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Discord Raid Alarm 1.0.0

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About Discord Raid Alarm

DiscordRaidAlarm is a fully vanilla-friendly Rust plugin and Discord integration that alerts defenders when their base is under attack. It does not rely on Rust+ or any external “seismic sensors.” By detecting building damage in a standard Rust server (Oxide/uMod or Carbon), the system sends raid data to a PHP script with a MySQL database, and a Discord bot delivers real-time notifications to defenders via direct messages. You can either host your own single-tenant bot or register with our public multi-tenant bot (no hosting required). Once Steam-to-Discord mapping is in place, your players receive automated alerts about raids, even on completely vanilla Rust servers.If you need help configuring it, message me on Discord: CrypticRedhat.


1. Overview

DiscordRaidAlarm notifies Rust players on Discord if their base is under attack. Its core components:

  1. Rust Plugin: Captures damage events and posts them to a PHP script.
  2. PHP Script + MySQL: Stores raid data in a raid_events table.
  3. Discord Bot: Reads the table and DMs defenders.

You can either use:

  • Our Public Multi-Tenant Bot (simplest; no hosting required), or
  • A Self-Hosted Single-Tenant .exe (full control, optional).

This guide focuses first on the public multi-tenant bot approach—especially how to invite the bot and use 


2. Prerequisites

  1. Rust Server supporting Oxide/uMod or Carbon.
  2. A web host or cPanel environment for PHP + MySQL.
  3. A MySQL database (username, password, DB name, etc.).
  4. Token generated from it-tools.tech/token-generator (used across plugin & PHP script, and you’ll provide it to the multi-tenant bot).
  5. If you choose to self-host your own bot: A Windows machine and optionally a Discord Developer Portal application for a custom bot token.


3. Token Generation & Matching

  1. Go to it-tools.tech/token-generator → click generate.
  2. Use that random string for:
  • Rust plugin config (API Auth Token),
  • PHP script (API_TOKEN),
  • And you’ll also provide it to the multi-tenant bot in /registertenant or your self-hosted bot config.

All must match exactly or you’ll see 401/403 errors.


4. Rust Plugin Setup (Oxide/uMod or Carbon)

  1. Obtain DiscordRaidAlarm.cs.
  2. Place in your Rust server’s plugin folder:
  • Oxide: oxide/plugins/
  • Carbon: Carbon/Plugins/

        3. Load the plugin:

  • Oxide: oxide.reload DiscordRaidAlarm or restart.
  • Carbon: c.reload DiscordRaidAlarm.

        4. Config:

  • Check oxide/config/DiscordRaidAlarm.json or similar.
  • Set "API URL" to your DiscordRaidAlarm.php location, e.g. https://yourdomain.com/DiscordRaidAlarm.php.
  • Set "API Auth Token" to the same token from Step 3.

Verify no errors. Run oxide.plugins or carbon.plugins to confirm it’s loaded.


5. PHP API Setup

  1. Upload DiscordRaidAlarm.php to your web host.
  2. Edit lines like:
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); 
define('DB_NAME', 'my_database'); 
define('DB_USER', 'my_db_user');
define('DB_PASS', 'my_db_pass'); 

Make sure API_TOKEN matches your plugin.

Ensure you can reach DiscordRaidAlarm.php in a browser (it may show an error, that’s normal with no parameters).


6. Database Creation

  1. Create a MySQL DB or use an existing one.
  2. Import create_table.sql:
mysql -u my_db_user -p my_database < create_table.sql

        3. Check for raid_events:


If it’s there, you’re set.


7. Using the Public Multi-Tenant Bot

If you don’t want to host a .exe, our public multi-tenant Discord bot can poll your raid_events for you. Below are the two main steps: inviting the bot, then registering your tenant via the /registertenant slash command.

7.1 Invite the Bot to Your Server

  • Click this invite link:


It’s pre-configured with minimal but necessary permissions, including Send Messages (crucial for DM or channel posting) and other relevant scopes.

