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Version 1.2.3
Features, can display the physical backpack 3D model, Capacity of the backpack can be 9999+ It allows the player to display the 3D model backpack behind 3D Model can be BackPack or Small stash,and can set the size of the model The capacity of the backpack can be 9999+ or more ! Different 3D backpack models and sizes can be specified for different players ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchase Notes : (It is not recommended to enable 3D backpack model display on PVP servers,because he's not perfect) If you have usage requirements for the 3D backpack model, it is not recommended to buy it ! If using a small stash as a 3D backpack model, then it will cause sinking while swimming, as well as a collision force when the admin uses the F3 key to switch views, like being pressed by something The 3D backpack model is solid, if you use the building duplication plugin then it will be duplicated too The 3D backpack model is solid, so it blocks bullets The default 3D backpack model will block the line of sight when the player looks down at his toes,also blocks bullets Fortunately player can control the 3D backpack model to show or hide by entering the default chat command /bbset ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Default Chat command : /b - Open view backpack ( permission required : backpackpro.size{number} ) /bbset - For players with 3D backpack models to quickly disable or enable 3D template model display Admin Chat command: /b nameOrSteamIDOrIp - View the target player's backpack ( permission required : backpackpro.admin ) Console command: (for player binding keys to quickly open backpack) Example : bind C (Type in the F1 console) This will open the backpack when the player presses the C key Clicking on the backpack UI picture can also express to open the backpack backpackpro.capacity {Target Player ID/Name} {number} - Used to increase the player's backpack capacity If you use the GUIShop or ServerRewards plugin, you can add command items in it For example if using GUIShop : backpackpro.capacity $ 5 This will increase the capacity of the player's backpack by 5 when buying this item Default backpack capacity permission : backpackpro.size1 backpackpro.size6 backpackpro.size12 backpackpro.size24 backpackpro.size42 backpackpro.size84 backpackpro.size168 backpackpro.size336 backpackpro.size672 backpackpro.size999 Other permissions : backpackpro.admin - (for viewing other players backpack items) backpackpro.nodrop - ( If Death dropped backpack items = true, Players with this permission will not drop items) Backpack type and model size permission : Give players different types of 3D backpack models : permission required backpack capacity permission backpackpro.smallstash.small backpackpro.smallstash.medium backpackpro.smallstash.large backpackpro.smallstash.mgiant backpackpro.backpack.small backpackpro.backpack.medium backpackpro.backpack.large backpackpro.backpack.mgiant Config : { "Backpack Icon": { "Enable Icon": true, "Image URL": "" }, "Backpack size and permissions": [ "backpackpro.size1", "backpackpro.size6", "backpackpro.size12", "backpackpro.size24", "backpackpro.size42", "backpackpro.size84", "backpackpro.size168", "backpackpro.size336", "backpackpro.size672", "backpackpro.size999" ], "Blacklist settings": { "Blacklist (Item DisplayName)": [ "M249", "Rocket Launcher", "L96 Rifle" ], "Enable Blacklist": false }, "Custom command": { "Chat command Open BackPack": "b", "Chat command switch 3D model": "bbset", "Console command Open BackPack": "" }, "Death drop backpack retention seconds": 300, "Death dropped backpack items": false, "Default 3D Model Settings": { "Default 3D model (false = Small stash , true = Backpack)": true, "Default 3D Model size (giant,large,medium,small,mini)": "medium", "Enable default model Display": true } }$15.00 -
Version 1.1.2
Easy to use Death Message ! Less CPU, Less memory ! No redundant code, No redundant permissions, No redundant settings, Easy to use! Automatically identify the name of an NPC whose name has been changed by the plugins Automatically identify the name of the weapon whose name has been changed by the plugins Each player can change their display mode Anything that can be killed can be individually set to display death messages Mode message display mode : FloatUI The default setting is that the message will disappear after 10 seconds About Permissions: deathmessage.admin (Used to open the FloatUI parameter setting panel ) Chat Command: /dm - Switch to display death message to FloatiUI or ChatBox /dm diy - Open the FloatUI