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Everything posted by DeutscherRitterPlatz

  1. DeutscherRitterPlatz


    Is it possible that they exclude all NPCs in the data? (oxide\data\Kits\data.json ) because the file is getting bigger every day and causes massive stutters when saving. "3868486": { "KITNPC_Excavator_004": { "Amount": 0, "Cooldown": 0.0 } }, "3844045": { "KITNPC_Excavator_001": { "Amount": 0, "Cooldown": 0.0 } }, "7097919": { "KITNPC_Excavator_002": { "Amount": 0, "Cooldown": 0.0 } }, "8609834": { "KITNPC_Excavator_001": { "Amount": 0, "Cooldown": 0.0 } }, "2857910": { "KITNPC_Excavator_004": { "Amount": 0, "Cooldown": 0.0 } },
  2. Version 1.0.2


    (Addon for Restore Upon Death) Prevents the Restore Upon Death plugin from restoring player inventory in certain zones. An expansion everyone will love! Features : Simple Config Notification after death Toggle Notification Modify Chat Icon Modify Chat Prefix Permissions (bypass & nonotify) Language support (EN & DE) #Installation: Download the NoRestore.cs plugin and move it to the plugins folder, to be found under oxide\plugins directory. Dependencies Required NoRestore only works if ZoneManager & RestoreUponDeath are installed. Permissions: NoRestore.bypass - players/admins with this perm get their stuff restored NoRestore.nonotify - nonotify so players/admins with this permission no longer get a message. Example Configuration: The settings and options can be configured in the NoRestore.json file under the oxide/config directory. The use of an "JSON-Editors" is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors. { "Chat Settings": { "Chat Prefix": "<size=12><color=#AE3624>YOURSERVERNAME</color> <size=16>|</size> <color=#738D45>NoRestore</color>\n", "Notification In Chat": true, "ChatIcon (SteamID)": 76561198978132862 }, "Zone Settings": { "List ZoneIDs": [ "16846395", "25788248" ] } } Plugin Configuration: Chat Settings Chat Prefix - You can set the chat prefix (YOURSERVERNAME can be replaced with your server name) Notification In Chat - Enables or disables notification after death in general (By default, notification is enabled for the player) ChatIcon (SteamID) - Here you can add a chat icon, all you need to do is add a SteamID (By default, no SteamID is stored, so it is set to 0, i.e. deactivated!) Zone Settings List ZoneIDs - here you simply add the ZoneIDs from the ZoneManager plugin where the "NoRestore" plugin should not restore the inventory. (The ZoneIDs can be found in zone_data.json under oxide\data\ZoneManager directory.) Localization The default messages are in the NoRestore.json file under the lang/en directory. To add support for another language, create a new language folder (e.g. ru for Russian) if not already created, copy the default language file to the new folder and then customize the messages. Default Messages for en { "NoRestorCM": "Inventory was not restored!" } Credits @Krungh Crow for helping
  3. Hi @imthenewguy I already addressed the topic of “QuickSort” on November 29th, 2021 and now I wanted to bring it up again.I don't know which dev to contact now for this problem, because the plugins QuickSort, Backpack & Cooking do not work perfectly together, because the backpack plugin as well as your cooking plugin use "coffinstorage" for storage containers. That's why we excluded the coffinstorage in QuickSort, but thereby also deactivated the function for the backpack plugin. So I have 2 questions: Question 1: Could you change StorageContainer e.g. to "assets/content/structures/excavator/prefabs/excavator_output_pile.prefab" or to "assets/bundled/prefabs/ui/lootpanels/lootpanel.vendingmachine.customer.prefab" ? We have already tried both prefabs and unfortunately with the excavator_output_pile it only works for the admins, the players cannot open the bag. Question 2: What API do you need to exclude QuickSort for your plugin? I would then take care of getting an API that would allow you to exclude the QuickSort plugin.
  4. Rust+ App https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facepunch.rust.companion&hl=de&gl=US
  5. Yes, for Items. That users cannot recycle these items.
  6. Could you add a Recycler Input Blacklist? Because for several weeks all Recyler plugins no longer work with each other.
  7. Are you using the latest version? [1.1.3]
  8. DeutscherRitterPlatz


    Would it be possible to implement a function when selling so that the shop automatically recognizes how much of the item you would have in your inventory.
  9. Would it be possible that you support the bbq and bbq.campermodule?
  10. You have to use a separate machine for each item, otherwise the skins will get mixed up if the items were all blood.
  11. Believe that would be the best option, we have solved it with our skill system and think that is your idea too. At the top right an icon, as soon as the user clicks on it, a window opens and the user receives the item name Info Icon: https://i.imgur.com/YY0dWs0.png - You may need it for your Plugin.
  12. In our tests, you couldn't pickup these things, the only thing we got was the currency from the RustRewards Plugin.
  13. Our players asked if it would be possible to get information about the cooking ingredients that you need for the recipes. Because sometimes it is quite difficult to see what kind of cooking ingredient it is. For example, hover the mouse pointer over the ingredient and you will get the name of the cooking ingredient.
  14. DeutscherRitterPlatz

