About Portable Recycler
With Portable Recycler, you and your players will benefit exponentially in time saving for searching for Recyclers around monuments like never before. Access your own portable recycler anywhere you like!
- Use /recycler (by default, can modify in the config) to open up your private recycler.
- Group-based cooldown support in the config.
- Friendly integration with NoEscape by Calytic with configurable rules of behavior.
- Chat message custom icon Steam ID.
- Phrase support.
Group-based recycling quality.
Group-based recycling rates.
- PortableRecycler.use: To allow anyone to open up their recycler.
Following commands are chat and console commands.
- recycler: Opens up your own personal portable recycler.
"Prefix": "Portable Recycler",
"OpenCommand": "recycler",
"PlayOpenEffect": true,
"ChatIconSteamId": 0,
"Rules": {
"CanUseRecyclerWhileBuildingBlocked": true,
"CanUseRecyclerWhileCombatBlocked": true,
"CanUseRecyclerWhileRaidBlocked": true
"Phrases": {
"CooledDown": "You're in cooldown.\n<size=12><color=orange>{0}</color> seconds left.</size>",
"BuildingBlocked": "You're building-blocked.",
"CombatBlocked": "You're combat-blocked.",
"RaidBlocked": "You're raid-blocked.",
"CloseClear": "Your <color=orange>Portable Recycler</color> emptied as you cannot store items inside of it."
"GroupCooldowns": {
"default": 0.0
"GroupRate": {
"default": 0.5
"GroupQuality": {
"default": 1.0
The yellow and green buttons while using the Recycler in the GIF, does not come with the plugin.
That's another plugin called Quick Sort by MONaH.