parameter setting panel (Permission : deathmessage.admin) Other : When the FloatUI blocks other buttons, the death message will temporarily switch to the chat box after clicking (Time depends on config setting) Config : DeathMessage.json { "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 0, "Patch": 8 }, "➊ Global Messages settings": { "Enable About Animal": true, "Enable About Entitys": true, "Enable About NPC": true, "Enable Player Deaths": true }, "➊ Discord settings": { "Webhook URL": "", "Bot Name": "Death Messages Bot", "Bot Avatar Link": "", "Enable Animal Deaths": true, "Enable Entities Deaths": true, "Enable NPC Deaths": true, "Enable Player Deaths": true }, "➋ Display name modification and activation": { "➀ Animal name": { "bear": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "bear" }, "boar": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "boar" }, "chicken": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "chicken" }, "horse": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "horse" }, "polarbear": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "polarbear" }, "stag": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "stag" }, "testridablehorse": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "testridablehorse" }, "wolf": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "wolf" }, "zombie": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "zombie" } }, "➁ NPC name": { "bandit_conversationalist": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "bandit_conversationalist" }, "bandit_shopkeeper": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "bandit_shopkeeper" }, "boat_shopkeeper": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "boat_shopkeeper" }, "missionprovider_bandit_a": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "missionprovider_bandit_a" }, "missionprovider_bandit_b": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "missionprovider_bandit_b" }, "missionprovider_fishing_a": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "missionprovider_fishing_a" }, "missionprovider_fishing_b": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "missionprovider_fishing_b" }, "missionprovider_outpost_a": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "missionprovider_outpost_a" }, "missionprovider_outpost_b": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "missionprovider_outpost_b" }, "missionprovider_stables_a": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "missionprovider_stables_a" }, "missionprovider_stables_b": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "missionprovider_stables_b" }, "npc_bandit_guard": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "npc_bandit_guard" }, "npc_tunneldweller": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "npc_tunneldweller" }, "npc_underwaterdweller": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "npc_underwaterdweller" }, "player": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "player" }, "scarecrow": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "scarecrow" }, "scientistnpc_patrol": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "scientistnpc_patrol" }, "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "scientistnpc_peacekeeper" }, "scientistnpc_roam": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "scientistnpc_roam" }, "scientistnpc_roamtethered": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "scientistnpc_roamtethered" }, "stables_shopkeeper": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "stables_shopkeeper" } }, "➂ Entity name": { "autoturret_deployed": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "autoturret_deployed" }, "beartrap": { "Enable": false, "Display name": "beartrap" }, "bradleyapc": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "bradleyapc" }, "flameturret.deployed": { "Enable": false, "Display name": "flameturret.deployed" }, "guntrap.deployed": { "Enable": false, "Display name": "guntrap.deployed" }, "landmine": { "Enable": false, "Display name": "landmine" }, "patrolhelicopter": { "Enable": true, "Display name": "patrolhelicopter" }, "sam_site_turret_deployed": { "Enable": false, "Display name": "sam_site_turret_deployed" }, "sentry.scientist.static": { "Enable": false, "Display name": "sentry.scientist.static" } }, "➃ Weapon name": { "Assault Rifle": "Assault Rifle", "Bolt Action Rifle": "Bolt Action Rifle", "Bone Club": "Bone Club", "Bone Knife": "Bone Knife", "Butcher Knife": "Butcher Knife", "Candy Cane Club": "Candy Cane Club", "Chainsaw": "Chainsaw", "Combat Knife": "Combat Knife", "Compound Bow": "Compound Bow", "Crossbow": "Crossbow", "Custom