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Message added by Raul-Sorin Sorban,

Ruster.NET Addons requires you to own & install Ruster.NET to work.
Make sure to have a look at the documentation to get samples and understand the Addons API.

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About Ruster.NET Addons

Ruster.NET Addons is a service that allows plugin developers to create and server owners to upgrade and change Ruster.NET in almost any way possible. This plugin provides API and hook support that gives you access to interactions users make in Ruster.NET, from creating your own DM bots with custom commands, to use all the modular panels Ruster.NET provides for your own purposes.

Read documentation here or get Addons on this tag.



  • API Access
    • Open / close users' browser
    • Open modals with custom (required) fields
    • Open color picker
    • Get users or a specific user
    • Check if users are admins, moderators, verified, developer or a bot
    • Create your own users with custom profile pictures and user configurations (for bots)
    • Get friends of users
    • Get friend requests
    • Get posts for a specific feed or user
    • Get marketplace or advert posts
    • Get blocked users
    • Send or handle friend requests for an user 
    • Pin/unpin posts
    • Like/dislike posts
    • Get feed information, such as  feed title, type, owner
    • Create posts and publish them on feeds or users' profiles
    • Get or create conversations between users
    • Send messages to players
    • Mark message status (read/unread), and much more.
  • Hook Access
    • On coupons added or removed
    • On language change
    • On custom nickname update
    • On wallet withdraw
    • On restock
    • On hashtag filter
    • On post created/removed
    • On post viewed/closed
    • On post with audio played/stopped
    • On DM sent, and much more.
  • Type Examples
    • Feed
    • Post
    • Marketplace Listing
    • Story
    • Coupon
    • Transaction
    • User
    • Gif
    • Flipbook
    • Modal
    • Field
    • Licensed Item
    • Gift Card
    • User Configuration
    • User Notification
    • Conversation
    • Direct Message
    • Emoji
    • Friend Request
    • Hashtag
    • Business Card
    • Bot
    • Bot Command


Check the documentation for more in-depth examples and what you can do so far in Ruster.NET and Ruster.NET Addons.

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