About Custom Backpacks
- Create custom backpacks with varying capacities and properties
- Save on Death - Allow players to keep backpacks on death
- Item blacklist - Blacklist items from being placed in the backpack
- Lootspawns - Add custom backpacks to any loot spawn
Admin Commands:
- /cb.give 'Backpack-Name' 'Player-Name/ID' - With this command, administrators or players with the appropriate permission can give a specific backpack to another player.
Admin Commands:
- cbackpacks.give - allows the use of the cb.give command
{ "RemoveDefaultBackpacks": true, "Backpacks": { "rucksack": { "Shortname": "largebackpack", "SaveContentsOnDeath": true, "Capacity": 8, "ItemBlackList": [ "rifle.ak", "sulfur.ore", "lmg.m249" ] } }, "Command Names": { "give": "cb.give" }, "LootSpawns": { "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/crate_basic.prefab": { "rucksack": 100.0 } } }
Credit to M&B Studios the original author of this plugin.