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About Me

  1. Version 1.0.21


    Prefabs: 1904 This is a fully recreated compound with a bunch of additions including all the features from the bandit camp. Includes All original features of the compound All vending machines from the bandit camp A custom casino with the gambling wheel, slot machines, card games and bar Drone marketplace A garage with a vehicle lift Airwolf vendor Stables with vendor 5 recyclers 3 repair benches 1 refinery 6 slot machines 1 Gambling wheel 2 Card game tables 1 Vehicle lift Bandit camp NPCs Mission NPCs and a few extra sentry turrets
  2. Version 1.0.2


    - ENG This is a Brick House. The main feature of the monument is the possibility of building up the main, largest room. It contains 6 foundations. Building is prohibited on the sides of the monument, and on the roof. There is a room with loot behind that requires a green access card. In this room there is a military crate that spawns with 100% probability, and a crate that can be either military or regular. In the middle there are 3 barrels, one of them is fuel. Next to them there is a table with a computer, on which a green card spawns. Opposite the table there is a recycler, to the right of which a bot spawns that spawns on the sides of the road. On the right side of the monument there is a broken truck, on it spawns a tools box. - RUS Это кирпичный дом. Главная особенность этого монумента — возможность застройки главной, самой большой комнаты. Она содержит 6 фундаментов. Строительство запрещено по бокам монумента и на крыше. За ним есть комната с лутом, для которой требуется зеленая карта доступа. В этой комнате есть военный ящик, который появляется с вероятностью 100%, и ящик, который может быть как военным, так и обычным. Посередине стоят 3 бочки, одна из них — с топливом. Рядом с ними стоит стол с компьютером, на котором появляется зеленая карта. Напротив стола стоит переработчик, справа от которого появляется бот, который появляется на обочинах дороги. С правой стороны монумента стоит сломанный грузовик, на нем появляется ящик с инструментами.
  3. Version 1.1.7


