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Everything posted by TheEye
Me as well. That Chassis has always been appearing "White" on mine since "Day 1". I have removed it now. But now it is "No Longer", available for my Players. I thought it was an "Issue" on my end....But it is not! Here I thought that it was something, I did.....or did not do Correctly. But I have RE-Done it many many times to find the Flaw. It can't be me. There is next to nothing in the config to setup that would cause it to produce a "White Image". It could also be a RUST issue but cannot Prove either one to be TRUE....So I just Deleted that Chassis.
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- #vehicle
- #buy
(and 25 more)
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- #vehicle
- #buy
- #gui
- #shop
- #vehiclebuy
- #vehicleshop
- #m&b-studios
- #vehiclebuy rust plugin
- #mevent team
- #rust vehicle purchase plugin
- #buy vehicles in rust
- #rust game vehicle management
- #vehicle buying system rust
- #rust vehicle gui
- #purchase vehicles rust plugin
- #rust admin vehicle commands
- #vehicle recall command rust
- #customizable vehicle prices rust
- #vehicle spawning plugin rust
- #rust game server plugins
- #user-friendly vehicle interface rust
- #vehicle rust
- #vehicles
- #cars
- #minicopter
- #motorbike
- #bike
Okay. So I understand CopyPaste. But I don't understand how to implement it into the Paste Command. Here is an Example. Guide me through it please. /paste swamptown a true s false height -1 So how do I ADD: ownerflag 0 And what does the "FINAL" Command look like? Using what I have sent you. An Example would sure have been NICE. Thanks Dave
Found out yesterday that one of my Players was actually robbed! Her Quarry had been Picked Clean. And it was "Locked". I thought that the Locks would cover and prevent Stealing? However. It has not worked as should in this instance. Is there something that needs to be setup in the json that I did not see? I must admit tho. I have NOT tried to put a lock on the Motor, Hopper and fuel Barrel/Tank at the same time. Like QuarryLocks had required us to do. I removed all plugins to do with "Locks" Even Locks for Shutters. (Which by the way would be nice if you could include them if you would please). I have removed all Lock plugins and now use only yours. Any help would be appreciated please, to stop players from stealing from quarries and pumpjacks. Has anyone else had this issue I wonder? I'm sure they would have said something? Thanks. Dave
This plugin is incredible! It's late coming, But WoW! First 2 hours I was running around everywhere and Locking anything and everything! Kid in a Candy Store! This one plugin has enabled me to Remove 9 locking plugins. Less plugins. Less server strain! I think any one, of your Players will LOVE this! Does what it says and makes life very much easier. Less mods to keep updated also. Not to mention the couple I bought some time ago. This is a money and time saver. Definitely a Must Have Mod for you and your players! 5 out of 5 for me and MY Guys!!!!
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- #carbon
- #oxide
(and 48 more)
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- #carbon
- #oxide
- #security
- #automation
- #locking
- #vehicles
- #deployables
- #furnaces
- #mining
- #quarries
- #construction
- #doors
- #protection
- #weapons
- #turrets
- #storage
- #customization
- #admin
- #utilities
- #access
- #teams
- #door closer
- #auto closing
- #auto lock
- #code lock
- #key lock
- #lock everything
- #windows
- #windows lock
- #wood shutters lock
- #medieval
- #medieval entities
- #mounted ballista
- #battering ram
- #catapult
- #siege tower
- #ballista
- #medieval large wood box
- #farm
- #farming
- #farm lock
- #farming lock
- #triangle planter box
- #triangle rail road planter
- #single plant pot
- #beehive
- #chicken coop
- #cooking workbench
- #engineering workbench
- #hopper
Thanks for your info also! Barrels are the same if you have bought that plugin also. Just a heads up!
Thank you. Wasn't sure how to list it. Sorry guys! Thanks for looking at it.
