start looting the monument. 0 means looting is free; BarSettings - Settings for the Advanced Status Bar. You can also choose the types of monuments by specifying them under the "List of tracked types of monuments" section. A list of all available types can be viewed on the MonumentsWatcher's page in the "Developer API" section. "List of tracked types of monuments": [ "RadTown", "RadTownWater", "RadTownSmall", "TunnelStation", "Custom" ] Events, similar to monuments, offer the opportunity to claim events. All events are configured in the config file under the "Settings for the events" section. You can customize the price of looting and looting attempts(deaths, including friends). Just like in monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot and damage entities. Additionally, in events, NPCs do not aggress against other players. If a player(including friends) exceeds the death limit, the event became free, thereby providing other players with the opportunity to claim the event. Example of event configuration: { "Is it worth enabling forced auto-buy for vanilla events where the final price is greater than 0?": false, "Settings for the PatrolHelicopter events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to claim the event. A value of 0 means it's free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public. A value of 0 disables the limit": 5, "The time in seconds for which the event is locked to the player. A value of 0 disables the time limit": 1800.0 }, "Settings for the BradleyAPC events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to claim the event. A value of 0 means it's free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public. A value of 0 disables the limit": 5, "The time in seconds for which the event is locked to the player. A value of 0 disables the time limit": 1800.0 }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } } Price - The price to claim the event. 0 means looting is free; DeathLimit - Limit of deaths after which the event becomes free. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\NewbieConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/QHZCqpji An example of an item list given for the main inventory: "List of items for the main inventory": [ { "ShortName": "note", "Slot": 0, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "MsgNoteText" } ] P.S. In the Text field, you need to specify the language key. Or, you can just write any text, but there won't be a translation of the text. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\RaidableBasesConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/rpDng7Fd Integration with the RaidableBases plugin does not restrict its functionality in any way. On the contrary, it adds an anti-grief system that protects bases from malicious players. In raid bases, NPCs and other entities can only receive damage from the raid owner or their friends; Turrets and traps do not aggress against outsiders; You can customize the price of claiming to each difficulty and set individual discounts for each permission. You can still purchase raid bases using the /buyraid command. Raid bases without owners(buyable, maintained, manual and scheduled) can be bought for a price set in the configuration file or assigned to the first player who enters its radius, if the final price(price * discount) less or equals to 0. Additionally, as a bonus, upon buying this plugin, you receive 5 free bases for 3 difficulty levels, along with configured loot for them. [PluginReference] private Plugin RealPVE; There are 6 universal hooks that the plugin is subscribed to, the use of which allows interaction with PVP in various PVE plugins: OnPlayerEnterPVP OnPlayerExitPVP OnEntityEnterPVP OnEntityExitPVP CreatePVPMapMarker DeletePVPMapMarker OnPlayerEnterPVP: Used to add a player to PVP mode/zone. To call the OnPlayerEnterPVP hook, you need to pass 2 parameters: <BasePlayer>player - The player to add to PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. This parameter is very important because a player can be in multiple PVP zones at the same time and passing the zoneID in this case allows for correct processing of the player's location within them. Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerEnterPVP", player, "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the OnPlayerEnterPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the player needs to be added to the specified PVP zone. OnPlayerExitPVP: Used to remove a player from PVP mode/zone. Calling this hook guarantees the player’s removal from the specified PVP zone, but does not guarantee the removal from PVP mode, as there may be other zones in addition to yours. Also, when a player dies, they are automatically removed from all PVP zones. To call the OnPlayerExitPVP hook, you need to pass 3 parameters, 1 of which is optional: <BasePlayer>player - The player to remove from PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <float>pvpDelay - Optional. When the player exits your PVP zone, you can also pass the PVP delay time. However, if the player still has other active PVP zones, your PVP delay will not take effect. Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerExitPVP", player, "*Your unique zone identifier*", 10f);//Calling the OnPlayerExitPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the player needs to be removed from the specified PVP zone, with the pvpDelay(10 seconds) specified if the player no longer has any active PVP zones. OnEntityEnterPVP: Used to add an entity to PVP mode/zone. In the case of RealPVE, this hook is only necessary to add entities with an owner(player) to a PVP, allowing other players to interact with them, such as a player's corpse after death(PlayerCorpse) or a backpack after the corpse disappears(DroppedItemContainer). To call the OnEntityEnterPVP hook, you need to pass 2 parameters: <BaseEntity>entity - The entity to add to PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. Interface.CallHook("OnEntityEnterPVP", entity, "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the OnEntityEnterPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the entity needs to be added to the specified PVP zone. OnEntityExitPVP: Used to remove an entity from PVP mode/zone. When an entity dies, it is automatically removed from all PVP zones. To call the OnEntityExitPVP hook, you need to pass 3 parameters, 1 of which is optional: <BaseEntity>entity - The entity to remove from PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <float>pvpDelay - Optional. When the entity exits your PVP zone, you can also pass the PVP delay time. However, if the entity still has other active PVP zones, your PVP delay will not take effect. Interface.CallHook("OnEntityExitPVP", entity, "*Your unique zone identifier*", 10f);//Calling the OnEntityExitPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the entity needs to be removed from the specified PVP zone, with the pvpDelay(10 seconds) specified if the entity no longer has any active PVP zones. CreatePVPMapMarker: Used to create a map marker for the PVP zone. To call the CreatePVPMapMarker hook, you need to pass 5 parameters, 2 of which is optional: <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <Vector3>pos - The position of your PVP zone; <float>radius - The radius of the circle for your PVP zone; <string>displayName - Optional. The display name for the map marker; <BaseEntity>entity - Optional. The entity to which the map marker should be attached. Interface.CallHook("CreatePVPMapMarker", "*Your unique zone identifier*", pos, 25f, "ATTENTION! This is a PVP zone!");//Calling the CreatePVPMapMarker hook to tell PVE plugins to create a map marker for the specified zone, at the specified position with the given radius, but without specifying a parent entity. DeletePVPMapMarker: Used to delete a map marker for the PVP zone. To call the DeletePVPMapMarker hook, you need to pass only 1 parameter: <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. Interface.CallHook("DeletePVPMapMarker", "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the DeletePVPMapMarker hook to tell PVE plugins to delete a map marker for the specified zone. There are 5 hooks that the plugin calls: OnPlayerPVPDelay OnPlayerPVPDelayed OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved OnZoneStatusText CanRedeemKit OnPlayerPVPDelay: Called when a player exits the last active PVP zone, allowing other plugins to overwrite the value for pvpDelay. Returning a float value allows changing the pvpDelay for the player. A value less than zero disables the pvpDelay. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelay hook, 3 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the pvpDelay is applied; <float>pvpDelay - The initial value of pvpDelay; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. object OnPlayerPVPDelay(BasePlayer player, float pvpDelay, string zoneID) { Puts($"Attempting to set a PvP delay of {pvpDelay} seconds for player {player.displayName} in zone {zoneID}!"); if (zoneID == "*Your unique zone identifier*") { return 15f;//Overriding the values for pvpDelay } return null;//Leave unchanged } OnPlayerPVPDelayed: Called after the PVP delay has been set for the player. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelayed hook, 3 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the pvpDelay is applied; <float>pvpDelay - The value of pvpDelay; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. void OnPlayerPVPDelayed(BasePlayer player, float pvpDelay, string zoneID) { Puts($"A PvP delay of {pvpDelay} seconds has been set for player {player.displayName} in zone {zoneID}!"); } OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved: Called when the PVP delay is removed from the player after they enter a PVP zone with an active PVP delay. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved hook, only 1 parameter is passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player from whom the PVP delay has been removed. void OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"PVP delay has been removed for player {player.displayName} as they entered a PVP zone!"); } OnZoneStatusText: Called when the text with the nice name for the specified zone is needed, to be displayed in the status bar. When calling the OnZoneStatusText hook, 2 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player for whom the nice name for the zone is being requested; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. object OnZoneStatusText(BasePlayer player, string zoneID) { Puts($"Text for the status bar is required for zone {zoneID}"); if (zoneID == "*Your unique zone identifier*") { return lang.GetMessage("*langKey*", this, player.UserIDString);//<string>Overriding the value for the status bar text } return null;//Leave unchanged } CanRedeemKit: Called before giving the starter kit, in the OnDefaultItemsReceive hook. A non-zero value cancels this action. When calling the CanRedeemKit hook, only 1 parameter is passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the kit is being attempted to be given. object CanRedeemKit(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"Attempting to give the kit to player {player.displayName}!"); if (player.IsAdmin) { return false;//Cancel the action } return null;//Leave unchanged }
  2. Version 0.1.1