    Spawn Everything - Spawn Vehicle, Karuza Vehicle, Deployables, Bases, Item, Recycler, Crates, Custom entity, Execute Commands, Loots, Pickup Entity, Pickup Vehicles, and much more... Spawn Everything - Spawn all entity, Bases, Item, loot, Pickup Entity, Pickup Vehicles, allows you to spawn any entity or execute commands, all by using an item, pickup entity or vehicles, and much more. It is already configured to generate vehicles by default, including custom vehicles from Karuza, Crates, Locked Crate, Deployables, Casino items and much more. Through the configuration you can add other entities that can be generated, just enter a prefab name, or a command if you do not have a prefab name, and set the skin of the item that will be used. It also allows you to limit the spawn, for example if you do not have building permits, avoid spawning in water or allow it only in water, also being able to choose the minimum depth of the water, allow or not spawn inside buildings, monuments and more. It is also possible to pick up the generated entity/vehicles, using the hammer. You can add items to the in-game shop, loot, or wherever you want. Spawn Bases using copy paste or other plugin. Compatible with Oxide/Umod and Carbon. ALL AVAILABLE ENTITIES Here you can find a file with all the entities currently available and the various information on the item to create to spawn the entity ALL AVAILABLE ENTITIES PLAYLIST - VIDEO EXAMPLE Below you can see an example video on how to use the plugin. -------------------- SOME EXAMPLES OF USE: Some examples of how the plugin works and the entities that can be spawned by default. Vehicle Spawn Spawn Custom Vehicles by Karuza Pickup Entity Pickup Vehicle Pickup Karuza Vehicle Spawn Recycler Spawn NPC vehicles, such as Bradley, Patrol helicopter, CH47 (Chinook 47) Spawn loot boxes, such as the: Locked Crate, Oil Rig Locked Crate, Bradley APC Crate, Patrol Helicopter Crate, Elite Tier Crate, Elite Tier Crate - Underwater Labs. Crater for mines, to place mines where you want. Survey Crater - For Mining Quarry, Survey Crater Oil - For Pump Jack. Spawn Bases using copy paste or other plugin Spawn Casino entities Spawn custom entities And much more PERMISSIONS: spawneverything.admin – Allows the use of commands reserved for admins, such as giving items for entity spawning to players. spawneverything.fuel.unlimited – If the entity to be spawned is a vehicle, the vehicle will not need fuel to run. The same can be achieved via the configuration file, for each individual entity. spawneverything.spawn.not_enabled – Allows you to spawn entities that have not been enabled in the configuration file. spawneverything.spawn.bypass_building_privilege – Allows you to spawn entities even if you don't have building permissions, for entities that require building permissions to spawn. spawneverything.spawn.bypass_tc – Allows entities to be spawned, for entities that cannot be spawned near any Tool Cupboard (TC). spawneverything.spawn.bypass_monument – Allows entities to be spawned in monuments, for entities that cannot be spawned in monuments. spawneverything.spawn.bypass_road_rails – Allows entities to be spawned to the road/rails, for entities that cannot be spawned to the road/rails. spawneverything.spawn.bypass_only_outside – Allows entities to spawn inside buildings, for entities that cannot be spawned inside buildings. spawneverything.spawn.bypass_water – Allows entities to spawn in water, for entities that cannot be spawned in water. COMMANDS FOR ADMIN Commands can be typed in chat (by putting the / character in front of the command), from console or Rcon. To use these commands you must have the role: spawneverything.admin /se <skinID> <quantity> — Allows you to give the item to spawn the entity, to yourself. You need to pass these parameters: skinID of the configured entity The quantity of items. /se <skinID> <quantity> <steamID> — Allows you to give the item to spawn the entity, to a player. You need to pass these parameters: skinID of the configured entity The quantity of items. The SteamID of the player to give the items to Commands can be added or modified in the configuration file: /oxide/config/SpawnEverything.json ENTITY PICK UP (BETA VERSION) You can collect the generated entity using the hammer. By collecting the entity, you will be given back the item for the entity's spawn. To collect the entity you need to hold down the SHIFT key and hit the entity with the hammer. You can only collect entities that have been enabled for collection in the configuration file. NB: This is an early version of this feature and is still in beta. At the moment if you pick up the entity, you will lose any loot contained in it, so make sure to remove any loot before picking up the entity. With the next update, you will be able to leave the loot inside the entity and automatically find it with the next spawn of the entity. USE VIA SHOP, LOOT. VENDING MACHINE The plugin can use any item for entity spawning. You need to generate an item with a certain skin id, to get the item that allows the entity to spawn. The name of the item to use and the skin id are present in the configuration file: Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang) SkinID You can add these items to the in-game Shop, to the loot, in the Vending Machine or wherever you want, very easily. For example, this item spawns a minicopter: Item: grenade.flashbang | SkinID: 3366887420 or ItemID: -936921910 | SkinID: 3366887420 CONFIGURATION The settings and options can be configured in the SpawnEverything.json under the config directory. The use of an editor and validator is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "TimeZone": "Europe/London", "Chat Command": [ "se", "spawneverything", "spawner" ], "ChatPrefix": "SpawnEverything", "Add Karuza Custom Vehicles to your configuration. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Entity Drop Item": [ { "Enabled": false, "DisplayName": "Spawn Minicopter", "Description": "Spawn Minicopter", "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang", "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/content/vehicles/minicopter/minicopter.entity.prefab", "SkinID": 3366887420, "Spawn Offset Y": 0.0, "Spawn Rotate Y": 0.0, "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust", "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true, "Custom Radius Check": 0.0, "Execute Commands": [], "Execute Commands As Admin": false, "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0, "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true, "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0, "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn On Road/Rails. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0, "Spawn Only Outside": true, "Dont Spawn In Water": true, "Requires Water": false, "Minimum Water Depth": 0.0, "Armored": false, "Unlimited Fuel": false, "Fuel Amount": 0 }, { "Enabled": false, "DisplayName": "Spawn Attack Helicopter", "Description": "Spawn Attack Helicopter", "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang", "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/content/vehicles/attackhelicopter/attackhelicopter.entity.prefab", "SkinID": 3366893095, "Spawn Offset Y": 0.0, "Spawn Rotate Y": 0.0, "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust", "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true, "Custom Radius Check": 0.0, "Execute Commands": [], "Execute Commands As Admin": false, "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0, "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true, "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0, "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn On Road/Rails. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0, "Spawn Only Outside": true, "Dont Spawn In Water": true, "Requires Water": false, "Minimum Water Depth": 0.0, "Armored": false, "Unlimited Fuel": false, "Fuel Amount": 0 }, { "Enabled": false, "DisplayName": "Spawn Scrap Transport Helicopter", "Description": "Spawn Scrap Transport Helicopter", "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang", "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/content/vehicles/scrap heli carrier/scraptransporthelicopter.prefab", "SkinID": 3366892516, "Spawn Offset Y": 0.0, "Spawn Rotate Y": 0.0, "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust", "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true, "Custom Radius Check": 0.0, "Execute Commands": [], "Execute Commands As Admin": false, "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0, "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true, "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0, "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn On Road/Rails. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0, "Spawn Only Outside": true, "Dont Spawn In Water": true, "Requires Water": false, "Minimum Water Depth": 0.0, "Armored": false, "Unlimited Fuel": false, "Fuel Amount": 0 }, { "Enabled": false, "DisplayName": "Spawn Hot Air Balloon", "Description": "Spawn Hot Air Balloon", "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang", "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab", "SkinID": 3366893631, "Spawn Offset Y": 0.0, "Spawn Rotate Y": 0.0, "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust", "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true, "Custom Radius Check": 0.0, "Execute Commands": [], "Execute Commands As Admin": false, "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0, "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true, "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0, "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn On Road/Rails. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0, "Spawn Only Outside": true, "Dont Spawn In Water": true, "Requires Water": false, "Minimum Water Depth": 0.0, "Armored": false, "Unlimited Fuel": false, "Fuel Amount": 0 }, { "Enabled": false, "DisplayName": "Spawn Armored Hot Air Balloon", "Description": "Spawn Armored Hot Air Balloon", "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang", "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/prefabs/deployable/hot air balloon/hotairballoon.prefab", "SkinID": 3366893925, "Spawn Offset Y": 0.0, "Spawn Rotate Y": 0.0, "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust", "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true, "Custom Radius Check": 0.0, "Execute Commands": [], "Execute Commands As Admin": false, "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0, "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true, "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0, "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn On Road/Rails. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0, "Spawn Only Outside": true, "Dont Spawn In Water": true, "Requires Water": false, "Minimum Water Depth": 0.0, "Armored": true, "Unlimited Fuel": false, "Fuel Amount": 0 }, { "Enabled": false, "DisplayName": "Spawn Kayak", "Description": "Spawn Kayak", "Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang)": "grenade.flashbang", "Spawn PrefabName": "assets/content/vehicles/boats/kayak/kayak.prefab", "SkinID": 3366894316, "Spawn Offset Y": 0.0, "Spawn Rotate Y": 0.0, "Entity Type. Default Rust": "Rust", "Can Pick Up Entity. Default false": true, "Custom Radius Check": 0.0, "Execute Commands": [], "Execute Commands As Admin": false, "Spawn Cooldown (seconds)": 0, "Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity. (Default: TRUE)": true, "Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] (Default: 0)": 0, "Allow Spawn in Monuments. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Disable Spawn On Road/Rails. (Default: FALSE)": false, "Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails. (Default: 0)": 0, "Spawn Only Outside": true, "Dont Spawn In Water": false, "Requires Water": true, "Minimum Water Depth": 0.5, "Armored": false, "Unlimited Fuel": false, "Fuel Amount": 0 }, ........................................ ], "VersionNumber": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 5 } } TimeZone: -- Default: Europe/London Chat Command: -- Here you can add, edit or delete Commands can be typed in chat (by putting the / character in front of the command), or from console. ChatPrefix: -- Chat message prefix. Show Pick Up Entity Confirm Dialog: — If enabled, show a confirmation dialog when you want to collect the entity for added security and to avoid unintentional errors. Default: TRUE Add Karuza Custom Vehicles to your configuration. (Default: FALSE): -- If set to TRUE, adds all Karuza custom vehicles to the configuration. Warning: once all vehicles are added to the configuration, they cannot be removed by setting the property to FALSE, in which case you will have to delete them manually. Default: FALSE SPAWNABLE ENTITY: ITEM CONFIGURATION Here you will insert all the items with their configurations for the spawn of any entity. Enabled: -- If set to FALSE, the entity cannot be spawned. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.not_enabled DisplayName: -- The name of the Item that the player will see when he clicks on it with the mouse. Description: -- A description of the entity that will be spawned. It has no effect on the player's Item, it is just for internal use to remind you what this Item does. Item name (That will be used to spawn the entity. Default grenade.flashbang): -- Here you need to specify the name of the item that will be used to spawn this entity. Spawn PrefabName: -- Here you enter the name of the Prefab that will be generated. It is not mandatory, you can not enter the Prefab Name and instead execute commands that you can define later in the configuration. SkinID: -- Here you enter the SkinID that will be applied to the item. Based on the SkinID, a different Item will be generated for the spawn of different entities. You can use existing SkinIDs on the Steam Workshop or create your own Skin. Entity Type -- This field is used by the plugin to understand if it is a Rust entity or an entity generated by another plugin. If you do not know what to enter, leave it as default: Rust Can Pick Up Entity. Default false -- Here you can decide whether the entity can be picked up with the hammer or not. It is recommended to disable picking for all items that generate Loot, to avoid abuse. Spawn Offset Y: -- Here you can specify a height to add relative to the entity's spawn point. For example, add the spawn higher than the ground or water. Spawn Rotate Y -- Here you can define the rotation to add to the spawned entity. Custom Radius Check -- Each spawn checks if there are entities that collide and the radius, within which to check, is automatically determined based on the size of the entity. But in some cases it is necessary to define a custom radius. Here you can decide the radius within which to check if there are entities that collide with the spawn. Execute Commands: -- Here you can enter 1 or more commands that will be executed when the Item is launched. You can use some placeholders that can be passed to the commands %%msg%%: This placeholder can be used to send a message to the player, here is an example command: "%%msg%% test command": This will send a message to the player with the text: "test command" "%%msg%% %%steamid%%": This will send a message to the player with the text: player steamID %%steamid%%: This placeholder is used to insert the player's steamID into the command. %%username%%: This placeholder is used to insert the player username into the command. %%displayName%%: This placeholder is used to insert the player display name (include clan tag) into the command. %%spawnCoordinateX%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn coordinate X into the command. %%spawnCoordinateY%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn coordinate Y into the command. %%spawnCoordinateZ%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn coordinate Z into the command. %%spawnRotationX%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn rotation X into the command. %%spawnRotationY%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn rotation Y into the command. %%spawnRotationZ%%: This placeholder is used to insert the spawn rotation Z into the command. %%mapGrid%%: This placeholder is used to insert the map grid into the command. %%mapGridLetter%%: This placeholder is used to insert the map grid letter into the command. %%mapGridNumber%%: This placeholder is used to insert the map grid number into the command. -------------------- Here are some possible command examples: "deposit %%steamid%% 1000": Will deposit 1000 RP into the player's account (Economics plugin) "inventory.giveto %%steamid%% "short name" "amount" ": This will send a certain amount of items to the player. Execute Commands As Admin: -- If set to TRUE, runs the command as Admin. Useful for running commands that require server-side Admin permissions. Default: FALSE Spawn Cooldown (seconds): -- Sets a wait time before the entity is spawned, once the item is thrown. Spawn Only Outside: -- If set to TRUE, the entity can only spawn outside of buildings or on the roof. It cannot spawn inside the building. Useful for vehicles or large entities, to avoid them getting stuck inside the base. Default: TRUE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_only_outside Requires Building Privilege to Spawn Entity: -- If set to TRUE, building permissions will be required to spawn an entity. Default: TRUE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_building_privilege Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled] -- Minimum spawn distance from any Tool Cupboard (TC). [0 = Disabled]. Default: 0. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_tc Allow Spawn in Monuments: -- If set to FALSE, the entity cannot be spawned inside the monument, but can be spawned outside the monument, within the radius of the monument (Radius means the red radius visible when for example trying to build near a monument). Default: FALSE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_monument Disable Spawn in Monuments and Monuments radius: -- If set to true, the entity cannot be spawned inside the monument and outside the monument, within the radius of the monument (Radius means the red radius visible when for example trying to build near a monument). Default: FALSE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_monument Disable Spawn On Road/Rails -- Disable entity spawn on the road/rails. Default: FALSE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_road_rails Minimum spawn distance from Road/Rails -- Minimum distance from the road/rails for the entity to spawn. Default: 0. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_road_rails Dont Spawn In Water: -- If set to TRUE, the entity cannot be spawned in water. Useful for vehicles that cannot go in water. Warning: There is one exception. In very shallow water, entities can still be spawned, for example near the coast. The water must not be deeper than 0.5 meters. Default: FALSE. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.spawn.bypass_water Requires Water: -- If set to TRUE, the entity can only be spawned in water, useful for vehicles that can only operate in water, such as boats. Default: FALSE Minimum Water Depth: -- If the entity can only be spawned in water, you can decide the minimum depth of the water. Useful to avoid spawning large entities in very shallow water so they do not get stuck. Default: 0 Meters = Any depth. The value cannot be negative. Armored: -- There are entities that have the same Prefab Name, but 1 of the 2 can be generated with armor. In this case, you can decide which entity should have armor, For example Armored Hot Air Balloon. Unlimited Fuel: -- If the entity is a vehicle, you can choose to spawn the entity with unlimited fuel. This configuration does not apply to Karuza's custom vehicles. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.fuel.unlimited Fuel Amount: -- If the entity is a vehicle, you can decide how much fuel the entity will spawn with. Default: 0 fuel. You can bypass this check with the permission: spawneverything.fuel.unlimited NB: At least 1 of the 2 fields between Spawn PrefabName and Execute Commands is mandatory LOCALIZATION The plugin is translated into the following languages: English Italian Spanish French German Dutch Turkish Russian Ukrainian Chinese (Simplified - zh-CN) Translation files are located in the /oxide/lang folder,here is an example of a /oxide/lang/en/SpawnEverything.json translation file. You can add translations for other languages by adding them to the folder: /oxide/lang ALL AVAILABLE ENTITIES Here you can find a file with all the entities currently available and the various information on the item to create to spawn the entity ALL AVAILABLE ENTITIES ---------------------------------------- AVAILABLE ENTITIES By default the plugin is configured with these entities that can be generated: VEHICLES: Minicopter, Attack Helicopter, Scrap Transport Helicopter, Hot Air Balloon, Armored Hot Air Balloon, Kayak, Row Boat, RHIB, Tugboat, Submarine Solo, Submarine Duo, Horse, Snowmobile, Tomaha Snowmobile, Sedan, 2 Module Car, 3 Module Car, 4 Module Car, Motorbike, Motorbike With Sidecar, Pedal Bike, Pedal Trike. KARUZA CUSTOM VEHICLES: All Karuza special vehicles are included, you need to enable the property in the config file to use them. Requires Karuza Vehicles plugin. SPECIAL VEHICLES: Bradley APC, Patrol Helicopter, Chinook 47. SPECIAL ENTITIES: Train Casino - Lucky Caboose, Blackjack Machine (Caboose), Card Table (Caboose), Slot Machine (Caboose), Card Table - A, Card Table - B, Card Table - C, Card Table - D, Slot Machine, Recycler, Recycler Safe Zone CRATE: Locked Crate, Oil Rig Locked Crate, Bradley APC Crate, Patrol Helicopter Crate, Elite Tier Crate, Elite Tier Crate - Underwater Labs. CRATER: Survey Crater - For Mining Quarry, Survey Crater Oil - For Pump Jack. NEW ENTITIES You can add as many entities as you want via the configuration file. If you have any difficulties or need to add a particular entity, feel free to open a support request and it will be added to the plugin. New entities will be added with future releases of the plugin.
  4. Mercury