There are 2 plugins that are from your Site. These 2 are by different developers. One is Chest Stacks and the other is Train Homes. These 2 do not work together. Placing them inside/on the Flat Car. Stacked to 3 high. The Chests go in fine and look Great! But! As soon as you hop in the Engine and start to drive away. The Top 2 Rows are left behind. Floating up in the Air! Is it Possible for these 2 Developers to get together and Resolve this Issue? Example: ( Still can't place a Recycler or a Large Furnace Or Refinery on a Tugboat ) Even though I have Mods I PAID for to allow my Players to have that capability. This would be Fantastic addition to the Train Cars. Not that I have any interest of placing a large furnace or refinery in there anyways. It would stick out the bottom anyways. And the Monument Recycler I also have. Is NO good on my CargoShip because I was told it is Classified as a "Monument" It caused the entire ship to go Nowhere. It just sat there. So if they could work together. I bet they could find a really Cool Fix! Thanks: Dave
I presently use Fancy Drop. Are they're any changes I would need to make to Fancy Drop. And my Loot Tables are from Better Loot. Do changes need to be made? Would I change this "crateAirResistance": 0.4, ......... to 0.0? Or will yours totally deal with just the Player thrown Supply Drops itself? Thanks; Dave
- #rust
- #supply drop
- (and 15 more)
Just read your issue......kinda late for this now I suppose. I am presently not using it. I do use 2 from Umod. "BouyantSupplyDrops" and "BouyantHelicopterCrates". They are hard to find and don't show when in Search. I use these 2 for now until his is safe. It takes a load on server every time it's reloaded...so I use these ones. Hope it offers an alternative just in case. Sorry to be nosey...lol Dave
- #console
- #spam cleaner
- (and 9 more)
Better still! Why not ADD the Turrets back again? I have players that Farm it. Even loading the ship with Extra Bots does not seem to calm this process of Farming. Just my Opinion? Bring back the Turrets. Also acting as AA for heli's trying to Attack the ship with the New Attack Helicopters! I see major changes to this mod coming soon to accommodate for the Newer Rust Updates. As well as "Trying" to PLEASE all of you guys firing requests to Customize it to your needs. There are always Trolls and players that Exploit. Dave
I also have this appearing. And it has been since last month even. I just keep on "Reloading" it and then it is fine again...Until it is not again. I like this and it Plays well with others. The short Burst of Spam text in the console seems to work it's way out, and settles down. Until it happens again. I am doing whatever I can to make this work. I know things will workout. It would probably be easier if: Rust and Umod/Oxide would get their Act together. I'm sure the Developers would agree that creating a Plugin for us is Fun for them. But this business of a Patch for a Patch for a Patch....and so on. Gets to become Ridiculous over time and time again. I will wait. I use what I can. And adjust! Dave
To 2KTwice This is just my opinion. The Kits that CodeFling offers is "MUCH BETTER" than the Oxide offered. It is extremely easy to setup and Add or Remove your Kits. It has a UI that makes it so easy you can have your entire server setup in a few minutes. Just remember! YOUR Kits that are for your Bots at Monuments can be hidden from your Players Kits. This plugin/Mod.....Is worth every Penny!!!! And the DEV is always on the BALL!!! I RECOMMEND this plugin for EVERY Serious Server Owner! As I did say. Just my Opinion. Dave
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- #kits
- #sets
(and 35 more)
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- #kits
- #sets
- #autokits
- #rustkits
- #kits plugin
- #cooldowns
- #amounts
- #kit
- #set
- #item kits
- #auto kits
- #kit cooldowns
- #rewards
- #items
- #kits rust plugin
- #kits auto
- #kits mevent
- #kits with menu
- #kits in menu
- #kits and serverpanel
- #kits with editor
- #kitsui
- #kiticon
- #kits by mevent
- #rust kits
- #kits converter
- #kits umod
- #kits ui
- #kits rust
- #kit economy integration
- #server management kits
- #rust kits plugin
- #customizable kits
- #auto kits setup
- #in-game management kits
- #rust servers kits
- #rust plugin for kits
- #rust
- #rust plugin
- (and 9 more)
This "Creator" takes pride in his work and listens to anyone having something, "Positive" to contribute. Ideas and troubleshooting issues are NOT something he is afraid of! All my Players and I love his plugins, and thank tofurahie for keeping it maintained and beautifully functional! You can tell he CARES!!!! Thank you; Dave
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- #rust weather control
- #weather presets
- (and 7 more)
Is the Command for the "MiniCopter" in any way going to affect my plugin...."MyMiniCopter"? Are they Protected once a Player has Spawned one? What about DECAY? How are these Protected? And for how long??? The "TugBoat" plugin I have allows the TugBoat to Disappear after Purchase? So I have been told by Players. So if I was to get this mod. It would be nice if vehicles were Locked/or came locked. Had a Decay/Can Damage setting's for: yes or no! Thank you; Dave
- #mini
- #minicopter
- (and 10 more)
After a "Tug Purchase" And then taken home and put in a TC Protected Building. Their Boats are "Disappearing". I f they were payed for. Why would you allow them to be "Disposable"? Is their a way/setting to protect them from decay and being removed? Why BUY something if you have to keep buying it? And is Disappears? Thanks Dave
| Error while compiling HUDPanel: 'SingletonComponent' is a type, which is not valid in the given context | Line: 625, Pos: 140 I'm not a Coder or a Programmer. So I don't really understand this Response when reloading it. Any solution for this please? | Error while compiling HUDPanel: 'SingletonComponent' is a type, which is not valid in the given context | Line: 625, Pos: 140 Thanks; Dave