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Version 0.4.4
The Loyalty Rewards plugin is designed to reward players on your Rust server with promotions to different permission groups based on their activity. By tracking the number of active days a player spends on the server, the plugin automatically promotes or demotes them through configurable permission groups. The plugin can be configured to operate based on the server wipe cycle or a custom period, offering server admins flexibility in managing player progression. Features Automated Promotions and Demotions: Players are automatically promoted or demoted based on their activity over a configurable period. Configurable Promotion Path: Define your own permission groups that players will be promoted through, allowing for a tailored progression system. Wipe Cycle Integration: Option to reset player data and handle promotions and demotions in sync with server wipes. Customizable Requirements: Set specific activity thresholds required for promotions and demotions. Eligibility Requirements: Optionally require players to be in a specific permission group to be eligible for promotions. Manual Overrides: Admin commands to manually promote or demote players. Persistent Data: Player activity and promotion status are saved and persist across server restarts. Configuration Variables Explanation UseWipeCycle: Determines whether the plugin should reset player data and process promotions/demotions based on the server wipe cycle. Period: The number of days in a period before resetting player data (if not using the wipe cycle). RequiredDays: The number of active days a player must have within the period to be eligible for promotion. DemotionThreshold: The percentage of RequiredDays below which a player is demoted at the end of the period. MinimumPeriod: The minimum number of days after the period starts before demotions can occur. PromoteImmediately: If set to true, players are promoted as soon as they qualify, rather than waiting until the end of the period. PermissionRequired: If set to true, players must be in a specific permission group to be eligible for promotion. RequiredPermissionGroup: The specific permission group players must belong to in order to be eligible for promotion. PromotionGroups: The list of permission groups that players will be promoted through, in order. Configuration Example { "UseWipeCycle": true, "Period": 30, "RequiredDays": 7, "DemotionThreshold": 0.5, "MinimumPeriod": 2, "PromoteImmediately": false, "PermissionRequired": false, "RequiredPermissionGroup": "linked", "PromotionGroups": [ "endurer", "veteran", "legend" ] } Permissions loyaltyrewards.admin: Allows use of admin commands to manually promote, demote, and reset the period for players. Admin Commands /lrpromote <player>: Manually promotes a specified player to the next group. /lrdemote <player>: Manually demotes a specified player to the previous group. /lrresetperiod <withpromotions|withoutpromotions>: Resets the current period. Use withpromotions to process promotions/demotions before resetting, or withoutpromotions to reset without processing. Player Commands /lrplaytime: Displays your current playtime, promotion eligibility, and demotion risk for the current period or wipe. Operation Overview Initialization: When the server starts, the plugin loads its configuration and player data, then reconciles player group data with the current server state. Player Activity Tracking: Each time a player connects, their activity is logged, and their eligibility for promotion is checked. If PromoteImmediately is enabled, promotions are processed as soon as players qualify. Periodic Checks: If PromoteImmediately is enbled, the plugin performs a check at midnight every day to determine if any players should be promoted based on their activity. Wipe Cycle Integration: If UseWipeCycle is enabled, the plugin monitors server wipes. When a wipe is detected, the plugin resets the period, processes promotions and demotions as configured, and clears player activity data. Manual Overrides: Admins can use commands to manually adjust player promotions or reset the period, providing flexibility in managing the server.Free -
Version 1.0.0
Records playtime, with option to separately record AFK time. Includes a reward system to give players points/money/cash for time played or by referring other players to your server. You can also create custom permissions to give VIP players point multipliers either by using the commands or by simply adding in more config options manually. Features: Discord Logging with a simple discord webhook. Last wipe data saving. Currencies. Afk & active tracking. Permissions. Multipliers. UI Leader Board. Cmds. Recommended Rust Settings Due to ImageLibary's cache avatar feature being broke I have coded in my own method to manually have ImageLibrary cache them.. For rust you will need ImageLibrary installed for the avatar images to work. Enable the Avatar Image Patch": true , And throw in your steam API Key " ", Permissions playtimerewards.admin -- Allows players to use ptr command Chat Commands /playtime -- Displays your name and your playtime /playtime Khan -- Display the playtime for the specified player /playtime top -- Display the top 10 play times in chat /playtime lastwipe -- Displays the last time the data was wiped /pt -- Brings up the Rust only UI Leader Board System Admin Commands playtimerewards.admin -- Requires the admin permissions to use /ptr add vip 10 -- Adds a new custom permission with multiplier value /ptr remove vip -- Removes a custom permission /ptr list -- Shows all available permissions Note: Permissions will automatically be prefixed with playtimerewards. Reward System The reward system can be used to issue currency to players based on their playtime. It has 2 reward style plugins to handle them. Permission System The permission system is there to give VIP players a multiplier for the rewards they are issued. The amount of points will be the default amount set in the config, multiplied by the number you set in the permission. For example, if you create a permission called "" with a value of 1.5, and the amount of points is 5 (default amount), the user will get 7.5 points when issued a reward for playtime Referral System The referral system is simple. PlayerA invites PlayerB to the server. For the reward to be Deposited PlayerB simply has to type '/refer PlayerA'. Once he/she has done this PlayerA will be given points for inviting a player and PlayerB will be given points for joining from a referral Referred Player B Joined Server, Deposit Amount": 3, Referral Invite Sent Deposit Amount, After player B has joined is": 5, Once PlayerB has registered his/her referral they can never use the system again, however they can invite as many players as they want to claim referral rewards Developer API double? FetchPlayTime(string playerid) // Returns double playtime in seconds, or null if no data found double? FetchAfkTime(string playerid) // Returns double AFK time in seconds, or null if no data found int? FetchReferral(string playerid) // Returns int number of referrals, or null if no data found Configuration The settings and options can be configured in the PlayTimeRewards file under the config directory. The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { { "1. Don't Edit This": { "LastWipe": "2021-05-29 19:05:14Z", "WasWiped": false, "WipeTime": "2021-05-29 19:05:14Z" }, "2. Discord Settings": { "1. Enable Discord Logging": false, "2. Discord Web Hook Url": "", "3. Embed Message Color": "#483D8B", "4. Include Plugin Image Name in discord messages": true, "5. Discord Plugin Image": "", "6. Discord Plugin Name": "PlayTimeRewards" }, "3. Track Settings": { "1. Sets the Save Interval Timer": 15, "2. Enable Afk Time Tracking": true, "3. Enable Avatar Image Patch": true, "4. Avatar Image Patch Requires Steam API Key": "", "5. Ignore Specified Oxide Groups from getting rewards": [ "admin" ] }, "4. Reward Settings": { "1. Enable Rewards": true, "2. Use ServerRewards": false, "3. Use Economics": true, "4. Use Cash System": false, "Cash System Currency": "$", "5. Enable Referrals": true, "6. Enable Earning By Referrals": true, "7. Send Deposit Response": true, "8. PlayTime Deposit Timer": 3600, "9. PlayTime Deposit Amount": 5, "10. Referred Player Joined Deposit Amount": 3, "11. Referral Invite Sent Deposit Amount": 5 }, "5. Permission Multipliers": { "Multiplyer": 1.0, "SetPermission": "" } } Localization The default messages are in the PlayTimeRewards file under the lang/en directory. To add support for another language, create a new language folder (e.g. de for German) if not already created, copy the default language file to the new folder and then customize the messages. { "mia": "Unable to find player number or name {0} \n Try there display-name instead.", "playeraccepted": "Your referral has been accepted", "playerread": "{0} has acknowledged a referral from you", "playeraccepteddeposit": "Your referral has been accepted and you have received {0} points", "playeracceptedplayersreferaldeposit": "{0} has acknowledged a referral from you and you have received {1} points", "self": "You can not refer yourself!", "alreadydid": "You have already acknowledged a referral", "refsyntax": "/refer <playername> - Acknowledge a referral from <playername>", "permmultiplier": "permission | multiplier", "notaperm": "The permission {0} does not exist", "permremoved": "You have successfully removed the permission {0}", "missingvalue": "You must enter a multiplier", "alreadyperm": "The permission '{0}' already exists", "permadded": "You have successfully created a new reward multiplier. Permission: {0}, Multiplier {1}", "ptr": "Create custom permissions with reward multipliers for VIP players", "add": "/ptr add <permissionname> <multiplier> - Adds a new reward multiplier", "remove": "/ptr remove <permissionname> - Removes reward multiplier", "list": "/ptr list - List available permissions and their multipliers", "list1": "Permission {0}, multiplier {1} \n", "typo": "Unable to get your playtime", "natime": "Unable to get that players playtime", "sr": "RP", "economics": "Coins", "cash": "Cash", "cashsystem": "custom", "deposit": "{0} {1} have been deposited to your account!", "toptime": "Top Playtimes: ", "topscore": "You can see the top scoring playtimes by typing \n \"/playtime top (optional:number 1, 22, etc)\"", "lastwipe": "{0} Last wipe was {1}" }$14.99- 1 comment
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- #play time rewards
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Version 1.2.7
Introducing Total Control, a comprehensive admin tool designed for Rust game servers. This plugin is built with a full GUI, providing an intuitive and user-friendly interface for server administrators. With Total Control, you can customize every aspect of your Rust server to create a unique gaming experience for your players. Here are some of the features that set Total Control apart: StackSize Page: A new addition to Total Control, the StackSize page allows you to set up multipliers for individual items or entire categories, offering greater control over item stacking in your server. Item Gather Rate Control: Customize the gather rate for every item in the game to balance resource acquisition and gameplay progression. Smelting and Cooking Control: Adjust the smelting speeds for furnaces, mixing tables, campfires, and oil refineries. You can also control the charcoal output amount, the cooked output amount, and the amount of fuel used. Reward System: Set up rewards for various in-game actions such as killing scientists, and players, or picking up or mining different items. Rewards can be given in the form of economics (if the Economics plugin is installed) or server rewards (if the ServerRewards plugin is installed) or even scrap. Bradley APC and Patrol Heli Rewards: Players can be rewarded for dealing damage to or destroying the Bradley APC and Patrol Heli. There’s also a setting to divide the loot among all players who dealt damage or give all the loot to the player who deals the final blow. Total Control allows you to create a Rust server tailored to your community’s playstyle. Whether you’re looking to create a hardcore survival experience or a more casual, resource-rich environment, Total Control gives you the tools to make it happen. Accessible In-Game: One of the key features of Total Control is its accessibility. Any admin with the correct permissions can alter any settings directly in the game, even if they don’t have access to server files. Simply open the UI using the /tc command and change any settings as needed. Permissions: TotalControl.OpenGui To allow access to the Ui for admin. Chat Commands: /tc To Open the Ui for any player with the correct permission$15.00 -
Version 1.1.0
