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About Me

  1. IIIaKa

    Real PvE

    Version 0.1.14


    Plugin for Real PvE servers, featuring damage prevention, anti-griefing measures, customizable PvP zones, an automatic loot queue in radtowns and raid zones, and much more. P.S. Since the previous implementation with DynamicPVP was not correct and had some issues, I have added universal hooks(Developer API section) for general access from all PvP plugins, which are currently missing in DynamicPVP. I have requested the author to add them(3 lines), but for now, you will need to use the modified version of DynamicPVP.cs The ability to set "server.pve" to "true", which allows the server to have a "PvE" flag; Damage from NPC's are enabled when server.pve is true; The ability to inflict damage to one's own structures with "server.pve true"; The ability to destroy(including external walls) or rotate one's structures without any time constraints; The ability to force the decay of building blocks with Twigs grade, even if there is wood in the Tool Cupboard; The ability to toggle the gather resource restriction in someone else's Building Privileges; No one, except the owner or their friends, will be able to open their loot containers (chests, storages, bodies, etc.); Administrators can bypass loot restrictions; The ability to schedule the killing of players if they disconnect within someone else's Building Privilege; Disabling backpack and active item drop upon death, even if backpack is full; The ability to disable 'Give' messages; The ability to modify the items given at spawn on the beach; The ability to create an unlimited number of custom permissions; The ability to allow players to bypass the queue; The ability to set limits on sleeping bags, shelters and auto turrets for each permission; The ability to set a multiplier for the prices of monuments and events for each permission; The ability to customize the price and amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; The ability to assign vehicles to each player; The ability to customize the assigned price and available amount of vehicles for each of your custom permissions; An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege; The ability to loot monuments through a queue system; The ability to configure monuments, setting their looting price and time, and adjusting status bars for each monument; The ability to acquire the privilege to loot events (helicopters, bradleys, and raidable bases) through a purchase; The ability to customize the price of each event types and loot attempts (lives); NPCs only aggress against players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases; Only players who are looting monuments, events or raidable bases can inflict damage to NPCs; RaidableBases are protected from griefing(no damage, no loot and etc). Only the owner can interact with the raid; Neutral RaidableBases can be purchased; Prices for purchasing neutral raids are configurable for each difficulty level; Configurable raid limits (currently available) along with discount multipliers for purchases, for each permission. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\PermissionConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/5VtWZZVr All permissions are created and configured in the config file under the "List of permissions" section. You can create as many permissions as needed and customize them flexibly. It is recommended to use the prefix "realpve" in the permission's name, for example: "realpve.vip". NOTE: The first permission will serve as the default permission for those who do not have any permissions. { "List of permissions. NOTE: The first permission will be used by default for those who do not have any permissions.": [ { "Permission Name": "realpve.default", "Bypass Queue": false, "Limit of beds": 15, "Limit of shelters": 1, "Limit of auto turrets": 12, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate": 0.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 1.0, "Events price multiplier": 1.0, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 1, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 1.0, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 10.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 5.0 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 20.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 1, "Price": 25.0 }, ... } }, { "Permission Name": "realpve.vip", "Bypass Queue": true, "Limit of beds": 20, "Limit of shelters": 2, "Limit of auto turrets": 15, "Seconds that will be skipped when opening HackableLockedCrate": 450.0, "Monuments price multiplier": 0.9, "Events price multiplier": 0.9, "Limit of RaidableBases(at the time)": 2, "RaidableBases price multiplier": 0.9, "Vehicles settings": { "Horse": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 9.0 }, "Bike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 4.5 }, "MotorBike": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 18.0 }, "Car": { "Limit": 5, "Price": 22.5 }, ... } } ], "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 1 } } An example of a monument/event/rb multipliers using default permissions. For example, if you set the price for the Harbor at $1000, a player with the default permission(1.0) will pay $1000 * 1 = $1000. Meanwhile, a player with a VIP permission(0.9) will pay $1000 * 0.9 = $900. However, if a player possesses a misbehaving permission with a value of 1.1, they will need to pay $1000 * 1.1 = $1100. { "Chat command": "realpve", "Chat admin command": "adminpve", "Is it worth forcibly implementing PvE for a server?": true, "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing the sending of 'Give' messages?": true, "Is it worth preventing resource gathering in someone else's building privilege area?": false, "Is it worth preventing the pickup of plants spawned by the server in someone else's building privilege zone?": false, "Is it worth forcibly blocking damage from the patrol helicopter to building blocks and deployables?": false, "Is it worth preventing players from handcuffing others?": true, "Is it worth assigning portals(Halloween and Christmas) to the first player?": true, "Is it worth preventing a backpack from dropping upon player death?": true, "Is it worth preventing damage to the laptop of the Hackable Crate?": true, "Is it worth removing the penalties for recyclers in safe zones?": true, "Is it worth allowing all players to pick up items dropped by others? If enabled, personal settings will be ignored": false, "The format that will be used for prices": "${0}", "Vehicles - Time in seconds to display the marker when searching for a vehicle. A value of 0 disables the marker": 15.0, "Anti-Sleeper - Time in seconds after which a player will be killed if they disconnect while inside someone else's Building Privilege. Set to 0 to disable": 1200.0, "Is it worth enabling support for the 'Npc Random Raids' plugin?": true, "Is friendly fire enabled by default when creating a new team?": false, "PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for PvP zones?": true, "PvP - Name of the map maker": "PvP Zone!", "PvP - Settings for the status bar": { "Order": 9, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 0.39 0.28 0.7", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/oi5vIkk.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_PvP", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 0.39 0.28 1", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" }, "PvP - Settings for the progress status bar": { "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.15", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FF6347", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 14 } } ENG: https://pastebin.com/ZMUL6pYL RUS: https://pastebin.com/Mx8cbMts Main commands(/realpve ) : autobuy - Toggle autobuy for monuments, vanilla events and raid bases with a total price greater than 0; pickup - Toggle access to pick up your items from the ground for all players; share - Manage access to looting your entities by other players(outside of the team): status *entityID*(optional) - Display information about the settings of the entity you are looking at or the one you specified; add *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Add the specified player to the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; remove *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Remove the specified player from the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; toggle *entityID*(optional) - Toggle the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; delete *entityID*(optional) - Delete the settings for the entity you are looking at or the one you specified; clear - Delete the settings for all your entities. team - Manage your team: ff - Toggle the ability to damage your teammates. vehicle - Manage your vehicles: list - List of IDs for all your vehicles; find *vehicleID*(optional) - Help finding the vehicle you are looking at or the one you specified; unlink *vehicleID*(optional) - Unlink the vehicle you are looking at or the one you specified; clear - Unlink all your vehicles. Admin commands(/adminpve). Permission "realpve.admin" required: autobuy - Manage autobuy for monuments, vanilla events and raid bases: *nameOrId* - Toggle autobuy for the specified player; force monument/event/rb - Toggle forced autobuy. If enabled, player settings will be ignored; clear - Disable autobuy for everyone. config - Manage settings for values in the configuration file: forcepve *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth forcibly implementing PvE for a server? gametips *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages? givemsg *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing the sending of 'Give' messages? resource_privilege *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing resource gathering in someone else's building privilege area? plant_privilege *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing the pickup of plants spawned by the server in someone else's building privilege zone? heli_damage *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth forcibly blocking damage from the patrol helicopter to building blocks and deployables? handcuffs *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth assigning portals(Halloween and Christmas) to the first player? portals *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing players from handcuffing others? backpack_drop *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing a backpack from dropping upon player death? laptop_damage *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth preventing damage to the laptop of the Hackable Crate? recycler_safezone *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth removing the penalties for recyclers in safe zones? item_pickup *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth allowing all players to pick up items dropped by others? If enabled, personal settings will be ignored; priceformat *stringValue* - The format that will be used for prices; vehicle_marker_time *floatValue* - Vehicles - Time in seconds to display the marker when searching for a vehicle. A value of 0 disables the marker; antisleeper *floatValue* - Anti-Sleeper - Time in seconds after which a player will be killed if they disconnect while inside someone else's Building Privilege. Set to 0 to disable; randomraids *boolValue*(optional) - Is it worth enabling support for the 'Npc Random Raids' plugin? teamff *boolValue*(optional) - Is friendly fire enabled by default when creating a new team? pvpmarkers *boolValue*(optional) - PvP - Is it worth adding map markers for PvP zones? pvpmarkersname *stringValue* - PvP - Name of the map maker. loot - Manage player access to entities without restrictions: *nameOrId* - Toggle unrestricted access for the specified player; self - Toggle unrestricted access for yourself; clear - Revoke unrestricted access for all players. monument - Manage monuments: list - List of available monuments; *monumentID*/this - Instead of the monumentID, you can use the word "this", but you must be inside the monument: suffix *boolValue*(optional) - Toggle the suffix display in the monument's name; broadcast *boolValue*(optional) - Toggle notifications about monument occupancy/release; time *intValue* - Set the looting time limit for the monument in seconds; price *floatValue* - Set the cost for looting rights. A value of 0 makes the monument free; offer *floatValue* - Set the offer duration for purchasing the monument in seconds; map_mode *intValue* - Set the marker display mode on the map. 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - enabled during PvP mode; map_circle *boolValue*(optional) - Toggle the display of the monument's circle marker on the map; pvp *boolValue*(optional) - Toggle PvP mode for the monument; pvp_delay *floatValue* - Set the PvP mode duration in seconds for players after leaving the PvP monument; bar_progress *boolValue*(optional) - Toggle between TimeProgressCounter and TimeCounter bars for the monument. perm - Manage permissions: add *permName* - Adds a new permission to the list by copying values from the first(default) permission in the list. If the permission name starts with 'realpve', it will also register a new permission; add *permName* *sourcePermName* - Adds a new permission to the list by copying values from an existing permission in the list; remove *permName* - Removes an existing permission from the list; edit *permName* - Edits a permission: queue - Toggle the permission to bypass the server queue; beds *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available beds; shelters *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available shelters; turrets *intValue* - Restriction on the number of available turrets; hackable *floatValue* - Number of seconds(0-900) to skip when opening a hackable crate; monuments *floatValue* - Price multiplier for monuments; events *floatValue* - Price multiplier for vanilla events; rb_limit *intValue* - Restriction on the number of raid bases available simultaneously; rb_mult *floatValue* - Price multiplier for raid bases; vehicles *vehType* - Vehicles settings: limit *intValue* - Limit on the number of available vehicles by type; price *floatValue* - Price for registering a vehicle by type. clear - Removes all permissions from the list except the first one. pickup - Manage access to picking up another player's items from the ground: *nameOrId* - Toggle access to picking up a specific player's items from the ground; clear - Revoke access for all players to pick up items from the ground. share - Manage access to looting entities by other players(outside of the team): status *entityID*(optional) - Display information about the settings of the entity you are looking at or the one you specified; add *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Add the specified player to the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; remove *nameOrID* *entityID*(optional) - Remove the specified player from the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; toggle *entityID*(optional) - Toggle the entity list you are looking at or the one you specified; delete *entityID*(optional) - Delete the settings for the entity you are looking at or the one you specified; clear *nameOrID*(optional) - Delete the settings for all entities or all entities of the specified player. vehicle - List of all available vehicle types: types - List of available vehicle types. Example: /realpve pickup /realpve vehicle find *netID* /realpve team ff /adminpve perm add realpve.vip2 /adminpve perm add realpve.vip2 realpve.vip /adminpve perm edit realpve.vip2 queue true /adminpve perm edit realpve.vip2 vehicles horse limit 5 /adminpve monument list /adminpve monument *monumentID* pvp /adminpve monument *monumentID* price 7.5 /adminpve loot iiiaka /adminpve pickup iiiaka /adminpve vehicle types This plugin provides the ability to claim vehicles, thereby preventing theft and griefing from other players. In permissions, you can set the price and quantity restrictions for each type of vehicle, ensuring flexible customization according to your preferences. An assigned vehicle can't be damaged, looted or pushed by other players, but it can be pushed if it is within someone else's Building Privilege. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\MonumentConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/XY1d9YaM This plugin introduces queue system and loot purchases for monuments. You can customize the price and time for looting for each monument. Within monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot, pick up items or damage entities. Additionally, NPCs and animals within monuments do not aggress against other players and do not receive damage from them. If a player dies within the monument, they will have a grace period to return. This allows players to safely loot monuments without fear of griefing. Example of monument configuration: "ferry_terminal_1": { "Type(This parameter is just a hint. Changes won’t have any effect)": "RadTown", "Is it worth displaying the suffix(if any) in the monument's name?": true, "Is it worth notifying all players about the occupation/release of the monument?": true, "The cost for the right to loot the monument. A value of 0 makes the monument free": 15.0, "The time in seconds(1-3600) given for looting the monument": 900, "The time in seconds(1-15) given to make a decision to purchase the monument": 5.0, "Map marker display mode: 0 - disabled, 1 - enabled, 2 - enabled during PvP mode": 1, "Is it worth creating a circle in the map marker?": true, "PvP - Is PvP enabled at this monument? If so, players will be able to kill each other and loot will be publicly accessible": false, "PvP - The time in seconds(0-60) during which the player retains PvP mode after leaving the PvP monument": 10.0, "Is it worth using a progress bar for bars with a counter?": true, "Settings for the status bar": { "Order": 10, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFBF99", "Main_Transparency": 0.8, "Main_Material": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/awUrIwA.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "RealPVE_ferry_terminal_1", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFDCB6", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 1", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 0.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75" }, "Settings for the progress status bar": { "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "1 1 1 0.15", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Progress_Reverse": true, "Progress_Color": "#FFBF99", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" } } Type - This field serves only as an indicator for you. The changes won't have any impact; ShowSuffix - Suffix display. Some monuments (for example Warehouses) have suffixes in the name, like "Warehouse #12"; Broadcast - Enabling or disabling broadcasts when a monument is occupied or vacated; LootingTime - Time allocated for looting the monument; Price - The price for which you can start looting the monument. 0 means looting is free; BarSettings - Settings for the Advanced Status Bar. You can also choose the types of monuments by specifying them under the "List of tracked types of monuments" section. A list of all available types can be viewed on the MonumentsWatcher's page in the "Developer API" section. "List of tracked types of monuments": [ "RadTown", "RadTownWater", "RadTownSmall", "TunnelStation", "Custom" ] Events, similar to monuments, offer the opportunity to claim events. All events are configured in the config file under the "Settings for the events" section. You can customize the price of looting and looting attempts(deaths, including friends). Just like in monuments, only the "Looter" and his friends have the ability to loot and damage entities. Additionally, in events, NPCs do not aggress against other players. If a player(including friends) exceeds the death limit, the event became free, thereby providing other players with the opportunity to claim the event. Example of event configuration: { "Is it worth enabling forced auto-buy for vanilla events where the final price is greater than 0?": false, "Settings for the PatrolHelicopter events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to claim the event. A value of 0 means it's free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public. A value of 0 disables the limit": 5, "The time in seconds for which the event is locked to the player. A value of 0 disables the time limit": 1800.0 }, "Settings for the BradleyAPC events": { "IsEnabled": true, "Time in seconds (1-15) given to respond for purchasing this event. Note: This is shown to everyone who deals damage, and the first person to buy it will claim it": 5.0, "Is it worth removing fire from crates?": true, "The price to claim the event. A value of 0 means it's free": 50.0, "The number of deaths after which the event becomes public. A value of 0 disables the limit": 5, "The time in seconds for which the event is locked to the player. A value of 0 disables the time limit": 1800.0 }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 0 } } Price - The price to claim the event. 0 means looting is free; DeathLimit - Limit of deaths after which the event becomes free. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\NewbieConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/QHZCqpji An example of an item list given for the main inventory: "List of items for the main inventory": [ { "ShortName": "note", "Slot": 0, "Amount": 1, "SkinID": 0, "Text": "MsgNoteText" } ] P.S. In the Text field, you need to specify the language key. Or, you can just write any text, but there won't be a translation of the text. File location: *SERVER*\oxide\data\RealPVE\RaidableBasesConfig.json Default: https://pastebin.com/rpDng7Fd Integration with the RaidableBases plugin does not restrict its functionality in any way. On the contrary, it adds an anti-grief system that protects bases from malicious players. In raid bases, NPCs and other entities can only receive damage from the raid owner or their friends; Turrets and traps do not aggress against outsiders; You can customize the price of claiming to each difficulty and set individual discounts for each permission. You can still purchase raid bases using the /buyraid command. Raid bases without owners(buyable, maintained, manual and scheduled) can be bought for a price set in the configuration file or assigned to the first player who enters its radius, if the final price(price * discount) less or equals to 0. Additionally, as a bonus, upon buying this plugin, you receive 5 free bases for 3 difficulty levels, along with configured loot for them. [PluginReference] private Plugin RealPVE; There are 6 universal hooks that the plugin is subscribed to, the use of which allows interaction with PVP in various PVE plugins: OnPlayerEnterPVP OnPlayerExitPVP OnEntityEnterPVP OnEntityExitPVP CreatePVPMapMarker DeletePVPMapMarker OnPlayerEnterPVP: Used to add a player to PVP mode/zone. To call the OnPlayerEnterPVP hook, you need to pass 2 parameters: <BasePlayer>player - The player to add to PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. This parameter is very important because a player can be in multiple PVP zones at the same time and passing the zoneID in this case allows for correct processing of the player's location within them. Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerEnterPVP", player, "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the OnPlayerEnterPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the player needs to be added to the specified PVP zone. OnPlayerExitPVP: Used to remove a player from PVP mode/zone. Calling this hook guarantees the player’s removal from the specified PVP zone, but does not guarantee the removal from PVP mode, as there may be other zones in addition to yours. Also, when a player dies, they are automatically removed from all PVP zones. To call the OnPlayerExitPVP hook, you need to pass 3 parameters, 1 of which is optional: <BasePlayer>player - The player to remove from PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <float>pvpDelay - Optional. When the player exits your PVP zone, you can also pass the PVP delay time. However, if the player still has other active PVP zones, your PVP delay will not take effect. Interface.CallHook("OnPlayerExitPVP", player, "*Your unique zone identifier*", 10f);//Calling the OnPlayerExitPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the player needs to be removed from the specified PVP zone, with the pvpDelay(10 seconds) specified if the player no longer has any active PVP zones. OnEntityEnterPVP: Used to add an entity to PVP mode/zone. In the case of RealPVE, this hook is only necessary to add entities with an owner(player) to a PVP, allowing other players to interact with them, such as a player's corpse after death(PlayerCorpse) or a backpack after the corpse disappears(DroppedItemContainer). To call the OnEntityEnterPVP hook, you need to pass 2 parameters: <BaseEntity>entity - The entity to add to PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. Interface.CallHook("OnEntityEnterPVP", entity, "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the OnEntityEnterPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the entity needs to be added to the specified PVP zone. OnEntityExitPVP: Used to remove an entity from PVP mode/zone. When an entity dies, it is automatically removed from all PVP zones. To call the OnEntityExitPVP hook, you need to pass 3 parameters, 1 of which is optional: <BaseEntity>entity - The entity to remove from PVP; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <float>pvpDelay - Optional. When the entity exits your PVP zone, you can also pass the PVP delay time. However, if the entity still has other active PVP zones, your PVP delay will not take effect. Interface.CallHook("OnEntityExitPVP", entity, "*Your unique zone identifier*", 10f);//Calling the OnEntityExitPVP hook to tell PVE plugins that the entity needs to be removed from the specified PVP zone, with the pvpDelay(10 seconds) specified if the entity no longer has any active PVP zones. CreatePVPMapMarker: Used to create a map marker for the PVP zone. To call the CreatePVPMapMarker hook, you need to pass 5 parameters, 2 of which is optional: <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone; <Vector3>pos - The position of your PVP zone; <float>radius - The radius of the circle for your PVP zone; <string>displayName - Optional. The display name for the map marker; <BaseEntity>entity - Optional. The entity to which the map marker should be attached. Interface.CallHook("CreatePVPMapMarker", "*Your unique zone identifier*", pos, 25f, "ATTENTION! This is a PVP zone!");//Calling the CreatePVPMapMarker hook to tell PVE plugins to create a map marker for the specified zone, at the specified position with the given radius, but without specifying a parent entity. DeletePVPMapMarker: Used to delete a map marker for the PVP zone. To call the DeletePVPMapMarker hook, you need to pass only 1 parameter: <string>zoneID - A unique identifier for your PVP zone. Interface.CallHook("DeletePVPMapMarker", "*Your unique zone identifier*");//Calling the DeletePVPMapMarker hook to tell PVE plugins to delete a map marker for the specified zone. There are 5 hooks that the plugin calls: OnPlayerPVPDelay OnPlayerPVPDelayed OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved OnZoneStatusText CanRedeemKit OnPlayerPVPDelay: Called when a player exits the last active PVP zone, allowing other plugins to overwrite the value for pvpDelay. Returning a float value allows changing the pvpDelay for the player. A value less than zero disables the pvpDelay. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelay hook, 3 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the pvpDelay is applied; <float>pvpDelay - The initial value of pvpDelay; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. object OnPlayerPVPDelay(BasePlayer player, float pvpDelay, string zoneID) { Puts($"Attempting to set a PvP delay of {pvpDelay} seconds for player {player.displayName} in zone {zoneID}!"); if (zoneID == "*Your unique zone identifier*") { return 15f;//Overriding the values for pvpDelay } return null;//Leave unchanged } OnPlayerPVPDelayed: Called after the PVP delay has been set for the player. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelayed hook, 3 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the pvpDelay is applied; <float>pvpDelay - The value of pvpDelay; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. void OnPlayerPVPDelayed(BasePlayer player, float pvpDelay, string zoneID) { Puts($"A PvP delay of {pvpDelay} seconds has been set for player {player.displayName} in zone {zoneID}!"); } OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved: Called when the PVP delay is removed from the player after they enter a PVP zone with an active PVP delay. When calling the OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved hook, only 1 parameter is passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player from whom the PVP delay has been removed. void OnPlayerPVPDelayRemoved(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"PVP delay has been removed for player {player.displayName} as they entered a PVP zone!"); } OnZoneStatusText: Called when the text with the nice name for the specified zone is needed, to be displayed in the status bar. When calling the OnZoneStatusText hook, 2 parameters are passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player for whom the nice name for the zone is being requested; <string>zoneID - A unique identifier of PVP zone. object OnZoneStatusText(BasePlayer player, string zoneID) { Puts($"Text for the status bar is required for zone {zoneID}"); if (zoneID == "*Your unique zone identifier*") { return lang.GetMessage("*langKey*", this, player.UserIDString);//<string>Overriding the value for the status bar text } return null;//Leave unchanged } CanRedeemKit: Called before giving the starter kit, in the OnDefaultItemsReceive hook. A non-zero value cancels this action. When calling the CanRedeemKit hook, only 1 parameter is passed: <BasePlayer>player - The player to whom the kit is being attempted to be given. object CanRedeemKit(BasePlayer player) { Puts($"Attempting to give the kit to player {player.displayName}!"); if (player.IsAdmin) { return false;//Cancel the action } return null;//Leave unchanged }
  2. Version 0.1.6