SMG": "Custom SMG", "Double Barrel Shotgun": "Double Barrel Shotgun", "Eoka Pistol": "Eoka Pistol", "explosive": "explosive", "Flame Thrower": "Flame Thrower", "Flashlight": "Flashlight", "grenade": "grenade", "Hatchet": "Hatchet", "heat": "heat", "Hunting Bow": "Hunting Bow", "Jackhammer": "Jackhammer", "L96 Rifle": "L96 Rifle", "Longsword": "Longsword", "LR-300 Assault Rifle": "LR-300 Assault Rifle", "M249": "M249", "M39 Rifle": "M39 Rifle", "M92 Pistol": "M92 Pistol", "Mace": "Mace", "MP5A4": "MP5A4", "Multiple Grenade Launcher": "Multiple Grenade Launcher", "Nailgun": "Nailgun", "Pickaxe": "Pickaxe", "Pump Shotgun": "Pump Shotgun", "Python Revolver": "Python Revolver", "Revolver": "Revolver", "Rock": "Rock", "Rocket Launcher": "Rocket Launcher", "Salvaged Axe": "Salvaged Axe", "Salvaged Cleaver": "Salvaged Cleaver", "Salvaged Hammer": "Salvaged Hammer", "Salvaged Icepick": "Salvaged Icepick", "Salvaged Sword": "Salvaged Sword", "Semi-Automatic Pistol": "Semi-Automatic Pistol", "Semi-Automatic Rifle": "Semi-Automatic Rifle", "Spas-12 Shotgun": "Spas-12 Shotgun", "Stone Hatchet": "Stone Hatchet", "Stone Pickaxe": "Stone Pickaxe", "Stone Spear": "Stone Spear", "Thompson": "Thompson", "Torch": "Torch", "Waterpipe Shotgun": "Waterpipe Shotgun", "Wooden Spear": "Wooden Spear" }, "➄ Body part name": { "Arm": "Arm", "Body": "Body", "Chest": "Chest", "Foot": "Foot", "Hand": "Hand", "Head": "Head", "Leg": "Leg", "Stomach": "Stomach" } }, "➌ Other settings": { "Default command": "dm", "Chat Icon Id": "0", "Default display(true = FloatUI , false = Chat box)": true, "FloatUI message closing time second": 10, "Click on FloatUI switch to the chat box in seconds": 10 }, "➍ Lang settings": { "AnimalKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m", "BradleyapcKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m", "ButtonSwitch": "Auto switch death message to <color=#FFFF00>ChatBox</color> <color=#FF0000>{0}</color> seconds", "ChatTitle": "", "DisplayNumber": "Display number", "DIY": "DIY control panel", "EntityKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m", "FloatUILocation": "UI Location", "FontPosition": "Font position", "FontSize": "Font size", "IntervalStretch": "Interval stretch", "LengthWidth": "Length Width", "MessageTochat": "Toggle death message to <color=#FFFF00>ChatBox</color>", "MessageToFloatUI": "Toggle death message to <color=#66FF00>FloatUI</color>", "NoPermission": "Not have permission !", "NPCKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m", "PatrolHelicopterKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m", "PlayerKillAnimal": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m", "PlayerKillBradleyapc": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m", "PlayerKillEntity": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m", "PlayerKillNPC": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#6699FF>{3}</color> <color=#FF9900>{4}</color> m", "PlayerKillPatrolHelicopter": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m", "PlayerKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#6699FF>{3}</color> <color=#FF9900>{4}</color> m", "PlayerSuicide": "<color=#FFFF00>{0}</color> suicide", "Reset": "Reset" } } If you have any questions or problems, join my discord$15.00- 81 comments
- 7 reviews
- 3
- #death tips
- #death notice
(and 8 more)
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Version 1.0.1
When a player presses F7 to report on your server, it will record the player's report and save it to the data directory. No configuration file, installation can be used Added Discord webhook (Webhook belongs in the CS file) F7 report is now also sent to discord The recorded text content includes : Cumulative number of reports initiated by players Report detail Report date and time Initiating Player - name Target player - name Target player - SteamID Report title Report content Report type$0.99- 6 comments
- 1 review
- 2
- #report record
- #f7 report record
(and 6 more)
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Version 1.0.8
