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CWeaponEvolve 1.1.1

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About CWeaponEvolve

Don't recycle your old weapons in your boxes. Make them evolve.



What does this plugin actually do?

The plugin will allow you to evolve your weapon to another one depend to the number of kill you define. 

Let's take the example of the revolver, in the default configuration, after 10 kills with the weapon it will evolve into an automatic pistol. 

It is important to understand that it is the weapon that evolves. You can have several guns in your boxes, they will not all count the same number of kills.

If you have a sadistic nature, you can also do the opposite, after 10 kills with a m249 make it evolve into eoka 😏. It is up to you to define what is best for your server. 



- To make evolve a weapon against another one after a number of kills with this one
- Enable disable counting if NPC
- Enable disable counting if Animal
- A quality UI
- The weapons will be renamed with the total kills and the remaining before evolution 
- You can choose to keep the same condition of the weapon to its evolution 
- You can choose to keep the same number of ammunition in the weapon at its evolution 
- You can choose to keep the same type of ammunition in the weapon at its evolution 
- You can choose to keep the same accessories in the weapon at its evolution 



The preconfiguration of the weapons is:

  • pistol.revolver.png 10 kills  -> pistol.semiauto.png
  • pistol.semiauto.png 25 kills  -> pistol.m92.png
  • rifle.ak.png 15 kills -> rifle.lr300.png
  • rifle.lr300.png 50 kills -> lmg.m249.png
  • rifle.semiauto.png 30 kills ->  rifle.m39.png
  • shotgun.double.png 10 kills -> shotgun.pump.png
  • shotgun.pump.png 25 kills -> shotgun.spas12.png
  • bow.hunting.png 10 kills -> bow.compound.png
  • knife.bone.png 10 kills -> knife.combat.png

Of course you can add and modify what you want. The configuration is to be adapted according to your servers, your population and the type of game of your players. 


PREVIEW (version 1.0.0)




  "CONFIG": {
    "» Kills counted if it's an NPC?": true,
    "» Kills counted if it's an Animal?": false,
    "» Enable Weapon UI?": true,
    "» Display a message when the weapon evolve?": true,
    "» Add the number of kills remaining in the weapon name?": true,
    "» Play a sound effect when the weapon evolve?": true
  "WEAPON": [
      "» Base weapon shortname": "pistol.revolver",
      "» Kills required with the weapon": 10,
      "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true,
      "» Evolve of the weapon": {
        "• Weapon shortname": "pistol.semiauto",
        "• Skin": 0,
        "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0,
        "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0,
        "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null,
        "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null
      "» Base weapon shortname": "pistol.semiauto",
      "» Kills required with the weapon": 25,
      "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true,
      "» Evolve of the weapon": {
        "• Weapon shortname": "pistol.m92",
        "• Skin": 0,
        "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0,
        "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0,
        "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null,
        "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null
      "» Base weapon shortname": "rifle.ak",
      "» Kills required with the weapon": 15,
      "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true,
      "» Evolve of the weapon": {
        "• Weapon shortname": "rifle.lr300",
        "• Skin": 0,
        "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0,
        "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0,
        "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null,
        "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null
      "» Base weapon shortname": "rifle.lr300",
      "» Kills required with the weapon": 50,
      "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true,
      "» Evolve of the weapon": {
        "• Weapon shortname": "lmg.m249",
        "• Skin": 0,
        "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0,
        "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0,
        "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null,
        "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null
      "» Base weapon shortname": "rifle.semiauto",
      "» Kills required with the weapon": 30,
      "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true,
      "» Evolve of the weapon": {
        "• Weapon shortname": "rifle.m39",
        "• Skin": 0,
        "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0,
        "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0,
        "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null,
        "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null
      "» Base weapon shortname": "shotgun.double",
      "» Kills required with the weapon": 10,
      "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true,
      "» Evolve of the weapon": {
        "• Weapon shortname": "shotgun.pump",
        "• Skin": 0,
        "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0,
        "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0,
        "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null,
        "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null
      "» Base weapon shortname": "shotgun.pump",
      "» Kills required with the weapon": 25,
      "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true,
      "» Evolve of the weapon": {
        "• Weapon shortname": "shotgun.spas12",
        "• Skin": 0,
        "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0,
        "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0,
        "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null,
        "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null
      "» Base weapon shortname": "bow.hunting",
      "» Kills required with the weapon": 10,
      "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true,
      "» Evolve of the weapon": {
        "• Weapon shortname": "bow.compound",
        "• Skin": 0,
        "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0,
        "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0,
        "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null,
        "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null
      "» Base weapon shortname": "knife.bone",
      "» Kills required with the weapon": 10,
      "» (1*) Keep the same condition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (2*) Keep the same amount of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (3*) Keep the same type of ammunition for the evolve item": true,
      "» (4*) Keep the same attachments (if possible) for the evolve item": true,
      "» Evolve of the weapon": {
        "• Weapon shortname": "knife.combat",
        "• Skin": 0,
        "• Condition % (considered only if 1* is false)": 0.0,
        "• Ammo (considered only if 2* is false)": 0,
        "• Ammotype (shortname) | (considered only if 3* is false)": null,
        "• Content (mods) | (considered only if 4* is false)": null
  "VERSION": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 0



If you do not activate the UI, image library will not be necessary

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