    A plugin that allows other plugins to interact with players and entities in monuments via API. The list of all monuments can be viewed in the: Default(Source of monument boundaries when changing the map or recreating boundaries) - *SERVER*\oxide\data\MonumentsWatcher\DefaultBounds.json Vanilla - *SERVER*\oxide\data\MonumentsWatcher\MonumentsBounds.json Custom - *SERVER*\oxide\data\MonumentsWatcher\CustomMonumentsBounds.json Note: MonumentsWatcher is utilized as an API for other plugins. You won't obtain any functionality beyond displaying monument boundaries without an additional plugin. The ability to automatically generate boundaries for vanilla and custom monuments; The ability to automatically regenerate boundaries for monuments on wipe; The ability to automatically adding languages for custom monuments; The ability to manually configure boundaries for monuments; The ability to track the entrance and exit of players, npcs and entities in a Monument and CargoShip; The ability to display boundaries. monumentswatcher.admin - Provides the capability to recreate or display monument boundaries. { "Chat command": "monument", "Is it worth enabling GameTips for messages?": true, "Is it worth recreating boundaries(excluding custom monuments) upon detecting a wipe?": true, "List of tracked categories of monuments. Leave blank to track all": [], "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 7 } } Note: The list of available categories for monuments can be found in the Developer API section. ENG: https://pastebin.com/nsjBCqZe RUS: https://pastebin.com/ut2icv9T Note: After the plugin initialization, keys for custom monuments will be automatically added. show *monumentID*(optional) *floatValue*(optional) - Display the boundary of the monument you are in or specified. The display will last for the specified time or 30 seconds; list - List of available monuments; rotate *monumentID*(optional) *floatValue*(optional) - Rotate the monument you are in or specified, either in the direction you are looking or in the specified direction; recreate custom/all(optional) - Recreate the boundaries of vanilla/custom/all monuments. Note: Instead of a monumentID, you can leave it empty, but you must be inside a monument. You can also use the word 'closest' to select the nearest monument to you. Example: /monument show closest /monument show gas_station_1 /monument show gas_station_1_4 /monument rotation /monument rotation closest /monument rotation gas_station_1_0 256.5 /monument recreate void OnMonumentsWatcherLoaded() Called after the MonumentsWatcher plugin is fully loaded and ready. void OnCargoWatcherCreated(string monumentID, string type) Called when a watcher is created for a CargoShip. void OnCargoWatcherDeleted(string monumentID) Called when a watcher is removed for a CargoShip. void OnMonumentsWatcherLoaded() { Puts("MonumentsWatcher plugin is ready!"); } void OnCargoWatcherCreated(string monumentID, string type) { Puts($"Watcher for monument {monumentID}({type}) has been created!"); } void OnCargoWatcherDeleted(string monumentID) { Puts($"Watcher for monument {monumentID} has been deleted!"); } Entered hooks: void OnPlayerEnteredMonument(string monumentID, BasePlayer player, string type, string oldMonumentID) Called when a player enters any monument. void OnNpcEnteredMonument(string monumentID, BasePlayer npcPlayer, string type, string oldMonumentID) Called when an NPC player enters any monument. void OnEntityEnteredMonument(string monumentID, BaseEntity entity, string type, string oldMonumentID) Called when any other BaseEntity enters any monument. void OnPlayerEnteredMonument(string monumentID, BasePlayer player, string type, string oldMonumentID) { Puts($"{player.displayName} entered to {monumentID}({type}). His previous monument was {oldMonumentID}"); } void OnNpcEnteredMonument(string monumentID, BasePlayer npcPlayer, string type, string oldMonumentID) { Puts($"Npc({npcPlayer.displayName}) entered to {monumentID}({type}). Previous monument was {oldMonumentID}"); } void OnEntityEnteredMonument(string monumentID, BaseEntity entity, string type, string oldMonumentID) { Puts($"Entity({entity.net.ID}) entered to {monumentID}({type}). Previous monument was {oldMonumentID}"); } Exited hooks: void OnPlayerExitedMonument(string monumentID, BasePlayer player, string type, string reason, string newMonumentID) Called when a player exits any monument. void OnNpcExitedMonument(string monumentID, BasePlayer npcPlayer, string type, string reason, string newMonumentID) Called when an NPC player exits any monument. void OnEntityExitedMonument(string monumentID, BaseEntity entity, string type, string reason, string newMonumentID) Called when any other BaseEntity exits any monument. void OnPlayerExitedMonument(string monumentID, BasePlayer player, string type, string reason, string newMonumentID) { Puts($"{player.displayName} left from {monumentID}({type}). Reason: {reason}. They are now at '{newMonumentID}'."); } void OnNpcExitedMonument(string monumentID, BasePlayer npcPlayer, string type, string reason, string newMonumentID) { Puts($"Npc({npcPlayer.displayName}) left from {monumentID}({type}). Reason: {reason}. They are now in {newMonumentID}"); } void OnEntityExitedMonument(string monumentID, BaseEntity entity, string type, string reason, string newMonumentID) { Puts($"Entity({entity.net.ID}) left from {monumentID}({type}). Reason: {reason}. They are now in {newMonumentID}"); } [PluginReference] private Plugin MonumentsWatcher; There are 13 types of monuments: SafeZone(0): Bandit Camp, Outpost, Fishing Village, Ranch and Large Barn. RadTown(1): Airfield, Arctic Research Base, Abandoned Military Base, Giant Excavator Pit, Ferry Terminal, Harbor, Junkyard, Launch Site; Military Tunnel, Missile Silo, Power Plant, Sewer Branch, Satellite Dish, The Dome, Toxic Village(Legacy Radtown), Train Yard, Water Treatment Plant. RadTownWater(2): Oil Rigs, Underwater Labs and CargoShip. RadTownSmall(3): Lighthouse, Oxum's Gas Station, Abandoned Supermarket and Mining Outpost. TunnelStation(4) MiningQuarry(5): Sulfur Quarry, Stone Quarry and HQM Quarry. BunkerEntrance(6) Cave(7) Swamp(8) IceLake(9) PowerSubstation(10) WaterWell(11) Custom(12) There are 25 api methods: GetAllMonuments: Used to retrieve an array of IDs for all available monuments. (string[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetAllMonuments") ?? Array.Empty<string>()); GetAllMonumentsCategories: Used to retrieve a dictionary of IDs and categories for all available monuments. (Dictionary<string, string>)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetAllMonumentsCategories") ?? new Dictionary<string, string>()); GetMonumentsByCategory: Used to retrieve all available monuments by category. To call the GetMonumentsByCategory method, you need to pass 1 parameter: monument category as a string. (string[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentsByCategory", "SafeZone") ?? Array.Empty<string>()); GetMonumentCategory: Used to retrieve the category of the specified monument. Returns an empty string on failure. To call the GetMonumentCategory method, you need to pass 1 parameter: monumentID as a string. (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentCategory", monumentID) ?? string.Empty); GetMonumentDisplayName: Used to retrieve the nicename of a monument in the player's language. Returns an empty string on failure. To call the GetMonumentDisplayName method, you need to pass 3 parameters: monumentID as a string; Available options: userID as a ulong or a string; player as a BasePlayer or an IPlayer. displaySuffix as a bool. Should the suffix be displayed in the name if there are multiple such monuments? This parameter is optional. (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentDisplayName", monumentID, player.userID, true) ?? string.Empty);//(ulong)userID (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentDisplayName", monumentID, player, true) ?? string.Empty);//(BasePlayer/IPlayer)player (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentDisplayName", monumentID, player.UserIDString, true) ?? string.Empty);//(string)userID ***recommended option*** GetMonumentDisplayNameByLang: Used to retrieve the nicename of a monument in the specified language. Returns an empty string on failure. To call the GetMonumentDisplayNameByLang method, you need to pass 3 parameters: monumentID as a string; two-char language as a string; displaySuffix as a bool. Should the suffix be displayed in the name if there are multiple such monuments? This parameter is optional. (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentDisplayNameByLang", monumentID, "en", true) ?? string.Empty); GetMonumentPosition: Used to retrieve the Vector3 position of the specified monument. Returns Vector3.zero on failure. To call the GetMonumentPosition method, you need to pass 1 parameter: monumentID as a string. (Vector3)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentPosition", monumentID) ?? Vector3.zero); GetMonumentByPos: Used to retrieve the