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About Me

  1. IIIaKa


    Version 0.1.2


    vDelivery allows players with the permission to add a terminal(from drone station) to the vending machine and change the delivery fee. With creating the HUD on spawn vending machine. Note: For transactions with a custom fee, you still need to have 20 scrap available, which will not be taken. Also, for the vending machines modified by CustomVendingSetup(umod), there is no custom fee. vDelivery.admin - Provides unrestricted access to the plugin's functionality. This includes the ability to add/remove or clear terminals from other players' vending machines. Note: In the configuration file, within the "Settings of Vending machines for each permission" section, you can specify limits for any existing permission by simply listing its name. "Settings of Vending machines for each permission": { "MyPermission": { "Max ammount": 1, "Delivery fee item": "scrap", "Delivery fee amount": 20 }, ... If you want to create a new permission, you can also include it in the list, but the name must begin with "vDelivery". { "vDelivery command": "vdelivery", "Use GameTip for messages?": true, "Is it worth ignoring the inaccessibility of drones?": false, "Display position - Forward": -0.35, "Display position - Up": 1.8, "Display position - Right": 0.0, "Display rotation - x": 0.0, "Display rotation - y": 180.0, "Display rotation - z": 0.0, "Settings of Vending machines for each permission": { "vDelivery.default": { "Max ammount": 1, "Delivery fee item": "scrap", "Delivery fee amount": 20 }, "vDelivery.vip": { "Max ammount": 3, "Delivery fee item": "scrap", "Delivery fee amount": 20 }, "realpve.vip": { "Max ammount": 5, "Delivery fee item": "scrap", "Delivery fee amount": 20 } }, "Popup - Duration": 6.0, "Popup - Position AnchorMin": "0 0.9", "Popup - Position AnchorMax": "0.25 1", "Popup - Position OffsetMin": "20 0", "Popup - Position OffsetMax": "0 -30", "Popup - Icon Url": "https://i.imgur.com/4Adzkb8.png", "Popup - Icon Color": "#CCE699", "Popup - Icon Transparency": 0.8, "Popup - Text Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Popup - Text Font Size": 14, "Popup - Text Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "Popup - Description Font": "RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf", "Popup - Description Font Size": 12, "Popup - Description Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "Popup - Text FadeIn": 1.0, "Popup - Sound Prefab Name": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/invite_notice.prefab", "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 2 } } EN: { "MsgNotAllowed": "You do not have permission to use this command!", "MsgNotOwner": "You are not the owner of this vending machine!", "MsgNotAccessible": "The vending machine is not accessible to drones!", "MsgNotVending": "You need to look at the vending machine or provide correct net ID!", "MsgNotVendingDelivery": "The vending machine does not have a terminal!", "MsgLimitReached": "You cannot add a terminal as you have reached your limit of {0}!", "MsgPopupText": "Add a terminal to the vending machine?", "MsgPopupSubText": "Click on the notification to confirm", "MsgMyAdded": "The terminal has been successfully added!", "MsgMyRemoved": "The terminal has been successfully removed!", "MsgMyAllRemoved": "All your terminals have been successfully removed!", "MsgPlayerAllRemoved": "All {0}'s terminals have been successfully removed!", "MsgAllRemoved": "All terminals have been successfully removed!", "MsgTerminalsNotFound": "No terminals found!", "MsgPlayerTerminalsNotFound": "{0}'s terminals not found!", "MsgNoHaveCustomFee": "To pay the personal fee, you need to have :{0}:(x{1}). Using default fee settings!", "MsgAutoModifyEntityEnabled": "Automatic entity modification is enabled!", "MsgAutoModifyEntityDisabled": "Automatic entity modification is disabled!" } RU: { "MsgNotAllowed": "У вас недостаточно прав для использования этой команды!", "MsgNotOwner": "Вы не являетесь владельцем данного торгового автомата!", "MsgNotAccessible": "Торговый автомат не доступен для дронов!", "MsgNotVending": "Вам необходимо смотреть на торговый автомат или указать корректный net ID!", "MsgNotVendingDelivery": "Торговый автомат не имеет терминала!", "MsgLimitReached": "Вы не можете добавить терминал, так как вы превысили свой лимит в {0}!", "MsgPopupText": "Добавить терминал к торговому автомату?", "MsgPopupSubText": "Нажмите на уведомление для подтверждения", "MsgMyAdded": "Терминал успешно добавлен!", "MsgMyRemoved": "Терминал успешно удален!", "MsgMyAllRemoved": "Все ваши терминалы успешно удалены!", "MsgPlayerAllRemoved": "Все терминалы игрока {0} успешно удалены!", "MsgAllRemoved": "Все терминалы успешно удалены!", "MsgTerminalsNotFound": "Терминалы не найдены!", "MsgPlayerTerminalsNotFound": "Терминалы игрока {0} не найдены!", "MsgNoHaveCustomFee": "Для оплаты персональной комиссии вам необходимо иметь :{0}:(x{1}). Использование настроек комиссии по умолчанию!", "MsgAutoModifyEntityEnabled": "Автоматическая модификация сущностей включена!", "MsgAutoModifyEntityDisabled": "Автоматическая модификация сущностей выключена!" } add - Adding a terminal to the vending machine that you are looking at from a distance of no more than 10 meters. *netID* - Adding a terminal to a vending machine with the specified netID; remove - Removing a terminal from the vending machine that you are looking at from a distance of no more than 10 meters. *netID* - Removing a terminal from the vending machine with the specified netID; clear - Removing all of your terminals from vending machines. *userID* - Removing all of specified player's terminals from vending machines. Permission "vDelivery.admin" required. all - Removing all terminals from vending machines. Permission "vDelivery.admin" required. Example: /vdelivery add /vdelivery clear all
  2. Version 1.2.3


    Bundle of four addons made for Welcome Panel UI. All four addons including preset default config files as you see them on screenshots.
  3. Gruber


    Version 1.1.2


    The near future, the planet has suffered a global ecological catastrophe, the sun has burned out most civilizations and green nature. All that remains are the ruins of an old civilization. People turned into looters and raiders, they created several factions of their own and started a war with each other for the most significant resource on this planet - Gasoline. This resource allows gangs to move around a huge island in search of new production, most of the oil fields are captured by raiders, their bases are everywhere, on land, on water. The city located on this island was sunk and its new inhabitants became Sharks. I present to your attention a new map in the post-apocalyptic wasteland style, here you will find many custom locations, more than 20, locations are located everywhere, on land, on water, underground. You will also find some great places to build your base, a huge number of bridges, ziplines will give you the opportunity to quickly move between the peninsulas. You can also buy a flight transport at the outpost. The relief map also offers the use of parachutes to overcome long distances. Drinking water in the bays will give you the opportunity to quench your thirst and build a farm. Good luck in surviving on this island! Features: Prefab Count: ~46к prefabs Size: 4000 A lot of interesting locations to explore Marketplaces and recycler have been added to fishing villages Railway Optimal FPS A large number of places for the construction of foundations in the form of unusual rocks, caves, landscape and icebergs More than 20 custom monuments Large number of bridges Custom plugin UnderwaterGuard (by Adem) This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! How can I view the map? You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it. Custom Monuments: Gas Town Red Rock Overview Point Diesel Storage Shark City Trail Camp Port Station Broken oil pipeline Crew Barracks Loners Shelter Marauders Hangar Oil Station Fault Rogue Camp Junk Base Roger Dam Pier Diesel Rigs Bridge Security Sea Wolves Rusty Ship Drawbridge Coaling Tower West Bridge North Bridge East Bridge interesting places to build a base marked X Monument Facepunch: Launch Site Missile Silo Junkyard Harbor 1 and 2 Arctic Research Base Satellite Dish Airfield Bandit Camp Outpost (mod version) Giant Excavator Pit Water Treatment Military Tunnel The Dome Sewer Branch Ranch Fishing Village 1,2,3 (Modified version) Lighthouse Underwater Lab Railway HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry Roadside Monument
  4. Version 2.3.12


    Virtual Quarries plugin is a large upgrade to quarries in RUST. You can create and place quarry that will dig any type of resource and access them all over the map! You can set up infinite amount of quarry types, custom quarry limits with permission system, give your friends access to resource storage, upgrade your quarry to get more resources, customize survey items, fuel and much more! Video Preview (Version 2.0.0) Features Ability to place infinite amount of infinite types of quarries. You can give access to your friends/teammates to all/certain quarries that belongs to you. Also supports adding offline players. You can customize fully customize output for each type of quarry. Customizable items. You can make quarries to dig everything! From stone and ores, to rockets and C4! Full skin and display name support! Permission system to limit quarries per player. You can upgrade your quarry for better output, capacity and fuel multiplier. Configurable required items to place quarry. They can be based on quarry resource output. Many types of surveys. You can set as many survey charge types as you want. Each quarry type can have it's different survey item. Full data merge (with items or not) through wipes. Fully responsive RUST-Themed UI. You can customize fuel type for each type of quarry. You can make run your quarries even on potatoes! Custom quarry digging method. In the default config all quarries dig once per 60 seconds to increase performance and have full custom digging system. You can configure the frequency in the config. Support for static quarries, pumpjacks and giant excavator pit. Instanced inventories for each player, customizable outputs! (NEW!) Permissions virtualquarries.use - Allows you to open /qr menu. (Needs to be enabled in config) virtualquarries.share - Allows players to give other teammates access to their quarries. (Needs to be enabled in config) virtualquarries.static.quarry - Gives access to static quarries. (Needs to be enabled in config) virtualquarries.static.pumpjack - Gives access to static pump jacks. (Needs to be enabled in config) virtualquarries.static.excavator - Gives access to giant excavator. (Needs to be enabled in config) Commands /qr - Opens Virtual Quarry Menu. (Configurable) Economy Plugin Config 0 - None 1 - Economics 2 - ServerRewards 3 - IQEconomic 4 - BankSystem 5 - ShoppyStock API for Developers OnQuarryUpgraded(BasePlayer player, int quarryLevel, string quarryProfile) - Called when quarry is successfully upgraded. OnQuarryRemoved(BasePlayer player, string quarryProfile) - Called when quarry is successfully removed. OnCustomSurveyThrow(BasePlayer player, string quarryProfile) - Called when custom survey is successfully throwed. OnQuarryPlaced(BasePlayer player, string quarryProfile) - Called when quarry is succesfully placed. Example Config With additional quarry types, more upgrade levels etc. (my private configuration) VirtualQuarries.json Default Config (Version 2.3.1) { "Command List": [ "qr", "quarry", "quarries", "vq", "virtualquarry", "virtualquarries" ], "Enable Console Logs": true, "Override ImageLibrary Icons": false, "Require Permission For Use": false, "Mining Quarry/Pump Jack Limit Permissions": { "virtualquarries.default": { "pumpjack": 1, "quarry": 2 }, "virtualquarries.vip": { "pumpjack": 2, "quarry": 3 } }, "Sharing - Require Permission": false, "Data - Enable Data Wipe On Server Wipe": false, "Data - Store Container Data In File And Restore On Server Wipe": false, "Data - Store Container Interval (in seconds)": 1800, "Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)": 60, "Static Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)": 60, "Excavator Quarry Tick (how often quarries dig resources, in seconds)": 60, "Storage Prefab": "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab", "Sound - Start Sound": "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/effects/online.prefab", "Sound - Stop Sound": "assets/prefabs/npc/autoturret/effects/offline.prefab", "Survey Charge - Allow Throwing Survey Charges": false, "Survey Charget Types": { "survey": { "Effect Path": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/survey_explosion.prefab", "Required Permission (empty, if not required)": "", "Chance For Resources (0-100)": 75, "Displayed Survey Title Translation Key": "SurveyCharge", "Required Item": { "Shortname": "surveycharge", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } } }, "Upgrades - Used Economy Plugin (0 - None, See Website For More Info)": 0, "Upgrades - Economy Currency (If Economy Plugin Is 5 - ShoppyStock)": "rp", "Removing Quarries - Refund Items": true, "Go Back Button - Position (1-2)": 1, "Upgrade UI - Responsive Position": true, "Static Quarries - Enable": false, "Excavator Quarry - Enable": false, "Excavator Quarry - Lock Air Drops": false, "Excavator Quarry - Resource Container Size": 18, "Excavator Quarry - Fuel Container Size": 6, "Static Quarries - Quarry Requires Permission": false, "Static Quarries - Pump Jack Requires Permission": false, "Static Quarries - Excavator Requires Permission": false, "Static Quarries - Resource Container Size": 18, "Static Quarries - Fuel Container Size": 6, "Static Quarries - Fuel Item": { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1.0, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": null }, "Excavator Quarry - Fuel Item": { "Shortname": "diesel_barrel", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1.0, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": null }, "Static Quarries - Metal Quarry Output": [ { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 150.0, "Display Name": "" }, { "Shortname": "metal.ore", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 22.5, "Display Name": "" } ], "Static Quarries - Sulfur Quarry Output": [ { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 22.5, "Display Name": "" } ], "Static Quarries - HQM Quarry Output": [ { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 1.5, "Display Name": "" } ], "Static Quarries - Pump Jack Output": [ { "Shortname": "crude.oil", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 6.0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Static Quarries - Excavator Outputs": { "HQM": [ { "Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 50.0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Metal": [ { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 2500.0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Stone": [ { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 5000.0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Sulfur": [ { "Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Skin": 0, "Amount Per Tick": 1000.0, "Display Name": "" } ] }, "Quarry Profiles": { "pumpjack": { "Required Permission (empty, if not required)": "virtualquarries.pumpjack", "Displayed Icon": { "Shortname": "mining.pumpjack", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" }, "Survey Type": "survey", "Displayed Quarry Title Translation Key": "PumpjackTitle", "Chance": 5, "Minimal Resources Per Node": 1, "Maximal Resources Per Node": 2, "Fuel Required Per Tick": { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1.0, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": null }, "Enable Upgrades": true, "Items Required To Place": [ { "Shortname": "mining.pumpjack", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } ], "Resources": { "crude": { "Output Item - Shortname": "crude.oil", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": true, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "", "Chance": 0, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 0.8, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 3.0, "Additional Items Required To Place": [] } }, "Upgrades": [ { "Required Items": [], "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 0, "Fuel Storage Capacity": 6, "Capacity": 6, "Gather Multiplier": 1.0, "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0 }, { "Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 14000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 10000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } ], "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 12000, "Fuel Storage Capacity": 6, "Capacity": 9, "Gather Multiplier": 1.2, "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0 } ] }, "quarry": { "Required Permission (empty, if not required)": "", "Displayed Icon": { "Shortname": "mining.quarry", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" }, "Survey Type": "survey", "Displayed Quarry Title Translation Key": "QuarryTitle", "Chance": 25, "Minimal Resources Per Node": 1, "Maximal Resources Per Node": 2, "Fuel Required Per Tick": { "Shortname": "lowgradefuel", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1.0, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": null }, "Enable Upgrades": true, "Items Required To Place": [ { "Shortname": "mining.quarry", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 1, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } ], "Resources": { "hq": { "Output Item - Shortname": "hq.metal.ore", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": false, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "", "Chance": 10, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 0.3, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 2.0, "Additional Items Required To Place": [] }, "metal": { "Output Item - Shortname": "metal.ore", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": false, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "virtualquarries.metal", "Chance": 50, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 22.5, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 45.0, "Additional Items Required To Place": [] }, "scrap": { "Output Item - Shortname": "scrap", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": false, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "virtualquarries.scrap", "Chance": 5, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 0.1, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 1.0, "Additional Items Required To Place": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 7000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } ] }, "stone": { "Output Item - Shortname": "stones", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": true, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "", "Chance": 0, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 150.0, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 300.0, "Additional Items Required To Place": [] }, "sulfur": { "Output Item - Shortname": "sulfur.ore", "Output Item - Skin": 0, "Output Item - Display Name": "", "Output Item - Icon URL (Required if Skin not 0)": "", "Include Always": false, "Required Permission (empty if not required)": "", "Chance": 50, "Minimal Output Per Tick": 15.0, "Maximal Output Per Tick": 30.5, "Additional Items Required To Place": [] } }, "Upgrades": [ { "Required Items": [], "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 0, "Fuel Storage Capacity": 6, "Capacity": 6, "Gather Multiplier": 1.0, "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0 }, { "Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "wood", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 7000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "stones", "Skin": 0, "Amount": 5000, "Display Name": null, "Icon URL": "" } ], "Required Currency (0 to disable)": 6000, "Fuel Storage Capacity": 6, "Capacity": 9, "Gather Multiplier": 1.2, "Fuel Usage Multiplier": 1.0 } ] } } }
  5. Version 1.0.0


