About NoRestore
(Addon for Restore Upon Death)
Prevents the Restore Upon Death plugin from restoring player inventory in certain zones.
An expansion everyone will love!
Features :
- Simple Config
- Notification after death
- Toggle Notification
- Modify Chat Icon
- Modify Chat Prefix
- Permissions (bypass & nonotify)
- Language support (EN & DE)
Download the NoRestore.cs plugin and move it to the plugins folder, to be found under oxide\plugins directory.
Dependencies Required
NoRestore only works if ZoneManager & RestoreUponDeath are installed.
NoRestore.bypass - players/admins with this perm get their stuff restored
NoRestore.nonotify - nonotify so players/admins with this permission no longer get a message.
Example Configuration:
The settings and options can be configured in the NoRestore.json file under the oxide/config directory.
The use of an "JSON-Editors" is recommended to avoid formatting issues and syntax errors.
{ "Chat Settings": { "Chat Prefix": "<size=12><color=#AE3624>YOURSERVERNAME</color> <size=16>|</size> <color=#738D45>NoRestore</color>\n", "Notification In Chat": true, "ChatIcon (SteamID)": 76561198978132862 }, "Zone Settings": { "List ZoneIDs": [ "16846395", "25788248" ] } }
Plugin Configuration:
Chat Settings
- Chat Prefix - You can set the chat prefix (YOURSERVERNAME can be replaced with your server name)
- Notification In Chat - Enables or disables notification after death in general (By default, notification is enabled for the player)
- ChatIcon (SteamID) - Here you can add a chat icon, all you need to do is add a SteamID (By default, no SteamID is stored, so it is set to 0, i.e. deactivated!)
Zone Settings
- List ZoneIDs - here you simply add the ZoneIDs from the ZoneManager plugin where the "NoRestore" plugin should not restore the inventory. (The ZoneIDs can be found in zone_data.json under oxide\data\ZoneManager directory.)
The default messages are in the NoRestore.json file under the lang/en directory.
To add support for another language, create a new language folder (e.g. ru for Russian) if not already created, copy the default language file to the new folder and then customize the messages.
Default Messages for en
{ "NoRestorCM": "Inventory was not restored!" }
@Krungh Crow for helping