monument at the specified position. Returns an empty string on failure. To call the GetMonumentByPos method, you need to pass 1 parameter: position as a Vector3. (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentByPos", pos) ?? string.Empty); Note: This method returns the first encountered monument. Occasionally, there may be multiple monuments at a single point. Therefore, it is recommended to use the GetMonumentsByPos method. GetMonumentsByPos: Used to retrieve all monuments at the specified position. Returns null on failure. To call the GetMonumentsByPos method, you need to pass 1 parameter: position as a Vector3. (string[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentsByPos", pos) ?? Array.Empty<string>()); GetClosestMonument: Used to retrieve the nearest monument to the specified position. Returns an empty string on failure. To call the GetClosestMonument method, you need to pass 1 parameter: position as a Vector3. (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetClosestMonument", pos) ?? string.Empty); IsPosInMonument: Used to check whether the specified position is within the specified monument. Returns a false on failure. To call the IsPosInMonument method, you need to pass 2 parameters: monumentID as a string; position as a Vector3. (bool)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("IsPosInMonument", monumentID, pos) ?? false); ShowBounds: Used to display the boundaries of the specified monument to the specified player. To call the ShowBounds method, you need to pass 3 parameters: monumentID as a string; player as a BasePlayer; displayDuration as a float. Duration of displaying the monument boundaries in seconds. This parameter is optional. MonumentsWatcher?.Call("ShowBounds", monumentID, player, 20f); Note: Since an Admin flag is required for rendering, players without it will be temporarily granted an Admin flag and promptly revoked. PLAYERS API GetMonumentPlayers: Used to retrieve an array of all players located in the specified monument. Returns null on failure. To call the GetMonumentPlayers method, you need to pass 1 parameter: monumentID as a string. (BasePlayer[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentPlayers", monumentID) ?? Array.Empty<BasePlayer>()); GetPlayerMonument: Used to retrieve the monument in which the specified player is located. Returns an empty string on failure. To call the GetPlayerMonument method, you need to pass 1 parameter: Available options: player as a BasePlayer; userID as a ulong or a string. (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetPlayerMonument", player.UserIDString) ?? string.Empty);//(string)userID (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetPlayerMonument", player) ?? string.Empty);//(BasePlayer)player (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetPlayerMonument", player.userID) ?? string.Empty);//(ulong)userID ***recommended option*** GetPlayerMonuments: Used to retrieve all monuments in which the specified player is located. Returns null on failure. To call the GetPlayerMonuments method, you need to pass 1 parameter: Available options: player as a BasePlayer; userID as a ulong or a string. (string[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetPlayerMonuments", player.UserIDString) ?? Array.Empty<string>());//(string)userID (string[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetPlayerMonuments", player) ?? Array.Empty<string>());//(BasePlayer)player (string[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetPlayerMonuments", player.userID) ?? Array.Empty<string>());//(ulong)userID ***recommended option*** GetPlayerClosestMonument: Used to retrieve the nearest monument to the specified player. Returns an empty string on failure. To call the GetPlayerClosestMonument method, you need to pass 1 parameter: Available options: player as a BasePlayer; userID as a ulong or a string. (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetPlayerClosestMonument", player.UserIDString) ?? string.Empty);//(string)userID (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetPlayerClosestMonument", player.userID) ?? string.Empty);//(ulong)userID (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetPlayerClosestMonument", player) ?? string.Empty);//(BasePlayer)player ***recommended option*** IsPlayerInMonument: Used to check whether the specified player is in the specified monument. Returns a false on failure. To call the IsPlayerInMonument method, you need to pass 2 parameters: monumentID as a string; Available options: player as a BasePlayer; userID as a ulong or a string. (bool)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("IsPlayerInMonument", monumentID, player.UserIDString) ?? false);//(string)userID (bool)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("IsPlayerInMonument", monumentID, player) ?? false);//(BasePlayer)player (bool)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("IsPlayerInMonument", monumentID, player.userID) ?? false);//(ulong)userID ***recommended option*** NPCS API GetMonumentNpcs: Used to retrieve an array of all npcs located in the specified monument. Returns null on failure. To call the GetMonumentNpcs method, you need to pass 1 parameter: monumentID as a string. (BasePlayer[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentNpcs", monumentID) ?? Array.Empty<BasePlayer>()); GetNpcMonument: Used to retrieve the monument in which the specified npc is located. Returns an empty string on failure. To call the GetNpcMonument method, you need to pass 1 parameter: Available options: npcPlayer as a BasePlayer; netID as a NetworkableId. (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetNpcMonument", npcPlayer) ?? string.Empty);//(BasePlayer)npcPlayer (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetNpcMonument", npcPlayer.net.ID) ?? string.Empty);//(NetworkableId)netID ***recommended option*** GetNpcMonuments: Used to retrieve all monuments in which the specified npc is located. Returns null on failure. To call the GetNpcMonuments method, you need to pass 1 parameter: Available options: npcPlayer as a BasePlayer; netID as a NetworkableId. (string[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetNpcMonuments", npcPlayer) ?? Array.Empty<string>());//(BasePlayer)npcPlayer (string[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetNpcMonuments", npcPlayer.net.ID) ?? Array.Empty<string>());//(NetworkableId)netID ***recommended option*** IsNpcInMonument: Used to check whether the specified npc is in the specified monument. Returns a false on failure. To call the IsNpcInMonument method, you need to pass 2 parameters: monumentID as a string; Available options: npcPlayer as a BasePlayer; netID as a NetworkableId. (bool)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("IsNpcInMonument", monumentID, npcPlayer.net.ID) ?? false);//(NetworkableId)netID (bool)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("IsNpcInMonument", monumentID, npcPlayer) ?? false);//(BasePlayer)npcPlayer ***recommended option*** ENTITIES API GetMonumentEntities: Used to retrieve an array of all entities located in the specified monument. Returns null on failure. To call the GetMonumentEntities method, you need to pass 1 parameter: monumentID as a string. (BaseEntity[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetMonumentEntities", monumentID) ?? Array.Empty<BaseEntity>()); GetEntityMonument: Used to retrieve the monument in which the specified entity is located. Returns an empty string on failure. To call the GetEntityMonument method, you need to pass 1 parameter: Available options: entity as a BaseEntity; netID as a NetworkableId. (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetEntityMonument", entity) ?? string.Empty);//(BaseEntity)entity (string)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetEntityMonument", entity.net.ID) ?? string.Empty);//(NetworkableId)netID ***recommended option*** GetEntityMonuments: Used to retrieve all monuments in which the specified entity is located. Returns null on failure. To call the GetEntityMonuments method, you need to pass 1 parameter: Available options: entity as a BaseEntity; netID as a NetworkableId. (string[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetEntityMonuments", entity) ?? Array.Empty<string>());//(BaseEntity)entity (string[])(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("GetEntityMonuments", entity.net.ID) ?? Array.Empty<string>());//(NetworkableId)netID ***recommended option*** IsEntityInMonument: Used to check whether the specified entity is in the specified monument. Returns a false on failure. To call the IsEntityInMonument method, you need to pass 2 parameters: monumentID as a string; Available options: entity as a BaseEntity; netID as a NetworkableId. (bool)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("IsEntityInMonument", monumentID, entity.net.ID) ?? false);//(NetworkableId)netID (bool)(MonumentsWatcher?.Call("IsEntityInMonument", monumentID, entity) ?? false);//(BaseEntity)entity ***recommended option***
  3. Version 1.0.0


