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  1. Version 2.0.2


    ClanStats by staticDev ClanStats is GUI and text based stat tracker for clans and individual players. Depends on the Clans by k1lly0u Permissions: No permissions needed. Drag and drop to begin using. Commands: Finished: /stats : Brings up a GUI with an option to view player or clan leaderboards will also displays the current players stats and their clan stats /kdr : Player gets their clan and personal stats (text based) /top : Displays the top 3 clans and their stats (text based) /myclan : Brings up the current players clan position and kills (text based) WIP: /ckdr : Brings up the current players clan stats if they are in one (text based) /pkdr : Brings up the current players stats (text based) /helpclanstats : Brings up a list of available stats for ClanStats Dev Log: Fixed variable definition due to scope issue. Bug regarding existing Clan data has been squashed Passed all test cases! Config: A config file has not been introduced yet. License: Not for resale or redistribution after purchase under any condition! Shoutouts: UI Classes and UI development made possible by LaserHydra KDRGui source code by Ankawi - usable under the MIT license
  2. Lurch

    Item Ownership

    Version 1.0.57


    ItemOwnership V1.0.57 by Lurch A utility which tracks special items and prevents them from being picked up or used by other players unless the items are in a shareable items list. Important Notes: This plugin is NOT a standalone plugin. It is designed to work with other plugins on modded Rust servers. You must either modify an existing plugin, have the author of an existing plugin modify theirs to work with ItemOwnership, or have a plugin that already works with ItemOwnership to get the benefit of this plugin (e.g. Invisibility Cloaks) This plugin has not been tested with items that are stackable. We expect that the underlying FacePunch code will utterly break the original item’s UID, so there’s no support at this time for stacked special items. It is up to you, the developer / system op to ensure that special items in your server that you wish to prevent sharing between players cannot be stacked. Operation: ItemOwnership ( IO ) keeps track of the Unique Item Id’s for specially crafted / given items. For example, a special player-usable Invisibility Cloak (available: MyVector.xyz or CodeFling.com) that works directly with IO. IO will also work with any other plugin that uses the IO API. The API can be called by an by an in-game /kit command or from an NPC vendor. When your special or unique item is created, the plugin responsible for the item creation must call the IO API hook, UpdateItemList() – this hook allows adding new items, changing ownership of existing items and deleting items from the registry. (Usually called when an item is destroyed.) From the time the new item is registered to an owner, any other player will be unable to: Pick up the item. Equip or use the item. Transfer the item to inventory. Move the item in any inventory. Uses Oxide Permissions / Carbon permissions compatible API: Void UpdateItemList(BasePlayer owner, Item item, int action) Where: Owner is a BasePlayer object (the item’s intended owner) Item is the actual in-game item Action is one of: 0 = Add new 1 = Change Owner 2 = Delete (Item was destroyed) Bool? IsItemOwner(BasePlayer player, Item item) Returns null / true / false under these conditions: null = Unable to find the item in the IO registry true = Specified player IS the item’s owner false = Specified player is NOT the item’s owner. Example C# code to call into IO API to add item to tracking file: Interface.CallHook("UpdateItemList", player, myItem, 0); // 0 = add
  3. MACHIN3