Get your Entire Server to Grind towards a Common Goal. With The Offering, Set Item Requirement amounts, either custom or vanilla. REQUIRED FOR UI - IMAGELIBRARY REQUIRED FOR MAPMARKER - MARKERMANAGER What will you reward your Players with? Skill Points? Unload TruePVE and let a purge play out? Or just run a command for Economics deposit and fill everyone's account to congratulate everyone's hard work. At Offering Fulfilled you can run as many commands as you like to reward your Players. You can also Utilize The Offering to get rid of excess items. Maybe Players have too much scrap at the end of the wipe, add scrap as a requirement and let the excess scrap serve a purpose. Upon Valid Item Deposit, The Box shoots a flame and accepts The Offering, Invalid Items get tossed back out of the Box for the player to recollect. Players can utilize an optional UI to track resources that are needed towards completion. It can be toggled on via /OUI or disabled by clicking the x on the UI Tab. UI position can be easily set via UI Location Config Option. Update interval for multiple item requirements can be set, to update the UI to show the other unfulfilled items. The UI can fill most vanilla images via Image Library to retrieve item PNGs from RustLabs If there is a placeholder image and it doesn't retrieve, you can use the custom URL for a PNG as well. This is also useful for custom items. Skin for the box can be set in config. Discord Tracking of the Offering Box Status can be set in config. If an Offering is complete, you have the option to respawn the box at a certain time frame, or disable the respawn completely and have it a one off event, or an event whenever you feel like holding it. Video Demos COMMANDS /OUI - Toggles the UI on or off /CreateOffering - Places an Offering Box on your Position - TheOffering.Admin - Permission Required /ConvertToOffering - Allows you to convert an already placed Large Wooden Box, To an Offering Box - THEOFFERING.ADMIN - PERMISSION REQUIRED /RemoveOffering - Removes The Offering Box you are looking at - THEOFFERING.ADMIN - PERMISSION REQUIRED /givebox - Gives the player a placeable box that will convert to an offering box on placement - THEOFFERING.ADMIN - PERMISSION REQUIRED /offeringstatus - Will print the offering status to the executing player /offeringtop - Will print the top offering contributors to the executing player HOOKS OnOfferingActive OnOfferingInactive CONFIG { "Box Options": { "Offering Box Skin Id": 1900496901, "Respawn Offering Box a Few Seconds after Previous Box Completion?": false, "Respawn Delay in Seconds": 600 }, "Enable UI?": true, "UI Location (top right, lower top right, bottom right, top left, lower top left, bottom left": "bottom left", "UI Update Interval In Seconds": 60, "Announcement Interval In Seconds": 600, "Broadcast Updates on Status To Discord?": false, "Discord Webhook URL?": "", "Item Requirements": [ { "Item Shortname": "head.bag", "Amount Of This Item Required": 100, "Custom SkinID": 0, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Image URL (For UI)": "" }, { "Item Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount Of This Item Required": 300000, "Custom SkinID": 0, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Image URL (For UI)": "" }, { "Item Shortname": "wood", "Amount Of This Item Required": 1200000, "Custom SkinID": 0, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Image URL (For UI)": "" }, { "Item Shortname": "bone.fragments", "Amount Of This Item Required": 5000, "Custom SkinID": 0, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Image URL (For UI)": "" }, { "Item Shortname": "gunpowder", "Amount Of This Item Required": 500000, "Custom SkinID": 0, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Image URL (For UI)": "" }, { "Item Shortname": "charcoal", "Amount Of This Item Required": 500000, "Custom SkinID": 0, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Image URL (For UI)": "" }, { "Item Shortname": "sulfur", "Amount Of This Item Required": 500000, "Custom SkinID": 0, "Item Custom Name": "", "Item Image URL (For UI)": "" } ], "Commands To Run On Offering Satisfied": { "Commands List": [ "deposit * 500000", "inventory.giveall pookie.bear 2", "givesptoall 20 false" ] }, "Rewards Description": "500k Economics Deposit + 1x Pookie Bear + 20 Skill Points To All Upon Completion. Offering Box Is outside of the Quest Room" } Thank you to @Chill Roleplay for the help testing.$15.00- 20 comments
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Version 2.0.3
Unique kit system with the highest possible functionality and beautiful design. This will please you (no need to sit in the config every time and try to fill in some incomprehensible values, etc.), and your players (convenient, clear and informative interface). You just start editing items directly in the game) and your players (comfortable, clear, informative interface)! Features of Our Kits Beautiful User Interface: Experience a visually appealing and user-friendly design. High Performance: Optimized for fast, reliable performance. Automatic Kit Conversion (uMod): Easily convert your existing kits. In-Game Kit and Item Setup: Configure kits directly in the game. Auto Kits & Wipes (Optional): Automate kit distribution and server wipes. Custom Items & Commands: Assign unique items and commands to kits. Advanced Item Settings: Fine-tune every aspect of your items. CopyPaste Integration: Seamlessly work with CopyPaste. Optional Features: Delays after wipes, set blocking in Building Block, logging, and item chances. Skills & ServerPanel Support: Enhance player experience with integrated support. Commands kit – open the kit interface kit help – get help with kits kit autokit – enable or disable autokit kit list – display all available kits kit [name] – redeem a specific kit kits.resetkits – delete all kits kits.give [name/steamid] [kitname] – grant a kit to player kits.convert – convert from uMod Kits kits.wipe – clear players data kits.reset – resets the player data or kits in the kits system. kits.reset data [<targetID>/all] – resets the data of a player or all players. Parameters: <targetID>: The ID of the player whose data is to be reset. If you specify all, the data of all players will be reset. kits.reset kits – resets all kits in the data kits.template [fullscreen/inmenu] [old_style/new_rust] [target_template] – sets the interface template for kits. Parameters: [fullscreen/inmenu]: Type of interface template to set. Valid values: fullscreen or inmenu. [old_style/new_rust]: Interface style. Valid values: old_style or new_rust. [target_template]: For the inmenu template, you must specify the template number (1 or 2). Video P.S. Video of the old version, video for the V2+ version is now in development Showcase Full screen Templates Template OLD STYLE Template NEW RUST In-Menu Templates Template V1 (V1.1) Template V2 Editor TEST SERVER Join our test server to view and experience all our unique features yourself! Copy the IP Address below to start playing! connect FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config Q: Where can I see an example of a data? A: Data Q: I have a question/problem. What should I do? A: You can write to me in a PM on the site, create a ticket. Or write me in Discord: Mevent#4546 Q: Does the Kits plugin support other plugins? A: Yes, this Kits plugin has an API similar to other popular kits plugins. If the plugin works with Kits - it works with this plugin too. Q: How do I enable the sale of kits? A: You need to configure the plugin economy (which plugin, its hooks, etc.), enable "Enable sale" in the Kits data (oxide/data/Kits/Kits.json or carbon/data/Kits/Kits.json) and set the price to "Selling price" "Enable sale": true, "Selling price": 100, Q: How do I use Economics to pay for kits? A: Example configuration settings: "Economy": { "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Balance add hook": "Deposit", "Balance remove hook": "Withdraw", "Balance show hook": "Balance", "ShortName": "", "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "Skin": 0 }, Q: How do I use ServerRewards to pay for kits? A: Example configuration settings: "Economy": { "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin", "Plugin name": "ServerRewards", "Balance add hook": "AddPoints", "Balance remove hook": "TakePoints", "Balance show hook": "CheckPoints", "ShortName": "", "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "Skin": 0 }, Q: How do I use scrap to pay for kits? A: Example configuration settings: "Economy": { "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Item", "Plugin name": "", "Balance add hook": "", "Balance remove hook": "", "Balance show hook": "", "ShortName": "scrap", "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "Skin": 0 }, Q: How do I resize the kit image? A: You can do this in the config, here's an example of the image setup (-32 and 32 are width, and -75 and -11 are height "Image Settings": { "AnchorMin": "0.5 1", "AnchorMax": "0.5 1", "OffsetMin": "-32 -75", "OffsetMax": "32 -11" }, Q: How can I remove the numbers on the kits ("#1", "#2", etc.)? A: You need to turn off "Show Number?" in the config: "Show Number?": false, Q: How do I make it so that others can see kits with different permissions without being able to claim them? A: You need to turn off "Show All Kits?" in the config: "Show All Kits?": true, Q: Where can I edit the names in the plugin or add my own language? A: You can edit lang files that are located (for example) at "oxide/lang/en/Kits.json" or "carbon/lang/en/Kits.json". CONTACTS HOOKS private string[] canRedeemKit(BasePlayer player) private void OnKitRedeemed(BasePlayer player, string kitName) private double OnKitCooldown(BasePlayer player, double cooldown) API private bool TryClaimKit(BasePlayer player, string name, bool usingUI) private string[] GetAllKits() private object GetKitInfo(string kitname) private string[] GetKitContents(string kitname) private double GetKitCooldown(string kitname) private double PlayerKitCooldown(ulong ID, string kitname) private int KitMax(string kitname) private double PlayerKitMax(ulong ID, string kitname) private string KitImage(string kitname) private bool IsKit(string kitname) private bool isKit(string kitname) private void GetKitNames(List<string> list) private double GetPlayerKitCooldown(ulong userId, string name) private double GetPlayerKitCooldown(string userId, string name) private void SetPlayerCooldown(ulong userId, string name, int amount) private int GetPlayerKitUses(ulong userId, string name) private int GetPlayerKitUses(string userId, string name) private void SetPlayerKitUses(ulong userId, string name, int amount) private JObject GetKitObject(string name) private int GetKitMaxUses(string name) private string GetKitDescription(string name) private string GetKitImage(string name) private bool GiveKit(BasePlayer player, string name, bool usingUI) private bool HasKitAccess(string userId, string name) private int GetPlayerKitAmount(string userId, string name)$34.95- 163 comments
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- #kit cooldowns
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- #kits rust plugin
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- #kits mevent
- #kits with menu
- #kits in menu
- #kits and serverpanel
- #kits with editor
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- #kits by mevent
- #rust kits
- #kits converter
- #kits umod
- #kits ui
- #kits rust
- #kit economy integration
- #server management kits
- #rust kits plugin
- #customizable kits
- #auto kits setup
- #in-game management kits
- #rust servers kits
- #rust plugin for kits
Version 1.1.2
Daily Rewards is a strong tool for Rust admins who want to keep their players engaged until the end of the wipe. You can provide your gamers with distinct daily rewards for logging in with this plugin. This way, you not only liven up gameplay, but also encourage longer playtime. With Daily Rewards, don't lose the chance to draw in new players and keep returning ones! Features Beautiful and user-friendly interface Daily rewards for logging Motivating players to stay in the game longer Retention of players until the end of the wipe Compatibility with many plugins Edit rewards and config via in-game interface (no JSON editing required) By default, the plugin supports English, Russian, and Chinese languages Cooldown time before receiving an award Saving rewards in the plugin's inventory Do not receive rewards from inventory while in the build block, raid block, or combat block Commands daily – open daily rewards interface dailyrewards.wipe – wipe of player data [format: csv, empty (default)] [limit (10 is default)] – get a list of players with the day their award. dailyrewards.manage – manage daily reward settings dailyrewards.manage playtime set <steam_id> <amount> – sets the playtime for the specified player. dailyrewards.template [fullscreen/inmenu] [target_template] – sets the interface template for daily rewards. Parameters: [fullscreen/inmenu]: Type of interface template to set. Valid values: fullscreen or inmenu. [target_template]: For the inmenu template, you must specify the template number (1 or 2). Permissions dailyrewards.use – allows you to open the DailyRewards menu dailyrewards.edit - allows you to enable edit mode Video FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config$34.95 -
Version 1.0.7
Adds a coin flipping mini game to your server. Players can try their luck by playing against both a bot and a real player. Commands flip - open interface Permissions coinflipping.use - open interface coinflipping.players - play against players coinflipping.npcs - play against npcs coinflipping.createroom - create a room Config { "Commands": [ "flip" ], "Work with Notify?": true, "Economy": { "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Balance add hook": "Deposit", "Balance remove hook": "Withdraw", "Balance show hook": "Balance", "ShortName": "scrap", "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "Skin": 0 }, "Interface": { "Show coin in header?": true, "Coin Image": "" }, "Values for Bot Game": [ 100, 200, 300 ], "Min Bet for Bot Game": 100, "Min Bet for Player Game": 100, "Permissions Settings": { "Opening the interface": "coinflipping.use", "Playing against players": "coinflipping.players", "Playing against NPCs": "coinflipping.npcs", "Creating a room": "coinflipping.createroom" } }$19.95 -
Version 1.37.20
Creates quests/missions for users to complete in order to get rewards (currency, items, etc.). Players can spend the currency they receive to open cases. This can become a major plugin for your server. Your players will not get bored! And a nice and user-friendly interface will surprise them even more Features: Beautiful user interface Logging purchases / replenishment of the balance (both to the console and to a file) Versatility (can work with various economy plugins) Performance (plugin is faster than existing competitors) Interesting idea The ability to customize absolutely any inscription Preview Commands addfirstcurrency {userid} {amount} (give the player the first currency) addsecondcurrency {userid} {amount} (give the player a second currency) battlepass.wipedata (clear player progress) pass (open interface) battlepass.migrate (migrate to PlayerDatabase) battlepass.convert.128 (convert from 1.28.0) Item Types Item Command Plugin Mission Types Gather Kill Craft Look Build Upgrade Fishing LootCrate Swipe RaidableBases RecycleItem HackCrate PurchaseFromNpc ArcticBaseEvent GasStationEvent SputnikEvent ShipwreckEvent HarborEvent JunkyardEvent SatDishEvent WaterEvent AirEvent PowerPlantEvent ArmoredTrainEvent ConvoyEvent SurvivalArena KillBoss FAQ How to use multiple NPCs in one mission Loot Hackable Crates (config example) Default Config$21.95 -
Version 0.2.9