    The New Hope town is ready to go on any map, this monument doesn`t contain a puzzle so no card is needed to loot and makes a great POI. Features: Simple installing; Great detail; Optimized FPS; There is radiation. General Info: Prefabs count: ~6,5k; Type: for looting; Modifiers: Height&Splat&Topology. Loot: Oil Barrels: 5; Food boxes/crates: 5; Barrels: 30; Ordinary crates: 13; and 1 green card. Other works:
  4. Version 0.1.1


    The plugin displays the time until teleportation in the status bar. Depends on NTeleportation and AdvancedStatus plugins. The ability to display bars during teleportation: to a player from a player to a home to a town back The ability to choose between bar types(TimeCounter and TimeProgressCounter); The ability to specify the order of the bar; The ability to change the height of the bar; The abillity to customize the color and transparency of the background; The ability to set a material for the background; The ability to switch between CuiRawImageComponent and CuiImageComponent for the image; The ability to get images from the local folder(*SERVER*\oxide\data\AdvancedStatus\Images); The abillity to set own image and customize the color and transparency of the image; The abillity to set sprite instead of the image; The ability to customize the color, size and font of the text; The ability to customize the bar for each type of teleportation. { "Limits the length of the displayed teleport name. A value of 0 disables the limitation": 10, "List of status bar settings for each teleport type": { "TeleportStatus_Player": { "Language key for the text": "MsgTeleportToPlayer", "BarType(TimeProgressCounter or TimeCounter)": "TimeProgressCounter", "Order": 21, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/NuAl6T5.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "TeleportStatus_Player", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#15AC9D", "Image_Transparency": 1.0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#15AC9D", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#15AC9D", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress_Reverse": false, "Progress_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#009688", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "TeleportStatus_FromPlayer": { "Language key for the text": "MsgTeleportFromPlayer", "BarType(TimeProgressCounter or TimeCounter)": "TimeProgressCounter", "Order": 22, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/G3TrHoc.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "TeleportStatus_FromPlayer", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Image_Transparency": 0.55, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#15AC9D", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 2, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#15AC9D", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress_Reverse": false, "Progress_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#009688", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "25 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "TeleportStatus_Home": { "Language key for the text": "MsgTeleportToHome", "BarType(TimeProgressCounter or TimeCounter)": "TimeProgressCounter", "Order": 23, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/3xQmCKv.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "TeleportStatus_Home", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Image_Transparency": 0.55, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 2, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress_Reverse": false, "Progress_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#009688", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "25 2.5", "Progress_OffsetMax": "-3.5 -3.5" }, "TeleportStatus_Town": { "Language key for the text": "MsgTeleportToTown", "BarType(TimeProgressCounter or TimeCounter)": "TimeProgressCounter", "Order": 24, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/FswyqvJ.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "TeleportStatus_Town", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Image_Transparency": 0.55, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 0, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress_Reverse": false, "Progress_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#009688", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "0 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" }, "TeleportStatus_Back": { "Language key for the text": "MsgTeleportToBack", "BarType(TimeProgressCounter or TimeCounter)": "TimeProgressCounter", "Order": 25, "Height": 26, "Main_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#FFFFFF", "Main_Transparency": 0.15, "Main_Material(empty to disable)": "", "Image_Url": "https://i.imgur.com/I9B2joa.png", "Image_Local(Leave empty to use Image_Url)": "TeleportStatus_Back", "Image_Sprite(Leave empty to use Image_Local or Image_Url)": "", "Image_IsRawImage": false, "Image_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Image_Transparency": 0.55, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the image?": false, "Image_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.1 0.3 0.8 0.9", "Image_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Image_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Text_Size": 12, "Text_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "Text_Font(https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts)": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Text_Offset_Horizontal": 2, "Is it worth enabling an outline for the text?": false, "Text_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#000000", "Text_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "Text_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "SubText_Size": 12, "SubText_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#E2DBD6", "SubText_Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Is it worth enabling an outline for the sub text?": false, "SubText_Outline_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5", "SubText_Outline_Transparency": 1.0, "SubText_Outline_Distance": "0.75 0.75", "Progress_Reverse": false, "Progress_Color(Hex or RGBA)": "#009688", "Progress_Transparency": 0.7, "Progress_OffsetMin": "25 0", "Progress_OffsetMax": "0 0" } }, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 1 } } EN: { "MsgTeleportToPlayer": "Teleport to {0} in:", "MsgTeleportFromPlayer": "{0} will be at you in:", "MsgTeleportToHome": "Teleport to {0} in:", "MsgTeleportToTown": "Teleport to {0} in:", "MsgTeleportToBack": "Teleport to {0} in:" } RU: { "MsgTeleportToPlayer": "Телепорт к {0} через:", "MsgTeleportFromPlayer": "{0} будет у вас через:", "MsgTeleportToHome": "Телепорт в {0} через:", "MsgTeleportToTown": "Телепорт в {0} через:", "MsgTeleportToBack": "Телепорт в {0} через:" }
  5. IIIaKa

