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Version 0.1.5
What is it? Transform your server into an unforgettable experience with this innovative plugin! Whether you want to host epic dance parties or add immersive NPC actions to your RPG adventures, this plugin is designed to bring life and fun to your community. Let your players team up with their new animated companions and turn mundane gameplay into extraordinary moments. Perfect for dance parties and roleplay events; there's no limit to the creativity this plugin enables! Usage Make yourself or let players make the BEST dance parties ever! Also can be used for various actions for example on RPG servers (You can make NPC keep pointing somewhere etc..) Commands Main command /npcd -- Opens the menu (user friendly, contains/has the same or even better abilities than all the other chat commands) Spawn options: /npcd spawn (id) -- Spawns certain group /npcd despawn (id) -- Despawns certain group Group options: /npcd create -- Creates certain group /npcd remove (id) -- Removes certain group /npcd manage (id) -- Start managing certain group /npcd list -- Displays all dance groups Group Manage options: /npcd dancer add -- Adds new dancer with your current position and rotation to the group /npcd dancer remove (id) -- Removes certain dancer /npcd dancer list -- Displays all the dancers from the managed group /npcd group name (name) -- Changes managed group's name to the new one --Dancer's settings-- /npcd dancer manage (id) name (New Dancer's name) -- Changes dancer's name /npcd dancer manage (id) random (true/false) -- Turn ON or OFF to make dancer use random dance /npcd dancer manage (id) dance (Dance Name) -- Set's dance for the dancer Available: The Twist, Cabbage Patch, Raise the Roof, Clap, Friendly, Hurry, Ok, Point, Shrug, ThumbsUp, ThumbsDown, Victory, Wave, Chicken, Drink, Push, Kick /npcd dancer manage (id) clothing add (clothing name) -- Adds new clothing for the dancer /npcd dancer manage (id) clothing remove -- Removes clothing from the dancer /npcd dancer manage (id) god (on/off) -- Turns ON or OFF god for the dancer /npcd dancer manage (id) hp (amount) -- Set's the spawn HP for the dancer Permissions npcdancers.use -- Gives player permission to use the plugin npcdancers.god -- Gives player permission to turn ON or OFF godmode for dancers npcdancers.hp -- Gives player permission to change dancer's spawn HP npcdancers.admin -- Has all permissions, bypasses all limits in config + can manipulate with other's dance groups UI Features Dance Groups Owner OwnerID Amount of Dancers Group name Add Dancer button Spawn/Despawn button Remove button Dancers Name HP God Random Dance Clothing Remove button Config { "Max groups per player": 3, "Max dancers per group": 5 } Localization { "Syntax": "----- Spawn Options -----\n/npcd spawn (id) -- Spawns the group\n/npcd despawn (id) -- Despawns the group\n----- Manage Options -----\n/npcd create -- Creates new group\n/npcd remove (id) -- Removes the group\n/npcd manage (id) -- Let's you manage the group\n/npcd list -- Displays all dance groups", "Created": "Successfully created dancers group: {0}", "Removed": "Successfully removed dancers group: {0}", "NotFound": "Couldn't find a dance group with this id.", "NoGroups": "There are not any groups yet.", "NoDancers": "There are not any dancers yet.", "GroupList": "ID:{1} {0} - {2} dancers", "Managing": "----- Managing {0}'s group -----\nID: {1}\nGroup name: {2}\nDancers: {3}\n----- Manage Group -----\n/npcd dancer add -- Adds new dancer\n/npcd dancer remove (id) -- Removes the dancer\n/npcd dancer list -- Shows current dancers for this group\n/npcd group name (name)\n----- Dancer's settings -----\n/npcd dancer manage (id) name (Set Dancers Name)\n/npcd dancer manage (id) random (true/false) -- Dancer will choose random dance\n/npcd dancer manage (id) dance (Dance Name) -- Available: The Twist, Cabbage Patch, Raise the Roof, Clap, Friendly, Hurry, Ok, Point, Shrug, ThumbsUp, ThumbsDown, Victory, Wave, Chicken, Drink, Push, Kick\n/npcd dancer manage (id) clothing add (clothing shortname) -- Add specific clothing to the dancer\n/npcd dancer manage (id) clothing remove -- Removes all clothes from dancer\n/npcd dancer manage (id) god (on/off)\n/npcd dancer manage (id) hp (amount)", "NoManaging": "You are not managing any group right now.", "DancerAdded": "Successfully added new dancer:\nName:{0}\nID:{1}\nDance name:{2}\nRandom dance? {3}\nPos: X:{4} Y:{5} Z:{6}", "DancerRemoved": "Successfully removed Dancer: {0}(ID:{1})", "DancerNotFound": "Couldn't find dancer with that id", "DancerRename": "Renamed dancer:{0} to {1}", "DancerChangeDance": "Changed {0}'s dance to: {1}", "InvalidDance": "Invalid dance name! Changed {0}'s dance to: {1}", "NoPerms": "You don't have permissions to manipulate with other's groups!", "NoGodPerms": "You don't have permissions to toggle dancer's godmode", "NoDancersSpawn": "There are no dancers to spawn!", "GroupNotSpawned": "This group is not spawned", "GroupDespawn": "Group despawned", "SpecifyClothing": "You must specify the clothing", "SpecifyGod": "You must specify on or off for god mode", "SpecifyHp": "You must specify the amount of hp", "ToggleGod": "Dancer's godmode: {0}", "NoHpPerms": "You don't have permissions to set dancer's hp!", "SetHp": "Dancer's hp set to: {0}", "AddedClothing": "{0} added to the dancer", "RemovedClothing": "Removed dancer's clothes", "ClothingList": "Dancer's clothes: {0}", "GroupLimit": "Cannot create new dancer group! (Group limit reached!)", "GroupName": "Group name changed to: {0}", "DancerLimit": "Cannot add new dancer! (Dancer per group limit reached!)", "CUI YourGroups": "Your\nGroups", "CUI AllGroups": "All\nGroups", "NotExistWear": "{0} is non existing or not wearable item!", "NoMoreClothing": "This dancer can't take any more clothing!", "CUI SelectDancer": "Select Dancer", "CUI SelectedDancer": "Selected Dancer:\nID: {0}\nName: {1}", "CUI Name": "Name:", "CUI Random": "Random:", "CUI Dance": "Dance:", "CUI HP": "HP:", "CUI God": "God:", "CUI Owner": "Owner:", "CUI OwnerId": "OwnerID:", "CUI DancersAmount": "Amount of Dancers: {0}", "CUI Add": "Add Dancer", "CUI Remove": "Remove", "CUI NoDancers": "There are not any dancers yet", "CUI Spawn": "Spawn", "CUI Despawn": "Despawn", "CUI Dances": "The Twist, Cabbage Patch, Raise the Roof, Clap, Friendly, Hurry, Ok, Point, Shrug, ThumbsUp, ThumbsDown, Victory, Wave, Chicken, Drink, Push, Kick", "CUI ClothingAdd": "Add clothing:", "CUI ClothingList": "Current clothing:", "CUI CreateGroup": "Create\nGroup" }$24.99 -
Version 1.6.5
BradleyGuards minigame will make more fun of the boring Bradley. Spawning bombs molotovs and a Tank Crew Features : Minigame with Scientist NPC spawning after Bradley gets destroyed and various events during its attack phase It will throw random Bombs and Molotov when attacked. Hardmode will throw the Bombs and Molotov towards player instead around the Bradley When destroyed the Bradley does a close range Last Ditch Effort if the Driver is still alive and gets a last air support As of version 1.1.1 napalm support will be set to target player instead of Bradley position Give the NPC the choice of using some predefined outfits or use the vanilla Scientist Outfits Predefined weapon or a different weapon through config if using outfits Crew will be Despawned upon plugin unload or reload Compatible with NPCKITS Support for BetterNpcNames (v1.0.2 and higher) Support for Kits Permission system Warnings : backup your configs before plugin updates This is not compatible with BradleyControl Plugin !!!!! (since version 1.0.5) Version 1.4.0 has new options for MLRS and Convoy Bradleys "External Plugins": { "Armored Train : Can trigger Events": false, "Convoy : Can trigger Events": false, "SatDish/Harbor Event : Can trigger Events": false, "BradleyDrops : Can trigger Events": false, "BetterNpcNames : Driver Title": "Pilot", "BetterNpcNames : Guard Title": "Commander", "BetterNpcNames : Gunner Title": "Grunt" }, "Last Ditch Effort MLRS rocket Amount": 15 Permissions : BradleyGuards.ShowMessages (to show interaction messages) BradleyGuards.ShowKillMessages (to show messages after bradley is destroyed) Commands : (new in V1.0.5) /bginfo : Shows the available commands/version/author Logfiles : Log files are found in the oxide.logs folder Will log the Player and info regarding the spawns after destroying the Bradley Configuration : Example config below : { "Global NPC dont target": true, "External Plugins": { "Armored Train : Can trigger Events": false, "Convoy : Can trigger Events": false, "SatDish/Harbor Event : Can trigger Events": false, "BradleyDrops : Can trigger Events": false, "BetterNpcNames : Driver Title": "Pilot", "BetterNpcNames : Guard Title": "Commander", "BetterNpcNames : Gunner Title": "Grunt" }, "Bradley Settings": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Health": 2222, "Bradley Max Fire Range": 100, "Bradley Throttle Responce": 1.0 }, "Bradley Loot": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Max crates after kill": 4 }, "Bradley Canon": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Canon Fire delay": 0.3, "Bradley Canon Firerate": 0.25 }, "Bradley Machinegun": { "Change Values": true, "Bradley Machinegun Bullet Damage": 15, "Bradley Machinegun Firerate": 0.06667 }, "Event Settings": { "Bradley Crew Max Spawn Distance": 10, "Bradley Crew Max Roam Distance": 20, "Bradley Crew Body to Bags": true, "Max throwing range of a Grenade": 25.0, "Max Grenades per trigger": 1, "Max throwing range of a Molotov": 25.0, "Max Molotovs per trigger": 1, "Use Firerockets (instead of Molotovs)": false, "Hard Mode : Throws towards player (Grenades)": true, "Hard Mode : Max Grenades per trigger": 1, "Hard Mode : Max radius of a Grenade on player": 15.0, "Hard Mode : Throws towards player (Molotovs)": true, "Hard Mode : Max Molotovs per trigger": 1, "Hard Mode : Max radius of a Molotov on player": 15.0, "Napalm Support": true, "Napalm Support Area Radius": 25.0, "Napalm Support Rocket Amount": 3, "Napalm Support Rocket Height": 150, "Last Ditch Effort Rocket Amount": 0, "Last Ditch Effort Grenade Amount": 5, "Last Ditch Effort MLRS rocket Radius": 15, "Last Ditch Effort MLRS rocket Amount": 15, "Last Ditch Effort Hard Mode : targets player location": true }, "Tank Crew Driver": { "Tank Driver Health": 450.0, "Tank Driver Lifetime (minutes)": 1.0, "Tank Driver Damage multiplier": 1.0, "Tank Driver Spawn Chance 0-1": 1.0, "Tank Driver Spawn Amount": 5, "Tank Driver Use Outfit": true, "Tank Driver Use other gun with outfit": false, "Tank Driver gun short prefabname": "smg.mp5", "Tank Driver gun skin id": 0, "Tank Driver Use kit (clothing)": false, "Tank Driver Kit ID": "" }, "Tank Crew Guards": { "Tank Guards Health": 800.0, "Tank Guards Lifetime (minutes)": 1.0, "Tank Guards Damage multiplier": 1.0, "Tank Guards Spawn Chance 0-1": 1.0, "Tank Guards Spawn Amount": 3, "Tank Guards Use Outfit": true, "Tank Guards Use other gun with outfit": false, "Tank Guards gun short prefabname": "smg.mp5", "Tank Guards gun skin id": 0, "Tank Guards Use kit (clothing)": false, "Tank Guards Kit ID": "" }, "Tank Crew Gunners": { "Tank Gunners Health": 600.0, "Tank Gunners Lifetime (minutes)": 1.0, "Tank Gunners Damage multiplier": 1.0, "Tank Gunners Spawn Chance 0-1": 1.0, "Tank Gunners Spawn Amount": 3, "Tank Gunners Use Outfit": true, "Tank Gunners Use other gun with outfit": false, "Tank Gunners gun short prefabname": "smg.mp5", "Tank Gunners gun skin id": 0, "Tank Gunners Use kit (clothing)": false, "Tank Gunners Kit ID": "" } } Localization : English language file included to use a diffrent language just make a new file in the language folder. { "BradleyDriver": "<color=yellow>Bradley Driver : </color>Damnit i just washed it!", "BradleyGuards": "<color=yellow>Bradley Guard : </color>Stay away from our Bradley!", "BradleyGunner": "<color=yellow>Bradley Gunner : </color>Prepare to die!", "BradleyDriverBomb": "<color=yellow>Bradley Driver : </color>Catch this!", "BradleyGunnerFire": "<color=yellow>Bradley Gunner : </color>Fire in the hooole!", "BradleyNapalmSupport": "<color=yellow>Bradley Operator : </color>Support incomming!" } API : bool IsBradleyNpc(global::HumanNPC npc) OnBradleyNPCGotHit(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) OnBradleyNPCDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) example call : object OnEntityDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { if (npc == null) return null; if (BradleyGuards.Call<bool>("IsBradleyNpc", npc)) { Puts($"Target : {npc} net.ID : [{}] Event : BradleyGuards NPC"); } return null; } private void OnBradleyNPCGotHit(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { Debugmsg("OnBradleyNPCGotHit works!"); BasePlayer player = info.InitiatorPlayer; if ( < (npc._maxHealth * 0.8) && > (npc._maxHealth * 0.72)) { if (!Burned) Player.Message(player , npcmsg(MSG) , Chaticon); return; } } private void OnBradleyNPCDeath(global::HumanNPC npc, HitInfo info) { Debugmsg("OnBradleyNPCDeath works!"); BasePlayer player = info.InitiatorPlayer; Debugmsg($"{player.displayName} killed {npc.displayName}"); } Changes made in 1.0.5 !!! Updated/Cleaned/Organized the Documentation. Added lifetime for each individual Crew Added use of kits + checks (if incorrect kit name Crew will spawn with default scientist or heavy scientist outfit). Changed the Npc Naming so they can be shown correctly with AdminRadar Added prefix and chaticon to chat messages (language file changed so delete it before updating to avoid weird chat messages). Added max roam range for the Bradley Crew Bradley Crew will now despawn when plugin gets unloaded/reloaded Removed the death sound when a npc dies. Fixed : Bradley will now ignore scientists from junkpiles added cfg : Tank Crew Lifetime (minutes) added cfg : Damage multiplier for each driver/guards/gunners added cfg : Napalm Support Rocket Height added cfg : Use kit (clothing) (for each driver/guards/gunners) added cfg : Kit ID (for each driver/guards/gunners) added cfg : Bradley Crew max roam rangeFree- 235 comments
- 9 reviews
- 14
Version 1.0.5
Introducing WoundedNPC — where NPCs don't just die; they make a scene! Watch in amusement as your NPCs go from tough guys to crybabies, collapsing and crying out in pain. They'll lie there, whining and wailing, giving you a show worth watching! Perfect for adding a touch of humor to your Rust world. Your NPCs will now collapse similar to players, with customizable scream (or other sound of your choice!) with a configurable chance to get back up for a second chance. Get ready for the most entertaining and theatrical NPC deaths ever with WoundedNPC! Features: NPCs will enter a wounded state Configurable % chance for them to get back up Configurable wounded timer for them Configurable scream sounds Lightweight format sounds stored in data for minimal delay Automatically checks if screams listed in config exist, if not, it's downloaded. Ability to exclude specific NPCs by either prefab path, or partial name matching (useful to exclude zombies or any other NPC which you wish to die immediately) Notes: Dependency plugin - TapeLibrary by Nikedemos - Included 5 scream sound files included Audio file format .ogg Mono channel (can convert mp3 to a mono .ogg here , then upload to a file host of your choice ensuring link leads directly to downloading the file) Sound Loops - worth ensuring your wounded timer is around the same length as sound files. Example config { "Enabled: ": true, // can disable the plugin features from the config if needed "Wounded timer: ": 20, // how long will the NPC stay in wounded state "Chance to die after wounded timer: ": 50, // percentage chance NPC will NOT get back up after being wounded "NPC Prefab paths to exclude: ": [], // can exclude an entire prefab path for an npc (eg for scarecrow) "Exclude NPC where their displayname contains: ": [ "Marauder", "Zombie" ], // can exclude NPCs by their full or partial display name. "Boombox Prefab Path: ": "assets/prefabs/voiceaudio/boombox/boombox.deployed.prefab", // don't need to touch unless boombox prefab path ever changes or there's a new boombox type item introduced. "Wounded Sounds URLs: ": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], // Direct URL to scream sound files "Enable Debug Messages: ": true // debug messages in console. Turn off to reduce spam. Turn on for troubleshooting }$16.98 -
