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Everything posted by Mals

  1. Mals

    jackhammers and chainsaw

    Since this is a not a bug, and you have not replied, updating so it does not spam me with please update this request.
  2. Mals

    jackhammers and chainsaw

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  3. Mals

    jackhammers and chainsaw

    Or did you mean from mining and logging? Honestly as long as they finish the tree or node that is what the reward is trying to provide an incentive for. If you remove that they may not finish them to avoid the risk of visibility of a tree fall or node disappearing (in PVP). Can you explain to me you want this functionality?
  4. Mals

    jackhammers and chainsaw

    They are already in the config. Try setting these to zero: "chainsaw": 0.0, "jackhammer": 0.0,
  5. Mals

    Scientists Not giving RP

    It was an issue with another plugin that Dex was able to resolve.
  6. Mals

    Scientists Not giving RP

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  7. Mals

    Scientists Not giving RP

    Shoot me your entire configuration so I can test this please.
  8. Mals

    Scientists Not giving RP

    Shoot me your entire configuration so I can test this please. this one needs to be set to true too: "NPCReward_Enabled": "true", Is it set to true?
  9. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  10. I hear what you are saying. Throwing a signal is its own reward. Lets just say we try do this. It means having to tag and track each airdrop depending on spawn source. It also means tracking who loots in (assuming only the first looter gets the rp?) If you allow more than one looter to get RP they will get RP farmed by large zergs... Add to that servers can have multiple concurrent drops all needing to be tracked. Honestly this really only applies in PvP, and is a non-trivial code change. I will add it to the the list of possible future features but will not commit to it at this time.
  11. Mals

    Icon Change

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  12. Mals

    Icon Change

    use a third party app to change icons. I don't see the point of duplicated that functionality. You might want to look at for example: Custom Icon
  13. Mals

    Plugin compatability?

    Changed Status from Can't Reproduce to Not a Bug
  14. Mals

    Plugin compatability?

    Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce
  15. Mals

    Plugin compatability?

    From the description: Use Scrap, Server Rewards or Use Economics (set only one to true) This plugin will reward the player (and penalize if configured to do so and the currency is Server Rewards or Economics). For scrap it only does rewards, no penalty. I added scrap for servers that want to have minimal rewards, but still encourage player behaviour. It does not duplicate any of the commands provided by Server Rewards or Economics as that would be redundant and could confuse players. It does not support commands as a reward, I use Kill Streaks and my Server Rewards store for that. I sell all sorts of rewards in the store via the currency the players accumulate. The idea is they gain currency to spend in the store which on my server includes Heli calls. I am happy to share my Server Rewards setup so you can use it as an example, just PM me on Discord and I will share the JSON files.
  16. Are you wanting a multiplier on the Rust Reward currency reward, or the Harvest rate? If it is a reward then let me know what tool I missed and I will add it. If it is harvest rate, then Krungh is correct Goggle for ToolsGatherManager If any one has questions or suggestions for my plugins feel free to DM me directly here, or discord Mals#2641. I might say no, but I will hear you out.
  17. Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  18. this needs to be true: "Do_Advanced_VIP": "false", "Do_Advanced_VIP": "true", That supports using oxide groups. rustrewards.vip just uses the fixed value, not the multiplier at the top are not used, just this one: "vipmultiplier": 2, Multipliers do not need to be int, they can be a decimal number. Add a leading zero if it is less than 1, ie: 0.75 But less than 1.0 for VIP gives them less, not more. Did that answer your question?
  19. Mals


    Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed Changed Fixed In to 2.0.6
  20. Mals


    Having discussed this we determined the root cause outside the plugin. It is resolved and working as intended now. Thanks for your patience and working with me Paddington.
  21. Mals


    I used the auto zone plugin and the id it generated which are names not numbers. I figured out why stuff was not turning on when place with zone enables and I am fixing that.
  22. Mals


    I tested with my zone set up, your config. Fireplace came on at Launch, but did not in a random base. What other plugins are you running? It could be zone manager lights setting or some other plugin causing this? Happy to chat on discord and help you debug this. MalS#2641
  23. Mals


    I'll give it a test. thanks. Only at night, correct?
  24. Mals


    BTW if an item is set to i it does not need to be protected. IDK if that could be an issue.
  25. Mals


    Which lights are coming on?


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