  • Select your Discord server and authorize it.
  • The bot will now appear in your server’s member list. If it can’t send messages or you want slash commands to work, ensure it has the right role/permission in the server. Typically “Send Messages,” “Embed Links,” “Read Messages History,” and “Use Application Commands” are enough.

7.2 Register Your Tenant with /registertenant

  • Open a text channel (or any channel) in the same server where you invited the bot.
  • Type /registertenant. You’ll see a form for:



(required) – The URL to your DiscordRaidAlarm.php.



(required) – The same token from your plugin + DiscordRaidAlarm.php.



(required) – If you’re using a steam-to-discord link system. 



(required) – Also for your steam link system. 



(optional) – For some advanced steam link usage.



(optional) – How often the bot checks your raids, in seconds. Defaults to the global fallback if omitted.


Fill out each field carefully:

  • api_url: e.g., https://yourdomain.com/DiscordRaidAlarm.php
  • api_token: your random token.
  • steamlink_url / steamlink_secret: If you do not have a steam linking system, just enter placeholders.
  • (Optional) bypass_token or poll_interval if needed.

Press Enter. The bot will respond ephemerally with either “Tenant registered/updated successfully!” or an error message if something went wrong.

If successful, the bot automatically logs your server info (guild_id + config) in its multi-tenant DB.

From this point on, the bot polls your raid_events table.

Done! Whenever your plugin logs a raid, the bot sees it and DMs the defenders (assuming you have steam-to-discord mapping set up).

Important: You must run /registertenant from within the server that the bot is invited to. The bot automatically captures your guild_id from the slash command, linking that guild to the api_url + api_token you provided.


8. Self-Hosted Bot (Optional)

If you prefer hosting your own single-tenant .exe, skip Section 7 and do this:

  1. Create a Discord bot in the Developer Portal.
  2. Invite it with permissions like Send Messages, etc.
  3. Edit appsettings.json or .config:
  4. {
    "BotSettings": { "BotToken": "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN", 
    "RaidApiUrl": "https://yourdomain.com/DiscordRaidAlarm.php", 
    "RaidApiToken": "YOUR_RANDOM_TOKEN", 
    "PollIntervalSeconds": "10" } 
  5. Run DiscordRaidAlarmBot.exe.
  6. It polls your raid_events table, DMs defenders.


9. Testing & Verification

  1. Trigger a test from your Rust server plugin if it supports a test command (like /raidalarm.test). Otherwise, damage a building block.
  2. Check your MySQL raid_events table:
  3. SELECT * FROM raid_events;
  4. If a new row is added with processed=0, the bot should see it next poll cycle (every 10–30 seconds or your chosen interval).
  5. The bot (public multi-tenant or your own) sends direct messages to any defenders with known Discord IDs.
  6. If you see “Tenant registered/updated successfully!” from /registertenant but no raids are processed, check Troubleshooting.


10. Troubleshooting

  • No DMs:
    • Possibly defenders’ privacy settings block DMs from that server’s members.
    • The user might not be in the same Discord server.
    • Steam ID → Discord ID mapping is missing if you rely on external link systems.
  • “Tenant registration failed” or 403/401 messages:
    • Mismatched api_token between the Rust plugin, the DiscordRaidAlarm.php, or the data you entered in /registertenant.
    • Typo in the api_url or server didn’t load the plugin.
  • Bot Not Sending:
    • For the public multi-tenant bot, confirm you typed /registertenant in the correct server, and it responded with success.
    • For your self-hosted bot, ensure the .exe is running, the token is valid, and it’s in your server with Send Messages permission.
  • Plugin Not Logging:
    • Check the console logs for DiscordRaidAlarm.cs loading errors.
    • Possibly it’s in the wrong folder for Oxide/Carbon, or you didn’t set “API Auth Token” in the plugin config.
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