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Quarry Levels 2.2.0

$15.00 $11.95
   (14 reviews)
Message added by Mevent,

Dear users, please disregard outdated reviews related to the previous developer.

As of version 2.2.0, the plugin is now managed by MeventTeam. We are actively monitoring its performance and addressing any issues to ensure a smooth experience.

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About Quarry Levels

Allows players to upgrade their quarries or pumpjacks with another quarry or pumpjack effectively allowing them to stack up to x quarries and pumpjacks together instead of having them placed individually causing clutter. This plugin is very performant and was designed to run on very high-pop servers.

A level 2 quarry will produce the same amount as 2 level 1 quarries. Same for pumpjacks. Every quarry level will also unlock the next tier of production. Level 3 will unlock metal, level 4 sulfur and level 5 HQM. The production rates for each output are default but can be adjusted in the config.

The GUI displays the production amount, process rate, capacity and fuel consumption for each level. The production of each type is also displayed under it's respective icon each time fuel is consumed. The time it takes to complete 1 cycle is based on process rate.




quarrylevels.use - Required to use the quarry levels system.



ChatIconId - Set the Steam ID to the account with your server's icon.

UnlockMetalAtLevel - Set what level metal unlocks at while upgrading.
UnlockSulfurAtLevel - Set what level sulfur unlocks at while upgrading.
UnlockHQMAtLevel - Set what level HQM unlocks at while upgrading.

PreventUnauthorizedToggling - When enabled, only authorized players can toggle quarries/pumpjacks
PreventUnauthorizedLooting - When enabled, only authorized players can access the quarry/pumpjack.

EnableOilCraters - When enabled, oil craters will have a chance to spawn while surveying.
OilCraterChance - The chance an oil crater will spawn while surveying.

QuarryMaxLevel - Sets the maximum level a player can upgrade their quarry to.
PumpjackMaxLevel - Sets the maximum level a player can upgrade their pumpjack to.

QuarryCapacityPerLevel - Sets the number of slots unlocked per level.
PumpjackCapacityPerLevel - Sets the number of slots unlocked per level.

EnableEconomics - Enables the Economics plugin for upgrades. Leaving disable will use the old upgrade method.
EconomicsCost - Sets the price per upgrade for both quarries and pumpjacks.
EconomicsCurrency - Sets the vanity name of the currency to be displayed in the GUI and info text.

EnableServerRewards - Enables the ServerRewards plugin for upgrades. Leaving disable will use the old upgrade method.
ServerRewardsCost - Sets the price per upgrade for both quarries and pumpjacks.
ServerRewardsCurrency - Sets the vanity name of the currency to be displayed in the GUI and info text.

Metal_Production - Increases the amount produced each process rate. Lower = higher.
Sulfur_Production - Increases the amount produced each process rate. Lower = higher.
HQM_Production - Increases the amount produced each process rate. Lower = higher.

ButtonBounds - Change the position of the "upgrade" button.
ButtonColor - Change the container color of the "upgrade" button.
ButtonOpacity - Change the background opacity of the "upgrade" button.
ButtonFontColor - Change the font color of the "upgrade" button.
PanelBounds - Change the position of the upgrade panel.
PanelColor - Change the container color of the upgrade panel.
PanelOpacity - Change the background opacity of the upgrade panel.
PanelFontColor - Change the font color of the upgrade panel.



QL reload - Hot loads the config to apply config changes without having to reload the plugin. (Console command)


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