    Kill Records

    Version 1.3.6


    Discord Join our community discord for fast support and future updates. We have several channels where you can get help, offer suggestions, see what's coming in future updates, and more. Our discord is the fastest way to get the help and info you need! http://discord.rustlevels.com/ Features: Tracks Animal Kills Tracks Player Kills Tracks NPC Kills Tracks Fish Caught Tracks Loot Containers Destroyed / Looted Tracks Animals Harvested Tracks Corpse Harvested Tracks Player Deaths Tracks Suicides Tracks Harvest Counts Options to Enable/Disable Tracking Option to enable/disable messages and message intervals UI for Player Stats, Global Stats, Top 10 Displays, Leaderboards WebRequests for external data storage SQL Support (2 options availble, read documentaion: https://umod.org/community/kill-records/36935-setting-up-using-sql)) Chat Commands: Player Commands: /krhelp - Shows all commands in chat /pkills - Shows your kill records UI /pkills (playername) - Shows another players kill records UI /pkillschat - Shows your kill records in chat /pkillschat (playername) - Shows another players kill records in chat /topkills - Shows top kills UI with page selection /topkillschat (entity) - Shows top kills in chat /totalkills - Shows global kill count for all entities /totalkillschat - Shows global kill count in chat for all entities /killchat true/false - turns on/off kill messages in chat /totalkills - Shows global kill count for all entities /leadkills - Shows leaderboads UI /pstats - shows your harvest records UI /pstatschat - shows your harvest records in chat /pstats (playername) - Shows another players harvest record UI /pstatschat (playername) - Shows another players harvest record in chat /topstats - shows top player harvest stats UI Admin Commands: (Requires killrecords.admin permission) /krhelpadmin - Shows all admin commands in chat /killsweb - Sends data over webrequest /krbackup - saved datafile when using SQL /krsql update - Updates your records in SQL /krsql check - Checks SQL to see if your records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled /krsql checkall - Checks SQL to see if all records exist from cache, if not will create if SQL enabled /resetkillrecords - Clears and resets all player data in Kill Records Permissions: This plugin uses the permission system. To assign a permission, use oxide.grant <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. To remove a permission, use oxide.revoke <user or group> <name or steam id> <permission>. killrecords.admin -- Gives permission to use all admin chat commands killrecords.killchat -- Allows player to turn on/off kill messages Configuration: { "Tracking Options": { "Trackchicken": true, "Trackboar": true, "Trackstag": true, "Trackwolf": true, "Trackbear": true, "Trackpolarbear": true, "Trackshark": true, "Trackhorse": true, "Trackfish": true, "TrackPlayer": true, "Trackscientist": true, "Trackdweller": true, "Tracklootcontainer": true, "Trackunderwaterlootcontainer": true, "Trackbradhelicrate": true, "Trackhackablecrate": true, "Trackdeaths": true, "Tracksuicides": true, "TrackAnimalHarvest": true, "TrackCorpseHarvest": true, "TrackBradley": true, "TrackHeli": true }, "Player Chat Commands": { "krhelp": "krhelp", "pkills": "pkills", "pkillschat": "pkillschat", "topkills": "topkills", "topkillschat": "topkillschat", "totalkills": "totalkills", "totalkillschat": "totalkillschat", "leadkills": "leadkills", "pstats": "pstats", "pstatschat": "pstatschat", "topstats": "topstats", "totalstats": "totalstats", "totalstatschat": "totalstatschat", "killchat": "killchat" }, "Admin Chat Commands": { "krhelpadmin": "krhelpadmin", "krweb": "krweb", "krsql": "krsql", "krbackup": "krbackup", "krreset": "krreset" }, "Harvest Options": { "treescut": true, "oremined": true, "cactuscut": false, "woodpickup": true, "orepickup": true, "berriespickup": true, "pumpkinpickup": true, "potatopickup": true, "cornpickup": true, "mushroompickup": true, "hemppickup": true, "seedpickup": true }, "Order Options": { "chickenpos": 1, "boarpos": 2, "stagpos": 3, "wolfpos": 4, "bearpos": 5, "polarbearpos": 22, "sharkpos": 6, "horsepos": 7, "fishpos": 19, "playerpos": 8, "scientistpos": 9, "dwellerpos": 10, "lootpos": 11, "unlootpos": 12, "bradhelicratepos": 13, "hackablecratepos": 14, "deathpos": 15, "suicidepos": 16, "corpsepos": 17, "pcorpsepos": 18, "bradleypos": 20, "helipos": 