    500+ SKINS (INSTANT) This package includes a config file with access to 500+ skins for the free plugin: https://umod.org/plugins/skins Save yourself 10's of hours of compiling rust skins manually. No "SkinBox" needed. How to install: 1. Install free "Skins" plugin from umod. 2. Load plugin on server. "O.reload Skins". 3. Go to Oxide>Config and delete current configuration file for skins. 4. Unzip the 500+ Skins file. Upload the file to config folder. 5. Once again, reload the plugin. "O.reload Skins". 6. All done, Use /Skins to view usable skins.
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This file provides instant setup for "ServerRewards" plugin. This configuration is for the free shop plugin on uMod saving yourself time, money, and the hassle of adding every item manually. Requirements: https://umod.org/plugins/server-rewards How to install: 1. Install Server Rewards from umod. 2. Place Server Rewards in plugin folder. 3. Load Server Rewards in your server. "o.reload ServerRewards" 4. Delete current data file. "Rewards_Data" (Oxide>Data>ServerRewards). 5. Unzip and place new file in its place. 6. Reload plugin, "O.reload ServerRewards".
  7. Version 1.0.2


    Hassle free setup. Takes less then 10 minutes to install. Removing countless hours of work instantly. Whats included? + BETTER CHAT - v2.2.78 + TRADE - v1.2.44 + BETTER LOOT - v3.5.8 + AUTO AUTHORIZATION - v1.3.3 + QUICK SMELT - v5.1.5 + GATHER MANAGER - v2.2.78 + NO ESCAPE - v2.1.35 + CLANS - v0.2.6 + STACK SIZE CONTROLLER - v4.1.2 + ALWAYS DAY - v1.0.1 + SPAWN MINI - v2.5.0 + RECYCLER SPEED - v2.0.2 + NTELEPORTATION - v1.7.8 + VANISH - v1.8.0 + REMOVER v4.3.41 + MORE! Server Feautures: - 10X Gather Rates. - All loot tables are perfectly balanced. - Players can teleport with a simple command if they are not combat or raid blocked. - Users with admin permissions will be able to vanish and moderate other players. - Time set to Always Day. Can change to your liking. - Clans, Recycler speed, & Remover tool. - And so many more features..... Not all plugins have to be used. You can modify all plugins to your exact liking if you wish. All of the items above are modified for 10x server.
  8. Version 1.0.2


    Hassle free setup. Takes less then 10 minutes to install. Removing countless hours of work instantly. Whats included? + BETTER CHAT - v2.2.78 + TRADE - v1.2.44 + BETTER LOOT - v3.5.8 + AUTO AUTHORIZATION - v1.3.3 + QUICK SMELT - v5.1.5 + GATHER MANAGER - v2.2.78 + NO ESCAPE - v2.1.35 + CLANS - v0.2.6 + STACK SIZE CONTROLLER - v4.1.2 + ALWAYS DAY - v1.0.1 + SPAWN MINI - v2.5.0 + RECYCLER SPEED - v2.0.2 + NTELEPORTATION - v1.7.8 + VANISH - v1.8.0 + REMOVER v4.3.41 + MORE! Server Feautures: - 2X Gather Rates. - All loot tables are perfectly balanced. - Players can teleport with a simple command if they are not combat or raid blocked. - Users with admin permissions will be able to vanish and moderate other players. - Time set to Always Day. Can change to your liking. - Clans, Recycler speed, & Remover tool. - And so many more features..... Not all plugins have to be used. You can modify all plugins to your exact liking if you wish. All of the items above are modified for 2x server.
  9. Version 1.0.2


    Hassle free setup. Takes less then 10 minutes to install. Removing countless hours of work instantly. Whats included? + BETTER CHAT - v2.2.78 + TRADE - v1.2.44 + BETTER LOOT - v3.5.8 + AUTO AUTHORIZATION - v1.3.3 + QUICK SMELT - v5.1.5 + GATHER MANAGER - v2.2.78 + NO ESCAPE - v2.1.35 + CLANS - v0.2.6 + STACK SIZE CONTROLLER - v4.1.2 + ALWAYS DAY - v1.0.1 + SPAWN MINI - v2.5.0 + RECYCLER SPEED - v2.0.2 + NTELEPORTATION - v1.7.8 + VANISH - v1.8.0 + REMOVER v4.3.41 + MORE! Server Feautures: - 5X Gather Rates. - All loot tables are perfectly balanced. - Players can teleport with a simple command if they are not combat or raid blocked. - Users with admin permissions will be able to vanish and moderate other players. - Time set to Always Day. Can change to your liking. - Clans, Recycler speed, & Remover tool. - And so many more features..... Not all plugins have to be used. You can modify all plugins to your exact liking if you wish. All of the items above are modified for 5x server.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Package Includes: 2X Loot Table 5X Loot Table 10X Loot Table Vanilla Loot Table Plugins needed: https://umod.org/plugins/better-loot How to Install: 1. Unload the plugin by typing the following into your F1 Console: "o.unload Loottable" 2. Navigate to oxide - data 3. Delete the current "Loottable" file. 4. Upload the unzipped "Loottable" file to oxide - data 5. After everything has finished uploading please type "o.load Loottable" into your F1 Console.
  11. Khan

    Stack Modifier

    Version 2.5.0


    This plugin will seamlessly handle all of the ugly side effects and glitches. Thanks to Stack-modifier's feature additions, it makes it feel just like Rusts default behavior, but better! Features Has a GUI Editor Patches Industrial Conveyor stack issues! Blocks Player movements while using GUI Editor Including Keybinds! This plugin has 2 commands and no Lang file Supports stacking of liquids Supports Stacking of Fuel Containers (hats, tools, etc.) Supports Stacking of Guns Supports Weapon Attachments Supports Stacking of Skins Works with SkinBox plugins Supports Stacking of Custom Items Supports Stacking of Custom Items with Custom Display Names Supports Stacking of Key Cards without losing the stack when swiping Supports Stacking Candy Cane Club without losing the stack while lick Support for modified presents for unwrapping The largest possible value in C# is 2,147,483,647 Which means anything over this stack-size will break the plugin Limits wearable clothing items to stack sizes of 1! ( on the player wear container only ) Limits weapon attachments to stack sizes of 1! ( On the weapon its self! so you can have bigger stacks! ) Known Conflicts Davids Shop UI ( you need to generate a new Items.json file and re-do custom items / pricing inside it to fix stack bugs with old data files ) Magic Coin uses some of the same hooks set up config in it correctly to not conflict Custom Skin Stack Fix not needed this handles it properly Stack Size Controller cannot have 2 of the same plugins basically Extra Loot causes a stacking bug when a reboot occurs with skinned items preventing old skinned items from stacking with new skinned items IndustrialCustomSkinsFix not needed + doesn't check everything right so its broken by its self.. IQAlcoholFarm by BadMandarin/Mercury is not supported & will cause stack bugs / problems ( could be supported with an author update, but current version is not supported ) ItemPerks by imthenewguy Causes stack bugs/problems just by having this plugin on your server due to harmony patching done inside it + repair logic is bugged. Item creation is also not handled properly resulting in duplication issues with Conveyor movements nothing can be done about that. ( plugin requires a full rewrite for proper support & repairs. ) Getting Started - Click Either Link to play video Video One Video Two Permissions stackmodifier.bypass - Allows players to ignore the blocked stack-able items list. stackmodifier.admin - Allows players access to the UI Editor. Chat Commands /stackmodifier -- Opens Editor UI, Must enable config option "Enable UI Editor": true /stackmodifier.reset ( is also console cmd ) -- Requires stackmodifier.admin perm ( resets stack-sizes ) /resetvenders -- Requires being an admin, only resets facepunches messed-up vendors, not all /stackmodifiercolor <inputpanel|inputtext|text|transparent> <color> <alpha|ex, 0.98> Example /stackmodifiercolor inputpanel #207086 0.25 UI Editor Commands set 8 -- Inside a categories Search Bar, type set and a value and it will apply it to the whole category, reset -- Inside a categories Search Bar type reset hit the enter key or click out of the field and it resets it. multiply -- Inside a categorie use the Search Bar & type multiply and a value and it will apply it to the whole category. if you reset or set, re-click the Category Tab to refresh it before making more changes! Otherwise you will have to do your first edit twice for it to start working again UI Editor Without Images? * At the top of the config you will see the following setting set to true save and reload. "Disable Images for UI Editor": false, < Disables images and allows full use Having Problems? * Warning this plugin is not compatible with custom-skins-stacks-fix plugin since this already handles everything. * If you already have a plugin that modifies the rust stack sizes you will first need to remove that plugin. * Then you simply load Stack Modifier onto your server open the config and start editing the Modified values to your new stack-size amounts! * When you are done simply save and reload the plugin! ( oxide. reload StackModifier ) * Alternatively you can utilize the built-in UI Editor and not ever need to touch the config! * Admins - Auth level 2 will always be ignored. * This plugin is not compatible with BetterVanish, I only support Vanish from umod. How to revert to vanilla? * Run the reset command while having the stackmodifier.admin perm or Unload Stack Modifier, delete the config, and restart your server. * It will reset the config back to vanilla settings allowing you to start over. API Hooks Interface.CallHook("OnStackSizeUpdated"); //called after the plugin updates the stack sizes on server reboots & when reloading the plugin. //It's also still called right after the UI editor is closed from modifying. //Inside the oxide hook I use called OnItemAddedToContainer theirs a hook of mine, if called mine will not touch it or fix the stacks. if (Interface.CallHook("OnIgnoreStackSize", player, item) != null) return; ## Configuration { "Disable Weapon Attachment stack fix (Unsubscribes from both OnWeaponModChange & CanMoveItem)": false, "Disable Wearable Clothes fix (Unsubscribes from OnItemAddedToContainer)": false, "Disable Ammo/Fuel duplication fix (Recommended false)": false, "Disable Candy Cane Club Lick fix & unwrap fix (Unsubscribes from OnItemAction)": false, "Disable OnCardSwipe fix (Unsubscribes from OnCardSwipe)": false, "Enable VendingMachine Ammo Fix (Recommended)": true, "Enable UI Editor": true, "Disable Images / Toggles off Images for UI Editor": false, "Sets editor command": "stackmodifier", "Sets reset command for both console & chat": "stackmodifier.reset", "Sets editor color command": "stackmodifiercolor", "Sets Default Category to open": "All", "Stack Modifier UI Title": "Stack Modifier Editor ◝(⁰▿⁰)◜", "UI - Stack Size Label": "Default Stacks", "UI - Set Stack Label": "Set Stacks", "UI - Search Bar Label": "Search", "UI - Back Button Text": "◀", "UI - Forward Button Text": "▶", "UI - Close Label": "✖", "Colors": { "InputPanel": { "Hex": "#0E0E10", "Rgb": "0.0549019607843137 0.0549019607843137 0.0627450980392157 0.98" }, "InputText": { "Hex": "#FFE24B", "Rgb": "1 0.886274509803922 0.294117647058824 0.15" }, "TextColor": { "Hex": "#FFFFFF", "Rgb": "1 1 1 1" }, "Transparency": { "Hex": "#", "Rgb": "0 0 0 0.95" } }, "Category Stack Multipliers": { "Attire": 1, "Misc": 1, "Items": 1, "Ammunition": 1, "Construction": 1, "Component": 1, "Traps": 1, "Electrical": 1, "Fun": 1, "Food": 1, "Resources": 1, "Tool": 1, "Weapon": 1, "Medical": 1 }, "Stack Categories": { "Attire": { "hat.wolf": { "DisplayName": "Wolf Headdress", "Modified": 10 }, "horse.shoes.basic": { "DisplayName": "Basic Horse Shoes", "Modified": 10 } }, "Misc": { "fogmachine": { "DisplayName": "Fogger-3000", "Modified": 10 }, "sickle": { "DisplayName": "Sickle", "Modified": 10 } }, "Items": { "kayak": { "DisplayName": "Kayak", "Modified": 10 }, "map": { "DisplayName": "Paper Map", "Modified": 10 } }, "Ammunition": { "ammo.grenadelauncher.buckshot": { "DisplayName": "40mm Shotgun Round", "Modified": 20 }, "ammo.rocket.sam": { "DisplayName": "SAM Ammo", "Modified": 10 } }, "Construction": { "door.double.hinged.metal": { "DisplayName": "Sheet Metal Double Door", "Modified": 10 }, "building.planner": { "DisplayName": "Building Plan", "Modified": 10 } }, "Component": { "bleach": { "DisplayName": "Bleach", "Modified": 2 }, "vehicle.module": { "DisplayName": "Generic vehicle module", "Modified": 10 } }, "Traps": { "trap.bear": { "DisplayName": "Snap Trap", "Modified": 30 }, "samsite": { "DisplayName": "SAM Site", "Modified": 10 } }, "Electrical": { "ceilinglight": { "DisplayName": "Ceiling Light", "Modified": 10 }, "wiretool": { "DisplayName": "Wire Tool", "Modified": 100 } }, "Fun": { "firework.boomer.blue": { "DisplayName": "Blue Boomer", "Modified": 200 }, "telephone": { "DisplayName": "Telephone", "Modified": 10 } }, "Food": { "apple": { "DisplayName": "Apple", "Modified": 100 }, "woodtea.pure": { "DisplayName": "Pure Wood Tea", "Modified": 100 } }, "Resources": { "skull.human": { "DisplayName": "Human Skull", "Modified": 10 }, "wood": { "DisplayName": "Wood", "Modified": 10 } }, "Tool": { "tool.instant_camera": { "DisplayName": "Instant Camera", "Modified": 10 }, "bucket.water": { "DisplayName": "Water Bucket", "Modified": 10 } }, "Weapon": { "gun.water": { "DisplayName": "Water Gun", "Modified": 10 }, "spear.wooden": { "DisplayName": "Wooden Spear", "Modified": 10 } }, "Medical": { "blood": { "DisplayName": "Blood", "Modified": 100 }, "bandage": { "DisplayName": "Bandage", "Modified": 30 } } } }
  12. Mevent

