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Everything posted by DeutscherRitterPlatz

    Very simple configurable plugin, perfect for a RP server or when there are trollers on the server again. The dev reacts very quickly to problems and responds to the wishes of the customers! Thanks for this plugin.
    Perfect plugin if you removed outposts or players are too lazy to walk ^^ Very simple, useful plugin! We also recommend this plugin! Thanks for the nice plugin!
    Very useful plugin, very simple config.. Also works with "Quick Smelt v5.1.5".
    A plugin that we have been looking for for a long time.. perfect for personalized tanks.. our players love it.. very nice GUI, simple config and much more.. The programmer has thought of everything, custom-item support & co.. just perfect. We can recommend this plugin!
  1. We found that if you also have the BradleyTiers plugin installed, the tank's life will be replaced with this BradleyTiers plugin. We have in the line: 1904 Bradley.skinID = 755446; added and was able to fix it..
    Another server event plugin we acquired, very neat config file. Currently there is only one problem with the plugin "BradleyTiers" otherwise the plugin works perfectly. We highly recommend this plugin our players love it.
    Our players asked for such a feature and 1 day later this plugin was released. Our players love it, a very simple plugin that is easy to understand for everyone. We can also recommend this plugin!
    Very simple, fast, self-explanatory configurable plugin. Our players on a PvE server find it very useful! We can recommend the plugin! Ps: We look forward to new updates and possibly more vehicles will be added.
  2. Would it be possible to support these Entity? workcart_aboveground workcart lokomotive Snowmobile Submarine
  3. Very nice plugin, I have a question about this: Does the plugin work with the Tees, ZLevels Remastered and other plugins that handle Ressource output for example. Gather Manager?
  4. DeutscherRitterPlatz


    Therefore, you should always create a backup before updating a plugin. So the developer has nothing to do with it! I made the same mistake and learned outside and always do it now!
  5. Then the dev has to fix the plugin, then there are problems with "OnCollectiblePickup" @Kaucsenta please fix OnCollectiblePickup
  6. Sorry, my mistake, you still have to change that. Line: 938 from player.inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(844440409, PlayerRewards[player.userID][rewardtype])); LogToFile($"Claim", $"[{DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss")}] Reward claimed: {PlayerRewards[player.userID][rewardtype]} - Item: 844440409 {player.userID} {player.displayName}", this); to player.inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(1776460938, PlayerRewards[player.userID][rewardtype])); LogToFile($"Claim", $"[{DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss")}] Reward claimed: {PlayerRewards[player.userID][rewardtype]} - Item: 1776460938 {player.userID} {player.displayName}", this);
  7. The plugin you are looking for is called "Wagon Plus" but it is not currently available on this site.
  8. There is no direct setting in the config for it! You have to adjust it yourself in the plugin.. Search in the .cs for "_Current_Event_Reward_Type" and change the rewards there, should be from line 984. Of switch (_Current_Event_Reward_Type) { case 0: reward = "Bronze Easter Egg"; break; case 1: reward = "Small Halloween Bag"; break; case 2: reward = "RP"; break; default: reward = "ERROR"; break; } To switch (_Current_Event_Reward_Type) { case 0: reward = "Blood"; break; case 1: reward = "Small Halloween Bag"; break; case 2: reward = "RP"; break; default: reward = "ERROR"; break; }
  9. Would it be possible to implement another command? /SpawnPointRemovePos {number} {name} {SpawnPointid} ? This gives you the option of removing the spawn point directly on the server. And we get the ID with the command: /SpawnPointShowPos {number} {name}
  10. Sorry double post Top dev, top plugin!
  11. Wish: Would it be possible to implement a command to check other players' ingredient bags? /viewcookingbag
  12. The developer added a hook. QuickSortExcluded object QuickSortExcluded(BasePlayer player, BaseEntity entity)
  13. Hello @Adem I have a wish for the plugin. Would it be possible for them to implement a "Gibs - Harvest Cooldown In Seconds" for the attack helicopter, because the value is vanilla and the users asked if we could set it. Also "The Sputnik won't attack first [true/false]" so you don't get shot at directly if you just wanted to look. But of course you can't open the boxes as long as you haven't killed the NPC & Co.
  14. Would it be possible to support "Cargo Plane"?
  15. Yes, the value was a bit low, works fine.. Another thing we noticed is that you cannot destroy the landmines if you have the TruePVE plugin installed. You can only trigger them by stepping on the mines!
  16. Could you look again at the "Radiation power" setting, I have a feeling it's not working properly there or it's related to TruePvE again, radioactivity is there because we also use the "Magic Radiation Panel" plugin and it shows the radioactivity supposed to be there, but we don't get any radioactivity. Or does it only become active once you have created a PvP zone? "Zone Setting": { "Create a PVP zone? (only for those who use the TruePVE plugin)[true/false]": false, "Use the dome? [true/false]": true, "Darkening the dome": 5, "Radius": 25.0, "Radiation power": 10.0 }


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