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About Custom Wings

Players or NPCs add wings with custom skins,It is compatible with any NPC plugin.

  • You can add wings with specific skins to the system NPC OR Plug-in NPC
  • You can also specify the wings of the skin for the player
  • You can make the skin you think looks good and define it as wings

In fact, wings are carpets that have changed their skin 

There are 12 kinds of wings in the current configuration file, maybe I will make more for it later

You can also choose to make your own skins as wings


Player  chat commands :

  • /wing  - Fast enable or disable wings (permission required : customwings.xxxxxxx or customwings.all)
  • /wing set - Open wings selection UI panel (permission required : customwings.xxxxxxx or customwings.all)
  • /wing admin - Open NPC wings control UI panel) (permission required : customwings.admin)


About permissions :

  • customwings.xxxxxxx  (xxxxxxx See Config Skins and permissions - Permission)
  • customwings.all (All skins can be used)
  • customwings.admin (Can open NPC wings control UI panel)


Configuration instructions :

Regarding the wing settings of NPCs, it is recommended to use the UI panel settings (commands/ wing admin - Open panel) Because the skin of the wings can be seen more intuitively .

Of course, it may be more convenient to set it in the Config, it varies from person to person

Player wings special mode

  • If it’s true, then the wings to the player will be a little longer 
  • But if the player uses a third perspective (admin F3 to switch perspective) there will be no collision problem

Re-acquire all skin links :

  • If enabled, each time the plugin is refreshed, the image link address in the data will be refreshed (If the skin ID exists in the creative workshop, but the skin image cannot be displayed normally, it is recommended to enable it)

Plugin_NPC wings Contain model :

  • If enabled, Plugin NPC DisplayName Contain "key" generate wings ,Otherwise, Plugin NPC DisplayName must be equal to key to generate wings
  • The advantage of this is that it is more convenient and flexible to add wings to specified types of NPCs.

Auto add System NPC ShortPrefabName And uto add Plugin NPC DisplayName :

  • If disabled, it will not automatically add newly generated NPC ShortPrefabName/DisplayName  to the Config


Something else:

  • After the player teleports, there may be situations where the wings are not displayed. I think this is related to the game itself (the next time the player teleports, death, rebirth, it will be displayed normally)


Config :

  "Default command": "wing",
  "Player wings special mode": false,
  "Re-acquire all skin links": false,
  "Auto add System NPC ShortPrefabName": true,
  "Auto add Plugin NPC DisplayName": true,
  "Plugin_NPC wings Contain model": false,
  "Skins and permissions": [
      "Permission": "customwings.2687914104",
      "Skin ID": 2687914104
      "Permission": "customwings.2688445074",
      "Skin ID": 2688445074
      "Permission": "customwings.2688449186",
      "Skin ID": 2688449186
      "Permission": "customwings.2688449938",
      "Skin ID": 2688449938
      "Permission": "customwings.2688450780",
      "Skin ID": 2688450780
      "Permission": "customwings.2688452243",
      "Skin ID": 2688452243
      "Permission": "customwings.2711079049",
      "Skin ID": 2711079049
      "Permission": "customwings.2711080434",
      "Skin ID": 2711080434
      "Permission": "customwings.2711082059",
      "Skin ID": 2711082059
      "Permission": "customwings.2711083271",
      "Skin ID": 2711083271
      "Permission": "customwings.2711084378",
      "Skin ID": 2711084378
      "Permission": "customwings.2711086272",
      "Skin ID": 2711086272
  "System_NPC_wings (ShortPrefabName)": {
    "npc_underwaterdweller": {
      "Enable": true,
      "Skin ID": 2711083271
    "npc_tunneldweller": {
      "Enable": true,
      "Skin ID": 2711084378
    "scientistnpc_oilrig": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 2711082059
    "scientistnpc_roamtethered": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 2711079049
    "scientistnpc_excavator": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 2711083271
    "scientistnpc_patrol": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 2711080434
    "player": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "scientistnpc_junkpile_pistol": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "npc_bandit_guard": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "scientistnpc_peacekeeper": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "boat_shopkeeper": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "bandit_shopkeeper": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "missionprovider_fishing_b": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "missionprovider_fishing_a": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "missionprovider_outpost_a": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "missionprovider_outpost_b": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "bandit_conversationalist": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "missionprovider_bandit_b": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "missionprovider_bandit_a": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "stables_shopkeeper": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "missionprovider_stables_a": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
    "missionprovider_stables_b": {
      "Enable": false,
      "Skin ID": 0
  "Plugin_NPC_wings (DisplayName)": {
    "Boss murderer Lv.1": {
      "Enable": true,
      "Skin ID": 2688445074
    "Boss scientist Lv.1": {
      "Enable": true,
      "Skin ID": 2687914104


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