    The plugin that displays temporary permissions and groups in the status bar. Depends on TemporaryPermissions and AdvancedStatus plugins. The ability to choose between bar types(TimeCounter and TimeProgressCounter); The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background; The ability to set a material for the background; The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image; The ability to get images from the local folder(*SERVER*\oxide\data\AdvancedStatus\Images); The abillity to set own image and customize the color and transparency of the image; The abillity to set sprite instead of the image; The ability to customize the color, size and font of the text; The ability to customize the bar for each permission and group; The ability to generate language keys for each permission and group; The ability to specify additional languages for generation. { "Chat command": "pstatus", "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Is it worth clearing saved settings for permissions and groups upon detecting a wipe?": false, "Is it worth copying local images for new permissions or groups? Note: If set to true, it may create a lot of unnecessary images": false, "Is it worth enabling the bar display for new permissions?": true, "Is it worth enabling the bar display for new groups?": true, "Language - Addition languages (except en and ru)": [ "" ], "Type of status bar for permissions. Note: You can only choose between TimeProgressCounter and TimeCounter": "TimeProgressCounter", "Type of status bar for groups. Note: You can only choose between TimeProgressCounter and TimeCounter": "TimeProgressCounter", "Default status bar settings for new permissions and groups": { "BarType - You can choose only between TimeProgressCounter and TimeCounter": "TimeProgressCounter", "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/BtK7YHa.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "PermissionsStatus_Default", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFF53D", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFD700", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 1 } } EN: { "MsgDisplayEnabled": "Displaying the bar is enabled!", "MsgDisplayDisabled": "Displaying the bar is disabled!", "MsgUntilWipe": "Until wipe" } RU: { "MsgDisplayEnabled": "Отображение бара включено!", "MsgDisplayDisabled": "Отображение бара выключено!", "MsgUntilWipe": "До вайпа" } The language file is generated during the plugin initialization process. Additionally, when creating a new permission or group, a key for it will be automatically added. Note: You can also specify in the configuration file the generation of language files for other languages besides en and ru.
  3. Version 0.1.18