Version 1.0.28
Adds 53 new deployable items to your server!. Custom item collection system. Players can obtain these items while cutting trees, mining rocks and collecting plants. Includes a built in market that can be accessed via a chat command or a HumanNPC. Each base item can be configured to allow for a wide variety of placement options/restrictions. A large amount of configuration options are available for each item. Adjustable placement options while holding shift. Items can be picked up by holding a hammer, looking at the deployed entity and pressing your mouse3 button (scroll wheel button). deployablenature.admin - Required to use the giveprefab command. - Required to use the market chat command. deployablenature.ignore.restrictions - Allows a player to deploy items without restriction (TC etc). deployablenature.gather - Required for players to obtain drops while gathering. deployablenature.use - Required to deploy nature items. - allows access to the nature market for free. There is also the option to create groups via the config, which will receive discounts in the market based on the value assigned to them. Example: "Permissions that will receive a discount on the store cost when purchasing [1.0 is full price]. Prefix with deployablenature.": { "": 0.5 }, This would give players with the permission a discount of 50% off of the market price. Command: giveprefab Parameters: <skin id> <quantity> Example: /giveprefab 2609145017 100 - spawns the user 100x medium clutter rocks" Permission: deployablenature.admin Command: naturemarket Permission: Command: dnpickup Permission: None Command: giveprefab (console) Parameters: <player id/name> <skin id> <quantity> Example: /giveprefab "new guy" 2609145017 100 - spawns the user 100x medium clutter rocks for new guy" Permission: deployablenature.admin Console Command: dnkillentities - wipes all nature entities from the map. Parameters: <optional parameter: true> - this wipes the data after the command executes. If not used, the nature items will respawn on plugin reload. Example: dnkillentities or dnkillentities true. Permission: deployablenature.admin if running from player console. Console Command: dnkillentitiesforplayer - wipes all nature entities from the map for the specified player Parameters: <player name/id> Example: dnkillentitiesforplayer "new guy" - would delete all entities for the player whose name contained "new guy". Permission: deployablenature.admin if running from player console. Console Command: dnpurge - enables purge mode, wiping all entities from the map (does not delete data), and preventing them from spawning on server start/being deployed by players while active. Automatically resets to false on server wipe. Parameters: <true/false> Example: dnpurge true - would enable purge mode. Permission: deployablenature.admin if running from player console. You most likely won't need the below information, but it is here for more advanced users. Prefab Types 0: Rock 1: Tree 2: Bush 3: Animal Tree Types 0: None 1: Palm 2: Oak 3: Swamp 4: Birch 5: Beech 6: Pine 7: Cacti 8: Snow Bush Types 0: None 1: Willow 2: Willow_snow 3: Spice 4: Spice_snow 5: Creosote 6: Berries 7: Mushrooms Example config API public bool IsDeployableNature(BaseEntity entity) Returns if an entity is a DeployableNature entity that has the prevent_gather attribute.$15.00 -
Version 1.1.0
About The Fun Gun Unleash chaos and fun by shooting vehicles out of the snowball gun! Prerequisites A snowball gun in hand (no ammo required). Permissions TheFunGun.CarGun.Use TheFunGun.RhibGun.Use TheFunGun.BoatGun.Use TheFunGun.SnowGun.Use TheFunGun.RandGun.Use TheFunGun.SharkGun.Use TheFunGun.TugGun.Use TheFunGun.MiniGun.Use TheFunGun.SideCar.Use TheFunGun.Pedal.Use TheFunGun.Motor.Use TheFunGun.BypassCooldown Chat Commands /cargun - Enables the car gun (sedan). /rhibgun - Enables the RHIB gun. /boatgun - Enables the rowboat gun. /snowgun - Enables the snowmobile gun. /sharkgun - Enables the shark gun (shoots shark corpses). /minigun - Enables the minicopter gun. /sidecar - Enables the motorbike with a sidecar. /motor - Enables the motorbike without a sidecar. /tuggun - Enables the tugboat gun. /pedalgun - Enables the pedal bike gun. /randgun - Enables the random gun (spawns random vehicles). Caveats Be cautious when setting the despawn timer in the configuration. High values may result in vehicles staying on the server longer, which can lead to spam or server lag. A low despawn timer is recommended. Configuration { "Despawn Timer": 5.0, "Velocity": 75.0, "Cooldown": } Localization { "randGunEnable": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: Random Gun <color=#36802d>Enabled</color>", "randGunDisable": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: Random Gun <color=#ff6666>Disabled</color>", "noPermission": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: You do not have permission to use this command", "Cooldown": "<color=#ffc34d>TheFunGun</color>: You are on a {0} second cooldown." } Customizable localization entries for each gun are available in the config file. Special Thanks A huge thank you to unboxingman for assisting in the development of this plugin! Support Dark Side Developement$5.00 -
Version 1.0.0
WindyCleft (OneGrid) A small map in the (OneGrid) style with unique monuments featuring intriguing puzzles and a fully customized underwater monument. Specially designed for OneGrid servers and servers with up to 150 players online. Custom Monuments: Fuel processing plant – a semi-ruined factory with two floors. Two Tower – Two towers connected high in the mountains with military crates. Mysterious house – at first glance, it’s just an ordinary wooden house in the forest under the mountain, but it’s only at first glance. The house hides a secret military bunker with a puzzle and security. You’ll find many interesting things there. Angar – it used to be used to unload military trains, but after the war in 2050, the island’s new residents started using the hangar to repair their cars. However, from the past, there is one room that no one has been able to open yet; they say there is something very valuable inside. Zavod – an old factory that once supplied the island with fuel; now only one external fuel processor remains. Post – a small roadside monument. Puzzle – a monument from the Hapis map slightly modernized. ??? – During a rescue operation with a sunken ship, Captain Morrison discovered an unusual underwater signal. He reported this information to the Cobalt Corporation, and since then, no one has seen them. Old residents say there was once an island there, but it sank after a volcano eruption. FacePunch Monuments: Fishing village Oil Rig SuperMarket Gas Station HQM Quarry Sewer Branch The map will be constantly supported and updated. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Discord.$19.00-
- #maps
- #custom maps
- (and 28 more)
Version 1.1.0
This plugin may not work perfectly as you expect. Please read the Q/A at the bottom before making a purchase! Please have a hosting service ready for your MP3 files before making a purchase! Enhance your server's ambiance by welcoming players with delightful tunes as they join! Welcome Music feature lets you curate a musical experience for new players, complete with customizable playback delays and durations. Chat Command: /wm - Disable / Enable the Welcome Music. /musicto <Player> <MusicURL> <MusicDuration> - Play music for target player (Requires welcomemusic.toplayer permission). /musicall <MusicURL> <MusicDuration> - Play music for all player (Requires welcomemusic.toplayer permission). /testwm - Test Welcome Music (Not need to rejoin the server | only admin) . Console Command: musicto <Player> <MusicURL> <MusicDuration> - Play music for target player. musicall <MusicURL> <MusicDuration> - Play music for all player. Config { "Permission Name": "welcomemusic.use", "Need Permission": true, "Welcome Music List": [ { "Need Permission (Empty = none)": "", "Music URL": "", "Music Duration (sec)": 5.0, "Welcome Message (Empty = No Message)": "Welcome To Our Server, Now playing music for you~ (You can use command /wm to disable)" }, { "Need Permission (Empty = none)": "", "Music URL": "", "Music Duration (sec)": 30.0, "Welcome Message (Empty = No Message)": "Never Gonna Give You Up ~" } ], "Only first-time join the server": false, "(First-time) Music URL (Empty = none)": "", "(First-time) Music Duration (sec)": 15.0, "Music Delay (sec)": 5.0, "Players can disable the WelcomeMusic (/wm)": false } Tips Ensure that your Music URL is a valid mp3 stream link. For optimal experience, keep the music duration under 30 seconds. Provide a hosting space for your .mp3 file (services like GitHub work well for many, but not for everyone). The Music Delay determines the seconds after player entry before the music starts. Q/A Why does playing music result in stuttering / loop? This is due to low FPS on the player's client side (Improved in the Rust December 2022 patch). Why does playing music result in white noise? This happens when the client fails to successfully retrieve the music from your provided MP3 URL. Please check your URL or consider switching hosting services. Are there requirements for the URL format? Yes, the URL must be a complete web address without ports or special characters. Why do certain players hear default music during playing? This occurs because some players have disabled the "INTERNET AUDIO STREAMS" option in their game settings. How to find free MP3 hosting services? You can try uploading to GitHub and copy the raw link, but GitHub may not work for everyone.. However, it's best to have your own web server to host your MP3 files. Or use Google to search for "free MP3 hosting" to find available free services.$9.90 -
Version 1.0.3
Heavy Military Tunnel Event is a configurable plugin that allows for a new type of random event. Randomly a message will appear letting players know that a heavy unit is now guarding Military Tunnel The Military Tunnel will then be equipped with extra scientists both light and heavy, auto turrets, and Bradleys. Players must try to clear the military tunnel and find the scientist who drops the code to disable the auto turrets OR destroy all the turrets. If the code is found, it can be entered into the code lock hidden in a room to disable the turrets. Once the turrets and scientists are dealt with, players must defeat the Bradleys that guard the hackable crates. Finally, once the Bradleys are defeated, players can collect all the loot. That's if someone else doesn't get to it first! This is a great event to add to your server to give it a little more variety. It can be a fun PVP zone or a PVE event for non PVP servers. EASY OPTIONAL SETUP - NO SETUP REQUIRED You can simply drop the plugin in as-is and it will start the random event every 1 to 2 hours OR you can modify the config to your specific needs. Configuration Example - en Admin Only Commands /HmtStart /HmtStop /HmtPos Hooks void HeavyMilitaryTunnelEventStarted() void HeavyMilitaryTunnelEventStopped() Customization Spawn locations as well as the total number turrets, scientists, hackable crates, & APCbradleys can be modified. Simply go to the location in game you want to place the new item and use the command /HmtPos. It will message you the location. You can the add that location to the config in the appropriate section for want you want to modify. Reload the plugin and you're good to go! Support Create a support ticket here or message me on discord: cahnu$19.99 -
Version 1.3.3
Reduce the decay damage by tick; Upgrade the authorizations limit; Upgrade the building grade limit; Upgrade the storage capacity of the cupboard; Unlock some deployable items; Upgrade the stack size limit of the cupboard; Set a default building grade for the server; Modify the default decay; Keep the cupboard attributes when remove; Make your server fun ^u^ The plugin has a unique permission, which allows the player to use the cupboard upgrade: tclevels.use F.A.Q How many items can be blocked? and which? You can block unlimited items and all items must be deployable or they will not be blocked. Which area will be checked when I place my cupboard? The entire privilege area will be checked. But you can also disable checks in the configuration file. Could it cause conflict with any plugin? Yes, but i am providing an API for the plugin so that other developers can integrate with it, so if there is a conflict, just go to the developer's plugin support and ask them to integrate it. Also if it is possible for me to integrate it from my plugin, i will do so without any problem.$20.00 -
Version 1.0.20
Water Bases rust plugin enables players with permissions to construct and expand structures on and underwater without the need for pillars, incorporating vanilla-like mechanics, special features like underwater nettings, and customizable settings for different player tiers. Questions? Support? Join the discord: In short This Rust plugin enables players with the right permissions to construct structures on the water's surface and even extend them below water in a way that feels natural and in keeping with the game's original style. There's no need for tall, unstable pillars reaching down to the seabed; simply place your foundation on the water and use a building plan or hammer to expand it. These aquatic constructions adhere to the same principles of stability, upkeep, and decay as traditional bases on your server but also introduce unique elements like underwater nettings for gathering random items (with fully customizable loot tables) and innovative building techniques. The plugin accommodates various configuration profiles based on permissions, offering an excellent method to reward VIP players across different levels. It grants you control over who is allowed to build on the water, the size of their constructions, their proximity to the shore, and the highest tier of building blocks they can use, among other aspects. Additionally, the plugin is designed to alert players if their construction interferes with the Cargo Ship's route. With the Submarine update on the horizon, it's time to prepare your server for aquatic adventures with Water Bases! Watch the video below to see what water bases are all about. "What about Cargo Ship, will it destroy structures in the way?" By default, players will get a warning if they try to to build a water foundation in the path of the cargo ship, but their water foundation will stay. You can change this setting from "Warn" to "Prevent", and the player won't be able to build it in first place. Changing it to "None" will skip this check. Every ocean path node creates a "bubble" with a configurable radius. See Admin chat commands section below to visualise those bubbles and guide your players to areas where they will be able to build without issues. Quick start (for players and admins) Upload the WaterBases.cs file to your oxide/plugins folder and you should be good to go, it's all plug-and-play. No need to restart your server! Before you can build on water, you need some Water Foundations. Water foundations are re-skinned Inner Tube items (Shortname: innertube / Item ID: -697981032 ; mind the minus sign, it matters!) with a skin ID 2484982352 ( or 2485021365 ( That info is just in case you'd like to include those in your own Kits/Server Rewards shops/loot tables/custom crafting plugins. How to obtain those within the plugin? Crafting water base foundations (with Building Planner) By default, all players will be able to craft, deploy, expand and reinforce water foundations. More on the limits and how to change them (how far/close to the shore, min and max depth of the water, how many water foundations allowed per building etc) in the section Advanced Config. When a player equips a Building Plan, a small GUI will show in the bottom right (positions/colours etc can be changed in the config too). There, players will be able to craft deployable water foundations - both square and triangle. Those crafted items will also be consumed when players expand their already deployed foundations