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About Me

  1. Marte6

    Turbo Weapons

    Version 1.1.0


    Enhance your Rust server with customizable weapon reload speeds and magazine capacities for a truly unique gameplay experience. Tailor reload speeds and magazine sizes for specific player groups: grant fast reloads to one VIP group, and combine fast reloads with increased magazine capacity for another, offering layered benefits to your VIP players. Features: Configurable reload speeds and magazine capacities for all firearm weapons. Enable instant reload for specific weapons. Automatically updates to include new firearms as they are added to the game. Initializes with all existing firearms upon first use. Uses the default magazine capacity when Magazine Contents is set to 0. Permission system to manage player access. Efficient and optimized for performance without affecting server stability. Automatic generation and inclusion of weapons in the configuration file Permissions: turboweapons.fastreload Enables faster reload times for weapons turboweapons.customcapacity Customizes weapon capacity to specified values turboweapons.admin Allows access to open the TurboWeapons menu with the "turboweapons" command Added support for the SkillTree plugin. When the player does not have the "turboweapons.customcapacity" permission, it checks if there is a change in capacity size in the SkillTree. { "Use Notify Plugin": true, "Use LangAPI Plugin": true, "Weapon Configurations": [ { "Weapon Shortname": "blunderbuss", "Magazine Capacity": 2, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "hmlmg", "Magazine Capacity": 60, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "homingmissile.launcher", "Magazine Capacity": 1, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "lmg.m249", "Magazine Capacity": 100, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "minigun", "Magazine Capacity": 300, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "multiplegrenadelauncher", "Magazine Capacity": 6, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "pistol.eoka", "Magazine Capacity": 1, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "pistol.m92", "Magazine Capacity": 15, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "pistol.nailgun", "Magazine Capacity": 16, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "pistol.prototype17", "Magazine Capacity": 18, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "pistol.python", "Magazine Capacity": 6, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "pistol.revolver", "Magazine Capacity": 8, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "pistol.semiauto", "Magazine Capacity": 10, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "revolver.hc", "Magazine Capacity": 6, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "rifle.ak", "Magazine Capacity": 30, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "rifle.ak.diver", "Magazine Capacity": 30, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "rifle.ak.ice", "Magazine Capacity": 30, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "rifle.bolt", "Magazine Capacity": 4, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "rifle.l96", "Magazine Capacity": 5, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "rifle.lr300", "Magazine Capacity": 30, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "rifle.m39", "Magazine Capacity": 20, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "rifle.semiauto", "Magazine Capacity": 16, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "rifle.sks", "Magazine Capacity": 16, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "rocket.launcher", "Magazine Capacity": 1, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "rocket.launcher.dragon", "Magazine Capacity": 1, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "shotgun.double", "Magazine Capacity": 2, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "shotgun.m4", "Magazine Capacity": 6, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "shotgun.pump", "Magazine Capacity": 6, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "shotgun.spas12", "Magazine Capacity": 6, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "shotgun.waterpipe", "Magazine Capacity": 1, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "smg.2", "Magazine Capacity": 30, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "smg.mp5", "Magazine Capacity": 30, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "smg.thompson", "Magazine Capacity": 20, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "snowballgun", "Magazine Capacity": 50, "Fast Reload": true }, { "Weapon Shortname": "speargun", "Magazine Capacity": 1, "Fast Reload": true } ], "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 0 } }
  2. Version 4.0.7


    The plugin allows to define opening and closing times for raids for each day of the week, with the ability to block damage outside of those hours. The configuration is customizable with many options, #FEATURES Defined schedules raids are allowed during the day. Blocks damage or execute console command outside the allowed period. Displaying an UI or use CustomStatusFramework. Everything is customizable, configurable with many options. Protects the player if he has recently joined the server Prevents raids if not enough time to play #INFO Bypass allows you to destroy if is not the raid time (only if block damage is enabled). All options are optional and can be configured The plugin is compatible with players languages The times displayed can be configured for the players, in order to adapt to the format of their country /craid (for open panel) #API private bool API_IsRaidTime() => _mainController.currentSchedule.isRaidTime; private List<int> API_StartSchedule() { return new List<int> { (int)_mainController.currentSchedule.start.day, _mainController.currentSchedule.start.hour, _mainController.currentSchedule.start.minute }; } private List<int> API_EndSchedule() { return new List<int> { (int)_mainController.currentSchedule.end.day, _mainController.currentSchedule.end.hour, _mainController.currentSchedule.end.minute }; }
  3. kaysharp

    Map Voter

    Version 1.1.22


    This plugin makes the admin’s life easier by automatically generating maps, initiating a vote that lets users choose which map they would like to play in during the next wipe. Depends on: Image Library Wipe Info API Discord extension UnZip for Windows NEW GUI: Features: Automatically generate maps and start the vote ,every first Thursday of the month. Automatically generate maps on wipe day using https://rustmaps.com/ & wipe-info-api and start the vote. Allows players to vote on maps through an in-game UI or Discord (if you use any plugin that links a player and a Discord user, enable “only authenticated users can vote” in the config file to avoid duplicate votes). Automatically checks if it’s wipe day using wipe-info-api and the plugin’s config. Configure the plugin through a GUI (not all settings are available on the GUI). Select maps from rustmaps.com through a GUI via a RustMaps share code. Note : This plugin does not include auto wipe script. if you wish to automatically restart and update the server and wipes it on forced wipe or on schedule check the other version of Map voter. Video How to add Custom maps : Permissions: MapVoter.use only allows an admin to generate maps and start a vote. MapVoter.Manager allows an admin to use all the features. Commands: /mvote : Opens the plugin’s main GUI. /startvote After selecting which maps will appear on the vote, starts the vote. MapVoter.generate <Number of maps to generate> <seed> <voting duration in minutes>. voteresult : Shows which map had won the vote. Mapvoter.reload reload the plugin. MapVoter.stopvoting : stops ongoing voting. Discord commands: !vote !generate <Number of maps to generate> <seed> <voting duration in minutes>. Configuration { "Commands": { "Open MapVoter UI": "mvote", "Generate Mpas": "MapVoter.generate", "vote result": "voteresult" }, "Options": { "Select random maps from rustmaps filter id instead of generating random maps on wipe day (true/false)": true, "How many pages the plugin looks up per search request(every page has 30 maps": 10, "Enable Discord bot (true/false)": true, "Only players with permission MapVoter.Vote can vote (true/false)": false, "Map size": 3500, "Disable UI": false, "RustMaps API key": "https://rustmaps.com/user/profile", "staging": false, "barren": false, "Stop voting after (minutes)": 60, "avatar url": "", "Discord footer": "", "filter Id": "Visit https://rustmaps.com/ and adjust your map requirements. In the red box above the settings hit the Share button,the string at the end of the URL is the filterId.Example URL: https://rustmaps.com/?share=gEU5W6BUuUG5FpPlyv2nhQ the string at the end in this case {gEU5W6BUuUG5FpPlyv2nhQ} is the filterId." }, "Discord Settings": { "Discord Webhook": "https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks", "Discord Apikey": "BotToken", "Discord Command Prefix": "!", "Discord Channels": [ { "Discord Channel ID": "", "Commands": [ "generate", "vote", "mapwipe", "bpwipe", "cancelwipe", "stopvoting", "update", "cancelupdate" ] } ], "Discord Command Role Assignment (Empty = All roles can use command.)": { "generate": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "vote": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "mapwipe": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "bpwipe": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "cancelwipe": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "stopvoting": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "update": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ], "cancelupdate": [ "DiscordRoleName", "DiscordRoleName2" ] } }, "Auto Vote": { "Auto start vote": true, "Only Authenticated users can vote through discord": true, "Start voting at (HH:mm) 24-hour clock (UTC)": "17:00", "Number of maps to generate": 4 }, "Auto Wipe": { "Custom Map": { "Custom map": false, "Map URL": "" }, "Map Wipe schedule": [ 7, 14, 21, 28 ], "BP Wipe schedule": [ 0 ], "Enable Auto wipe": true, "Wipe BPs at forced wipe day": true, "Forced Wipe time (HH:mm) 24-hour clock (UTC)": "19:00", "Wipe time (HH:mm) 24-hour clock (UTC)": "19:00" } } Contact kaysharp#2008
  4. Mevent


    Version 1.0.0


    Plugin Description: Our Rust Whitelist Plugin is the ultimate solution for maintaining control over your server. This plugin offers a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) that allows you to easily add or remove players from the whitelist, provided they've been on your server before. In addition, you can configure the plugin to send notifications to your Discord server when players are added to or removed from the whitelist. Key Features: - Intuitive GUI: Our plugin features a clear and visually appealing user interface. Here, you can add or remove players with a simple button press. - Whitelist by SteamID: You have the ability to directly add users to the whitelist via the GUI. - Toggle On/Off: With a straightforward click, you can enable or disable the whitelist. The user interface makes it exceptionally easy. - Automatic Activation/Deactivation: You can configure the whitelist to automatically activate or deactivate at specific times, based on your defined time intervals. - Discord Notifications: You can opt to receive notifications on your Discord server whenever a player is added to or removed from the whitelist. This feature can be easily enabled or disabled in the plugin's configuration. - Configurable Whitelist Messages: You can customize the whitelist messages in the plugin's configuration to provide your players with a personalized experience. Permissions: whitelist.add: Grants the ability to add players to the whitelist. whitelist.remove: Allows for the removal of players from the whitelist. whitelist.admin: Provides full access to whitelist management. whitelist.enable: Activates the whitelist. whitelist.disable: Deactivates the whitelist. whitelist.ui: Permits the use of the graphical user interface (UI). Commands: Chat Commands: /whitelist: Opens the graphical user interface (GUI). The whitelist.ui permission is required. With our Rust Whitelist Plugin, you'll maintain full control over your server and simplify whitelist management. Manage your player list, enable or disable the whitelist as needed, enjoy the user-friendly GUI, and opt for Discord notifications if you desire. Get our plugin now to enhance the security and manageability of your Rust server. { "Enable 'add' discord message?": true, "Enable 'remove' discord message?": true, "Discord webhook (for added to whitelist players)": "webhook", "Discord webhook (for removed from whitelist players)": "webhook", "Kick message": "You are not on this server's whitelist" }
  5. Version 1.1.11