    Free RT

    Version 0.1.8


    A simple plugin that allows players with permissions to open card-locked doors in Rad Towns without a card, by knocking on the door instead (except for Arctic Research Base and Nuclear Missile Silo) : Arctic Research Base: Opens by toggling a switch button; Nuclear Missile Silo: Opens by pressing a button. P.S. You can also grant temporary permissions using the TemporaryPermissions plugin. freert.all - Allows players to open all card-locked doors without a card; freert.green - Allows players to open only green card-locked doors without a card; freert.blue - Allows players to open only blue card-locked doors without a card; freert.red - Allows players to open only red card-locked doors without a card. { "Is it worth showing messages to players who don't have permissions?": true, "Time in seconds(1-10) after which the door will close(hinged doors only)": 5.0, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 8 } } EN: { "MsgNotAllowed": "You do not have permission to open this door without the card!" } RU: { "MsgNotAllowed": "У вас недостаточно прав для открытия этой двери без карточки!" }
  6. Katalaner

    Kata Island

    Version 1.0.5


    Kata Island is a particularly player-friendly island. It is well suited for PVE and Roleplay servers. One thing was very important when creating the map: Rust's standard monuments should be used as little as possible. Because it is particularly interesting not to always see the same things. The Nuclear Power Plant, Watertreatment, Arctic Military Base, Airport, the gas station and other monuments were replaced by custom structures. This promotes the joy of discovery in the game. The player-friendliness is particularly evident because up to 30 possible building sites have been created. They all have a flat surface and are marked with a cross on the map to be able to build there easily. A little tip: In the case of roleplay servers, these can be assigned by the mayor. Have fun on the map! The fun factor should not be neglected. Therefore, various interesting structures were created. At the horse race you can compete with others. The fastest player could then get a predetermined prize, just like in the car racing game where the vehicles can also be prepared beforehand in the garage of the Stock Car Race. The Arctic Race offers icy fun, where you can use a racetrack with snow mobiles. The sleds themselves are in the Arctic Military Base. But be careful, there are Scientists in the facility. To go sledding can also be a lot of fun: there is a long downhill trail in the middle of the island. If you don't want to walk up the mountain, you can buy a transport helicopter and fly up the mountain, you can even take your friends with you. If you are not yet fit to shoot, you can practice in the Riffle Club. Targets are available for this purpose. Do you want to compete? Missions The map offers many individual missions. They must be carried out using fuses and keycards. You can find these at the Airfield, Watertreatment, Train Station, Harbor and Military Tunnel. Loot All structures include loot boxes. Some also have locked crates. The regular barrels and crates can be found lining the streets. Buildings and monuments There is to discover: 1. The (custom) nuclear power plant 2. Rust's abandoned military camp 3. A custom train station with a little puzzle 4. The custom watertreatment with Bradley, in which two puzzles have to be solved 5. The town of Last Hope, where all vending machines are provided 6. The small police station, which contains a prison for evil players (teleport that) 7. A hospital with medical loot boxes. Who wants to play doctor? 8. A bus stop where two NPCs are waiting to sell you missions 9. The large excavator and the junkyard next to it 10. The custom Riffle Club and mining outpost 11. The custom Beach Club with surf instructors and jetty into the sea 12. The Outpost, Bandit Camp and Military Tunnel 13. A Custom International Airport with Bradley and adjacent a motel resort where admins can port players to 14. Two farms with farmland where pumpkins and corn grow 15. A military facility with new tanks and Humvees, and a field camp where a Bradley drives around 16. A custom Harbor, which also has a large storage with puzzles and scientists 17. A custom garage with a working hoist and the Stock Car Race 18. A hunter who has his little house in the woods 19. The race course and barn where horses are for sale 20. An underwater laboratory 21. A large mountain area with a ruined castle and a long sled track 22. The custom military camp in the snow region where the Dome is located 23. The town of Rockford, which has a small bottle factory, pizzeria, burger joint, grocery store, pharmacy, church, and a few houses that you can walk through 24. The floating island far out at sea 25. The small and the large oil platform 26. The broken pirate ship 27. The cargo ship 28. The large fishing village 29. A flight school where you can buy a helicopter 30. Train Yard where trains can be unloaded 31. Mo´s Gas Station with convenience store and Oxums Gas Station 32. The Lighthouse 33. Casa Vita, a ruined castle that you can climb up 34. The Freight Transit Line and the Above Ground Trains 35. 173 NPCs (Scientists) at the monuments The map has been tested by active players for functionality. Installed prefabs: 41765 Map size: 4500 Please note: The map was checked on the day of upload and tested for functionality. Rust releases an update every month. If your server is not kept up to date, there might be problems with the map. Questions and suggestions: If you have any problems you can contact me via Catalans - Discord: https://discord.gg/e2vrPszZFX Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_5P_wAFKl5bdndkDEQDK4g
  7. Katalaner