Reward your players based on a "XP" (Per Kill System) UI Elements can be disabled in config, Image Library Isn't needed. You can configure how many levels, and how many kills per level to grant your players a "Rank Up" Messages show to chat that players have increased their Rank level upon Completion. Pay your players via Economics, Server Rewards, Items / Customized Items, And even Commands. Log Rank Ups to Discord. Using the rank system needs the use permission. Receiving items needs the items permission, and to receive commands needs the commands permission. Payout Payout is as followed. Rank 1 , receives a payout of 1k if you set 1k as base pay grade. Rank 2 receives a payout of 2k, so on and so forth. Paygrade percentage bonus is for VIP permission holders. Rank Setup When setting up Ranks, Be sure to have unique keys in incrementing values on the way up the ladder, Do not , for example set, Rank 1-20 1 kill each, as the player will shoot straight to the last rank. Increment like i have it in the config example. Plugin now handles stepping correctly. Unique keys are needed but kills can be the same amount. Prestige Setup This is optional, You can setup as many prestige ranks as you want. Setup Item rewards and command rewards as a one off on prestige acceptance. You can setup Lang Keys in the Lang File, To show Custom Descriptions per Prestige. You can setup a Base Emblem and Max Rank Emblem, There is a "ShadowBox Feature, Which unlocks for the player once they prestige." This will Display Current Emblem Holdings and Max Rank Emblems if they maxed that Prestige. Customization There are fields in config where you can personalize your Base Icon, Max Rank Icon, Rank Up BG, Rank Up Image, And Rank Up Text Banner. Doing this would take a bit of image editing software skills. In the config below I paste in The Alternate Theme I used in the screenshots. You can Download the file links in config, and use the dimensions to make your own, It may take a bit of work but it is possible If anyone needs help and needs a custom theme setup, feel free to message me on Discord - WrecksOnTheBeat Command Setup Target your player that ranks up with the {id} for the tag when running a command, ill also show you in config how to do this. Commands /topmercs - will print to the executor the top 5 merc ranks on the server /wiperank "playername" - wipes data for that specific player /mrwipe - will wipe data for everyone /myrank - will display current rank if ranked, and how many kills to hit the next rank /rankui - will display a UI with current rank in left hand corner (Custom Pos settings coming soon) Needs Use Perm /MRPRESTIGE - OPTIONAL, THE RANK UI EMBLEM CAN BE USED AS A BUTTON TO OPEN THIS MENU. THIS OPENS THE PRESTIGE MENU Data clear commands need the admin perm. UI Demo Toggleable Merc Rank Counter, When the player reaches the Max Rank Defined in Config, The Skull goes Red to show they are at Max. Rank up Will pop up and Fade away on level up. Video Demo LANG { "RankUp": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] <color=#20f0a0>{0}</color> has reached Mercenary Rank <color=#20f0a0>{1}</color>", "RankCheck": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] Your current Rank: <color=#20f0a0>{0}</color> \nTo rank up, Confirm <color=#20f0a0>{1}</color> Kill(s).", "NoRank": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] You are currently <color=#5ccdcd>Unranked</color>, in order to Rank Up, Confirm <color=#cd5c5c>{0}</color> Kill(s).", "RankMax": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] Your <color=#20f0a0>Rank</color> is at the highest Tier, Outstanding!", "PayoutEco": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Payout</color>] Payment in the form of <color=#bb9b65>$</color><color=#85bb65>{0}</color> has been credited to your account.", "PayoutSR": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Payout</color>] Payment in the form of <color=#5ccdcd>{0}</color> <color=#cd5c5c>RP</color> has been credited to your account.", "WipeData": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] <color=#5ccdcd>All</color> Player Data has been <color=#cd5c5c>Wiped</color>.", "WipePlayer": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] Player Data has been wiped for <color=#cd5c5c>{0}</color>.", "WipeFail": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] Player Data not found.", "NoPerms": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] You do not have the <color=#5ccdcd>Clearance</color> to run this <color=#cd5c5c>Command</color>.", "Hardcore": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] <color=#5ccdcd>Hardcore Mode</color> is Enabled, Your <color=#5ccdcd>Rank</color> Has been <color=#cd5c5c>Reset</color>.", "NotifyPrestige": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] You are currently able to Prestige, To enter Prestige, Click the Rank UI or Type <color=#cd5c5c>/MRPRESTIGE</color>.", "MaxPrestige": "Your <color=#5ccdcd>Prestige Rank</color> is at the Top Rank, Outstanding!", "LastPrestigeNotMaxRank": "You are at the final <color=#5ccdcd>Prestige</color> but still have Ranks to Complete!", "Prestige": "[<color=#939393>Mercenary Ranks</color>] You have reached Prestige Rank <color=#cd5c5c>{0}</color>.", "CannotPrestige": "You do not meet the requirements to Prestige, In order to Prestige, You need to reach the Max Rank of <color=#cd5c5c>{0}</color>", "Prestige1": "Welcome To Prestige 1\n Upon Accepting, Your Rank will reset, but you will gain these Instant Rewards \nADD IN LANG. \nYou will also gain a payout percentage increase of ADD IN LANG", "Prestige2": "Welcome To Prestige 2\n Upon Accepting, Your Rank will reset, but you will gain these Instant Rewards \nADD IN LANG. \nYou will also gain a payout percentage increase of ADD IN LANG\nAdd More keys like this for more Prestige Levels" } CONFIG { "Announce Top Mercs To Chat Every x Seconds": 3600, "Discord Webhook URL": "INSERTURLHERE", "UI Location (top right, top center, top left | left center, right center | bottom left)": "bottom left", "UI Base Icon": "", "UI Max Rank Icon": "", "Rank Up Background": "", "Rank Up Main Image": "", "Rank Up Text Banner": "", "Prestige Banner": "", "Accolades Banner": "", "Prestige Main Text Color": "0.4745098 0.09803922 0.8627452 1", "Prestige Accept Text Color": "0.09803923 0.854902 0.7552722 1", "Prestige Close Text Color": "0.854902 0.5248789 0.09803923 1", "Current Prestige Text Color": "#20f0a0", "Next Prestige Text Color": "#20f0a0", "Prestige Text Font": "permanentmarker.ttf", "Rank Up SFX": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab", "Economics Payout SFX": "assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/effects/vending-machine-purchase-human.prefab", "Server Rewards Payout SFX": "assets/prefabs/deployable/dropbox/effects/submit_items.prefab", "Economics Enabled?": true, "Economics Payout Amount": 500, "Server Rewards Enabled?": false, "Server Rewards Payout Amount": 2000, "Payout Bonus Per Level For VIPS (%) (On top of PayGrade Increase)": 5, "Register Animal Kills Towards Rank?": true, "Register Player Kills?": false, "Hardcore Mode Enabled? (Resets Rank)": false, "Clear Ranks on Wipe?": true, "Kills Required Per Level": { "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3 }, "Enable Global Rank Up Messages?": true, "Enable Rank Up UI?": true, "Enable Rank Rewards?": false, "Rank Rewards": [ { "Rank": 1, "Name": "Rank 1 Bonus", "Amount": 200, "SkinId": 3027539724, "ShortName": "scrap" }, { "Rank": 2, "Name": "Semtex", "Amount": 3, "SkinId": 3031605679, "ShortName": "grenade.f1" } ], "Enable Rank Commands?": false, "Rank Commands": [ { "Rank": 1, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 1 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 2, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 2 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 3, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 3 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 13, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 4 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 14, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 5 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 15, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 6 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 16, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 7 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 17, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 8 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 18, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 9 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 19, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 10 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] }, { "Rank": 20, "Commands": [ "givespitemto {id} 11 2863539914 Tome of Skill Points" ] } ], "Enable Prestige?": true, "Enable Prestige Rewards?": true, "Prestige Rewards": [ { "PrestigeLevel": 1, "Name": "Prestige 1 Bonus", "Amount": 1000, "SkinId": 3027539724, "ShortName": "scrap" }, { "PrestigeLevel": 2, "Name": "Prestige 2 Semtex", "Amount": 3, "SkinId": 3031605679, "ShortName": "grenade.f1" } ], "Enable Prestige Commands?": true, "Prestige Commands": [ { "PrestigeLevel": 1, "Commands": [ "inventory.giveto {id} rifle.ak 1" ] }, { "PrestigeLevel": 2, "Commands": [ "inventory.giveto {id} explosive.timed 20" ] } ], "Enable Prestige Payout Bonus?": true, "Payout Bonus Per Prestige Rank For (%)": { "1": { "BonusPercentage": 10, "PrestigeLangKey": "Prestige1", "PrestigeBaseIcon": "", "PrestigeMaxIcon": "" }, "2": { "BonusPercentage": 20, "PrestigeLangKey": "Prestige2", "PrestigeBaseIcon": "", "PrestigeMaxIcon": "" } } }$20.00- 10 comments
- 4 reviews
- 6
- #economy
- #rankup system
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
Version 0.1.2
The plugin allows displaying the promo code in the status bar. Depends on AdvancedStatus plugin. P.S. The promo code is set via command. The ability to display the promo code in the status bar. The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background; The ability to set a material for the background; The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image; The ability to get images from the local folder(*SERVER*\oxide\data\AdvancedStatus\Images); The abillity to set own image and customize the color and transparency of the image; The abillity to set sprite instead of the image; The ability to customize the color, size and font of the text. promostatus.admin - Provides the ability to set or delete promo code. { "Promo command": "promo", "Use GameTip for messages?": true, "Promo code": "", "Expiration date of the promo code. Example: 2023-12-22 18:53": "", "Time in seconds for displaying the promo code in the status bar": 3600, "Status. Bar - Height": 26, "Status. Bar - Order": 10, "Status. Background - Color": "#FFD33A", "Status. Background - Transparency": 0.7, "Status. Background - Material(empty to disable)": "", "Status. Image - Url": "", "Status. Image - Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "PromoStatus_Promo", "Status. Image - Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Status. Image - Is raw image": false, "Status. Image - Color": "#FFD33A", "Status. Image - Transparency": 1.0, "Status. Text - Size": 12, "Status. Text - Color": "#FFFFFF", "Status. Text - Font(": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Status. SubText - Size": 12, "Status. SubText - Color": "#FFFFFF", "Status. SubText - Font(": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } } EN: { "MsgText": "PROMO CODE:", "MsgNotAllowed": "You do not have permissions to use this command!", "MsgAddNewPromo": "Added a new promo code {0}. Valid until {1}.", "MsgAddNewPromoFailed": "An error occurred while adding the promo code. Example: /promo \"test\" \"2024-01-13 09:29\"", "MsgAddNewPromoDateFailed": "Date must be greater than the current date!", "MsgSetNewDisplay": "New display time({0}) for the promo code has been set in the bar.", "MsgSetNewDisplayFailed": "An error occurred while setting a new display time for the promo code. Example: /promo display 3600", "MsgDeletePromo": "The promo code has been deleted!" } RU: { "MsgText": "ПРОМОКОД:", "MsgNotAllowed": "У вас недостаточно прав для использования этой команды!", "MsgAddNewPromo": "Добавлен новый промокод {0}. Действителен до {1}.", "MsgAddNewPromoFailed": "Произошла ошибка при добавлении промокода. Пример: /promo \"test\" \"2024-01-13 09:29\"", "MsgAddNewPromoDateFailed": "Дата должна быть больше текущей!", "MsgSetNewDisplay": "Установлено новое время({0}) отображения промокода в баре.", "MsgSetNewDisplayFailed": "Произошла ошибка при установки нового времени отображения промокода. Пример: /promo display 3600", "MsgDeletePromo": "Промокод был удален!" } display *time* - Sets the display time of the bar in seconds. Permission "promostatus.admin" required. delete - Deletes the promo code. Permission "promostatus.admin" required. *code* *time* - Sets a new promo code. Permission "promostatus.admin" required. Example: /promo display 360 /promo test "2023-12-25 18:53"$3.99 -
Version 0.1.3
Plugin rewarding players for their in-game activity. The ability to receive rewards for gathering resources; The ability to receive rewards for: killing players and NPCs; destroying barrels and road signs; The ability to receive rewards for the first opening of loot crates; The ability to receive rewards for collecting resources; The ability to receive rewards for planting plants; The ability to receive rewards for catching fishes. { "List of reward plugins": [ "BankSystem", "ServerRewards", "Economics" ], "Is it worth enabling the Gather Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Kill Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Loot Open Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Pickup Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Planting Rewards?": true, "Is it worth enabling the Fishing Rewards?": true, "List of multipliers for rewards, for each group permission": { "realpve.default": 1.0, "": 1.1 }, "Is it worth using the AdvancedStatus plugin?": true, "List of status bar settings for each plugin": [ { "BarID": "ActivityRewards_BankSystem", "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#84AB49", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "ActivityRewards_BankSystem", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#B9D134", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Key": "MsgBankSystem", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "#DAEBAD", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#DAEBAD", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" }, { "BarID": "ActivityRewards_ServerRewards", "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#84AB49", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "ActivityRewards_ServerRewards", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#B9D134", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Key": "MsgServerRewards", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "#DAEBAD", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#DAEBAD", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" }, { "BarID": "ActivityRewards_Economics", "Order": 20, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#84AB49", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "ActivityRewards_Economics", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#B9D134", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Key": "MsgEconomics", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "#DAEBAD", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#DAEBAD", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 3 } } Setting up rewards for each action occurs in the respective files within this folder *SERVER*\oxide\data\ActivityRewards IntReward for: BankSystem and ServerRewards; FloatReward for: Economics. You can also set the reward to 0 to disable the reward. "oil_barrel": { "IntReward": 10, "FloatReward": 0.0 }, EN: { "MsgBankSystem": "Bonus", "MsgServerRewards": "Bonus", "MsgEconomics": "Bonus" } RU: { "MsgBankSystem": "Бонус", "MsgServerRewards": "Бонус", "MsgEconomics": "Бонус" }$3.99 -