    Daily Rewards

    Version 1.0.6


    Daily Rewards is a strong tool for Rust admins who want to keep their players engaged until the end of the wipe. You can provide your gamers with distinct daily rewards for logging in with this plugin. This way, you not only liven up gameplay, but also encourage longer playtime. With Daily Rewards, don't lose the chance to draw in new players and keep returning ones! Features Beautiful and user-friendly interface Daily rewards for logging Motivating players to stay in the game longer Retention of players until the end of the wipe Compatibility with many plugins Edit rewards and config via in-game interface (no JSON editing required) By default, the plugin supports English, Russian, and Chinese languages Cooldown time before receiving an award Saving rewards in the plugin's inventory Do not receive rewards from inventory while in the build block, raid block, or combat block Commands daily – open daily rewards interface dailyrewards.wipe – wipe of player data dailyrewards.top [format: csv, empty (default)] [limit (10 is default)] – get a list of players with the day their award. Permissions dailyrewards.use – allows you to open the DailyRewards menu dailyrewards.edit - allows you to enable edit mode Video FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config
  13. Version 1.0.0


    No Building Debris is a plugin that will help improve players client fps a lot by getting rid of the gibs on Building Blocks destruction. I provided 4 options so if you want to keep some gibs on you can! These will work on all objects that are considered building blocks, such as high external walls! PLEASE READ BEFORE BUYING! For this to work it requires the server to disable sandbox, it uses Harmony code which allows me to modify the server code to allow this to be possible. You can find out how to disable sandbox below. After disabling, you can drop the plugin in the plugin folder like normal. To disable Sandbox, head to your RustDedicated_Data/Managed folder and create a file called oxide.disable-sandbox then restart your server to apply the change. Config { "Remove Admin Kill Gibs?": true, "Remove Stability Gibs?": true, "Remove Demolish Gibs?": true, "Remove Killed Gibs?": true }
  14. nivex