    Version 1.0.1


    On this island the prefabs of the past months are installed. a city in the snow, a destroyed city in the desert and many smaller military facilities were created with great attention to detail. The monuments of the older generation such as water treatment, nuclear power plant and others have also been revised. Due to the abundance of things there was no more room for above-ground trains. but they exist in the underground. Have a look at the video, a few players are obviously having a lot of fun Monuments 1 Custom – Beach Club 2 Custom – Harbor 3 Custom – Horserace 4 Custom – Nuclear Power Plant 5 Custom – City Last Hope 6 Custom – Watertreatment 7 Custom – International Airport 8 Custom – Arctic Base 9 Custom – Farmer 10 Custom – Horserace 11 Custom – Field Military Base Camp 12 Custom – Car Service 13 Custom – Floating Island 14 Custom – City Rockford 15 Custom – Garage 16 Custom – Special Forces Military Base 17 Rust Monument – Desert Military Base 18 Rust Monument – Ranch 19 Rust Monument – Fishing Village 20 Rust Monument – Large Fishing Village 21 Rust Monument – Lighthouse 22 Rust Monument – Oil rig smal 23 Rust Monument – Oil rig big 24 Rust Monument – Unterwater Lab 25 Rust Monument – Fishing Village 26 Rust Monument – Bandit Camp 27 Rust Monument – Large Barn 28 Rust Monument – Cave Hard 29 Rust Monument – Cave Easy 30 Rust Monument – Freight Transit Line Bradley APC on, Airport and Camp Cargo Ship and NPC´s in game 33303 Prefabs No Trains!!! Please note: The map was checked on the day of upload and tested for functionality. Rust releases an update every month. if your server is not kept up to date, there may be problems with the map. Questions and suggestions: If you have any problems you can contact me via Katalaner – Discord: https://discord.gg/e2vrPszZFX Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_5P_wAFKl5bdndkDEQDK4g
  8. Version 1.0.1


    History about "Flooded Town" ‘Floaded Town’ - It used to be a quiet and peaceful town, not a big city, but after the flood, part of the city went underwater, all the roads were washed away, but only rusty and dilapidated buildings remained underwater. A small part of the city remained on the surface, and it is this part of the land that gives people a chance to survive! About "Flooded Town" Small Map (2500) ‘Floaded Town’ is a small map with a size of 2500 and with a lot of attractions placed around the map. You won't find huge, open fields or unoccupied areas here, but at the same time the map is very picturesque and full of beauty, as you can see in the photo above. Another distinctive feature of the map is that there are railways around it, which allows players to make their game more diverse. The biggest feature of the map is that it has monuments underwater for which you will need a diving suit with an oxygen tank, or underwater transport to get to these monuments, this will allow players to experience new impressions of the game as there will be not only ground shootings, but also underwater battles, which will make the game more diverse. Also on the map are some custom monuments that players will need to find. The map is optimised and will not load your hosting heavily, so don't hesitate and give your players a new taste of survival! Notes Map size: 2500 Map Optimized for Performance! No PVP problems on small pop servers rails way that run around the entire map Underwater monuments Custom monuments If you need any help, join to my discord server @ discord.gg/e9f8s7aEpr Or write to me in Discord`s PB @ callofglory_anytime Monuments Large Oil Rig Small Oil Rig Satellite dish Water Treatment Plant The Dome Junkyard Sewer Branch Harbor Lighthouse Fishing Village(x2) Aboundad Supermarket(x2) Mining Outpost Sulfur Quarry HQM Quarry Missile Silo CUSTOMS Gun Shop Csr Repair Train Station(x2)
  9. Version 1.2


    This city is designed for PVP, with ziplines from building to building, scaffoldings, climbable ropes, parkour & strategically placed cover. – Can be used as a replacement for the launch site, as Bradley City takes less space and is highly optimized. This monument is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! NOTES – If you need support, you can contact me on my discord server @ discord.gg/TJxwpKT2Ge – You can edit the monument while placing it. FEATURES – Designed for PVP, with ziplines from building to building, scaffoldings, climbable ropes, strategically placed cover & parkour – Scientists, recycler, balanced loot – Topology, splat, terrain masks included – Chinook drop zone point (the chinook can drop the crate here, just like at vanilla monuments) – Can be used as a replacement for launch site, as this monument takes less space and is better optimized. – Can be connected to the underground tunnel system – Radiation
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This is a recreation of the Call of Duty Zombies map "Town". Within the realm of Rust, it serves as a self-contained arena, seamlessly integrating into existing maps. For a comprehensive understanding, I've provided a link to a video featuring a full walkthrough Here is a version without effects:
  11. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Town 9 is ready to go on any map, this monument doesn`t contain a puzzle so no card is needed to loot and makes a great POI. Features: Entry-level monument; Great detail; Simple installing; Optimized FPS; 1-2-storey detailed inside the buildings; There is radiation. General Info: Prefabs count: ~3k; Type: for looting; Modifiers: Height&Splat&Topology. Loot: Oil barrels: 5; Food crates: 5; Barrels: 30; Ordinary crates: 13; and 1 green card. Other works:
  12. Version 1.0.0

    1 download

    Town 9 is ready to go on any map, this monument doesn`t contain a puzzle so no card is needed to loot and makes a great POI. Features: Entry-level monument; Great detail; Simple installing; Optimized FPS; 1-2-storey detailed inside the buildings; There is radiation. General Info: Prefabs count: ~3k; Type: for looting; Modifiers: Height&Splat&Topology. Loot: Oil barrels: 5; Food crates: 5; Barrels: 30; Ordinary crates: 13; and 1 green card. Other works:
  13. Answer

    Sea City

    Version 1.4


    A city taken over by scientists. Designed to be placed in the ocean or in a lake. (can also be easily adjusted to be placed on the mainland) This monument is constantly supported and updated for the current version of the game with all updates! NOTES – If you need support, you can find me on my discord server @ discord.gg/TJxwpKT2Ge – You can edit the monument while placing it. FEATURES – Chinook drop zone point (chinook can drop the crate here just like at vanilla monuments) – Can be connected to the underground tunnels – Recycler, Blue keycard puzzle, scientists, loot – Ziplines
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Radio town is ready to go on any map, this monument doesn`t contain a puzzle so no card is needed to loot and makes a great POI. Features: Entry-level monument; Great detail; Simple installing; Optimized FPS; 1-2-storey detailed inside the buildings; There is radiation. General Info: Prefabs count: ~4k; Type: for looting; Modifiers: Height&Splat&Topology. Loot: Oil barrels: 5; Food crates: 5; Barrels: 30; Ordinary crates: 13; and 1 green card. Other works:
  15. Version 1.0.1


    This brick-layered police station, has multiple rooms and outdoor parking spots! Left mostly undecorated, you have the freedom to decorate as you wish, using all the many areas and lots of spaces to make great RP! It features : Main entrance. Side door access. Two outdoor parking areas. Indoor parking garage. Second story access. Roof access. Helipad for an easy helicopter landing location. Multiple rooms. Fully surrounded sidewalk areas. Total prefab count : 779. Screenshots were taken from the editor. In-game quality will be vastly greater! This is a standalone prefab.
  16. Arkanis


