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Everything posted by Mals

  1. Mals


    Shoot me your configuration. Which lights is it affecting? You did set this setting to true, correct? "Use Zone Manager Plugin": true
  2. Mals


    Please check that the fix works on your server. Thanks for letting me know.
  3. Mals


    Changed Status from Pending to Work in Progress
  4. Mals


    It should look like this: ["supermarket_1","supermarket_2","gas_station_1","miningoutpost_1","miningoutpost_2","supermarket_3","gas_station_2","gas_station_3","miningoutpost_3","sphere_tank","launch_site"] But in my retesting it is doing all zones. I am taking a look at a fix.
  5. Mals

    Default notifications

    If that is not the issue shoot me the config and data file and I will check it.
  6. Mals

    Default notifications

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug
  7. Mals

    Default notifications

    Check your settings for your character. If you turn off the messages they do not show. Chat Commands /rrm -- Toggle the message about earn currency for a player. It is not case sensitive. There are five sub-settings: H - Harvest K- Kill O - Open P - Pickup and A - Activity The second parameter is on or off.
  8. Mals

    Real Quick lang edit

    After removing the full colon from the prefix if it is still an issue for it ping me and I reopen this. Please attach the lang file and config and I will run it on my test server.
  9. Mals

    Real Quick lang edit

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  10. Mals

    Real Quick lang edit

    It always adds a : so make sure there is none in the Prefix. Here is the code: mess = String.Concat( prestring ?? blnk , Lang("Prefix", player.UserIDString) ?? blnk , ": " , midstring ?? blnk, Lang(key, player.UserIDString) ?? blnk, poststring ?? blnk);
  11. Mals

    zone manager noGather

    Changed Status from Pending to Closed
  12. Mals


    Sorry for the slow reply, I did not have access to do so. I just got that sorted out. They should last the entire wipe if my math is correct.
  13. Mals


    This was added.
  14. Mals

    Question about RustRewards

    Rush and Mark: Please open a new request, do not piggy back on closed requests as we don't checked them. Rush is this a request for Death Penalty? That does not support scrap as removing scrap from player inventory is out of scope. Rust Reward only gives scrap, it never takes it as well. For Rust Rewards check the language file for the "Prefix" to hide it is Rust Rewards. Currency code it set on line 44: readonly private CultureInfo CurrencyCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"); // change this to change the currency symbol readonly private CultureInfo CurrencyCulture = CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"); // change this to change the currency symbol Change that to change the currency code. This is only the second time someone has asked about. Are you suggesting it should be a config parameter? Mark: Once I see the request I will work to add that container.
  15. Mals

    zone manager noGather

    Rust Rewards supports Zones. Set these zones to Zero multiplier. so when the player attempts a pick up it will fail. The plugin can also store zone modifiers. These are on top of other multipliers, so you you could have zones with increased of decreased rewards. This is store in /data/RustRewards-Zones.json Here is a sample, it contains one line per zone id and multiplier:{"65251237": 1.5} Alternatively if it is a pvp arena make sure it is free of nodes if you want them to still get pvp experience. Since the block of the gather is occurring after the trigger OnDispenserGather fires there is no way for me to block this without checking other plugins outcomes. That is out of scope due to the number of plugins and complexity to support them all.
  16. Given the current exploit, this is running rampant on some servers, so a way to find these will help with removing them and banning people.
  17. To replace my existing plugin I am keen not to lose functionality. Honestly when building I will /up and /down to see what the design looks like in each type of block to decide which to use. I use /down also to safe rotting bases by reverting to a cheaper grade they have materials for in their TC. Once it is added I will buy this and give it a whirl. no rush as I am doing okay since my server is small.
  18. Mals

    Question about RustRewards

    Changed Status from Not a Bug to Closed
  19. I have paid out the reward to Steen as he provided a code and showed me a working example on Sunday. Sorry @Nogard I am still curious what you came up with so would be glad to have a look.
  20. The alternative has a /down command, would you consider adding that? Otherwise it looks like a very solid replacement.
  21. Mals

    Question about RustRewards

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug taking 1% every time you die would be better done by: It does not support % but I would consider adding it there. TakeMoneyFromVictim is to avoid PVP farming between friends. Bob shoots Frank 10 time, Frank shoots Bob 10 times, profit! On PVP servers it is highly recommend it be set to true. Dynamic Distances looks at the precise distance and applies the range multiplier per that. Normal is like a milestone where you cross a boundary and get a new multiplier. Be very careful with these as all the bonuses are multiplied, not added.
  22. Someone gave me the code fixes (the one above did not match my version of GRT. Prize was paid. Offer still stands for a recoded replacement.
  23. Paying $100 USD for a replacement for GrTeleport that has similar functionality. The map pin teleport is a little too OP, it is okay for admin but not players.
  24. Mals

    Lights On

    That is super odd on the table... I will try to reproduce that one and fix it.... doh, fixed.
  25. GRTeleport is no longer maintained. The version I have runs but the locations are totally wrong. I think I had a version someone fixed but accidentally updated and lost it. I am willing to pay $50 USD to whomever fixed it or replaces it with a similar plugin. It is very useful and missed by admins and players. A replacement would be even better, then you avoid any issues with the original author getting cranky, but I am not fussy here since my server is non-profit. Thanks!


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