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About Death Message

Easy to use Death Message ! Less CPU, Less memory ! 

No redundant code, No redundant permissions, No redundant settings, Easy to use!


  • Automatically identify the name of an NPC whose name has been changed by the plugins
  • Automatically identify the name of the weapon whose name has been changed by the plugins
  • Each player can change their display mode
  • Anything that can be killed can be individually set to display death messages


  • Mode message display mode FloatUI
  • The default setting is that the message will disappear after 10 seconds


About  Permissions:

  • deathmessage.admin   (Used to open the FloatUI parameter setting panel )


Chat Command:

  • /dm  -  Switch to display death message to FloatiUI or ChatBox
  • /dm diy - Open the FloatUI parameter setting panel (Permission deathmessage.admin)


Other When the FloatUI blocks other buttons, the death message will temporarily switch to the chat box after clicking (Time depends on config setting)

Config :

  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 0,
    "Patch": 8
  "➊ Global Messages settings": {
    "Enable About Animal": true,
    "Enable About Entitys": true,
    "Enable About NPC": true,
    "Enable Player Deaths": true
  "➊ Discord settings": {
    "Webhook URL": "https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/1112615109920047144/C2BvSMtWQiSM-9pEpsjbzwzSgFaUZpilYvlSWG_qqc4mllgZL6Jh4QUHItRwwDTj7Wud",
    "Bot Name": "Death Messages Bot",
    "Bot Avatar Link": "https://avatarfiles.alphacoders.com/128/128573.png",
    "Enable Animal Deaths": true,
    "Enable Entities Deaths": true,
    "Enable NPC Deaths": true,
    "Enable Player Deaths": true
  "➋ Display name modification and activation": {
    "➀ Animal name": {
      "bear": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "bear"
      "boar": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "boar"
      "chicken": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "chicken"
      "horse": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "horse"
      "polarbear": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "polarbear"
      "stag": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "stag"
      "testridablehorse": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "testridablehorse"
      "wolf": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "wolf"
      "zombie": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "zombie"
    "➁ NPC name": {
      "bandit_conversationalist": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "bandit_conversationalist"
      "bandit_shopkeeper": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "bandit_shopkeeper"
      "boat_shopkeeper": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "boat_shopkeeper"
      "missionprovider_bandit_a": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "missionprovider_bandit_a"
      "missionprovider_bandit_b": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "missionprovider_bandit_b"
      "missionprovider_fishing_a": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "missionprovider_fishing_a"
      "missionprovider_fishing_b": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "missionprovider_fishing_b"
      "missionprovider_outpost_a": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "missionprovider_outpost_a"
      "missionprovider_outpost_b": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "missionprovider_outpost_b"
      "missionprovider_stables_a": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "missionprovider_stables_a"
      "missionprovider_stables_b": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "missionprovider_stables_b"
      "npc_bandit_guard": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "npc_bandit_guard"
      "npc_tunneldweller": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "npc_tunneldweller"
      "npc_underwaterdweller": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "npc_underwaterdweller"
      "player": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "player"
      "scarecrow": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "scarecrow"
      "scientistnpc_patrol": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "scientistnpc_patrol"
      "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "scientistnpc_peacekeeper"
      "scientistnpc_roam": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "scientistnpc_roam"
      "scientistnpc_roamtethered": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "scientistnpc_roamtethered"
      "stables_shopkeeper": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "stables_shopkeeper"
    "➂ Entity name": {
      "autoturret_deployed": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "autoturret_deployed"
      "beartrap": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Display name": "beartrap"