Players or NPCs add wings with custom skins,It is compatible with any NPC plugin. You can add wings with specific skins to the system NPC OR Plug-in NPC You can also specify the wings of the skin for the player You can make the skin you think looks good and define it as wings In fact, wings are carpets that have changed their skin There are 12 kinds of wings in the current configuration file, maybe I will make more for it later You can also choose to make your own skins as wings Player chat commands : /wing - Fast enable or disable wings (permission required : customwings.xxxxxxx or customwings.all) /wing set - Open wings selection UI panel (permission required : customwings.xxxxxxx or customwings.all) /wing admin - Open NPC wings control UI panel) (permission required : customwings.admin) About permissions : customwings.xxxxxxx (xxxxxxx See Config Skins and permissions - Permission) customwings.all (All skins can be used) customwings.admin (Can open NPC wings control UI panel) Configuration instructions : Regarding the wing settings of NPCs, it is recommended to use the UI panel settings (commands/ wing admin - Open panel) Because the skin of the wings can be seen more intuitively . Of course, it may be more convenient to set it in the Config, it varies from person to person Player wings special mode : If it’s true, then the wings to the player will be a little longer But if the player uses a third perspective (admin F3 to switch perspective) there will be no collision problem Re-acquire all skin links : If enabled, each time the plugin is refreshed, the image link address in the data will be refreshed (If the skin ID exists in the creative workshop, but the skin image cannot be displayed normally, it is recommended to enable it) Plugin_NPC wings Contain model : If enabled, Plugin NPC DisplayName Contain "key" generate wings ,Otherwise, Plugin NPC DisplayName must be equal to key to generate wings The advantage of this is that it is more convenient and flexible to add wings to specified types of NPCs. Auto add System NPC ShortPrefabName And uto add Plugin NPC DisplayName : If disabled, it will not automatically add newly generated NPC ShortPrefabName/DisplayName to the Config Something else: After the player teleports, there may be situations where the wings are not displayed. I think this is related to the game itself (the next time the player teleports, death, rebirth, it will be displayed normally) Config : { "Default command": "wing", "Player wings special mode": false, "Re-acquire all skin links": false, "Auto add System NPC ShortPrefabName": true, "Auto add Plugin NPC DisplayName": true, "Plugin_NPC wings Contain model": false, "Skins and permissions": [ { "Permission": "customwings.2687914104", "Skin ID": 2687914104 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2688445074", "Skin ID": 2688445074 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2688449186", "Skin ID": 2688449186 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2688449938", "Skin ID": 2688449938 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2688450780", "Skin ID": 2688450780 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2688452243", "Skin ID": 2688452243 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711079049", "Skin ID": 2711079049 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711080434", "Skin ID": 2711080434 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711082059", "Skin ID": 2711082059 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711083271", "Skin ID": 2711083271 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711084378", "Skin ID": 2711084378 }, { "Permission": "customwings.2711086272", "Skin ID": 2711086272 } ], "System_NPC_wings (ShortPrefabName)": { "npc_underwaterdweller": { "Enable": true, "Skin ID": 2711083271 }, "npc_tunneldweller": { "Enable": true, "Skin ID": 2711084378 }, "scientistnpc_oilrig": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 2711082059 }, "scientistnpc_roamtethered": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 2711079049 }, "scientistnpc_excavator": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 2711083271 }, "scientistnpc_patrol": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 2711080434 }, "player": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "npc_bandit_guard": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "boat_shopkeeper": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "bandit_shopkeeper": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_fishing_b": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_fishing_a": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_outpost_a": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_outpost_b": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "bandit_conversationalist": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_bandit_b": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_bandit_a": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "stables_shopkeeper": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_stables_a": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 }, "missionprovider_stables_b": { "Enable": false, "Skin ID": 0 } }, "Plugin_NPC_wings (DisplayName)": { "Boss murderer Lv.1": { "Enable": true, "Skin ID": 2688445074 }, "Boss scientist Lv.1": { "Enable": true, "Skin ID": 2687914104 } } }$15.00- 10 comments