    A useful API plugin that mimics in-game status bars and allows the addition of custom ones. Note: AdvancedStatus does not display any bars on its own. This is done by other plugins that work with it. An example plugin demonstrating interaction with AdvancedStatus. The ability to specify the frequency of calculating the number of bars; The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background; The ability to set a material for the background; The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image; The ability to get images from the local folder(*SERVER*\oxide\data\AdvancedStatus\Images); The abillity to set own image and customize the color and transparency of the image; The abillity to set sprite instead of the image; The ability to specify custom text; The ability to customize the color, size and font of the text; No need to pass all parameters; No need to manually delete your bar when unloading your plugin. advancedstatus.admin - Grants access to the chat command(by default /bar). { "Chat command": "bar", "Is it worth enabling console notifications for the successful loading of local images?": false, "Interval(in seconds) for counting in-game status bars": 0.5, "Interval(in seconds) for counting Building Privilege status bars. Note: Calculating Building Privilege is significantly more resource-intensive than other counts": 1.0, "Bar - Display Layer. If you have button bars, it's advisable to use Hud(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#layers)": "Under", "Bar - Left to Right": true, "Bar - Offset between status bars": 2, "Bar - Default Height": 26, "Main - Default Color": "#505F75", "Main - Default Transparency": 0.7, "Main - Default Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image - Default Image": "AdvancedBar_Image", "Image - Default Color": "#6B7E95", "Image - Default Transparency": 1.0, "Image - Outline Default Color": "#000000", "Image - Outline Default Transparency": 1.0, "Image - Outline Default Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text - Default Size": 12, "Text - Default Color": "#FFFFFF", "Text - Default Transparency": 1.0, "Text - Default Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text - Default Offset Horizontal": 0, "Text - Outline Default Color": "#000000", "Text - Outline Default Transparency": 1.0, "Text - Outline Default Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText - Default Size": 12, "SubText - Default Color": "#FFFFFF", "SubText - Default Transparency": 1.0, "SubText - Default Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText - Outline Default Color": "#000000", "SubText - Outline Default Transparency": 1.0, "SubText - Outline Default Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress - Default Color": "#89B840", "Progress - Default Transparency": 0.7, "Progress - Default OffsetMin": "25 2.5", "Progress - Default OffsetMax": "-3.5 -3.5", "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 18 } } EN: { "MsgDays": "d", "MsgHours": "h", "MsgMinutes": "m", "MsgSeconds": "s" } RU: { "MsgDays": "д", "MsgHours": "ч", "MsgMinutes": "м", "MsgSeconds": "с" } images reload *ImageName* - Reloads the specified image from the image folder; all - Reloads all local images from the image folder. Example: /bar images reload all Note: To access the commands, the player must be an admin(console or owner) or have the advancedstatus.admin permission. OnAdvancedStatusLoaded: Called after the AdvancedStatus plugin is fully loaded and ready. OnPlayerGainedBuildingPrivilege: Called after the player enters their building privilege. OnPlayerLostBuildingPrivilege: Called after the player exits their building privilege. void OnAdvancedStatusLoaded() { Puts("The AdvancedStatus plugin is loaded and ready to go!"); } void OnPlayerGainedBuildingPrivilege(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"{player.displayName} entered the authorized building privilege zone."); } void OnPlayerLostBuildingPrivilege(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"{player.displayName} exited the authorized building privilege zone."); } [PluginReference] private Plugin AdvancedStatus; There are 15 methods: IsReady CreateBar UpdateContent DeleteBar DeleteCategory DeleteAllBars GetTotalClientBars GetTotalPlayerBars LoadImages LoadImage CopyImage DeleteImages DeleteImage BarExists InBuildingPrivilege There are 5 types of bar: Default - A simple bar that displays the provided information. Does not update the value of SubText by itself; Timed - Similar to the default bar, but it automatically disappears after the specified time in the TimeStamp parameter; TimeCounter - The SubText shows the remaining time until TimeStamp. Also automatically removed upon expiration of the TimeStamp; TimeProgress - Similar to the Timed bar, but additionally features an automatically filling progress bar; TimeProgressCounter - Similar to the TimeCounter bar, but additionally features an automatically filling progress bar. IsReady: Used to check if the AdvancedStatus plugin is loaded and ready to work. The IsReady method returns true if it is ready, or null if it is not. (bool)AdvancedStatus?.Call("IsReady");//Calling the IsReady method. If the result is not null(bool true), the plugin is ready. CreateBar: Used to create a bar or update bar values for a player. To call the CreateBar method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is a dictionary with the parameters you need. In the CreateBar method, all parameters are optional, except for two: Id; Plugin. Parameters not specified when creating a new bar will use the values set in the AdvancedStatus plugin's configuration file. Parameters not specified during bar update will retain the values they had before the update. Note: The plugin does not update values automatically, you need to manually send new values. Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Id", "AdvancedStatusDemo_1" }, //<string>Unique identifier for the bar in your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "BarType", "Default" }, //<string>Type of the bar. There are 4 types: Default, Timed, TimeCounter and TimeProgress. { "Plugin", "AdvancedStatusDemo" }, //<string>Name of your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "Category", "Default" }, //<string>Internal plugin category of the bar. { "Order", 10 }, //<int>The position of your bar relative to others. Order is determined by increasing values(ASC). { "Height", 26 }, //<int>The height of your bar. A standard bar is 26 pixels. { "Main_Color", "#505F75" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the bar background. { "Main_Transparency", 0.7f }, //<float>Transparency of the bar background. { "Main_Material", "assets/content/ui/uibackgroundblur.mat" }, //<string>Material of the bar background(empty to disable). { "Image", "scrap" }, //<string>Name of the image saved in the ImageLibrary or a direct link to the image if ImageLibrary is not used. { "Image_Local", "AdvancedStatusDemo_Scrap" }, //<string>The name of the image file(without its extension) located in *SERVER*\data\AdvancedStatus\Images. Leave empty to use Image. { "Image_Sprite", "" }, //<string>Sprite image of the bar. Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image. { "Is_RawImage", true }, //<bool>Which type of image will be used? True - CuiRawImageComponent. False - CuiImageComponent. { "Image_Color", "#6B7E95" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the bar image. { "Image_Transparency", 1.0f }, //<float>Transparency of the image. { "Text", "Scrap" }, //<string>Main text. { "Text_Size", 12 }, //<int>Size of the main text. { "Text_Color", "#FFFFFF" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the main text. { "Text_Font", "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" }, //<string>Font of the main text. { "Text_Offset_Horizontal", 0 }, //<int>Horizontal offset for the main text. { "SubText", "35" }, //<string>Sub text. { "SubText_Size", 12 }, //<int>Size of the sub text. { "SubText_Color", "#FFFFFF" }, //<string>HTML Hex color of the sub text. { "SubText_Font", "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" }, //<string>Font of the sub text. { "TimeStampStart", Network.TimeEx.currentTimestamp }, //<double>Responsible for specifying the start point of the time reference and 0% for TimeProgress and TimeProgressCounter bars. Used if the bar type is Timed, TimeCounter, TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "TimeStamp", Network.TimeEx.currentTimestamp + 6 }, //<double>Specifies the end time point after which the bar will be destroyed and 100% for TimeProgress and TimeProgressCounter bars. Used if the bar type is Timed, TimeCounter, TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "TimeStampDestroy", Network.TimeEx.currentTimestamp + 3 }, //<double>If TimeStampDestroy is specified and it is less than TimeStamp, the bar will be destroyed by TimeStampDestroy. Used if the bar type is Timed, TimeCounter, TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "Progress", (float)35 / 100f }, //<float>Progress. From 0.0 to 1.0. { "Progress_Reverse", false }, //<bool>Progress reverse. A value of false means that the progress will increase. Used if the bar type is TimeProgress or TimeProgressCounter. { "Progress_Color", "#89B840" }, //<string>Progress color. { "Progress_Transparency", 1f }, //<float>Progress transparency. { "Progress_OffsetMin", "25 2.5" }, //<string>Progress OffsetMin: "*left* *bottom*". { "Progress_OffsetMax", "-3.5 -3.5" }, //<string>Progress OffsetMax: "*right* *top*". { "Command", "kit" } //<string>If the field is not empty, the bar becomes clickable, and the specified command is executed upon clicking. Note: the command must be covalence. }; AdvancedStatus?.Call("CreateBar", player.userID.Get(), parameters); //Calling the CreateBar method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID and a dictionary containing the required parameters. UpdateContent: Used to update only the content of an existing status bar. To call the UpdateContent method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is a dictionary with the parameters you need. In the UpdateBar method, all parameters are optional, except for two: Id; Plugin. var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Id", "MyID" }, //<string>Unique identifier for the bar in your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "Plugin", Name }, //<string>Name of your plugin. ***This is a required field. { "Text", "MyText" }, //<string>Main text. { "SubText", "MyText" }, //<string>Sub text. { "Progress", (float)amount / 100f }, //<float>Progress. From 0.0 to 1.0. }; AdvancedStatus?.Call("UpdateContent", player.userID.Get(), parameters); //Calling the UpdateContent method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID and a dictionary containing the required parameters. DeleteBar: Used to remove the bar for a player. There are two methods for removing a bar by ID: with specifying a particular player; To call this method, you need to pass 3 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is Id of your bar and the third one is name of your plugin. without specifying a particular player (which removes it for all players) To call this method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is Id of your bar and the second one is name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteBar", player.userID.Get(), barID, Name); //Calling the DeleteBar method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID, ID of the bar and the name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteBar", barID, Name); //Calling the DeleteBar method with the passing of ID of the bar and the name of your plugin. If you try to delete a bar that doesn't exist, nothing bad will happen. So feel free to delete the bar without checking its existence. P.S. When unloading your plugin, there is no need to manually delete bars for players, AdvancedStatus will handle it automatically. DeleteCategory: Used to remove all bars associated with the plugin's category. To call the DeleteCategory method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is category and the second one is name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteCategory", "Default", Name);//Calling the DeleteCategory method by passing the category and name of your plugin DeleteAllBars: Used to remove all bars associated with the plugin. To call the DeleteAllBars method, you need to pass only 1 parameter. It is name of your plugin. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteAllBars", Name);//Calling the DeleteAllBars method, passing the name of your plugin GetTotalClientBars: Used to get the number of client bars for the player. To call the GetTotalClientBars method, you need to pass only 1 parameter. It is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. (int)AdvancedStatus?.Call("GetTotalClientBars", player.userID.Get());//Calling the GetTotalClientBars method, passing the name of BasePlayer/playerID GetTotalPlayerBars: Used to get the number of active custom bars for the player. To call the GetTotalPlayerBars method, you need to pass only 1 parameter. It is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. (int)AdvancedStatus?.Call("GetTotalPlayerBars", player.userID.Get());//Calling the GetTotalPlayerBars method, passing the name of BasePlayer/playerID LoadImages: Used to check if the local images specified in the list are loaded. If any of the images are not loaded but their files exist in the images folder, the plugin will load them. To call the LoadImages method, you need to pass only 2 parameters. The first one is the <List<string>>list of image's name and the second one(optional) is <bool>force, which, if set to true, will force reload the image even if it already exists. AdvancedStatus?.Call("LoadImages", list, false);//Calling the LoadImages method, passing a list of image names LoadImage: Used to check if the local image is loaded. If the file is not loaded and exists in the images folder, the plugin will load it. To call the LoadImage method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is the <string>image's name and the second one(optional) is <bool>force, which, if set to true, will force reload the image even if it already exists. AdvancedStatus?.Call("LoadImage", imgName, false);//Calling the LoadImage method, passing an image's name CopyImage: Used to create and load a copy of an existing image. To call the CopyImage method, you need to pass 3 parameters. The first parameter is the <string>source image's name, the second parameter is the <string>new image's name and the third one(optional) is <bool>force, which, if set to true, will force copy and reload the image even if it already exists. AdvancedStatus?.Call("CopyImage", "ZoneStatus_Default", "ZoneStatus_NewZone", false);//Calling CopyImage, passing the source image name and the new image name. DeleteImages: Used to delete a list of images and their files. To call the DeleteImages method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first one is the <List<string>>list of image's name and the second one(optional) parameter is <bool>deleteFile, which, if set to true, will delete image's file too. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteImages", list, true);//Calling DeleteImages, passing a list of image names. DeleteImage: Used for removing the image and the image file. To call the DeleteImage method, you need to pass 2 parameters. The first parameter is the <string>image's name and the second one(optional) parameter is <bool>deleteFile, which, if set to true, will delete image's file too. AdvancedStatus?.Call("DeleteImage", "ZoneStatus_NewZone", true);//Calling DeleteImage, passing the image name. BarExists: Used to check if the specified bar exists. To call the BarExists method, you need to pass 3 parameters. The first one is BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. The second one is Id of your bar. And the third one is name of your plugin. (bool)AdvancedStatus?.Call("BarExists", player.userID.Get(), barID, Name);//Calling the BarExists method with the passing of BasePlayer/playerID, ID of the bar and name of your plugin. InBuildingPrivilege: Used to check if the player has authorized building privileges. To call the InBuildingPrivilege method, you need to pass BasePlayer or <ulong>playerID. (bool)AdvancedStatus?.Call("InBuildingPrivilege", player.userID.Get());//Checking if the player has Building Privilege.
  4. Version 1.0.1


    Rust Discord Bot for Map Votes (SALE ends 2/22/25) This is a Discord bot designed for the game Rust, allowing users to conduct map votes on their Discord server based on rustmaps.com. Features: Beautifully designed interface User notifications for new votes or vote endings Easy to use Supports private maps from rustmaps.com VIP feature for giving VIPs higher vote ratings server logo integration The bot can be tested before purchase. Simply join the Discord server discord.gg/Gd23KJ76Tq and message @Napo_II. or go on the Bot Test server https://discord.gg/UKerb9zWXm Discord Rust Map Vote Bot.mp4
  5. Version 1.3.21


    Bundle of four addons made for Welcome Panel UI. All four addons including preset default config files as you see them on screenshots.
  6. Version 0.1.4