    Raidable Bases

    Version 2.8.5


    Create fully automated raidable bases with NPCs in Rust This is the premium version of Raidable Bases. The differences between this and the free version are too many to list. A few key differences are: five (5) difficulties and associated loot table functionality instead of one (1), buyable events, lockouts for players. Requires latest version of CopyPaste or bases to work. It also requires that you have copypaste files already made. Raidable bases will be spawned using the CopyPaste plugin. This plugin does NOT come with any bases. Packages are sold separately that include bases. Check out my packages for this plugin for tier1, tier2, and tier3 which contain everything you need to get the plugin working in minutes with all bases and loot already configured for you! Packages are sold separately. RBE DEBUG This command exists to aid with issues regarding your configuration, profiles and/or map by displaying information, both good and bad, related to finding spawn points and spawning of bases. It is your responsibility to use this command before asking for help. Loot Table Editor by @beee https://codefling.com/tools/raidable-bases-loot-table-editor Tutorial This is not your run-of-the-mill plugin. DO NOT INSTALL WITHOUT READING THIS DOCUMENTATION FIRST. This plugin is extremely advanced and requires utmost attention to detail to configure properly. Jumping around in the configuration file or profiles will lead to more problems than it's worth. Take your time to understand each option before enabling or disabling its functionality. Raidable Bases is an independent expansion of Dangerous Treasures. You may learn how to enable the expansion mode below. It does not require Dangerous Treasures for any other purpose. Configuration Loot Tables The plugin comes with some very basic items (Default_Loot.json) that only serve as a demo loot list for you to either delete or expand upon. In order to make any use of the plugin (beyond demonstration) you will have to create your own loot lists instead. It will take a very long time to configure your loot tables, and fine-tune each to your specific needs. To start, I recommend that you use the rb.populate all command. This creates files in the Editable_Lists folder for each difficulty that contain every item in the game. Edit each file and set the amounts for the items that you want to spawn, and remove those that you do not want to spawn. It may look intimidating editing a list of 660 items, but don't underestimate how easy it is to delete items from a list compared to adding each one manually. Items that have their amount AND amountMin set to 0 will not spawn. So you may either delete these items from the list, or come back to them later. If you set amountMin to 0 then chance will determine if the item spawns or not, and another item will not replace it unless there are extra items available (as of 1.7.3). You can set the item skin that you want to use, but I suggest using the Skins settings in the configuration file to use random skins, or none at all. The rb.populate command which populates the Editable_Lists folder also includes items already inside of your Difficulty_Loot folder. This allows you to easily repopulate lists in order to re-evaluate which items spawn at a later date. Files inside of the Editable_Lists folder must be copied into an existing loot file in order to use the loot table. As the name implies, it is for editing only. - If you want to use Editable_Lists/Easy.json for your Easy bases then copy the contents of the file into the Difficulty_Loot/Easy.json file. - If you want to use Editable_Lists/Expert.json for the Expert Bases.json profile, then you must copy the contents of the Expert.json file into the Bases_Loot/Expert Bases.json file probability - the chance that the item can spawn. value must be between 0.0 and 1.0 where 1.0 is 100% chance Loot Priority Loot is pulled from all datafiles within the oxide/data/RaidableBases/ folder with the exception of the Profiles folder which is used to configure bases. oxide/data/RaidableBases/Base Loot - If a loot table exists in this folder with the same name as a profile then all of the bases in that profile will use this loot table. If you want items in this loot table to always spawn then you must enable Always Spawn Base Loot Table in the respective profile. oxide/data/RaidableBases/Difficulty Loot - Items will be chosen from these files based on the difficulty of each profile. If Use Day Of Week Loot is enabled then it will choose the loot table for that specific day. Otherwise, it will pick from Default_Loot.json. This is the default list, and is only used when all other loot tables do not have a sufficient amount of loot to spawn based on the Amount Of Items To Spawn setting. Loot Settings Allow Duplicate Items - This is useful when you do not have enough items in your loot tables , and you want to spawn Amount Of Items To Spawn by using the same items more than once. Amount Of Items To Spawn - This is the number of items that you want to spawn. If you do not have enough items in your loot tables then it will only spawn the amount that you have available. It will not spawn items if the container does not have enough space. Drop Tool Cupboard Loot After Raid Is Completed (false) Divide Loot Into All Containers - This allows you to divide loot evenly from all of your loot lists into all containers when enabled. You MUST increase or decrease Amount Of Items To Spawn respective to how many items you want in each container. This includes large boxes, small boxes, coffins and storage barrels. Optional settings include (in order of priority) cupboard, bbq, oven, fridge and lockers. Allow Players To Pickup Deployables (false) - As name implies, overridden by Entities Not Allowed To Be Picked Up Allow Players To Deploy A Cupboard (true) - Block players from placing a TC after destroying the TC in the base. Drop Container Loot X Seconds After It Is Looted (false) - Prevent players from cherry picking items and leaving the rest, in order to despawn the raid quicker. Drop Container Loot Applies Only To Boxes And Cupboards (true) - As name implies Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot (true) - Useful if using CopyPaste files that contain loot already - I suggest leaving this true as it can complicate how many items spawn if there are too few inventory slots remaining. Ignore Containers That Spawn With Loot Already (false) - Useful if you want specific loot to spawn from a copypaste file. Require Cupboard Access To Loot (false) - Prevent all players from looting until they reach the TC, or destroy it. Skip Treasure Loot And Use Loot In Base Only (false)" - Useful if you want all loot to spawn from a copypaste file - not recommended - will allow players to memorize which boxes to raid and ignore the rest. Always Spawn Base Loot Table (false) - Very useful if you want items in the Base_Loot file to always spawn (such as C4, rockets, ammo, etc) Settings Blacklisted Commands (none) - prevents players from using these commands inside of a raid base Automatically Teleport Admins To Their Map Marker Positions (true) - right-click map to teleport (requires raidablebases.mapteleport permission) Block Wizardry Plugin At Events (false) - Block players from using wands Chat Steam64ID (0) - The steam profile icon to show in chat messages Expansion Mode (Dangerous Treasures) (false) - Allow Dangerous Treasures to take over a random box for its event Remove Admins From Raiders List (false) - Allows admins to help players without receiving any rewards Show X Z Coordinates (false) - Show X Z coordinates alongside grid location Buy Raid Command (buyraid) - Opens the buyable UI to purchase raids for each difficulty Event Command (rbe) - Specify command name Hunter Command (rb) - Specify command name Server Console Command (rbevent) - Specify command name Raid Management Allow Teleport (false) - Allow/prevent players from teleporting Allow Cupboard Loot To Drop (true) - Allows loot to drop when TC is destroyed by a player Allow Players To Build (true) Allow Players To Use Ladders (true) Allow Players To Deploy Barricades (true) Allow Players To Upgrade Event Buildings (false) - Prevent players from upgrading buildings with no TC to prevent this otherwise Allow Player Bags To Be Lootable At PVP Bases (true) - Bypasses Prevent Looting plugin Allow Player Bags To Be Lootable At PVE Bases (true) - Bypasses Prevent Looting plugin Allow Traps To Drop Loot (false) - Allow traps such as guntraps and turrets to drop loot on death Allow Players To Loot Traps (false) - Allows players to loot traps such as guntrap and turrets with TC access Allow Raid Bases On Roads (true) Allow Raid Bases On Rivers (true) Allow Raid Bases On Building Topology (true) - Specifically added for custom map makers Allow Vending Machines To Broadcast (false) - Prevents vending machines from showing on the map Allow Bases To Float Above Water (false) - Keyword: FLOAT Allow Bases To Spawn On The Seabed (false) Prevent Bases From Floating Above Water By Also Checking Surrounding Area (false) - Keyword: FLOAT Maximum Water Depth Level Used For Float Above Water Option (1.0) - Keyword: FLOAT, but allows you to prevent on water if the value is low enough Backpacks Can Be Opened At PVE Bases (true) Backpacks Can Be Opened At PVP Bases (true) Backpacks Drop At PVE Bases (false) - Will drop a backpack on death, even if explicity disabled in Backpack configuration (requires Backpacks 3.4.0 ) Backpacks Drop At PVP Bases (false) Block Mounted Damage To Bases And Players (false) - Prevent players from dealing damage while on mini, scrap heli, etc Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVP Bases (false) Block RestoreUponDeath Plugin For PVE Bases (false) Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVE Bases (false) - Do not set an owner for PVE bases Bypass Lock Treasure To First Attacker For PVP Bases (false) - Do not set an owner for PVP bases Despawn Spawned Mounts (true) - Allows mounts such as mini or scrap heli to remain if not abandoned when raid despawns Do Not Destroy Player Built Deployables (true) - Loot is not lost if the plugin destroys a player's box with this option - it is dropped on the ground in a grey loot container just as if they destroyed the box themselves Do Not Destroy Player Built Structures (true) Divide Rewards Among All Raiders (true) Draw Corpse Time (Seconds) (300.0) - The amount of time the players corpse location is drawn on their screen Eject Sleepers Before Spawning Base (true) Extra Distance To Spawn From Monuments (0.0) Flame Turrets Ignore NPCs (false) - Can help with performance on some servers Maximum Land Level (2.5) - The allowed height of the surrounding terrain for spawning bases (this should never be changed) Move Cookables Into Ovens (true) Move Food Into BBQ Or Fridge (true) Move Resources Into Tool Cupboard (true) Move Items Into Lockers (true) Lock Treasure To First Attacker (true) - Sets the first attacker as the owner of a raid. You must set eject enemies settings in each profile if you do not want players entering private raids Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time (Minutes) (20.0) - Resets the raid as public after this time Assign Lockout When Lock Treasure Max Inactive Time Expires (false) - useful those who partially raid bases in order to avoid the lockout timer Lock Players To Raid Base After Entering Zone (false) - Forces players to be locked to a raid once they enter it, even on accident Only Award First Attacker and Allies (false) Minutes Until Despawn After Looting (min 1) (15) - The time until the base despawns after being raided Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive (0 = disabled) (45) - The time until the base despawns after being inactive Minutes Until Despawn After Inactive Resets When Damaged (true) - Resets the time until the base despawns when it is damaged by a player Mounts Can Take Damage From Players (false) Mounts Can Take Damage From SamSites (true) Player Cupboard Detection Radius (100.0) - Extra layer of protection to prevent raid bases from spawning too closely to player bases (this should never be under 100 and never too high either, 100-200 at most) Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Anything Inside Zone (false) - Applies specifically to PVP raid bases Players With PVP Delay Can Damage Other Players With PVP Delay Anywhere (false) PVP Delay Between Zone Hopping (10.0) - The amount of time players can take damage while on a PVE server after stepping outside of a PVP zone - prevents exploiting - recommended value: 120 Prevent Fire From Spreading (true) - Helps with server performance by preventing forest fires, err, fire from spreading after initial spawn Prevent Players From Hogging Raids (true) - Prevents players from tagging multiple raids at once Require Cupboard To Be Looted Before Despawning (false) Destroying The Cupboard Completes The Raid (false) Require All Bases To Spawn Before Respawning An Existing Base (false) - Rotate through all bases specific to each difficulty before reusing an existing base Turn Lights On At Night (true) Turn Lights On Indefinitely (false) Traps And Turrets Ignore Users Using NOCLIP (false) Use Random Codes On Code Locks (true) Wait To Start Despawn Timer When Base Takes Damage From Player (false) - Prevents the inactive despawn timer from starting until it is damaged by a player. Combos well when inactive resets is disabled by giving players a limited time to finish a raid once they start it Additional Containers To Include As Boxes (none) - example: vendingmachine Eject Mounts Boats (false) - Set any true to prevent them from entering a raid base Cars (Basic) (false) Cars (Modular) (false) Campers (true) Chinook (false) Flying Carpet (false) Horses (false) HotAirBalloon (true) MiniCopters (false) Pianos (true) Scrap Transport Helicopters (false) All Other Mounts (false) All Controlled Mounts (false) - Mounts controlled via another plugin Max Amount Of Players Allowed To Enter Each Difficulty (0 = infinite, -1 = none) (infinite) Easy Difficulty => Amount (0) Medium Difficulty => Amount (0) Hard Difficulty => Amount (0) Expert Difficulty => Amount (0) Nightmare Difficulty => Amount (0) Max Amount Allowed To Automatically Spawn Per Difficulty (0 = infinite) -1 = disabled) Easy (0) - Specifies how many of each difficulty can be spawned at any given time Medium (0) Hard (0) Expert (0) Nightmare (0) Player Lockouts (0 = ignore) - this is for PUBLIC raids where buyable events use the Buyable Cooldowns and these are not shared - players may still do 1 public and 1 buyable event if these are both enabled Time Between Raids In Minutes (Easy) (0.0) - Set a cooldown before the player can enter another raid base Time Between Raids In Minutes (Medium) (0.0) Time Between Raids In Minutes (Hard) (0.0) Time Between Raids In Minutes (Expert) (0.0) Time Between Raids In Minutes (Nightmare) (0.0) Block Clans From Owning More Than One Raid (false) - Prevent clans from hogging multiple raid bases Block Friends From Owning More Than One Raid (false) Block Teams From Owning More Than One Raid (false) Easy|Medium|Hard|Expert|Nightmare Raids Can Spawn On Monday (true) Tuesday (true) Wednesday (true) Thursday (true) Friday (true) Saturday (true) Sunday (true) Difficulty Colors (Border) Easy (000000) Medium (000000) Hard (000000) Expert (000000) Nightmare (000000) Difficulty Colors (Inner) Easy (00FF00) Medium (FFEB04) Hard (FF0000) Expert (0000FF) Nightmare (000000) Map Markers Marker Name (Raidable Base Event) Radius (0.25) Use Vending Map Marker (true) Show Owners Name on Map Marker (true) Use Explosion Map Marker (false) Create Markers For Buyable Events (true) Create Markers For Maintained Events (true) Create Markers For Scheduled Events (true) Create Markers For Manual Events (true) Buyable Events Do Not Reward Buyable Events (false) Refunds > Refund Despawned Bases (false) Refunds > Refund Percentage (100.0) Refunds > Refund Resets Cooldown Timer (false) Refunds > Block Refund If Base Is Damaged (true) Cooldowns (0 = No Cooldown) VIP Permission (raidablebases.vipcooldown (300.0) Admin Permission (raidablebases.allow (0.0) Server Admins (0.0) Normal Users (600.0) Allow Players To Buy PVP Raids (false) - If all of your profiles have PVP enabled then players will NOT be able to buy any raids! Convert PVE To PVP (false) Convert PVP To PVE (false) Distance To Spawn Bought Raids From Player (500.0) Lock Raid To Buyer And Friends (true) Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations (false) Ignore Safe Checks (false) - if enabled will prevent the plugin from checking the area for a TC, buildings, or deployables Max Buyable Events (1) Reset Purchased Owner After X Minutes Offline (10.0) Spawn Bases X Distance Apart (100.0) - most maps cannot support this being above 200 ! Spawns Database File (Optional) (none) - Useful if you want buyable raids to spawn in specific locations using spawn files from the Spawns Database plugin Maintained Events Always Maintain Max Events (false) - Spawn another raid soon after one despawns Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations (false) - spawn regardless of what player entities are built in the area Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting) (0.0) - Overrides all PVP Allow profile settings for a chance to make the raid PVE or PVP Convert PVE To PVP (false) Convert PVP To PVE (false) Include PVE Bases (true) Include PVP Bases (true) Ignore Safe Checks (false) - Bypass checks that ensure no buildings or other objects are blocking the spawn Minimum Required Players Online (1) - Max Maintained Events (1) - How many bases you want available at any given time Spawn Bases X Distance Apart (100.0) - most maps cannot support this being above 200 ! Spawns Database File (Optional) (none) - Useful if you want maintained raids to spawn in specific locations using spawn files from the Spawns Database plugin Time To Wait Between Spawns (15.0) - Wait a specific time frame between each paste (can be set to 0) Manual Events Convert PVE To PVP (false) Convert PVP To PVE (false) Max Manual Events (1) Spawn Bases X Distance Apart (100.0) Spawns Database File (Optional) (none) - Useful if you want manually spawned raids to spawn in specific locations using spawn files from the Spawns Database plugin Scheduled Events Enabled (false) - Spawn raids on a timer specific to random amount of time between Every Min and Every Max Seconds Ignore Player Entities At Custom Spawn Locations (false) - spawn regardless of what player entities are built in the area Chance To Randomly Spawn PVP Bases (0 = Ignore Setting) (0.0) - Overrides all PVP Allow profile settings for a chance to make the raid PVE or PVP Convert PVE To PVP (false) Convert PVP To PVE (false) Every Min Seconds (3600.0) Every Max Seconds (7200.0) Include PVE Bases (true) Include PVP Bases (true) Ignore Safe Checks (false) - Bypass checks that ensure no buildings or other objects are blocking the spawn Max Scheduled Events (1) Max To Spawn At Once (0 = Use Max Scheduled Events Amount) (0) Minimum Required Players Online (1) Spawn Bases X Distance Apart (100.0) - most maps cannot support this being above 200 ! Spawns Database File (Optional) (none) - Useful if you want scheduled raids to spawn in specific locations using spawn files from the Spawns Database plugin Time To Wait Between Spawns (15.0) - Wait a specific time frame between each paste (can be set to 0) Economics Buy Raid Costs (0 = disabled) - if you do not configure at least one cost for Buyable Events then players will not be able to buy any raids Easy (0.0) - How much each raid costs, use the /buyraid command to see the UI Medium (0.0) Hard (0.0) Expert (0.0) Nightmare (0.0) ServerRewards Buy Raid Costs (0 = disabled) - if you do not configure at least one cost for Buyable Events then players will not be able to buy any raids Easy (0) - How much each raid costs, use the /buyraid command to see the UI Medium (0) Hard (0) Expert (0) Nightmare (0) Custom Buy Raid Costs (false = disabled) - if you do not configure at least one cost for Buyable Events then players will not be able to buy any raids Easy (50 scrap) - How much each raid costs, use the /buyraid command to see the UI Medium (100 scrap) Hard (150 scrap) Expert (200 scrap) Nightmare (250 scrap) All are disabled by default. All can require its own specific item. Allowed Zone Manager Zones List: pvp, 99999999 - the list of zones where raid bases may spawn at - Zone Manager is not required to use this plugin. Use Grid Locations In Allowed Zone Manager Zones Only - forces all spawns into zones by Zone Manager. Adding flags to your zones may conflict with this plugin. Use of Spawns Database plugin is advised instead Event Messages Notify Plugin (-1 = disabled) Notification Interval (1 second) Announce Raid Unlocked (false) Announce Buy Base Messages (false) Announce Thief Message (true) Announce PVE/PVP Enter/Exit Messages (true) Show Destroy Warning (true) Show Opened Message (true) Show Opened Message For Paid Bases (true) Show Prefix (true) Show Messages To Player (true) - set false if you do not want players to receive CHAT messages, other messages from notifications will still show GUIAnnouncements and Advanced Alerts plugins can be used instead of CHAT messages Advanced Alerts Enabled (true) Anchor Min and Max Time Shown (5) Panel Alpha (0.98) Background Color Title Background Color GUIAnnouncements Enabled (false) Banner Tint Color (Grey) Maximum Distance (300.0) Text Color (White) Lusty Map Enabled (false) Icon File (http://i.imgur.com/XoEMTJj.png) Icon Name (rbevent) Icon Rotation (0.0) Ranked Ladder (based on points system) Award Top X Players On Wipe (3) - Set 0 to disable permissions and groups from being created. Every wipe the top 3 players are awarded the raidablebases.th permission and raidhunter group. Used with plugins that give titles based on permissions/groups, such as BetterChat Enabled (true) Difficulty Points (for each difficulty) Assign To Owner Of Raid Only (false) Assign Rank After X Completions - Players that complete the required amount of completions will receive the relevant above permission and group automatically - Set value above 0 to enable this feature for any given difficulty as it is disabled for all difficulties by default Permissions and groups are given to players for being top 3 in each difficulty at the end of a wipe Set Award Top X Playrs On Wipe to 0 to disable these permissions and groups from being created. permissions: raidablebases.ladder.easy, raidablebases.ladder.medium, raidablebases.ladder.hard, raidablebases.ladder.expert, raidablebases.ladder.nightmare, raidablebases.th groups: raideasy, raidmedium, raidhard, raidexpert, raidnightmare, raidhunter Skins (Boxes, Loot Items, Npcs all have there own settings) (skin settings revamped in 2.7.4) Use Identical Skins Include Workshop Skins (true) Use Random Skin (true) Use Imported Workshop Skins File (true) - copy existing Imported Workshop Skins section from Skinbox to the Imported Workshop Skins json file to apply. Boxes (including above Skins options) Preset Skins - you can add any box skin here and it will randomly apply to any relevant box this skin can be used with Loot Items (including above Skins options) Use Identical Skins For Stackable Items Use Identical Skins For Non-Stackable Items Deployables (including above Skins options) List: Partial Names (door, barricade, chair, fridge, furnace, locker, reactivetarget, rug, sleepingbag, table, vendingmachine, waterpurifier, skullspikes, skulltrophy, summer_dlc, sled) Skin Everything (true) - if true then the Partial Names list will not be used Preset Door Skins - you can add any door skin here and it will randomly apply to any relevant door this skin can be used with Ignore If Skinned Already (false) Treasure Resources Not Moved To Cupboards (skull.human, battery.small, bone.fragments, can.beans.empty, can.tuna.empty, water.salt, water, skull.wolf) Use Day Of Week Loot (false) Do Not Duplicate Base Loot (false) Do Not Duplicate Difficulty Loot (false) Do Not Duplicate Default Loot (false) Use Stack Size Limit For Spawning Items (false) Status UI - Shows PVE/PVP, time left, amount of loot left and the status of owner Details UI - Shows owner and active status Delay UI - Shows UI for PVP delay Buyable Cooldowns UI - Shows UI for the Buyable Cooldowns option Buyable Events UI - Shows players a UI for buying events including the primary cost Lockouts UI - Shows UI for the Player Lockouts option Enabled Offset Min Offset Max Panel Alpha Font Size Background Color Title Background Color etc Weapons Fog Machine Allows Motion Toggle (true) Fog Machine Requires A Power Source (true) SamSite Repairs Every X Minutes (0.0 = disabled) (5.0) SamSite Range (350.0 = Rust default) (75.0) Test Generator Power (100.0) Tesla Coil settings in profiles Infinite Ammo AutoTurret (true) FlameTurret (true) FogMachine (true) GunTrap (true) SamSite (true) Ammo AutoTurret (256) FlameTurret (256) FogMachine (5) GunTrap (128) SamSite (24) Tesla Coil (profiles) Requires A Power Source (true) Max Discharge Self Damage Seconds (0 = None) 120 = Rust default) (0.0) Max Damage Output (35.0) Profiles Difficulty (0 = easy, 1 = medium, 2 = hard, 3 = expert, 4 = nightmare) (0) - very first setting. If your raids show as NORMAL then you're using the free plugin. If all bases show as EASY then this setting is not configured. Entities Not Allowed To Be Picked Up (List: generator.small, generator.static autoturret_deployed - overrides Allow Players To Pickup Deployables) Additional Bases For This Difficulty (default) - A list of bases to use within this profile Paste Options (default) - Paste options specific to the profiles filename if it is also a base Profile Enabled (true)- Useful for disabling a profile instead of deleting it Add Code Lock To Unlocked Or KeyLocked Doors (true) Add Code Lock To Boxes (false) Add Code Lock To Tool Cupboards (false) Close Open Doors With No Door Controller Installed (true) Allow Duplicate Items (false) - [Explained above] Allow Players To Pickup Deployables (false) - [Explained above] Allow Players To Deploy A Cupboard (true)- [Explained above] Allow PVP (true) Allow Friendly Fire (Teams) (true) Amount Of Items To Spawn (30) - [Explained above] Minimum Amount Of Items To Spawn (0 = Use Max Value) (0) Flame Turret Health (300.0) Block Plugins Which Prevent Item Durability Loss (false) - Force items to take condition losses Block Damage Outside Of The Dome To Players Inside (false) - Prevent damage from outside of the dome to players inside of the dome Block Damage Outside Of The Dome To Bases Inside (false) - Prevent damage from outside of the dome to the base inside Block Damage Inside From Npcs To Players Outside (false) Building Blocks Are Immune To Damage (false) Boxes Are Invulnerable (false) Spawn Silently (No Notifcation, No Dome, No Map Marker) (false) Divide Loot Into All Containers (true) - [Explained above] Drop Container Loot X Seconds After It Is Looted (0.0) - [Explained above] Drop Container Loot Applies Only To Boxes And Cupboards (true) - [Explained above] Create Dome Around Event Using Spheres (0 = disabled, recommended = 5) (5) - A visible dome for players to distinguish raid bases from player bases Empty All Containers Before Spawning Loot (true) - [Explained above] Eject Corpses From Enemy Raids (Advanced Users Only) (true) - Prevents corpses from remaining inside of a raid when it becomes private and prevents the user from looting it Eject Enemies From Purchased PVE Raids (true) - Useful when Lock Raid To Buyer And Friends is enabled Eject Enemies From Purchased PVP Raids (false) Eject Enemies From Locked PVE Raids (true) - Useful when Lock Treasure To First Attacker is enabled Eject Enemies From Locked PVP Raids (false) Explosion Damage Modifier (0-999) (100.0) - Modify the damage of all explosives Force All Boxes To Have Same Skin (true) Ignore Containers That Spawn With Loot Already (false) - [Explained above] Penalize Players On Death In PVE (ZLevels) (true) Penalize Players On Death In PVP (ZLevels) (true) Loot Amount Multiplier (1.0) - useful to scale loot amounts without having to adjust them all individually Protection Radius (50.0) - This options controls every single option and feature that relies explicity on distance or radius in one regard or another. Setting an incorrect value, either too low, or too high, will break the functionality of the plugin. It's best to leave it alone. Require Cupboard Access To Loot (false) - [Explained above] Minimum Respawn Npc X Seconds After Death (0.0) - Useful in simulating a real raid where players respawn Maximum Respawn Npc X Seconds After Death (0.0) Skip Treasure Loot And Use Loot In Base Only (false) - [Explained above] Always Spawn Base Loot Table (false) - [Explained above] - Arena Walls Enabled (true) Extra Stacks (1) - How many times you want walls to stack on top of one another Use Stone Walls (true) - set false to use wooden walls instead Use Iced Walls (false) - not advised to use this as it can cause client lag (not a plugin issue) Use Least Amount Of Walls (true) Use UFO Walls (false) - Walls spawn horizontally instead of vertically Radius (25.0) NPC Levels Level 2 - Final Death (false) - Respawns all npcs when raid is completed NPCs Enabled (true) Spawn Inside Bases (Options: Spawn On Floors, Spawn On Rugs, Spawn On Beds) Murderer Items Dropped On Death (none) Scientist Items Dropped On Death (none) Murderer (Items) (metal.facemask, metal.plate.torso, pants, tactical.gloves, boots.frog, tshirt, machete) Scientist (Items) (hazmatsuit_scientist, rifle.ak) Murderer Kits (murderer_kit_1, murderer_kit_2) - Kits have priority over these lists of items Scientist Kits (scientist_kit_1, scientist_kit_2) Random Names (none) - Spawn with a custom random name instead of a provided random name Amount To Spawn (3) Aggression Range (70.0) - Aggression range is increased by 250 meters when engaged Despawn Inventory On Death (true) Health For Murderers (100 min, 5000 max) (150.0) Health For Scientists (100 min, 5000 max) (150.0) Minimum Amount To Spawn (1) Use Dangerous Treasures NPCs (false) - Tells Dangerous Treasures to control and outfit the NPCs instead Spawn Murderers And Scientists (true) Scientist Weapon Accuracy (0 - 100) (30.0) - These bots are meant to be savages. 30% is average for highly skilled players, while the average player has 10-20% accuracy Spawn Murderers (false) Spawn Random Amount (false) Spawn Scientists Only (false) Rewards Economics Money (0.0) - How much is rewarded after a raid. Overridden by Divide Rewards Among All Raiders ServerRewards Points (0) Change Building Material Tier To Wooden (false) - Useful for upgrading or downgrading buildings automatically Stone (false) Metal (false) HQM (false) Change Door Type To Wooden (false) - Useful for upgrading or downgrading doors automatically Metal HQM Player Building Restrictions Wooden (false) Stone (false) Metal (false) HQM (false) Auto Turrets Aim Cone (5.0) - shots fired will spread into a cone pattern based on this radius. Lowering this value will group the shots closer together. Minimum Damage Modifier (1.0) Maximum Damage Modifier (1.0) Start Health (1000.0) Sight Range (30.0) Set Hostile (False = Do Not Set Any Mode) (true) Requires Power Source (false) Remove Equipped Weapon (false) Weapon To Equip When Unequipped (null = Do Not Equip) (rifle.ak) Permissions raidablebases.allow -- Allows player to use the available ADMIN commands. This is NOT recommended as players can use the commands 'buyraid' and 'rb' already. raidablebases.canbypass permission (or to be flying) to bypass dome restrictions (this previously worked for admins, but now requires the permission instead) raidablebases.blockbypass permission to bypass Owning More Than One Raid settings for Clans/Friends/Teams raidablebases.mapteleport Teleporting to map marker now simply requires this permission and to be enabled in config raidablebases.ddraw allows support for FauxAdmin users raidablebases.config allows use of the rb.config command in-game (server console does not require this permission) raidablebases.banned bans the user from entering any raids - DO NOT GIVE THIS TO THE DEFAULT GROUP LOL raidablebases.durabilitybypass to bypass `Block Plugins Which Prevent Item Durability Loss` raidablebases.notitle permission to exclude users from ranked title rewards See other permissions using Permissions Manager Players do not require any permissions by default. Grid This plugin creates it's own spawn points automatically, which cover the entirety of your server's map when the plugin is loaded. This is created one-time when the plugin loads. The grid maintains itself without requiring any input. You may view the grid by typing /rb grid in-game to view detailed drawings of all locations on the grid. X - green - possible spawn point X - Red - currently in use C - Cyan - construction detected nearby TC - yellow - TC detected nearby W - blue - water depth is too high - refreshes on ocean level change Each location on the grid is checked a second time before spawning a base to insure it does not spawn the base on players or their buildings. You can disable using the grid by providing a valid spawn file for each raid type (buyable, maintained, scheduled and manual). Commands buyraid - buys a raid, eg: buyraid easy, buyraid easy steamid, buyraid 0, buyraid 0 steamid. I suggest typing the command and using the UI to buy bases. rb - for players to see the ladder (also for admins to see the status of each raid going on, which includes showing the allies and owners of each raid) rb ui [lockouts|status] - COMMAND REMOVED rbe despawn - despawns a players purchased base if they have raidablebases.despawn.buyraid permission For admins, or players with the admin permission raidablebases.allow: rbe debug - toggles debug messages shown every second to server console for maintained and scheduled warning messages rb grid - see the grid and all monument names rb resettime - reset the time for the next scheduled event rb savefix - to cancel a server save that has become stuck - requires authlevel 2 rb prod - to gather information from a raid base entity for debugging purposes - requires admin or raidablebases.allow rbe - spawns a base at the position you are looking at. You cannot spawn a base on a player (including yourself) rbe draw - draw the raids radius rbe despawn - despawn a base near you (can be used by players with raidablebases.despawn.buyraid permission to despawn a base they purchased) rbe despawnall - despawn all bases rbe [basename] [difficulty] - spawn a raid at the location you are looking at rbe expire steamid|playername - removes a lockout for a specific player rbe expireall rbevent [basename] [difficulty] - spawn a raid randomly on the map - and teleport to it if using the command in-game rb.reloadconfig - allows you to reload the config without needing to reload the plugin. Some changes are not applied immediately, and no changes are retroactive to bases that are already spawned. rb.config - allows you to edit the config by adding, removing, and listing bases. Requires the permission raidablebases.config when not being used from the server console. rb.toggle - toggles Maintained Events and Scheduled Events on/off, if enabled in the config, until plugin reloads rbe setowner name - Sets the player as the owner of the raid rbe clearowner - Clears the owner of the raid Additional Bases allows you to add additional files to an existing base so that all bases in that list share the same configuration as the primary base/profile. This is great for setting up a list of bases for easy, medium, hard, expert and nightmare. Command rb.populate will populate specific loot tables with every item in the game (items are disabled by default as their amounts are set to 0) Arguments: rb.populate easy medium hard expert nightmare loot all Arguments: rb.populate 0 1 2 3 4 loot all easy - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Easy.json medium - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Medium.json hard - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Hard.json expert - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Expert.json nightmare - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Nightmare.json loot - Populates oxide/data/RaidableBases/Editable_Lists/Default_Loot.json all - Populates ALL above loot tables Configure the items to your liking then copy the files contents into a loot table that you would like to use (for example Difficulty Loot/Easy.json) You cannot use loot tables in the config file anymore. Use the data directory (oxide/data/RaidableBases) API No return behavior: void OnRaidableBaseStarted(Vector3 raidPos, int mode, bool allowPVP) void OnRaidableBaseEnded(Vector3 raidPos, int mode, bool allowPVP) void OnPlayerEnteredRaidableBase(BasePlayer player, Vector3 raidPos, bool allowPVP, int mode) void OnPlayerExitedRaidableBase(BasePlayer player, Vector3 raidPos, bool allowPVP, int mode) OnRaidableBaseDespawn, OnRaidableBaseDespawned, OnRaidableBasePrivilegeDestroyed, OnRaidableBaseCompleted find more hooks and arguments by searching for CallHook in the plugin file Tips Players will be considered raiders after looting, killing an npc, using explosives, eco raiding, destroying a building block/high wall/door or dealing damage from INSIDE of the dome You must change easybase1, mediumbase2, expertbase3, etc to the name of your CopyPaste files, or vis-versa. This plugin doesn't create bases for you. You can use the rb.config command (rb.config add "easy bases" easybase1 easybase2 0) in the server console to make this process easier. You can rename all profiles or additional base filenames. When copying a base with CopyPaste, make certain that you copy the base from eye level of the foundation outside of the base. I would not change autoheight from false to true. Do not change stability to true, as it may cause your base to crumble. height is the distance the base is spawned off of the ground. elevation determines how flat the surrounding terrain must be in order for bases to spawn on it Scheduled Events is how often you want a random base to spawn on the map. This is disabled by default. This randomness comes from Every Min Seconds and Every Max Seconds Maintain Events will always spawn the Max Events amount of bases on your map. This is disabled by default. When one despawns, another will take its place shortly after. Allow Teleport will prevent players from teleporting when disabled. Compatible with NTeleportation or any plugin that uses the CanTeleport hook. Help This plugin does NOT use Zone Manager - it creates and manages everything on its own. If you are having issues with too few locations on the grid, or each attempt to spawn a base returns a manual spawn was already requested then it is likely because of how you have setup Zone Manager. You either have far too many zones, or you have zones which are far too large. Raidable Bases will not spawn in these zones unless the ZoneID is added to Allowed Zone Manager Zones in the config file. Do not put this plugin in your store/shop. It simply is not designed to work with it. There are far too many cooldowns to make this idea plausible, and the plugin cannot function properly without them. Using /buyraid will open a UI designed specifically for this issue. This plugin requires CopyPaste plugin to work. It also requires that you have copypaste files already made. Raidable bases will be spawned using the CopyPaste plugin. This plugin does NOT come with any bases. PvE server friendly with TruePVE and other plugins that support the hooks CanEntityTakeDamage, CanEntityBeTargeted, and CanEntityTrapTrigger. Bases can have 5 difficulty settings: 0 for easy, 1 for medium, 2 for hard, 3 for expert, and 4 for nightmare. This is configurable per profile. Bases can spawn on roads and other areas that do not allow building by Rust. Building ladders in these areas is allowed by the plugin. I will add support for building twig later. My bases often spawn in the same biome If you're having issues with spawn points being repeatedly used, or with a biome being favored consistently over other biomes then this is an elevation issue with the terrain on your map. You can fix this by increasing the Elevation in the configuration. For example, if your Elevation is 1.0 then set it to 1.5 and try again. This will also increase the height the base is allowed to spawn off of the ground. With certain maps you'll just have to make do with this issue. Corpses appear outside of the dome as backpacks This is intended, and it is optional. The location is drawn on the players screen to notify them that their corpse moved. This allows players to retrieve their backpack in the event that the raid becomes locked privately to another player, and prevents them from entering. Players do not drop their active item when they die. Bases Stop Spawning On Linux Machine [Error] Exception while calling NextTick callback (DllNotFoundException: libgdiplus.so.0) If you see this error after bases spawn then you need to install libgdiplus on your machine. This will mimic the below issue but it is NOT a bug like the below issue is. A quick google search shows the install command is: sudo apt-get install -y libgdiplus This happens when images in the CopyPaste file are being rendered by converting the byte array to bitmap.
  15. Version 1.6.6