    HUD Panel System is the feature-packed HUD interface players can fully customize to their specific needs and play style. Display important server stats and ongoing events while enabling your players to create their own unique experience with the endless customization options this plugin provides! An API is included to make integration to other plugins seamless! Features: Beautiful HUD and other user interface Support for third-party plugins (you can modify your own and others' plugins) The player can customize the HUD (interface) Great customization options in the config All HUD titles can be changed Convoy plugin support Armored Train plugin support Showcase FAQ Q: How do I make the buttons hide when I click on the logo? A: In the logo settings, specify the command to hide the buttons (panelsystem.buttons). Example: https://pastebin.com/Ksggh718 Commands: /panel hide - hide panel /panel show - show panel API: private void OnEventChangeStatus(string key, bool spawned, bool ignorePlayers = false) Panel Anchors: UpperLeft UpperRight API Using Example: Plugin Code public class EmptyPlugin : RustPlugin { [PluginReference] private Plugin PanelSystem; private void OnServerInitialized() { EventChangeStatus("UserNotify", true); } private void Unload() { EventChangeStatus("UserNotify", false); } private void EventChangeStatus(string key, bool spawned) { PanelSystem.Call("OnEventChangeStatus", key, spawned); } } PanelSystem config { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/asflpJe.png", "Permission": "", "Type": 7, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "UserNotify" } Config: { "Work with Notify?": true, "Display type (Overlay/Hud)": "Overlay", "Panel Anchor": "UpperRight", "Logotype": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/eeuY1WI.png", "Command": "", "AnchorMin": "0 0", "AnchorMax": "1 1", "OffsetMin": "-100 -110", "OffsetMax": "-10 -20" }, "Players Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Ik9YSZS.png", "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Ltn0Jr1.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Title Font Size": 12, "Value Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Title Font Size": 10, "Value Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Title Font Size": 8, "Value Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Sleepers Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/J2QIswN.png", "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/84eMeAq.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Title Font Size": 12, "Value Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Title Font Size": 10, "Value Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Title Font Size": 8, "Value Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 40, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Time Settings": { "Updating the time every minute of game time (may cause performance issues)": false, "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/ZI5vJk9.png", "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/MhfhTLP.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Title Font Size": 12, "Value Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 50, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Title Font Size": 10, "Value Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 50, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Title Font Size": 8, "Value Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 50, "Side Indent": 145, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Settings Button": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/zrGBH8Q.png", "Color": { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, "AnchorMin": "0 0", "AnchorMax": "1 1", "OffsetMin": "20 -60", "OffsetMax": "55 -25" }, "Buttons Setting": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Commands for hiding/unhiding buttons": [ "panelsystem.buttons" ], "Buttons": [ { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/RScZfCg.png", "Permission": "", "Lang Key (oxide/lang/**/PanelSystem.json)": "BtnShop", "Command": "chat.say /shop" }, { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/84ixNM9.png", "Permission": "", "Lang Key (oxide/lang/**/PanelSystem.json)": "BtnStats", "Command": "chat.say /stats" }, { "Enabled": true, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/hIyouiW.png", "Permission": "", "Lang Key (oxide/lang/**/PanelSystem.json)": "BtnBank", "Command": "chat.say /bank" } ], "Settings Image": "https://i.imgur.com/mJih52U.png", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": false, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35.0, "Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 205.0, "Side Indent": 25, "Margin": 5.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30.0, "Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 205.0, "Side Indent": 25, "Margin": 2.5, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 25.0, "Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 205.0, "Side Indent": 25, "Margin": 0.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } }, "Events": [ { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/kxeEFQG.png", "Type": 2, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "CH47" }, { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/zjzI25y.png", "Type": 4, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 2, "Default Inactive Color ID": 3 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Bradley" }, { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/PclffR9.png", "Type": 3, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 3, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Helicopter" }, { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/NKNIqxz.png", "Type": 5, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Airdrop" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/lsEIGc5.png", "Type": 8, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "CargoShip" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Mkan1Ac.png", "Type": 10, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Convoy" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/LkmaOCm.png", "Type": 11, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "ArmoredTrain" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/GbJGvQM.png", "Type": 12, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "WipeBlock" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/CukDURt.png", "Type": 13, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Sputnik" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/p4rxub9.png", "Type": 14, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "SpaceEvent" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/mm8nhlg.png", "Type": 16, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "AirEvent" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/asflpJe.png", "Type": 7, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "UserNotify" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/CukDURt.png", "Type": 13, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "Sputnik" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/p4rxub9.png", "Type": 14, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "SpaceEvent" }, { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/mm8nhlg.png", "Type": 16, "Panel Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Size": 25.0, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 20.0, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Size": 15.0, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Color Settings": { "Default Active Color ID": 0, "Default Inactive Color ID": 2 }, "Key (MUST BE UNIQUE)": "AirEvent" } ], "Economics": [ { "ID": 1, "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Q21Pwq9.png", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Balance show hook": "Balance", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Font Size": 20, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 18, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 16, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Default Color ID": 6 }, { "ID": 2, "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/DhSC8z0.png", "Plugin name": "ServerRewards", "Balance show hook": "CheckPoints", "Panel Settngs": { "Enabled": true, "Permission": "", "Switch": true, "Color": true, "Size": true }, "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Font Size": 20, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 18, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Font Size": 16, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 }, "Default Color ID": 7 } ], "Settings Interface": { "Icons On String": 4, "Size": 50.0, "Margin": 5.0 }, "Events Interface": { "Side Indent": 56.0, "Up Indent": 25.0, "Size": 35.0 }, "Hide Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Command": "panel", "Show Logo?": true }, "Colors": [ { "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#000000", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#FFFFFF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 60.0 }, { "HEX": "#FF6060", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#DCDCDC", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F6003B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#F68E00", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#0FF542", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 } ], "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 5 } }
  6. Mevent


    Version 1.0.2


    The "F1 Item Menu" plugin allows players to open an interactive menu to select items in Rust and add them to their inventory using a simple command. The plugin provides a user-friendly interface with a search function and page navigation for convenient browsing of available items. Command: /f1menu - Opens the F1 item menu, allowing the player to select items and add them to their inventory. Permissions: f1itemmenu.f1 - This permission is required to use the /f1menu command. How to Use the Plugin: 1. To open the menu, the player enters the /f1menu command, provided they have the f1itemmenu.f1 permission. 2. In the menu, the player can search for items by entering a search term and clicking "Search." 3. The player can navigate through the available items by clicking the arrow buttons (< and >) to go to the previous or next page. 4. After selecting an item, the player is presented with another menu to specify the quantity of the chosen item. 5. The player can then choose the desired quantity (1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000) and click "Close" to exit the menu. 6. The selected item is automatically added to the player's inventory. { "Enable Discord Webhook": true, "Webhook URL": "", "Username": "Rust Server", "Avatar URL": "", "Discord Message Format": "Player **{playerName}** has taken **{quantity}** of **{itemName}**." }
  7. Mevent

    Coin Flipping

    Version 1.0.9


    Adds a coin flipping mini game to your server. Players can try their luck by playing against both a bot and a real player. Commands flip - open interface Permissions coinflipping.use - open interface coinflipping.players - play against players coinflipping.npcs - play against npcs coinflipping.createroom - create a room Config { "Commands": [ "flip" ], "Work with Notify?": true, "Economy": { "Type (Plugin/Item)": "Plugin", "Plugin name": "Economics", "Balance add hook": "Deposit", "Balance remove hook": "Withdraw", "Balance show hook": "Balance", "ShortName": "scrap", "Display Name (empty - default)": "", "Skin": 0 }, "Interface": { "Show coin in header?": true, "Coin Image": "https://i.imgur.com/GBVGvQa.png" }, "Values for Bot Game": [ 100, 200, 300 ], "Min Bet for Bot Game": 100, "Min Bet for Player Game": 100, "Permissions Settings": { "Opening the interface": "coinflipping.use", "Playing against players": "coinflipping.players", "Playing against NPCs": "coinflipping.npcs", "Creating a room": "coinflipping.createroom" } }
  8. Mevent