    Plugin rewarding players for their in-game activity. The ability to receive rewards for gathering resources; The ability to receive rewards for: killing players and NPCs; destroying barrels, road signs and dead logs; The ability to receive rewards for the first opening of loot crates; The ability to receive rewards for collecting resources; The ability to receive rewards for planting plants; The ability to receive rewards for catching fishes; The ability to reward with in-game items; The ability to use AdvancedStatus to display a status bar with highly flexible settings. { "Is it worth using the AdvancedStatus plugin?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Gather Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Kill Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Loot Open Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Pickup Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Planting Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Fishing Rewards?": true, "List of reward multipliers for each permission": { "realpve.default": 1.0, "realpve.vip": 1.1 }, "The list of economy plugins for rewards": { "Economics": { "Is it worth enabling the plugin for rewards?": true, "Reward Type: true - int, false - double": false, "Language key for the text": "MsgEconomics", "API method name for deposit": "Deposit", "API method name for withdraw": "Withdraw", "BarSettings": { "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#84AB49", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/k8jq7yY.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "ActivityRewards_Default", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#B9D134", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" } }, "ServerRewards": { "Is it worth enabling the plugin for rewards?": true, "Reward Type: true - int, false - double": true, "Language key for the text": "MsgServerRewards", "API method name for deposit": "AddPoints", "API method name for withdraw": "TakePoints", "BarSettings": { "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#84AB49", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/k8jq7yY.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "ActivityRewards_Default", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#B9D134", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" } }, "BankSystem": { "Is it worth enabling the plugin for rewards?": true, "Reward Type: true - int, false - double": true, "Language key for the text": "MsgBankSystem", "API method name for deposit": "Deposit", "API method name for withdraw": "Withdraw", "BarSettings": { "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#84AB49", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/k8jq7yY.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "ActivityRewards_Default", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#B9D134", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#DAEBAD", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" } } }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 4 } } Setting up rewards for each action occurs in the respective files within this folder *SERVER*\oxide\data\ActivityRewards PluginInt for: BankSystem and ServerRewards; PluginDouble for: Economics. You can also set the reward to 0 to disable the reward. "fish.smallshark": { "PluginInt": 50, "PluginDouble": 5.0, "ItemsList": [ { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 10, "SkinId": 0 } ] } EN: { "MsgEconomics": "Bonus", "MsgServerRewards": "Bonus", "MsgBankSystem": "Bonus" } RU: { "MsgEconomics": "Бонус", "MsgServerRewards": "Бонус", "MsgBankSystem": "Бонус" }
  7. Version 2.2.0


    VIP Status is a powerful plugin that shows custom status messages for VIP players (3 different groups) on your Rust server. With the user-friendly configuration options, you can customise the colours, icons and text of the VIP status message of all 3 VIP groups to suit your individual needs. Plus, the plugin comes with a fully customizable language file, so you can translate the status message and other plugin texts into your preferred language. But that's not all: VIP Status is designed to be stable and reliable. Unlike other plugins that use countdown timers to display the remaining time of a VIP status, VIP Status simply shows the expiration date and checks it against the player's permissions file at fixed intervals. This approach ensures that the plugin operates smoothly without causing any lags or performance issues. Many other plugins that constantly perform countdown calculations can be processor-intensive and lead to performance drops. That's why we opt for static end times, eliminating the need for resource-heavy calculations every minute. If you want to enhance the VIP experience on your Rust server and offer your players a premium status that stands out, VIP Status is the plugin for you. Try it out today and see how it can elevate your server to the next level! Please note that VIP Status requires the Free TimedPermissions plugin to function, as it relies on TimedPermissions to set and track the VIP expiration time. If a player is a member of the VIP group but not listed in the TimedPermission file, the VIP status is now displayed without an expiry date. vip groups now possible for a maximum of 3 groups with different settings (pictures, colour etc.) as well as long file for all 3 groups Toggle the visibility of your VIP status. Added new configuration option to display a custom status when the player does not belong to any group, as an example: no vip Commands: /vip - List of Commands /vt - Toggle the visibility of your VIP status. /vi - Shows how long you have left on your VIP status Config: { "VIPGroups": [ { "Color": "0.66 0.66 0.66 0.8", "IconColor": "1.5 0.8 0.0 0.9", "ImageUrl": "https://i.ibb.co/hmC7s0y/vip1.png", "SubTextColor": "1 1 1 0.7", "TextColor": "1.5 0.8 0.0 0.8", "VipStatusId": "vip1" ///name of the vip group 1 }, { "Color": "0.30 0.66 0.66 0.8", "IconColor": "1.5 0.8 0.0 0.9", "ImageUrl": "https://i.ibb.co/yN18d6h/vip2.png", "SubTextColor": "1 1 1 0.7", "TextColor": "1.5 0.8 0.0 0.8", "VipStatusId": "vip2" ///name of the vip group 2 }, { "Color": "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.4", "IconColor": "1.5 0.0 0.0 0.9", "ImageUrl": "https://i.ibb.co/py0GJpj/vip3.png", "SubTextColor": "1 1 1 0.7", "TextColor": "1.5 0.8 0.0 0.8", "VipStatusId": "vip3" ///name of the vip group 3 } ], "ShowCustomStatusWhenNoGroup": false, ///set true to display a custom status when the player does not belong to any group. "NoGroupConfig": { "Color": "1.0 0.0 0.0 0.4", "TextColor": "1.5 0.8 0.0 0.8", "SubTextColor": "1 1 1 0.7", "IconColor": "1.5 0.8 0.0 0.8", "ImageUrl": "https://i.ibb.co/hmC7s0y/vip1.png" } } Lang: { "VIPStatusText_group1": "GROUP1", ///visible name of the vip group 1 "UntilText_group1": "until {0}", ///subtext for Group 1 with expire time "NoExpireText_group1": "Unlimited", ///subtext for Group 1 without an expiry date. "VIPStatusText_group2": "GROUP2", ///visible name of the vip group 2 "UntilText_group2": "until {0}", ///subtext for Group 2 with expire time "NoExpireText_group2": "Unlimited",///subtext for Group 2 without an expiry date. "VIPStatusText_group3": "GROUP3", ///visible name of the vip group 3 "UntilText_group3": "until {0}",///subtext for Group 3 with expire time "NoExpireText_group3": "Unlimited", ///subtext for Group 3 without an expiry date. "VIPStatusOn": "VIP status display turned on.", "VIPStatusOff": "VIP status display turned off.", "VIPStatusExpiration": "{0} expires on: {1}", "VIPStatusUnlimited": "{0} has unlimited VIP status.", "MessageCommandsListTitle": "List of Commands:", "MessageCommandVT": "/vt - Toggle the visibility of your VIP status.", "MessageCommandVIPInfo": "/vi - Shows how long you have left on your VIP status.", "NoGroupStatus": "No VIPs" /// text for the custom status when the player does not belong to any group. }
  8. Version 1.4.8


    This plugin connects your https://tip4serv.com/ store to your Rust Oxide server. It checks if a player has made a donation on your Tip4Serv store and delivers the order in a minute (group, inventory item...) by typing commands in the server console. Supports Rust Garry's Mod FiveM Minecraft Discord ARK and more HMAC authentication Tip4serv adds a layer of security using HMAC authentication to communicate. It is a strong authentication method that is used by banks HMAC WIKI Features for starter plan (only 5% fee) Unlimited game servers & commands Create subscriptions plan Commands status tracking Stock management Deliver roles & messages on Discord Easily offer a product to a friend Create discount coupon Add managers for your store Purchase email and invoice Sales statistics Private flow for subscribers Custom sub-domain Resend commands Fast delivery of orders (less than 5 minutes) No ads Features for PRO members (subscription required) Dynamic Dark/Light theme Account linking with avatars Product page with gallery & video GUI colors editor & additional CSS Top customers & related products Store available in 15 languages English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. Several payment methods Here are the payment methods you can offer your players: Card, Paypal, Venmo, Google Pay, Ideal, Giropay, Bancontact, Sofort, My Bank, Sepa, EPS, BACS, Multibanco, BECS, Przelexy24, BOLETO, OXXO, Mercado Pago. Installation via Plugin Open an account at https://tip4serv.com/, follow the instructions and add a Rust server. Drag and drop tip4serv.cs into the oxide plugins directory on your Rust server Reload the plugin by typing oxide.reload Tip4serv in your Rust server console. Set key to your tip4serv API key in the config file tip4serv.json. Reload plugin by typing oxide.reload Tip4serv in console. You should get this message: Server has been successfully connected Installation via RCON Open an account at https://tip4serv.com/, follow the instructions and add a Rust server. Enter your server IP Enter your server RCON port Enter your server RCON password You should get this message: Server has been successfully connected Setting up commands on Tip4Serv Before setting up your commands on Tip4serv.com, you should know that command work in your server's console (not ingame as an admin). Here are some sample commands you can use in the products configuration: MY PRODUCTS. But you can use any plugin commands you want. Give a group or permission Add a player to a group previously created with oxide.group add [group-name]: oxide.usergroup add {steam_id} group-name Remove a player from a group: oxide.usergroup remove {steam_id} group-name Give a permission to a player: oxide.grant user {steam_id} permission-name Remove a permission from a player: oxide.revoke user {steam_id} permission-name Give an item to a player inventory with steam_id (advised) IMPORTANT: Please select the option [Player must be online] in your product editor inventory.giveto {steam_id} item-short-name quantity Example: inventory.giveto {steam_id} scientist 5 Give an item to a player inventory with Give plugin IMPORTANT: Please select the option [Player must be online] in your product editor giveto {steam_id} item-short-name quantity Example: giveto {steam_id} fun.guitar 1 Give a kit to a player with Give plugin: givekitto {steam_id} kit-name Give money Give money to a player with Economics plugin: deposit {steam_id} amount Give points Give points to a player with Server Rewards plugin: sr add {rust_username} amount Quantity multiplier You can also multiply the quantity choosen by the customer like this: {quantity*50} Note: You must first activate the **Allow quantity choice** option in your product. Use this command on Tip4serv if you want to sell bundles of $200 with economics plugin: deposit {steam_id} {quantity*200} This will run in your server console after a purchase if the player buys product 4 times: deposit 76561198181797231 800 Store examples https://2stonedrust.tip4serv.com/ https://murga.tip4serv.com https://instantcode.tip4serv.com Need Help ? Read the Tip4Serv documentation here https://docs.tip4serv.com Any issues feel free to contact us here https://tip4serv.com/contact
  9. CASHR