- 2 reviews
- 2
Version 1.0.6
Less CPU, Less memory ! Can DIY display UI style, complete UI control configuration file, and automatically recognize the renamed NPC Believe me, this plugin is very practical and good enough !!! You can customize and add display styles, allowing players to choose their favorite styles Each player can choose to have an independent switch and user panel Can identify NPCs whose names have been changed by enabled plugins Complete UI control configuration file system, you can choose the health name displayed by any destructible objects in the game and the damage you cause Flexible UI configuration control, you can put all the damaged things, or not be displayed Chat command : /hd - Default player commands : HitDisplay (Enable or disable) /hd set - Default player commands : Open the UI interface selection panel to choose the UI style you like /hd admin - Open the UI configuration interface and operate the configuration file(permission :hitdisplay.admin) /hd diy - Open the DIY style custom panel, set the UI style or increase or decrease the UI style(Use it a few times to be proficient)(permission :hitdisplay.admin) It is strongly recommended to use : /hd admin (Modify Config) remind: ShortPre(name) Collection The corresponding type display must be turned to true (New names will be collected : collection) permission: hitdisplay.admin(Used for chat commands /hd admin 和 /hd diy) Configuration: (It is recommended to use /hd admin to configure, it will be very convenient) { "Display name": { "Animal name": { "bear": "bear", "boar": "boar", "chicken": "chicken", "horse": "horse", "polarbear": "polarbear", "stag": "stag", "testridablehorse": "testridablehorse", "wolf": "wolf", "zombie": "zombie" }, "Entity name": { "1module_cockpit": "1module_cockpit", "1module_cockpit_armored": "1module_cockpit_armored", "1module_cockpit_with_engine": "1module_cockpit_with_engine", "1module_engine": "1module_engine", "1module_flatbed": "1module_flatbed", "1module_passengers_armored": "1module_passengers_armored", "1module_rear_seats": "1module_rear_seats", "1module_storage": "1module_storage", "1module_taxi": "1module_taxi", "2module_camper": "2module_camper", "2module_car_spawned.entity": "2module_car_spawned.entity", "2module_flatbed": "2module_flatbed", "2module_fuel_tank": "2module_fuel_tank", "2module_passengers": "2module_passengers", "3module_car_spawned.entity": "3module_car_spawned.entity", "4module_car_spawned.entity": "4module_car_spawned.entity", "alarmsound": "alarmsound", "american_beech_a": "american_beech_a", "american_beech_a_dead": "american_beech_a_dead", "american_beech_b": "american_beech_b", "american_beech_c": "american_beech_c", "american_beech_d": "american_beech_d", "american_beech_e": "american_beech_e", "american_beech_e_dead": "american_beech_e_dead", "andswitch": "andswitch", "arcadeuser": "arcadeuser", "autoturret_deployed": "autoturret_deployed", "bbq.campermodule": "bbq.campermodule", "bbq.static": "bbq.static", "bbq.static_hidden": "bbq.static_hidden", "beartrap": "beartrap", "big_wheel": "big_wheel", "bigwheelbettingterminal": "bigwheelbettingterminal", "birch_big_temp": "birch_big_temp", "birch_big_tundra": "birch_big_tundra", "birch_large_temp": "birch_large_temp", "birch_large_tundra": "birch_large_tundra", "birch_medium_temp": "birch_medium_temp", "birch_medium_tundra": "birch_medium_tundra", "birch_small_temp": "birch_small_temp", "birch_small_tundra": "birch_small_tundra", "birch_tiny_temp": "birch_tiny_temp", "birch_tiny_tundra": "birch_tiny_tundra", "boombox.static": "boombox.static", "bradleyapc": "bradleyapc", "cactus-1": "cactus-1", "cactus-2": "cactus-2", "cactus-3": "cactus-3", "cactus-4": "cactus-4", "cactus-5": "cactus-5", "cactus-6": "cactus-6", "cactus-7": "cactus-7", "cardreader": "cardreader", "cardtable.static_configa": "cardtable.static_configa", "cardtable.static_configa_hidden": "cardtable.static_configa_hidden", "cardtable.static_configb": "cardtable.static_configb", "cardtable.static_configc": "cardtable.static_configc", "cardtable.static_configd": "cardtable.static_configd", "cardtableplayerstorage": "cardtableplayerstorage", "cardtablepotstorage": "cardtablepotstorage", "cardtableseat": "cardtableseat", "cave_lift": "cave_lift", "cctv.static": "cctv.static", "ch47scientists.entity": "ch47scientists.entity", "chair.invisible.static": "chair.invisible.static", "chair.static": "chair.static", "chippyarcademachine.static