or reinforce them. The default permission profile requires a player to be close to a Level 2 Workbench - this requirement can be edited in the config to change the level needed, or you can turn off the need for a workbench altogether, per permission profile. If you don't want your players to be able to craft foundations - so they have to find them/buy them/earn them instead - you can disable it per-profile. In that case, they won't see the GUI. Giving with chat commands (admins only) Type /give_square [amount] or /give_triangle [amount] to give yourself some foundations of that type. If you don't specify an amount, you will only receive 1. Deploying a "starter" foundation on water Go out to the lake/ocean, select the water foundation as your active item and using the doughnut-shaped guide, deploy it on the water surface. After trying to deploy/expand upon an existing water foundation, a couple of checks will be performed according to global config and individual permission profile for that player: Does the player have permission to deploy the first foundation/expand existing one? Is the player building blocked? How far is the player trying to build from shore (based on the map topology)? Too close/too far? How deep is the water where the player is trying to build? Is it too deep/too shallow? Is the player trying to build too close to the path of cargo/Oil Rig? Is the player allowed to have this many water foundations in the building? If all the checks have been successful, a new twig floor, with a stability 100% (like normal foundations) will be built. It will have some indestructible floatation barrels attached to it, partially covering the water foundation's soft side (the bottom). Then, a water foundation can be expanded, upgraded, protected with a Tool Cupboard (like any other buildings, really), or reinforced. Expanding Once you've deployed your first "starter" water foundation, all the subsequent foundations will be placed using vanilla building mechanics - just take a building plan and build some floors neighbouring your water foundation on the sides! If you have enough water foundation items of the required kind in your inventory, those newly placed floors will also turn into water foundations. And they can call be demolished/upgraded, just like normal twig structures, as soon as you place a Tool Cupboard. Expanding a single-sided water foundation requires 1 proper water foundation item, expanding a double sided water foundation (reinforced one) requires two. Reinforcing Reinforcing a water foundation means making it double sided - so it fully covers the soft side AND gives you the ability to build from the surface down, to the seabed/lakebed! To reinforce, make sure a built water foundation is fully repaired, and them hit it with a hammer. If you have a required water foundation item in your inventory, it will be consumed and the foundation will be reinforced: you will see another floor with floatation barrels attached upside down. If you try to expand a reinforced foundation (by attaching a floor at the bottom, reinforced side) and there's no water foundation above it (normal orientation), it will try to create one, provided you have enough items in your inventory. Reinforcements (upside down water foundations) are always associated with the water foundation they're attached to and cannot exist on their own - if you destroy the water foundation, its reinforcement will be destroyed too. However, destroying the reinforcement will not destroy is water foundation. Upgrading Water base structures Building blocks inside your water bases have certain tier limits associated with them - it's to help balance things out. By default, non-VIP and non-admin players will be able to upgrade water foundations to sheet metal tier, floor frames and wall frames to stone tier, and everything else (including walls, floors and reinforcement foundations) to wood tier. You can easily decide which permission profile has which max tier (per type of building block) in the config. Water Base exclusive features Because water foundations are treated as floors with the stability of a foundation, you can place roofs at "ground level", which is not possible with normal foundations! Similarly, you can leave a "hole" where a water foundation would be and place a floor frame with a hatch instead - now you can enter your base from the bottom, underwater! Reinforcing a water foundation means you'll be able to build down from the surface to the bottom of the water to create extra layers of protection, or... Nettings deployed in wall frames underwater will collect random junk items with editable loot tables, including fish and diving equipment! This feature is heavily configurable and can even be disabled. But also Sharks! Read just below. NEW IN 1.0.5: Beware the Netting Sharks! If enabled, Sharks will randomly spawn around Nettings underwater. Especially ones that have accumulated a lot of items, but only if there's at least 1 player within the distance of 100 meters from the Netting. As soon as the first item is caught in an empty Netting, a random silent timer will be set. Every additional item spawning reduces the timer left by a certain percentage (default by 8%). When it hits 0, AND local/global Netting Shark population limits haven't yet been reached (all in the config), a Shark will spawn somewhere near that Netting. The sharks have a configurable aggro distance and multipliers for speed and health. They will linger around the position of the netting that attracted them and try to pursue anyone in sight. Harvesting a Netting Shark corpse with a proper tool will yield some free items from its entrails - by default 5 times more than you'd normally get from a netting full of items from the default loot tables. Of course the default Shark loot tables in the config are, just like the Netting loot tables, completely configurable - check the config section below. All in all, it's like any other base... just on water, without annoying seafloor supports. The stability of the water foundation is always 100% and goes down the higher you built. The stability of a reinforcement foundation also starts at 100% and goes down the deeper towards the seafloor you build. All the decaying things (walls, floors, doors etc) will require appropriate upkeep materials in the Tool Cupboard. Structures can be repaired, demolished, upgraded and removed using plugins. Bases can be raided, taken over or left to decay. Water Bases Permissions (Oxide.Grant user YourName [permission name starting with waterbases.]) By default, the plugin generates 3 permission profiles in the config - one for admins, one for normal players with no specific permissions (default) and one for VIP. More on permission profiles and config values they can handle can be found in the section Advanced Config. Unless you have added more permission profiles, only these two below are going to be used by your config: waterbases.admin Holders of the admin permission will also be able to run the /wb_cfg, /give_square and /give_triangle commands. Also, by default, they will be associated with the permission profile that has no limits on placing water foundations. waterbases.vip1 Holders of this permission will follow settings and limits associated with with that permission profile. The permissions below are also registered, but not used by default. To use them, just create some permission profiles with those permissions as the key. waterbases.vip2 waterbases.vip3 waterbases.vip4 waterbases.vip5 Admin chat commands (must have ownerid/moderatorid/waterbases.admin permission) /give_square [optional arg: amount of items to receive] Will give the player a given amount of square-shaped water foundations. If no amount is provided, only 1 will be received. /give_triangle [optional arg: amount of items to receive] Will give the player a given amount of triangle-shaped water foundations. If no amount is provided, only 1 will be received. /draw_cargo This will draw a "bubble" (only for you, not every player) around every path node, and the bubble's radius will be taken from your config. If a player tries building inside one of these bubbles, they might get a warning or get prevent from doing so (because cargo ship destroys all structures in its way). Useful to visualise where your players can and cannot build, based on the cargo ship path. /shore_distance This will show you the current distance from the shore, to help you decide how close to/far from the shore to allow players to build. The unit used by Rust to measure shore distance is not in meters, it's something roughly equivalent to 1/10th of a map grid length. Mind you though, it's based off of the map's topology, so it should be fine on procgens, but if you have a custom map without topology layers reflecting the actual shoreline, you might want to disable relying on shore distance in your config. Admin console / chat command This command will work both from the chat (in that case, prefix it with a forward slash / ) and the console, (F1 or server/RCON console). Running this command as a player will require the waterbases.admin permission for players that are not moderatorid/ownerid enabled. wb.give [square/triangle] [partial player name or full steam ID] If a player executes it in the chat or console in-game and they don't specify a recipient, it will be given to the player executing this command. Executing from the server console requires specifying the player. Configuration (oxide/config/WaterBases.json and /wb_cfg chat command) Vast majority of the settings can be configured with the /wb_cfg chat command. Typing it in the chat with no parameters should dump a rundown of config fields and their values. In order to run any of the config commands, you will need to have ownerid or moderatorid (or the waterbases.admin permission). /wb_cfg RelyOnShoreDistance [logical values (true or false)] /wb_cfg GlobalOceanLevelCheckBeforePlacing [logical values (true or false)] /wb_cfg GlobalOceanLevelBaseline [fractions (like 1.2345) between -1000.00 and 1000.00] /wb_cfg CargoShipPathHandling ["Warn", "Prevent" or "None"] /wb_cfg MinDistanceFromCargoShipNode [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 10000.00] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsCollectJunk [logical values (true or false)] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsRandomTimerMin [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 10000.00] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsRandomTimerMax [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 10000.00] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsItemLimit [integers (like 12345) between 0 and 100] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSpawnSharks [logical values (true or false)] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSharkRandomTimerMin [fractions (like 1.2345) between 1.00 and 100000.0] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSharkRandomTimerMax [fractions (like 1.2345) between 1.00 and 100000.0] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSharkTimerShortenByPercent [fractions (like 1.2345) between 1.00 and 100000.0] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSharkSpawningMinDistance [fractions (like 1.2345) between 2.00 and 100000.0] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSharkSpawningMaxDistance [fractions (like 1.2345) between 2.00 and 100000.0] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSharkPopulationLimitLocal [integers (like 12345) between 0 and 1000] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSharkPopulationLimitGlobal [integers (like 12345) between 0 and 1000] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSharkSleepDespawnTimer [fractions (like 1.2345) between 2.00 and 100000.0] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSharkHealthMultiplier [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.001 and 100.0] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSharkSpeedMultiplier [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.001 and 100.0] /wb_cfg UnderwaterNetsSharkAggroRange [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.001 and 100.0] /wb_cfg SharkHarvestingLootEnabled [logical values (true or false)] /wb_cfg GuiNEW1AnchorMinX [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 1.00] /wb_cfg GuiNEW2AnchorMinY [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 1.00] /wb_cfg GuiNEW3AnchorMaxX [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 1.00] /wb_cfg GuiNEW4AnchorMaxY [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 1.00] /wb_cfg GuiNEW5OffsetMinX [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 1.00] /wb_cfg GuiNEW6OffsetMinY [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 1.00] /wb_cfg GuiNEW7OffsetMaxX [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 1.00] /wb_cfg GuiNEW8OffsetMaxY [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 1.00] /wb_cfg GuiTextSize [integers (like 12345) between 0 and 100] /wb_cfg GuiButtonColor [hexadecimal numbers WITHOUT preceding # (like 3db4b3)] /wb_cfg GuiTextColor [hexadecimal numbers WITHOUT preceding # (like 3db4b3)] /wb_cfg GuiButtonAlpha [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 1.00] /wb_cfg GuiTextAlpha [fractions (like 1.2345) between 0.00 and 1.00] /wb_cfg EnableBarrelEntities [logical values (true or false)] Advanced config (only editable through oxide/config/WaterBases.json) Water foundation crafting cost Here you can adjust how much it costs to craft water foundations. Make it more expensive, less expensive, or add/remove required materials. The cost will stay the same for all permission profiles. A full list of short names for items can be found at "CraftingCostSquare": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Amount": 100 }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 200 } ], "CraftingCostTriangle": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Amount": 50 }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 100 } ], Shortname should belong to one of the available items in-game. The amount should be a whole number larger than 0 and smaller than the limit of a signed 32-bit integer (2 147 483 647). Permission profiles Using profiles you can quickly create/edit different permissions for different players, for example, if you have more than 1 VIP tier on your server - just add some new profiles. Different players can have different limits and permissions associated with building water bases. To check which permission profile the player should fall under, the plugin goes through all permission profiles and checks whether the player has that permission granted. The permissions are checked in order, meaning that if the player doesn't have the first permission, it will try the next permission on the list, etc (similar to how Auto Kits checks which kit to give to a player based on their permissions in order). If the player doesn't have any permissions from the list granted, they will fall back to the "default" profile. That's the only one that you shouldn't remove! If you remove it, a new one with default values will be created. So if you don't want your default, non-VIP players to build water bases, don't remove the default profile, just take away privileges in that profile (like deploying/expanding/reinforcing). You don't have to use the built-in VIP permissions - any permission from any plugin will do just fine! By default, three permission profiles are generated in the config: default, waterbases.admin and waterbases.vip1. The default permission profile will apply to any player who doesn't have any permissions listed in the profile list - let's have a look at it: "PermissionProfiles": { "default": { "PermissionRequired": "default", "MaxBuildingGradeGeneric": "Wood", "MaxBuildingGradeFrames": "Stone", "MaxBuildingGradeWaterFoundations": "Metal", "WaterDepthMin": 2.0, "WaterDepthMax": 100.0, "MaxWaterFoundationsPerBuilding": 25, "MinDistanceFromOilrig": 200.0, "MinDistanceFromShore": 2.0, "MaxDistanceFromShore": 20.0, "CanDeployWaterFoundations": true, "CanReinforceWaterFoundations": true, "CanExpandWaterFoundations": true, "CanExpandReinforcedFoundations": true, "CanCraftWaterFoundations": true, "RequireMaterialsForCrafting": true, "WorkbenchLevelRequired": 