Version 1.0.7
Your players have a great opportunity to spend time completing different missions to get rewards! The list of possibilities is incredible: In-game Events. Fights with players. Farming, Raidings, Crafting or taking action in Custom Events(The list of supported plugins will be below), and much more! Description: Welcome to a world of unforgettable adventures that BattlePass can provide your users! This plugin has 30 levels that will entertain players in different ways. Let us plunge you deeper into the great atmosphere we have prepared for you! How does it work? You will get XP for accomplishing different goals, such as destroying the helicopter, raiding, and killing players, bots, or animals. Leveling up is also possible in a more peaceful way, too. For example, you can craft items, open boxes, and farm barrels and collect farm resources. Also, don’t forget that you can easily change parameters in the config file. Feel free to change the amount of XP awarded for missions. What is the specialty of our BattlePass? Support for custom events. The plugin interface looks like it was made by the game developers. Better performance. Detailed configuration of all actions in the config. The plugin has a system of permissions that will allow your server to receive additional earnings. You can configure players' access to rewards. You can also add different multipliers of getting EXP for different privileges. The reward system supports custom items and teams. Level 1 can have multiple rewards. You can change all the texts in the Lang file. Dependencies (optional, not required) Arctic Base Event Satellite Dish Event Junkyard Event Plant Event Air Event Harbor Event Water Event Boss Monster Plugin Config en - example of plugin configuration in English ru - example of plugin configuration in Russian My Discord: CASHR#6906 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$33.00 -
Version 1.2.1
All Informational Pages & Guides Main website: Just Wiped: About : Blog: (Tip & Tricks, and more news) Premium Benefits: © is powered by 2000-2023 Recommended by: About Voting Rewards Reward your players for voting at the Rust Servers toplist. Votes give Points which are included in the ranking system, get above your competition by letting your community vote for your server. Rewards: Randomized items, or commands that you provide (Give users Economics or special rank, or whatever you prefer as a command) Very lightweight, and easy in use. Chat Commands: All do the same function which shown below, its very simplified so users can understand. 1) Check if user voted no-> provides user with URL where they can vote: 2) If voted -> User gets Randomized reward, or you can remove rewards and just make it static. 3) User voted already, will provide a message that they can come back later. /claim /vote /votes Here are some console command examples that you could add inside the config file (!Console commands only!) to add ServerRewards points sr add {steamid} 10 to add Economics points deposit {steamid} 10 FAQ Where can I find the API key of my server? Where can I find the id of my server? Config File Example(1.2.0): { "API Key": "", "Server Id": "", "Chat Commands": [ "claim", "vote", "votes" ], "Reward items": [ { "Item Shortname": "wood", "Description": null, "Item Amount Min": 1000, "Item Amount Max": 2000, "Item Skin id": 0 }, { "Item Shortname": "stones", "Description": null, "Item Amount Min": 1000, "Item Amount Max": 2000, "Item Skin id": 0 }, { "Item Shortname": "metal.refined", "Description": null, "Item Amount Min": 1000, "Item Amount Max": 2000, "Item Skin id": 0 } ], "Reward Commands Help": "use {steamid} to add user steam id\nExamples:\nsr add {steamid} 10 - to add ServerRewards points\ndeposit {steamid} 10 - to add Economics points\n", "Reward Commands": [ { "Command": "example {steamid} 1d", "Description": "example Description (will appear on Message)", "Type": "example type of Reward (Kit, Permission etc.)" }, { "Command": "example {steamid} 1d", "Description": "example Description (will appear on Message)", "Type": "example type of Reward (Kit, Permission etc.)" }, { "Command": "example {steamid} 1d", "Description": "example Description (will appear on Message)", "Type": "example type of Reward (Kit, Permission etc.)" } ] } Looking for Plugin with more features? - EasyVote Supports Rustservers.ggFree- 19 comments
- 2
Version 1.1.2
How to use : You get 4 map Items . You can get those Maps from rust containers/prefabs . You chose what map will spawn in what container and chance to spawn in that container in config . When player press unwarp on map item it will spawn chest from that map . Player will get chat text where chest spawned and he will see MapMarker on map. Each map will spawn chest(prefab) with your loot inside. All is customizable , Map Items ,Loottable items, Prefab Chest - prefab skin, Prefabs where maps will spawn with chance , Npc Prefab - amount of npc - spawn radius, LocalTreasureMaxDistance: " ", MaxOpenedMaps : " ", MapOpenCooldown : " " . Coins are also unwarpable ,after unwarp you will get loot from your config for that coin (item/plugin balance) Key Features : Customizable Map Items : Offer a range of treasure maps with distinct loot tables, stack sizes, and skins to make each find a fresh experience. Dynamic Loot Spawns : Configure treasure chests with specific loot tables, ensuring rewards are always enticing and fair. NPC Defenders : Add an extra challenge with NPCs guarding the treasures, making each hunt a thrilling encounter. BRADLEY : You can add bradley for each map item ,bradley will sit on spawned chest. You can change for each map item will it be enabled , health, min - max chest . Flexible Spawn Configurations : Set where and how often maps can spawn in the game world, adjusting the rarity and discovery chance. Permission : treasuremaps.give Commands : command : /givemap <display name> <quantity>; example /givemap green map 5, command : /givecoin <display name> <quantity>; example /givecoin gold coin 5, command : /givemapto <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example /givemapto copek green map 5, command : /givecointo <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example /givecointo copek gold coin 5, console command : givemapto <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example givemapto copek green map 5, console command : givecointo <player ID/name> <display name> <quantity>; example givecointo copek gold coin 5, For opening virtualy chest to balance loot : ConsoleCommand : mapsim <lootTable> <number of chests> // with this you will see in game console ConsoleCommand : mapsimr <lootTable> <number of chests> // with this you will see in rcon console Config Example : "LocalTreasureMaxDistance": 150.0, "MaxOpenedMaps": 3, "MapOpenCooldown": 60, "MaxOpenedCoins": 3, "CoinOpenCooldown": 60, "TreasureMapsDescription": "LocalTreasureMaxDistance - max distance of spawning prefab/chest", "CustomStackSize - you can change stack size of each map,and for coins", "You can change skin and display name of each map,for each coin", "MinItemPerChest/MaxItemPerChest - how much items player will get from spawned chest ", "MinItemPerCoin/MaxItemPerCoin - how much items player will get from coin", "SpawnedPrefabChest - what chest will spawn when you unwarp map item,if you put default rust container it will be default rust loot table", "SpawnedPrefabSkin - skin of prefab", "You can add more items to loottable,works also with loottable of coins", "Min/MaxAmount - quantity of that item (you can put min/max - to same number (1),so its min and max 1 quantity of that item)", "Probability - from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%) chance to get that item", "IsBlueprint - if true you will give bp of that item", "command : /givemap display name quantity; example /givemap green map 5", "command : /givecoin display name quantity; example /givecoin gold coin 5", "Spawns - PrefabPath (chose where will map spawn),SpawnChance (0-100 ,chance to spawn map in that prefab),works also with coins,works also with coins", "SpawnCount - how much scientist will be defending chest", "SpawnRadius - distance where scientist will spawn", "NpcOptions - you can change stats of npc Health,Damage and more", "Kits - you can use kits or you can manualy add wear,belt items", "EntityDisplayName - name of npc, for each group change name ,if you are using custom loot for npc", "CustomLoot - true/false ,if true you can add custom loot table for npc body", "You can now add new custom item <coins>, coins can we crackopen/unwarp and you will get items/plugin balance", "In coins you have option to give economics and serverrewards", "Economy: here you put item or plugin", "PluginName: economics or serverrewards" ], "Maps": [ { "CustomStackSize": 10, "ItemDisplayName": "Green Map", "ItemShortname": "xmas.present.large", "SkinID": 3073615238, "SpawnedPrefabChest": "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab", "SpawnedPrefabSkin": 1818868472, "MinItemPerChest": 1, "MaxItemPerChest": 2, "LootTable": "greenmap", "LootTables": { "greenmap": [ { "DisplayName": "", "Shortname": "rock", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 5, "MinItemAmount": 1, "Probability": 1.0, "IsBlueprint": false } ] }, "NPCSpawns": [ { "SpawnCount": 1, "SpawnRadius": 5.0, "EntityDisplayName": "Treasure Guard", "Health": 100, "RoamRange": 5.0, "ChaseRange": 30.0, "SenseRange": 20.0, "ListenRange": 10.0, "AttackRangeMultiplier": 1.0, "CheckVisionCone": true, "VisionCone": 140.0, "HostileTargetsOnly": false, "DamageScale": 1.0, "AimConeScale": 1.0, "Speed": 6.0, "MemoryDuration": 10.0, "Kit": "", "WearItems": [ { "ShortName": "", "SkinID": 0 } ], "BeltItems": [ { "ShortName": "", "Amount": 0, "SkinID": 0, "Mods": [ "" ], "Ammo": 0 } ], "CustomLoot": false, "LootTable": [ { "DisplayName": "Custom Rock", "Shortname": "rock", "SkinID": 0, "MaxItemAmount": 5, "MinItemAmount": 1, "Probability": 1.0, "IsBlueprint": false } ] } ], "Spawns": [ { "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab", "SpawnChance": 0.0 } ], "SpawnBradley": false, "BradleyHealth": 1000, "MinCratesToSpawn": 1, "MaxCratesToSpawn": 3 }, "Coins": [ { "CustomStackSize": 10, "ItemDisplayName": "Gold Coin", "ItemShortname": "easter.goldegg", "SkinID": 3151241149, "MinItemPerCoin": 1, "MaxItemPerCoin": 10, "LootTable": "goldcoin", "LootTables": { "goldcoin": [ { "Economy": "Item", "PluginName": "", "DisplayName": "Gold Coin", "Shortname": "easter.goldegg", "SkinID": 3151241149, "MaxItemAmount": 10, "MinItemAmount": 1, "Probability": 1.0, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Economy": "Plugin", "PluginName": "Economics", "DisplayName": "Gold Coin", "Shortname": "easter.goldegg", "SkinID": 3151241149, "MaxItemAmount": 100, "MinItemAmount": 50, "Probability": 1.0, "IsBlueprint": false }, { "Economy": "Plugin", "PluginName": "ServerRewards", "DisplayName": "Gold Coin", "Shortname": "easter.goldegg", "SkinID": 3151241149, "MaxItemAmount": 200, "MinItemAmount": 150, "Probability": 1.0, "IsBlueprint": false } ] }, "Spawns": [ { "PrefabPath": "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_normal_2.prefab", "SpawnChance": 100.0 } ] } ],$13.00- 44 comments
- 4 reviews
- 3
- #custom loot
- #rewards
(and 4 more)
Tagged with:
Version 4.0.17
Description EasyVotePro brings you 2 new voting websites, Discord Embeds, SimpleStatus, and UINotify/Notify! With frequent updates, a dedicated support section, and more, growing your server has never been easier! Players receive a reward every time they vote successfully. You can edit the available rewards in the configuration file. Add custom reward based how many time player has voted. You can add many as you like custom rewards, there is no limits. Supports,,,,, and And much more! THIS PLUGIN IS IN BETA STAGES RIGHT NOW! BE SURE TO TEST THIS PLUGIN ON A TEST SERVER FIRST! Everything works just fine, however its still in active development and you may come across a bug or two especially when I release a newer version. Please open a ticket to report the bug so it can get fixed. General Features Ability to control when a player gets notified that they have unclaimed votes/need to vote Rewards are now strictly command based. Just put in your command in the reward section and you're off! You can now change the description for each reward whenever a player runs the /rewardlist command Added useful command line command to check players vote count, reset their vote count and more Added an option to reset a players vote count whenever a map wipes Added useful debug options for easier debugging Ability to add as many reward tiers as you want! All you have to do is change the number under rewards to the amount of votes a player needs for those rewards to be given. You can now completely disable the /vote command. Why? Because it was requested. I don't see the point of this, but its there. No more EasyVotePro permissions system! You can now click on the vote link RIGHT FROM THE CHAT BOX! No need to give notes to players anymore! However, that option still exists if you want to use it. Support For EasyVotePro All support for this plugin has been moved to my Discord server. This is due to the sensitive nature of API keys being in the config, and generally me asking to see your configuration file. If you post your configuration file in the support section of Codefling, it will be public for all to see. Plus you'll get faster support for the plugin if you use Discord. A link to my Discord server is above, just click on the big image at the top of this description. I need you to do two things when you open a ticket in my Discord for this plugin. Enable debug mode (Only debug mode, not verbose debug) and run the plugin for a while with debug mode enabled. Try and replicate whatever bug you came across with that debug mode enabled. Then I need you to send me your log file. The full log file, not just the one in the /logs/EasyVotePro. I need the carbon or oxide log file. Also send me a copy of your configuration AND your voting links for each site you've signed up for so that I can test the votes on my end. Chat Commands /vote -- Show vote link(s) /claim -- Claim vote reward(s) /rewardlist -- Display what reward(s) can get Console Commands evp.clearplayer <steamID> - Clears a players vote count to 0 evp.setvote <steamID> <voteCount> - Set the players vote count to a specific number evp.resetall - Resets all voting data for every player Plugin API Hooks // Returns an int value of the number of votes a player has (int) getPlayerVotes(string steamID) Configuration The settings and options for this plugin can be configured in the EasyVoteLite.json file in the config directory. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "Debug Settings": { "Debug Mode Enabled?": true, "Enable Verbose Debugging? (READ DOCUMENTATION FIRST!)": false, "Set Check API Response Code (0 = Not found, 1 = Has voted and not claimed, 2 = Has voted and claimed)": 1, "Set Claim API Response Code (0 = Not found, 1 = Has voted and not claimed. The vote will now be set as claimed., 2 = Has voted and claimed": 1, "SteamID used for debug console commands": "INSERT_ID", "Username used for debug console commands": "INSERT_USERNAME" }, "Plugin Settings": { "Enable logging => logs/EasyVotePro (true / false)": true, "Wipe Rewards Count on Map Wipe?": true, "Chat Prefix": "<color=#e67e22>[EasyVote]</color> ", "Disable /vote command": false, "Command Cooldown Enabled?": true, "Command Cooldown Time (seconds)": 10.0 }, "Notification Settings": { "Globally announcment in chat when player voted (true / false)": true, "Enable the 'Please Wait' message when checking voting status?": true, "Notify player of rewards when they stop sleeping?": false, "Notify player of rewards when they connect to the server?": true, "If the player needs to vote, what should the single message in chat say?": "Hey, vote for our shit damn it. Type /note to get the links.", "Send only one message when /vote is called": false }, "Note Settings": { "Enable give a Note to players on /vote?": true, "Title of the Note given to players on /vote": "Vote for us here!", "Content of the Note given to players on /vote": "A link to all your voting sites!" }, "Simple Status Settings": { "Simple Status Enabled?": false, "Claim Rewards Settings": { "Banner Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.18 0.8 0.44 1", "Icon Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Main Text Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Sub-Text Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Icon (URL)": "", "Main Text": "Claim Your Rewards!", "Sub-Text": "/claim", "Duration to show message": 10 }, "Needs To Vote Settings": { "Banner Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.91 0.3 0.24 1", "Icon Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Main Text Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Sub-Text Color (Decimal RGBA)": "0.93 0.94 0.95 1", "Icon (URL)": "", "Main Text": "Vote For Us!", "Sub-Text": "/vote", "Duration to show message": 10 } }, "Notify / UI Notify Settings": { "UINotify/Notify Enabled?": false, "Message to show when a player has unclaimed rewards": "You have unclaimed rewards! Type /claim now!", "Type of message to show when a player has unclaimed rewards": 0, "Message to show when a player needs to vote": "Support our server by voting! Type /vote now!", "Type of message to show when a player needs to vote": 1 }, "Toastify Settings": { "Toastify Enabled?": false, "Message to show when a player has unclaimed rewards": "You have unclaimed rewards! Type /claim now!", "Type of message to show when a player has unclaimed rewards": "error", "Unclaimed Message Duration": 10, "Message to show when a player needs to vote": "Support our server by voting! Type /vote now!", "Type of message to show when a player needs to vote": "success", "Needs to Vote Message Duration": 10 }, "Discord Settings": { "DiscordMessage Enabled (true / false)": false, "Discord Webhook (URL)": "", "Discord Embed Title": "A player has just voted for us!", "Discord Embed Color (Integer String)": 3329330, "Notify @here when webhook is executed?": true, "Notify @everyone when webhook is executed?": false, "Some additional message to put inside of Discord embed": "Don't forget to vote! Type /vote in game chat to get started!" }, "Reward Settings": { "Random Rewards": { "Random Rewards Enabled?": false, "Number of rewards to give from random rewards list": 1, "Rewards List": [ "first command", "second command" ] }, "Normal Rewards": { "Normal Rewards Enabled?": true, "Rewards List": { "@": [ "first command", "second command" ], "@2": [ "first command", "second command" ], "first": [ "first command", "second command" ], "3": [ "first command", "second command" ], "6": [ "first command", "second command" ] } } }, "Reward Descriptions": { "random": "Random Reward Description", "@": "Every Reward Description", "@2": "Every 2nd Reward Description", "first": "First Reward Description", "3": "Reward Description for the 3rd vote", "6": "Reward Description for the 6th vote" }, "Server Vote Site ID/Keys": { "FirstServerName": { "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY" } }, "DO NOT CHANGE! ---- API INFORMATION --- DO NOT CHANGE!": { "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": false }, "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": false }, "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&server={2}&steamid={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&server={2}&steamid={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": false }, "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": false }, "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&playername={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&playername={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": true }, "": { "API Claim Reward (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "API Vote status (GET URL)": "{0}&steamid={1}", "Vote link (URL)": "{0}", "Site Uses Username Instead of Player Steam ID?": false } }, "Version": { "Major": 4, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 13 } } Server ID's and Keys Each voting website has a different way of getting your ID's and Keys. Some ID's are not used, but rather the slug in the URL is used instead. For,, and you can find the id from the last part of the voting site's URL for your server. id is right here <- in this case, is 123, id is right here <- in this case, is 123, id is right here <- in this case, is 123 ID is right here <- In this case, the ID is 91 For, and, you can find the ID of your server in your URL as well, though it will not be a simple integer. It will have letters, numbers, and possibly dashes. You can view the screenshots attached in the download for more information. The highlighted portion of the URL will be your ID. Key is secret key what you should not share any one. Key is hidden in the voting site dashboard. Login your account and navigate to modify your server, somewhere there should be your apikey, key, secret token, etc. Note that you can add all your servers in this config and let player vote all your server. It also let players claim reward in any server. You must reload the plugin after making changes to the config. If you found out that you do not get any reward after voting server or /vote chat command not showing any server what you just added. Then open logs (logs/EasyVotePro) and there you can see what cause the error. You can also enable debug mode and you can then reach out in the Support tab with your issue. If everything works just fine then start modifying rewards settings. You can add multiple servers in the server id and keys section. Heres an example: "Server Vote Site ID/Keys": { "FirstServerName": { "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY" }, "SecondServerName": { "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY" }, "ThirdServerName": { "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY", "": "ID:KEY" } } Simple Status Settings In order to use the SimpleStatus, you must download the plugin here: Just put that plugin into your Plugins folder, and enable the "Simple Status Enabled?" to "true". The colors are in Normalized RGBA values. You can use any icon that you want, however if you want the icon color to work correctly use an image/icon that is 100% white. UINotify/Notify Settings In order to use the UINotify settings, you must download the plugin here: or Do not forget to set the uinotify.see permission on your default user group! Toastify Settings In order to use the Toastify settings, you must download the plugin here: Do not forget to set the toastify.use permission on your default user group! Discord Embeds In order to use the Discord Embeds for when a player votes, you must download the DiscordMessages plugin from here: A thing to note about the Discord Embeds... You must use a integer value for the embed color. To do the conversion, you can use an external tool like this one here: Rewards System - Normal vs. Random The rewards system has been completely rewritten in the newest version of EasyVotePro. This rewards system has two options, random rewards and normal rewards. Normal rewards are just that. They execute based on the number of votes the player has. Random rewards choose from the list, and gives the number of rewards you set for each vote that the player gives. You must choose one system or the other. You can not use both at the same time. The normal rewards have a structure to them. The @ symbol means "every", so the @ entry is every vote. @2 means every second vote. @3 means every third vote. Etc. etc. The numerical value is calculated using the following formula, and the player is only given those rewards if the remainder of the calculation is 0. CurrentPlayerVoteCount % NumberAfter@Symbol == 0 The "first" entry can now be deleted out of the config if you don't want to give a reward to first time voters. First basically means that when a player first votes. Pretty self-explanatory. If you reset the players votes, either manually, or on a new map save, the player for their first vote of "the wipe" will get that reward. The numerical values by themselves represent the exact vote count. So if you see in the default config 3 and 6, on the 3rd vote they're going to get those reward(s) or on the 6th vote they're going to get those reward(s). All rewards are run as raw commands. So for instance, if you have the give plugin installed, you can use the giveto console command right in the reward list. Use the below replacement variables when creating your rewards. {username} -- player's display name {steamID} -- player's Steam ID Testing Your Rewards You can test out if your rewards are correct by enabling verbose debug mode. You have to enable both verbose and normal debug mode for this to work. Each voting site has three values that it returns to tell the plugin whether or not a player has voted. Here's a breakdown of those values and what they mean. 0 - Player has not voted at all 1 (When checking a vote) - Player has voted 1 (When claiming a vote) - Player has voted, and will now set the vote as claimed 2 - Player has voted and it has already been claimed You can use these values to test your rewards by setting both values to 1 in the config. Do not forget to turn verbose debug mode off in a live production environment or else the player will get the reward no matter if they voted or not! Reward Descriptions Reward descriptions can be set to whatever you want. They're run in order from top to bottom. If you have random rewards enabled, it will only output the value for the random entry in the config. API Information Section Do NOT change anything in that section. Don't add anything either. You will break the plugin. Only the sites that I have added are able to be used.$12.99- 48 comments
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(and 2 more)
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Version 1.0.0
Introducing Parkour Pro, the ultimate tool to elevate your server experience! What's better than a heart-pounding challenge? Bragging rights, of course. Engage your players with a thrilling parkour adventure that not only tests their skills but also lets them flaunt their victories. With Parkour Pro, setting up a captivating parkour area on your server is a breeze. Define the starting point, the exhilarating path, and the sweet taste of victory at the end—all at your fingertips. This plugin empowers you to craft unique parkour courses tailored to your server's theme and vibe. Why should you consider adding a parkour element to your server? Because it's the perfect recipe for increased player engagement and server popularity. As players tackle these dynamic courses, your server's metrics will soar, creating an environment that's not only fun but also competitive. To kickstart your parkour revolution, Parkour Pro comes complete with a demo prefab. Brace yourself—this challenging yet conquerable course is ready to captivate your players. Take the first step in transforming your server into a realm of excitement, skill, and, most importantly, epic bragging rights. With Parkour Pro; the thrill is in your hands! Video Walkthrough Permissions parkourpro.admin parkourpro.use - Required to run any parkour courses Console Commands pk_close_ui - Close the UI pk_leaderboard - Show the leaderboard UI pk_courses - List all the courses pk_clear_course_data - Clear the course data for the given course (Admin Only) pk_clear_all_course_data - Clear all course data. (Admin Only) Chat Commands /pk_close_ui - Close the UI /pk_leaderboard - Show the leaderboard UI /pk_courses - List all the courses /pk_end - End your current Parkour Run /pk_clear_course_data - Clear the course data for the given course (Admin Only) /pk_clear_all_course_data - Clear all course data. (Admin Only) For any issues please Reach out to me on Discord:$10.00 -
Version 1.0.4