    Version 1.1.42


    Clans is an all-in-one manager that lets you create, manage and invite players all from one stunning interface. Toggle friendly fire, view clan, and player leaderboards, create and break alliances, modify gather rates for clan members and set clan skins to identify clan members abroad easily. Features Beautiful user interface Performance Allied clans Gather rate for players (allows you to set how much each clan member must collect resources. For example: each member of the clan must collect 10 thousand sulfur, so that later it can be used to craft explosives and attack another clan) Clan skins (allows you to set common skins for all clan players. All the clothes on the players of the same clan will be the same, which allows you to distinguish your own from the enemies during the battle) The clan TAG min- and max-length can be defined in the config The clan overview shows offline member names Clan members can toggle friendly-fire protection for clan mates and allies Clan creation can check TAG’s against a blocked word list Clan tagging can be optionally disabled Old (not updated since x days) clans can be automatically purged Clans rating Players rating Setting a personal avatar for your clan Autowipe with wipe (optional) Commands clans (display clan menu) clans help (get information about commands) clan create (create a clan) clan leave (leave from your clan) clan join (open UI with invitations) clan ff (toggle friendlyfire status) clan allyff (toggle friendlyfire status for allies) clan invite <name/steamid> (invite a player) clan withdraw <name/steamid> (cancel an invite) clan kick <name/steamid> (kick a member) clan allyinvite <clanTag> (invite a clan to ally) clan allywithdraw <clanTag> (cancel the offer of an alliance) clan allyaccept <clanTag> (accept the offer of an alliance) clan allycancel <clanTag> (cancen the offer of an alliance) clan promote <name/steamid> (promote a member) clan demote <name/steamid> (demote a member) clan disband (disband your clan) clans.loadavatars (download avatars of all players) clans.manage list - lists all clans, their owners and their member-count clans.manage listex - lists all clans, their owners/members and their on-line status clans.manage show [name/userId] - lists the chosen clan (or clan by user) and the members with status clans.manage msg [clanTag] [message] - sends a clan message clans.manage create [name/userId] [clanTag] - creates a clan clans.manage rename [oldTag] [newTag] - renames a clan clans.manage disband [clanTag] - disbands a clan clans.manage invite [clanTag] [name/userId] - sends clan invitation to a player clans.manage join [clanTag] [name/userId] - joins a player into a clan clans.manage kick [clanTag] [name/userId] - kicks a member from a clan clans.manage owner [clanTag] [name/userId] - sets a new owner clans.manage promote [clanTag] [name/userId] - promotes a member clans.manage demote [clanTag] [name/userId] - demotes a member clans.reborn.convert (convert data from Clans Reborn plugin) clans.umod.convert (convert data from uMod Clans (v0.2.2+) plugin) clans.convert.olddata (convert data from old data) clans.convert.old.stats – used to update player data when upgrading from older versions of the game to 1.1.31 and above. Permissions clans.cancreate (permission to create a clan) clans.canjoin (permission to join a clan) clans.canleave (permission to leave a clan) clans.candisband (permission to disband a clan) clans.cankick (permission to kick a clan member) clans.admin (permission to use command 'clans.manage') Loot Types None – used for disabled loot Gather – used for gathering loot LootCrate – used for a loot crate Look – used to look at loot Kill – used to kill entities Craft – used for crafting items HackCrate – used for hacking a loot crate FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config Q: Does the Clans plugin support other plugins? A: Yes, this Clans plugin has an API similar to other popular clans plugins. If the plugin works with Clans - it works with this plugin too. Q: How do I enable the display of clan ratings on the screen? A: You need to install the Clans Top plugin Q: Does the Clans plugin work with other Rust plugins? A: The Clans plugin is designed to work with a wide range of other Rust plugins, but compatibility may vary depending on the specific plugins you are using.
  9. Mevent


    Version 2.10.20


    Crafting system that allows you to create items, cars, vehicles, recyclers, etc! Commands craft open interface crafts.setwb [categories: cat1 cat2 ...] set new custom workbench Permissions You can set permission in config, for example: "Permission (ex: crafts.use)": "crafts.use", crafts.setworkbench - allows you to use the "crafts.setwb" command (set custom workbenches) Craft Types Command Vehicle Item Recycler ModularCar How to install a custom workbench 1. Spawn the workbench (for example, in RustEdit or a plugin) 2. In the game, go to him and use the command "crafts.setwb" and specify the necessary categories. Example: /crafts.setwb Misc 3. Go to config (oxide/config/Crafts.json) and configure this workbench (use SafeZone, workbench level, etc.) VIDEO FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config
  10. Mevent

    Vehicle Buy

    Version 2.0.9


    VehicleBuy - The Ultimate Vehicle Plugin for Rust Immerse yourself in the world of Rust with the VehicleBuy plugin! This powerful tool allows authorized players to easily access the /vehiclebuy command, which opens an intuitive interface for purchasing a variety of vehicles. With multiple payment options, including Items, Economics, and Server Rewards, you can enjoy a smooth gaming experience. Additionally, the Buy Cooldown feature helps maintain balance in the game. Upon purchasing a vehicle, players receive a unique gift: a skinned crate for land vehicles or a lifebuoy for water vehicles, which can be conveniently stored in their inventory. Features of VehicleBuy User-Friendly Interface: Access vehicle purchases through an easy-to-navigate GUI. Flexible Payment Methods: Choose from various payment options to suit your preferences. Customizable Settings: Administrators can adjust prices and fees as needed. Convenient Vehicle Recall: Use the /callback command to quickly retrieve your vehicle. Easy Re-packaging: Re-package vehicles using the /pickup command or by hitting them with a hammer. Commands /vehiclebuy: Open the vehicle purchase interface (for players) /callback "VehicleName": Retrieve your purchased vehicle /pickup: Re-package your vehicle or hit it three times with a hammer Admin Command: (VehicleName.add SteamID): Spawn vehicles directly into players' inventories vehiclebuy.template [fullscreen/inmenu]: Customize your UI templates with options for fullscreen or in-menu displays (only server console) Video Overview old overview: Test Server Join our test server to experience all our unique features firsthand! Copy the IP address below to start playing! connect FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config
  11. Version 1.0.5


    This plugin provides a simple UI to configure recyclers at monuments and safezones. Speed, efficiency and color of the recycler can be adjusted. Command (Chat or F1 console) /rsettings Required permission recyclersettings.admin
  12. Version 2.3.1


    GUI with personal stats, leaderboard, per-category stats, and #1 player custom chat titles Tables with personal bests per category, top scoring player per category, and top-30 players per category. The same tables can be viewed for clans, rather than players. Server-wide top-list per category can be advertised on a timer. Tables have clickable headers for ascending/descending sort Multiple leaderboard snapshots (top single player for each category) can be taken for SQL/web use. Can also issue rewards (in command format) either on your command or automatically after wipe. Rewards are in a separate PlayerRanksRewards.json data file. Multiple commands issued as one reward should, be, comma, separated. Use {id} as a placeholder for player's Steam ID. Optional uMod dependencies. Clans. Economics. EventManager. Friends. PlaytimeTracker. BetterChat. (for titles) Permissions. playerranks.use - Allows players to use GUI, if 'RequiresPermission' is true. playerranks.admin - Allows admin UI and command access. playerranks.excludefromstats - Allows players to toggle /pr optout - taking their stats out of public displays. playerranks.excludedfromstats - Force a player to be excluded from stats playerranks.optout - Used behind the scenes for user preference persistence across wipes. By default, stats for admins are not publicised. Chat commands. Player commands. /pr - Open PlayerRanks GUI /pr chat - Enable/Disable chat announcements. /pr optout - Have your stats removed from, or included in, public displays. /pr reward <category name> - Issues rewards for the category. /pr reward - Issues rewards for all categories. Requires playerranks.excludefromstats permission. Admin commands. /pr save - Save the database /pr wipe - Wipe the database /pr del - Remove all stats for that player's steamID /pr wipecategory <categoryname> - Remove all of user stats for that category Console commands. playerranks.save - Save the database playerranks.wipe - Wipe the database playerranks.reward <category name> - Issues rewards for the category. playerranks.reward - Issues rewards for all categories. SaveLeaderboard - Takes a snapshot of the current #1 players for all categories. Configuration. General options. displayClanStats - True/False record_ClanMate_Kills - Toggle killing of clan-members contributing to PVPKills. record_FriendsAPI_Kills - Toggle killing of 'Friends' contributing to PVPKills. record_RustIO_Friend_Kills - Toggle killing of RustIO friends contributing to PVPKills. record_Rust_Teams_Kills - Toggle killing of Rust team mates contributing to PVPKills. blockEvents - Toggle EventManager contributing to ranks. statCollection - True/False RequiresPermission - Makes user /pr access by 'playerranks.use' permission only. allowadmin - Toggle admin stats in public displays. chatCommandAliases useTimedTopList - Toggle public broadcast rotation. TimedTopListAmount TimedTopListTimer TimedTopListSize - Font size for chat output. TimedTopListNumbered - Adds ordered numbering to chat output (1st,2nd,etc). deleteOnBan - true/false PVPHeadshotsOnly - true/false CountHeadshotsOnlyIfKill - true/false saveTimer (minutes) lastLoginLimit - in days.Deletes data for users who haven't logged in since X days ago. Value of 0 means disabled. wipeOnDeath - true/false WipeOnNewMap - Wipes PlayerRanks data base when a new map is detected. CommandOpensTop30 = false KDRExcludesSuicides = false PVPKillsCountsSleeperKills = false PlayTime_HH_MM = false CountPlantsOnlyFromPlanters = true GlobalTitleBroadcast = true - Tells everyone (true) or just the taker and loser of a title (false) useIntenseOptions - Enable/disable.Toggle gathering of information, and displays, relating to: StructuresBuilt ItemsDeployed ItemsCrafted EntitiesRepaired StructuresDemolished Resources Gathered GUI. UiTextColourStrong = "<color=#b3522b>"; UiTextColourWeak = "<color=#bdbdbd>"; ChatTextColourStrong = "<color=#d4d3d3>"; ChatTextColourWeak = "<color=#bdbdbd>"; ButtonColour = "0.7 0.32 0.17 1"; CategorySortButtonColour = "0.48 0.2 0.1 1"; GuiTransparency = 0.9; Useful tool for picking CUI colours - RGB Decimal. Titles (requires BetterChat) EnablePlayerTitles = false; MaxDisplayedTitles = 3; MaxTitlesBeforeLineBreak = 3; TitleStart = "["; TitleEnd = "]"; AddTitleHoldersToGroup = true; DestroyGroupOnUnload = false; Categories. Each category has the following options in config. "PVPKills": { "EnabledInPersonal": true, "EnabledInTop1": true, "EnabledInTop30": true, "IncludeInChatBroadcast": true, "Title": "[Killer]", "ShowTitleInPlayerChatMessages": true, "ChatPriority": 1, "BroadcastTitleChanges": true }, Title. Leave blank to have no title. Players with titles are automatically placed in a group of the category name. Players are removed when they lose #1, and all groups are emptied on unload. SQL - optional. Database Name Host Password Port Username tablename - Main data table name that PR will create. LBtableName - Leaderboards table name that PR will create. Use MySQL - true/false autoWipe - true/false (wipes SQL with main database) The SQL database will be created on the first save, whether automatic or manually with command /pr save. Category List. PVPKills PVPDistance PVEKills PVEDistance NPCKills NPCDistance Sleepers Killed HeadShots Deaths Suicides KDR (kill to death ratio) SDR (suicide to death ratio) SkullsCrushed TimesWounded TimesHealed HeliHits HeliKills APC Hits APCKills BarrelsDestroyed Explosives Thrown Arrows Fired Bullets Fired Rockets Launched MLRS Fired WeaponTrapsDestroyed Drops Looted Fish Caught Structures Built Structures Demolished Items Deployed Items Crafted Entities Repaired Resources Gathered Plants Gathered Structures Upgraded Economics** ServerRewards** PlayTime** (DD:HH:MM:SS) MySQL Only. Online/Offline Status** ActiveDate - Player's last login date. ** - These options are reported by Player Ranks, but not incremented or maintained by Player Ranks. Resetting Player Ranks database will not set these entries to zero, as they are read from elsewhere. Wipe Playtime Tracker data and/or Economics data to set these to zero. API ResetClan(string clanname) ResetPlayer(ulong ID) Key Binds. Personal stats and leader board can be bound to toggle as follows, using H J as examples: bind h callPersonalStatsUI bind j callLeaderBoardUI Notes. Data for banned players is automatically removed. Heli Kills are attributed to the player who hit the heli the most - not the last hitter. If a player dies from his wounds, the person who wounded him gets the PVP kill. PVP distance is recorded based on the wounding shot.
  13. Iftebinjan