    Version 1.10.62


    IQRecycler - a plugin that allows you to set up your own recycler for your players! This plugin will allow you to extensively customize and monetize the recycler on your server. You can have full control over it and customize it according to your preferences, individually for each privilege! It supports pickup the recycler, inflicting damage, displaying health, and has a large base of supported plugins. List of features: Interface: - The plugin has a simple, stylish, and intuitive UI interface with the ability to craft the recycler. Recycler Configuration: - Configuration of the placement of the recycler. - Configuration for lifting the recycler by the owner or their friends. - Configuration of the durability of the recycler after lifting. - Configuration of the overall durability for the recycler. Ability to /remove the recycler: - It has support for the IQGradeRemove plugin, which allows players to lift the recycler using /remove. Damage to the recycler: - The plugin includes support for damage to the recycler from all types of Rust weapons and items. - Support for customizing the damage to the recycler from specific items. Repairing the recycler: - The plugin supports the ability to repair the recycler by hitting it with a hammer. You can configure the required resources and the amount of durability it will receive per hit. Item Recycling: - You can configure the speed of item recycling for players. - Full customization of recycling, allowing you to configure the final loot after recycling an item. For example, replacing all the loot with an AK47 or any other item, with the option to set the drop chance, support for SkinID, and custom names! Blacklist of items: - You can prohibit players from recycling specific items in their recyclers. These items will be marked in the player's inventoryand cannot be transferred to the recycler. The "Item Recycling" and "Blacklist of items" features can be individually configured for each privilege group, according to their own rights! Recycler Crafting: - You can allow all players to craft the recycler or only specific groups by granting them permissions. - Full customization of the items and quantities required to craft the recycler, with support for custom items. - Optionally, you can set a cost for crafting the recycler using: IQEconomic, Economics, ServerRewards. Item Configuration: - You can configure the display of the item in players' inventories by changing its name (supports both Russian and English) and changing the icon (SkinID). Permissions: iqrecycler.craft - ability to use the recycler crafting iqrecycler.ignorepayment - ability to ignore payment for crafting from economy plugins Other permissions are configured in the configuration. Configuration : { "Recycler crafting configuration": { "Use craft recycler (UI) (true - yes/false - no)": true, "List of items for the Recycler crafting recipe (can hold no more than 5 pieces)": [ { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 500, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "фрагменты металл", "Text in English": "metal fragments" } }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 50, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "металл высокого качества", "Text in English": "metal refined" } }, { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 70, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "металлолом", "Text in English": "scrap" } }, { "Shortname": "techparts", "Amount": 10, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "микросхемы", "Text in English": "tech trash" } } ], "Use charging for crafting the recycler (IQEconomic, Economics, ServerRewards) (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Crafting cost of the recycler (IQEconomic, Economics, ServerRewards)": 100 }, "Setting up a recycler Item": { "The recycler's display name (in the inventory)": { "Text in Russian": "Домашний переработчик", "Text in English": "Home recycler" }, "SkinID for the image (required field)": 2976924191 }, "Settings Recycler": { "Install recycler controllerr": { "The recycler can be installed only in the area of the cupboard (building zone) (true - yes/false - no)": true, "The ability to install a recycler on the ground (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Prohibit installing a recycler during a raid block (true - yes/false - no)": true }, "Pickup of a recycler": { "How many seconds will a recycler pick up": 12, "You can pickup the recycler only in the area of the cupboard (building zone) (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Only the owner who installed it or his friends can pickup the recycler (true - yes/false - no)": false, "Disable recycler pickup during raid block (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Recycler condition setting": { "Use condition removal from recycler when picking it up (true - yes/false - no)": true, "How much % of condition to remove from an object when it is raised (0 - 100)": 25 } }, "Health Count": 750, "Damage Controller Recycler": { "Use Damage Recycler (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Custom Damage List [Shortname] = Damage": { "multiplegrenadelauncher": 40.0, "grenade.beancan": 25.0, "grenade.f1.deployed": 35.0, "explosive.satchel": 130.0, "explosive.timed": 300.0, "ammo.rocket.basic": 190.0, "ammo.rocket.hv": 140.0, "ammo.rocket.fire": 80.0, "surveycharge": 10.0 } }, "Recycler repair settings": { "Use the ability to repair the recycler (true - yes/false - no)": true, "Use prohibition on repairing the recycler if it has recently been damaged (true - yes/false - no) (damage support for the recycler must be enabled)": true, "How many seconds until the recycler can be repaired after it has been damaged": 20.0, "How much durability will be replenished for the recycler per one repair": 100, "Items that will be taken during repairs": [ { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 30, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "фрагменты металла", "Text in English": "metal fragments" } }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 5, "SkinID": 0, "Item names for display to the player": { "Text in Russian": "металл высокого качества", "Text in English": "metal refined" } } ] }, "Disallow the use of a recycler during a raid block (true - yes/false - no). (true - yes/false - no)": false }, "Settings supports plugins": { "Settings IQChat": { "IQChat : Custom prefix in chat": "[<color=#64D15D>IQRecycler</color>]\n", "IQChat : Custom chat avatar (If required)": "0", "IQChat : Use UI notification (true - yes/false - no)": false } }, "Standard recycling process settings (available to all players)": { "Blacklist of items that cannot be recycled": { "Use blacklist of items (true - yes/false - no)": true, "List of items that cannot be recycled": [ { "Shortname": "gears", "SkinID": 0 }, { "Shortname": "techparts", "SkinID": 0 }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": 0 } ] }, "Item recycling speed settings": { "Use recycling speed editing": true, "How many seconds the item recycling will last (default in RUST: 5 seconds)": 5.0 }, "Replacement of dropped items after recycling": { "Use item replacement after recycling function": false, "Item recycling settings, you can replace the dropped items after recycling [Incoming item (to be recycled) = List of items to be given after recycling]": [ { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 25, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 100, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 2, "Item drop chance": 50, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "riflebody", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 1, "Item drop chance": 15, "Displayed item name": "" } ] }, { "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "explosives", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 5, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 3, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 100, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "techparts", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 1, "Item drop chance": 50, "Displayed item name": "" } ] }, { "Shortname": "spraycan", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "bleach", "SkinID": 1337228, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 5, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "Coin" } ] } ] } }, "List of recycling settings by privileges [Permission] = Setting": { "iqrecycler.premium": { "Blacklist of items that cannot be recycled": { "Use blacklist of items (true - yes/false - no)": false, "List of items that cannot be recycled": [] }, "Item recycling speed settings": { "Use recycling speed editing": true, "How many seconds the item recycling will last (default in RUST: 5 seconds)": 2.0 }, "Replacement of dropped items after recycling": { "Use item replacement after recycling function": false, "Item recycling settings, you can replace the dropped items after recycling [Incoming item (to be recycled) = List of items to be given after recycling]": [ { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 50, "Item drop chance": 80, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 200, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 3, "Item drop chance": 50, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "riflebody", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 2, "Item drop chance": 20, "Displayed item name": "" } ] }, { "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "explosives", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 6, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 10, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 200, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "techparts", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 2, "Item drop chance": 50, "Displayed item name": "" } ] } ] } }, "iqrecycler.vip": { "Blacklist of items that cannot be recycled": { "Use blacklist of items (true - yes/false - no)": true, "List of items that cannot be recycled": [ { "Shortname": "techparts", "SkinID": 0 } ] }, "Item recycling speed settings": { "Use recycling speed editing": true, "How many seconds the item recycling will last (default in RUST: 5 seconds)": 3.5 }, "Replacement of dropped items after recycling": { "Use item replacement after recycling function": false, "Item recycling settings, you can replace the dropped items after recycling [Incoming item (to be recycled) = List of items to be given after recycling]": [ { "Shortname": "rifle.ak", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 50, "Item drop chance": 80, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 200, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "metalspring", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 3, "Item drop chance": 50, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "riflebody", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 2, "Item drop chance": 20, "Displayed item name": "" } ] }, { "Shortname": "explosive.timed", "SkinID": 0, "OutputList": [ { "Shortname": "explosives", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 4, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "cloth", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 5, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 150, "Item drop chance": 100, "Displayed item name": "" }, { "Shortname": "techparts", "SkinID": 0, "Amount per 1 unit of recycled item": 1, "Item drop chance": 60, "Displayed item name": "" } ] } ] } } } }
  5. Version 1.6.1