": "chippyarcademachine.static", "codelockedhackablecrate": "codelockedhackablecrate", "computerstation.static": "computerstation.static", "connectedspeaker.deployed.static": "connectedspeaker.deployed.static", "craneoperator": "craneoperator", "crate_ammunition": "crate_ammunition", "crate_elite": "crate_elite", "crate_food_1": "crate_food_1", "crate_food_2": "crate_food_2", "crate_fuel": "crate_fuel", "crate_medical": "crate_medical", "crate_normal": "crate_normal", "crate_normal_2": "crate_normal_2", "crate_tools": "crate_tools", "crate_underwater_advanced": "crate_underwater_advanced", "crate_underwater_basic": "crate_underwater_basic", "crudeoutput": "crudeoutput", "dead_log_a": "dead_log_a", "dead_log_b": "dead_log_b", "dead_log_c": "dead_log_c", "door.hinged.bunker.door": "door.hinged.bunker.door", "door.hinged.bunker_hatch": "door.hinged.bunker_hatch", "door.hinged.elevator_door": "door.hinged.elevator_door", "door.hinged.garage_a": "door.hinged.garage_a", "door.hinged.industrial_a_a": "door.hinged.industrial_a_a", "door.hinged.industrial_a_b": "door.hinged.industrial_a_b", "door.hinged.industrial_a_c": "door.hinged.industrial_a_c", "door.hinged.industrial_a_d": "door.hinged.industrial_a_d", "door.hinged.industrial_a_e": "door.hinged.industrial_a_e", "door.hinged.industrial_a_f": "door.hinged.industrial_a_f", "door.hinged.industrial_a_g": "door.hinged.industrial_a_g", "door.hinged.industrial_a_h": "door.hinged.industrial_a_h", "": "", "": "", "": "", "door.hinged.underwater_labs.public": "door.hinged.underwater_labs.public", "": "", "door.hinged.vent": "door.hinged.vent", "door.hinged.wood.static": "door.hinged.wood.static", "door_barricade_b": "door_barricade_b", "doormanipulator": "doormanipulator", "douglas_fir_a": "douglas_fir_a", "douglas_fir_a_snow": "douglas_fir_a_snow", "douglas_fir_b": "douglas_fir_b", "douglas_fir_b_snow": "douglas_fir_b_snow", "douglas_fir_c": "douglas_fir_c", "douglas_fir_c_snow": "douglas_fir_c_snow", "douglas_fir_d": "douglas_fir_d", "douglas_fir_d_small": "douglas_fir_d_small", "driftwood_1": "driftwood_1", "driftwood_2": "driftwood_2", "driftwood_3": "driftwood_3", "driftwood_4": "driftwood_4", "driftwood_5": "driftwood_5", "driftwood_set_1": "driftwood_set_1", "driftwood_set_2": "driftwood_set_2", "driftwood_set_3": "driftwood_set_3", "drumkit.deployed.static": "drumkit.deployed.static", "elevator.static": "elevator.static", "": "", "elevator_lift.static": "elevator_lift.static", "engine": "engine", "excavator_output_pile": "excavator_output_pile", "excavatorsignalcomputer": "excavatorsignalcomputer", "flameturret.deployed": "flameturret.deployed", "foodbox": "foodbox", "foundation": 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"sentry.bandit.static": "sentry.bandit.static", "sentry.scientist.static": "sentry.scientist.static", "shopkeeper_vm_invis": "shopkeeper_vm_invis", "shreddable_pickuptruck": "shreddable_pickuptruck", "simplelight": "simplelight", "simpleshark": "simpleshark", "simpleswitch": "simpleswitch", "sirenlightorange": "sirenlightorange", "sliding_blast_door": "sliding_blast_door", "slotmachine": "slotmachine", "small_refinery_static": "small_refinery_static", "smallboatdriver": "smallboatdriver", "smallboatpassenger": "smallboatpassenger", "snowmobile": "snowmobile", "snowmobiletomaha": "snowmobiletomaha", "spikes_static": "spikes_static", "splitter": "splitter", "stone-ore": "stone-ore", "sulfur-ore": "sulfur-ore", "swamp_tree_a": "swamp_tree_a", "swamp_tree_b": "swamp_tree_b", "swamp_tree_c": "swamp_tree_c", "swamp_tree_d": "swamp_tree_d", "swamp_tree_e": "swamp_tree_e", "swamp_tree_f": "swamp_tree_f", "tech_parts_1": "tech_parts_1", "tech_parts_2": "tech_parts_2", "testridablehorse": 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"missionprovider_fishing_b", "missionprovider_outpost_a": "missionprovider_outpost_a", "missionprovider_outpost_b": "missionprovider_outpost_b", "missionprovider_stables_a": "missionprovider_stables_a", "missionprovider_stables_b": "missionprovider_stables_b", "murderer": "murderer", "npc_bandit_guard": "npc_bandit_guard", "npc_tunneldweller": "npc_tunneldweller", "npc_underwaterdweller": "npc_underwaterdweller", "player": "player", "scarecrow": "scarecrow", "scientistnpc_patrol": "scientistnpc_patrol", "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": "scientistnpc_peacekeeper", "scientistnpc_roam": "scientistnpc_roam", "scientistnpc_roamtethered": "scientistnpc_roamtethered", "stables_shopkeeper": "stables_shopkeeper" } }, "Open control menu command": "hd", "Open control menu permission": "hitdisplay.admin", "Players need permission use": false, "Players