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About XRadiationOre

The plugin enhances gameplay by introducing the capability for players to mine radiation ore with a specific probability, as well as the ability to smelt it in a furnace. It offers a range of customization options, allowing server administrators to define various aspects of the ore and the resulting meltdown.
Youtube Overview

Customization options include:

  • Drop Source: Specifies the source from which the radiation ore item can be obtained.
  • Drop Chance: Determines the likelihood of obtaining the radiation ore item when mining the designated source. (Don't put the same odds, the drop chance won't work correctly.)
  • Minimum Drop Amount: Sets the minimum quantity of radiation ore that can be obtained per successful drop.
  • Maximum Drop Amount: Sets the maximum quantity of radiation ore that can be obtained per successful drop.
  • "Minimum Melting Amount: Specifies the minimum amount of radiation ore that can be obtained when smelting the ore.
  • Maximum Melting Amount: Specifies the maximum amount of radiation ore that can be smelted at once.
  • Displayed Name: Allows customization of the name displayed for the radiation ore item.
  • Key Name or Shortname: Provides the option to assign a unique identifier or abbreviated name for the radiation ore item.
  • Skin: Enables the application of a customized visual appearance to the radiation ore item.
  • Meltdown Result: Defines the outcome when the radiation ore is smelted in the furnace.
  • Result Displayed Name: Allows customization of the name displayed for the result of the meltdown.
  • Result Key Name or Shortname: Provides the option to assign a unique identifier or abbreviated name for the meltdown result.
  • Result Skin: Enables the application of a customized visual appearance to the meltdown result.
  • Radiation Settings: 
  • Radius: Specifies the radius of the radiation zone surrounding the radiation ore or meltdown result.
  • Damage per Tick: Sets the amount of damage inflicted on players per game tick within the radiation zone.

Configuration file:

  "Melting Speed Modifier": 1.5,
  "Melting Items Configuration": [
      "Valid Prefabs": [
      "Drop Chance": 1,
      "Minimum Amount (Drop)": 1,
      "Maximum Amount (Drop)": 1,
      "Minimum Amount (Melt)": 555,
      "Maximum Amount (Melt)": 789,
      "Custom Item": {
        "Display Name": "RadMetall Ore",
        "Short Name": "metal.ore",
        "Skin ID": 2886986763
      "Melted Item": {
        "Display Name": "",
        "Short Name": "metal.fragments",
        "Skin ID": 0
      "Radiation Settings": {
        "Radius": 15.0,
        "Tick Damage": 0.7
      "Valid Prefabs": [
      "Drop Chance": 1,
      "Minimum Amount (Drop)": 1,
      "Maximum Amount (Drop)": 1,
      "Minimum Amount (Melt)": 10,
      "Maximum Amount (Melt)": 20,
      "Custom Item": {
        "Display Name": "RadHqMetal Ore",
        "Short Name": "hq.metal.ore",
        "Skin ID": 2887107494
      "Melted Item": {
        "Display Name": "",
        "Short Name": "metal.refined",
        "Skin ID": 0
      "Radiation Settings": {
        "Radius": 15.0,
        "Tick Damage": 1.3
      "Valid Prefabs": [
      "Drop Chance": 1,
      "Minimum Amount (Drop)": 1,
      "Maximum Amount (Drop)": 1,
      "Minimum Amount (Melt)": 25,
      "Maximum Amount (Melt)": 65,
      "Custom Item": {
        "Display Name": "RadCoal Ore",
        "Short Name": "hq.metal.ore",
        "Skin ID": 2889416743
      "Melted Item": {
        "Display Name": "",
        "Short Name": "charcoal",
        "Skin ID": 0
      "Radiation Settings": {
        "Radius": 15.0,
        "Tick Damage": 1.3
      "Valid Prefabs": [
      "Drop Chance": 2,
      "Minimum Amount (Drop)": 1,
      "Maximum Amount (Drop)": 1,
      "Minimum Amount (Melt)": 150,
      "Maximum Amount (Melt)": 280,
      "Custom Item": {
        "Display Name": "RadStone Ore",
        "Short Name": "hq.metal.ore",
        "Skin ID": 2886986572
      "Melted Item": {
        "Display Name": "",
        "Short Name": "metal.fragments",
        "Skin ID": 0
      "Radiation Settings": {
        "Radius": 15.0,
        "Tick Damage": 1.3
      "Valid Prefabs": [
      "Drop Chance": 1,
      "Minimum Amount (Drop)": 1,
      "Maximum Amount (Drop)": 1,
      "Minimum Amount (Melt)": 249,
      "Maximum Amount (Melt)": 461,
      "Custom Item": {
        "Display Name": "RadSulfur Ore",
        "Short Name": "sulfur.ore",
        "Skin ID": 2886986316
      "Melted Item": {
        "Display Name": "",
        "Short Name": "sulfur",
        "Skin ID": 0
      "Radiation Settings": {
        "Radius": 15.0,
        "Tick Damage": 1.0


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