    Road Bradley plugin expands possibilities with APC fights. It spawns Bradleys with custom AI on selected roads and/or allow player to purchase their own Bradley for fights. The plugin is highly configurable, so you can set almost every variable by your own. This plugin also fully support custom map configuration. Video Preview (Version 1.1.0) Editor Preview (Version 1.3.0) Features You can set Bradley to spawn and patrol the roads. You can give players access to purchase their own Bradley, and lock damage/loot to only the owner, or his Friends/Clan (Required plugins) or Teams. Custom Bradley AI. (target distance, clothing check, tool check, view distance) (In my opinion better than the vanilla one) Currency plugin support. Custom markers on Bradleys. Rust-themed UI. Tank unstuck system. Fully customizable in config and help messages in console if tank is stuck for more than 30 seconds. Customizable routes for custom maps. Ability to route through more than 1 road and possibility to set route to the longest map road. Chances to spawn other tank profiles in timed spawns. Permission system for purchases unlock. Cooldowns and daily limits. Health, damage, napalm and debris configuration. Custom loot support. All Bradley routes available to display. You can reward players by percentage of damage dealt per Bradley. You can setup random road timed events. You can make your own roads and edit pre-generated ones in custom road editor. You can setup bradley fight bags to respawn players without losing the loot and come back to fight very fast. Command that you can use to spawn bradleys. You can customize bradley building damage and restrict fighters to fight only in owned buildings, or bradley will get despawned. Customizable main cannon damage and support for building damage modifier. Bradley can call MLRS Airstrike on fighters when their health will drop to configured level. You can configure new RF Explosives to automatically explode from radius or change their frequency. Config Informations The "Tank Routes - Spawns Per Maps" config part ins based on levelurl so if your map file is named CustomMapV1.3.3.map if you add CustomMap to config it will work. It might depend also on map host. Checked on DropBox and Discord. Tank Road IDs can be checked through /tankroute command. Permissions roadbradley.admin - Allows you to use /tankroute command. roadbradley.bypass - Bypass Bradley purchase cost. Commands /tankroute - Displays help about methods of route displays. /buytank - Opens the Bradley purchase UI. (Configurable) /spawnrbtank <profile> <userId> - Will spawn tank with profile for the userId player. (Chat and Console command) /spawnrbtank <profile> <route> - Will spawn tank with profile on configured route. (Chat and Console command) /tankcount - Shows active road bradley count. (Chat and Console command) For Developers void OnRoadBradleySpawned(BasePlayer owner, BradleyAPC apc, string profile, string targetRoad) - Called when someone succesfully purchased an road bradley. void OnRoadBradleyKilled(BradleyAPC apc, ulong bradleyOwnerId, string profile) - Called when road bradley gets killed. bool CanRoadBradleyTarget(BradleyAPC apc, BasePlayer player) - Override custom target method. Needs to be enabled in config. Default Config (Version 1.6.1) { "Tank Purchase - Commands": [ "buytank", "bt" ], "Tank Route - Use Asphalt Roads Only": false, "Tank Route - Check for Map Obstacles (recommended for custom maps with prefabs on roads": false, "Tank Route - Remove Roads With Obstacles From Pool": false, "Tank Route - Teleport Bradley To Random Road Position after X Stuck Errors (0, to disable)": 0, "Tank Route - Broadcast Stuck To Fighters": true, "Tank Route - Obstacle Keyword Whitelist": [ "roadsign", "train_track", "road_tunnel", "doorcloser" ], "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints from all routes": 1, "Tank Route - Minimal Route Checkpoints To Use": 5, "Tank Route - Remove Timed-Event Roads From Purchasable Pool": false, "Tank Route - Randomize Spawn On Road": true, "Tank Route Editor - Height Offset": 0.1, "Targeting - Target NPC": false, "Targeting - Target Sleepers": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Check For Caller Building Damage": true, "Loot & Damage Share - Allow Damage For Caller Team Buildings": true, "Loot & Damage Share - Unowned Damage Entity Reminder": 50, "Loot & Damage Share - Unowned Damage Entity Bradley Kill": 200, "Loot & Damage Share - Ignore Crate Ownership Checks": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Use Friends": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Use Clans": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Use RUST Teams": true, "Loot & Damage Share - Limit Server Spawned Bradleys Loot To Top Damage Player": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Disable Unowned Tank Damage To Buildings": false, "Loot & Damage Share - Disable Tank Damage To TC And Sleeping Bags": false, "Purchases - Used Purchase System (0 - None, 1 - Economics, 2 - ServerRewards, 3 - ShoppyStock)": 3, "Purchases - Used Currency (If ShoppyStock Is Used)": "myCurrencyKey", "Purchases - Currency Symbol (used in display)": "$", "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradleys (0, to disable)": 3, "Limits - Daily Limit Type (true - calls, false - won fights)": true, "Tank Info - Display Timed Bradley Info": true, "Tank Info - Timed Bradley Shop Name Format": "<size=12>{0} BRADLEY\n[Health: {1}]</size>", "Tank Info - Display Purchased Bradley Info": true, "Tank Info - Purchased Bradley Shop Name Format": "<size=12><color=#5c81ed>{1}'s</color> {0} BRADLEY\n[Health: {2}]</size>", "Tank Health UI - X Anchor (0-1)": 0.5, "Tank Health UI - Y Anchor (0-1)": 0.0, "Bag Respawns - Enabled": true, "Bag Respawns - Max Bags Per Player": 4, "Bag Respawns - Max Bed Distance From Player": 100.0, "PopUpAPI - PopUp Profile Name": "Legacy", "Tank Disarm Frequency": 1470, "Enable CanRoadBradleyTarget Hook": false, "Custom Tank Death Properties": { "Show Road Bradley Death Locations On Map": true, "Fireball Count (0, to disable)": 0, "Use Fireballs As Chest Lock (not recommended, high performance impact, if false, uses custom method)": false, "Hide Gib Flying Spheres (used for their scaling, will make gibs 'jump' once)": true }, "Tank Unstuck - Killed Entity Names": [ "servergibs_bradley", "scraptransporthelicopter", "magnetcrane.entity", "minicopter.entity", "supply_drop" ], "Tank Routes - Spawns Per Maps": { "default": [ "default" ], "Detroit": [ "default", "custom" ], "HapisIsland": [ "hapis" ], "ParadiseIsland": [ "custom" ] }, "Tank Routes - Purchasable Road ID Blacklist Per Map": { "default": [ "Edited_756", "Edited_33" ], "Detroit": [ "Edited_4" ] }, "Tank Routes - Custom Purchasable Roads Per Map": { "default": [ "CustomRoad1", "CustomRoad2" ], "Detroit": [ "DetroitRoad1", "DetroitRoad2", "DetroitRoad3" ], "HapisIsland": [ "HapisRoad2", "HapisRoad3", "HapisRoad4" ] }, "Tank Routes - Spawn Configuration": { "custom": { "Tank Route - Road IDs (Random, if more than one)": [ [ "0", "1" ], [ "2", "3" ] ], "Tank Route - Use all default roads": false, "Tank Route - Use longest path": false, "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints": 3, "Spawns - Announce Spawn": true, "Spawns - Announce Kill": true, "Spawns - Respawn Time (in seconds)": 1200, "Spawns - Respawn Time Randomize Value (goes +value and -value from option above)": 120, "Spawns - Min. Online Players For Each Tank Amount (Amount Of Tanks: Amount Of Players)": { "1": 4, "2": 12, "3": 20 }, "Spawns - Chance": { "Extreme": 1, "Hard": 3 } }, "default": { "Tank Route - Road IDs (Random, if more than one)": [], "Tank Route - Use all default roads": false, "Tank Route - Use longest path": true, "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints": 3, "Spawns - Announce Spawn": true, "Spawns - Announce Kill": true, "Spawns - Respawn Time (in seconds)": 900, "Spawns - Respawn Time Randomize Value (goes +value and -value from option above)": 120, "Spawns - Min. Online Players For Each Tank Amount (Amount Of Tanks: Amount Of Players)": { "1": 4, "2": 8 }, "Spawns - Chance": { "Hard": 2, "Normal": 5 } }, "hapis": { "Tank Route - Road IDs (Random, if more than one)": [ [ "HapisRoad1" ] ], "Tank Route - Use all default roads": false, "Tank Route - Use longest path": false, "Tank Route - Remove first and last checkpoints": 3, "Spawns - Announce Spawn": true, "Spawns - Announce Kill": true, "Spawns - Respawn Time (in seconds)": 900, "Spawns - Respawn Time Randomize Value (goes +value and -value from option above)": 120, "Spawns - Min. Online Players For Each Tank Amount (Amount Of Tanks: Amount Of Players)": { "1": 4, "2": 8 }, "Spawns - Chance": { "Hard": 2, "Normal": 5 } } }, "Tank Routes - Purchasable": { "Extreme": { "Purchases - Required Permission (leave blank, to disable)": "roadbradley.extreme", "Purchases - Cooldown (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 7200, "Purchases - Max Daily (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 1, "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradley Permissions (from best to worse)": { "roadbradley.limit.premium": 3, "roadbradley.limit.vip": 2 }, "Purchases - Time To Kill (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 600, "Purchases - Time To Come To Bradley (Kill Time + Coming Time)": 600, "Purchases - Limit Loot To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Target To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Damage To Team": true, "Purchases - Kill Announce Enabled": true, "Purchases - Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 1000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 5000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 10000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" } ] }, "Hard": { "Purchases - Required Permission (leave blank, to disable)": "", "Purchases - Cooldown (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 7200, "Purchases - Max Daily (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 1, "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradley Permissions (from best to worse)": {}, "Purchases - Time To Kill (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 600, "Purchases - Time To Come To Bradley (Kill Time + Coming Time)": 600, "Purchases - Limit Loot To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Target To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Damage To Team": true, "Purchases - Kill Announce Enabled": true, "Purchases - Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 1000, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 1500, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" } ] }, "Normal": { "Purchases - Required Permission (leave blank, to disable)": "", "Purchases - Cooldown (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 3600, "Purchases - Max Daily (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 3, "Purchases - Max Purchased Bradley Permissions (from best to worse)": {}, "Purchases - Time To Kill (in seconds, 0 to disable)": 600, "Purchases - Time To Come To Bradley (Kill Time + Coming Time)": 600, "Purchases - Limit Loot To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Target To Team": true, "Purchases - Limit Damage To Team": true, "Purchases - Kill Announce Enabled": true, "Purchases - Required Items": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 100, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 1500, "Skin": 0, "Custom Icon URL": "" } ] } }, "Tank Routes - Configuration": { "Extreme": { "Tank Target - Max distance to target": 10.0, "Tank Target - Targeted items": [ "rocket.launcher", "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Tank Target - Lose Target Intrest After X Seconds": 10, "Tank Options - Model Scale": 0.7, "Tank Options - Map Marker Type (None/Crate/Chinook/Cargoship)": "Crate", "Tank Options - Move Speed (0-1)": 1.0, "Tank Options - Move Force": 2000.0, "Tank Options - Health": 5000.0, "Tank Options - View Range": 75.0, "Turret Options - Fire Rate": 0.06, "Turret Options - Burst Length": 15, "Turret Options - Aim Cone": 3.0, "Turret Options - Bullet Damage": 25.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Radius": 8.0, "Cannon Options - Blunt Damage": 40.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Damage": 0.0, "Custom Attack - Do Custom Attacks": true, "Custom Attack - Try Interval (in seconds)": 15.0, "Custom Attack - Try Interval Randomization (in seconds)": 5.0, "MLRS Options - Enabled": true, "MLRS Options - Amount Per Fighter": 4, "MLRS Options - Height Spawn": 450.0, "MLRS Options - Sound Alert Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "MLRS Options - Chat Message Alert": true, "MLRS Options - Position Randomization": 25.0, "MLRS Options - Health Level Spawns": [ 4500.0, 3000.0, 1000.0, 100.0 ], "MLRS Options - Explosion Radius": 15.0, "MLRS Options - Blunt Damage": 75.0, "MLRS Options - Explosion Damage": 350.0, "RF Disarm - Enabled": false, "RF Disarm - Type (false - Change Frequency, true - Explode)": true, "RF Disarm - Radius From Tank": 35.0, "Bradley Debris - Scale With Tank": true, "Bradley Debris - Health": 500.0, "Bradley Debris - Time To Cool Down": 60.0, "Loot - Crate Amount (If default loot preset)": 4, "Loot - Used Loot Preset (leave blank for default)": "custom", "Loot - Rewards For Damage Dealt": [ { "Command (if not empty, item is ignored)": "", "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 2000, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" }, { "Command (if not empty, item is ignored)": "", "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 500, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Loot - Fire Lock Time (in seconds)": 60 }, "Hard": { "Tank Target - Max distance to target": 10.0, "Tank Target - Targeted items": [ "rocket.launcher", "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Tank Target - Lose Target Intrest After X Seconds": 10, "Tank Options - Model Scale": 0.6, "Tank Options - Map Marker Type (None/Crate/Chinook/Cargoship)": "Crate", "Tank Options - Move Speed (0-1)": 1.0, "Tank Options - Move Force": 2000.0, "Tank Options - Health": 2500.0, "Tank Options - View Range": 50.0, "Turret Options - Fire Rate": 0.06, "Turret Options - Burst Length": 15, "Turret Options - Aim Cone": 3.0, "Turret Options - Bullet Damage": 20.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Radius": 8.0, "Cannon Options - Blunt Damage": 40.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Damage": 0.0, "Custom Attack - Do Custom Attacks": true, "Custom Attack - Try Interval (in seconds)": 15.0, "Custom Attack - Try Interval Randomization (in seconds)": 5.0, "MLRS Options - Enabled": true, "MLRS Options - Amount Per Fighter": 2, "MLRS Options - Height Spawn": 450.0, "MLRS Options - Sound Alert Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "MLRS Options - Chat Message Alert": true, "MLRS Options - Position Randomization": 25.0, "MLRS Options - Health Level Spawns": [ 2300.0, 1100.0 ], "MLRS Options - Explosion Radius": 15.0, "MLRS Options - Blunt Damage": 75.0, "MLRS Options - Explosion Damage": 350.0, "RF Disarm - Enabled": false, "RF Disarm - Type (false - Change Frequency, true - Explode)": true, "RF Disarm - Radius From Tank": 35.0, "Bradley Debris - Scale With Tank": true, "Bradley Debris - Health": 500.0, "Bradley Debris - Time To Cool Down": 60.0, "Loot - Crate Amount (If default loot preset)": 4, "Loot - Used Loot Preset (leave blank for default)": "", "Loot - Rewards For Damage Dealt": [ { "Command (if not empty, item is ignored)": "", "Shortname": "currency", "Amount": 2000, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" } ], "Loot - Fire Lock Time (in seconds)": 60 }, "Normal": { "Tank Target - Max distance to target": 10.0, "Tank Target - Targeted items": [ "rocket.launcher", "explosive.timed", "explosive.satchel" ], "Tank Target - Lose Target Intrest After X Seconds": 10, "Tank Options - Model Scale": 0.6, "Tank Options - Map Marker Type (None/Crate/Chinook/Cargoship)": "Crate", "Tank Options - Move Speed (0-1)": 1.0, "Tank Options - Move Force": 2000.0, "Tank Options - Health": 1000.0, "Tank Options - View Range": 50.0, "Turret Options - Fire Rate": 0.06, "Turret Options - Burst Length": 10, "Turret Options - Aim Cone": 3.0, "Turret Options - Bullet Damage": 15.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Radius": 8.0, "Cannon Options - Blunt Damage": 40.0, "Cannon Options - Explosion Damage": 0.0, "Custom Attack - Do Custom Attacks": true, "Custom Attack - Try Interval (in seconds)": 15.0, "Custom Attack - Try Interval Randomization (in seconds)": 5.0, "MLRS Options - Enabled": false, "MLRS Options - Amount Per Fighter": 2, "MLRS Options - Height Spawn": 450.0, "MLRS Options - Sound Alert Prefab Name": "assets/prefabs/tools/pager/effects/beep.prefab", "MLRS Options - Chat Message Alert": true, "MLRS Options - Position Randomization": 25.0, "MLRS Options - Health Level Spawns": [], "MLRS Options - Explosion Radius": 15.0, "MLRS Options - Blunt Damage": 75.0, "MLRS Options - Explosion Damage": 350.0, "RF Disarm - Enabled": false, "RF Disarm - Type (false - Change Frequency, true - Explode)": true, "RF Disarm - Radius From Tank": 35.0, "Bradley Debris - Scale With Tank": true, "Bradley Debris - Health": 500.0, "Bradley Debris - Time To Cool Down": 60.0, "Loot - Crate Amount (If default loot preset)": 4, "Loot - Used Loot Preset (leave blank for default)": "", "Loot - Rewards For Damage Dealt": [], "Loot - Fire Lock Time (in seconds)": 60 } }, "Loot - Presets": { "custom": { "Loot - Min. Crates": 2, "Loot - Max. Crates": 4, "Loot - Min. Items Per Crate": 4, "Loot - Max. Items Per Crate": 5, "Loot - Loot Table": [ { "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "Amount": 1, "Amount Randomizer Amount (+ and -)": 0, "Always Include Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Max Always Includes Per Loot (0 to disable)": 0, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "", "Chance": 1, "Additional Items": [] }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 1000, "Amount Randomizer Amount (+ and -)": 0, "Always Include Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Max Always Includes Per Loot (0 to disable)": 0, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "", "Chance": 2, "Additional Items": [] }, { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Amount": 1, "Amount Randomizer Amount (+ and -)": 0, "Always Include Chance (0-100)": 0.0, "Max Always Includes Per Loot (0 to disable)": 0, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "", "Chance": 1, "Additional Items": [ { "Shortname": "ammo.rifle", "Amount": 20, "Skin": 0, "Display Name": "" } ] } ] } } }
  16. Version 1.0.2