The plugin is no longer sold or supported This plugin adds a war for map's monuments. About Any clan can start capturing monuments, if the marker on the map is green, after the start of the capture, points are awarded for each player in the zone every 1 second, any clan can join the capture, even if it did not start, for this you just need to enter any clan member into the capture zone. After the end of the capture of the monument, the clan that scored the most points captures it and items from the config are added to the inventory (which is in the / tw menu) every N seconds. Settings You can choose the type of work Team (game teams), when this parameter is selected, if the team completely disintegrates, then it will lose the inventory of awards, so the advice is to wipe the inventory after the wipe for this parameter Solo works well for Solo servers Clans support for clans, suitable for the server where the clan system is installed Setting up rewards for each monument Support for custom rewards Setting the frequency of issuing rewards Duration of capture and cooldown until the next capture 3D text in the game itself with all the information when entering the capture area Dynamic markers on the map allow you to visually assess the state of the monument Detailed setting of markers on the map Interface customization Plugin localization for EN and RU languages Commands / tw - allows you to open a menu to take items from the inventory and start capturing the monument Video Config { "General settings": { "Plugin type of work: Team - game teams, Solo - for solo server, Clans - clan support ClanReborn(Chaos), ClansUI(RP), Clans(Umod), Clans(CF)": "Clans", "Frequency of distribution of awards in seconds": 1800, "Items from the inventory can only be taken by the head of the clan": false, "Only the leader of a clan or group can start a capture": false, "Whether to delete inventory of items after wipe": true, "Waiting until the next capture in seconds": 14400, "How many seconds does the capture take": 1800, "Whether to add visible spheres to indicate the capture boundaries": true, "Minimum players on the server to start capturing (0 - off)": 0 }, "Marker settings": { "Marker radius": 0.5, "Marker transparency": 0.4, "Marker color when monument can be captured": "#10c916", "Marker color when monument is captured": "#ed0707", "Marker color when monument cannot be captured": "#ffb700", "Added marker to the map with the name of who last captured monument": true }, "Monuments settings": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/trainyard_1.prefab": { "Monument name": "Train Yard", "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 85, "Rewards": [ { "Item shortname": "stones", "Item amount": 10000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "sulfur", "Item amount": 5000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": null }, { "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "techparts", "Item amount": 10, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "lmg.m249", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "weapon.mod.8x.scope", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "glue", "Item amount": 10, "Item skinID": 2409891781, "Item name (if custom)": "$", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" } ] }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/airfield_1.prefab": { "Monument name": "Airfield", "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 55, "Rewards": [ { "Item shortname": "stones", "Item amount": 10000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "sulfur", "Item amount": 5000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "glue", "Item amount": 10, "Item skinID": 2409891781, "Item name (if custom)": "$", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" } ] }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/xlarge/launch_site_1.prefab": { "Monument name": "Launch Site", "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 100, "Rewards": [ { "Item shortname": "stones", "Item amount": 10000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "sulfur", "Item amount": 5000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "glue", "Item amount": 10, "Item skinID": 2409891781, "Item name (if custom)": "$", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" } ] }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/xlarge/military_tunnel_1.prefab": { "Monument name": "Military Tunnel", "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 50, "Rewards": [ { "Item shortname": "stones", "Item amount": 10000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "sulfur", "Item amount": 5000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "glue", "Item amount": 10, "Item skinID": 2409891781, "Item name (if custom)": "$", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" } ] }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/powerplant_1.prefab": { "Monument name": "Power Plant", "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 85, "Rewards": [ { "Item shortname": "stones", "Item amount": 10000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "sulfur", "Item amount": 5000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "glue", "Item amount": 10, "Item skinID": 2409891781, "Item name (if custom)": "$", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" } ] }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/large/water_treatment_plant_1.prefab": { "Monument name": "Water Treatment Plant", "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 85, "Rewards": [ { "Item shortname": "stones", "Item amount": 10000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "sulfur", "Item amount": 5000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "glue", "Item amount": 10, "Item skinID": 2409891781, "Item name (if custom)": "$", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" } ] }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/sphere_tank.prefab": { "Monument name": "Sphere Tank", "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 40, "Rewards": [ { "Item shortname": "stones", "Item amount": 10000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "sulfur", "Item amount": 5000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "glue", "Item amount": 10, "Item skinID": 2409891781, "Item name (if custom)": "$", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" } ] }, "assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/monument/small/satellite_dish.prefab": { "Monument name": "Satellite Dish", "What distance from the center of the monument to gain capture points": 40, "Rewards": [ { "Item shortname": "stones", "Item amount": 10000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "sulfur", "Item amount": 5000, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "rifle.ak", "Item amount": 1, "Item skinID": 0, "Item name (if custom)": "", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" }, { "Item shortname": "glue", "Item amount": 10, "Item skinID": 2409891781, "Item name (if custom)": "$", "Link to picture (if custom)": "", "Command to execute %STEAMID% (to upload a picture, think of any number skinID and shortname)": "" } ] } }, "UI settings": { "Background color": "0 0 0 0.3", "Outline color": "0.75 0.60 0.20 1.00", "'Start Capture' button color": "0.00 0.17 0.33 1", "'Inventory' button color": "0.00 0.17 0.33 1" }, "Config version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 3 } }$9,999.00 -
Version 1.0.3
Inventory Shop is a plugin that introduces a fast user friendly shop, just a simple drag and drop to sell/purchase items. This plugin comes very configurable, with dynamic category's and shop item list with the ability to add custom items with permission and command run on purchase. All feedback will be accounted for and applied in future updates, what are you waiting for make your players love the unique fast to use shop today! Plugin Permissions: inventoryshop.useshop - Allows user to access the /shop command Plugin Config: { "Economic Settings": { "Use Economics": false, "Use Server Rewards": false, "Use Item Economy": true, "Item Name (For display)": "Scrap", "Item ID": -932201673, "Item Skin": 0 }, "Prevention Settings": { "Prevent shop when building blocked": true }, "NoEscape Settings": { "Use No Escape": true, "Block when Combat Blocked": true, "Block when Raid Blocked": true }, "Chat Settings": { "Message Prefix": "<color=#FFD700>[Inventory Shop]</color>", "Message Icon (Steam ID)": 76561198194158447, "Shop CMD Abbrivations": [ "s", "rewards" ] }, "Sound Effects": { "Purchase Sound Effect": "assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/effects/vending-machine-purchase-human.prefab", "Sell Sound Effect": "assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/effects/vending-machine-purchase-human.prefab", "Save Inventory Effect": "assets/prefabs/deployable/locker/sound/equip_zipper.prefab", "Not Enough Money Effect": "assets/prefabs/locks/keypad/effects/lock.code.denied.prefab", "Button Press Effect": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/notice/" }, "Permission Settings": { "Require permission for Shop": true, "Shop permission": "inventoryshop.useshop" }, "Additional Settings": { "Allow shop open using shift + middle mouse": true, "Log players buy/sell transactions to console": true }, "Shop Categories": { "Weapons": [ { "Item ID": 1545779598, "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "", "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 5000, "Item Sell Price (for 1)": 3000, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount In Store": 1, "Item Permission": "", "Item Command": "", "Condition Of Item": 150.0, "Weapon Attributes": { "Ammo Item ID": -1211166256, "Amount in Magazine": 30 } }, { "Item ID": -1812555177, "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "", "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 3000, "Item Sell Price (for 1)": 1500, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount In Store": 1, "Item Permission": "", "Item Command": "", "Condition Of Item": 150.0, "Weapon Attributes": { "Ammo Item ID": -1211166256, "Amount in Magazine": 30 } }, { "Item ID": 28201841, "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "", "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 3250, "Item Sell Price (for 1)": 2000, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount In Store": 1, "Item Permission": "", "Item Command": "", "Condition Of Item": 150.0, "Weapon Attributes": { "Ammo Item ID": -1211166256, "Amount in Magazine": 30 } } ], "Attire": [ { "Item ID": 1266491000, "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "", "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 550, "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount In Store": 1, "Item Permission": "", "Item Command": "", "Condition Of Item": 200.0, "Weapon Attributes": { "Ammo Item ID": -1, "Amount in Magazine": -1 } }, { "Item ID": -470439097, "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "", "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 600, "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount In Store": 1, "Item Permission": "", "Item Command": "", "Condition Of Item": 200.0, "Weapon Attributes": { "Ammo Item ID": -1, "Amount in Magazine": -1 } }, { "Item ID": 491263800, "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "", "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 600, "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount In Store": 1, "Item Permission": "", "Item Command": "", "Condition Of Item": 200.0, "Weapon Attributes": { "Ammo Item ID": -1, "Amount in Magazine": -1 } } ], "Resources": [ { "Item ID": -151838493, "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "", "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 10, "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount In Store": 1000, "Item Permission": "", "Item Command": "", "Condition Of Item": 0.0, "Weapon Attributes": { "Ammo Item ID": -1, "Amount in Magazine": -1 } }, { "Item ID": -2099697608, "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "", "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 50, "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount In Store": 10000, "Item Permission": "", "Item Command": "", "Condition Of Item": 0.0, "Weapon Attributes": { "Ammo Item ID": -1, "Amount in Magazine": -1 } }, { "Item ID": -1581843485, "Item Display Name (Leave blank for default)": "", "Item Buy Price (for 1)": 100, "Item Sell Price (for 1)": -1, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount In Store": 1000, "Item Permission": "", "Item Command": "", "Condition Of Item": 0.0, "Weapon Attributes": { "Ammo Item ID": -1, "Amount in Magazine": -1 } } ] } } Plugin Language File: { "CannotDragOnItem": "You can not drag onto a slot with a item already in it.", "PurchaseSuccessful": "You have successfully purchased {0}x {1} for {2}.", "ErrorStacking": "You would be exceeding the max stack size of that item, please drag into another slot.", "ErrorPurchase": "There was an error purchasing this item, please try again.", "CannotAfford": "You can not afford this item with the selected amount.", "ItemCantBeSold": "This item is not able to be sold.", "SoldItem": "You have sold {0}x {1} for {2}.", "ErrorSelling": "There was an error selling this item, please try again.", "BuildingBlocked": "You cannot use this action when building blocked.", "CombatBlocked": "You cannot use this action when combat blocked.", "RaidBlocked": "You cannot use this action when raid blocked.", "InformationText": "<color=green>Purchase</color> items:\nSelect the BUY action in the action menu, and drag items from the crate into either your belt, main, or attire container. A conformation will pop up, with the price and amount you are purchasing.\n\n<color=red>Sell</color> items:\nSelect the SELL action in the action menu, and drag items from your inventory into the container on the right.", "NotEnoughAuto": "You did not have enough balance to auto purchase your kit.", "NoPermission": "You do not have permission to use this command.", "BuyTransactionLog": "{0} [{1}] has bought {3}x {2} for {4}.", "SellTransactionLog": "{0} [{1}] has sold {3}x {2} for {4}.", "ConformationText": "Conformation", "BuyConformationText": "Are you sure you want to buy {0}x {1} for {2}?", "SellConformationText": "Are you sure you want to sell {0}x {1} for {2}?", "ConfirmButton": "Confirm", "CancelButton": "Cancel", "NoConfBuyButton": "Purchase and dont show again", "NoConfSellButton": "Sell and dont show again" } Credits: Shoutout to RIPJAWBONES for giving me the idea and UI layout.$14.99- 3 comments
- 1
- #shop
- #inventory shop
(and 5 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.4.1