    Version 1.0.2


    A nice looking town can work with the Hotel Plugin (it is not 100% compatible yet since it has 2 doors and the plugin only uses one door) or by its own. To make it work with the Hotel plugin just place codelocks on main entrance in every hose and place normal locks on the rest of the doors to avoid unwanted visitors. The town has 18 houses. Each house comes with a nice yard where you can build on, you can build inside the house aswell. Also all the houses come with several prefabs like lights, bed, tables, etc. All the huses have a helipad on top. You can only build inside the house and in the yard, everything else is blocked, makes it perfect for roleplay, pve or even pvp. If you want to use it as an arena just block all the doors with locks. Tip: First apply the splat, then the height (in case you need to adjust the prefab to the splat).
  17. Ali

    Town Teleport

    Version 1.0.1


    About the Town Teleport Plugin: I have created a simple Town Teleport plugin for my own use, but I thought I would share it with you. This version only allows for the creation of one spawn point in this version, as I am not an expert in development; I just wanted to try making this. I hope you all like it. Features: Player Command: /town Admin Command: /setspawn Location information is stored in the /oxide/data/TownTeleport.json file. Thank you!
  18. Version 1.0.0


    Prefabs: 951 This is a reimagined bandit camp. It offers all of the original features of bandit camp plus a few extra. Car lift Research table Refinery Large Furnace Drone Marketplace Casino Cabin
  19. Version 1.0.8


    Awsome Spain Map, with plenty of monuments and custom prefabs and monuments! Size: 5000 Map can be edited: Yes. Monuments: 1 Large Oil Rig 2 Small Oil Rigs 5 Underwater labs 2 Harbors 2 Large Fishing Villages 2 Fishing Villages 1 Launch Site 1 Satellite Dish 1 The Dome 1 HQM Quarry 1 Stone Quarry 1 Sulfur Quarry 1 Arctic Research Base 1 Sewer Branch 1 Train Yard 1 Junk Yard 1 Abandoned Military Base 1 Military Tunnel 3 Caves 2 Large Barns 1 Ranch 1 Bandit Camp 1 Power Plant 1 Swamp 1 Airfield (with Bradley tank) 1 Giant Excavator Pit 1 Outpost 1 Lighthouse 1 Missile silo Custom prefabs and monuments: Hotel compatible with Hotel plugin, for more info you can search for it in monuments here on this website. Has lobby floor with 10 NPCvendingmachines, poker tables, slot machines, arcade machines, tables/chairs, phone and radio. Has 3 floors with 8 rooms in each floor. Recycler on each floor. Can interact with everything in the rooms. Roof with helipad. Also has working CCTV on each floor. Town has 18 houses. Each house comes with a nice yard where you can build on, you can build inside the house aswell. Also all the houses come with several prefabs like lights, bed, tables, etc. All the huses have a helipad on top. You can only build inside the house and in the yard, everything else is blocked, makes it perfect for roleplay, pve or even pvp. Shop with 3 NPCvendingmachines and a secound floor for admins where they can place beds, crates etc. Underwater Bases with elevator, for more info you can search for it in prefabs here on this website. Mainland and glaciar buildable bases. Floating islands (futuristic and simple design) Underwater bridge connecting mainland with Mallorca island. Arena for the usuall pvp. 1 extra APC patrol path at the Airfield monument. You will need RustEdit plugin in order to spawn the secound Bradley (BradleyAPC Spawned at :(-1760.0, 44.9, 1198.8)) ***Added Ziplines ***Added Surface Trains. *** Added Missile silo.
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Town 8 is ready to go on any map, the puzzle needs a green card to get into the full loot. Town 8 is a mysterious monument, which is a small town located on the Rust game map. This monument consists of many private houses, two apartment buildings and two supermarkets, created with care for every detail. Town 8 is a great place for those who are looking for new adventures, experiments and new opportunities. This monument is able to diversify the gameplay of players and attract new players. Take a look at the world of Rust from a new angle and immerse yourself in the incredible atmosphere of the mysterious town Town 8. Features: Great detail; Simple installing; Detailed inside different houses; Optimized FPS; There is radiation. General Info: Prefabs count: ~11000; Type: for looting; Modifiers: Height&Splat&Topology. Loot: Oil barrels: 10; Food box/crates: 10; Barrels: 81; Ordinary crates: 28; Military crates: 2; and 1 blue card. Other works: You may like to take a look at a full finished maps by myself.
  21. Version 1.0.0


    Here you will find a large selection of different things that you can use to build. Create your own prefab! Application: Use (STR + D) to copy the object and drag it to a free area, where you can put together your own building piece by piece then. You find: Signs, walls, farmer vehicles, office supplies, tables, sofas, cabinets, piles of rubble, shelves and much more that you can use to build. Prefabs 2525 Here you can find the first version of the Creative Workspace Please note: Download the prefab files and place them in RustEdit/CustomPrefabs directory of RustEdit. The prefabs can be accessed in the custom section of prefab browser. To use single letters, the prefab has to be broken by selecting it (once placed) and using the "break prefab" function. Questions and suggestions: If you have any problems you can contact me via Katalaner - Discord: https://discord.gg/e2vrPszZFX Katalaner Webseite: http://katalaner.de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_5P_wAFKl5bdndkDEQDK4g
  22. Version 1.0.0


    Country-style medieval townhouse perfect for your village! 434 Prefabs 10 crates 1 elite crate working fireplace, chairs, and signs!
  23. Version 1.0.0


    The three buildings in the fog were probably little factories once. What exactly people were manufacturing there is no longer recognizable. The buildings are surrounded by a swamp. There are three access roads built with bridges. You can find loot in the buildings. Prefabs: 940 Please note: Download the prefab files and place them in RustEdit/CustomPrefabs directory of RustEdit. The prefabs can be accessed in the custom section of prefab browser. To use single letters, the prefab has to be broken by selecting it (once placed) and using the "break prefab" function. Important: I don't use "prevent building sphere/cubes" in any of my prefabs, also no monument markers are set. These need to be added by yourself. If the NPCs are not wanted, press the H key (overview of all prefabs) and delete them from the prefab. Questions and suggestions: If you have any problems you can contact me via Katalaner - Discord: https://discord.gg/e2vrPszZFX Katalaner Webseite: http://katalaner.de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_5P_wAFKl5bdndkDEQDK4g
  24. Version 1.0.0


    the fallen city looks good in a desert. crumbling houses, apocalyptic mood. Attention: there are no loot boxes installed. these can even be hidden in places. Prefabs: 424 Please note: Download the prefab files and place them in RustEdit/CustomPrefabs directory of RustEdit. The prefabs can be accessed in the custom section of prefab browser. To use sinlge letters, the prefab has to be broken by selecting it (once placed) and using the "break prefab" function. Important: I don't use "prevent building sphere/cubes" in any of my prefabs, also no monument markers are set. These need to be added by yourself. If the NPCs are not wanted, press the H key (overview of all prefabs) and delete them from the prefab. Questions and suggestions: If you have any problems you can contact me via Katalaner - Discord: https://discord.gg/e2vrPszZFX Katalaner Webseite: http://katalaner.de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_5P_wAFKl5bdndkDEQDK4g
  25. Katalaner


    Version 1.0.3


    Rockford is a small town that survived the nuclear attack well. Although no one lives there anymore, the buildings are still in good condition. There are some shops where you can still find food. There is also a church. Water bottles were filled in a factory and it seems like people still come to the place from time to time. You can also get all buildings individually in the Codefling shop. Prefabs: 7663 Please note: Download the prefab files and place them in RustEdit/CustomPrefabs directory of RustEdit. The prefabs can be accessed in the custom section of prefab browser. To use sinlge letters, the prefab has to be broken by selecting it (once placed) and using the "break prefab" function. Important: I don't use "prevent building sphere/cubes" in any of my prefabs, also no monument markers are set. These need to be added by yourself. If the NPCs are not wanted, press the H key (overview of all prefabs) and delete them from the prefab. Questions and suggestions: If you have any problems you can contact me via Katalaner - Discord: https://discord.gg/e2vrPszZFX Katalaner Webseite: http://katalaner.de Rustgame Infoseite: http://webarte.de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_5P_wAFKl5bdndkDEQDK4g PVE Urlaub Rust Server - Discord: https://discord.gg/75u3fJwPQw


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