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About MapTeleport

Less CPU, Less memory ! 

Characteristic : 

  • It has two teleport modes and can be used together
  • Each teleport mode is suitable for players or administrators


Punctuation teleport mode

  • player can teleport when you use map markers, (Permission required :  mapteleport.vip1~10)
  • player can use the default command /mt ( Toggle disable enable - This does not affect the use of map markers)


Monument teleport mode :

  • player can use the default command : /cs (To open the monument teleport UI select teleport Permission required :  mapteleport.vip1~10)


Chat Command :

  • /mt        (Permission required :  mapteleport.vip1~10 , Toggle disable enable - This does not affect the use of map markers)
  • /cs        (Permission required :  mapteleport.vip1~10 , To open the monument teleport UI select teleport)


Permissions :  You can edit it, such as delete and modify

  1. permissions : mapteleport.vip1   Cooling time seconds :  7200
  2. permissions : mapteleport.vip2  Cooling time seconds :  3600
  3. permissions : mapteleport.vip3   Cooling time seconds :  1800
  4. permissions : mapteleport.vip4   Cooling time seconds :  900
  5. permissions : mapteleport.vip5   Cooling time seconds :  600
  6. permissions : mapteleport.vip6   Cooling time seconds :  300
  7. permissions : mapteleport.vip7   Cooling time seconds :  180
  8. permissions : mapteleport.vip8   Cooling time seconds :  60
  9. permissions : mapteleport.vip9   Cooling time seconds :  10
  10. permissions : mapteleport.vip10   Cooling time seconds :  0         ( Cooling time seconds  <= 0 No cooling )


Special permissions :  (Recommended for administrators only)

  • Bypass check Permission : mapteleport.bypass  (Role: Bypass the check items set by the configuration document)
  • Monument teleport edit Permission : mapteleport.monumentedit  (The edit mode button is displayed when the Monument teleport UI is opened)


Config :

  " = = = Teleport check settings = = = ": {
    "Check other plugins": {
      "Check NoEscape": true,
      "Check ZoneManager": true
    "Check player building blocked": true,
    "Check player sitting": true,
    "Check player driving": true,
    "Check player wounded": true,
    "Check player sleeping": true,
    "Check player swimming": true,
    "Check player CargoShip": true,
    "Check player HotAirBalloon": true,
    "Check player crafting": true,
    "Check player OilRig": true,
    "Check player cave": true,
    "Check player health": {
      "Check player health": false,
      "Health value": 10.0
    "Check target location OilRig": true,
    "Check target location UnderWater": true,
    "Check target location building blocked": true
  " = = = Permission settings = = = ": [
      "Permission name": "mapteleport.vip1",
      "Cooling time seconds": 7200
      "Permission name": "mapteleport.vip2",
      "Cooling time seconds": 3600
      "Permission name": "mapteleport.vip3",
      "Cooling time seconds": 1800
      "Permission name": "mapteleport.vip4",
      "Cooling time seconds": 900
      "Permission name": "mapteleport.vip5",
      "Cooling time seconds": 600
      "Permission name": "mapteleport.vip6",
      "Cooling time seconds": 300
      "Permission name": "mapteleport.vip7",
      "Cooling time seconds": 180
      "Permission name": "mapteleport.vip8",
      "Cooling time seconds": 60
      "Permission name": "mapteleport.vip9",
      "Cooling time seconds": 10
      "Permission name": "mapteleport.vip10",
      "Cooling time seconds": 0
  " = = = Monument teleport settings = = = ": {
    "Screen block monument list": [
      "Underwater Lab",
      "Large Fishing Village",
      "Ice Lake",
      "Water Well",
      "Train Tunnel",
      "Sulfur Quarry",
      "Stone Quarry",
      "Oxum's Gas Station",
      "Mining Outpost",
      "HQM Quarry",
      "Abandoned Supermarket",
      "Wild Swamp",
      "Fishing Village",
      "Large Oil Rig",
      "Oil Rig"
    "Monument enable list (Bypass target location check)": {
      "Abandoned Cabins 0": {
        "Display": "Abandoned Cabins 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 54.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": -664.2076,
          "y": 15.900486,
          "z": -1187.19189
      "Abandoned Military Base 0": {
        "Display": "Abandoned Military Base 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 30.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": 1186.97375,
          "y": 19.2020931,
          "z": 1464.67114
      "Airfield 0": {
        "Display": "Airfield 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 200.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": -518.324341,
          "y": 41.436,
          "z": -7.24047852
      "Bandit Camp 0": {
        "Display": "Bandit Camp 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 125.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": -144.0866,
          "y": 32.8083344,
          "z": -428.04538
      "Giant Excavator Pit 0": {
        "Display": "Giant Excavator Pit 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 225.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": 1393.88,
          "y": 14.1,
          "z": 877.7
      "Harbor 0": {
        "Display": "Harbor 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 150.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": -1624.08752,
          "y": 0.6880002,
          "z": -314.99707
      "Harbor 1": {
        "Display": "Harbor 1",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 150.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": -338.798981,
          "y": 0.4460001,
          "z": -1664.15271
      "Junkyard 0": {
        "Display": "Junkyard 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 100.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": 1148.02454,
          "y": 8.231164,
          "z": -1261.48242
      "Launch Site 0": {
        "Display": "Launch Site 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 300.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": 471.550385,
          "y": 29.46,
          "z": 497.129761
      "Ranch 0": {
        "Display": "Ranch 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 75.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": 685.4863,
          "y": 2.206707,
          "z": -1105.0741
      "Satellite Dish 0": {
        "Display": "Satellite Dish 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 90.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": -1110.77307,
          "y": 12.0,
          "z": -392.8728
      "Sewer Branch 0": {
        "Display": "Sewer Branch 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 100.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": -118.19339,
          "y": 22.5593719,
          "z": 359.157562
      "The Dome 0": {
        "Display": "The Dome 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 70.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": -966.347351,
          "y": 10.41906,
          "z": 383.140076
      "Water Treatment Plant 0": {
        "Display": "Water Treatment Plant 0",
        "Enable": true,
        "Radius": 185.0,
        "Location": {
          "x": 645.737549,
          "y": 23.49,
          "z": -267.329468
  " = = = Other settings = = = ": {
    "Map Teleport Enable": true,
    "MapTeleport switch ChatCommand": "mt",
    "Monument Telepor tEnable": true,
    "Monument Teleport switch ChatCommand": "cs",
    "Bypass check Permission": "mapteleport.bypass",
    "Monument teleport edit Permission": "mapteleport.monumentedit",
    "Enable Random Radio Sound": true,
    "Pop-up MessageUI": {
      "MessageUI AnchorMin ": "0 .2",
      "MessageUII AnchorMax": "1 .25",
      "MessageUI message closing time second": 5,
      "MessageUI Message font size (The maximum limit is related to Anchor)": 30


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