    TC Levels

    Version 1.3.3


    Reduce the decay damage by tick; Upgrade the authorizations limit; Upgrade the building grade limit; Upgrade the storage capacity of the cupboard; Unlock some deployable items; Upgrade the stack size limit of the cupboard; Set a default building grade for the server; Modify the default decay; Keep the cupboard attributes when remove; Make your server fun ^u^ The plugin has a unique permission, which allows the player to use the cupboard upgrade: tclevels.use F.A.Q How many items can be blocked? and which? You can block unlimited items and all items must be deployable or they will not be blocked. Which area will be checked when I place my cupboard? The entire privilege area will be checked. But you can also disable checks in the configuration file. Could it cause conflict with any plugin? Yes, but i am providing an API for the plugin so that other developers can integrate with it, so if there is a conflict, just go to the developer's plugin support and ask them to integrate it. Also if it is possible for me to integrate it from my plugin, i will do so without any problem.
  14. Version 1.2.10


    This plugin provides a beautiful and convenient crafting panel for your server. Its design and mechanics are as similar as possible to the in-game Rust crafting panel. Add crafting of any custom items, commands, permissions and anything else you like. Features The design is ~90% similar to the design of Rust's in-game crafting panel. Support for any custom items and commands. Ability to unlock all DLC items in the in-game crafting menu. The plugin only registers permissions for items that you have specified to it. Thus, preventing the creation of a large number of permissions. Customizable sound effects, notifications in the status bar on the right, and text notifications in popular plugins. The plugin can take and give out items from inventory, game backpack and Backpacks plugin, depending on the fullness of any of them. Ability to add item variations (just look at the screenshots). Supports work with skill plugins. Supports work with economy plugins. The player can choose whether to craft or buy an item. Add items to favorites, built-in search, fully functional queue and more. Scrollbar support. Supported plugins: SkillTree - allows you to use bonuses such as: Craft_Speed, Craft_Refund, Craft_Duplicate. Also allows you to give bonuses when crafting and take away when crafting is canceled. Backpacks - plugin can take and give items in an additional backpack. ItemRetriever - plugin can take crafting ingredients from all containers that are connected to the player (including inventory, game backpack, Backpacks plugin, and any other plugin that uses ItemRetriever as Suppliers). ZLevelsRemastered - allows you to use the craft speed bonus. Economics, ServerRewards, IQEconomic - these plugins are used to purchase items with the currency of these plugins. Notify, GUIAnnouncements - these plugins are used to display notifications. SimpleStatus, AdvancedStatus - these plugins are used to display notifications in the status bar at the bottom right of the screen. Permissions The plugin has immutable and generated permissions. The immutable ones include: craftingpanel._use – is responsible for opening the panel. If there is no permission, the panel will not open. craftingpanel._admin – give this permission only to administrators. It adds an additional "Give yourself" button to get items from the panel for free. This permission is also needed to use the givecraft command (about it below). craftingpanel._instant – all player crafts will be instant. craftingpanel._death – crafting queue will not be reset when the player dies. craftingpanel._disconnect – when a player leaves the server, the craft queue will not be reset. craftingpanel._economics – allows you to purchase items for the currency of the selected economy plugin. If the player does not have permission, the cost panel will still be displayed, but the player will not be able to make a purchase. craftingpanel._workbench - allows you to reduce crafting time by having a workbench of a higher level than necessary for crafting. craftingpanel._bonuses – allows the player to access the crafting bonuses from the "Crafting bonuses" section. craftingpanel._unlockdlc - if a player has this permission, he can craft all DLC items in the in-game crafting menu. If you revoke this permission, all DLC items will become unavailable again. The generated permissions are created by the plugin itself, here's how it works: craftingpanel.section.vehicles- this is permission for the "vehicles" section. craftingpanel.vehicles.minicopter - this is permission for the item "minicopter" in the "vehicles" section. craftingpanel.vehicles.snowmobile.tomaha - this is permission for the item "snowmobile" in the "vehicles" section and in "tomaha" variation. Commands Only one command is present in the plugin: givecraft steamid/nickname section item 5 skin steamid/nickname – steamid or nickname of your choice. section – section name from the Section permission [required] field. item – item name from the Item permission [required] field. 5 – how much of the current item to give out (craft multiplier). skin - name of the item from the Ingredients section, Item permission [required] fields. All arguments of this command are required. If your item has an empty "Variations" section or you want a default item, specify "default" in place of skin. General settings Allow panel scaling when the interface is scaled? - if this setting is enabled, the craft panel will be resized depending on the game interface scale (setting "user interface scale"). If the setting is disabled, the panel will always be the same size, regardless of the player interface scale. Remember the last selected section and item? - plugin will remember the last selected section, item and variation the next time the panel is opened by the player. Enable multilingual mode? – if your server has players from different countries, this mode allows you to customize translation for other languages. When you enable this mode, the plugin will write all the data that needs to be translated to the lang - file. These include: section names, item names, item descriptions, item properties, item variation names, and ingredient names. The lang - file consists of a pair: key - value. The key is a unique name, with the help of which the plugin understands what phrase to use. Section translation: section.*section permission* – key template for section name translation. For example: "section.favorite": "Favorite" – Favorite section. Translation of item information: *section permission*.*item permission*.name – key template for item name translation. For example: "sunburn.innertube.name": "Inner Tube" – item name. *section permission*.*item permission*.description – key template for item description translation. For example: "sunburn.innertube.description": " Inflatable lap for water fun." – item description. *section permission*.*item permission*.properties – key template for item properties translation. For example: "sunburn.innertube.properties ": "Any properties ..." – item properties. *section permission*.*item permission*.variations.*variation permission* – key template for variation name translation. For example: "sunburn.innertube.variations.zebra": "ZEBRA" – variation name. Translation of ingredient names: *ingredient shortname *.*ingredient skinId* - key template for ingredient name translation. For example: "wood.0": "Wood" – ingredient name. Allow work with the Backpacks plugin? – plugin can take and give items in an additional backpack (Backpacks by WhiteThunder). Allow work with the ItemRetriever plugin? – this plugin provides advanced functionality for interacting with player containers: If the ItemRetriever plugin is enabled, the CraftingPanel will take crafting ingredients from all containers that are connected to the player (including inventory, game backpack, Backpacks plugin, and any other plugin that uses ItemRetriever as Suppliers). If the ItemRetriever plugin is disabled, the CraftingPanel will take items with the next priority (if the item is not found, it goes to the next container): Backpacks plugin (if enabled) -> game backpack -> inventory. The CraftingPanel plugin is fully in charge of giving out items (since ItemRetriever only allows you to take items from the player), it gives out items with the next priority (if the container is full, it moves on to the next one): inventory -> game backpack -> Backpacks plugin (if enabled) -> drop item. Delete player data from the Data file if they have not logged into the server for so many days – this setting is added to prevent the plugin from keeping in memory the settings of all players who have ever visited your server. Effect at the start/end/canceling – game effects that will be played at the start of crafting/completion of crafting/cancellation of crafting (effects list, plugin for playing effects). Specify a plugin to work with the economy – specify one plugin from the list or leave the field empty to disable work with economy. Crafting bonuses This section allows you to customize crafting bonuses when using one of the supported plugins. Each of these plugins has its own settings. Amount of experience will depend on crafting time? – if this setting is disabled, then the given/taken experience will be the same (which are specified in the settings above). If this setting is enabled, the experience will be calculated using the following formula: calculated experience = crafting time * experience from the settings above. It should be taken into account that to calculate the experience for a crafted item, the full crafting time is taken (which is specified in the item's setting), and to calculate the experience for crafting cancellation, the time left to create the item is taken. The ZLevelsRemastered plugin does not have a full-fledged api for interaction with crafting bonuses, so the work with it is not fully implemented (no rewards are given in economy plugins, permission of this plugin is not taken into account, etc.). Notification settings Notification type (Chat, GameTips, Notify, GUIAnnouncements) – if this section is enabled, you must specify the type/plugin to notify the player of different warnings. Chat – notification to