    Introducing Industrial Recycler: Automate Your Recycling Process in Rust! Enhance your Rust server's efficiency with the Industrial Recycler plugin. Designed for players aiming to streamline resource management and boost productivity in material recycling, this plugin caters to diverse play styles and server requirements with its flexible settings, permissions, and new access control options. Key Features: Automated & Standard Recycling Streamline item processing with industrial recyclers that can be linked to storage containers and adapters for full automation. For players seeking simplicity, standard recyclers are available without industrial features. Buy Commands /buyindustrialrecycler Permission: industrialrecycler.buyindustrial /buyrecycler Permission: industrialrecycler.buystandard Give Commands (Permission: industrialrecycler.give): /giveindustrialrecycler /givestandardrecycler Advanced Access Control Restrict recycler usage with robust access control options based on ownership, team membership, or friendships (via the Friends plugin), ensuring secure and balanced gameplay. Customizable Limits Define player-specific recycler limits, with special permissions for VIPs and admins to enjoy increased or unlimited ownership. Intuitive User Interface Manage recyclers effortlessly with a clean and user-friendly UI, providing quick access to input and output storage. Permission-Based Access Control who can receive, place, or upgrade recyclers with a comprehensive, role-based permission system. Localization Support Fully localized for multiple languages, including English, Portuguese, German, and Spanish, ensuring a seamless experience for players worldwide. Configurable Base Item The base item for recyclers can now be customized through plugin settings, allowing greater flexibility. Multi-Tier Permissions Recycler limits and access permissions are now tiered, enabling different limits for roles like Standard, VIP1, and VIP2 players. Tugboat Placement (Stantard Recycler Only) Recyclers can now be placed on Tugboats, with dedicated logic to handle this unique scenario. Here’s how to add the recycler to your shop: Use the Command: giveindustrialrecycler %steamID% givestandardrecycler %steamID% How to Pick Up the Recycler Hit with the Hammer or Aim at the adapters with a hammer and pick up. Permissions: industrialrecycler.vip VIP Access: Additional Recyclers on the config file. industrialrecycler.admin Admin Access: Ilimited Recyclers. UI Control: An interactive panel simplifies the management of storages, enhancing the recycling experience without hassle. The Industrial Recycler plugin transforms recycling processes, catering to expansive communities and intimate server environments. Set up optimized recycling hubs and watch as your players' bases become models of efficiency. Embrace the future of recycling with Industrial Recycler! Configuration File: { "Recycler Commands": [ "industrialrecycler", "giveindustrialrecycler" ], "Standard Recycler Commands": [ "standardrecycler", "givestandardrecycler" ], "Standard Recycler Purchase Commands": [ "buyrecycler" ], "Industrial Recycler Purchase Commands": [ "buyindustrialrecycler" ], "BaseItem": "box.wooden.large", "Standard MaxRecyclers": 1, "Vip1 Standard MaxRecyclers (industrialrecycler.vip)": 2, "Vip2 Standard MaxRecyclers (industrialrecycler.vip2)": 3, "Industrial MaxRecyclers": 1, "Vip1 Industrial MaxRecyclers (industrialrecycler.vip)": 2, "Vip2 Industrial MaxRecyclers (industrialrecycler.vip2)": 3, "Standard Recycler SkinId": 3363257468, "Industrial Recycler Item SkinId": 3373542609, "AnchorMin": "0.5 0", "AnchorMax": "0.5 0", "Alternative Adapter Configuration": false, "Hide Storage Containers": false, "Only owner can access recycler": true, "Allow team members to access recycler": true, "Allow friends to access recycler": true, "Standard Recycler Purchase Cost": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 1000 }, { "Shortname": "sheetmetal", "Amount": 50 }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 100 }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 500 } ], "Industrial Recycler Purchase Cost": [ { "Shortname": "scrap", "Amount": 2000 }, { "Shortname": "sheetmetal", "Amount": 100 }, { "Shortname": "metal.refined", "Amount": 200 }, { "Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Amount": 1000 } ], "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 5, "Patch": 6 } } Special thanks to Kobani for testing and helping improve this plugin even further.
  6. Mevent

    Auto Recycler

    Version 1.0.7


    Plugin Description "Auto Recycler" is a Rust plugin that offers players advanced recycling features. It enables automatic item recycling, access to a virtual recycler, and special recycling crates. With admin permission, you can configure which items players are not allowed to automatically recycle. Features Automatic Recycling: Players can set specific items for automatic recycling. These items will be recycled automatically when they enter their inventory. Virtual Recycler: Allows players to access a virtual recycler to recycle items directly from anywhere in the game. Recycling Crate: A special item that functions as a portable recycler. Customizable Configuration: The plugin configuration can be customized to exclude or allow specific items from recycling. Permissions autorecycler.admin: Grants access to all admin functions of the plugin. autorecycler.autorec: Allows players to use automatic recycling. autorecycler.recvirtual: Provides access to the virtual recycler. autorecycler.characteristics: Allows modification of item characteristics related to recycling. autorecycler.recboxbuy: Enables the purchase of the Recbox. Chat Commands /ar: Allows players to use the automatic recycler. /vrec: Allows players to use a virtual recycler (configurable command). /recbox: Displays information about the costs of purchasing a Recbox. /recboxbuy: Allows players to buy a Recbox if they have the required resources. NEW /autorectoggle activate and deactivate the AutoRecycler Additional Information The plugin offers extensive UI integration to simplify interaction with its features. It stores player data to maintain automatic recycling settings between sessions. The configuration file allows admins to customize the plugin's behavior, including Recbox costs and adjustable recycling properties of items. Note Ensure that players have the appropriate permissions to fully utilize the plugin's features. If you have any questions or problems, join my discord https://discord.gg/D2zTWCEnrN
  7. Version 1.0.6


    VirtualRecycler Plugin The VirtualRecycler Plugin, developed by M&B-Studios, is a powerful tool designed for Rust server administrators and VIP players. This plugin allows players to use virtual recycling machines to quickly and efficiently recycle their surplus items. Features: Commands: The plugin offers a set of chat commands that enable players to open and use their virtual recycling machine. Permissions: Various permissions are supported, including: virtualrecycler.use: Grants players permission to use the virtual recycling machine. virtualrecycler.admin: Provides admins with instant recycling capabilities. virtualrecycler.vip: Offers VIP players a customized recycling speed. virtualrecycler.raidablebases: Allows players to open the VirtualRecycler only in the raidable bases Automatic Recycling: When a player opens their virtual recycling machine, the recycling process starts automatically. The recycling speed may vary depending on permissions. Ease of Use: Operating the virtual recycling machine is straightforward and user-friendly. Players can quickly and conveniently recycle their surplus items. Efficient Management: The plugin offers efficient management of recycling machines, ensuring that each player can only use their own machine. With the VirtualRecycler Plugin, you can enhance the recycling experience on your Rust server while simplifying the management and control of recycling machines. If you have any questions or problems, join my discord https://discord.gg/D2zTWCEnrN { "Commands": [ "vrec", "vr", "virtualrec", "vrecycler", "virtualrecycler" ], "DefaultPermission": "virtualrecycler.use", "DefaultSpeed": 1.0, "AutoStart": false, "PermissionSpeeds": { "virtualrecycler.admin": 0.1, "virtualrecycler.raidablebases": 0.5, "virtualrecycler.vip": 0.5 }, "StaticRecyclerSpeeds": { "virtualrecycler.static1": 1.0, "virtualrecycler.static2": 0.5, "virtualrecycler.vipstatic": 0.1 } }
  8. Mevent


    Version 2.10.21


    Crafting system that allows you to create items, cars, vehicles, recyclers, etc! Commands craft open interface crafts.setwb [categories: cat1 cat2 ...] set new custom workbench Permissions You can set permission in config, for example: "Permission (ex: crafts.use)": "crafts.use", crafts.setworkbench - allows you to use the "crafts.setwb" command (set custom workbenches) Craft Types Command Vehicle Item Recycler ModularCar How to install a custom workbench 1. Spawn the workbench (for example, in RustEdit or a plugin) 2. In the game, go to him and use the command "crafts.setwb" and specify the necessary categories. Example: /crafts.setwb Misc 3. Go to config (oxide/config/Crafts.json) and configure this workbench (use SafeZone, workbench level, etc.) VIDEO FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config
  9. Version 1.3.2


