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About Steam Group Check

A simple and user-friendly plugin designed to reward players for joining your Steam group!

Why use this plugin?
We've been using the free plugin on Umod for quite some time, which still works fine, but we've encountered repeated issues with users joining the group and then leaving, as there was no automatic removal function, causing players to retain their rewards.

That's why we've developed our own version with enhanced features and we'd like to share it with you.

What makes this plugin special?
• User-friendly configuration file
• Support for one group and one permission assignment, activatable and deactivatable in the configuration
• Automatic checking upon joining and leaving the server, activatable and deactivatable in the configuration
• Chat notifications, activatable and deactivatable in the configuration
• Customizable notifications and Chat-Prefix
• Chat command and console command only for administrators
• support for Carbon and Oxide

Where can I find the Steam group profile URL?
• The profile URL isn't your Steam group's URL, but rather a tag for the URL.
• You can find this under "Edit Group Profile" -> "Profile URL" (see image).
• Then, add this tag under "SteamGroupPROFILURL."

Does it support multiple permissions?
• No, although technically feasible, I've decided to only support one permission.
• If you wish to assign multiple permissions, I recommend assigning them directly to the group and granting all permissions to the group.

What commands are available?
• Checks the specified Steam group and adds or removes the permission or group accordingly. | Chat-Command
 • /checksteam - Chat command
 • checksteam - Console command

What's enabled by default in the configuration?
NotifyGroupPlayers: Notifies the user when they're assigned to or removed from the group.
EnableAddGroup: Assigns the user to the specified group.
EnablePlayerDisconnectedCheck: The plugin checks each time a player leaves the server to see if they're in the Steam group.

SteamGroupCheck Configuration
true = active | false = disabled

  "SteamGroupPROFILURL": "YoursteamGroupPROFILURL",
  "GroupName": "yourgroup",
  "AutoCreateGroup": false,
  "NotifyGroupPlayers": true,
  "NotifyPermPlayers": false,
  "EnableAddGroup": true,
  "EnableAddPerm": false,
  "EnablePlayerDisconnectedCheck": true,
  "EnablePlayerConnectedCheck": false,
  "EnableConsoleNotifications": false,
  "ChatPrefix": "<size=12><color=#AE3624>YOURSERVERNAME</color> <size=16>|</size> <color=#738D45>[SteamGroupCheck]</color>\n",
  "PermName": "yourpermission"

What do the individual configuration settings mean?
AutoCreateGroup: If this setting is set to "true," the group specified by you as "PlayerAddGroupName" will be automatically created. By default, this is disabled.
ChatPrefix: Sets the chat prefix displayed before each message.
EnableAddGroup: Enables or disables the function to add groups.
EnableAddPerm: Enables or disables the function to add permissions.
EnableConsoleNotifications: Enables or disables the function for console notifications.
EnablePlayerConnectedCheck: Enables or disables the check when a player joins the server.
EnablePlayerDisconnectedCheck: Enables or disables the check when a player leaves the server.
NotifyGroupPlayers: Enables or disables the notification for the player when they are assigned to or removed from the group.
NotifyPermPlayers: Enables or disables the notification for the player when permissions are assigned to or removed from them.
PlayerAddGroupName: Here, the name of the group to be assigned to the player is specified, e.g., "steam."
PlayerAddPermissions: Here, the permissions to be assigned to the player are specified, e.g., "banksystem.use."
SteamGroupPROFILURL: Here, the profile URL is entered, as explained above, the most important setting in the entire configuration.

SteamGroupCheck Lang

  "GroupAdded": "Thank you for joining the Steam group! As a token of appreciation, you will receive the group <color=#738D45>{0}</color>!",
  "GroupRemoved": "Unfortunately, you have left the Steam group! Therefore, the permission <color=#738D45>{0}</color> has been revoked from you!",
  "PermissionRemoved": "Unfortunately, you have left the Steam group! Therefore, the permission <color=#738D45>{0}</color> has been revoked from you!",
  "PermissionGranted": "Thank you for joining the Steam group! As a token of appreciation, you will receive the permission <color=#738D45>{0}</color> from us!",
  "NoPermission": "You don't have permission to use this command; you need to be an administrator on the server!",
  "PlayerCheckExecuted": "The Steam group has been checked, and all joined players have been credited with the reward!"


  "GroupAdded": "Danke, dass du der Steam-Gruppe beigetreten bist! Als Dankeschön erhältst Du von uns die Gruppe <color=#738D45>{0}</color>! ",
  "GroupRemoved": "Leider hast du die Steam-Gruppe verlassen! Daher wurde dir die Gruppe <color=#738D45>{0}</color> wieder entzogen!",
  "PermissionRemoved": "Leider hast du die Steam-Gruppe verlassen! Daher wurde dir die Permission  <color=#738D45>{0}</color> wieder entzogen!",
  "PermissionGranted": "Danke, dass du der Steam-Gruppe beigetreten bist! Als Dankeschön erhältst Du von uns die Permission <color=#738D45>{0}</color>! ",
  "NoPermission": "Du hast keine Berechtigung, diesen Befehl zu verwenden; du musst ein Administrator auf dem Server sein!",
  "PlayerCheckExecuted": "Die Steam-Gruppe wurde überprüft und allen beigetretenen Spielern wurde die Belohnung gutgeschrieben!"

Certainly, you are free to adjust the notification settings according to your preferences. Furthermore, you are not obliged to use {0} if you don't wish to!

If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact me!

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