regular chat. GameTips – notification in the in-game Rust tooltips (blue or red at the bottom of the screen). Notify – notification in the Notify plugin by Mevent. GUIAnnouncements – notification in the GUIAnnouncements plugin by JoeSheep. Just below that are the customization fields for the specific type of notification. Game Status Settings Game status is a notification that is shown at the bottom right of the screen (like in-game crafting). The plugin can show 3 types of game status: Current craft – it's the blue panel with the gear. It is displayed while the crafting process is in progress. Giving item – it's the green panel with the down arrow. It is displayed when a player is given a craft item. Dropping item – it's the red panel with the cross. It is displayed when the items given by the plugin do not fit in the inventory and drop out near the player. Crafting Panel working with Rust's in-game status and two plugins (SimpleStatus, AdvancedStatus) that have slightly advanced features. Rust – is the in-game status built into the game. It does not require any additional plugins, but it cannot show the Current craft (blue panel with a gear). SimpleStatus – this plugin displays customizable statuses. It can show Current craft and Giving item. But cannot display Dropping item due to limitations in its operation. AdvancedStatus - this plugin displays customizable statuses. It works with all of the above status types. Section settings Section name – the displayed section name on the menu button. Section permission [required] – be sure to fill in these fields and make sure they are all unique. Because it is by this field that the plugin understands which section it is currently working with. If you specify "favorite" here, the plugin will use this section to display the player's favorite items (don't add items to it, the plugin will delete them anyway). Register this permission? – if enabled, the plugin will register a permission with the above name. In this case this section will be shown only to those players who have this permission. Section item settings Item name [required] – required field. The name of the item is displayed only in this plugin. If you need to create an item with the same name, you will find this setting below. Item permission [required] – required field. Make sure that each item in the section has a unique field. Because by this field the plugin understands which item in the current section it is currently working with. Register this permission? - if enabled, the plugin will register permission with the above name. Keep in mind that the current item will still be shown to all players, but they will not be able to craft it (this is also notified by the icon on the top left of the information section). Item description – item description, is not passed to the item when crafting, only displayed in the panel of this plugin. Item properties – if the item has some characteristics (e.g., damage, radiation protection, etc.) you can specify them here. This data is displayed in a separate panel in the information section of the item. Item shortname – if you are using the command as a craft result, leave this field empty. Create an item with the default name (true) or the above name (false)? – if true, the plugin will create an item with the default game name (which refers to the current shortname), otherwise it will set the name from the Item name field. Item skinId – if the item is custom, specify the required skinId, otherwise set it to 0. Item image [optional] – if as a result of craft, you have to execute some command, you can specify a link to a picture related to this command. Console commands executed after crafting (%steamid%, %username%, %amount%) [optional] – if you need to execute some commands as a result of crafting, you can list them with commas in this field. In the command you can specify %steamid% and %username%, the plugin will replace them with the data of the current player. The plugin can also replace %amount% with the amount per craft (next setting). If the command gives some custom game item and you know its shortname and skinid you can specify them in the fields above. This way you don't need to additionally save the image of this item to the hosting and specify its link. Amount per craft – number of items given out per craft. Max craft multiplier - maximum allowable craft multiplier. The craft multiplier (selected by the player in the Ingredients section) is how many times an item will be dispensed or how many times commands will be executed. If Amount per craft = 3, and the player chose multiplier = 2, he will receive 2 * 3 = 6 items. Crafting time [sec] – time to craft the item. It can be set to 0, then the item will be crafted instantly. Show notification in game status (if they are enabled)? – if a command from another plugin is used to give a custom item and that plugin displays game status, duplication of game statuses may occur. Therefore, it is possible to disable the display of game status for a particular item. Keep in mind that this only disables the Giving item status. Apply craft bonuses (if they are enabled)? – allows you to apply craft bonuses (from the "Crafting bonuses" section) to this item. Crafting cost in the economy plugin [0 - disable] – the value of the current item in your economy server currency. The customization works if you specified one of the supported economy plugins at the beginning. Item Variation settings In the in-game Rust crafting panel this section is called Skins, here it is called Variations. This is done because here it can include not only skins, but any items or commands related to the parent item. For example, you have several modular car presets, with different types of modules, but they are all related to modular cars. Therefore, you can specify them in one item - "Modular car". The settings in this section are similar to the parent item, except for the crafting ingredients. They will be the same as the parent item. Item Ingredient settings Resource name [required] – required field. Is used to display the name of the ingredient in the plugin panel (it is not taken into account when taking ingredients from the player). When canceling the craft, the plugin can set this ingredient to the specified name, you will find this setting below. Use this resource in ingredients? – enables or disables this resource for use in ingredients. Resource shortname [required] – required field. Shortname of the item that the plugin will look for from the player for crafting. Resource skinId – if it's a custom item, give its skinId, otherwise set it to 0. Return an item with the default name (true) or the above name (false)? – when the craft is canceled, if true, the plugin will create an ingredient with the default game name (which refers to the current shortname), otherwise it will set the name from the Resource name field. Plugin Config Example of plugin configuration in English: Example of plugin configuration in Russian. If you need Russian config, open it (CraftingPanel.cs) before loading the plugin, and at the top set the variable "isRus = true". Then save and upload this file to your server.
  15. Version 1.3.4


    Introducing Total Control, a comprehensive admin tool designed for Rust game servers. This plugin is built with a full GUI, providing an intuitive and user-friendly interface for server administrators. With Total Control, you can customize every aspect of your Rust server to create a unique gaming experience for your players. Here are some of the features that set Total Control apart: Settings Page (New!): The latest addition to Total Control, the Settings page introduces powerful options for customizing server-wide gameplay systems: Skip Night: Automatically skip night cycles or use a voting system where players can vote to skip night. Time Freeze: Freeze time to any time of the day you choose. Day and Night Settings: Configure the start and end of the day, set the percentage of votes required to pass a day skip, and adjust the delay for voting messages. You can also limit the number of nights players can skip before requiring a full night cycle. Custom Vote Command: Define the vote day command, with /day as the default. PvE/PvP Mode: Set basic PvE or PvP modes, which can be toggled on a timer, or be set to stay permanently on. PvE or PvP mode can be displayed on the player HUD. Raid Protection: Implement raid protection with the same flexible settings as the PvE/PvP modes, including timers and toggles. StackSize Page: A new addition to Total Control, the StackSize page allows you to set up multipliers for individual items or entire categories, offering greater control over item stacking in your server. Item Gather Rate Control: Customize the gather rate for every item in the game to balance resource acquisition and gameplay progression. Smelting and Cooking Control: Adjust the smelting speeds for furnaces, mixing tables, campfires, and oil refineries. You can also control the charcoal output amount, the cooked output amount, and the amount of fuel used. Reward System: Set up rewards for various in-game actions such as killing scientists, and players, or picking up or mining different items. Rewards can be given in the form of economics (if the Economics plugin is installed) or server rewards (if the ServerRewards plugin is installed) or even scrap. Bradley APC and Patrol Heli Rewards: Players can be rewarded for dealing damage to or destroying the Bradley APC and Patrol Heli. There’s also a setting to divide the loot among all players who dealt damage or give all the loot to the player who deals the final blow. Total Control allows you to create a Rust server tailored to your community’s playstyle. Whether you’re looking to create a hardcore survival experience or a more casual, resource-rich environment, Total Control gives you the tools to make it happen. Accessible In-Game: One of the key features of Total Control is its accessibility. Any admin with the correct permissions can alter any settings directly in the game, even if they don’t have access to server files. Simply open the UI using the /tc command and change any settings as needed. Permissions: TotalControl.OpenGui To allow access to the Ui for admin. Chat Commands: /tc To Open the Ui for any player with the correct permission
  16. MTriper