    Sky Base

    Version 1.0.9


    Sky Base is a plugin that allows your players to get away from standard houses and build themselves a real base in the sky. The plugin is perfect for any server, both PvE and PvP. Video Description The plugin uses a standard construction system, which makes it easier to use and configure the plugin. To start building an air base, the player needs to craft the desired object using the /craftdrone command. 1 sky ceiling equals 1 foundation. In order to make the ceiling airy, just hit the ceiling with a mallet. To improve the ceiling, a drone of the same range as the roof is required. The plugin has a fully customizable crafting system where you can determine for yourself what resources are required to craft all drones. Video Tutorial Chat Commands /craftdrone - Allows you to open the drone crafting system (Permission: "skybase.use") Plugin Config Example of plugin configuration in English Example of plugin configuration in Russian Ideas for updates that may be implemented in the future Current ideas for the future of this plugin. These are things that I want to implement possibly. You can also write to us in Discord to suggest ideas or to vote for any that I share here. Add plugin support for notifications and also add notifications via the built-in gui rust</li> Creating ready-made building patterns Check out more of my work here CASHR's library. Come see our whole teams work Mad Mapper Library. Come by the Mad Mapper Discord for support, feedback, or suggestions!
  10. Version 1.0.3


    Virtual Furnace is a new look at the use of stoves. Allow players to install a virtual oven and access it from anywhere on your server. The plugin allows players to install a virtual furnace and improve it to obtain a more efficient melting method. You can connect your economy plugin so that players can get improvements. Video Plugin Features The possibility of creating/improving furnaces with the help of items/economy balance Setting limits for each of the players by privilege The ability to adjust the number of available slots for each player individually Support for popular economy plugins(Economics, Server Rewards,IQEconomic,Bank System) You can customize each level individually to suit your ideas Using a standard storage system, which eliminates the possibility of losing resources or duplicating them Plugin Config Example of plugin configuration in English Example of plugin configuration in Russian Check out more of my work here CASHR's library. Come see our whole teams work Mad Mapper Library. Come by the Mad Mapper Discord for support, feedback, or suggestions!
  11. Version 1.0.13


    This plugin allows for your players to receive or purchase personal recyclers that they can place inside of their base. The primary benefit of this plugin vs other similar plugins, is that this plugin will restrict usage of the recyclers to only a user or their team (configurable), and has commands built in that will allow players to purchase it directly via payment gateways like Tebex etc. It will also work with the VIP Token plugin, allowing for a token to be purchased and traded in game, providing the consumer with a redeemable recycler. The plugin itself is fairly straight forward - players type the command into chat, which will provide them with a recycler item. This item is a reskinned box, and will be placed using the box prefab, but once deployed, it will spawn a recycler in with the same positioning as the box, then despawn the box. Recyclers can also be picked up using a hammer or toolgun by pressing mouse 3. Features Automatically clears data on map wipe. Allows players to keep their unredeemed recyclers between wipes (configurable). Prevents other players from accessing the recycler (configurable). Team mate support (configurable). Configurable starting amount of recyclers. Additional recycler(s) are accrued upon a map wipe, if the player had not redeemed their recycler (configurable). External payment gateway support, allowing for you to sell individual recyclers to your players. VIP Tokens support. Check below for the configuration example. Can pick up own recyclers using your hammer/toolgun and mouse 3. Recyclers will lost max condition each time they are picked up to prevent players from deploying them while grinding the roads (configurable). Permissions personalrecycler.use personalrecycler.admin personalrecycler.place personalrecycler.use commands /recyclers - will print out how many recyclers a player has left to redeem. /redeemrecycler - will spawn a recycler in the players inventory and deduct a recycler from their redeemable count. /crecycler - Will pickup the targeted recycler (requires a hammer to be wielded) if the player has permission. Players with this permission will automatically get the configured number of starting recyclers upon using the commands for the first time, and will have have recyclers added to their redemption pool at the start of each wipe (configurable). personalrecycler.admin commands /addrecycler <player name> - will increase the amount of redeemable recyclers a player has by 1. /clearrecyclers <player name> - will remove all of the saved recycler IDs from the data file, making all of their recyclers publically accessible. /clearrecyclerdata - removes all of the saved recycler IDs from the data file, making all recyclers publically accessible. (Console command) subtractrecycler <target> <optional: amount> - removes recyclers from the players available recyclers pool. API This plugin allows for you to add a command to a payment gateway such as Tebex, or via my VIP Tokens plugin. The command is structured as below: addrecycler <Steam ID> <quantity> Most payment gateways required the player to log in with their steam ID. An example command using tebex would be: addrecycler {id} 1 This would add 1 recycler for the steam ID of the account that logged into Tebex. You can also add this as a VIP Token. See configuration options below: "recycler": { "name": "Personal Recycler", "days_to_add": 0, "vip_group": null, "vip_description": "Allows you to place a personal recycler that only you can access.", "remove_tokens_on_wipe": false, "token_item": { "name": "Recycler Token", "skin": 2544601457, "item_shortname": "radiationresisttea.pure" }, "_command": { "command": "addrecycler {id} 1", "message": "You redeemed a recycler token.", "public_message": null, "hook": false } } As you can see, the command follows Tebex's variable style, using {id} to capture the players steam ID. If you require help setting this up with VIP Tokens, or need any assistance with anythign else, feel free to send me a PM. Enjoy!
  12. Version 1.0.4


    Welcome Controller Additions is exactly what it sounds like. Some QOL addons for Welcome Controller! MORE FEATURES COMING VERY SOON! FEATURES - Q&A Dropdowns - VIP Rank display - Social links How to add into Welcome Controller... To add in one of the add-ons you need to do the following Firstly, if you want to use the social links, there is a toggle for it in Welcome Controllers config, enable that and fill out the info in the additions plugin and that's good to go. Second, vip ranks. Go to the addons section in the Welcome Controller config, where it says "Plugin Addon Name" You'll need to add "WUIAttachments_VipRanks" Third, Q&A's. Go to the addons section in the Welcome Controller config, where it says "Plugin Addon Name" You'll need to add "WUIAttachments_IdentiferYouSetForTheQ&A" of course replacing "IdentiferYouSetForTheQ&A" with the actual identifier you set in the additions plugin. Need support or want updates about what is coming to the plugin? Join the support discord here https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7
  13. Version 1.1.9