2.0, "CanDeployUnderwaterNets": true, } PermissionRequired should contain an already existing permission registered by any plugin in the form of pluginname.permissionname MaxBuildingGradeGeneric, MaxBuildingGradeFrames andMaxBuildingGradeWaterFoundations define the highest allowed grade for a particular part of a water base. Generic means anything that's not a water foundation or a door/floor frame (that includes normal floors, walls, half walls, and inverse foundations). For those 3 settings, the accepted options are "Twigs", "Wood", "Stone", "Metal" or "TopTier". Set all of them to "TopTier" if you don't want any tier limits on water bases. WaterDepthMin and WaterDepthMax define the allowed range for water depth when placing water foundations - to make sure that certain players are not building in water that is too shallow/too deep. The unit meters. MaxWaterFoundationsPerBuilding is what it sounds like it will prevent a player under this permission profile from adding more water foundations to a water base, limiting their size. Set to a large value like 100000 for virtually no limits. MinDistanceFromOilrig will define the minimum distance from the closest oilrig (in meters) that has to be respected before placing a water foundation down. Decrease to let players build closer, increase to make them build farther away. MinDistanceFromShore and MaxDistanceFromShore both rely on your map topology. If you're sure that you're quite close to the shore, but the /shore_distance command shows you ridiculous values, it means your map does not have the topology map painted properly (contact the map dev and let them know!). In that case, you should set the RelyOnShoreDistance option in the config to false and instead rely on water depth (if shore distance is enabled, it will rely on both). The unit here is not a meter, but roughly 1/10th of a map grid (around 15 meters). CanDeployWaterFoundations if set to true, will allow players using this profile to deploy newly started foundations (using the doughnut guide, provided they have a properly shaped water foundation item to be consumed). CanReinforceWaterFoundations if set to true, will allow players using this profile to reinforce water foundations by hitting them with a hammer (provided they have a properly shaped water foundation item to be consumed). CanExpandWaterFoundations if set to true, will allow players using this profile to build more water foundations upon already existing ones by placing neighboring floors with their building plan (provided they have a properly shaped water foundation item to be consumed). CanExpandReinforcedFoundations if set to true, will allow players using this profile to attach a floor to the side of a reinforcement foundation - and as long as they have 2 water foundation items in their inventory, they will expand that reinforced foundation along with its water foundation. CanCraftWaterFoundations if set to true, will allow players using this profile to craft water foundations using a GUI in the bottom-right (showing while a Building Plan is equipped). Profiles with this setting set to false won't display those GUIs and players will have to find other ways of obtaining water foundations (loot, kits, server rewards etc). RequireMaterialsForCrafting if set to true, players using this profile will need to have required crafting materials in their inventory when trying to craft a Water Foundation. If set to false, the player will be able to craft an infinite amount of water foundations for free, so use them with caution. WorkbenchLevelRequired Set to 0.0 (no workbench nearby required), 1.0 (Level 1 required), 2.0 (Level 2 required) or 3.0 (Level 3 required) for crafting Water Foundations. CanDeployUnderwaterNets if set to true, players will be able to deploy nettings in underwater wall frames. Those settings will slowly accumulate underwater junk items if the feature is enabled on your server - look below for the loot table configuration. Underwater junk & Netting Shark loot tables If you have not disabled underwater nets collecting junk, this is where you can adjust the kind and rarity of certain items. You can even remove entries and add your own, including a custom skin and item name! A "loot table" is perhaps not the right term, as the list contains individual chances of a "caught" item being of a particular kind. There can be only 1 item caught at a time, and the table defines random weights for every possible entry. The larger the weight (compared to the sum of all weights), the bigger chance of encountering a particular item. So if you have 10 entries and each of them have a weight of 1, each item will have an equal 10% chance of being one of the random entries in the list (as the weights sum up to 10). Thus you can have some items really common, and some of them really rare. Here are 2 sample entries from the list: { "Shortname": "innertube", "CustomName": null, "SkinID": 2484982352, "RandomChanceWeight": 1.0, "MinRandomAmount": 1, "MaxRandomAmount": 1 }, { "Shortname": "innertube", "CustomName": null, "SkinID": 2485021365, "RandomChanceWeight": 1.0, "MinRandomAmount": 1, "MaxRandomAmount": 1 }, Shortname is the most important bit - make sure it's correct! You can find a link to a full list of those names above. CustomName lets you give items caught in the netting different names. You can leave that null to leave a default item name. In this example, the two items are water foundations - the proper name for those items will be applied automatically by the plugin anyway. Whatever you type there, make sure to encompass it in quotes, like "CustomName": "My Custom Item Name" if it's not null! SkinID is pretty self-explanatory - it's the long number in the URL of a Steam Workshop item. By default, it's 0 (no skin). RandomChanceWeight lets you decide the item's rarity when spawning - relative to the rarity of other items. Increase or decrease this number (it can be fractional) to make the item more or less rare. MinRandomAmount and MaxRandomAmount are what they sound like - they should both be larger than 0 (whole numbers) and when that particular item is caught, the stack will contain an amount between these two numbers. Translation support (oxide/lang/en/WaterBases.json) Almost every string the players see, including names for the water foundation items and messages displaying in the chat and the GUI, can be edited. Just load the plugin and let it generate the file - after you edit it, reload the plugin.$29.99 -
Version 1.0.2
Troll those cheaters in style with the Rocket Man ! After exploding up in the sky their loot will drop all over the place, just like a Piñata. Use the chat command /troll.rocketman <player> or the rcon command troll.rocketman <player>. The player argument will accept a partial player name or a full Steam ID. All users with the Oxide "admin" role will get access to the command, but you may grant per user/group access using the permission oxidationtrollrocketman.use.$1.99- 15 comments
- 5 reviews
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- #admin
- #admintool
(and 5 more)
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Version 1.4.8
This plugin adds jet skis with customizable physics! Chat Commands /jetski - Spawns jet ski near player (requires jetski.spawn permission) /jetski remove - despawns player's jet ski (requires jetski.despawn permission) /buyjetski - allows player to buy jet ski item and deploy it later (requires permission) Console Commands givejetski <amount> <player name> - give specified amount of jet skis to specified player (can be run in the server console or by player with jetski.admin permission) Admin Chat Commands (requires jetski.admin permission) /jetski_debug - show buoyancy points Each buoyancy point has force and size parameters Permissions jetski.admin - admin permission jetski.spawn - allows players to spawn a jetski via /jetski - allows players to buy jet ski deployable via /buyjetski - allows players to use /jetski for free (if price is not 0) jetski.despawn - allows players to despawn a jet ski via /jetski remove Localization English Russian Configuration Example of JetSki.json { "(1.1) Jet ski price (set value to 0 to make it free, use ServerRewards or Economics as a shortname to use RP points or Economics balance respectively)": { "ShortName": "scrap", "Amount": 75, "SkinID": 0 }, "(1.2) Spawn cooldown (in seconds)": 120, "(1.3) Allow only 1 jet ski per player": false, "(1.4) Allow spawning jet skis only on beaches": false, "(1.5) Amount of jet skis /buyjetski command gives": 1, "(1.6) Starting fuel": 0, "(2.1) Allow picking up the jet ski only in building privilege": false, "(2.2) How much HP is reduced when the jet ski is picked up (0-100)": 25.0, "(2.3) Jet ski item name": "Jet Ski", "(2.4) Jet ski item skin ID": 2935987835, "(2.5) Jet ski item ID": 794443127, "(3.1)Make all snowmobiles jet ski": true, "(3.2) Allow Jet ski to drive on land": true, "(4.1) Enable 'boost' button (Left Shift)": false, "(4.2) 'Boost' button thrust": 10000.0, "(4.3) 'Boost' duration (seconds)": 5.0, "(4.4) 'Boost' cooldown (seconds)": 30.0, "(5.1) Engine thrust": 5000, "(5.2) Engine thrust on land": 49, "(5.3) Move slowly on grass or roads": true, "(5.4) Steering scale": 0.05, "(5.5) Automatically flip jet skis": false, "(5.6) Off axis drag": 0.35, "(5.7) Buoyancy force": 730.0, "(6.1) Jet ski prefab": "assets/content/vehicles/snowmobiles/tomahasnowmobile.prefab", "(6.2) Thrust point position": { "x": -0.001150894, "y": 0.055, "z": -1.125 }, "(6.3) Buoyancy points": [ { "Position": { "x": -0.62, "y": 0.09, "z": -1.284 }, "Size": 1.3 }, ... } ] } API BaseEntity SpawnJetski(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation) Item CreateJetskiItem()$16.99 -
Version 1.3.2
Bradleys now spawn in Tiers with small config and lootcrate spawn options. Features : Spawns as Easy,Medium,Hard or Nightmare Tiers Easy configuration and setup BradleyGuards and BradleyOptions will disable their HP and Cratedrop settings automaticly (Krungh Crow versions). Works on any Bradley no exceptions Spawn and Kill Messages Option to make a vanilla bradley spawn instead of a Tiered one at random. Set a extra reward in the form of Economics or ServerRewards Support for Tiered loot systems (using it set to false by default) v1.0.3 Showing Bradley tier on 1st damage then after each 2 minutes will show it again. API for other developers is made available Permissions : bradleytiers.use : To be able to use the /bt info chatcommand Commands : /bt info : Just prints plugin info version and author to chat Configuration : Want a certain item to spawn as a blue print just add .bp behind its shortname ! Example of custom items like the ExtendedRecycler plugins recycler item. { "probability": 0.6, "shortname": "", "name": "Recycler", "skin": 1594245394, "amountMin": 1, "amount": 1 }, { "Main config": { "Debug": false, "Chat Prefix": "[<color=yellow>Bradley Tiers</color>] ", "Use GUIAnnouncement": false, "Reply to player in chat on attack": true, "Reply to player in chat on reward": true, "Show kills/spawns in Global chat": true, "Use Notify": false, "Notify profile ID": 0, "Include Vanilla Bradley": false, "Include ArmoredTrain Bradley": false, "Include Convoy Bradley": false, "Include SatDish/Harbor Event Bradley": false, "Bradley Tiers can interact with NPC": false }, "Tier Names": { "Vanilla": "Vanilla", "Easy": "Easy", "Medium": "Medium", "Hard": "Hard", "Nightmare": "Nightmare" }, "Kill Rewards": { "Use Economics?": true, "Use ServerRewards?": false, "Vanilla amount": 500, "Easy amount": 1000, "Medium amount": 1500, "Hard amount": 2000, "Nightmare amount": 2500 }, "Loot Tables": { "Use lootsystem": true, "Use Random Skins": false }, "Easy Bradley": { "Bradley Health": 1500, "Bradley Max Fire Range": 100, "Bradley Bulletdamage (15 is vanilla)": 15.0, "Bradley Throttle Responce": 1.0, "Bradley Accuracy (0-1)": 0.6, "Bradley Damage scale (0-1)": 0.6, "Add Custom Loot": true, "Bradley Max crates after kill": 4, "Spawn Min Amount Items": 2, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 6, "Loot Table": [ { "probability": 1.0, "shortname": "ammo.pistol", "name": "", "skin": 0, "amountMin": 5, "amount": 5 } ] }, "Medium Bradley": { "Bradley Health": 1800, "Bradley Max Fire Range": 100, "Bradley Bulletdamage (15 is vanilla)": 15.0, "Bradley Throttle Responce": 1.0, "Bradley Accuracy (0-1)": 0.75, "Bradley Damage scale (0-1)": 0.7, "Add Custom Loot": true, "Bradley Max crates after kill": 5, "Spawn Min Amount Items": 2, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 6, "Loot Table": [] }, "Hard Bradley": { "Bradley Health": 2000, "Bradley Max Fire Range": 100, "Bradley Bulletdamage (15 is vanilla)": 15.0, "Bradley Throttle Responce": 1.0, "Bradley Accuracy (0-1)": 0.8, "Bradley Damage scale (0-1)": 0.85, "Add Custom Loot": true, "Bradley Max crates after kill": 8, "Spawn Min Amount Items": 2, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 6, "Loot Table": [] }, "Nightmare Bradley": { "Bradley Health": 2500, "Bradley Max Fire Range": 100, "Bradley Bulletdamage (15 is vanilla)": 15.0, "Bradley Throttle Responce": 1.0, "Bradley Accuracy (0-1)": 0.85, "Bradley Damage scale (0-1)": 1.0, "Add Custom Loot": true, "Bradley Max crates after kill": 12, "Spawn Min Amount Items": 2, "Spawn Max Amount Items": 6, "Loot Table": [] } } Localisation : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "Bradley": "Bradley", "Destroyed": "finally destroyed the", "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color>\n<color=green>/bt info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "KillRewardMessage": "You recieved {0}$ for Destroying the {1} BradleyApc", "AttackMessage": "You are taking on a {0} Bradleyapc", "Version": "Version : V", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>", "KillNotification": "<color=orange>{0}</color> Destroyed a {1} BradleyApc", "SpawnMessage": "A {0} Bradley has spawned around {1}" } API : When a Bradley has been updated to a Bradley Tier OnBradleyTiersVanillaSpawned(BradleyAPC bradley) OnBradleyTiersEasySpawned(BradleyAPC bradley) OnBradleyTiersMediumSpawned(BradleyAPC bradley) OnBradleyTiersHardSpawned(BradleyAPC bradley) OnBradleyTiersNightmareSpawned(BradleyAPC bradley) When a Bradley Tier has been destroyed OnDestroyBradleyTiersVanilla(BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) OnDestroyBradleyTiersEasy(BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) OnDestroyBradleyTiersMedium(BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) OnDestroyBradleyTiersHard(BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) OnDestroyBradleyTiersNightmare(BradleyAPC apc, HitInfo info) When a Bradley Tier is taking damage OnBradleyTiersHitVanilla(BradleyAPC bradley, HitInfo info) OnBradleyTiersHitEasy(BradleyAPC bradley, HitInfo info) OnBradleyTiersHitMedium(BradleyAPC bradley, HitInfo info) OnBradleyTiersHitHard(BradleyAPC bradley, HitInfo info) OnBradleyTiersHitNightmare(BradleyAPC bradley, HitInfo info)Free- 195 comments
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- #bradley
- #krunghcrow
- (and 4 more)
Version 1.3.2