    Radial Menu

    Version 1.2.10


    The radial menu is a customizable quick access panel with all popular and frequently used server commands. It makes it a lot easier and faster to interact with various server mechanics, be it teleportation, trades, setting house points and various panels. Features Allows to almost completely eliminate the manual entry of commands by the player. Automatic calculation and arrangement of any number of sections/subsections on a circle. Several display effects. Tracks a press of the MMB or on command (can be keyed to the same MMB). Checks for the privileges of a particular command, before executing it. Ability to use your own panel images. Full customization of the location and scale of icons and panel. Support for popular plugins (NTeleportation, Clans, Friends and Rust teams). Executing console or chat commands. General settings Track MMB presses to open a radial menu? - if the player has a MMB bind, the plugin will not open the Radial Menu. The command to open the radial menu - you can use both the command and the MMB tracking. When using MMB tracking and the command at the same time: If a player has a MMB bind, his bind will be executed when he clicks on it, and the Radial Menu will not open. If there is no bind, the player can use both the command and the MMB press. Upload images to players when they connect? - when a player connects to the server, the plugin will automatically download 3 images of menu rings to his client. This avoids displaying black rectangles when opening the menu while the plugin is downloading the images to the client. Section/Subsection settings The plugin has main sections (level 1), subsections at level 1 (level 2) and subsections at level 2 (level 3). Section name - the name of the section, which is displayed under the icon. Enable this section? – on/off section. Section permission [required] - permission required for the plugin to work (without dots). Add "_add" to the end of the name so that the plugin does not register or check permissions for child subsections. Section icon - direct link to the icon (recommended size 64x64). Fill icon with color below? - Completely fills the icon with the color set below. Inactive/active section color [HEX or Unity RGBA] - The plugin supports 2 types of colors: HEX (e.g. "#57de54" or "#57de54ff") and Unity RGBA ("0.34 0.87 0.33 1"). Command executed on behalf of the player - if you do not have subsections in this section, the command (without the "/" if chat) that will be executed for that player is specified here. If there are subsections in this section, the command is not specified. Specify %steamid% or %username% so that the plugin replaces them with the data of the player on whose behalf the command is executed. Command type - Where to run this command: true - chat, false - console. Permissions for above command - if the command above is specified, you can specify the privileges of that command in this field (e.g. "removertool.normal, removertool.structure, removertool.external"). The plugin will check if the player has these privileges before executing the command. Show this section only to those with permissions above? - allows to draw the section automatically (without giving permissions to this plugin) if the player has command permissions. Show this section even to those who don't have permissions? - forcibly displays the section to all players, even those who do not have privileges to it (if you click on it, a message about lack of permissions will be displayed in chat). Subsections layout [n - number] - this setting is responsible for how subsections are arranged. 0 - automatically. Suppose you have 10 subsections, then 360 degrees / 10 subsections = 36 degrees. The plugin will automatically position the 10 subsections every 36 degrees (clockwise, starting from the top). n - from the beginning. The plugin will arrange the subsections clockwise, starting from the top, not automatically, but in a certain step. For example, you have 3 subsections, but you do not want them to be automatically scattered all around the circle, you want them to be displayed at the top, with some small step, this step will be calculated due to the conditional number of subsections n (for example, 15). Now 360 degrees / 15 conditional subsections = 24 degrees, then your 3 subsections will be positioned from the beginning and there will be 24 degrees between them. -n - from the active item. The plugin will arrange the subsections relative to the active section. For example, you have 3 subsections, but you don't want them to be automatically scattered all around the circle, and you also don't want them to be arranged in some clockwise, starting from the top. By choosing this type of arrangement, the subsections will be located in the same place as the active section, in the increments you specify. It works the same way as above, only n is specified with a minus sign (for example, -15, the minus is needed for the plugin to understand what type of arrangement to use). All examples of the layout of the subsections are present in the standard config. Permissions It may be unclear how permissions work in this plugin. Let's figure it out with a simple example from the standard config. It's not hard to figure out that this is the home point section of the standard config. To exclude identical names of permissions the plugin converts them to this form. Because of the large number of permissions generated by the plugin, there are mechanics for reducing them. If you add "_all" to any section, in the "permission" field, the plugin will not register the permissions of child subsections. For example, if the player has the permission "_homes_all", then all displayed houses, all commands (add, remove, etc.), in general everything that belongs to the section "_homes_all" will obey and is checked by the permission "radialmenu._homes_all". The "permission" fields of the child sections still have to be filled in for the plugin to work. I strongly recommend using the "Permissions Manager" plugin to set privileges for players or groups. It draws a simple interface, through which it is very easy to add or remove permissions. Teleportation The plugin supports work with teleportation plugins (set/remove/teleport to home point) NTeleportation and Teleportation by OxideBro (for RU server owners). To do this, in the main section (level 1), you must specify the permission of the "_homes" section, this is necessary for the plugin to understand that it will work with the teleport plugin. Next, in the subsection "_homes" (level 2) you must add the MAXIMUM number of displayed house points, for example 5. If the player has more house points than this number, then only the first 5 will be displayed, if less, then all of them will be displayed. For each such point, you must set its unique name, which begins with "home_n", where "n" is any unique number or word (e.g. home_1, home_2, etc.). In addition to the house points here you can place a section with the establishment of the house point, its name should be "home_add", and the command "home add {0}" (command your plugin teleport), where {0} - the name of the new house point, the plugin itself will set it relative to the square in which the player at the moment is (for example D3, if there are several in the square, then D3h1, D3h2, etc.). After that, in the subsections (level 3) of each such house point, you can specify commands relating specifically to it. For example: "home {0}", "home remove {0}" or any other commands, where {0} is the name of the specific house, the plugin itself will substitute it when executing the command. If you find all of the above complicated, you can take a look at the standard config as an example. Friends The plugin supports work with plugins Friends, Clans by k1lly0u and Rust teams. Here everything is set up similar to Teleportation. But for the plugin to understand what to work with, in the main section (level 1) you must specify one of the three options: "_teammates" - the plugin will work with Rust teams "_friends" - the plugin will work with the Friends plugin "_clans" - the plugin will work with the Clans plugin In subsections (level 2) you must add the MAXIMUM number of displayed friends, for example 8. If the player has more friends than this number, then only the first 8 will be displayed, if less, then all of them will be displayed. For each friend you must set its unique name, which begins with "friend_n", where "n" is any unique number or word (for example friend_1, friend_2, etc.). After that, in the subsections (level 3) of each friend you can specify commands specific to him. For example: "tpr {0}", "trade {0}" or any other commands, where {0} is the nickname of the player, the plugin itself will substitute it when executing the command. An example of the configuration of this section is also present in the standard config. Plugin Config Example of plugin configuration in English Example of plugin configuration in Russian. If you need Russian config, open it (RadialMenu.cs) before loading the plugin, and at the top set the variable "isRus = true". Then save and upload this file to your server.
  17. AhigaO

    Server Hud

    Version 3.3.5


    Features: You can add any plugin event in the UI (if it has hooks, usually specified in the plugin description) Has ingame UI menu for configure your Hud The time format is adjusted to the player (depending on his language in the game), it checks which time format is used for this language You can also enable an additional menu that opens on the arrow. You can add various buttons to this menu, for example, to open a store, your server menu, etc. Almost all elements are customizable [for example: visibility of each element, Logo, Icons, Color e.t.c (check config down below)] Commands: /h setup - open UI for ingame config /h - show all Server Hud UI commands /h open - open Server Hud UI /h events - open Events Bar /h close - close Server Hud UI /h hide - hide Server Hud UI Q&A: Q: Where i can find a base icon for creating my events icons? A: Take a base icon below this message and using f.e photoshop for create you personal event icon! Q: Where i can find a ready to use icons? A: Here some links to ready to use icons packs(1 free, 2 paid): https://codefling.com/customizations/free-custom-hud-icons https://codefling.com/customizations/custom-hud-icons-paid https://codefling.com/customizations/server-hud-custom-icon-pack API: string API_PlayerHudState(string id) CanHudChangeState(BasePlayer player, string currentState, strint nextState) Config: { "Auto reload [If you change the config and save the file the plugin will reload itself]": true, "Main setup": { "Overall layer [you will see the hud in your inventory]": false, "Size ALL [0% - inf]": 100, "Logo [HUD interact button]": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455399756607549/logo.png", "Events background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Position": { "Align [TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight": "TopLeft", "Left | Right - offset": 40, "Top | Bottom - offset": 25 }, "Server name": "Your Server Name", "Active players": { "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455395813965934/active.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Sleep players": { "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455395138670652/sleep.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Queue players": { "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455393972654171/line.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, "Time": true, "Player position [hide permisson - hud.streamer]": { "Enable": true, "true - grid | false - x,z coordinates": true, "Color": "cyan" }, "Economy plugin [Economics | ServerRewards]": { "Currency": "$", "Value color": "#10ff10", "Enable": true }, "Info messages": { "Update interval [in seconds]": 60, "Align [BottomCenter | TopCenter | TopRight]": "BottomCenter", "Width [in px]": 260, "Offset [top | bottom]": 0, "Offset [right]": 15, "Outline color": "#000", "Overall [you will see messages in your invenotory]": true, "Enable": true, "Messages": [ "Welcome to Your Server Name", "Good luck" ] }, "Additional menu": { "Auto close timer [seconds | 0 - disable]": 60, "Auto close after command use": true, "Open/Close button color": "yellow", "Commands background opacity [0% - 100%]": 100, "Enable": true, "Commands": [ { "Background image": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455392420761671/command.png", "Icon [optional]": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455395813965934/active.png", "Command": "chat.say Hello there", "Text": "Say Something", "Outline color": "#000", "Is Console": true }, { "Background image": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455392420761671/command.png", "Icon [optional]": "", "Command": "/shop", "Text": "Say Something", "Outline color": "#000", "Is Console": false } ] } }, "Base Events": [ { "Name": "Bradley", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455316654850049/bradley.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "PatrolHeli", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455315073597530/heli.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "CH47", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455317485342803/ch47.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "Cargo", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455317086879794/cargo.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true }, { "Name": "AirDrop", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455316143161374/airdrop.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": true } ], "Custom Events": [ { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnConvoyStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnConvoyStop", "Name": "Convoy", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455318030598154/convoy.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnSputnikEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnSputnikEventStop", "Name": "Sputnik", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455315488854016/sputnik.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnArmoredTrainEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnArmoredTrainEventStop", "Name": "ArmoredTrain", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455315841155173/train.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false }, { "Hook OnEventStart": "OnHarborEventStart", "Hook OnEventStop": "OnHarborEventEnd", "Name": "Harbor", "Active color": "#10ff10", "Icon": "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/335512864548847617/1134455318332592219/harbor.png", "Color": "#fff", "Enable": false } ] }
  18. Version 2.0.9