    This plugin solves the problem of items with different skins transferred by industrial pipe lines being improperly stacked together. This plugin ensures that items with different skins are kept as separate stacks during transfer to storage containers. Important note. Plugin fully depends Harmony. How it works?
  17. Version 1.2

    1 download

    Elementor Website Template/Kit for your Rust Server! Easy installation and customization; full documentation provided. Requirement: WordPress Elementor Pro* *Elementor Pro is required to fully use the kit. However, you can still use the kit with the free version of Elementor. For more information or support, visit our website.
  18. Version 1.4.1


    Custom Bradley will disable default Bradley at Launch Site and add NPC Trader on it which would spawn APC for your playres. Including vanilla Bradley profile with no restrictions and three additional Profiles. Preview video: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Data: Profiles and LootTables are stored in /oxide/data/CustomBradley and /oxide/data/CustomBradley/Loot Player buying order(first of): give players permission for free use Item cost (skin ignored) Economics cost ServerRewards cost BankSystem support What is different? It is highly customizable and provides settings for: bradley: HP and recieved damage Cooldown for next call Duration to kill and separate duration to loot can be locked for caller and his/her team (PvE option) profiles with settings and separate loot tables (if not specified vanilla loot is used) view range bradley can see targets at rockets: flight speed (make them slow or make them whoosh) homing missiles (shoot verticaly up then to target(s)) delay between bursts, amount of shells in one burst and delay between each shell machinegun: max. distance bradley will use machinegun (vanilla is 40m) delay between bursts, amount of bullets per burst and delay between each shot bullet damage behavior: adds industrial door to block "safe zone" at vehicle control point near big Rocket (opens depends on settings) prevent bradley from hunting players down and be easy targeted from roof HeatVision! - bradley will see through walls and buildings and try to shoot there
  19. Adem


    Version 1.1.9


    Take your players to new heights in the game of Rust, and get a few laughs watching people try to fly one for the first time! Introducing Jetpack! A plugin that allows your players to soar around like never before in the game of Rust. Grab this plugin and give your players something to talk about! Many functions have already been implemented like the ability to shoot while piloting a jetpack, and the plugin will continue to expand and grow with the community. You'll find the configuration covers almost anything you can think of, and you'll see a breakdown of the configuration file in the description below. By default you can simply press the middle mouse wheel to equip and remove the jetpack quickly, you can't run around once you've equipped it. You can customize loot crates the jetpack might appear in, and all of the stats from thrust to rotation and all of the other controls. Be sure to check the permission section and feel free to use the command creatively to give jetpacks as an award for completing other tasks on your server using the commands provided. Make sure you have some lowgrade handy, let's take to the skies! Сontrols Space bar - thrust W/S keys - pitch axis A/D keys - yaw axis Chat commands (check config for permissions) /jet - toggle jetpack on & off /givejetpack - give a jetpack to yourself Console commands (admin only) givejetpack - give a jetpack to yourself givejetpack SteamID - give a jetpack to player using their SteamID Plugin config en – example of plugin configuration in English ru – example of plugin configuration in Russian Check out the rest of my work: Adem's Codefling Library You can reach out to me in Discord: Adem's Discord Profile Thanks to Jbird for writing, translation, & support: Jbird's Discord Profile Join the Mad Mappers Discord!
  20. IIIaKa

