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GitHub - k1lly0u/Oxide.Ext.RustEdit: Oxide extension to allow further customisation in Rust maps
Any Map Vendor
About Transylvania (Halloween)
Transylvania is a corner of nature untouched by new technologies, which has remained alive in its Middle Ages. Crazy nature and valleys, conquer with their atmosphere and mysticism. On this map you have to be careful, because in the forests and valleys of this world, many strange creatures roam, in the form of zombies and unusual scientists. Also in this corner you will find many old villages and hollows, on the mountain itself there is a majestic Frankenstein Castle. A long railway and a ring road for the Convoy plugin are located throughout the map. Never forget about Facepunch monuments, most of them have been added to the map. This map is perfect for celebrating Halloween, but you can also use it for a regular wipe.
Attention: the plugin shown in the video is a paid Armored Train plugin from the creator Adem and is not provided with the map.
- Prefab Count: ~51к prefabs
- Size: 3500
- With the release of the map, the Halloween update of the Armored Train plugin will also be released
- A lot of interesting locations to explore
- Marketplaces and recycler have been added to fishing villages
- Railway
- Great Halloween party atmosphere
- Several interesting places to build a base
- Custom plugin for NPC control on the server, as well as random clothing for scientists (by Adem)
This map is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates!
How can I view the map?
You can do this in our Discord server by submitting a request for an invitation to our servers. There you will be given the rights of an “administrator” and without any difficulties you will be able to fly around the map and fully familiarize yourself with it.
Custom Monuments:
- Sleepy Hollow
- Ghost Town
- Churchyard
- Sawmill
- Farmers Village
- Settlement of Believers
- Christian Church
- Sanctuary
- Three Level Cemetery
- Railway Post
- Coaling Tower
- Creepy Lake
- Abandoned Village
- Dark Forest
- Huts
- Caretakers House
- Border Post
- Water Base
- Frankenstein Castle
- interesting places to build a base marked X
Monument Facepunch:
- Launch Site
- Missile Silo
- Junkyard
- Harbor 1 and 2
- Arctic Research Base
- Satellite Dish
- Airfield
- Bandit Camp
- Outpost
- Giant Excavator Pit
- Military Tunnel
- The Dome
- Sewer Branch
- Ranch
- Fishing Village 1,2,3 (Modified version)
- Lighthouse
- Underwater Lab
- Railway
- HQM, Sulfur, Stone Quarry
- Roadside Monument
- Radtown
- Water Well