    Convenient GUI manager for player and group permissions. Allows assignment of player permissions. (online or sleeping) Allows assignment of group permissions. Allows one-click removal of all players from a group. (group page - "Remove All") Allows adding/removing a player from groups. Supports unlimited plugins/permissions/groups Up to 60 plugins per-page. Up to 40 permissions per-page. Up to 40 user groups per-page Allows for local and sql backup and recall of all permissions or groups. Permissions. permissionsmanager.allowed - Allows players to use GUI. Plugin can be used with this permission, or by any Admin : Auth Level 2. Chat commands. /perms data - Backup and restore permissions and/or groups - local data file and/or SQL. ** /perms OR /perms player - Opens GUI player list, allowing a player to be chosen. /perms group - Opens GUI group list, allowing a group to be chosen. /perms player <playername> - Opens permissions GUI for the specified player. /perms group <groupname> - Opens permissions GUI for the specified group. Console commands. EmptyGroup <groupname> - Removes all players from the specified group. Configuration. Global. Chat - Title colour Chat - Message colour GUI - Label colour GUI - On colour GUI - Off colour GUI - AllPerPage - Sets All/None option to per-page, or per plugin. Options - GUI Transparency 0-1 Options - Plugin BlockList - ex. "playerranks,botspawn" Block list must be lower case, comma separated, no spaces, and no final comma, as above. Useful tool for picking CUI colours - RGB Decimal - Take the RGB Normalized decimal output, and remove all commas. ** Please note that with data backups : SQL saving is accumulative - Saving adds current permissions/group data to whatever was already saved. Local data file saving is not accumulative. It overwrites any existing backup with the current server permissions/groups. FAQ. Q: I'm trying to revoke permission(Y) for a player, but it says "Inherited". A: The player is in a group(X) which is also granted permission(Y). Solution: Revoke permission (Y) from group(X) or remove the player from group(X). Q: I removed a player from group(X), but they still have permission(Y). A: This is the opposite of the above. This player must have been independently granted permission(Y) at some time. Solution: Revoke permission(Y) from the player.
  19. Version 1.0.3


    Hud Controller is a very simple Hud system. It can do a ton of things, all listed below! Why should you choose Hud Controller? Having a unique server is very important when you choose to have a hud on your server, players see that 24/7. So, you want a good-looking, unique hud menu that stands out to players. With Hud Controller, you can do that, and much more, with ease. FEATURES - Built in UI editor - Add panels, change colors, change fonts, delete panels, change images, EVERYTHING IS EDITABLE! - Dynamic custom events - Normal rust events - Quick command buttons - Display RP or Economics - Display server time - Display player grid - Display players - ETC* Text fields can accept the following placeholders {serverName} {configServerName} {maxPlayers} {onlinePlayers} {joiningPlayers} {queuedPlayers} {totalPlayers} {playerGrid} {serverTime} {playerCurrency} Support? Questions? Comments? Concerns? Message me in my Discord! https://discord.gg/RVePam7pd7
  20. David

    Custom Buttons

    Version 2.0.72


    Create your own UI buttons for your rust server! Plugin comes with built ingame editor which makes creating proccess so much easier! • Features - Create as many buttons as you want. - Attach Images or Text to buttons. - Set chat commands to each button. - UI Editor ingame - Toggle hide function to create small gui menu. • Commands • Permissions • Config Example • Cui Data Example Special thanks to @SinKohhfor contributing and testing plugin before release.
  21. Xray

    Admin Toggle

    Version 3.1.16


    Installation Place the AdminToggle.cs file in /oxide/plugins/ Place the XLIB.dll Dependency in /RustDedicated_Data/Managed/ Grant yourself the default permission o.grant user YOURNAME admintoggle.master the .master permission selector needs to be adapted to what you called the permission setting for the mode Information AdminToggle Allows admins with permission to toggle between player & admin mode Reset Command Open f1 console & write at.fix - Reverts you to player mode (the hard way) (Permission, Priority, Toggle Commands) - Must be unique Core Mode Featues Unlimited custom modes Customizable permission name Priority system for modes Master mode Oxide group toggling Custom commands to toggle Restriction system to specfic steam ids a certan mode Mode Settings (admin) Require a reason to toggle Autorun commands on toggle Separated inventories Teleport back to toggle location upon exiting Revert auth to 0 on disconnect Blocked commands Custom outfit while in mode Notifications (global-chat notification, local-chat notification, popup notification, sound perfab notification & Discord embed Notification) Interface toggle button, pulsing panel, action menu Blocked actions Blocked plugins hooks Mode Settings (player) Autorun commands on revert Notifications (global-chat notification, local-chat notification, popup notification, sound perfab notification & Discord embed Notification) Blocked commands Blocked plugins hooks API Hooks void admintoggle_onAdmin (BasePlayer player) { /*Do something epic*/ } void admintoggle_onPlayer (BasePlayer player) { /*Do something epic*/ } API Methods bool IsAdmin(BasePlayer player); object[] GetMode(BasePlayer player, bool TrueMode = false); /* IF player.userID IS ASSIGNED ANY MODE RETURNS TRUE IF player.userID IS NOT ASSIGNED ANY MODE RETURNS FALSE */ bool isAdmin = AdminToggle.Call<bool>("IsAdmin", player.userID); /* IF player IS NOT ASSIGNED MODE RETURNS NULL IF bool IS SET FALSE RETURNS CURRENT MODE -- object[0] permission (string), object[1] priority (int), object[2] isMaster (bool) IF bool IS SET TRUE RETURNS HIGHEST MODE -- object[0] permission (string), object[1] priority (int), object[2] isMaster (bool) */ object[] getMode = AdminToggle.Call<object[]>("GetMode", player, false); Default Configuration (1 mode) Known incompatible plugins Server Armour (Compatible with v2.29.44 and above)
  22. Version 1.0.3


    PhoneCore is a Grand Theft Auto Style GUI that is easy to setup and customise. UPDATE? Go To Bottom PhoneCore is a zip file with 4 variations to the code, images and psd/afphoto allowing you all the options you could think of. Code included is a 2x3 Phone, 3x4 phone and now 2x3 with 4 pages and 3x4 with 4 pages! Fire off any command that would usually be used with a "/" via this tasty little ui (e.g. /kits /backpack /dis) Configuration Configuration is simple, Drop in the urls for the image you want (list in image folder of default URLS) and add a command,Save, Reload and enjoy. Both the configs follow the same setup, just one is longer than the other. The use of a JSON editor or validation site such as jsonlint.com is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "Use Permission phonecore2x4.show": false, "Background Image Url": "https://i.imgur.com/GY90fRP.png", "Image Url in place One": "https://i.imgur.com/bQGcmWL.png", "Command For Place One": "", "Image Url in place Two": "https://i.imgur.com/WAY6j4A.png", "Command For Place Two": "", "Image Url in place Three": "https://i.imgur.com/rOLnNiY.png", "Command For Place Three": "", "Image Url in place Four": "https://i.imgur.com/EbBRqT5.png", "Command For Place Four": "", "Image Url in place Five": "https://i.imgur.com/3mLH0mP.png", "Command For Place Five": "", "Image Url in place Six": "https://i.imgur.com/6RjWdNd.png", "Command For Place Six": "" } Command /Phone << opens the phone GUI Permission Each of the codes has an option to use permissions in the config.. the permission is pluginname.show and is required to open the PhoneUI is the config value is set to true e.g. PhoneCore3x4.show Update Version 1.0.1... Added 2 Extra codes to the zip, These "multi" versions have 4 pages.. Watch the video Below. Version 1.0.1... Code 2x3 had an error that prevented compiling.. this has been rectified. Version 1.0.2... Added Rules so that blank unused buttons are no longer clickable. Version 1.0.3... Added option in config to require a permission to open the UI Images These are images that are included & random things I've added to hosting that you can use on with PhoneCore Icons: https://i.imgur.com/6RjWdNd.png Blank https://i.imgur.com/EbBRqT5.png Backpack https://i.imgur.com/0o3q7BC.png Close https://i.imgur.com/3mLH0mP.png Discord https://i.imgur.com/Vz4vVaw.png Hammer https://i.imgur.com/rOLnNiY.png Info https://i.imgur.com/bQGcmWL.png Facemask/Kits https://i.imgur.com/mnBkYwB.png Message https://i.imgur.com/WAY6j4A.png Minicopter https://i.imgur.com/cMjS34N.png WorkBench https://i.imgur.com/eRN5lCU.png Door https://i.imgur.com/uKCyxev.png House/Teleport https://i.imgur.com/cclUBi3.png Kit/Present https://i.imgur.com/62Tu4HV.png Lift/Elevator https://i.imgur.com/ldwvf7L.png Wolf/Pet https://i.imgur.com/IqvuMKd.png Stats https://i.imgur.com/1Of9ltc.png Skin/Hoodie https://i.imgur.com/8DJoUQT.png Rocket Turret https://i.imgur.com/9Yom8S9.png Brush https://i.imgur.com/rUlh3Qk.png Portal Backgrounds: https://i.imgur.com/GY90fRP.png Default/Phone GUI https://i.imgur.com/MCjSq33.png Tower https://i.imgur.com/rYwQO6C.png Furnace https://i.imgur.com/J4rvbCJ.png Wolf https://i.imgur.com/d7b2LmJ.png SatAirDrop https://i.imgur.com/1NZyPXl.png Night https://i.imgur.com/UqdQAWL.png RustPoster https://i.imgur.com/m48YGmJ.png Waving https://i.imgur.com/WJ5Qr6w.png Face https://i.imgur.com/XHLySft.png Hemp https://i.imgur.com/AweYNbi.png MikeHawke https://i.imgur.com/vVye6Wu.png Cobalt Rewards https://i.imgur.com/htVCYhH.png Cobalt Regen
  23. Zeeuss