21 }, "Chat & UI Options": { "enableui": true, "UseImageLibrary": true, "ShowKillMessages": true, "KillMessageInterval": 1, "KillMessageLimit": 5000, "enableuinotify": true, "disablechats": true, "uinotifytype": 4 }, "Web Request": { "UseWebrequests": false, "DataURL": "URL", "SecretKey": "SecretKey" }, "SQL": { "UseSQL": false, "FileType": 0, "SQL Host": "HOST", "SQL Port": 3306, "SQL Database": "DATABASENAME", "SQL Username": "DATABASEUSERNAME", "SQL Password": "DATABASEPASSWORD" } Localization { "players": "Players: {0}", "noplayer": "Kill Records:\n No player found with: {0}", "chicken": "Chickens: {0}", "boar": "Boars: {0}", "stag": "Stags: {0}", "wolf": "Wolves: {0}", "bear": "Bears: {0}", "polarbear": "PolarBears: {0}", "simpleshark": "Sharks: {0}", "horse": "Horses: {0}", "fish": "Fish: {0}", "treecut": "Trees: {0}", "oremined": "Ore Mined: {0}", "cactuscut": "Cactus Cut: {0}", "woodpickup": "Wood Pickup: {0}", "orepickup": "Ore Pickup: {0}", "berries": "Berries: {0}", "seeds": "Seeds: {0}", "mushroom": "Mushroom: {0}", "corn": "Corn: {0}", "potato": "Potato: {0}", "pumpkin": "Pumpkin: {0}", "hemp": "Hemp: {0}", "dweller": "Dwellers: {0}", "corpse": "Animals Harvested: {0}", "pcorpse": "Bodies Harvested: {0}", "loot": "Loot Containers: {0}", "unloot": "Underwater Loot Containers: {0}", "bradheliloot": "Brad/Heli Crates: {0}", "hackloot": "Hackable Crates: {0}", "bradley": "Bradley: {0}", "heli": "Patrol Helicopter: {0}", "bradleyapc": "Bradley: {0}", "patrolhelicopter": "Patrol Helicopter: {0}", "scientists": "Scientist: {0}", "deaths": "Deaths: {0}", "suicide": "Suicides: {0}", "killchat": "Show chat kill messages {0}", "chickenui": "Chickens", "boarui": "Boars", "stagui": "Stags", "wolfui": "Wolves", "bearui": "Bears", "polarbearui": "PolarBears", "sharkui": "Sharks", "horseui": "Horses", "fishui": "Fish", "playerui": "Players", "scientistui": "Scientists", "dwellerui": "Dwellers", "deathui": "Deaths", "suicideui": "Suicides", "lootui": "Loot Containters", "wlootui": "Underwater Loots", "bradheliui": "Brad/Heli Crates", "hackableui": "Hackable Crates", "bradleyui": "Bradley", "treeui": "Trees", "oreminedui": "Ore Mined", "cactusui": "Cactus Cut", "woodui": "Wood Picked Up", "oreui": "Ore Picked Up", "mushroomui": "Mushrooms", "potatoui": "Potatos", "pumpkinui": "Pumpkins", "hempui": "Hemp", "berriesui": "Berries", "seedsui": "Seeds", "cornui": "Corn", "patrolhelicopterui": "Patrol Helicopter", "corpseui": "Animals Harvested", "pcorpseui": "Bodies Harvested", "webrequestgood": "Kill Record Data Sent to Website:", "webrequestbad": "Couldn't get an answer from Website!", "webrequestdisabled": "WebRequest Disabled - Enable in Config file", "totalkills": "Total Kills All Players", "totalstats": "Total Harvests All Players", "sqlupdate": "Your records have been manually updated in the database", "sqlcheck": "Your records have been checked and updated in database", "sqlcheckall": "All players have been checked and updated in database", "datafilebackup": "Records have been manually saved to data file", "datafilenotinuse": "DataFile not in use, config is set to SQL only", "resetkills": "All Kill Records have been reset and plugin reloaded", "KRHelp": "Kill Records by MACHIN3 \n/pkills - Open Kill Records UI \n/pkillschat - Show kill Records in chat \n/pkills (playername) - Open players Kill Records UI \n/pkillschat (playername) - Show players Kill Records in chat \n/topkills - Open top players UI \n/topkillschat (type) - Show top players list in chat \n/leadkills - Opens leaderboards UI \n/totalkills - Show global kill count for all entities \n/totalkillschat - Show global kill count in chat \n/killchat true/false - Enable/Disable Kill messages", "KRHelpadmin": "Kill Records by MACHIN3 \n/krbackup - Manually saves records to datafile \n/krweb - Manually sends records over webrequest if webrequest enabled \n/krsql update - Manually updates your records to SQL if SQL enabled \n/krsql check - Checks SQL to see if your records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled \n/krsql checkall - Checks SQL to see if all records exist, if not will create if SQL enabled \n/resetkillrecords - Clears all kill record data for all players" } API private object GetKillRecord(string playerid, string KillType) // Returns kill total int for specific kill or full kill record of player in json


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