This plugin gives the possibility to trigger a timed events or an event between two server restart. The event will choose randomly a weapon category. During the event, after the minimum category distance was achieved, the player will be on the leader board. The less attachment the weapon has, the players can earn extra percent points, what is count in the end, when the rewards are given. For example, if the first place worth 50 and the reward type is a Small Halloween Bag, and the player had no attachment on the weapon what he used, then he got a 100% extra point, what will double the price and he will get 100 Small Halloween Bag. Each additional attachment deduct ~33%. So for example, if the player has a Flashlight, a Scope and a Silencer, he will get 0% extra point in the end. (With the attachment-less weapon, automatically 100% bonus given) If the Players not gain points, they will be not listed on the Scoreboard. Rewards can be claimed after the event(s) are over. First event will start after 5 min as soon as the plugin loaded in. The plugin have several protection against wrong configuration. If no weapon category is enabled, no event will started and message will be written to the server console. If no reward or invalid reward number set in the configuration, list of rewards will be cleared, 0 and 1 will be added as default (see the meaning below). If ServerRewards plugin not installed, this type of reward will be not selected. Configuration Default configuration: { "minimum_hour_before_reset": 12, "event_duration_in_hour": 6, "event_reward_type": "0, 1, 2", "event_top1_reward": 50, "event_top2_reward": 40, "event_top3_reward": 30, "rp_reward_multiplier": 10, "economics_reward_multiplier" : 10.0, "additional_winners_reward": 15, "max_winners": 10, "event_based_challenge": false, "reminder_enabled": true, "reminder_time_in_minute": 30, "disable_pvp" = false, "event_based_delay" = 0, "first_event_delay_in_min" = 5, "enable_extra_point_feature" = true, "SC_UIPanel_Color": "0.39 0.39 0.39 0.8", "SC_Player_Color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "SC_Description_Color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "SC_Description_Color_Img": "0.39 0.39 0.39 0.9", "SC_Distance_Color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "SC_Weapon_Color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "SC_Extra_point_Color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "SC_Title_Color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "SC_CloseButton_Color": "0.5 0.5 0.5 1", "SC_Close_Color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "rifle_weapon_cat": [ "lr300.entity", "l96.entity", "m39.entity", "semi_auto_rifle.entity", "ak47u.entity", "bolt_rifle.entity" ], "rifle_weapon_cat_enabled": true, "rifle_weapon_cat_min_dist": 100.0, "smg_weapon_cat": [ "smg.entity", "thompson.entity", "mp5.entity", "m249.entity" ], "smg_weapon_cat_enabled": true, "smg_weapon_cat_min_dist": 100.0, "shotgun_weapon_cat": [ "double_shotgun.entity", "shotgun_waterpipe.entity", "shotgun_pump.entity", "spas12.entity" ], "shotgun_weapon_cat_enabled": true, "shotgun_weapon_cat_min_dist": 100.0, "pistol_weapon_cat": [ "pistol_eoka.entity", "m92.entity", "python.entity", "pistol_revolver.entity", "nailgun.entity", "pistol_semiauto.entity" ], "pistol_weapon_cat_enabled": true, "pistol_weapon_cat_min_dist": 100.0, "bow_weapon_cat": [ "bow_hunting.entity", "compound_bow.entity", "crossbow.entity" ], "bow_weapon_cat_enabled": true, "bow_weapon_cat_min_dist": 50.0, } Definition of configurations: event_based_challenge - If it is set to false, then a server start to server restart long event will be active, and "minimum_hour_before_reset" hour need to be between the two to give reward to the players (it is for avoid too many reward in case of often server restarts) minimum_hour_before_reset - If "event_based_challenge" is set to false, then a server start to server restart long event will be active, and "minimum_hour_before_reset" hour need to be between the two to give reward to the players (it is for avoid too many reward in case of often server restarts) event_duration_in_hour - If event_based_challenge set to true, then the given hour long events will be started, and as soon as the event is over, the next X hour long will started event_reward_type - 0 - (Bronze Easter Egg - item ID: 844440409) 1 - ( Small Halloween Bag item ID: 1319617282) 2 - RP from [ServerRewards plugin if installed, if not, it can not be choosen even if in the list]( 3 - Economics point from Economics plugin [if installed, if not, it can not be choosen even if in the list]( max_winners - maximum number of rewarded player, after the first 3 place, the additional_winners_reward amount will be given event_top1_reward - Amount of choosen item/RP(base for a the rp_reward_multiplier below) for the first place event_top2_reward - Amount of choosen item/RP(base for a the rp_reward_multiplier below) for the second place event_top3_reward - Amount of choosen item/RP(base for a the rp_reward_multiplier below) for the third place additional_winners_reward - - Amount of choosen item/RP(base for a the rp_reward_multiplier below) for the rest of the place until maximum winner is reached rp_reward_multiplier - ServerRewards multiplier for the RP reward, if the event is generated to give RP as a reward economics_reward_multiplier - Economics multiplier for the Economics reward, if the event is generated to give Economics point as a reward reminder_enabled - enable/disable the repeated reminder to the players with unclaimed reward reminder_time_in_minute - reminder time in minute format enable_extra_point_feature - Disable the extra point feature event_based_delay - If the event based configuration is set, it can be now configured, what time shall be between two event (By default as soon as the event is over a new immediately start) first_event_delay_in_min - customize when the first event after server start to start instead of the originally introduced 5 min disable_pvp - disable player kills (to avoid bypass and exploit long kills with other friendly players, also added Friends, Clan and team support to discard the friendly fire even if the pvp enabled) ****_weapon_cat - different weapon categories, the listed weapons will be considered as an allowed weapons for the selected challenge ****_weapon_cat_enabled - if it is set to true, the category can selected as challenge ****_weapon_cat_min_dist - minimum distance for the kill with the selected category weapons to earn place Colors: the first 3 number is the corresponding RGB color number, but between 0-1 with float numbers. So if you want to write an RGB, where the RED is 210, then the first number in the config will be 210/255=0.82. The last number is the opacity 0 is invisible, 1 the maximum Commands /sc - Show information about Sniper Challenges /sc info - Show information about Sniper Challenges /cch show - Show currently Active Challenge Scoreboard /cch claim - Claim rewards after event(s) Localization English language file generated by default, texts supported by the language files. Logging Reported winner and claimed rewards stored in the oxide/logs folder.$15.00- 20 comments
- 1 review
- 1
- #sniper
- #challenge
(and 8 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.5.1
This plugin gives the possibility to trigger a timed event, with a random long time (choose randomly between min and max configured time). The event will choose randomly a type, KILL or Gather (prior the config), after it choose a random objective from the corresponding list. During the event, after the objective is triggered (for example: Sulfur ore mined completely, Barrel destroyed, Bear killed, Tree chopped down.. etc), the player will get point /objective. Top 3 player (or player group if there is even in the points) will get reward, if they reach the minimum configured point. If the Players not gain points, they will be not listed on the Scoreboard. Rewards can be claimed after the event(s) over. First event will start after 5 min as soon as the plugin loaded in. The plugin have several protection against wrong configuration. Only 1 event can be active at time. If the TIME related configurations allow overlay, the maximum event time will be set as (event_repeat_time_in_hour*60)-5 Minute, to not affect the next event start. If no event type enabled, no event will started and message will be written to the server console. If no reward or invalid reward number set in the configuration, list of rewards will be cleared, 0 and 1 will be added as default (see the meaning below). If ServerRewards/Economics plugin not installed, this type of reward will be not selected. Configuration Default configuration: { "_Plugin_Cfg_Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 2, "Patch": 0 }, "CCH_Challenge_color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "CCH_Desc_color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "CCH_ScoresPanel_color": "0.39 0.39 0.39 0.75", "CCH_Time_color": "0.76 0.90 0.29 1", "CCH_Top1_color": "1 1 1 1", "CCH_Top2_color": "1 1 1 1", "CCH_Top3_color": "1 1 1 1", "CCH_Top3_yourpoint_color": "1 1 1 1", "CCH_UIPanel_color": "0.39 0.39 0.39 0.5", "event_gather_type": "{\"tree\":15,\"metal\":15,\"sulfur\":15,\"stone\":15,\"barrel\":15,\"berry\":15,\"corn\":15,\"hemp\":15,\"mushroom\":15,\"pumpkin\":15,\"potato\":15,\"crate\":15,\"foodbox\":15,\"minecart\":15}", "event_gather_type_enabled": true, "event_kill_type": "{\"bear\":15,\"wolf\":15,\"boar\":15,\"murderer\":15,\"scientist\":15,\"scarecrow\":15}", "event_kill_type_enabled": true, "event_long_max_in_minute": 1, "event_long_min_in_minute": 1, "event_minimum_player": 1, "event_points_by_entity": 5, "event_repeat_time_in_hour": 2, "event_reward_type": "0, 1, 2, 3", "event_top1_reward": 18, "event_top2_reward": 12, "event_top3_reward": 6, "grownable_collect_enabled": false, "rp_reward_multiplier": 10.0, "economics_reward_multiplier": 10.0, "reminder_enabled": true, "reminder_time_in_minute" : 30 } Definition of configurations: event_gather_type - List of collect/gatherable items, next to them after the ":" the minimum points to earn reward. (For example not much foodbox or minecart spawned) event_gather_type_enable - Gather type of events can be disabled/enable event_kill_type - List of killable enemys, next to them after the ":" the minimum points to earn reward. (For example not much animal spawned) event_kill_type_enabled - Gather type of events can be disabled/enable event_long_max_in_minute - Minimum Time for a generated event (Time choosen randomly between min and max) event_long_min_in_minute - Maximum Time for a generated event (Time choosen randomly between min and max) event_minimum_player - Minimum Player number. Below this the event will not started event_points_by_entity - Point gained by gather/kill one of the objective event_repeat_time_in_hour - Events repeated in every given hour event_reward_type - 0 - (Bronze Easter Egg - item ID: 844440409) 1 - ( Small Halloween Bag item ID: 1319617282) 2 - RP from [ServerRewards plugin if installed, if not, it can not be choosen even if in the list]( event_top1_reward - Amount of choosen item/RP(base for a the rp_reward_multiplier below) for the first place event_top2_reward - Amount of choosen item/RP(base for a the rp_reward_multiplier below) for the second place event_top3_reward - Amount of choosen item/RP(base for a the rp_reward_multiplier below) for the third place grownable_collect_enabled - To avoid player advantage, with big crop farms, the growned crops can be disabled/enabled to count as a gathered objective rp_reward_multiplier - ServerRewards multiplier for the RP reward, if the event is generated to give RP as a reward. economics_reward_multiplier - Economics multiplier for the Economics reward, if the event is generated to give Economics as a reward. reminder_enabled - enable/disable the repeated reminder to the players with unclaimed reward reminder_time_in_minute - reminder time in minute format Colors: the first 3 number is the corresponding RGB color number, but between 0-1 with float numbers. So if you want to write an RGB, where the RED is 210, then the first number in the config will be 210/255=0.82. The last number is the opacity 0 is invisible, 1 the maximum. _Plugin_Cfg_Version - only present for compatibility check Commands /cch info - Show information about Custom Challenges /cch show - Show currently Active Challenge Scoreboard /cch hide - Hide Challenge Scoreboard /cch claim - Claim rewards after event(s) Localization English language file generated by default, texts supported by the language files. Logging Reported winner and claimed rewards stored in the oxide/logs folder.$15.00- 16 comments
- 3 reviews
- #challenge
- #rewards
(and 13 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.0.1
Modifies rewards from the missions This plugin allows you to modify the rewards given when completing a mission, you can add as many items as you want for each mission Configuration: { "Mission shortname and rewards": { "lumberjack_kill": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "lumberjack_vodka": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "lumberjack_harvestwood": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "fisherman_tackle": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "fisherman_fishing": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "fisherman_oilhunt": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "sharkhunt": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "cratefree": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "deerhunt_basic": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "boarhunt_basic": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "boarhunt_1": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "basictreasuremission": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 }, "harvestmission": { "Item configurations": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 25 }, { "Shortname": "syringe.medical", "Amount": 3 } ], "Economics points (0 to disable)": 0.0, "Server rewards points (0 to disable)": 0.0 } } } Missions and their shortname: HarvestVood (harvestmission) Vagabond Treasure (basictreasuremission) Boar Hunt (boarhunt_basic) Deer Hunt (deerhunt_basic) Boar Hunt (boarhunt_1) Lost Bottles (lumberjack_vodka) Collect Vood (lumberjack_harvestwood) Wildlife Cull (lumberjack_kill) Tackle the day (fisherman_tackle) Go Fish (fisherman_fishing) Oiled up (fisherman_oilhunt) Shark Hunt (sharkhunt) Underwater Bounty (cratefree)$10.00 -
Version 1.0.6