    Version 1.0.2


    What is it? This is a logger for multiple categories with nice gui. Usage If you want to know what's going on your server this logger will surely help you achieve that. Permission zlogs.use -- Gives you permission to use the command zlogs.resetall -- Gives you permission to wipe all data files zlogs.heli.spawn -- Gives player a permission to get notified in chat when heli spawns(must be set in config) zlogs.heli.down -- Gives player a permission to get notified in chat when heli gets shot down(must be set in config) Chat Command /zlogs -- Opens the GUI /zlogs.resetall -- Completely wipes all ZLogs datafile (zlogs.resetall permission required) Discord Logging: In config you can set a webhook for each category to have the important info right on your discord Data All the datas are being saved into data folders and each category has it's data file Path to data files: Your_Server\oxide\data\ZLogs Features & some info: I've decided to completely rewrite ZLogs because of some performance mistake I've made and also to add more features and generally make the plugin better. New version brings you also new features like Auto log deletion which can be set in config, more detailed logging, nicer UI, dark and light mode for the UI, search option and more.. Localization: { "Log Explosive": "{0} has used {1}!", "Log Animal": "{0} has killed a {1}", "Log Connect": "{0} has connected to the server", "Log Disconnect": "{0} has disconnected from the server", "Log Command": "{0} has used command: {1}", "Log Chat": "{0} wrote: {1}", "Log Combat": "{0} has killed {1}", "Log Vending": "{0} has bought: {1} for: {2}", "Log HeliSpawn": "Patrol heli has spawned", "Log HeliDeath": "Patrol heli has been destroyed by: {0}", "Log ItemPick": "{0} has picked up a {1}", "Log ItemDrop": "{0} has dropped a {1}", "Log TCPlace": "{0} has placed a TC", "Log TCDestroy": "{0} has destroyed a TC", "Log TCAuth": "{0} has authed a TC", "Log TCDeAuth": "{0} has deauthed from TC", "Log TCClear": "{0} has cleared a TC", "Log TeamCreate": "{0} has created a team", "Log TeamInvite": "{0} has invited {1} to team", "Log TeamReject": "{0} has rejected invite", "Log TeamPromote": "{0} has been promoted to leader", "Log TeamLeave": "{0} has left the team", "Log TeamKick": "{0} has kicked {1} from the team", "Log TeamAccept": "{0} has accepted team invite", "Log TeamDisband": "{0} has disbanded team", "Log TriggerPick": "{0} has picked up {1}+ items over {2} seconds", "Log TriggerDrop": "{0} has dropped {1}+ items over {2} seconds", "Notify HeliSpawn": "A patrol heli has spawned at: {0}", "Notify HeliDown": "A patrol heli has been shot down at: {0} by {1}", "CUI Categories": "Categories", "CUI Settings": "Settings", "CUI Animal": "Animal Logs", "CUI Chat": "Chat Logs", "CUI Combat": "Combat Logs", "CUI Command": "Command Logs", "CUI Connection": "Connection Logs", "CUI Explosive": "Explosive Logs", "CUI Heli": "Heli Logs", "CUI Item": "Item Logs", "CUI Team": "Team Logs", "CUI TC": "Tool Cupboard Logs", "CUI Trigger": "Trigger Logs", "CUI Vending": "Vending Logs", "CUI TargetPlayerInfo": "Target Player Information", "CUI PlayerName": "Player name: {0}", "CUI SteamID": "SteamID: {0}", "CUI Status": "Status: {0}", "CUI StatusAlive": "Alive", "CUI StatusDead": "Dead", "CUI StatusNull": "?", "CUI Ping": "Ping: {0}", "CUI NotConnected": "Not connected", "CUI TPto": "Teleport to", "CUI TPhere": "Teleport here", "CUI AnimalInfo": "Animal Information", "CUI AnimalName": "Animal name: {0}", "CUI AnimalDeathPos": "Animal death pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI LogInfo": "Log Information", "CUI LogID": "Log ID: {0}", "CUI LogDate": "Log Date: {0}", "CUI LogRemoveIn": "Log will be removed in: {0}", "CUI ChatInfo": "Chat Information", "CUI ChatType": "Channel type: {0}", "CUI Initiator": "Initiator Information", "CUI Victim": "Victim Information", "CUI Distance": "Distance: {0}m", "CUI Weapon": "Weapon: {0}", "CUI ConnectionInfo": "Connection Information", "CUI ConnectionIp": "IP: {0}", "CUI ConnectionType": "Type: {0}", "CUI ExplosiveInfo": "Explosive Information", "CUI ExplosivePos": "Explosive pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI ExplosiveName": "Explosive name: {0}", "CUI HeliInfo": "Heli Information", "CUI HeliPos": "Heli pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI HeliAttacker": "Destroyed by: {0}", "CUI ItemInfo": "Item Information", "CUI ItemName": "Item name: {0} x{1}", "CUI ItemPos": "Item pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI ItemType": "Type: {0}", "CUI TeamInfo": "Team Information", "CUI TeamType": "Type: {0}", "CUI TeamKicked": "Kicked player: {0}", "CUI TcInfo": "Tool Cupboard Information", "CUI TcType": "Type: {0}", "CUI TcAttacker": "Attacker: {0}", "CUI TcPos": "TC pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI TriggerType": "Type: {0}", "CUI DetectTime": "Detect time: {0} seconds", "CUI DetectAmount": "Detect amount: {0} items", "CUI TriggerInfo": "Trigger Information", "CUI VendingItem": "Bought item: {0} x{1}", "CUI VendingPrice": "Price: {0} x{1}", "CUI VendingPos": "Vending pos:\nx: {0}\ny: {1}\nz: {2}", "CUI VendingInfo": "Vending Information", "CUI Search": "Search:", "CUI ColorMode": "Color Mode: {0}" } Configuration: { "Combat logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Item Picks & Drops logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Connection and Disconnection logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Command logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Animal Kills logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Explosives logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Chat logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Heli Logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true, "NotifyOnHeliSpawn?": true, "NotifyOnHeliDown?": true }, "Tool Cupboard logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Vending Machine logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Item drop spam detection:": { "Enabled?": true, "WebhookURL": "", "Items needed to detect:": 15, "Time(seconds)": 8.0, "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [ "item_shortname", "item_shortname" ] }, "Item pick spam detection:": { "Enabled?": true, "WebhookURL": "", "Items needed to detect:": 15, "Time(seconds)": 8.0, "Ignored items(shortnames like: ammo.rifle etc..):": [ "item_shortname", "item_shortname" ] }, "Team logs?": { "WebhookURL": "", "Enabled?": true }, "Auto-Delete logs after x amount of hours(0 will disable this feature)": 0.0 }
  24. cr1sTioJ


    Version 1.2.0


    About plugin The plugin allows you to conveniently change the stacks of items through the use of a graphical interface Chat Commands (can be changed in config) /stacks - opens the main menu /sethandstack - change item's stack you are holding in your hands Console Commands jstacks.setstack [item shortname] [new stack] - set stack size for item. Example: jstacks.setstack ammo.rifle 256 jstacks.restore - reset all stacks to default values (be careful: there is no confirmation) Permissions jstacks.use - using the plugin Features Changing stacks for the entire category by pressing two buttons Multiple choice option for quick stack change Config { "Can admins use command": true, "Command to open the menu": "stacks", "Command to set stack size of an item in your hands": "sethandstack", "Default icons for categories (in-game only)": { "Ammunition": "assets/icons/ammunition.png", "Attire": "assets/icons/community_servers.png", "Component": "assets/icons/open.png", "Construction": "assets/icons/construction.png", "Electrical": "assets/icons/electric.png", "Food": "assets/icons/food_cooked.png", "Fun": "assets/icons/fun_alt.png", "Items": "assets/icons/extinguish.png", "Medical": "assets/icons/medical.png", "Misc": "assets/icons/menu_dots.png", "Resources": "assets/icons/community_servers.png", "Tool": "assets/icons/tools.png", "Traps": "assets/icons/traps.png", "Weapon": "assets/icons/weapon.png" } }
  25. tofurahie


    Version 2.6.7


    EATURES: Selling custom items with a modified skin and display name Commands for sale as an item, allows you to use the command whenever the player wants, can be changed to instant use after purchase Creating a trader with the right set of items Players can check item description before they buy it Refill system Players can see marker on the map to check what the bot can sell them Local positions for Monuments (after wipe you don't need to change positions anymore) [Dependent on MonumentFinder] Commands: permission for use commands and edit the npc shop - npcshop.admin /settrader (use for create new trader) /remtrader (use for remove trader by his name) /newtraderpos (look directyl at the bot) then /newtraderpos update (use on new position) or /newtraderpos cancel (if you unselect the bot) Hooks: void OnNPCShopItemBuy(BasePlayer buyer, Item saleItem, Item priceItem) - called when player buys an item Example of plugin config My Discord Profile


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