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Message added by jtedal,

Before installing the new version (1.1.3), it is necessary to delete the date files and also delete all wagons on the server (For this you can use the console command clearallwagons)

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About Train Homes

Live in one place? It's not interesting. Live in a camping car module? Too small. Have a full-fledged mobile home? That's what you need!



With this plugin, your players will be able to build their own small base on the wagon and wander around the server with it. Or you can even assemble a whole train of such wagons.

Chat Command (For admins)

/showfreewagons - Writes the number of available wagons to the console, and also shows their location on the server. (Permission is required for use)

/givewagon  <amount> <SteamID or Name> - gives the specified player an item for the spawn of the wagon in the amount that you specify (Permission is required for use)

Chat Command (For Player)

/thinstruction - instructions on some features of the plugin

/removewagon - take a hammer in your hands, write a command and hit the wagon

Console Command (RCON only)

clearallwagons - clears the server of all custom wagons. Be careful! The action is irreversible and players will lose all their items and resources. It should be used only before you want to turn off the plugin from the server, because after unloading, custom wagons can be created on the server.

givewagon  <amount> <SteamID or Name> - gives the specified player an item for the spawn of the wagon in the amount that you specify

Plugin Config


trainhomes.givewagon - gives permission to use the chat command /givewagon

trainhomes.showfreewagons - gives permission to view the location of free wagons


private bool OnWagonSpawn(BasePlayer player)


 private bool IsEntityFromBaseWagon(ulong netIdValue)

Returns true if the netId of the object belongs to the wagon

private bool IsBaseWagon(ulong netIdValue)

Returns true if the netId belongs to a wagon on the base

private bool IsTrainHomes(ulong netIdValue)

Returns true if the netId belongs to a wagon on the track

private bool IsFreeWagon(ulong netIdValue)

Returns true if the netId belongs to a free wagon on the track

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