      "bradleyapc": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "bradleyapc"
      "flameturret.deployed": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Display name": "flameturret.deployed"
      "guntrap.deployed": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Display name": "guntrap.deployed"
      "landmine": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Display name": "landmine"
      "patrolhelicopter": {
        "Enable": true,
        "Display name": "patrolhelicopter"
      "sam_site_turret_deployed": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Display name": "sam_site_turret_deployed"
      "sentry.scientist.static": {
        "Enable": false,
        "Display name": "sentry.scientist.static"
    "➃ Weapon name": {
      "Assault Rifle": "Assault Rifle",
      "Bolt Action Rifle": "Bolt Action Rifle",
      "Bone Club": "Bone Club",
      "Bone Knife": "Bone Knife",
      "Butcher Knife": "Butcher Knife",
      "Candy Cane Club": "Candy Cane Club",
      "Chainsaw": "Chainsaw",
      "Combat Knife": "Combat Knife",
      "Compound Bow": "Compound Bow",
      "Crossbow": "Crossbow",
      "Custom SMG": "Custom SMG",
      "Double Barrel Shotgun": "Double Barrel Shotgun",
      "Eoka Pistol": "Eoka Pistol",
      "explosive": "explosive",
      "Flame Thrower": "Flame Thrower",
      "Flashlight": "Flashlight",
      "grenade": "grenade",
      "Hatchet": "Hatchet",
      "heat": "heat",
      "Hunting Bow": "Hunting Bow",
      "Jackhammer": "Jackhammer",
      "L96 Rifle": "L96 Rifle",
      "Longsword": "Longsword",
      "LR-300 Assault Rifle": "LR-300 Assault Rifle",
      "M249": "M249",
      "M39 Rifle": "M39 Rifle",
      "M92 Pistol": "M92 Pistol",
      "Mace": "Mace",
      "MP5A4": "MP5A4",
      "Multiple Grenade Launcher": "Multiple Grenade Launcher",
      "Nailgun": "Nailgun",
      "Pickaxe": "Pickaxe",
      "Pump Shotgun": "Pump Shotgun",
      "Python Revolver": "Python Revolver",
      "Revolver": "Revolver",
      "Rock": "Rock",
      "Rocket Launcher": "Rocket Launcher",
      "Salvaged Axe": "Salvaged Axe",
      "Salvaged Cleaver": "Salvaged Cleaver",
      "Salvaged Hammer": "Salvaged Hammer",
      "Salvaged Icepick": "Salvaged Icepick",
      "Salvaged Sword": "Salvaged Sword",
      "Semi-Automatic Pistol": "Semi-Automatic Pistol",
      "Semi-Automatic Rifle": "Semi-Automatic Rifle",
      "Spas-12 Shotgun": "Spas-12 Shotgun",
      "Stone Hatchet": "Stone Hatchet",
      "Stone Pickaxe": "Stone Pickaxe",
      "Stone Spear": "Stone Spear",
      "Thompson": "Thompson",
      "Torch": "Torch",
      "Waterpipe Shotgun": "Waterpipe Shotgun",
      "Wooden Spear": "Wooden Spear"
    "➄ Body part name": {
      "Arm": "Arm",
      "Body": "Body",
      "Chest": "Chest",
      "Foot": "Foot",
      "Hand": "Hand",
      "Head": "Head",
      "Leg": "Leg",
      "Stomach": "Stomach"
  "➌ Other settings": {
    "Default command": "dm",
    "Chat Icon Id": "0",
    "Default display(true = FloatUI , false = Chat box)": true,
    "FloatUI message closing time second": 10,
    "Click on FloatUI switch to the chat box in seconds": 10
  "➍ Lang settings": {
    "AnimalKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m",
    "BradleyapcKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m",
    "ButtonSwitch": "Auto switch death message to <color=#FFFF00>ChatBox</color> <color=#FF0000>{0}</color> seconds",
    "ChatTitle": "",
    "DisplayNumber": "Display number",
    "DIY": "DIY control panel",
    "EntityKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m",
    "FloatUILocation": "UI Location",
    "FontPosition": "Font position",
    "FontSize": "Font size",
    "IntervalStretch": "Interval stretch",
    "LengthWidth": "Length Width",
    "MessageTochat": "Toggle death message to <color=#FFFF00>ChatBox</color>",
    "MessageToFloatUI": "Toggle death message to <color=#66FF00>FloatUI</color>",
    "NoPermission": "Not have permission !",
    "NPCKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m",
    "PatrolHelicopterKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{1}</color> <color=#FF9900>{2}</color> m",
    "PlayerKillAnimal": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m",
    "PlayerKillBradleyapc": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m",
    "PlayerKillEntity": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m",
    "PlayerKillNPC": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#6699FF>{3}</color> <color=#FF9900>{4}</color> m",
    "PlayerKillPatrolHelicopter": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#FF9900>{3}</color> m",
    "PlayerKillPlayer": "<color=#66FF00>{0}</color> <color=#66FFFF>{1}</color> Kill <color=#FFFF00>{2}</color> <color=#6699FF>{3}</color> <color=#FF9900>{4}</color> m",
    "PlayerSuicide": "<color=#FFFF00>{0}</color> suicide",
    "Reset": "Reset"

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