    1.0.1 Trees

    We discovered a small bug. The users can cut down trees that have already been set and receive wood as soon as the tree is felled.
  15. Interesting choice of colors, of the shop ^^ Thanks for the nice plugin.
  16. Would it be possible to create multiple Bank-accounts? Clan BankAccount - would work with your clan plugin. Economics BankAccount ServerRewards BankAccount RUSTNote BankAccount This is how users can manage their money and accounts via your banking plug-in. Would it be possible to implement a money changer? Exchange rates can be set in the config. Thus all currencies are supported. Economics|ServerRewards|RUSTNote Exchange rate for Economics>|<ServerRewards "Currency exchange rates Economics|ServerRewards": { "Value of Economics": 1000, "Value of ServerRewards": 10 }, Exchange rate for Economics>|<RUSTNote "Currency exchange rates Economics|RUSTNote": { "Value of Economics": 1000, "Value of RUSTNote": 10 }, Exchange rate for ServerRewards>|<RUSTNote "Currency exchange rates ServerRewards|RUSTNote": { "Value of ServerRewards": 1000, "Value of RUSTNote": 10 }, We admins are then likely to be encouraged to buy your products, even if the plugins work better together.. Because you can still get so much out of your plugins.. If you need ideas, users for tests, we offer you our help .. you can write to me privately at any time. Thank you for your products! You're doing a good job, please keep it up.
  17. Hello @David We have been using your plugin for several weeks now and have a little question.. Would it be possible to change the type of processing? That the raw materials are not processed per second, but per ServerTick? That you can set in the config how many raw materials it processes per server tick. "Speed (Default is 0.5 - Lowering value increases smelting speed)": { "Modifier": [ 1, ⇚ starting modifier, Level 1 - 30, ⇚ Level 2 - This means that 30 raw materials are processed per server tick 60, ⇚ Level 3 - This means that 60 raw materials are processed per server tick 120, ⇚ Level 4 - This means that 120 raw materials are processed per server tick 240, ⇚ Level 5 - This means that 240 raw materials are processed per server tick 480 ⇚ Level 6 - This means that 480 raw materials are processed per server tick ], "Upgrade Price": [ 0, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000, 20000 ] }, And the same with fuel? The output can remain in percent. Would it be possible? And would you implement it because it also gives us better recruitment options. We found that we can set a maximum of 0.00001. From a value of 0.000001, the value changes to 1E-06 Our users have the feeling that from level 5 onwards the value does not change any more and remains the same. "Speed (Default is 0.5 - Lowering value increases smelting speed)": { "Modifier": [ 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 1E-06 ], "Upgrade Price": [ 0, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000, 20000 ] }, "Fuel (Default is 2.0 - Lower value means wood lasts longer when smelting)": { "Modifier": [ 1.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.05 ], "Upgrade Price": [ 0, 7500, 10000, 20000 ] }, "Output (Default is 1.0x - increases the output amount)": { "Modifier": [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ], "Upgrade Price": [ 0, 30, 50, 70 ] }, We look forward to a positive response from you.
  18. I also wanted to ask if you are willing to improve things and implement new ones. Enhanced Hammer: I would be for that too. AOE repair functionality: https://umod.org/plugins/handy-man That you can repair several walls or floors in a certain radius at the same time. Remove function: Prefabs| Entitiy Whitelist,Blacklist for the Remove, because some things just can't be removed. " Additional skin removal support. Because currently the entities are losing the skins. If it is possible, as with the RemoveTool, entities can be removed from several meters away without having to hit them with a hammer.
  19. I downloaded the latest version "1.1.0" to "LoneDesign" and made these changes there, and the plugin now works with us without any problems. If not, just look for NPCPlayerApex or Apex We are talking about the StoreRobbery.cs plugin and not about the config.
  20. Possible solution: Line 491 object OnNpcTarget(NPCPlayerApex npcPlayer, BasePlayer player) to object OnNpcTarget(HumanNPC npcPlayer, BasePlayer player) and Line: 877 HumanNPC npc = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/prefabs/npc/scientist/scientist.prefab", pos) as HumanNPC; to HumanNPC npc = GameManager.server.CreateEntity("assets/rust.ai/agents/npcplayer/humannpc/scientist/scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol.prefab", pos) as HumanNPC; modify. Ps: We thank you @Billy Joe for the great plugin. We know how Facepunch is so something like that can happen, just fix the plugin when you have the time.
  21. same problem
  22. I meant that you can no longer sell or buy the milk in the shop, for example, that it would not be visible in the shop at all. Because currently all articles are automatically displayed in the shop.
    Do your users argue about the freshwater places every month? Then this plugin is just the thing! No more discussions about these places, users can simply craft a water pump and collect fresh water no matter where. Provided the ground is straight! A very nice useful plugin! Thanks @ThePitereq
    You want to make your own custom crafting recipes available to the community, this plugin would be just the ticket. Beautiful user interface Very good performance User friendly Customization of the interface possible We use this plugin ourselves and are very happy with it! Thanks @Mevent for the nice plugin. This plugin also receives 5 stars from us!


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