    Real PvE

    Version 0.1.3


    Plugin for Real PvE servers, featuring damage prevention, anti-griefing measures, claiming vehicles, an automatic loot queue in radtowns and raid zones and much more. The ability to set "server.pve" to "true", which allows the server to have a "PvE" flag; Damage from NPC's are enabled when server.pve is true; The ability to inflict damage to one's own structures with "server.pve true"; The ability to destroy(including external walls) or rotate one's structures without any time constraints; The ability to force the decay of building blocks with Twigs grade, even if there is wood in the Tool Cupboard; No one, except the owner or their friends, will be able to open their loot containers (chests, storages, bodies, etc.); Players can't gather resources within the Building Privilege of someone else; The ability to schedule the killing of players if they disconnect within someone else's Building Privilege; Disabling backpack drop upon death(outside of the safe zone), even if it is full; The ability to disable 'Give' messages; The ability to modify the items given at spawn on the beach; The ability to create an unlimited number of custom permissions; The ability to allow players to bypass the queue; The ability to set limits on sleeping bags and shelters for each permission; The ability to set a multiplier for the prices of monuments and events for each permission; The ability to customize the price and amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; The ability to assign vehicles to each player; The ability to customize the assigned price and available amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege; The ability to loot monuments through a queue system; The ability to configure monuments, setting their looting price and time, and adjusting status bars for each monument; The ability to acquire the privilege to loot events (helicopters, tanks, and raidable bases) through a purchase; The ability to customize the price of each event types and loot attempts (lives); NPCs only aggress against players who are looting monuments or events; Only players who are looting monuments or events can inflict damage to NPCs; RaidableBases are protected from griefing(no damage, no loot and etc). Only the owner can interact with the raid; Neutral RaidableBases can be purchased; Prices for purchasing neutral raids are configurable for each difficulty level; Configurable raid limits (currently available) along with discount multipliers for purchases, for each permission. All permissions are created and configured in the config file under the "List of permissions" section. You can create as many permissions as needed and customize them flexibly. It is recommended to use the prefix "realpve" in the permission's name, for example: "realpve.vip". NOTE: The first permission will serve as the default permission for those who do not have any permissions. "List of permissions. NOTE: The first permission will be used by default for those who do not have any permissions.": [ { "Permission Name": "realpve.default", "Bypass Queue": false, "Limit of beds": 15, "Limit of shelters": 1, "Monuments price multiplier": 1.0, "Events price multiplier": 1.0, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 1, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 1.0, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 200.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 200.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 200.0 }, ... } }, { "Permission Name": "realpve.vip", "Bypass Queue": true, "Limit of beds": 20, "Limit of shelters": 2, "Monuments price multiplier": 0.9, "Events price multiplier": 0.9, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 2, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 0.9, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 100.0 }, ... } } ] An example of a monument/event/rb multipliers using default permissions. For example, if you set the price for the Harbor at $1000, a player with the default permission(1.0) will pay $1000 * 1 = $1000. Meanwhile, a player with a VIP permission(0.9) will pay $1000 * 0.9 = $900. However, if a player possesses a misbehaving permission with a value of 1.1, they will need to pay $1000 * 1.1 = $1100. { "ImageLibrary Counter Check": 5, "RealPVE command": "realpve", "Is it worth forcibly implementing PvE for a server? Note: When the 'server.pve' is true, there may be bugs or issues with damage to objects.": true, "Use GameTip for messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing the sending of 'Give' messages?": true, "Which currency symbol will be used?": "$", "Anti-Sleeper - Time in seconds after which a player will be killed if they disconnect while inside someone else's Building Privilege. Set to 0 to disable": 1200.0, "List of permissions. NOTE: The first permission will be used by default for those who do not have any permissions.": [], "Settings for the events": { "CargoShip": { "Price": 100.0, "DeathLimit": 5 }, "PatrolHelicopter": { "Price": 100.0, "DeathLimit": 5 }, "BradleyAPC": { "Price": 100.0, "DeathLimit": 5 } }, "Settings for the RaidableBases": { "Easy": { "Price": 100.0, "BarSettings": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#00FF00", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/5lkjFih.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFDCB6", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "#FFFFFF", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#FFFFFF", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" } }, "Medium": { "Price": 150.0, "BarSettings": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#FFEB04", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/5lkjFih.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFDCB6", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "#FFFFFF", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#FFFFFF", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" } }, "Hard": { "Price": 200.0, "BarSettings": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#FF0000", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/5lkjFih.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFDCB6", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "#FFFFFF", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#FFFFFF", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" } }, "Expert": { "Price": 250.0, "BarSettings": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#0000FF", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/5lkjFih.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFDCB6", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "#FFFFFF", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#FFFFFF", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" } }, "Nightmare": { "Price": 300.0, "BarSettings": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#000000", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/5lkjFih.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#FFDCB6", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "#FFFFFF", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#FFFFFF", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" } } }, "List of tracked types of monuments": [ "RadTown", "RadTownWater", "RadTownSmall", "TunnelStation" ], "Is it worth changing the list of items given at spawn on the beach?": true, "List of items for the main inventory": [ { "ShortName": "note", "Slot": 0, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "MsgNoteText" } ], "List of items for the belt": [ { "ShortName": "rock", "Slot": 0, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 3034565372, "Text": "" }, { "ShortName": "torch", "Slot": 1, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "" } ], "List of items for clothing": [ { "ShortName": "partyhat", "Slot": 0, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "" }, { "ShortName": "twitchsunglasses", "Slot": 1, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "" }, { "ShortName": "movembermoustache", "Slot": 2, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "" }, { "ShortName": "chicken.costume", "Slot": 3, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "" } ], "Settings for the monuments": {}, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 3 } } An example of an item list given for the main inventory: "List of items for the main inventory": [ { "ShortName": "note", "Slot": 0, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "MsgNoteText" } ] P.S. In the Text field, you need to specify the language key. Or, you can just write any text, but there won't be a translation of the text. EN: { "MsgNoteText": "Welcome to our PvE server!\nThis server utilizes the RealPVE plugin.\nYou can find more details about the plugin at the following link: https://codefling.com/plugins/real-pve", "MsgMonumentOccupied": "{1} occupied {0} in {2} minutes.", "MsgMonumentFree": "{0} is available for looting!", "MsgMonumentOfferTitle": "Unlock Treasures of {0}!", "MsgMonumentOfferDescription": "Tap the notification to pay {0}.\nAnd unlock access to undiscovered riches!", "MsgMonumentLooterDeath": "You died while looting {0}. You have {1} seconds.", "MsgMonumentLooterExit": "You have left the monument. You have {0} seconds to return!", "MsgMonumentLooterRemoved": "Time's up! You have been removed from the monument!", "MsgMonumentLootingNotFree": "You have been added to the loot queue. Loot cost: {0}", "MsgMonumentNotInQueue": "You are not in the queue! You need to re-enter the monument!", "MsgMonumentNoAccess": "no access", "MsgEventOccupied": "{0} is already occupied by {1}!", "MsgEventOfferTitle": "Claim {0}!", "MsgEventOfferDescription": "Tap the notification to pay {0}.\nAnd unlock access to undiscovered riches!", "MsgEventNewLooter": "You have claimed {0}. You have {1} death for your team.", "MsgEventDeathLimit": "{0} is no longer yours! You have exceeded your death limit!", "MsgEventComplete": "{0} destroyed at coordinates: {1}!", "MsgEventCargoShip": "Cargo Ship", "MsgEventPatrolHelicopter": "Patrol Helicopter", "MsgEventBradleyAPC": "Bradley", "MsgRaidableBasesDisabled": "This Raidable Base is disabled!", "MsgRaidableBasesOccupied": "The Raidable Base is already occupied by {0}!", "MsgRaidableBasesLimit": "Limit exceeded! You have {0} out of {1} available Raidable Bases.", "MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseStart": "Payment successful! Please wait...", "MsgRaidableBasesPurchased": "You have successfully purchased the Raidable Base!", "MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseFailed": "You were unable to purchase the Raidable Base! Funds refunded.", "MsgRaidableBasesOfferTitle": "Claim {0} Raidable Base!", "MsgRaidableBasesOfferDescription": "Tap the notification to pay {0}.\nAnd unlock access to undiscovered riches!", "MsgRaidableBasesBarText": "{0} Base", "MsgRaidableBasesBarNoAccess": "no access", "MsgRaidableBasesEasy": "Easy", "MsgRaidableBasesMedium": "Medium", "MsgRaidableBasesHard": "Hard", "MsgRaidableBasesExpert": "Expert", "MsgRaidableBasesNightmare": "Nightmare", "MsgPrivlidgeClear": "{0} players have been removed from the Building Privilege.", "MsgPrivlidgeClearEmpty": "Only you are authorized in the Building Privilege.", "MsgVehicleDialogTitle": "Department of Motor Vehicles", "MsgVehicleDialogDescription": "ID: \nCategory: \nRegistration fee: ", "MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>", "MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nCategory: \nRegistration date: ", "MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionValueRegistered": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>", "MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nOwner: \nCategory: \nRegistration date: ", "MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescription": "ID: \nCategory: \nRegistration fee: ", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nCategory: \nReg date: ", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionValueRegistered": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nOwner: \nCategory: \nReg date: ", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>", "MsgVehicleCarGarageEmpty": "The car lift is empty!", "MsgVehicleDialogLink": "Register Vehicle", "MsgVehicleDialogUnLink": "Cancel registration", "MsgVehicleDialogIncorrectPassword": "The password must consist of 4 digits!", "MsgVehicleNotOwner": "You are not the owner!", "MsgVehicleCanNotInteract": "You are not the owner or their friend!", "MsgVehicleNoPermissions": "You do not have permissions for this action!", "MsgVehicleLinked": "The {0} has been successfully linked! You have {1} out of {2} available.", "MsgVehicleUnLinked": "The {0} has been successfully unlinked!", "MsgVehicleFailedDeauthorize": "You can only deauthorize by unlinking the vehicle from you.", "MsgVehicleLimit": "Limit exceeded! You have {1} out of {2} available.", "MsgVehicleDestroyed": "Your vehicle {0}({1}) has been destroyed!", "MsgVehicleFind": "Your vehicle {0} is located in grid {1}!", "MsgVehicleClear": "Removed {0} vehicles!", "MsgVehicleClearEmpty": "No vehicles found for removal!", "MsgVehicleNotFound": "Vehicle not found!", "MsgVehicleTugboatAuthorization": "To authorize in the tugboat, it must be claim!", "MsgVehicleLandVehicle": "Land", "MsgVehicleAirVehicle": "Air", "MsgVehicleWaterVehicle": "Water", "MsgVehicleWinterVehicle": "Winter", "MsgVehicleTrainVehicle": "Train", "MsgVehicleHorse": "horse", "MsgVehicleBike": "bike", "MsgVehicleCar": "car", "MsgVehicleBalloon": "air balloon", "MsgVehicleMinicopter": "minicopter", "MsgVehicleTransportHeli": "transportHeli", "MsgVehicleAttackHeli": "attack heli", "MsgVehicleRowBoat": "row boat", "MsgVehicleRHIB": "RHIB", "MsgVehicleTugBoat": "tugboat", "MsgVehicleSubmarineOne": "small submarine", "MsgVehicleSubmarineTwo": "submarine", "MsgVehicleSnowmobile": "snowmobile", "MsgVehicleTrain": "train", "MsgFree": "Free", "MsgNoDate": "null", "MsgEconomicsNotEnough": "Not enough funds!" } RU: { "MsgNoteText": "Добро пожаловать на наш PvE сервер!\nДанный сервер использует RealPVE плагин.\nПодробней о плагине можно узнать по ссылке: https://codefling.com/plugins/real-pve", "MsgMonumentOccupied": "{1} занял {0} на {2} минут.", "MsgMonumentFree": "{0} можно лутать!", "MsgMonumentOfferTitle": "Откройте сокровища {0}!", "MsgMonumentOfferDescription": "Нажми на уведомление для оплаты {0}.\nИ разблокируй доступ к неизведанным богатствам!", "MsgMonumentLooterDeath": "Вы умерли во время лутания {0}. У вас есть {1} секунд.", "MsgMonumentLooterExit": "Вы покинули монумент. У вас есть {0} секунд на возвращение!", "MsgMonumentLooterRemoved": "Время вышло! Вы были удалены из монумента!", "MsgMonumentLootingNotFree": "Вас добавили в очередь на лутание. Стоимость лутания: {0}", "MsgMonumentNotInQueue": "Вас нет в очереди! Вам необходимо перезайти в монумент!", "MsgMonumentNoAccess": "нет доступа", "MsgEventOccupied": "{0} уже занят игроком {1}!", "MsgEventOfferTitle": "Займите {0}!", "MsgEventOfferDescription": "Нажми на уведомление для оплаты {0}.\nИ разблокируй доступ к неизведанным богатствам!", "MsgEventNewLooter": "Вы заняли {0}. У вас на команду есть {1} жизней.", "MsgEventDeathLimit": "{0} больше не ваше! Вы исчерпали свой лимит жизней!", "MsgEventComplete": "{0} уничтожен в координатах: {1}!", "MsgEventCargoShip": "Карго", "MsgEventPatrolHelicopter": "Патрульный вертолет", "MsgEventBradleyAPC": "Танк", "MsgRaidableBasesDisabled": "Эта Рейд база выключена!", "MsgRaidableBasesOccupied": "Эта Рейд база уже занята игроком {0}!", "MsgRaidableBasesLimit": "Лимит превышен! У вас {0} из {1} доступных Рейд баз.", "MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseStart": "Оплата прошла! Ожидайте...", "MsgRaidableBasesPurchased": "Вы успешно приобрели Рейд базу!", "MsgRaidableBasesPurchaseFailed": "Вам не удалось приобрести Рейд базу! Деньги возвращены.", "MsgRaidableBasesOfferTitle": "Займите Рейд базу уровня: {0}!", "MsgRaidableBasesOfferDescription": "Нажми на уведомление для оплаты {0}.\nИ разблокируй доступ к неизведанным богатствам!", "MsgRaidableBasesBarText": "Уровень: {0}", "MsgRaidableBasesBarNoAccess": "нет доступа", "MsgRaidableBasesEasy": "Легко", "MsgRaidableBasesMedium": "Средне", "MsgRaidableBasesHard": "Сложно", "MsgRaidableBasesExpert": "Эксперт", "MsgRaidableBasesNightmare": "Кошмар", "MsgPrivlidgeClear": "Из шкафа выписано {0} ироков.", "MsgPrivlidgeClearEmpty": "Кроме вас в шкафу ни кто не авторизован.", "MsgVehicleDialogTitle": "ГИБДД", "MsgVehicleDialogDescription": "ID: \nКатегория: \nСтоимость регистрации: ", "MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>", "MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nКатегория: \nДата регистрации: ", "MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionValueRegistered": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>", "MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nВладелец: \nКатегория: \nДата регистрации: ", "MsgVehicleDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescription": "ID: \nКатегория: \nСтоимость: ", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionRegistered": "ID: \nКатегория: \nДата: ", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionValueRegistered": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwner": "ID: \nВладелец: \nКатегория: \nДата: ", "MsgVehicleCarDialogDescriptionNotOwnerValue": "<b>{0}</b>\n<b>{1}</b>\n<b>{2}</b>\n<b>{3}</b>", "MsgVehicleCarGarageEmpty": "Подъемник пустой!", "MsgVehicleDialogLink": "Поставить на учет", "MsgVehicleDialogUnLink": "Снять с учета", "MsgVehicleDialogIncorrectPassword": "Пароль должен состоять из 4-х цифр!", "MsgVehicleNotOwner": "Вы не являетесь владельцем!", "MsgVehicleCanNotInteract": "Вы не являетесь владелецем или его другом!", "MsgVehicleNoPermissions": "У вас нет прав для этого действия!", "MsgVehicleLinked": "{0} успешно привязан(а)! У вас {1} из {2} доступных.", "MsgVehicleUnLinked": "{0} успешно отвязан(а)!", "MsgVehicleFailedDeauthorize": "Вы можете выписаться только при отвязки транспорта от вас.", "MsgVehicleLimit": "Лимит превышен! У вас {1} из {2} доступных.", "MsgVehicleDestroyed": "Ваше транспортное средство {0}({1}) было уничтожено!", "MsgVehicleFind": "Ваше транспортное средство {0} находится в квадрате {1}!", "MsgVehicleClear": "Удалено {0} транспортных средств!", "MsgVehicleClearEmpty": "Транспортные средства для удаления не найдены!", "MsgVehicleNotFound": "Транспортное средство не найдено!", "MsgVehicleTugboatAuthorization": "Для авторизации в буксире, его необходимо поставить на учет!", "MsgVehicleLandVehicle": "Наземный", "MsgVehicleAirVehicle": "Воздушный", "MsgVehicleWaterVehicle": "Водный", "MsgVehicleWinterVehicle": "Зимний", "MsgVehicleTrainVehicle": "ЖД", "MsgVehicleHorse": "Лошадь", "MsgVehicleBike": "Мотоцикл", "MsgVehicleCar": "Машина", "MsgVehicleBalloon": "Воздушный шар", "MsgVehicleMinicopter": "Мини коптер", "MsgVehicleTransportHeli": "Корова", "MsgVehicleAttackHeli": "Боевой вертолет", "MsgVehicleRowBoat": "Лодка", "MsgVehicleRHIB": "Патрульная лодка", "MsgVehicleTugBoat": "Буксир", "MsgVehicleSubmarineOne": "Маленькая подлодка", "MsgVehicleSubmarineTwo": "Подлодка", "MsgVehicleSnowmobile": "Снегоход", "MsgVehicleTrain": "Поезд", "MsgFree": "Бесплатно", "MsgNoDate": "пусто", "MsgEconomicsNotEnough": "Не достаточно средств!" } vehicle: find - helps to find a player's vehicle; unlink - unlinks the vehicle without the need to approach it; clear - unlinks all vehicles. Example: /realpve vehicle find *netID* This plugin provides the ability to claim vehicles, thereby preventing theft and griefing from other players. In permissions, you can set the price and quantity restrictions for each type of vehicle, ensuring flexible customization according to your preferences. An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege. This plugin introduces queue system and loot purchases for monuments. All monuments are configured in the config file under the "Settings for the monuments" section. You can customize the price and time for looting each monument. Within monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot, pick up items or damage entities. Additionally, NPCs within monuments do not aggress against other players and do not receive damage from them. If a player dies within the monument, they will have a grace period to return. This allows players to safely loot monuments without fear of griefing. Example of monument configuration: "ferry_terminal_1": { "Type": "RadTown", "ShowSuffix": true, "Broadcast": true, "LootingTime": 900, "Price": 0.0, "BarSettings": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color": "#A064A0", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_URL": "https://i.imgur.com/mn8reWg.png", "Image_Sprite": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color": "#A064A0", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color": "#FFFFFF", "Text_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color": "#FFFFFF", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf" } } Type - This field serves only as an indicator for you. The changes won't have any impact; ShowSuffix - Suffix display. Some monuments (for example Warehouses) have suffixes in the name, like "Warehouse #12"; Broadcast - Enabling or disabling broadcasts when a monument is occupied or vacated; LootingTime - Time allocated for looting the monument; Price - The price for which you can start looting the monument. 0 means looting is free; BarSettings - Settings for the Advanced Status Bar. You can also choose the types of monuments by specifying them in the config file under the "List of tracked types of monuments" section. A list of all available types can be viewed on the MonumentsWatcher's page in the "Developer API" section. "List of tracked types of monuments": [ "RadTown", "RadTownWater", "RadTownSmall", "TunnelStation" ] Events, similar to monuments, offer the opportunity to claim events. All events are configured in the config file under the "Settings for the events" section. You can customize the price of looting and looting attempts(deaths, including friends). Just like in monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot and damage entities. Additionally, in events, NPCs do not aggress against other players. If a player(including friends) exceeds the death limit, the event became free, thereby providing other players with the opportunity to claim the event. Example of event configuration: "Settings for the events": { "CargoShip": { "Price": 100.0, "DeathLimit": 5 }, "PatrolHelicopter": { "Price": 100.0, "DeathLimit": 5 }, "BradleyAPC": { "Price": 100.0, "DeathLimit": 5 } } Price - The price to claim the event. 0 means looting is free; DeathLimit - Limit of deaths after which the event becomes free. Integration with the RaidableBases plugin does not restrict its functionality in any way. On the contrary, it adds an anti-grief system that protects bases from malicious players. In raid bases, NPCs and other entities can only receive damage from the raid owner or their friends; Turrets and traps do not aggress against outsiders; You can customize the price of claiming to each difficulty and set individual discounts for each permission. You can still purchase raid bases using the /buyraid command. Raid bases without owners(buyable, maintained, manual and scheduled) can be bought for a price set in the configuration file or assigned to the first player who enters its radius, if the final price(price * discount) less or equals to 0. Additionally, as a bonus, upon buying this plugin, you receive 5 free bases for 3 difficulty levels, along with configured loot for them.
  21. Tangerine