use permission": "hitdisplay.use", "Text display format": "{0} {1:0}/{2:0} HP [ {3:0} ]", "Working mode": { "Enable new animal name collection": true, "Enable new entity name collection": true, "Enable new npc name collection": true, "Show enabled animal": true, "Show enabled entity": true, "Show enabled npc": true } } Lang : { "NoPermission": "<size=20>[ HitDisplay ]</size> No permission", "HitDisable": "<size=20>[ HitDisplay ]</size> <color=#FF0000>Disable</color>", "HitEnable": "<size=20>[ HitDisplay ]</size> <color=#66FF00>Enable</color>", "Rename": "Rename", "Delete": "Delete", "Confirm": "Confirm", "ClickEnter": "Click enter", "EditAnimal": "Edit Animal", "EditEntity": "Edit Entity", "EditNPC": "Edit NPC", "ShowEnabledNpc": "Enable display NPC :", "EnableNpcCollection": "Enable NPC ShortPre Collection :", "ShowEnableEntity": "Enable display Entity :", "EnableEntityCollection": "Enable Entity ShortPre Collection :", "ShowEnableAnimal": "Enable display Animal :", "EnableAnimalCollection": "Enable Animal ShortPre Collection :", "OnlinePlayer": "Online Player : {0}", "RealTime": "Real Time : {0}/{1} {2}:{3}", "GameTime": "Game Time : {0}", "EditUItitle": "【 Configuration Settings Panel 】", "TitleDescription": "Click on the name to change the name...", "Reset": "Reset", "FontSize": "Font Size :", "BloodOffset": "HP Bar Offset :", "BarColor": "HP Bar Color :", "TextColor": "Text Color :", "TextOffset": "Text Offset :", "ParentColor": "Parent Color :", "ParentOffset": "Parent Offset :", "DIYcontpanel": "DIY UI Panel" } { "NoPermission": "<size=20>[ HitDisplay ]</size> 没有权限", "HitDisable": "<size=20>[ HitDisplay ]</size> <color=#FF0000>禁用</color>", "HitEnable": "<size=20>[ HitDisplay ]</size> <color=#66FF00>启用</color>", "Rename": "改 名", "Delete": "删 除", "Confirm": "确 认", "ClickEnter": "点 击 输 入", "EditAnimal": "编 辑 动 物", "EditEntity": "编 辑 实 体", "EditNPC": "编 辑 NPC", "ShowEnabledNpc": "启用NPC显示 :", "EnableNpcCollection": "启用NPC预制名收录 :", "ShowEnableEntity": "启用实体显示 :", "EnableEntityCollection": "启用实体预制名收录 :", "ShowEnableAnimal": "启用动物显示 :", "EnableAnimalCollection": "启用动物预制名收录 :", "OnlinePlayer": "在线人数 : {0}", "RealTime": "现实时间 : {0}/{1} {2}:{3}", "GameTime": "游戏时间 : {0}", "EditUItitle": "【 配 置 中 心 】", "TitleDescription": "点击名字可直接直接更改名字...", "Reset": "重 置", "FontSize": "字体大小 :", "BloodOffset": "血条偏移 :", "BarColor": "血条颜色 :", "TextColor": "文本颜色 :", "TextOffset": "文本偏移 :", "ParentColor": "父层颜色 :", "ParentOffset": "父层偏移 :", "DIYcontpanel": "DIY UI 面板" } If you have any questions or problems, join my discord$20.00- 15 comments
- 4 reviews
- 3
- #health display
- #blood display
- (and 8 more)
Version 1.0.3
Kill different entities with different eggs to get different rewards,Increase the fun of gaming ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purchase Notes: I can't promise I'll be maintaining it for a long time, so it could be taken down at any time! After locking the target with an egg, a transparent dome will be created 5 meters below the target position, which will disappear after 10 seconds If you use other plugins for item split control, please change the "Enable materials to make eggs": true in the configuration to false Please read the instructions on this page carefully, and the Config content, you make sure you understand what they mean before making a purchase! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chat command : /egg make lv1 - Make a lv1 egg (Egg types are lv1 lv2 and lv3Material requirements can be set in the configuration and this feature can be disabled or enabled,) /egg make lv2 5 - Make 5 lv2 eggs /egg edit {ShortPrefabName/DisplayName} - For editing bonus content ( permission required : strongegg.admin ) Of course, you can also edit the configuration file Console command: egg.give lv1 100 {nameOrSteamIDOrIp} - Give the target player 100 lv1 eggs There are three types of eggs, they are lv1 lv2 lv3 If you use the GUIShop or ServerRewards plugin, you can add command items in it For example if using GUIShop : egg.give lv3 1 $ This will increase the capacity of the player's Get a lv1 egg When the player buys this item, they can get a lv3 egg About Config Notes : Reward Item List - (Text) Don't change it if you don't know what it does (used to store the information of some special items, such as eggs lv1~3) Permission : strongegg.admin - Used to edit rewards using commands strongegg.perfect - Players with this permission have a 100% chance Instructions : First you must have lv eggs (Enter egg.give lv3 1 in the console : permission required : strongegg.admin) Put it on the belt and select it, aim at the target and press and hold