    Monetize and fund your server! This plugin will allow players to purchase a token that represents a current group on your server, such as VIP, which can be traded/sold/gifted to other players in-game. It is functionally similar to bonds in Runescape, Plex in Eve Online and WOW tokens in WOW. The main benefit of this plugin is that it will allow your more generous donators to purchase tokens and sell them in game for items/resources etc to players who otherwise would not financially support the server. The RP server I run has been a shining success for this, increasing our VIP count by almost 50%. Customizable tokens to suit most servers monetary requirements. Scalable quantities of VIP perks. A GUI to manage the show the players token balance, perks that each token provides, and end date of their subscription, all of which is configurable. Supports automatic payments via platforms such as Tebex, allowing for complete automation of purchasing. Automatically adds and removes the player from the designated oxide group. Days are completely configurable via the config file. Fail safes to prevent abuse, restrict the amount of VIP time for each token (configurable), and prevent overlapping of existing group access (configurable). Can optionally run a console command in addition to/instead of adding a player to an oxide group. Update (not mentioned in the video): Added the ability to run a command in addition to/instead of adding a player to a VIP group. Added the option to trigger a hook when a token is consumed (for developers). You will need to delete your old config and load the new config in order to use these new features. Command: givetoken Arguments: <token id> <optional: quantity> Example: /givetoken vip 10 -this would give you 10x tokens called "vip" Permissions: viptoken.admin Command: removevip Arguments: <player name/id> <token id> Example: /removevip "new guy" vip - would remove the vip token from a player matching the name "new guy". Use quotation marks when inputting names with spaces, otherwise they aren't required. Permissions: viptoken.admin Command: tokenmenu Arguments: none Example: /tokenmenu Permissions: none Watch the video for more information on the plugin, how it works and how to set it up on a platform such as Tebex. Token links from my video: Thumbs up - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2544603563 Recycler token - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2544601457 VIP T1 - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2529344523 VIP T2 - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2529343385 VIP T3 - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2529344741 Bitcoin - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2530111676 The skin ID is the numbers at the end of each URL. Command syntax for your payment platform: addtoken <password> <steam ID> <tier> An example of a basic vip setup for tebex would be: This function can be triggered if the configuration has hook = true. It will fire when the token is successfully consumed. void OnTokenConsumed(BasePlayer player, string tokenKey) { Puts($"{player.displayName} consumed a {tokenKey} token"); }
  14. Version 1.8.0


    Say goodbye to the hassle of manual code locking! With this plugin, you can easily auto-lock items with a preset code straight from your inventory. Your teammates will also get instant access, no extra steps needed. The interface is super easy to use, making code updates and settings changes quick and simple. Give your Rust server a boost with this must-have plugin! Join our Discord community to stay informed on new plugins and updates. Click here to get started. Automated code locking: Automatically applies a code lock to any lockable item with a predetermined code. 3 plugins in 1: Lock regular items, secure things that normally can't be locked (like furnaces or turrets, great for PVE), and easily add automatic door closers. Balanced gameplay: Optional use of the players inventory code locks or key locks. Team authorization: Automatically grants and removes the players team to the code lock. Configuration options for data management: Provides configurable options to automatically clean up saved data on each server wipe or after a specified number of days of player inactivity. User-friendly interface: Offers an intuitive interface for players to easily update their code and adjust settings. Streamer mode: Lock items that normally cannot be locked like furnaces, turrets, and more (Great for PVE!): Optional feature for automatic door closers: Easily customizable - Toggle each item on or off to suit your server: Lockable Items: As mentioned before each of these can be individually enabled/disabled on your server! Vanilla - Doors and Ladder hatches, Storage containers, Tool Cupboards, Lockers. Extra - Furnaces, Electric ovens, Composters, Mixing Tables, Repair Benches, Research Tables, Drop Boxes, Flame Turrets, Gun Traps, Auto Turrets, Sam Sites. Automatic Door Closer Features/Config Settings: Enable/disable door closer functionality. Automatically closes the door after a player specified delay. All door types are supported, including doors, hatches, and gates. Block door removal if not placed by the player. Option to prevent door closers from being returned upon removal. Optional required resources to use door closers. 1 metal spring, 100 metal fragments per closer for example. Chat commands to manage door closers. (Required) Image Library /lock – Opens the auto lock settings UI. (Configurable) /closer – Adds or removes a door closer to the door in front of the player. (Configurable, Optional) autolock.wipe – Removes and resets all saved user data. (Automatic data cleanup included as well) autolock.admin – Grants access to the autolock.wipe console command. autolock.use – Grants access to the /lock chat command.
  15. Nferno


    Version 1.1.0


    About Prime Prime is a plugin that allows the players to accumilate coins and then spend them at the dedicated vending machine at Outpost for items,weapons & armour. Coins gathered depends on a Risk VS Reward setup with Prime items providing BUFFS as the player progresses and buys bigger/better gear. Includes a lottery system,gambling, powerful Stones to collect & upgrade and all fully configurable! Hardcore Mode Activation When hardcore is active a Prime Vending Machine will spawn at Out Post allowing players access to Items to earn Prime Coins and Buffs ranging from increase in coins, incoming damage reduction, output damage increase. Players will only be able to progress thier Prime accounts by using items purchased from this vending machine, however if hardcore is NOT active.. players are free to use normal items and weapons to progress accounts and still have lottery active. With hardcore set to 'false' there is no vending machine, no items and no HOF.. you will also not be able to aquire stones. Stones: Requires Green Berries With each tier increase the stones provide a buff in coin yield starting at a base rate of 5% and maxing out at 75%, along with this in the later tiers the stones also provide the user with a increase in damage output.. however the stone needs to be in your inventory.. so it can be taken from you or lost. GREEN -[ Emerald I (5%) , Emerald II (10%), Emerald III (15%), Emerald IV (20%), Emerald V (25%) ] - Hidden Perks = Metabolism & Environment Buffs PURPLE - [ Mystic I (30%) , Mystic II (35%) , Mystic III (40%), Mystic IV (45%), Mystic V (50%) ] - Hidden Perks = Increase in Lottery Chance RED/BLACK - [ Unstable I (55%), Unstable II (60%), Unstable III (65%), Unstable IV (70%), Unstable V (75%) ] - Hidden Perks = Increase in Outgoing Damage by X% Fusion : In order to create the next type of stone youll need x2 Tier 5 Stones The higher the type and tier of the stone the more likely of a failure will occur in ther proccess resulting in the stones exploding..and you losing them..having to restart the process again. Config : Setting up Vending costs & Reward System The config file covers everything from: - Prime item costs at the vending maching - Coins rewarded for each individual task from smashing a barrel to killing an NPC - Coins rewarded for looting - Stone Drop Chance - Amount of Berries required to polish stones - Personal ID for chat (set to server icon) - Lottery chance % Plus much more Discord - Nferno#7163
  16. Version 0.1.4


    This plugin demonstrates the integration with the AdvancedStatus plugin. It displays the amount of a specific item in the player's inventory in the status bar. In this case, it's Scrap, to track a different item, replace the itemID value on line 47 with the ID of the desired item. This plugin can be downloaded by plugin developers as a reference to understanding how to work with the AdvancedStatus and by server owners to easily display desired items in the status bar.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Preview Video NoFallDamagePlus is an innovative plugin designed for Rust that allows players to reduce fall damage based on permissions while also triggering unique effects and sounds when fall damage occurs. This plugin enhances gameplay by providing customizable fall damage management, enabling a more enjoyable experience for players. Perfect For PVE & PVP Servers Features: Dynamic Fall Damage Reduction: Players can reduce fall damage based on specific permissions, allowing for a tailored experience. Custom Effects: Trigger a variety of visual and sound effects upon taking fall damage, enhancing the immersive experience in the game. Configurable Effect Range: Admins can adjust the distance from which effects can be seen by other players, allowing for better management of visual clutter. Statistics Tracking: Keep track of fall damage taken, total damage negated, and average fall damage per player. Message Toggling: Players can enable or disable message notifications for fall damage interactions, providing greater control over in-game notifications. How to Use: Installation: Download the NoFallDamagePlus plugin file and place it in the oxide/plugins directory on your Rust server. Ensure the plugin is loaded correctly by checking the server logs for any errors. Configuration: Modify the NoFallDamagePlus.json file in the oxide/config directory to customize damage reduction percentages, effect ranges, and other settings to suit your server's needs. Permissions can be set up using the Oxide permissions system. Permissions: Players will need specific permissions to access fall damage reduction and effects. Use the following commands to assign permissions: Or you can add permissions to players or groups with the plugin PermissionManager Use Permissions: oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.nodamage - Grants complete fall damage immunity. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce10 - Grants 10% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce20 - Grants 20% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce30 - Grants 30% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce40 - Grants 40% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce50 - Grants 50% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce60 - Grants 60% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce70 - Grants 70% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce80 - Grants 80% damage reduction. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.reduce90 - Grants 90% damage reduction. Effect Permissions: Players must also have the respective effect permission to trigger the associated effect when taking fall damage. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectGoldenStars - Grants permission to trigger the Golden Stars effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire - Grants permission to trigger the Fire effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion - Grants permission to trigger the Explosion effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectWater - Grants permission to trigger the Water effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectRichochet - Grants permission to trigger the Ricochet effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectSurvey - Grants permission to trigger the Survey effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectWater - Grants permission to trigger the Water Splash effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.SoundEffectBearTrap - Grants permission to trigger the Bear Trap Fire effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectDig - Grants permission to trigger the Digging effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectSpawn - Grants permission to trigger the Barricade Spawn effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion1 - Grants permission to trigger Explosion Effect 1. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion2 - Grants permission to trigger Explosion Effect 2. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectExplosion3 - Grants permission to trigger Explosion Effect 3. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectWaterExplosion - Grants permission to trigger Water Bomb Explosion. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire1 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 1. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire2 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 2. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire3 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 3. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectFire4 - Grants permission to trigger Fire Effect 4. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectRockSpawn - Grants permission to trigger the Rock Spawn effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectBlood - Grants permission to trigger the Blood effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.SoundEffectHowl - Grants permission to trigger the Howl sound effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.SoundEffectHurt - Grants permission to trigger the Hurt sound effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeMetal - Grants permission to trigger the Metal Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeStone - Grants permission to trigger the Stone Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeToptier - Grants permission to trigger the Top-tier Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectUpgradeWood - Grants permission to trigger the Wood Upgrade effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectBulletExplosion - Grants permission to trigger the Bullet Explosion effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectBulletFire - Grants permission to trigger the Bullet Fire effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectDigSiteExplosion - Grants permission to trigger the Dig Site Explosion effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectSand - Grants permission to trigger the Sand effect. oxide.grant <player> nofalldamageplus.z.EffectMissingCubes - Grants permission to trigger the MissingCube effect. Commands: /fallstats - Displays the total fall damage taken, average damage per fall, and fall count. /fallnegatedstats - Shows total negated fall damage, average damage negated per fall, and fall count. /fallnoti - Toggles message notifications related to fall damage on and off. /fallhelp - Displays help information about the plugin. Effect List: The following effects can be triggered based on player permissions when they hit the ground from falling: Golden Stars Effect Fire Effect Explosion Effect Water Effect Ricochet Effect Survey Effect Water Splash Effect Bear Trap Fire Effect Digging Effect Barricade Spawn Effect Explosion Effect 1 Explosion Effect 2 Explosion Effect 3 Water Bomb Explosion Effect Gas Explosion Effect Fire V2 Effect Fire V3 Effect Fire Explosion Effect Ore Break Effect Bloodspurt Effect Howl Sound Effect Hurt Sound Effect Metal Upgrade Effect Stone Upgrade Effect Top-tier Upgrade Effect Wood Upgrade Effect Bullet Explosion Effect Bullet Fire Effect Dig Site Explosion Effect Sand Effect Plugins By Duff https://discord.gg/2KBPH7hXb7
  18. RustFlash


