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Everything posted by DeutscherRitterPlatz

  1. I have a question, Does the plugin work with other plugins? Raidable Bases Remover Tool Vehicle Deployed Locks Bounty Blueprint Share Prevent Looting or Loot Protection and many others ?
  2. Version 1.0.2


    The perfect building for your NPCs! You need a suitable building for your NPCs, our NPC Shop Buildings are perfect for it! We use these prefabs ourselves and our community love them! NPCShopv.1 Details| Objects: 187 Features: Interactive Recycler, Loot Spawns Topology: NO Height Mask: Yes Terrain Layer: NO Biom Layer: NO Alpha Maps: NO Plugins Required: NO RustEdit Dll Required: Yes NPCShopv.2 Details| Features: Interactive Recycler, Loot Spawns Objects: 264 Topology: NO Height Mask: Yes Terrain Layer: NO Biom Layer: NO Alpha Maps: NO Plugins Required: NO RustEdit Dll Required: Yes NPCShopv.3 Details| Features: Interactive Recycler, Loot Spawns Objects: 237 Topology: NO Height Mask: Yes Terrain Layer: NO Biom Layer: NO Alpha Maps: NO Plugins Required: NO RustEdit Dll Required: Yes NPCShopv.4 Details| Is a copy from NPCShopV.3 but only without snow decorations Features: Interactive Recycler, Loot Spawns Objects: 227 Topology: NO Height Mask: Yes Terrain Layer: NO Biom Layer: NO Alpha Maps: NO Plugins Required: NO RustEdit Dll Required: Yes Install: After the purchase you have the authorization to download the NPCShopBuilding.zip file under Purchases. Open the .zip a folder called MeinRustPrefabs should be there. Move this folder to your CustomPrefabs folder in the RustEdit directory! Now you should get a list of all available NPC shops in RustEdit under Prefabs > Prefabs List > Custom > MeinRustPrefabs If this is not the case, then check all steps again! If it still is, you are unfortunately forced to move all .prefabs & prefab.heights directly to the CustomPrefabs directory. We have implemented NPCs from the Human NPC Plugin in the NPC Shop Buildings, the users can then access the NPC through the sales outlet! Contact: Discord: https://discord.gg/GUnXuM8 Website: https://www.meinrust.de Questions, criticism and feedback are welcome! DM by codefling or under Discussion. NPC Shop Building Preview
    Very good plugin, nice design, price quite expensive, but normal for a good plugin! We're still missing a few things, but the plugin still works perfectly! We can recommend it!
    Very good plugin, our users are very satisfied with it, we can recommend the plugin and it works so far without any problems!
    Very funny plugin, after several weeks the users find it very exhausting, we have removed it for the time being, but can still recommend it!
    Very good plugin, we use it on a PvE server without any problems and it works perfectly! Very good work!
  3. Would it be possible to implement the payment function in the next few days? With the new update, users can abuse their plug-in for the scrap yard "Scrap" for Dupe. That the user economy or the server reward pay to spawn the vehicle.
  4. Will there still be an update with an permission system and "command" function to show or hide the GUI ? Or has the support for a former paid plugin, which is now free of charge, been discontinued?
    Very high-performance plugin, if you are looking for a Quarry-Level plugin for your server, this is the right plugin for it! We can only recommend the plugin, the dev also listens to the wishes and problems of the buyers, we are very satisfied with the plugin! The money was worth it! The plugin receives 5 stars for price performance, customer service! Just great! Ps: If you don't buy it for your server, it's your own fault! Your community will love it!
    We surprised our community with it, they laughed tears. It was well worth the money! We can recommend it as a German server! Very good work!
  5. DeutscherRitterPlatz

    2 bug detected

    After several weeks of testing on our server, we found the following bug. First bug: As soon as the users have received the authorizations from us, the users no longer need any raw materials for repairs. 2 bug: We found out that at irregular intervals, for example: rejoin from client, restart from the server, the tools or weapons that were repaired no longer work .. eg: The jackhammer is still building "ores" but no raw materials are credited to the client. The tool has become unusable and must then be thrown away, shredded. Possibly these errors are already known, if not, could you take a look at the errors? I thank you for your great work, people love it.
  6. Maybe they add a "command" function to show or hide the GUI. Because I think the GUI for a minicopter is quite large .. for a combat helicopter it would be something different. Would it also be possible to display the speed?
  7. Greetings @TF Crazy, say could you implement a permission system for this plugin?
  8. DeutscherRitterPlatz