What kind of survival game doesn't let you break your leg? With this plugin, players can sustain injuries and become infected with diseases. Currently there are 6 status conditions, each fully customizable through the plugin's configuration file. Status Conditions /inflict <player> concussion /cure <player> concussion Periodically blurs the player's vision. Chance to occur when a player is headshot. More likely to occur with more powerful weapons. /inflict <player> foodpoisoning /cure <player> foodpoisoning Forces the player to vomit occasionally which damages their food and thirst levels. Caused by eating spoiled meat. Can be cured by drinking healing tea. /inflict <player> brokenleg /cure <player> brokenleg Prevents sprinting and causes damage when moving. Can happen when taking fall damage, chance increases the greater the height. Can also occur when being shot in the leg, this is more likely to happen the more powerful the weapon is. /inflict <player> rabies /cure <player> rabies Periodically deals damage to the victim and flashes their screen red. Can be rarely contracted from the bites of wild animals. There is no cure, it's best to put the victim out of their misery. /inflict <player> tapeworm /cure <player> tapeworm The effect of food and water consumption is greatly reduced. Can occur from consuming raw or uncooked meat. Easily treatable with anti-biotics (anti-rad pills). /inflict <player> z13virus /cure <player> z13virus Not much is known about this disease, however it is often mistaken for rabies. Something terrible occurs when the victim dies... Seems to occur when a player is bitten by a zombie (scarecrow). Customization Each status condition has properties that can be customized through the plugin config. Here is a quick description of each of the properties. Enabled - Set to false to disable this condition. Likeliness - The chance (0 - 1.0) of this condition occurring through any means. For some conditions, like concussion or broken leg, this will be the MINIMUM chance for this to occur, and it will become more likely depending on how much damage is taken. This is only relevant for some conditions, other conditions may use items/entities to inflict players. Icon - The url of the icon for this condition. From Legshots - (Broken Leg Only) Set to false to disable this from occurring when a player is shot in the leg. From Falling - (Broken Leg Only) Set to false to disable this from occurring when a player takes fall damage. Damage Scale - The damage effect multiplier for the status condition. This will modify the damage taken for all types (hunger, thirst, ect.) not just health. For example, a value of 0.5 will do half damage while a value of 2.0 will do double damage. Show Duration - Set to false if you do not want player's to see how many seconds are remaining for this condition. There is a slight performance cost for this being set to true. Show Indicator - Set to false if you do not want a custom status framework indicator to show up for this condition. Cure Items - Item short names with corresponding chances from 0-1.0. The items listed will have a chance to cure the condition when consumed/used by the player. An item skin can optionally be specified, see Item Skins section. Interval Min Seconds - The minimum amount of time in seconds between a condition's symptom from occurring. Only relevant for some conditions. Interval Max Seconds - The maximum amount of time in seconds between a condition's symptom from occurring. Only relevant for some conditions. Duration Min Seconds - The minimum number of seconds a condition will last for. Duration Max Seconds - The maximum number of seconds a condition will last for. Move Items to Zombie - (Z13 Virus Only) Set to false to disable moving items from a corpse to the newly spawned zombie. The items will instead be left in a backpack. Reanimation Seconds - (Z13 Virus Only) The number of seconds before an infected player's corpse is reanimated into a zombie. Infliction Entities - Entity short names with corresponding chance of inflictions from 0-1.0. The entities listed will have a chance to inflict the condition when dealing damage to a player. Infliction Items - Item short names with corresponding chance from 0-1.0. The items that are listed will have a chance to inflict the condition when consumed/used by the player. An item skin can optionally be specified, see Item Skins section. Infliction Damage Action - Determined the way that an infliction entity must deal damage in order to inflict a condition. The allowed values are "melee", "ranged" or "any". Item Skins You can optionally specify that only an item with a certain skin will count for Cure and Infliction items. To do so just append #<skin id here> to the end of the item shortname. If both a skinned item and a non skinned item definition are specified, then the skinned definition will take priority if applicable. For example if your config looks like this then... If Anti-Rad Pills with the Skin 12345 are consumed, then it has a 100% cure chance. Anti-Rad Pills with any other skin (including default) only have a 50% cure chance. Only Apples with the 67890 skin have a 100% cure chance. All other Apples have 0% cure chance (because they are not listed). "Cure Items": { "antiradpills": 0.5, "antiradpills#12345": 1.0, "apple#67890": 1.0 }, Creating Your Own Custom Status Conditions Please note, this is a WIP feature, there may be some bugs, please report them if you find them! As of v1.2.0 you can use the API method "CreateCondition" to create your own plugin that can register custom status conditions through Injuries and Diseases. But what if you're not a developer? No problem! I have created a plugin for you with a ton of configurable options for you to create your own status conditions. In either case, here are some guides for what you need to do to create your own status conditions. For Non-Developers If you are not a plugin developer and you would like to create your own custom status conditions then you can download this plugin file and edit the config that it generates to customize the status conditions how you like. Currently there is a limited amount of things you can do for a status condition. If there is a specific condition, trigger, or effect you would like included, please open a support ticket and make a suggestion! Or, if you want full freedom, you can see the developer section to create your own status condition plugin exactly how you would like. For Developers If you are a plugin developer and would like to create a plugin that adds some custom status conditions, then you can make use of the "CreateCondition" API method (see API section) to register any custom conditions you would like to add. To see a code example of how this will work you can refer to the plugin file download like mentioned in the "For Non-Developers" section above. That plugin contains some hints on how the plugin must operate to work with Injuries and Diseases. When creating a custom condition, there are certain aspects that Injuries and Diseases will handle, and others that your plugin will need to take care of. Here is a breakdown of some of those things: Injuries and Diseases will handle... Showing status indicators Status duration and countdowns Showing infliction, cure and diagnosis messages (they need to be in YOUR plugin's localization file though) The effect that occurs on intervals and when the condition is first inflicted (you pass these methods into the CreateCondition method) Whether your conditions duration/indicator is shown (pass this into the CreateCondition method) Your plugin should handle... Registering conditions using the API Means of inflicting your condition (entity attack, item consumed, ect) Means of curing your condition Localization (Injuries and Diseases will reference some of these) Adding images to image library Any configuration options pertaining to your custom conditions Permissions injuriesanddiseases.admin Required for admin commands Designates a player as a doctor Required for doctor commands injuriesanddiseases.immune Player cannot be affected by any conditions Will also cure the player of any current conditions when granted Admin Commands /inflict <player> <condition> <revealed?> Inflicts the player with the specified condition (see status conditions section). Optionally, you can set if the status will be revealed or not. Default value is set in the config. /cure <player> <condition?> Cures the player from all conditions. If the condition is specified, the player will be cured of just that condition. /conditions <player> Returns a list of all the conditions a player is suffering from and includes the remaining duration. /reveal <player> <condition> Reveals the condition to the player if it has no already been revealed. Doctors (Optional) As an optional feature, you can assign a player as a doctor. Doctors can diagnose players, which will reveal to the player the condition that their are afflicted with. By default, this isn’t necessary, as players will automatically be notified of what their condition is. However, in the config, you can set it so that conditions are unknown to players until they get a doctor to diagnose them. Once they have diagnosed a player, the doctor will also be informed of how to cure the condition. Doctors can be assigned with the doctor perm, and have access to the following command: /diagnose Will diagnose any undiagnosed conditions of the player they are looking at. Will also recommend treatment if available. Supported Plugins Injuries and Diseases has built in support for the following plugins: ZombieHorde The default config values contain support for ZombieHorde zombies to inflict the Z13 Virus The keyword in the config for zombie horde entities is "zombie" WalkingDead The default config values contain support for Walking Dead zombies to inflict the Z13 Virus The Walking Dead plugin uses the "scarecrow" entity for their zombies, which is already included BotReSpawn If you want BotReSpawn entities to inflict a condition, use the keyword "botrespawn" in the infliction entities section of the condition config. Configuration Death Removes Conditions - Set to false if you want conditions to persist even when a player dies. Pause on Disconnect - Set to false if you want the condition timer to continue even when a player is sleeping. Set to true if you want it to pause when they are sleeping. Require Diagnosis - Set to false if you want conditions to be automatically revealed to player's when they are inflicted. Set to true if you want them to appear as unknown until a doctor diagnoses them. Show Doctor Indicator - Set to true if you want an indicator to appear for player's with the doctor permission. Messages Enabled - Set to false if you do not want messages to appear in the chat for player's when their conditions status is updated. Message Icon ID - The steam ID of the player portrait you want to appear for all chat messages from this plugin. Images - A list of image urls for various images used in this plugin. Status Conditions - Configuration for status conditions (see customization section). Version - Keeps track of what version your configuration was generated for, do not edit manually. Developer API With these developer API tools you can extend the functionality of existing conditions through code. You can add additional effects by making use of the various hooks for each condition. /* * Returns a list of all enabled conditions. */ List<string> GetConditions(); /* * Returns a list of conditions a player is inflicted with. */ List<string> GetPlayerConditions(ulong userId); /* * Returns true if the player has the specified condition. */ bool HasCondition(ulong userId, string conditionNameId); /* * Inflicts the player with the specified condition. */ void SetCondition(ulong userId, string conditionNameId, bool revealed); /* * Removes the condition for the player. */ void RemoveCondition(ulong userId, string conditionNameId, bool cured); /* * Removes all conditions for the player. */ void RemoveAllConditions(ulong userId, bool cured); /* * Reveals the condition to the player if it is not already revealed. */ void RevealCondition(ulong userId, string conditionNameId); /* * Create a custom condition. BETA */ void CreateCondition(Plugin plugin, string conditionNameId, string imageLibraryIconName, int minIntervalSeconds, int maxIntervalSeconds, int minDurationSeconds, int maxDurationSeconds, bool showDuration, bool showIndicator, Action<BasePlayer> beginEffect = null, Action<BasePlayer> intervalEffect = null);$19.99 -
Version 1.1.3
Perform flips, jumps, and even attempt to fly on your bike, all while collecting money or simply having fun. This plugin offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tweak various parameters to control the bike's behavior to suit your style. FEATURES: Change a couple of parameters to make the bike go the way you want it to Setup the Score System so players get RP points for what they do on the bike Allows you to do jumps on bikes (use duck button) Adds sprint boost for motorbikes Now the bike can do flips Driver can change view mode by pressing the reload button Players can disable or enable modifiers via command "bikemodifierswitch" Let me know if you want me to add something to this plugin { "Enable score system": true, "Score system [ServerRewards or Economics required]": { "stuntriding.base": { "1 RP per points [every N points player will get 1 RP]": 100, "Minimum seconds in the air to start gain points": 2, "Points for each N second in the air": 200, "Frequency of gaining points in the air": 0.75, "Points per flip": 900, "Delay before the points will convert to RP": 5.0, "Message after convert points to RP": "You gained {0} points. It converted to {1} RP" } }, "Bikes": { "pedalbike": { "Permission for use [if a rider doesn't have permission the bike behavoiur won't change]": "stuntriding.licence", "Enable boozy view for driver on a bike by default": true, "Swap to the third person viewmod by press reload button": true, "Engine power [39 for motor and 4 for pedal by default]": 9, "Mass [200 for motor and 60 for pedal by default]": 30, "Rotation speed in the air [right/left]": 0.1, "Sprint time [for pedal bikes | -1 = inifinity sprint time | 5 is default]": -1.0, "Sprint regen time [for pedal bikes | 10 is default]": -1.0, "Sprint speed multiplier [0.3 is default]": 0.5, "Use jumps": true }, "motorbike": { "Permission for use [if a rider doesn't have permission the bike behavoiur won't change]": "stuntriding.licence", "Enable boozy view for driver on a bike by default": true, "Swap to the third person viewmod by press reload button": true, "Engine power [39 for motor and 4 for pedal by default]": 60, "Mass [200 for motor and 60 for pedal by default]": 200, "Rotation speed in the air [right/left]": 0.1, "Sprint time [for pedal bikes | -1 = inifinity sprint time | 5 is default]": -1.0, "Sprint regen time [for pedal bikes | 10 is default]": -1.0, "Sprint speed multiplier [0.3 is default]": 0.5, "Use jumps": true }, "motorbike_sidecar": { "Permission for use [if a rider doesn't have permission the bike behavoiur won't change]": "stuntriding.licence", "Enable boozy view for driver on a bike by default": true, "Swap to the third person viewmod by press reload button": true, "Engine power [39 for motor and 4 for pedal by default]": 60, "Mass [200 for motor and 60 for pedal by default]": 200, "Rotation speed in the air [right/left]": 0.1, "Sprint time [for pedal bikes | -1 = inifinity sprint time | 5 is default]": -1.0, "Sprint regen time [for pedal bikes | 10 is default]": -1.0, "Sprint speed multiplier [0.3 is default]": 0.5, "Use jumps": false } } }$10.00- 14 comments
- 1 review
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- #vehicles
- #server rewards
(and 3 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.3.2
For beginners and certified amateurs alike, setting up a Rust server can quickly become time-consuming. This is why we offer you our all-in-one server setup. With this, your server will be ready in 10 minutes. This server setup is a starting base for your future Battlefield server. Unlimited resources, armed from spawn, try to survive on the battlefield! Documentation detailing the installation process is provided. It also includes explanations of the plugins as well as the steps to take if you wish to make changes. (And we can be reached in case of problems) Server Features: 1000000x Gather Rates (It's ridiculous) No need for resources to build (secret inventory) 5 Preconfigured Kits (including a VIP) Custom WelcomePanel Shop UI Kill Rewards (the player earns money that he can spend in the shop) Playing Rewards (players earn $100 every 30 minutes) Always Day No BluePrint/All Unlock DeathNotes Permission Groups (default, VIP, Moderator & Admin) Inventory Save SkinBox BGrade InstantCraft on all items NoWorkbench NTeleportation No-Escape RemoverTool SpawnHeli + More! Plugins are not provided with this pack. You need to download them yourself. A document containing the main links is provided. For optimal operation, this setup requires the purchase of third-party paid plugins. However, you don't have to use all the plugins if you don't want to. For more information, visit our website.$6.49- 4 comments
- 1 review
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- #battlefield
- #1000000x
