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I have added that, and thank you for getting back to me.
Existing trees with decorations spin, but do not show the decorations. taking them off and putting them back on solves this. Could you parse for existing ornaments and show them please?
You lose the heavy breathing for the radio noise. But you can equip them with the same melee weapons and they go all melee on players. Working fine on my server. The overhaul of NPC to a single API after halloween means we will have to wait till next October to have them added back in (if at all). I personally thought the heavy breathing was super creepy (and miss it). It is an interesting journey we are on about NPC has had a rough start. It will be interesting to see how it evolves.
Prove it, show me the supply and demand curves. If you are going to talk about economics you best have the math right too. Those are number of downloads over many months and versions. Current downloads are over five versions. Right there the numbers are off. And assuming a lower price point will get several orders of magnitude increase in sales does not match classic economics. I suspect a lower price would get more sales, but net there is no evidence it would net more proceeds. If you are going to make such claims, prove it. And for those pirating plugins your ability to rationalise morally questionable choices is amazing. Again there are alternative means of having more NPC to shoot on your server that are free other than your time to set up. Are they as good as BotReSpawn, nope. But they are in your budget. Free plugins offer no guarantee of continued support. They literally owe you nothing, as you have paid nothing. I understand it is inconvenient that things changed. Facepunch was the catalyst, but that seems conveniently forgotten. Rust as a game will continue to change. Oxide will continue to change. Some free plugins will stop working and not get recoded due to the complexity, or inability to continue. It happened to many plugins this wipe. Did you dump on all of those authors? Or is this really about a paid alternative being offered, and not at a tiny price? If you compare the code, line by line you will realize it is not the old code patched, it is a rewrite. That is no trivial effort. I am happy Steen had been working on this, and pushed it out so quickly. Did I like spending $40 for it, nope. Was it worth it, yes. I even bought a copy for a friend I knew could not afford it as I like his servers. Vested self interest. Each of us has to decide on the value proposition. I just struggle when logical fallacies, or false equivalencies are used.
Steen owes all of us nothing in terms of the free version. If your server is dependant on a free plugin, you are taking a risk. Even with paid ones there are risk. I have several paid ones where the web site disappeared and the author fell off the face of the earth. And some where the underlying code of Facepunch made the mechanics the plugin used disappear. It happens. If without BotSpawn you don't have a viable server, then in fact you are stating it is what your server is (a botspawn server). If you choose to shut down over the price of a single plugin, that is on you. There are literally hundreds of free plugins out there, that add to the game play of Rust. There is a lot you can do on a budget. I would suggest you explore your options. I run a mix of over 100 free and paid plugins to make my server interesting. My servers are all free, I don't ask for donations, I provide fun for my friends. I am a tiny operator. I pick and choose plugins based on my budget and value I see in them. BotSpawn has provided hundreds of hours of fun for me and my players. And will continue to do so as BotReSpawn. Thus I moved to the paid version. With the paid one Steen is committing to support it through the current and coming changes to AI (and more are coming). I don't begrudge Steen getting a payday for good plugin. I also know there is a lot more to do, and a lot of work looming in the future. I am looking forward to BotReSpawn's future support.
I've had zero issues with the server itself, but do not run Raidable bases. I have unloaded some broken plugins till they patched. I have also applied each update as soon as they come out for all my plugins. Did you apply the 1.0.2 patch before restarting as was recommended? I do run most of the Chaos code plugins with NPCs. I am running 214 plugins so I am giving it a good exercise. No clue what are the common factors to these failures. I wish I had more I could offer to help debug. The scope of the changed under the hood with the Rust server engine and resulting Oxide changes are massive for plugin developers. In terms of impact this is a 9/10, for many plugins. A lot of things are breaking, it is been a long time since we had such a sweeping change with so much impact. I know most plugin developers are now aware of the change and working to resolve issues. But some stuff may break. Patience and persistence, and possibly having to suffer through additional wipes may occur. It has been years since we seen this big a month.
There are free alternatives. There are hundred of free plugins, but this one is now paid. There are sorts of ways an operator can differentiate their server, other than BotSpawn. Go do the work to find your substitute. You realize the full version of Raidable bases with tier 3 support is $50 + $40 = $90 right? He has put the extra effort in to tier things, good on him for the social experiment. It is not fair to expect all plugins to follow the same development pricing model. It is not right and wrong, it is a choice. Each developer sets their own price points. Free plugin developers owe you nothing, you need to understand that. That seems a key point you are not grasping. It is Steens right to choose to get paid, it is never up for a vote. It is only your choice if you choose to buy it or not. If you are not buying it, then you just wasting everyone's time. You keep applying faulty logic resulting in the same circular logic. Accept what is, and move on.
Steen does not live in those places, thus the price. Further is the demand curve such that the net profit is higher at the lower price point? I suspect not, so prove it. If you are going to try to apply basic economic you better have the data to back that up. That was faulty logic on display on your part. Again there are alternatives, some paid, some free. If it is not affordable for you, seek suitable alternatives.
You realize you can make kits and the NPC will use what weapons it has on its belt? I have my murder bots at my mining outpost still beating people senseless. okay the radio noise is not as scary as the breathing but better than nothing to warn new players. We call them Katy Perry (as I stole them from Wonderland [with permission]) to be silly. Happy to share a working config with "murderers", paratroopers and heavy scientists. Sorry no scarecrows atm. Zip goes into data the other into config. Kits data is over the top, but provided to give what they are equipped with. Sorry the images in kits is junk. BotReSpawn.zip BotReSpawn.json kits_data.json
And what would you have done with advanced notice? Did all the other plugins with code affected by the NPC give you advanced notice? The timing was based on FacePunch's actions. Stop attributing malice where there is none. Personally I am happy Steen release this beta code early so we would have something. Any plugin that is free, the developer owes nothing to the community. They can walk away, monetize it, do whatever they want. If you don't like it, find an alternative (there are several), code your own plugin, hire your own developer (and see how much plugin development really costs in hours). All I am hearing is a lot of self-entitled people whinging. If you don't like the price don't buy it. I bought it because for me, and my server it adds value greater than the price. I don't mind supporting people developing plugins. Doing so encourages more plugins from more people. If a plugin is free, awesome, lets give it a go. If it costs money then I weight the value and cost and decide.
As someone who was worked in commercial software development I have empathy, that many operators do not have. Do you realize all the Oxide APIs changed, require recoding the plugin because FP changed how NPC work (did you read the patch notes)? Do you realize the days that would take? Steen had a WIP new paid version of BotSpawn he has been working on for many months. It was easier to fix that version, than spending days fixing the old one. Steen owes you NOTHING since BotSpawn was a free plugin. He gave you years of a excellent plugin with excellent support for free. Developers always have the choice to move to paid. So either buy the new one, or patch the old one yourself... If you read the API changes you would realize this is not some easy fix he is avoiding to force you to the paid one. Steen decided not to spend more time on the outdated free version and accelerate the paid on. Fair enough. $40 is a high price, but still a fair price for the hours of enjoyment it gives my players. I immediately bought it as I saw the value in it.