    Better Deployables! This compact plugin add the ability for a small box to be auto deployed attached to a player's tool cupboard, research table, repair bench, workbenches, and mixing table for those with the permission applied. As simple and intuitive as it is, there are a few very important key elements this plugin brings to any server. A few being: Quality of life add-on - a vital element for any server to retain population since this allows additional storage that otherwise wouldn't be an option in vanilla Rust gameplay without the extra work from the player! No commands! Customization - Within the config you can easily modify the skin ID if you wish to apply one to each boxes related to each of the supported deployables for some fun variation! This can vastly improve your brand awareness if you make custom skins on them. Additionally with the newly added permission support you can fine-tune exactly what all features you want your players to have or even grant them all with a single simple permission! Additionally you can customize a message if you wish that will appear when a player places each of the deployables (with a cooldown you can adjust to avoid it being spammy) Light weight - This plugin brings a great feature to your server whilst being compact with absolute minimal to no impact on your server's performance. VIP Perk! - A very great feature that you can offer as a 'pay-to-win' feature for your players! A great alternative/addition to current limited options! Supported Deployables Tool Cupboards Workbenches (all variations) Repair Bench Research Table Mixing Table Permissions tcbox.all tcbox.tc tcbox.workbench tcbox.mixingtable tcbox.repairbench tcbox.researchtable Configuration { "MixingTableBoxSkinID": 0, (leaving skin ID to 0 will just display the vanilla item skin) "RepairBenchBoxSkinID": 0, "ResearchTableBoxSkinID": 0, "ShowTooltip": true, "TCBoxSkinID": 0, "TooltipCooldown": 1800.0, "TooltipMessageOther": "A small wooden box has been placed under the entity.", "TooltipMessageTC": "A small wooden box has been placed with the Tool Cupboard.", "TooltipMessageWorkbench": "A small wooden box has been placed with the Workbench.", "WorkbenchBoxSkinID": 3316108775 } Important: This plugin does modify the gameplay experience and is only allowed on servers under the Modded Community tab of Rust. More information on community/modded servers can be found here Guidelines for Community Servers.
  10. Version 1.2.4


    With Portable Recycler, you and your players will benefit exponentially in time saving for searching for Recyclers around monuments like never before. Access your own portable recycler anywhere you like! FEATURES Use /recycler (by default, can modify in the config) to open up your private recycler. Group-based cooldown support in the config. Friendly integration with NoEscape by Calytic with configurable rules of behavior. Chat message custom icon Steam ID. Phrase support. Group-based recycling quality. Group-based recycling rates. PERMISSIONS PortableRecycler.use: To allow anyone to open up their recycler. COMMANDS (CONFIGURABLE) Following commands are chat and console commands. recycler: Opens up your own personal portable recycler. CONFIG DISCLAIMER The yellow and green buttons while using the Recycler in the GIF, does not come with the plugin. That's another plugin called Quick Sort by MONaH.
  11. Version 1.3.1


    Recycle Anything allows you to setup your own custom recycler recipes, complete with custom outputs. If you are like me then you HATE having to eat those damn berries to get their seeds. You're welcome. This plugin is not limited to just recycling food. If you felt particularly spicy you could even allow the player to recycle their fertilizer instead of having to sell it at Bandit Camp. VERY customizable Recycler recipes/ outputs (NOT LIMITED TO FOOD). Can differentiate recipes by item skin ids (great for custom items) Can differentiate recipes by item names (also, great for custom items) Able to set a minimum required amount before the player can recycle an item What's on the todo list? Allow for random output (recycle a sleeping bag and get 500 wood, or 3 sheet metal doors for example) If you are using any plugin that modifies an items name or skin id after the item is already in the inventory (if so you have likely had clashes with other plugins too), then this plugin MAY cause stack sizes to be incorrect. I will be happy to work with you to resolve this issue IF it shows up. DEFAULT: HGRecycleAnything.json Readme: For a detailed explanation of the configuration file as well as a general explanation of the plugin please view the following; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YxmU62QjICWnC_ar3vAo2J0-L72QboA5v6Zo5V0ldhk/edit?usp=sharing
  12. Version 1.0.6


    About: Recyclers will now require players to insert a fuses to toggle on the recycler. Config: { "Enable player placed only recyclers": false, "Fuse durability per recycle": 10.0 } Lang: { "NoFuse": "Please insert a fuse to toggle on the recycler." }
  13. Version 1.0.0


    Safe zone for your Rust server with this classic Nintendo console. It contains all the amenities of Outpost. Mario, Luigi, Donkey Kong and enemy characters. You can also find loot, npcs and traps.
  14. Version 2.4.3


    Recyclerbox allows players to convert large or small wooden boxes into recyclers through customizable commands. Simply select your desired box type, execute the command, and watch as items are automatically recycled with configurable efficiency. Customize your setup with blacklisted items, adjustable scrap ratios, and optional visual effects. Features Transform wooden boxes into recyclers instantly Virtual recycler for convenient on-the-go use Customizable commands and permissions Adjustable recycling efficiency and scrap yield Optional audio effects New Features: Configurable Recycling Delays: Introduced two new permissions: recyclerbox.delay1 and recyclerbox.delay2. Players with these permissions will experience a delay when recycling items. The delays can be configured in the plugin settings. Default delay durations are set in the configuration: DelayForPermission1: Sets the recycling delay for players with the recyclerbox.delay1 permission (default is 1 second). DelayForPermission2: Sets the recycling delay for players with the recyclerbox.delay2 permission (default is 2 seconds). Permissions: Here is a description of how to use the specified permissions: Permission Get Recycler ("recyclerbox.get"): This permission allows the user to obtain the recycler box. Permission Transform Recycler ("recyclerbox.transform"): This permission enables users to transform a regular box into a recycler box. Permission Use Virtual Recycler ("recyclerbox.virtual"): With this permission, users can utilize a virtual recycler. Permission Recycler Delay1 ("recyclerbox.delay1"): This permission introduces a delay factor when using the recycler. Permission Recycler Delay2 ("recyclerbox.delay2"): Similar to Delay1, this permission enforces a different delay time when interacting with the recycler. Embrace efficient resource management and strategic gameplay with the Recyclerbox plugin. Perfect for players looking to optimize their Rust experience! Config File: { "Get Recyclerbox Command": [ "getrec", "getrecycler", "recyclerbox" ], "Transform Recyclerbox Command": [ "trarec", "boxtorecycler", "transformrecycler", "transforbox" ], "Virtual Recyclerbox Command": [ "rec", "vrec", "virtualrecycler" ], "Large Box SkinId Recycler": 2994391115, "Small Box SkinId Recycler": 2988594458, "RecyclerLimit": 1, "Recycler Efficiency": 0.6, "Ratio Scrap": 1.2, "Enable Prefab Fx": true, "Lock Recycler While In Use": false, "Disable During Raid Block (Requires No Escape plugin)": true, "Prefab Fx Open Recycler": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/build/promote_toptier.prefab", "Prefab Fx Close Recycler": "assets/bundled/prefabs/fx/build/promote_toptier.prefab", "Transfer Virtual Recycled Items to Inventory": false, "Blacklisted Items": [ "lmg.m249", "gunpowder" ], "Blacklisted Skins": [ 2994391115, 2988594458 ], "Check Player Alive": true, "Check Player Wounded": true, "Check Building Privilege": true, "Check Swimming": true, "Check Falling": true, "Check Mounted": true, "Check Cargo Ship": true, "Check Balloon": true, "Check Elevator": true, "Check Safe Zone": true, "Delay for Permission 1 (seconds)": 1.0, "Delay for Permission 2 (seconds)": 2.0 } Happy recycling!
  15. Version 1.0.13