(and 6 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.6.1
Features Allows players to deploy ziplines from a distance using a crossbow Allows bidirectional ziplines Allows adjusting zipline movement speed, optionally based on incline Optionally requires cable to deploy ziplines Extensive configuration options to restrict zipline deployment Integrates with Economics and Server Rewards to allow buying the Zipline Tool Integrates with No Escape to prevent deploying ziplines while Raid blocked or Combat blocked Integrates with Remover Tool to provide an alternate way to pick up ziplines How it works To deploy a zipline, a player must first obtain a Zipline Tool and some Zipline Cable. By default, the Zipline Tool is a crossbow with a custom skin, and Zipline Cable is rope with a custom skin. Once acquired, the player must shoot the crossbow where they want to start the zipline, then shoot again where they want to end the zipline (no arrows needed). Once the zipline has been deployed, players can ride it just like the vanilla ziplines, by looking up at the top of the start point and interacting with the "Use Zipline" prompt. Since both the Zipline Tool and Zipline Cable are items, there are many ways you can provide them to players, including via kits, vending machines, and loot tables. The plugin also allows players to purchase them directly with chat commands. Permissions This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. Admin permissions deployablezipline.protect -- Allows the player to run the zipline protect command to toggle protection for any ziplines they deploy. Protected ziplines do not decay, and can only be picked up by players with this permission. Purchase permissions - Allows buying the Zipline Tool with the zipline buy command. - Allows buying Zipline Cable with the zipline buycable <amount> command. Tool usage permissions Depending on how you have configured the plugin, there will be additional permissions like deployablezipline.profile.<suffix>, one for each profile. The plugin comes with the following profiles by default. Note: Players must have permission to a profile in order to use the Zipline Tool. deployablezipline.profile.balanced 4 ziplines max 100m max zipline length 10 uses per Zipline Tool, but can be repaired Allows up to 45° decline and 15° incline Disallows monuments 6 ziplines max 200m max zipline length Unlimited uses per Zipline Tool Allows up to 45° decline and 45° incline Allows monuments deployablezipline.profile.unrestricted Unlimited ziplines 10000m max zipline length Unlimited uses per Zipline Tool No angle or location restrictions Speed permissions The speed that players move along a deployed zipline can be configured according to the permissions of the player riding the zipline (not the player who deployed it). Each speed profile will have a permission like deployablezipline.speed.<suffix>. You can make as many speed profiles as you want in the configuration. The plugin comes with the following speed profiles by default. deployablezipline.speed.slow 0.25x min uphill speed 0.5x max horizontal speed 0.75x max downhill speed deployablezipline.speed.balanced 0.5x min uphill speed 1x max horizontal speed 1.5x max downhill speed 0.75x min uphill speed 1.5x max horizontal speed 2.25x max downhill speed deployablezipline.speed.ridiculous 5x max speed deployablezipline.speed.ludicrous 10x max speed Commands This plugin provides both chat and console commands using the same syntax. When using a command in chat, prefix it with a forward slash: /. zipline buy -- Purchases a Zipline Tool. Requires the permission. By default, it costs 100 scrap. zipline buycable <amount> -- Purchases Zipline Cable. Requires the permission. By default, it costs 1 scrap. zipline toggle -- Enables or disables bidirectional mode for ziplines you deploy after running this command. Alternatively, you can press MMB (middle mouse button) while wielding a Zipline Tool. To use this command, you must have permission to a Zipline Tool profile that allows bidirectional ziplines. zipline protect -- Enables or disables protection of ziplines you deploy after running this command. Requires the deployablezipline.protect permission. A protected zipline does not decay, and can only be picked up by players who have the deployablezipline.protect permission. Configuration The settings and options can be configured in the DeployableZipline file under the config directory. The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. Zipline tool Zipline Tool -- Determines which item is considered the Zipline Tool. This item can also be used to pick up ziplines when Pickup restrictions > Require hammer or zipline tool to pick up zipline is set to true. Players may purchase this tool with the zipline buy command if they have the permission. Item short name -- The short name of the Zipline Tool item. Must be an equippable item. Default: "crossbow". Item skin ID -- The skin ID of the Zipline Tool item. Default: 2793006815. Purchase info Cost -- Determines the cost to purchase the Zipline Tool. Item short name -- The short name of the currency item. Default: "scrap". Item skin ID -- The skin ID of the currency item. Set to 0 to require an unskinned currency item. Default: 0. Amount -- The amount of currency required to purchase the Zipline Tool. Default: 100. Use Economics (true or false) -- Set to true to require Economics currency instead of item currency. Default: false. Use Server Rewards (true or false) -- Set to true to require Server Rewards currency instead of item currency. Default: false. Attachment item short names -- Determines which attachments will be added to the Zipline Tool when purchased. Only applies to weapons that can have attachments. Default: ["weapon.mod.holosight", "weapon.mod.lasersight"]. Zipline cable Zipline Cable -- Determines which item is considered Zipline Cable. Note: You can independently configure the condition loss of the Zipline Tool if you want to consume the tool itself. Item short name -- The short name of the item. Default: "rope". Item skin ID -- The skin ID of the cable item. Default: 2793158547. Cost -- Determines the cost to purchase Zipline Cable. Item short name -- The short name of the currency item. Default: "scrap". Item skin ID -- The skin ID of the currency item. Set to 0 to require an unskinned currency item. Default: 0. Amount -- The amount of currency required to purchase Zipline Cable. Default: 1. Use Economics (true or false) -- Set to true to require Economics currency instead of item currency. Default: false. Use Server Rewards (true or false) -- Set to true to require Server Rewards currency instead of item currency. Default: false. Pickup restrictions Pickup restrictions -- Determines under which circumstances players may pick up ziplines. Require hammer or zipline tool to pick up zipline (true or false) -- Set to true to require the player to be holding a hammer or the Zipline Tool to pick up a zipline. This only applies to ends of the zipline that use the spear item, since the Tesla Coil end already requires a hammer to pick up. Default: true. Allow pickup while building blocked at other end (true or false) -- Set to true to allow players to pick up a zipline from one end, while they are building blocked at the other end of the zipline. Default: true. Note: Regardless of this option, players may not pick up a zipline from an end where they are building blocked. Effects Effects -- Determines the effects that are played when using the Zipline Tool, or when trying to pick up a zipline. Tool impact (player only) -- Plays when the player hits a surface with the Zipline Tool. Only the Zipline Tool wielder will witness the effect. This provides feedback to the player so they can see where they hit. Tool failed (player only) -- Plays when the player tries to use the Zipline Tool but experiences an error. Only the Zipline Tool wielder will witness the effect. The wielder may experience an error for many reasons, such as being Building Blocked, or due to having insufficient Zipline Cable. Tool used -- Plays when the player successfully places either end of zipline using the Zipline Tool. Other players will witness the effect. Deploy succeeded -- Plays when the player successfully deploys a zipline using the Zipline Tool. Plays on both ends of the zipline. Other players will witness the effect. Pickup failed (player only) -- Plays when the player fails to pick up a zipline due to being Building Blocked. Only the Zipline Tool wielder will witness the effect. Zipline Tool permission profiles Zipline Tool permission profiles - Zipline Tool profiles allow you to define complex rulesets depending on a user's Oxide permissions. You may define unlimited profiles, but at most one will be assigned to each player. Profiles toward the end of the list have highest priority. Permission suffix -- Determines the permission that you must grant to assign the profile to a player or group. For example, set this to "fun" to produce the permission Allow tool while building blocked (true or false) -- Determines whether the player may use the Zipline Tool while they are standing in a location where they are Building Blocked. Allow bidirectional ziplines (true or false) -- Determines whether the player is allowed to place bidirectional ziplines. A bidirectional zipline can be mounted from either end. The player can press MMB (Mouse3) to enable/disable bidirectional mode. Zipline min length -- Determines the minimum zipline length that the player can deploy. Zipline max length -- Determines the maximum zipline length that the player can deploy. Zipline max decline angle -- Determines the maximum downward angle of ziplines that the player can deploy. Set to 90.0 to allow the player to deploy ziplines that go straight downward. Set to 0 to only allow ziplines to go across or upward. Zipline max incline angle -- Determines the maximum upward angle of ziplines that the player can deploy. Set to 90.0 to allow the player to deploy ziplines that go straight upward. Set to 0 to only allow ziplines to go across or downward. Zipline max elevation increase -- Determines the maximum delta between the zipline start position and end position. Set to 0 to only allow ziplines to go across or downward. Tool condition loss percent per zipline deployed -- Determines how much condition the Zipline Tool will lose when the player deploys a zipline. Set to 0 to allow unlimited uses. Set to 100 to allow only one use per Zipline Tool. The Zipline Tool will be destroyed when reaching 0 condition. Tool cooldown seconds -- Determines how long the player must wait after deploying a zipline with the Zipline Tool before they can deploy another one. Max ziplines at once -- Determines the maximum number of ziplines that the player may have in the map at once. Cable cost -- Determines how much Zipline Cable will be consumed when deploying a zipline. Cost per meter -- Determines how much Zipline Cable is required per meter. Set to 0 to not require any Zipline Cable. Set to a fraction such as 0.5 to allow each unit of Cable to cover multiple meters. Refund amount per meter on pickup -- Determines how much Zipline Cable is refunded when the player's ziplines are picked up. Set this to the same value as Cost per meter to allow players to recover all their Zipline Cable when picking up a zipline. Set to less than Cost per meter to effectively impose a penalty by refunding less than what was spent. Start point ruleset -- Determines the locations at which the player can place a zipline start point. Allow while building blocked (true or false) -- Determines whether the player can remotely place this end of the zipline at a location where they are Building Blocked, regardless of whether they are standing in a Building Blocked location. Min height above terrain -- Determines how close to terrain the player can deploy this end of the zipline. Set to 0 to allow placing a zipline at terrain level. Max deploy distance -- Determines the maximum distance away from the player that they can place this end of the zipline. Allowed layers -- (Advanced) Determines the Rust object layers to which the player can attach this end of the zipline. The player will not be able to attach a zipline to objects on other layers. Allowed values: Default, TransparentFX, Ignore_Raycast, Reserved1, Water, UI, Reserved2, Reserved3, Deployed, Ragdoll, Invisible, AI, Player_Movement, Vehicle_Detailed, Game_Trace, Vehicle_World, World, Player_Server, Trigger, Player_Model_Rendering, Physics_Projectile, Construction, Construction_Socket, Terrain, Transparent, Clutter, Debris, Vehicle_Large, Prevent_Movement, Prevent_Building, Tree, Unused2. Disallowed topology -- (Advanced) Determines the types of Terrain Topology to which the player cannot attach this end of the zipline. Set to [] to allow all types of Terrain Topology. Allowed values: Field, Cliff, Summit, Beachside, Beach, Forest, Forestside, Ocean, Oceanside, Decor, Monument, Road, Roadside, Swamp, River, Riverside, Lake, Lakeside, Offshore, Rail, Railside, Building, Cliffside, Mountain, Clutter, Alt, Tier0, Tier1, Tier2, Mainland, Hilltop. End point ruleset -- Determines the locations at which the player can place the zipline end point. Same options as Start point ruleset. Zipline decay settings -- Determines how quickly deployed ziplines decay while outside of Tool Cupboard range. Note: Only one end of the zipline must be within Tool Cupboard range to protect it from decay. Also, instead of taking damage, the zipline will simply disappear when the decay time has elapsed. Enabled (true or false) -- Determines whether decay is enabled. Default: true. Decay minutes -- Determines how long a zipline is protected from decay after being deployed, or after nearby Tool Cupboards are removed. Default: 60. No Escape integration -- Determines whether the player can use the Zipline Tool while Raid Blocked or Combat Blocked, as determined by the No Escape plugin. Allow tool while raid blocked (true or false) -- Set to false to prevent the player from using the Zipline Tool while they are Raid Blocked. Allow tool while combat blocked (true or false) -- Set to false to prevent the player from using the Zipline Tool while they are Combat Blocked. Speed permission profiles Speed permission profiles -- Speed profiles allow you to configure how quickly players move along ziplines, depending on the Oxide permissions of the player riding it. You may define unlimited speed profiles, but at most one will be assigned to each player. Speed profiles toward the end of the list have highest priority. Permission suffix -- Determines the permission that you must grant to assign the speed profile to a player or group. For example, set this to "balanced" to produce the permission deployablezipline.speed.balanced. Move speed -- Determines the max speed that applies when the player is not holding the forward key. Bonus move speed -- Determines the additional max speed that applies when the player is holding the forward key. This value is added on top of Move speed to determine the total max speed. Acceleration time (seconds) -- Determines how many seconds it will take the player to reach max speed after mounting the zipline. Downhill speed bonus -- Determines how much to increase speed while going downhill. Percent increase per angle degree -- Example: While this is set to 1.0, going downhill at a 45° angle will increase max speed to 145%. Max speed percent -- Example: while Percent increase per angle degree is set to 1.0, and while this is set to 130.0, going downhill at a 45° angle would increase speed to only 130% instead of to 145%. Uphill speed penalty -- Determines how much to decrease speed while going uphill. Percent decrease per angle degree -- Example: While this is set to 1.0, going uphill at a 45° angle will decrease max speed to 55%. Min speed percent -- Example: While Percent decrease per angle degree is set to 1.0, and while this is set to 70.0, going uphill at a 45° angle would decrease speed to only 70% instead of 55%. Localization The default messages are in the DeployableZipline file under the lang/en directory. To add support for another language, create a new language folder (e.g. de for German) if not already created, copy the default language file to the new folder and then customize the messages.$9.99 -
