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About Gasoline

The near future, the planet has suffered a global ecological catastrophe, the sun has burned out most civilizations and green nature. All that remains are the ruins of an old civilization. People turned into looters and raiders, they created several factions of their own and started a war with each other for the most significant resource on this planet - Gasoline. This resource allows gangs to move around a huge island in search of new production, most of the oil fields are captured by raiders, their bases are everywhere, on land, on water. The city located on this island was sunk and its new inhabitants became Sharks. I present to your attention a new map in the post-apocalyptic wasteland style, here you will find many custom locations, more than 20, locations are located everywhere, on land, on water, underground. You will also find some great places to build your base, a huge number of bridges, ziplines will give you the opportunity to quickly move between the peninsulas. You can also buy a flight transport at the outpost. The relief map also offers the use of parachutes to overcome long distances. Drinking water in the bays will give you the opportunity to quench your thirst and build a farm. Good luck in surviving on this island!


  • Prefab Count: ~46к prefabs
  • Size: 4000
  • A lot of interesting locations to explore
  • Marketplaces and recycler have been added to fishing villages
  • Railway
  • Optimal FPS
  • A large number of places for the construction of foundations in the form of unusual rocks, caves, landscape and icebergs
  • More than 20 custom monuments
  • Large number of bridges
  • Custom plugin UnderwaterGuard (by Adem)

This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!

How can I view the map?

You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.


Custom Monuments:

  • Gas Town
  • Red Rock
  • Overview Point
  • Diesel Storage
  • Shark City
  • Trail Camp
  • Port Station
  • Broken oil pipeline
  • Crew Barracks
  • Loners Shelter
  • Marauders Hangar
  • Oil Station
  • Fault
  • Rogue Camp
  • Junk Base
  • Roger Dam
  • Pier
  • Diesel Rigs
  • Bridge Security
  • Sea Wolves
  • Rusty Ship
  • Drawbridge
  • Coaling Tower
  • West Bridge
  • North Bridge
  • East Bridge
  •  interesting places to build a base marked X

Monument Facepunch:

  • Launch Site
  • Missile Silo 
  • Junkyard
  • Harbor 1 and 2
  • Arctic Research Base
  • Satellite Dish
  • Airfield
  • Bandit Camp
  • Outpost (mod version)
  • Giant Excavator Pit
  • Water Treatment
  • Military Tunnel
  • The Dome
  • Sewer Branch
  • Ranch
  • Fishing Village 1,2,3 (Modified version)
  • Lighthouse
  • Underwater Lab
  • Railway
  • HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry
  • Roadside Monument
  • Like 5
  • Love 1

Gruber's Collection

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