    This plugin allows for your players to receive or purchase personal recyclers that they can place inside of their base. The primary benefit of this plugin vs other similar plugins, is that this plugin will restrict usage of the recyclers to only a user or their team (configurable), and has commands built in that will allow players to purchase it directly via payment gateways like Tebex etc. It will also work with the VIP Token plugin, allowing for a token to be purchased and traded in game, providing the consumer with a redeemable recycler. The plugin itself is fairly straight forward - players type the command into chat, which will provide them with a recycler item. This item is a reskinned box, and will be placed using the box prefab, but once deployed, it will spawn a recycler in with the same positioning as the box, then despawn the box. Recyclers can also be picked up using a hammer or toolgun by pressing mouse 3. Features Automatically clears data on map wipe. Allows players to keep their unredeemed recyclers between wipes (configurable). Prevents other players from accessing the recycler (configurable). Team mate support (configurable). Configurable starting amount of recyclers. Additional recycler(s) are accrued upon a map wipe, if the player had not redeemed their recycler (configurable). External payment gateway support, allowing for you to sell individual recyclers to your players. VIP Tokens support. Check below for the configuration example. Can pick up own recyclers using your hammer/toolgun and mouse 3. Recyclers will lost max condition each time they are picked up to prevent players from deploying them while grinding the roads (configurable). Permissions personalrecycler.use personalrecycler.admin personalrecycler.place personalrecycler.use commands /recyclers - will print out how many recyclers a player has left to redeem. /redeemrecycler - will spawn a recycler in the players inventory and deduct a recycler from their redeemable count. /crecycler - Will pickup the targeted recycler (requires a hammer to be wielded) if the player has permission. Players with this permission will automatically get the configured number of starting recyclers upon using the commands for the first time, and will have have recyclers added to their redemption pool at the start of each wipe (configurable). personalrecycler.admin commands /addrecycler <player name> - will increase the amount of redeemable recyclers a player has by 1. /clearrecyclers <player name> - will remove all of the saved recycler IDs from the data file, making all of their recyclers publically accessible. /clearrecyclerdata - removes all of the saved recycler IDs from the data file, making all recyclers publically accessible. (Console command) subtractrecycler <target> <optional: amount> - removes recyclers from the players available recyclers pool. API This plugin allows for you to add a command to a payment gateway such as Tebex, or via my VIP Tokens plugin. The command is structured as below: addrecycler <Steam ID> <quantity> Most payment gateways required the player to log in with their steam ID. An example command using tebex would be: addrecycler {id} 1 This would add 1 recycler for the steam ID of the account that logged into Tebex. You can also add this as a VIP Token. See configuration options below: "recycler": { "name": "Personal Recycler", "days_to_add": 0, "vip_group": null, "vip_description": "Allows you to place a personal recycler that only you can access.", "remove_tokens_on_wipe": false, "token_item": { "name": "Recycler Token", "skin": 2544601457, "item_shortname": "radiationresisttea.pure" }, "_command": { "command": "addrecycler {id} 1", "message": "You redeemed a recycler token.", "public_message": null, "hook": false } } As you can see, the command follows Tebex's variable style, using {id} to capture the players steam ID. If you require help setting this up with VIP Tokens, or need any assistance with anythign else, feel free to send me a PM. Enjoy!
  16. Version 2024.10.3.1319


    SAVE 10% WHEN BUYING THE BUNDLE This high performance patch will change the overall output rates of pickup, gather and quarries/excavator aka "Gather Manager". This is a standalone Harmony patch, Oxide installation is optional. Copy the Oxidation.Modded.X.dll file into your HarmonyMods folder and restart your server. At the first server start after installing the patch a new configuration file Oxidation.Modded.X.json will be created at the HarmonyMods folder. The following settings can be configured: Recycler tick rate (default: 5s) Research table speed (default: 10s) Crafting speed multiplier Vending machine buying speed Overall gather multiplier Overall pickup multiplier Overall quarry multiplier Overall excavator multiplier Overall trap multiplier It also supports setting unique output rates based on the Item's short name, example: "Excavator": { "*": 5.0, "hq.metal.ore": 1.0, "metal.ore": 2.5, "sulfur.ore": 1.0 } What is Harmony ? Harmony is a library for patching .NET code during runtime, it directly manipulates game code (CIL) without any additional abstraction layer such as Oxide. The direct patching of the game's byte code allows more performant modding as developers no longer need to rely on third party code, events or hooks to build custom functionality.
  17. Version 2.0.22


    RUST Plugin Test Server TEST MY PLUGINS THERE! connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050 Custom Recycle plugin expands the possibilities of RUST recycler recipes. You can customize and remove existing recipes, and add new ones, even for non-recyclable items. Additionally, you can add levels to your recycler to increase its speed. The only limit with this plugin is your imagination! Edit existing recycler recipes and add your own. Disable RUST's default recipes. Set editable chances for custom recipe items. Change the speed of the recycler. Place and pick up the recycler. Set custom recycle amounts with levels. A RUST-themed level UI. Supports currency plugins. Level progress is saved when the recycler is picked up. giverecycler <userId> - Gives you or player (if ID is set) an placeable recycler. (From player console - requires permission) customrecycle.give - Required to use giverecycler command from player console. ImageLibrary plugin is required ONLY when Recycler Levels are enabled. When you have problems like DOUBLE RECYCLER PLACING try CHANING ITEM NAME in configuration! { "Override Custom Skinned Items With Steam Icons (no URLs needed)": false, "Recycler Speed (5 = Default)": 5.0, "Recycler Speed Permissions": { "customrecycle.admin": 1.0, "customrecycle.vip": 4.0 }, "Require Permission To Place": false, "Placed Recycler Amount Permissions": { "customrecycle.admin": 1000, "customrecycle.default": 1, "customrecycle.vip": 3 }, "Recycler Item Name": "Recycler", "Allow Placing Only On Floor": false, "Allow Placing On Tug Boat": false, "Enable Better Amount Accuracy (More Calculations)": true, "Allow Pickup Recycler To Everyone Authed": true, "Disabled Vanilla Recipes": [ "axe.salvaged", "box.wooden.large" ], "Recycler Levels - Enable": true, "Recycler Levels - Save Levels On Pickup In Name": false, "Recycler Levels - Enable For No Owner": false, "Recycler Levels - Money Plugin (0 - None, 1 - Economics, 2 - ServerRewards, 3 - ServerRewards)": 0, "Recycler Levels - Money Plugin Currency (If ShoppyStock Is Used)": "rp", "Recycler Levels": [ { "Recycler Stack Percentage Per Tick": 0.15, "Custom Recycle Chance Multiplier": 1.0, "Next Level Currency Cost (0 to disable)": 1000, "Required For Next Level": [ { "Item Shortname": "wood", "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount": 1000, "Icon URL": "" }, { "Item Shortname": "stones", "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount": 1000, "Icon URL": "" } ] }, { "Recycler Stack Percentage Per Tick": 0.2, "Custom Recycle Chance Multiplier": 1.0, "Next Level Currency Cost (0 to disable)": 1000, "Required For Next Level": [ { "Item Shortname": "wood", "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount": 3000, "Icon URL": "" }, { "Item Shortname": "stones", "Item Skin": 0, "Item Amount": 3000, "Icon URL": "" } ] } ], "Custom Recyclables - Show Level Bonus": true, "Custom Recyclables - Allow Only In Placed Recyclers": false, "Custom Recyclables (Shortname or SkinID)": { "2483299228": { "Give Default Output": true, "Custom Output Items": [ { "Item Shortname": "coal", "Item Chance (0-100)": 50.0, "Minimum Item Amount": 1, "Maximum Item Amount": 1, "Item Skin": 2550800428, "Item Display Name": "Golden Jackhammer Body" }, { "Item Shortname": "coal", "Item Chance (0-100)": 50.0, "Minimum Item Amount": 1, "Maximum Item Amount": 1, "Item Skin": 2550800641, "Item Display Name": "Golden Jackhammer Drill" } ] }, "metal.refined": { "Give Default Output": true, "Custom Output Items": [ { "Item Shortname": "metal.fragments", "Item Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Minimum Item Amount": 50, "Maximum Item Amount": 100, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Display Name": "" } ] }, "rifle.ak": { "Give Default Output": true, "Custom Output Items": [ { "Item Shortname": "techparts", "Item Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Minimum Item Amount": 1, "Maximum Item Amount": 2, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Display Name": "" }, { "Item Shortname": "scrap", "Item Chance (0-100)": 100.0, "Minimum Item Amount": 30, "Maximum Item Amount": 70, "Item Skin": 0, "Item Display Name": "" } ] } } }
  18. Version 1.0.5


