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Everything posted by DeutscherRitterPlatz

    With this plugin, repairing clothes makes sense again! Thanks for the plugin.
    If you want to give more freedom when dressing the user, this is the right plugin! Top Plugin
    Top plugin, a lot adjustable! We have been using it for several weeks now and say thank you for it!
    A very nice change for a PvE server. I can only say top plugin 5/5 stars!
    Thanks for the nice plugin, also recommended for a PvE server. The plugin could use some improvement but works 100% so far
    Very nice plugin, our players love it, the plugin could use some improvement but works 100% so far
    A very nice plugin, many possibilities to decorate your house. Thanks for the plugin
    Again a very good plugin, very user friendly. Thanks for the great plugin.
  1. https://umod.org/documentation/api/security
  2. Create a file (no content) just named oxide.disable-sandbox and add it under RustDedicated_Data\Managed Then restart the server and the plugin should load.
  3. Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed
  4. Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  5. Thank you for the report, I will take a closer look at the problem I can not reproduce this error, can you please send me your config? If you have given yourself this permission "NoRestore.bypass" or a group, the user gets his inventory back. If you only want to exclude one zone, the config must look like this. { "Chat Settings": { "Chat Prefix": "<size=12><color=#AE3624>YOURSERVERNAME</color> <size=16>|</size> <color=#738D45>NoRestore</color>\n", "Notification In Chat": true, "ChatIcon (SteamID)": 76561198978132862 }, "Zone Settings": { "List ZoneIDs": [ "ZONEID" ] } } But if you want to exclude several zones, the configuration must look like this. { "Chat Settings": { "Chat Prefix": "<size=12><color=#AE3624>YOURSERVERNAME</color> <size=16>|</size> <color=#738D45>NoRestore</color>\n", "Notification In Chat": true, "ChatIcon (SteamID)": 76561198978132862 }, "Zone Settings": { "List ZoneIDs": [ "ZoneID", "ZoneID", "ZoneID" ] } }
  6. DeutscherRitterPlatz


    "NPC Shops (NPC ID - shop categories)": { "7103021056": { "Categories (Titles) [* - all]": [ "Weapons" ] }, "7654321": { "Categories (Titles) [* - all]": [] }, "8410640896": { "Categories (Titles) [* - all]": [ "*" ] }, "10459019264": { "Categories (Titles) [* - all]": [ "*" ] } }, 7103021056 - this is the NPC ID, * - stands for all shop categories Weapons - is a shop category, so only the NPC will be assigned the weapon category. Everything adjustable in the config
  7. Hello @Mevent I raised this topic on 01/20/2022 under Discussions, but until today unfortunately have not received any answer from you, so I am contacting you directly via support ticket. I'm not questioning your work, but it bothers me that you ignore such important features. You advertise your product as performing, I can confirm that, but only for a certain period of time. Why isn't a query added to the data entry in the data as to whether it is a player with a SteamID, because currently all NPCs that use a kit of your plugin on the server are added. The month of February alone gave us a .Data with 2.6 million rows. Is that called performance if the plugin saves every 10 minutes? I apologize for my words and my excitement, but we paid almost $30. I would understand and accept your reaction if you had checked "Disable support" under edit file, but it looks like you offer support for your products, so I would appreciate if you edit this ticket and maybe add it Add a "query" and use it to exclude NPCS from the data. Because this problem leads to performance problems for modded servers with plugins such as NPCKits, NightZombies & Co Here is picture of our data..
  8. Hi @MikeHawke Thank you for taking over the support for the plugin, could you possibly implement this function for the next update?
  9. Please @Mevent could you exclude all NPCs, because even NPCs are written into the PlayerList.json, which is very unsuitable for a PvE server.. because the file is getting bigger every day and causes massive stutters when saving.
  10. In addition, we noticed an error. If you select "What loot table should the plugin use?" is set to 0, this setting no longer applies "Should the corpse be removed?" even if this was set to true. Additionally, the Sadan takes more damage from a weapon's bullets than it does from Timed Explosive Charge or rockets. These errors only appear since version 1.1.8. If you have time, you could take a closer look.
  11. Thanks, <3 A simple solution, you should have known ^^ Ticket can be closed
  12. DeutscherRitterPlatz


    Hi @imthenewguy, first of all thanks for the cool update. I saw that you changed a lot on the plugin. I have already adapted our cooking system for us again, but with version 1.2.7 I implemented an additional function that the cooking time was displayed under the description. However, this is currently no longer possible with version 1.2.8. Can you help me to implement it again? I already have everything ready, the only thing I'm really missing is the variable for the cooking time. I created a new default message "CookingTime" under #region Localization and also defined it in "ingredients_menu_description_1". That goes so far, but as I said, unfortunately I'm missing the variable from the Cooking Time new CuiTextComponent { Text = cookingData.description + "\n" + (cookingData.buffType == BuffType.Permission ? GetPermissionBuffDescription(cookingData.perms) : GetBuffDescription(cookingData.buffType, cookingData.BuffModifier) + "\n" + string.Format(lang.GetMessage("Duration", this, player.UserIDString), cookingData.buff_duration) + "\n" + string.Format(lang.GetMessage("CookingTime", this, player.UserIDString), cookingData.buff_duration)), Font = "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", FontSize = 16, Align = TextAnchor.UpperLeft, Color = "1 1 1 1"}, With version 1.2.7 I used kvp.Value.cookTime Possibly you can help me with this problem. I took a picture of what I mean exactly. This has nothing to do with this topic, but can still be important. I think the DefaultRecipe and DefaultFood are enforced and written into the config over and over again.
  13. Hi @imthenewguy Does the plugin also support Economics or ServerRewards ? If not, would you support it?


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