Version 1.0.6
I introduce to you a brand new plugin to make custom and configurable use of the new addition of parachutes to the game of Rust! This plugin will add the ability for players on your server to use a Paraplane! Paragliders have the ability to gain altitude with the help of an engine on the player's back, as well as gain more speed in comparison with a parachute. You can create a great number of paraglider presets that can differ in HP, Speed, Drag, Fuel Consumption, and more! This plugin will give you the opportunity to create countless presets, your imagination is one of the only limitations! You can create parachute presets without an engine, where you can also configure and customize the default and additional parachutes that can appear in your loot tables. Paraplanes and Custom Parachutes can be given to yourself or players with the use of commands, or you can add them to any of your existing loot tables! The plugin comes with configuration options to place them in whatever loot tables you decide. Paraglider control The control of the paraglider completely coincides with the control of the parachute. To climb, hold down the [S] key and the engine key [SHIFT]. By default, to turn on the engine, the player needs to have fuel in the inventory. Chat commands (only for administrators) - /giveparaplane <paraplanePresetName> Console commands (RCON only) - giveparaplane <paraplanePresetName> <userid> <amount> Config - plugin_en – example of plugin configuration in English - plugin_ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian My Discord: Adem#9554 Join the Mad Mappers Discord here! Check out more of my work here!$14.99- 15 comments
- 4 reviews
- 4
- #parachute
- #vehicle
- (and 10 more)
Version 1.4.0a
This is a Racetrack monument. Great as a standalone monument, but even better as a racing event area. Build your favourite vehicle and line up against your rivals in a guaranteed action packed racing experience with your friends or server community Prefab count: 5321 Racetrack 1 contains the following: Pitlane Garage with 10 vehicle lifts Blue card puzzle (Vehicle themed loot table) Chinook Drop Zone Several Sewer access/escape points Day/Night sensor lighting CCTV Camera Coverage to view events from any 'Computer Station' 2 Vehicle Part Vending Machines 'Aged Robob Series 3' vending bot (Vehicle Parts 2) Oil Refinery, Tier 1 work bench, Repair bench Prefab Modifiers: Alpha Height Splat Topology Paths CCTV codes: RACETRACK0 RACETRACK1 RACETRACK2 RACETRACK3 RACETRACK4 RACETRACK5 RACETRACK6 Any issues? Give me a shout on my Discord Channel Note! You will need the latest versions of Oxide and Oxide.Ext.RustEdit.dll to use these on a map/server. Optional Plugins: RaceTrack$14.99- 9 comments
- 2 reviews
- 3
- #racetrack
- #racing
- (and 9 more)
Version 1.1.2
Overview: A simple plugin that randomly sets one player as the "King" and another as the "Mercenary", players in server will be notified of who obtained these roles. - King gets a health increase of 200% - Mercenary gets a damage increase of 200% When a player kills either the King or Mercenary they will obtain the title and buff, but a player cannot be both. If either kill the other a new player at random is chosen to take on the role along with a server notification of the player name and new role. If the player with a role has not died after an hour a new player is chosen to take on the role. Chat Command: - "/checkroles" - Gives an update on who the current King and Merc are. Config Access: Change these variables to desired amounts for a more personalised experience$9.99- 8 comments
- #rust
- #oxide plugins
(and 3 more)
Tagged with:
Version 1.1.18
This plugin and prefab combo adds a unique game arena to your map with very minimal effort. The plugin automates the game play entirely, and can be scheduled to run at an interval along side other plugins that use EventHelper. The game revolves around finding loot from crates (primitive by default), and killing each other while a radiation zone closes in around you. The zone is represented by a dome that will shrink in size at a configurable rate, as the game progresses. This will force players back to the centre for a final showdown. The winner will be awarded a prize (configurable). This package includes everything required to run the game manually or automatically, and features: Customizable weapon/armor lists (primitive and guns come default). A lobby with 8x elevators to bring contestants into the game. A configurable plugin to handle gameplay completely (more info below). Custom UI for the radiation zone. Running the game: The game will run automatically every hour (by default). It will give players 5 minutes to join (by default), or can be manually started by typing in /starthg <seconds>. Players join by typing in /hg (by default), which will strip and save all of their equipment, note down their metabolism stats (hunger, thirst, health etc) and teleport them into the lobby. The players will then be added to the "roster" and will be told to get into an elevator. A player cannot join if they have a car key in their inventory, or an active crafting que. Upon the game commencing, players will be taken to the surface via an elevator and the game will begin when the doors open. The dome spawns after 60 seconds (by default), and will start shrinking. Leaving the bounds of the dome will bring up a hud indicating that the player is in a radiation zone, and will start giving the player radiation stacks for as long as they are outside. Dying removes the player from the game, returning their equipment on respawn, and teleporting them back to the location that they were at originally. A player can also manually leave the game by typing in /leave (by default). The game ends when there is 1 player left standing. The player will be returned to their original location, with their original health and metabolism stats, and will have the ability to claim a prize by typing /claimprize. Commands: /starthg <seconds> - starts the game manually and resets the automatic start timer. Seconds = how many seconds before the game actually begins. /endhg - ends the current round of hungergames. /hg - joins the hungergames event. This command is configurable. /leave - leaves the hugnergames event. This command is configurable. /addfinalpoint - adds a potential end zone. /hgplayers - Lists all players who are still alive in the current event. Optional plugin - Night Vision You can the Nightvision plugin on Umod to allow for players to enjoy the event, even during pitch black nights. The plugin will enable/authorise a user to use nightvision when they join the event, and will then remove that privilege when they leave. Link: Installation Follow the youtube guide for installation. The plugin will automatically acquire the button IDs when loaded for the first time. Be sure to delete the data file when you wipe the server so that it can acquire the new .net.IDs. Permissions "hungergames.admin" - Required to start/stop hungergames manually. "hungergames.list" - Required to use the /hgplayers command. See youtube video above for more information on adding this prefab to your map/server.$19.90 -
Version 1.2.0
A free plugin to entertain your players and you, allowing you to become a ghost racer and race across the expanses of Rust at high speeds. Features: Beautiful fire effect on the wheels and driver's head Change the engine power of the motorcycles Available for both two-wheeled and three-wheeled motorcycles (you can change this in the config) Really fun Important Clarifications: Don't ask me to add permissions for this, they were not added intentionally, I want my plugin to bring fun to all players, not just dedicated VIP personalities and for making money. You are not allowed to modify the plugin in any way, if you want to suggest something, post it in the discussions. Video:Free -
Version 1.0.4
DangerZones is a plugin that creates a bombing zone event, just like in Battle Royale games! Demonstration video: Auto spawn Danger Zones; Custom map marker; Custom zone radius; Can modify rockets damage; Can modify rockets ground distance; Can modify rockets speed; Chat command to spawn danger zones; Multiple danger zones at the same time; Can modify the interval between rockets; You can modify the number of rockets that will be launched at the same time; Custom status label with the SimpleStatus plugin; Fully customizable UI toast notifications; Enable/disable damage to structures; Enable/disable damage to NPC's & Animals; The default configuration file:$4.99 -
Version 1.0.25
Grid Power rust plugin allows players to harness electricity directly from the Power Grid on any map by climbing Power line Poles to upgrade Transformers with components and protect their grid section, while also enhancing vanilla visuals with realistic, adjustable slack on hanging wires and lights. Questions? Support? Join the discord: In short Draw electricity straight from the Power Grid in Rust - on any map, be it a procedurally generated or a custom one! Ladder up the Power line Poles to upgrade their Transformers with components like Root Combiners (to replace missing/stolen/destroyed outlets that you plug into) and Tech Trash (to permanently upgrade power output level, up to a configurable point). Maintain the service with long-lasting Fuses. But most importantly, protect your precious part of the grid from vandalism, theft and sabotage that will inevitably come from those jealous players! Whatever you do, just be careful up there... high voltage happens to be highly dangerous. Always wear protective gear (like a hazmat suit) and don't touch the wires while they're live! As a bonus, this plugin also improves vanilla visuals with realistically hanging wires / hoses / Xmas lights, the slack of which (how loose they appear to be hanging) can be adjusted while placing. And this feature is completely optional, too. Goodbye, straight lines that look like steel rods - hello, actual laws of physics! But don't take my word for it - let the video speak for itself: Still not convinced? Check out this in-depth, 20+ minutes long review and tutorial by srtbull! 1.0.2 UPDATE: Introducing working Street Lights for eligible poles! The lights go on between between 20:00 and 8:00 by default. Quick start (for admins) Upload the GridPower.cs file to your oxide/plugins folder and you should be good to go, it's all plug-and-play. No need to restart your server! If you're loading it for the first time or it's a new map wipe, the plugin will automatically locate all Power Line Prefabs on your map, randomly choose some of them (according to chances set in the default config) and attach extra electrical entities to them to make them functional. Those entities should persist throughout the wipe and will be replaced if missing, on every plugin reload/server restart. Each Power line Pole will be assigned a number and its position will be stored in the data. This will work on any map that contains at least one of the following prefabs: assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/decor/powerline-small/powerline_pole_a.prefab assets/content/props/powerline_poles/powerline_pole_a.prefab Quick start (for players) Locating functional Transformers Not all Power Line Poles were made equally. Only a percentage of them (by default, 33% on average) will be functional. How do you recognise a functional one? Look up - if you see a Button attached to the top of the Pole, and maybe even some pre-existing Root Combiner Outlets, that's it! [insert image here, maybe a player looking at a powerline pole with binoculars] Laddering Up Now that you have located a functional pole, you need to climb it. Normally you cannot deploy Ladders on Power Line Poles and many other places (but oddly enough, you CAN deploy them on the horizontal planks at the top of a Pole!). However, Grid Power re-implements all the client-sided deployment logic to allow bypassing of that arbitrary-seeming limitation. If you try to deploy a Ladder on a Power Line Pole, don't be discouraged by the fact that the "ghost guide" is red instead of blue/amber. Click anyway and it will force it through! Ignore the message in the chat saying that the deployment failed - just like the colour of the ghost guide, it's all client-sided and as such there's nothing the plugin can do about it, visually speaking. But trust me, everything works as intended, despite what the client messages are telling you. The Ladders can then be destroyed/picked up to be reused. Maintenance A Transformer can have up to 4 Outlets (Root Combiners). That's where the players draw the electricity from. Those Root Combiners can be damaged/destroyed/repaired/picked up with a hammer (if you have Building Privilege) any time. If there's less than 4 Outlets, right-click on a Root Combiner Item in your inventory or drag it into the Fuse Box of the Transformer. You will hear a deployment effect and the Root Combiner will be deployed on the pole. In order to be able to draw power from that Transformer, you need to put a Fuse inside. Right-click a Fuse in your inventory or drag it directly to the Fuse Box. Don't worry - inside of the Transformers, those Fuses will last for much, MUCH longer than inside regular monument Fuse Boxes. By default, a brand new Fuse inside of a Transformer Fuse Box will last you for 12000 seconds (= 200 minutes, = 3.33 hours). This value can be increased or decreased in the config. You can see how much time a fuse has left in the Transformer GUI. By default, the Power Grid will produce electricity between 8 AM and 8 PM. The power output will follow a smooth curve, being the lowest in the morning/evening, and peaking at 2 PM. Exactly how much RWs will be produced on each Outlet is determined by the Transformer's Tech Trash level. By default, each Tech Trash inserted increases the peak power output by 5 RWs (up until a certain point - by default, that level is capped at 50, which translates to 250 RWs per Outlet at peak hours). Upgrade the level by right-clicking the Tech Trash item in your inventory or dragging it directly into the Fuse Box. Inserting Root Combiners/Tech Trash is still possible even if there's already a Fuse inside of the Fuse Box. The Fuse won't be replaced as the sole Item in the slot, since Root Combiners/Tech Trash are consumed immediately. Hooking Up & Hanging Out Once there's at least 1 Outlet present, you have a Fuse at hand, and the Grid is currently producing power - you're all set. Take a Wire Tool, pick your favourite wire colour with the [RELOAD] button, typically R, and connect to the outputs of the Root Combiner Outlets to your own electrical devices, usually a Battery or another Root Combiner. You will notice the text on top of your screen telling you what the current Slack of your wire tool / hose tool is. You can increase it with the [DUCK] button, typically CTRL, and decrease it with the [SPRINT] button, typically SHIFT. Larger Slack value means that the wire/hose will appear to be hanging more loosely. Smaller values will make it look tighter. Values close to zero will make it look like they look in vanilla Rust - i.e. not so good in comparison The final Slack value will be applied the moment you finalise your wire/hose connection. This hanging improvement applies to anything you do with Wire Tools/Hose Tools, not just Transformer Outlet connections! For the Advanced Xmas Lights, it's even better: you can adjust the Slack of each segment individually! After you place the Advanced Xmas Lights segment down, and you're just about to place the next segment, adjust the Slack of the segment you have just placed down with [DUCK] and [SPRINT] buttons. You will see a preview of what it will make the segment look like. Placing the next segment down confirms the Slack for the segment before it. Danger! High Voltage! If the Grid is currently producing Power (by default, during daytime) AND a Fuse is inserted in the Transformer, all Root Combiner Outlets are considered live on that Transformer. You can tell whether a Transformer is live or not: first, check your electric devices plugged in directly to the Grid. If they're not currently