    This plugin provides a simple UI to configure recyclers at monuments and safezones. Speed, efficiency and color of the recycler can be adjusted. Command (Chat or F1 console) /rsettings Required permission recyclersettings.admin
  19. DocNorris

    Marine Island

    Version 1.0.6


    Immerse yourself in an optimized and meticulously designed Rust map, with less than 6k prefabs, it showcases six captivating custom monuments for exploration. Say goodbye to major FPS drops at monuments and dive into an adventure like no other. Traverse the above-ground train system, uncovering engaging areas brimming with valuable loot. Indulge in the perfect fusion of unique content and the comforting vanilla atmosphere for an unforgettable gaming journey. Map size: 4250 Prefab Count: 5700 Optimal FPS Custom Monuments Forbidden Bridge - Vending machine spawn - 1 hackable crate - 2 diesel cans - Minicopter spawn - Loads of Scientist + heavy's - Loads of loot Windmill Sanctuary - Green card + fuse puzzle room - 1 Hackable Crate - 1 Recycler - 1 blue Card Spawn - Multiple Scientists - 2 diesel cans Recycling Facility - Blue card + fuse puzzle room. - 1 Red card spawn - 1 Hackable crate - Multiple Scientist - Multiple recyclers Toxic Waste Plant - Green,Blue and red card puzzle room - 3 fuses required - 1 supply drop spawn - 1 hackable crate - Multiple scientists + heavy's - 6 diesel can spawn Small Fishing Village - 1 Drone Station - 1 Recycler Large Fishing Village - 1 Drone Station - 1 Recycler Other monuments Train Yard Launch Site Giant Excavator Power Plant Abandoned military base Harbour Abandoned Cabins The Dome Missile Silo Bandit Camp Stables Mining Outpost Gas Station Abandoned supermarket Sewer Branch Oil Rig small + large Underwater Labs Underground train tunnels Water Treatment Plant Please make yourself aware of the TOS-Restrictions If you find any bugs or issues contact me on here or discord and il sort them out straight away @ DocNorris#5423.
  20. DocNorris

    Reefer Island

    Version 1.1.4


    Welcome to Reefer Island, a fully custom light weight Rust map featuring under water build areas + unique custom monuments and a fully functional above-ground train system! This map is packed full of engaging areas for players to explore and loot while also giving players a familiar feel with vanilla monuments. Map size: 4250 Prefab Count: 6703 FPS Optimized Lag Free Custom Monuments Crash Site 1 Recycler 1 hackable crate 10 scientist multiple loot spawns Green card puzzle room Hawks Nest Tunnel 14 scientists 1 recycler 1 hackable crate multiple loot spawns Red/Green card Puzzle room Ship Wreck 10 scientists 1 Hackable Crate 1 recycler multiple loot spawns Blue card puzzle room Abandoned Fairground 1 hackable crate 1 recycler 2 diesel can spawns multiple loot spawns 5 scientist Blue/Green card puzzle room Custom build areas 2 small underwater build areas with submarine bay 1 Large underwater build area with 2 submarine bays Other monuments Missile Silo Ferry Terminal Train Yard Fishing villages (With Recyclers) Launch Site Military Tunnels Giant Excavator Power Plant Arctic Research base Harbor The Dome Airfield Bandit Camp Stables Abandoned Military base Abandoned supermarket Sewer Branch Oil Rig small + large Underwater Labs Underground train tunnels Please make yourself aware of the TOS-Restrictions If you find any bugs or issues contact me on here or discord and il sort them out straight away @ DocNorris#5423.
  21. Version 1.0.1


    Presenting the Five Stars Hotel, a place where you can relax and enjoy your day after a long farming day. You will find everything you need to enjoy your stay here. From nice and cozy rooms to a nice pool, gambling or disco. The hotel is 100% compatible with the Hotel Plugin and others. Features The hotel has 20 rooms (10 on each building). Stairs and elevator access to upper floors. Lobby with 18 NPCvendingmachines (9 on each lobby). Recycling machines on second and third floors. Fully equipped rooms. Casino on last floor with Roulette, Poker tables, Slot machines and Arcade(left building). Disco room on last floor (right building). Roofs with helipads. Marketplace on left building roof. Pool with chairs and grill. Enjoy your stay! For bugs and orders feel free to contact me here or on discord.
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Simply returns all safezone recyclers back to normal - setting them to the same efficiency settings as radtown recyclers and washing off the ugly yellow color. This process will happen automatically on load, and whenever a recycler is manually spawned in a safezone. Optional commands to force safe/not safe anytime. Permissions: unsaferecycler.use - required to run commands, if necessary Commands: unsaferecycler - not required on plugin load, but if for any reason a recycler spawns with safezone settings or you use the saferecyclers command, can use this to force them back to unsafe. saferecycler - in case you want to make all the recyclers safezone recyclers again,
  23. Version 1.0.1


    This plugin is a very simply plugin designed to prevent players from AFKing recyclers, when the player loots a recycler, if they have not started recycling after 30 seconds (configurable) the recycler will close and return all items (if possible) to the player. Otherwise once the recycler has finished recycling items the plugin will start a timer as long as there are no other recyclables inside the recycler. CONFIG: "TimeoutTime": 60.0 "LootWithoutRecyclingTime": 30.0
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Fear of the deep sea? Now you can overcome it with this wonderful window to the ocean. Stand out on your server with Underwater Train Station, an underwater train station with access to the subway tunnel. - Contains: NPCS, Loot, Puzzles and a nice decoration. - Tip: You can remove the train tracks and put your own custom ones (Existing tracks can serve as a guide, or if you prefer you can keep them as they are fully functional).
  25. Reb_

    Service Tunnels

    Version 1.0.2


    Modular tunnels ready for you to decorate - with 25 modular sections offering a wide variety of player utility including 4 buildable sections, workbench 2, recycler & oil refinery. These sections can be joined using the rail track in their base - simply turn on sockets and string as many sections together as you need. Modular sections The current list of sections available in this pack. Some are `flipped` versions of other sections - these have been created in the same way and are NOT just negative scaled versions of the original. Service Tunnel - Buildable 1x3 41 objects Service Tunnel - Buildable 2x3 50 objects - added 1.0.2 Service Tunnel - Buildable 3x1 47 objects - added 1.0.1 Service Tunnel - Buildable 3x2 50 objects Service Tunnel - Corner Inside 55 objects Service Tunnel - Corner Outside 49 objects Service Tunnel - Crossover 35 objects Service Tunnel - Crossover Flipped 35 objects Service Tunnel - Emergency Step Up 25 objects Service Tunnel - End Collapsed 22 objects Service Tunnel - End Collapsed Flipped 24 objects Service Tunnel - End Room Right 71 objects Service Tunnel - Entrance Plain 64 objects Service Tunnel - Oil Refinery 61 objects Service Tunnel - Pipe Broken 23 objects Service Tunnel - Pipe Multiple 21 objects Service Tunnel - Pipe Reducer 22 objects Service Tunnel - Recycler 48 objects Service Tunnel - Security Door Left 52 objects Service Tunnel - Security Door Right 52 objects Service Tunnel - Shift Left 35 objects Service Tunnel - Shift Right 35 objects - added 1.0.1 Service Tunnel - Straight 13 objects Service Tunnel - Wide Walkway 30 objects Service Tunnel - Workbench 2 54 objects - added 1.0.1 NOTE: This is a standalone prefab with no splat or topology layers.


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