the right mouse button, after locking, press the left mouse button to confirm Features about the plugin: It gives the server another way to kill entities You can set different entities separately to give different rewards Increase his playability through reasonable settings, such as setting the blood volume requirements when locking the target, although it increases the difficulty of using eggs, but as long as you set reasonable rewards, players will have fun! If your server uses a currency plugin like GUIShop or ServerRewards plugin, then you can reclaim players' currency by selling eggs in the shop, which will consume the player's currency and make the currency more meaningful Config : { "========== System settings ==========": { "Some setting": { "Chat commands": "egg", "Maximum analysis distance": 50.0, "Analyze target time": 5.0, "Maximum locking angle": 50.0, "Reward egg suffix": "'S REWARD", "New ShortPrefabName/DisplayName collection": true, "Can eggs be upgraded": true, "Reward items directly to players": false, "Enable stack split control": true }, "Secondary UI": { "Enable UI": true, "Image URL": "", "AnchorMin": "0.3 0.16", "AnchorMax": "0.7 0.84" }, "Egg setting": { "1.Bronze Egg success rate": 5.0, "1.Bronze Egg Skin": 2736343534, "1.Bronze Egg Name": "Lv1 Strong Egg", "2.Silver Egg success rate": 15.0, "2.Silver Egg Skin": 2736342562, "2.Silver Egg Name": "Lv2 Strong Egg", "3.Gold Egg success rate": 45.0, "3.Gold Egg Skin": 2736341714, "3.Gold Egg Name": "Lv3 Strong Egg", "Egg making settings": { "Enable materials to make eggs": true, "lv1 egg (EnglishDisplayName and amount)": { "Scrap": 5, "Stones": 5, "Wood": 5 }, "lv2 egg (EnglishDisplayName and amount)": { "Scrap": 15, "Stones": 50, "Wood": 50 }, "lv3 egg (EnglishDisplayName and amount)": { "Scrap": 45, "Stones": 500, "Wood": 500 } } } }, "==================== Hunting Reward ====================": { "System NPC (ShortPrefabName)": { "npc_tunneldweller": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "npc_tunneldweller", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "blood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null } ] }, "npc_underwaterdweller": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "npc_underwaterdweller", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "blood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null } ] }, "player": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "NPC Player", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "blood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null } ] }, "scientistnpc_cargo": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "scientistnpc_cargo", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "blood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null } ] }, "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_any", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "blood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null } ] }, "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "scientistnpc_cargo_turret_lr300", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "blood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null } ] }, "scientistnpc_ch47_gunner": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "scientistnpc_ch47_gunner", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "blood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null } ] }, "scientistnpc_excavator": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "scientistnpc_excavator", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "blood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null } ] }, "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "blood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null } ] }, "scientistnpc_oilrig": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "scientistnpc_oilrig", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "blood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null } ] }, "scientistnpc_patrol": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "scientistnpc_patrol", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "stones", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null }, { "ShortName": "blood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, "DisplayName": null, "Text": null } ] }, "scientistnpc_roam": { "Enable": true, "Display Name": "scientistnpc_roam", "Require HP %": 50.0, "Reward Item List": [ { "ShortName": "wood", "SkinID": 0, "Amount": 1, 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- #attack egg
- #strongegg
(and 4 more)
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