    Version 1.6.0


    A little event for your players! Reward your players and give something back! With this plugin, you can make a random player happy! Functions You can start the VIP shuffle event with the following command: /flashvipshuffle From version 1.4.0 you can now create a shedule to start and automate the VIPShuffle at a specific time period: flashvipshuffle To start the event, you need the authorization: vipshuffle.check This permission is used to check if a player has the right to execute the VipShuffle command /flashvipshuffle. If a player does not have this permission, they are informed that they do not have the required permission. Config (new, You can now exclude certain user roles from the competition) If you want to pay out VIP for certain days via the console, you need the free plugin Timed Permissions. Load, run, enjoy Support Discord
  19. Version 3.1.1


    Custom Gather allows you to have dynamic gather rates on your server! This allows you to assign different gather rates for as many groups of players as you would like. What this plugin offers that other gather rate plugins don't: Create custom gather rates based on oxide permission groups Example: Have a global 2x gather rate, but have VIPs gather at 4x, and Elite VIPs gather at 8x. Modify resources in Unloadable Train Wagons Set separate custom rates for Public and Private quarries Modify Fishing Rate Gather rate modifier includes grubs/worms picked from plants Configuring JSON Files This plugin creates two JSON files, one is located in Oxide/Config/CustomGather.json, and the other is in Oxide/Data/CustomGather.json. The config file is used to set the global on/off switches, unloadable train wagon settings, the blacklists and the global override list. The data file is used to create and specify custom groups to be assigned via oxide permissions. The 'default' group makes a permission named customgather.default and automatically assigns it to the default oxide group All other groups generate permissions titled customgather.{groupname} that then must be assigned to an oxide group or player. Do NOT delete the data json file during server wipe. It will reset all your custom group settings and need to be reconfigured. Tutorial Blacklists & Global Override List The Blacklists reverts an item's gather rate to 1x for the specified method of gathering that it is listed under. The Global Override List is similar, but you specify a custom gather rate for specific items that is then applied globally, regardless of permission groups or gather method. Items need to be entered in with their short names. Use this reference to find any item's short name. Insert items by their short names inside quotations and separated by commas. Chat Commands /cg info -- Displays each custom group and their gather rates Config JSON - Example { "Global On/Off Switches. Only set these to false if you use a separate plugin to control specific gather rates.": { "Modify rates for items picked off the terrain (ex: plants, tree stumps, small ore nodes)": true, "Modify rates for items grown in planters": true, "Modify rates for fishing": true, "Modify rates for PUBLIC Quarries and Pumpjacks": true, "Modify rates for PRIVATE Quarries and Pumpjacks": true, "Modify rates for the Giant Excavator": true, "Modify rates for Dispensers (ex: ore nodes, trees, animal corpses)": true, "Modify rates for Resource Train Wagons": true }, "Unloadable Train Wagon Settings": { "Multiplication Rate": 20, "Single Stack of Resources?": true }, "Blacklists (items to gather at vanilla rates)": { "Harvested Items": [ "human.skull", "skull.wolf" ], "Pickup Items": [ "cloth" ], "Planter Box Items": [ "clone.hemp" ], "Fishing": [ "fish.anchovy" ], "Quarries & Pumpjacks": [ "stones" ], "Excavator": [ "stones" ], "Train Resource Wagons": [ "metal.ore" ] }, "Global Override List": { "pumpkin": 20, "hq.metal.ore": 10 } } Data JSON - Example { "Custom Permission Group Settings": { "default": { "Gather Rate": 1, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 1, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 1, "Giant Excavator Rate": 1, "Fishing Rate": 1 }, "vip": { "Gather Rate": 2, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 2, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 2, "Giant Excavator Rate": 2, "Fishing Rate": 2 }, "Elite": { "Gather Rate": 3, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 3, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 3, "Giant Excavator Rate": 3, "Fishing Rate": 3 }, "SuperElite": { "Gather Rate": 4, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 4, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 4, "Giant Excavator Rate": 4, "Fishing Rate": 4 }, "MegaElite": { "Gather Rate": 5, "PUBLIC Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 5, "PRIVATE Quarries & Pumpjacks Rate": 5, "Giant Excavator Rate": 5, "Fishing Rate": 5 } } }
  20. Amino

    Temp VIP

    Version 1.0.2


    Temp grants users VIP either randomly or by being one of the first X amount of people to join after wipe. A great incentive to get players to join right on wipe and a great way to reward players for joining and playing! FEATURES - Grant vip to random players on join based on a % chance - Grant vip to the first X amount of players to join after wipe - Options to remove the ranks on next wipe - Options to remove the ranks on a time basis - ETC* CONFIG { "VIP options on new wipe": { "Grant VIP on wipe to the first X amount of joiners (0 = disabled)": 10.0, "Oxide group to grant": "vip", "Remove rank after X minutes (0 = disabled)": 120.0, "Remove rank on new wipe": true, "Count as a free VIP rank if the user already has that VIP rank": false }, "Random VIP granter options": { "Random % chance of user getting a VIP rank on join (0 = disabled)": 5.0, "Oxide group to grant": "vip", "Max Random VIP's given per wipe (0 = inf)": 10.0, "Remove rank after X minutes (0 = disabled)": 120.0, "Remove rank on new wipe": true, "Allow user to randomly get VIP more than once a wipe": false } } Need support or want updates about what is coming to the plugin? Join the support discord here https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7
  21. Mabel