receiving any charge, they're not live. Similarly, you can look at the diodes on the Root Combiner Outlets. If they're not on, the Transformer is not live either. Lastly, it's pretty clear from the Transformer GUI. If a player tries to connect/disconnect a wire to/from a live Outlet, or they're trying to pick up the Root Combiner Outlet with a hammer, and they're not wearing one of the items on a pre-approved list (see the Advanced Config section below), there is a 1.0 (100%) chance they will get electrocuted to death. Another way to guarantee electrocution is trying to clear connections named INTERNAL. Leave those alone! Wearing protective clothing reduces that chance to 1 in 10 (10%, according to the default permission profile - see below). You can set that chance to 0.0 (0%) if you want to give your players a peace of mind. Another way to guarantee 0% electrocution chance is making sure the Transformer is not live: either wait for the Grid to stop producing Power or take out the Fuse before doing anything else. Permissions (Oxide.Grant user YourName [permission name starting with gridpower.]) By default, the plugin generates 3 permission profiles in the config - one for admins, one for normal players with no specific permissions (default) and one for VIP. More on permission profiles and config values they can handle can be found in the section Advanced Config. Unless you have added more permission profiles, only these two below are going to be used by your config: gridpower.admin Holders of the admin permission will also be able to run the /gp_cfg and /gp_emergency_cleanup commands gridpower.vip1 Holders of this permission will follow settings and limits associated with with that permission profile. The permissions below are also registered, but not used by default. To use them, just create some permission profiles with those permissions as the key. gridpower.vip2 gridpower.vip3 gridpower.vip4 gridpower.vip5 Automatic street lights Depending on your map design, some power line poles might have lamps on them. All those lamps will now emit light, by default between 20:00 an 8:00, which just so happens to be the time when the grid production goes back to 0. You can also set the street lights to be always on, regardless of the time of day. The time settings for the street lights are independent of your power production time settings - they can overlap, one can start before midnight and end after midnight while the other one does not, etc. Those street lights will work even on non-functional power line poles, e.g those without a button on top of them. When on, the lights will flicker from time to time. How often they will flicker and how long individual flickers are going to be depends on your config - look below. Admin F1 console/chat commands (must have ownerid/moderatorid/gridpower.admin permission) If you're typing those commands from the F1 console or the server console, drop the preceding slash in the command name. /gp_cfg Will allow the admins to change non-permission profile related config values on the fly (see below) /gp_emergency_cleanup Instantly kills all the plugin-related entities: fuseboxes, admin generators, root combiners and buttons. It won't remove the power line entries in your data, however. All the killed entities will be re-generated according to your current generation settings in the config next time your server restarts or the plugin reloads. If you want to permanently get rid of them, unload the plugin, delete your oxide/data/GridPower.json, and load it back in. /gp_pole [add/remove] This command will allow admins to add or remove functional power line poles at any time. Just look directly at the pole you want to modify and type the command with an argument (either "add" or "remove", depending on what you want to achieve). If you want to add a pole and it already is functional, or if you want to remove a pole, but it isn't functional - you will get a warning. Same if you try to add a pole, but the pole you're looking at is building blocked by a nearby monument. "Ent killing" (or using a plugin like Remover) the power line fusebox is the equivalent of permanently removing it from the data and it won't be re-generated any more on next reload. Wiping your save file also automatically removes all the extra components and replaces them with new ones tailored to your map, in accordance to your generation settings. Configuration (oxide/config/GridPower.json and /gp_cfg console/chat command) Vast majority of the settings can be configured with the /gp_cfg chat command. Typing it in the chat/console with no parameters should dump a rundown of config fields and their values. In order to run any of the config commands, you will need to have ownerid or moderatorid (or the gridpower.admin permission). /gp_cfg GridConstantPower [logical values (true or false)] If set to true, the Grid will always produce electricity at its peak (100%), 24 hours a day (DEFAULT: false) /gp_cfg GridProductionStartAtHour [fractions (like 13.37) between 0.00 and 24.00] The hour of the day when the power production starts climbing up from 0 (DEFAULT: 8.0) /gp_cfg GridProductionEndAtHour [fractions (like 0.69, nice) between 0.00 and 24.00] The hour of the day when the power production settles back at 0 (DEFAULT: 20.0) /gp_cfg StreetlightsConstantPower [logical values (true or false)] If set to true, the Streetlights will be on 24 hours a day. (DEFAULT: FALSE) /gp_cfg StreetlightsTurnOnAtHour [fractions (like 20.4) between 0.00 and 24.00] The hour of the day when the street lights turn on (DEFAULT: 20.0) /gp_cfg StreetlightsTurnOffAtHour [fractions (like 8.2) between 0.00 and 24.00] The hour of the day when the street lights turn off (DEFAULT: 8.0) /gp_cfg StreetlightsReliability [fractions (like 0.5) between 0.00 and 1.00] The reliability of the streetlight. The less it is, the more often it will flicker. At 1, which represents 100%, it never flickers. (DEFAULT: 0.95) /gp_cfg StreetlightsFlickerLengthMin [fractions (like 1.2) between 0.00 and Positive Infinity] The minimum random length of the flicker, in seconds (DEFAULT: 0.1) /gp_cfg StreetlightsFlickerLengthMax [fractions (like 2.4) between 0.00 and Positive Infinity] The maximum random length of the flicker, in seconds (DEFAULT: 0.5) /gp_cfg GeneratorChancePowerlineFunctional [fractions (like 0.5) between 0.00 and 1.00] The chance that a valid Power Line Pole will be made functional during generation. (DEFAULT: 0.33) /gp_cfg FuseRequired [logical values (true or false)] If set to false, the Transformers won't need Fuses to produce power, just the right time of the day (if power is not 24/7) (DEFAULT: TRUE) /gp_cfg BuildingBlockPreventsButtonPress [logical values (true or false)] If set to true, if there's any Tool Cupboards in the range of the Transformer, you need to be authorised on all of them to open the Transformer GUI (DEFAULT: TRUE) /gp_cfg GeneratorInitialLevelMin [integers (like 7) between 0 and 1000] The lower limit for the random Tech Trash level of valid Power Line Poles during generation (DEFAULT: 1) /gp_cfg GeneratorInitialLevelMax [integers (like 7) between 0 and 1000] The upper limit for the random Tech Trash level of valid Power Line Poles during generation (DEFAULT: 5) /gp_cfg GeneratorInitialOutletsMin [integers (like 1) between 0 and 4] The lower limit for the random number of Outlets of valid Power Line Poles during generation (DEFAULT: 0) /gp_cfg GeneratorInitialOutletsMax [integers (like 3) between 0 and 4] The upper limit for the random number of Outlets of valid Power Line Poles during generation (DEFAULT: 4) /gp_cfg PowerlinePowerPerTechTrash [integers (like 7) between 0 and 1000] How much RWs at peak hours are provided per 1 Tech Trash Level upgrade (DEFAULT: 5) /gp_cfg PowerlineMaxTechTrashLevel [integers (like 7) between 0 and 1000] The maximum level that a Transformer can be upgraded to (DEFAULT: 50) /gp_cfg PowerlineFuseDurationSeconds [fractions (like 420.69, nice) between 0.0 and Infinity] How long (in seconds) a brand new Fuse inserted in the Transformer Fusebox will last (DEFAULT: 12000.0) /gp_cfg FuseItemShortname [strings (like "fuse")] The shortname of the item that acts as the Fuse for Transformer Fuseboxes, must be a valid Rust item shortname /gp_cfg FuseItemGuiName [strings (like "Transformer Fuse")] The custom GUI display name of the item that acts as the Fuse for Transformer Fuseboxes, can be anything, or left blank for default /gp_cfg FuseItemSkinID [positive long integers (like 2783151202)] The skin ID of the Fuse item if using custom, leave at 0 to accept any items of the shortname specified by FuseItemShortname Protective clothing (only editable through oxide/config/GridPower.json) "ProtectiveClothing": { "hazmatsuit": null, "scientistsuit_heavy": null, "hazmatsuit_scientist": null, "hazmatsuit_scientist_peacekeeper": null, "hazmatsuit.spacesuit": null, "boots.frog": null, "hazmatsuit.nomadsuit": null, "pants": [ 1581896222 ], "hoodie": [ 1581890527, 1582492745 ] }, Each entry has a key (the item shortname in quotes) and a value. If the value is null, it means all possible skins for that item shortname are accepted. In the example above, we're allowing all rubbery one-pieces (value is null, so any skin) and we're also allowing pants with 1 possible skin or a hoodie with 2 possible skins to be treated as protective clothing. You will see that there's no comma after the last entry on the list. BEFORE SAVING, ALWAYS VALIDATE YOUR JSON WITH A TOOL LIKE JSON LINT! Permission profiles Using profiles you can quickly create/edit different permissions for different players, for example, if you have more than 1 VIP tier on your server - just add some new profiles. Different players can have different limits and permissions associated with using the Power Grid. To check which permission profile the player should fall under, the plugin goes through all permission profiles and checks whether the player has that permission granted. The permissions are checked in order, meaning that if the player doesn't have the first permission, it will try the next permission on the list, etc (similar to how Auto Kits checks which kit to give to a player based on their permissions in order). If the player doesn't have any permissions from the list granted, they will fall back to the "default" profile. That's the only one that you shouldn't remove! If you remove it, a new one with default values will be created. So if you don't want your default, non-VIP players to use the power grid, don't remove the default profile, just take away privileges in that profile (like upgrading/deploying ladders/pressing the button). You don't have to use the built-in VIP permissions - any REGISTERED permission from any plugin will do just fine! By default, three permission profiles are generate in the config: default, gridpower.admin and gridpower.vip1. The default permission profile will apply to any player who doesn't have any permissions listed in the profile list - let's have a look at it: "PermissionProfiles": { "default": { "PermissionRequired": "default", "GridCanDeployLadder": true, "GridCanDeployRootCombiners": true, "GridCanConnectDisconnect": true, "GridCanPressButton": true, "GridCanUpgrade": true, "GridDangerousWireElectricutionChance": 0.1, "HangingXmasLights": false, "HangingWiresAndHoses": false, "SubdivisionsPreview": 10, "SubdivisionsFinal": 50, "SlackMax": 5.0 }, PermissionRequired should contain an already existing permission registered by any plugin in the form of pluginname.permissionname GridCanDeployLadder allows players to deploy ladders on Power Line Poles GridCanDeployRootCombiners allows players to deploy Root Combiners on Power Line Pole transformers by inserting them into the Fuse Box GridCanConnectDisconnect allows players to use a Wire Tool to connect their own electrical devices to the Grid GridCanPressButton allows players to access the Transformer GUI GridCanUpgrade allows the players to upgrade the Transformer peak output by inserting Tech Trash into the Fuse Box GridDangerousWireElectricutionChance defines how likely it is that a player will die from electrical accidents, even while wearing protective clothing HangingXmasLights allows the players more control over how much the Advanced Xmas Lights will be hanging (purely visual) HangingWiresAndHoses allows the players more control over how much the Wires/Hoses will be hanging (purely visual) SubdivisionsPreview is the number of intermediary points used while showing the hanging Xmas Lights preview catenary curve of the last placed segment. The more points, the smoother it looks. (purely visual) SubdivisionsFinal is it the number of intermediary points used for the final catenary curve of the hanging wires/hoses/xmas lights. The more points, the smoother it looks (purely visual) SlackMax sets the maximum "looseness" of the wire/hose/xmas lights that the player is allowed. The more the slack, the longer the wire appears overall. API hooks (for plugin developers) All methods utilise the [HookMethod] attribute, which means you don't call them through Interface.Call, you need to first create this field in your plugin's main class... [PluginReference] private Plugin GridPower; Then, call the hooks like so. It's pretty self-explanatory what information they will provide you with. bool isPowerConstant = (bool) GridPower.Call("GridPowerIsConstant"); bool isGridProducing = (bool) GridPower.Call("GridIsProducing"); float productionHourStart = (float) GridPower.Call("GridGetProductionHourStart"); float productionHourEnd = (float) GridPower.Call("GridGetProductionHourEnd"); float currentGridEfficiency = (float) GridPower.Call("GridGetEfficiency"); bool areStreetlightsAlwaysOn = (bool) GridPower.Call("StreetlightsPowerIsConstant"); bool areStreetlightsOn = (bool) GridPower.Call("StreetlightsAreOn"); float streetlightsHourStart = (float) GridPower.Call("StreetlightsGetTurnOnHour"); float streetlightsHourEnd = (float) GridPower.Call("StreetlightsGetTurnOffHour"); Translation support (oxide/lang/en/GridPower.json) Almost every string the players see, including the text displaying in the chat and the GUI, can be edited. Just load the plugin and let it generate the file - after you edit it, reload the plugin.$24.99 -
Version 2.0.0
Details Barnacle Reef is a small to medium-sized map (3300) designed to feel bigger than default maps at a similar size and this is done by maximizing space with more land than water and better-proportioned monuments as well as moving some space-wasting monuments underground and out to sea. all-new custom monuments to discover as well as a mixture of the default monuments scattered around creating a nice balance of looting across the map. Fully custom landscape to explore and lots of interesting places to build bases and should provide players with hours of fun. highly optimised map with a healthy entity count that will result in smooth wipe performance. I would like to say a big thank you to Steenamaroo for all his help with plugins. Railway Features a working surface railway with twin directional lines that runs around the full map and through underground tunnels and over rivers and even down to the subways and with no dead ends its perfect for other train plugin events as well as its own custom work cart and wagon spawning plugin. Map Editing Yes, you are allowed to edit the map and add stuff etc. Custom NPCs Normal RustEdit Scientist’s have been replaced with my own set of NPC’S from the various factions from the rust world (Normal Scientist, Arctic Scientist, Tunnel Dweller and Underwater Dweller) if you do not like my NPC’s simply don’t install the plug-in and supply your own with any bot plugin you want. Monuments Airfield Nuclear Missile Silo Bandit Town Fishing Village Gas Station Horse Stable Lighthouse Underground Military Tunnels Oil Rig Large Oil Rig Small Outpost Sewer Branch Sphere Tank Supermarket Warehouse Trainyard Subway Greenhouse Deep Water Harbour Navy Shipyard Launch Site Junkyard Early Warning Radar Underwater Labs Desert Military Base Help And Contact If you need to contact me discord is best: RobJ2210#2553 For help/support my discord group is best: Join Rust Maps By RobJ Discord$40.00- 8 comments
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