    I have now taken a closer look at the plugin and there are still some functions missing that would make the plugin even more interesting. Cooperation with the following plugins: Human NPC @Meventwould you implement something like that?
  9. Hello @Death , I have a few suggestions for the plugin. Implementation of Economics and Server Rewards as an alternative upgrade payment method. I would imagine the configuration like that. { "SettingsGUI":{ "Button":{ "ButtonBounds": { "xMin": 0.648, "yMin": 0.115, "xMax": 0.72, "yMax": 0.143 }, "ButtonColor": "FFFFF3", "ButtonOpacity": 0.16, "ButtonFontColor": "#f7ebe1" }, "Panel":{ "PanelBounds": { "xMin": 0.39, "yMin": 0.55, "xMax": 0.61, "yMax": 0.75 }, "PanelColor": "FFFFF3", "PanelOpacity": 0.16, "PanelFontColor": "#e8ddd4" } }, "SettingsCost":{ "UpgradeOptions":{ "Use QuerrysorPumpjack": true, //default "Use ServerRewards": false, "Use Economics": false }, "UpgradeCostServerRewards":{ "QuarryLevels1": 100, "QuarryLevels2": 200, "QuarryLevels3": 300, "QuarryLevels4": 400, "QuarryLevels5": 500 }, "UpgradeCostEconomics":{ "QuarryLevels1": 10000, "QuarryLevels2": 20000, "QuarryLevels3": 30000, "QuarryLevels4": 40000, "QuarryLevels5": 50000 } }, "SettingsProduction":{ "Production":{ "Metal_Production": 4.0, "Sulfur_Production": 4.0, "HQM_Production": 50.0 } } } If "Use Economics" and "Use ServerRewards" and "Use QuerrysorPumpjack" were active, he would take what is most likely available. So the server administrators have to set it up correctly! Ps: Very good plugin, nice to have an alternative now!
  10. Question: Has the correct version number been uploaded? Because I always download version 1.1.0 without the new implementation.
  11. Greetings @Death, say could you implement a permission system for this plugin? That we have the possibility to activate or deactivate this authorization in a config. If you activate the permission that this FullRepair is only active for everyone, if the user has the authorization. Example of the configuration file FullRepair.cfg { "Settings": { "Use Permission": false, "Permission": "fullrepair.use" } }
    Perfect! People love it! Plugin works 10000% on a PvE-Modded Server!
    Just great, so we admins don't have to worry anymore! Whoever has problems with users who pointlessly place "Twing floors", this plugin is the right spoiler! Simply brilliant work!
  12. @ItzRukkus You have to sit in the vehicle and then press the button or just let the vehicle reappear. The plugin works 10000%
    Top Plugin! Our users love the plugin, unfortunately there are not many options there to create more vehicles and the authorization system is a bit poor but if you want to attract attention on the server, that's the right plugin for it PS: A police siren is still missing, maybe you can implement something like this in the future, which you activate | deactivate with F ^^
  13. Hello @HexOptimal, it would be a very cool thing if you expand the permission system a little bit more. I mean that the vehicles can only be created with different authorizations. PoliceVehiclesall.use = allows the user to spawn all vehicles PoliceVehiclescar.use = allows the user to spawn Police Car PoliceVehiclestranspor.use = allows the user to spawn Police transport Car PoliceVehicleshelimini.use = allows the user to spawn Police minicopter vehicles PoliceVehicleshelilarge.use = allows the user to spawn Police Scrapheli vehicles PoliceVehiclesboat.use = allows the user to spawn Police boat vehicles Would it be a good idea for the future update? I would be very happy about a positive answer from your side.
  14. Hello @Krungh Crow, you could implement Economics and Server Rewards ? That you have to pay for the commands. In the configuration you should be able to adjust the prices. It can also be decided whether the commands should cost what or not. example: { "Settings": { "BuildingSpawn": false, "Cooldown": 300 "useserverrewards": false, "useeconomics": false, }, "pricechassis": { "chas2": { "price": "100", }, "chas3 " { "price": "200", }, "chas4 ": { "price": "300", }, }, "pricecar": { "car2": { "price": "300", }, "car3": { "price": "300", }, "car4": { "price": "300", }, } } There are definitely errors in the code, it should just be an idea of the configuration. This is a very nice plugin. Thanks for that!


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