    NPC Gifts

    Version 1.0.5


    The NPC Gifts plugin provides a system where players can receive random gifts upon killing NPCs. The gifts are spawned as containers, and there are customizable settings for cooldowns, spawn chances, and permissions. Features Randomly spawns gifts when players kill NPCs. Customizable cooldowns to prevent gift spamming. Different container types with individual spawn chances. Permission-based access to specific container types. Configurable messages for chat and game tips. Configuration Options Cooldown Settings: Cooldown Duration Minutes: The duration before a player can receive another gift after killing an NPC. Message Settings: Enable Chat Message: Whether to send a chat message to the player when they receive a gift. Enable Game Tip Message: Whether to show a game tip message to the player when they receive a gift. Container Settings: Enabled: Whether this container type is enabled. Container Prefab: The prefab path for the container to spawn. Spawn Chance: The chance (between 0 and 1) that this container will spawn when an NPC is killed. Permission: The permission required for a player to receive this container type. Loot Table Name: The name of the loot table to use for this container. If left empty, the default loot table is used. Min Items: The minimum number of items to spawn in the container. Max Items: The maximum number of items to spawn in the container. Adding/Editing Containers Enable/Disable Containers: Set the Enabled field to true or false to control whether the container is used. Adjust Spawn Chances: Modify the Spawn Chance to change how often a container is spawned. A value of 0.5 means there's a 50% chance. Set Permissions: Specify a Permission for each container. Ensure these permissions are registered and granted to the appropriate players or groups. Set Loot Table Name: This filed is only required if using the Simple Loot Table Plugin, left blank will use the servers default loot tables Set Min/Max Items: These Fields are only required for users of the Simple Loot Table Plugin, they will not adjust the min/max values of your server loot table Permissions Register Permissions: The plugin will automatically register permissions based on the configuration. Grant Permissions: Use the following commands to grant permissions to players or groups: oxide.grant user <username> <permission> oxide.grant group <groupname> <permission> Example: oxide.grant user Mabel npcgifts.example1 Console Commands npcgifts_wipe - clears the cooldown data file Default Configuration { "Cooldown Settings": { "Cooldown Duration Minutes": 60 }, "Message Settings": { "Enable Chat Message": false, "Enable Game Tip Message": true }, "Container Settings": [ { "Enabled": true, "Container Prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/sleigh/presentdrop.prefab", "Spawn Chance": 0.5, "Permission": "npcgifts.example1", "Loot Table Name": null, "Min Items": 0, "Max Items": 0 }, { "Enabled": true, "Container Prefab": "assets/prefabs/missions/portal/proceduraldungeon/xmastunnels/loot/xmastunnellootbox.prefab", "Spawn Chance": 0.5, "Permission": "npcgifts.example2", "Loot Table Name": null, "Min Items": 0, "Max Items": 0 }, { "Enabled": true, "Container Prefab": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/giftbox/giftbox_loot.prefab", "Spawn Chance": 0.5, "Permission": "npcgifts.example3", "Loot Table Name": null, "Min Items": 0, "Max Items": 0 } ], "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 4 } } Default Language: { "ChatMessage": " :dance: Congratulations <color=#abf229>{0}</color> You Received A Gift From <color=#abf229>{1}</color> :dance:", "GameTipMessage": "Congratulations <color=#abf229>{0}</color> You Received A Gift From <color=#abf229>{1}</color>" }
  22. Version 1.0.2


    NPCKit is a Plugin made for any type of server pvp, pve or roleplay. With this Plugin you can create NPCs and add Kits to each of them as you like. They can be created with Clothing vanilla or skined and will wave to you, once you interact or leave the NPC. Each Kit can have its own cooldown and a default or Vip permission. Once a Kit is created you can delete it as well with the right permission, without deleting the whole NPC. You can also have unlimited Kits. If you create more then 4 kits, you will be able you navigate through multiple pages to see all the kitsyou created. Add as many NPC on you server as you like and give your players the ability to receive kits by interacting with one of your NPCs. All NPCs will also be displayed on the map with a shop marker. To interact with an NPC press the E key on your keyboard Whatch my showcase Video below to get a good starting point of my plugin. Check out my Discord to get even more help or request private plugins. Discord: https://discord.gg/jMfCUJd4eE Showcase video Permission createnpc - create an NPC and Kits (NOTE!: this is the Admin permission so only Admins should have it to create, delete NPCs/Kits) default - grand this permission to any player who will then be able to receive every kit with the default permission vip - grand this permission to any player who will then be able to receive every kit with the vip permission Chat Commands /createnpc - opens a panel to create the NPC (after that interact with the E key on your keyboard) Lang Files German and English translation included Config { "Use_MapMarker_For_NPC": true } Data File with all the NPC, kit and player information stored will be created
  23. CASHR


    Version 1.0.3


    Market Station - This is a plugin that will add the ability for your players to install their own trading station on the server Description When installing a computer station, the Market mod is automatically added. In order to trade, the player needs to create a lot at the station and put the item in a Small Stash, after that, any player can also buy it through the station.It is important that this plugin uses only physical items and they are not recreated, which allows you to use your custom items without losing properties. You can also add items available for trading and also prohibit players from trading items in the config. Config Example of plugin configuration in English Example of plugin configuration in Russian Ideas for updates that may be implemented in the future Current ideas for the future of this plugin. These are things that I want to implement possibly. You can also write to us in Discord to suggest ideas or to vote for any that I share here. Add a different number of slots for players with privileges. IMPORTANT, IF YOU HAVE ALREADY BOUGHT THE MY MARKET PLUGIN AND WOULD LIKE TO REPLACE IT WITH THIS ONE, WRITE TO ME IN PRIVATE MESSAGES AND YOU WILL RECEIVE A PERSONAL DISCOUNT OF 60% Check out more of my work here CASHR's library. Come see our whole teams work Mad Mapper Library. Come by the Mad Mapper Discord for support, feedback, or suggestions!
  24. Wrecks

    Simple VIP

    Version 2.0.0


    Gift your supporters / VIP Tier players. Customizable loot table for items to be claimed on a daily cooldown (or set the cooldown in seconds to what you desire) Supports skins and custom item names. Discord Webhook Logging Commands /resetallvip - Resets all player cooldown data. /resetvip "PlayerName" or "ID" - Resets a specific player. /vip - Claims the vip package Both Clear Commands Work in RCON Permissions VIP - Grant this permission to the players that can claim. RESET - For admins and moderators to reset in game via chat RESETALL - For admins and moderators to reset in game via chat Example Config. { "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERT_WEBHOOK_HERE", "Cooldown (Seconds)": 86400, "Clear Data on Wipe?": true, "Effect On Claim?": "assets/prefabs/misc/easter/painted eggs/effects/gold_open.prefab", "VIP Items": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 50, "SkinId": 0, "CustomName": "" }, { "Shortname": "blood", "Amount": 250, "SkinId": 0, "CustomName": "fake blood" }, { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "SkinId": 1167207039, "CustomName": "" }, { "Shortname": "paper", "Amount": 50, "SkinId": 0, "CustomName": "CASH" }, { "Shortname": "sticks", "Amount": 50, "SkinId": 0, "CustomName": "" } ] } Thank you for viewing. - Wrecks
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Random VIP Giver Plugin Documentation Overview The Random VIP Giver plugin is designed to randomly assign VIP status to players on the server. Permissions randomvipgiver.admin: This permission allows the user to manually trigger the VIP assignment process. Commands /givemanualvip: This command manually triggers the VIP assignment process. The assigned VIP counts towards the daily limit. /givefreemanualvip: This command manually triggers the VIP assignment process. The assigned VIP does not count towards the daily limit. Configuration MaxVIPPerDay: The maximum number of VIPs that can be assigned per day. VIPGroups: A list of VIP groups that can be assigned to players. VIPGroupDisplayNames: A list of display names corresponding to the VIP groups. AddGroupCommand: The command used to add a player to a group. SayCommand: The command used to send a message to the server. VIPMessage: The message sent to the server when a player is assigned VIP. MinDays: The minimum number of days a player can be assigned VIP. MaxDays: The maximum number of days a player can be assigned VIP. MinInterval: The minimum interval (in minutes) between VIP assignments. MaxInterval: The maximum interval (in minutes) between VIP assignments. { MaxVIPPerDay = 3, VIPGroups = new List<string> { "metal", "stone", "wooden" }, VIPGroupDisplayNames = new List<string> { "<color=#ffeb00>Metal</color>", "<color=#a9ff00>Stone</color>", "<color=#ffae00>Wooden</color>" }, AddGroupCommand = "addgroup", SayCommand = "say", VIPMessage = ":heart: <color=#ef233c>[Giveaway]</color> <color=#55AAFF>{player}</color> won a {vipGroup} VIP in a random draw for {days} days!", MinDays = 1, MaxDays = 3, MinInterval = 60, MaxInterval = 480 }; Functionality The plugin automatically schedules VIP assignments at random intervals within the configured range. When a VIP assignment is triggered, a random player is selected and assigned a random VIP group for a random number of days. The assignment is announced to the server with a message.


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