    Version 1.0.7


    UItemSort UItemSort - this plugin allows the player to sort, and stack items in boxes and inventory. Plugin config variables "Use button images?": false, "Send plugin messages/reply?": true, "Sort button color.": "0.968627453 0.921568632 0.882352948 0.2", "Take similar button color.": "0.968627453 0.921568632 0.882352948 0.2", "Take all button color.": "0.968627453 0.921568632 0.882352948 0.2", "Sort image.": "https://i.imgur.com/uEiuf3N.png", "Similar image.": "https://i.imgur.com/3PkbAH8.png", "Take/Put all.": "https://i.imgur.com/beKBAl3.png", "Allow only containers with owners?": false, "All containers allowed?": false, "Black list if all allowed else this is white list.": [ "assets/prefabs/deployable/woodenbox/woodbox_deployed.prefab", "assets/prefabs/deployable/large wood storage/box.wooden.large.prefab", ] Plugin lang "UILootSimilar": "Same items, that you already own, were looted! (if exist)", "UILootAll": "You've looted everything you could!", "UISort": "Items were successfully sorted!", "UIPutSimilar": "You've put same items that are in a storage! (if exist)", "UIPutAll": "You've put all the items you could!", "UIBtnSort": "Sort", "UIBtnTakeSimilar": "Take Similar", "UIBtnTakeAll": "Take All", "UIBtnPutSimilar": "Put Similar", "UIBtnPutAll": "Put All" Permissions: uitemsort.use - allows to see and use sorting buttons. uitemsort.ignore - prevents from using sorting buttons if player has 'uitemsort.use' permission. Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Video how plugin works:
  22. Version 2.3.1


    Configure spawn checks for launchsite including RustEdit spawns. Configure settings for Bradley (hp/crates/damage etc etc). Add a cooldown between Kills Works with : BradleyGuards (Bazz3l) BradleyGuards (KrunghCrow) BradleyTiers (KrunghCrow) Convoy (Adem) ArmoredTrain (Adem) Paratroopers (FastBurst) Optional dependencies : RustEdit Features : Configurable Bradley settings like HP,Crates,Damage Can set Sleepersafe true/false (To not attack a sleeper) Can set a Cooldown between destroying(killing) the bradley (added in 2.1.0) Shows remaining cooldown in chat if enabled (added in 2.1.2 Thx @RFC1920) If Cooldown is set and timer ended the player will get notified in chat Can set to ignore admins/owner (will ignore the admins and owner completely by the BradleyAPC) Even when NOT vanished!!! Will not attack Junkpile scientists No conflicts with Vanish. Can enable/disable gibs Can unlock crates and extinguish fire after kill (true/false) Set plugins true/false to avoid BradleyOptions to override settings those plugins use (Choose 1). If enabled can set a random bradley respawn time. If enabled when you use a custom map and the bradley spawns incorrect will check and set the spawntime and bradley path it drives (only use these settings if the Bradley from custom locations are forced spawning on random locations at launchsite instead of the locations placed with RustEdit) Commands to respawn dead bradleys manualy. Permissions : BradleyOptions.Admin (To use the commands) Commands : /bradley info : Shows the version/author/commands available in chat. /bradley quickrespawn : To respawn a dead bradley on vanilla launchsite location. /bradley custom : To respawn and check for killed Bradleys on Custom locations (RustEdit). /bradleycooldown : Tells the player the remaining cooldown in Chat or Gametip msg (added in v2.1.3) Configuration : Note : for override settings set only 1 setting to true !!! If u have other Custom bradley plugins using either setting let me know i can add it to a profile or check if they are the same with one of the existing profiles. { "Bonus": { "Realistic explosion when Bradley is killed": true }, "Spawn checks Custom Maps (Use this only when bradley does not spawn correctly on custom maps!!!": { "Respawn check (Use rustedit for Custom locations": true, "Respawn check (Vanilla Launchsite)": true, "Respawn check (Launchsite) each x Minutes": 15.0, "Respawn check (all Custom locations) each x Minutes": 15.0 }, "Cooldowns": { "use cooldown between Bradley Kills": false, "Show Gametip on bradleycooldown command": true, "cooldown between Bradley kills (minutes)": 120 }, "Avoid BradleyOptions override settings for other plugins": { "Using Only BradleyOptions": true, "Using BradleyGuards/ParaTroopers (Umod)": false, "Using BradleyGuards (Codefling)": false }, "Spawn checks Vanilla Maps (use this only when you are using just the Launchsite!!!": { "Respawn Use (Launchsite Bradley ,use only when spawn checks are disabled)": false, "Min respawn time (minutes)": 5.0, "Max respawn time (minutes)": 5.0 }, "Bradley Settings": { "Enabled (will not spawn when false)": true, "Change Health (If only using BradleyOptions)": true, "Health": 1000, "Max Fire Range": 100, "Throttle Responce": 1.0, "Hostile timer": 20.0, "Ignores sleepers": true, "Ignores admins": false }, "Bradley Loot": { "Max crates after kill": 4, "Remove Napalm": true, "Remove Gibs": false, "Instantly unlock crates": true, "Instantly unlock Gibs": true }, "Bradley Canon": { "Canon Fire delay": 0.3, "Canon Firerate": 0.25 }, "Bradley Machinegun": { "Machinegun Bullet Damage": 15, "Machinegun Firerate": 0.06667, "Machinegun Burst Duration": 10 } } Localisation : English language file included to use a diffrent language just make a new file in the language folder. { "InvalidInput": "<color=red>Please enter a valid command!</color>", "Version": "\nVersion : V", "Info": "\n<color=green>Available Commands</color>\n<color=green>/bradley info</color> : Shows info on version/author and commands", "InfoRespawn": "\n<color=green>/bradley quickrespawn</color> : Respawns the Launchsite bradley.", "InfoRespawnCustom": "\n<color=green>/bradley custom</color> : Respawns custom bradleys <color=purple>[RustEdit]</color>.", "RespawnAll": "<color=green>Respawned all Bradleys on custom locations</color> [RustEdit]", "RespawnLaunch": "<color=green>Respawned The Bradley on Launchsite only", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>", "Prefix": "<color=yellow>[Bradley Options]</color> ", "CooldownEnded": "Your Cooldown ended you can take on the Bradley again!!", "CooldownMsg": "You have a <color=green>{0}</color> minute cooldown left and have to wait to take on the Bradley again!!", "CooldownTip": "You have {0} minute(s) left to take on the Bradley again!!" } Credits : Plugin Icon design : @Horus for making me this
  23. Version 3.1.4


    Gives reward payments to players for performing various in-game actions. Uses Economics, Server Rewards, or Scrap. **Although V3 is a rewrite, the original plugin was written and maintained by MalS** Thank you to MalS for the original submission and continued support. Chat Commands. /rr – Opens RustRewards UI. UI allows players to customise their notification preferences. It also allows viewing of reward and multiplier values, if that option is enabled in config. Holders of rustrewads.admin permission can use the same UI to adjust reward and multiplier values. See images. Permissions. rustrewards.adminui Enables adjustment buttons for values in UI. Players with the following permissions can earn rewards for that category. rustrewards.harvest rustrewards.kill rustrewards.open rustrewards.pickup rustrewards.activity rustrewards.welcome All reward values are 0.0 by default. All multipliers have basic default values. Reward categories. Kill Harvest Open Pickup Activity Welcome Harvesting and looting containers must be carried out to completion in order to receive the reward. Multipliers. Group Permission Weapon used Happy hour (optional) RaidableBases (action within RB area) Zone (action within specific zone) Distance (for kill rewards) Group and permission multipliers apply to players in X group or players holding X permission. Adding group or permission names to their lists in config will automatically create that group or permission. Permissions from other plugins can also be added here, in full, without issue – eg “kits.vip” "Group_Multipliers": { "Regulars": 1.0 }, "Permission_Multipliers": { "loyalty": 10.0 }, This, for example, will register the permission 'rustrewards.loyalty', and create the group “Regulars”. General Settings Disable_All_Notifications = false, TakeMoneyfromVictim: false, DoLogging: true, HappyHour_BeginHour: 17, HappyHour_EndHour: 21, Player_Kill_Reward_CoolDown_Seconds: 0, View_Reward_Values": true - Enables UI access to reward and multiplier values for players. Default_Notification_Type - 0/1/2/3 : The numbers correspond to Chat/Banner/Icon/Off Chaticon: 0 Only_Reward_Growables_From_Planters: false, Use_Harvesting_Cooldown = true, RewardCurrency UseScrap: true, UseEconomics: false, UseServerRewards: false Chosen currency for rewards. Only one can be used at any one time. Allies UseFriendsPlugin: true, UseClansPlugin: true, UseRustTeams: true Prevent rewards for killing friends/clan mates/team mates. Plugins UseGUIAnnouncementsPlugin: false, - Enables 'banner' notification option UseZoneManagerPlugin: false, - Allows for zone specific multipliers UseNoEscape: false - Prevents rewards when NoEscape-blocked Data file. 'Friendly names' for items and entities can be customised in the data file. Each item or entity has a pair listed – Edit the right hand value. Example : "vehicle_parts": “vehicle parts, "loot_barrel_2": “barrel”, "loot_barrel_1": “barrel”, "crate_tools": “tool crate", Notes. Npcs. An extensive list of npcs types has been added for 'Kill' and 'Harvest' (flesh) rewards, including entries for BotSpawn and Zombiehorde. Item Actions 'Open' rewards are now given for items with “Unwrap” or “Gut” actions, including all recently added fish. AI vehicle kills. Rewards are given to the player who caused the most damage to APC / Patrol Heli / CH47. UI Amount adjust increments. As different servers will have different base units of currency, you can change how much the + and – buttons in UI adjust the amounts. Reward_Small_Increment: 1.0, Reward_Large_Increment: 10.0, Multiplier_Increment: 0.1, API OnRustReward(BasePlayer player, string category)
  24. Version 2.3.16


    Sentry turrets Sentry turrets - this plugin allows players place own outpost NPC turrets. Plugin config variables { "Can get damage": true, "Required power": 0, "Authorize friends and team members": false, "Authorize tc members": false, "Amount of ammo for one spray (set to 0 for no-ammo mode)": 3, "Range (normal turret - 30": 100, "Give back on ground missing": true, "Health (normal turret - 1000)": 1500.0, "Aim cone (normal turret - 4)": 2.0 } Commands: sentryturrets.give <name or steamID> <amount> - give turret to player Contacts: Need help or custom plugin for your server? Contact me using Discord: metangerine ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. Razor


    Version 2.1.3


    Auto plant and pick crops in planter. Also auto water or require a water hookup to water. When crops become ripe it will auto pick them if they have seeds in the box it will replant them in the open space. The plant and the checks are on timers it can take anywhere from 1 to 10 min before it gets picked / planted. There are 2 small stashes mounted to the box one will not accept items and that is where the picked items will go.. the other is to place your seeds in. Permission = "autofarm.allow" - Perm needed to place down a autofarm.


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