We are excited to present our revamped plugins for Rust. Previously bundled as VoteReward, we've now separated the functionalities into two distinct plugins: VoteSystem and CustomRewards. This division offers users enhanced flexibility and customization options. Upon purchasing our product, you will receive both plugins, along with the original VoteReward, giving you the freedom to update at your own pace. VoteReward is a plugin for Rust, specifically designed to encourage players to vote for their server on various ranking sites. By offering in-game rewards for each vote, VoteReward turns voting into an interactive and rewarding experience, reminiscent of the battle pass systems found in many games. Documentation: More informations on VoteSystem and CustomRewards Documentations Command: To access the VoteReward user interface, players need to use the command /votes Compatibility with ranking sites: VoteReward currently supports the following ranking sites: If you wish to add more ranking sites, feel free to contact us. Features: VoteReward stores players' votes and allows them to claim their rewards at their own pace, even several days after voting. The user interface is fully customizable: colors, positions, sizes, and texts can all be modified via the Configuration and Lang files. You can set the number of points awarded per vote for each ranking site. Rewards can be in-game items or commands from other plugins, offering a wide variety of rewards. Each reward can be associated with a custom image. You can set the rarity of rewards, which changes the background color of the user interface. Configuration To configure the Vote System, navigate to Oxide/Config/VoteSystem.json. Below are the fields you can adjust: Vote Servers Settings: This represents the list of ranking sites. Please refrain from altering the key names. Enabled: Set this to true if you want votes from this site to be counted. API url: Do not modify this unless the URL changes. API token: Enter your unique token, which can be obtained from the respective ranking site. Points by vote: This determines the number of points awarded per vote (acts as a multiplier). Check Interval: Specifies the number of seconds between each API check. Ensure you save any changes made to the configuration file and reload the pluging for them to take effect. Reward Configuration: Customizing rewards is made easy with the configuration file. UI Settings: Max Reward By Page: Maximum number of rewards displayed per page. Window Rect: Position and size of the window. Top Rect: Position and size of the title bar. Close Rect: Position and size of the close button. Description Rect: Position and size of the description root. Rewards Rect: Position and size of the rewards root. Line Rect: Position and size of the progress line. Reward Margin: Margin between each reward. Show Description: Option to display or hide the description. Description font size: Font size of the description. Title font size: Font size of the title. Background Url: URL of the background image for a reward. New Icon Url: URL of the icon when the reward is new. Check Icon Url: URL of the icon when a reward has been claimed. Lock Icon Url: URL of the icon when a reward is locked. Prev Icon url: URL of the previous arrow. Next Icon url: URL of the next arrow. Theme: Color palette with available colors such as Surface, SurfaceDisabled, Background, TextPrimary, TextOnSecondary, Primary, Secondary, and Danger. Rewards Settings Rarity: Reward rarity (Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary). Quantity: Displayed quantity; for an item, the player will receive this quantity. Item Name: Item to be received (optional). Server Commands: List of commands to execute when the player claims the reward. Grant Permissions: List of permissions to grant (or remove) to the player when they claim the reward. Grant Groups: List of groups to grant (or remove) to the player when they claim the reward. Need Permissions: List of permissions required to unlock the reward. Need Groups: List of groups required to unlock the reward. If you're using a command rather than an item as a reward, leave the "Item Shortname (optional)" field blank. Optimization: VoteReward has been designed to have a minimal impact on server resources. Beta Phase: VoteReward is currently in the final beta phase. Although problems are rare, we advise you to exercise caution when configuring the plugin. Support: I am available to answer any questions or address any issues you may encounter when using VoteReward. Do not hesitate to contact me. With VoteReward, stimulate your players' engagement and enrich their gaming experience! More informations on VoteSystem and CustomRewards Documentations VoteReward.json$10.99- 26 comments
- 3 reviews
- 2
Version 1.0.0
Custom Store Items allows you to give any custom item you want to your players via a command Command: customstoreitems.give playerName/playerId Usable/Deployable skinId amount name Example: customstoreitems.give supreme Deployable 1856165291 1 "Scrap Helicopter" customstoreitems.give supreme Usable 2307929123 1 "VIP 30 Days" The command can be used in Server Rewards/Tebex or via console in order to give the custom item to any player! You can create a custom item that can be either placed or used/consumed, both can trigger a special command After creating the item with a specified skin id you will have to add it to the configuration Configuration: { "Deploy effect when deploying the custom item": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/loot_bag_upgrade.prefab", "Unwrap effect when unwrapping the custom item": "assets/prefabs/misc/halloween/lootbag/effects/gold_open.prefab", "Custom Items (Skin Id and their settings)": { "1": { "Custom Item Reward Type (Default/Spawn)": "Default", "Command to run after using the custom item (Leave empty if not needed)": "sr add {playerId} 100", "Item to spawn (Prefab) (Only works if the Item Reward Type is set to Spawn)": "" }, "1594245394": { "Custom Item Reward Type (Default/Spawn)": "Spawn", "Command to run after using the custom item (Leave empty if not needed)": "", "Item to spawn (Prefab) (Only works if the Item Reward Type is set to Spawn)": "assets/bundled/prefabs/static/recycler_static.prefab" }, "1856165291": { "Custom Item Reward Type (Default/Spawn)": "Spawn", "Command to run after using the custom item (Leave empty if not needed)": "", "Item to spawn (Prefab) (Only works if the Item Reward Type is set to Spawn)": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab" } } } Language: { "Unwrap": "You have unwrapped <color=#acfa58>{0}</color>!", "Deploy": "You have successfully deployed <color=#acfa58>{0}</color>!", "ReceivedItem": "You have received <color=#acfa58>{0}</color>!" }$10.00 -
Version 1.1.1
BoxBattle is an exciting and dynamic Event that brings a new level of interaction and competition to your server. This plugin transforms the simple act of looting into a thrilling competition, where players earn points by looting crates/boxes scattered across the map. Commands Console and /Chat = StartBoxBattle, permission: boxbattle.start Default config { "Only Command Start Event": false, "Minimum Players To Start Event": 1, "Show Leaderboard": true, "Leaderboard Location (top right, top center, top left | left center, right center | bottom left)": "top right", "How long will Event last (seconds)": 180.0, "How often will the event be launched(Seconds)": 1200.0, "Show Event GameTip Notifications": true, "Shown GameTip Duration (seconds)": 7.0, "Show Event Chat Notifications": true, "Notification of Event Start(Chat and GameTip)": "<color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event has started! Open <color=#f7b731>Crates</color> to gain points!", "Notification When nobody participates in the event": "No one participated in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color>", "Notification Sound of Event Start": true, "Winner Multiple Announcements Delay(seconds)": 3.0, "Box Types and Points Amount": { "crate_elite": 1, "crate_basic": 1, "crate_tools": 1, "bradley_crate": 1, "heli_crate": 1, "codelockedhackablecrate": 1, "codelockedhackablecrate_oilrig": 1, "crate_normal": 1, "crate_normal_2": 1, "crate_normal_2_food": 1, "crate_normal_2_medical": 1, "crate_food_1": 1, "crate_food 2": 1, "crate_fuel": 1, "crate_medical": 1, "supply_drop": 1, "vehicle_parts": 1, "crate_mine": 1 }, "Winner Rewards, make sure to change each value to your liking(1-6)": { "1": { "Reward Enabled": true, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "2": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "3": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "4": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "5": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "6": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "scrap", "Reward Item Amount": 420, "Reward Item Custom Name": "", "Reward Item Skin ID": 0, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=yellow>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#f7b731>Box</color><color=#e25822>Battle</color> event and received a prize of <color=#f7b731>{reward_display_name}</color>!" } } }$6.97 -
Version 1.1.1
RaidRush Event: Destroy structures, earn points, and compete for rewards. Highly Customizable settings and leaderboard UI Features - > DEMO Video < Event Control: Choose between manual event start or automatic event start at specified intervals. Set the duration of each event. Define the minimum number of players required to start an event. User Interface (UI) Customization: Display a leaderboard UI showing the top participants. Customize the position, size, and style of the UI. Specify the number of participants to show on the leaderboard. Highlight top performers on the leaderboard. Customize the UI message and colors. Notifications: Show GameTip notifications during the event. Customize the style, duration, and content of GameTip notifications. Send chat notifications about event start and participation. Winner Rewards: Define rewards for the top winners, including items, commands, or plugin-specific rewards. Customize the rewards for each place (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.). Personalize the notification message for each winner. Entity and Base Points: Assign points for destroying specific entities (doors, walls, turrets, etc.). Set different point values based on the entity type. Award points for destroying bases based on their material. Event Behavior: Customize the autostart interval, allowing events to start automatically within a specified range. Configure the notification sound played at the start of the event. Define the delay between multiple winner announcements. Command/Permission - raidrush.start - Permission startraidrush - Chat and Console command Default config - { "Only Command Start Event": false, "How long will Event last (seconds)": 1800.0, "Autostart Min Interval (seconds)": 3000.0, "Autostart Max Interval (seconds)": 5400.0, "Minimum Players To Start Event": 1, "Show Leaderboard UI": true, "UI Location X": 0.662, "UI Location Y": 0.0225, "UI Width": 0.155, "UI Height": 0.22, "Number of Participants shown on Leaderboard": 5, "Leaderboard Style | false = single column, true = double column": false, "Brighten/Highlight Top 1-4 players on Leaderboard": true, "UI Message": "<i>RAID BASES TO GAIN POINTS!</i>", "UI No Participants Yet Text": "<i>BE THE FIRST TO RAID!</i>", "UI Color 1": "#cd4632", "UI Color 2": "#363636", "UI Color 3": "white", "UI Background Color (R G B A)": "35 35 35 0.17", "GameTip Notifications": true, "GameTip Style | '1' = Red Or '2' = Blue |": "1", "GameTip Duration (seconds) !only works with style 2(blue)!": 7.0, "Chat Notifications": true, "Notification of Event Start(Chat and GameTip)": "<color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color> event has started! Raid <color=#cd4632>Bases</color> to gain points!", "Notification When nobody participates in the event": "No one participated in <color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color>", "Notification Sound of Event Start": true, "Winner Multiple Announcements Delay(seconds)": 3.0, "Entity Points Given When Destroyed": { "door.hinged.wood": 1, "door.double.hinged.wood": 1, "door.hinged.metal": 2, "door.double.hinged.metal": 2, "door.hinged.toptier": 3, "door.double.hinged.toptier": 3, "shutter.metal.embrasure.a": 1, "shutter.metal.embrasure.b": 1, "wall.window.bars.metal": 1, "wall.window.bars.wood": 1, "wall.window.bars.toptier": 2, "": 2, "wall.external.high.wood": 3, "gates.external.high.wood": 3, "wall.frame.garagedoor": 2, "wall.frame.shopfront.metal": 2, "vendingmachine.deployed": 2, "cupboard.tool.deployed": 2, "floor.triangle.ladder.hatch": 2, "floor.ladder.hatch": 2, "autoturret_deployed": 3, "wall.external.high.stone": 4, "gates.external.high.stone": 4, "sam_site_turret_deployed": 4 }, "Base Points Given When Destroyed !Enable Twigs from code if needed!": { "Wood": 1, "Stone": 2, "Metal": 3, "TopTier": 4 }, "Winner Rewards, make sure to change each value to your liking (add more if needed)": { "1": { "Reward Enabled": true, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "rock", "Reward Item Amount": 1, "Reward Item Custom Name": "Capybara", "Reward Item Skin ID": 2976241877, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=#55AAFF>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color> event and received a prize of <color=#cd4632>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "2": { "Reward Enabled": true, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "rock", "Reward Item Amount": 1, "Reward Item Custom Name": "Capybara", "Reward Item Skin ID": 2976241877, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=#55AAFF>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color> event and received a prize of <color=#cd4632>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "3": { "Reward Enabled": true, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "rock", "Reward Item Amount": 1, "Reward Item Custom Name": "Capybara", "Reward Item Skin ID": 2976241877, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=#55AAFF>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color> event and received a prize of <color=#cd4632>{reward_display_name}</color>!" }, "4": { "Reward Enabled": false, "Reward Type (1 = Item, 2 = Command, 3 = Economics(Plugin REQ), 4 = ServerRewards(Plugin REQ)": 1, "Reward Item": "rock", "Reward Item Amount": 1, "Reward Item Custom Name": "Capybara", "Reward Item Skin ID": 2976241877, "Reward Command": "oxide.usergroup add {} vip", "Reward Command Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "VIP", "Reward Economics Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "Balance", "Reward ServerRewards Display Name (Chat and GameTip)": "RP", "Reward Economics Plugin Amount": 420.0, "Reward ServerRewards Plugin Amount": 420, "Notification of Who Won (supports {player_name}, {reward_display_name}, {crates_destroyed})": "<color=#55AAFF>{player_name}</color> has won 1. place in <color=#cd4632>Raid</color><color=#363636>Rush</color> event and received a prize of <color=#cd4632>{reward_display_name}</color>!" } } }$6.97