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Everything posted by Katze

  1. Katze


    NPCShop is in my opinion an outstanding NPC Vendor plugin. It supports items and currency like economics or server rewards which is really amazing. You can clone your outfit and apply it with 1 button click to the vendor (wielding tools or guns works too!) Comes with many options around shop refilling, offers command purchases and more! Really enjoyed setting up some traders across the map, thank you so much for this plugin!
  2. Katze

    Skill Tree

    Hey, after the latest update players get a blackscreen when they prestige, requires to relog coz there is no close button Went through the whole config to see if i can fix it but really dont know. The prestige point doesnt get added either for some reason..
  3. Katze

    Vehicle Buy

    Hey Mevent, have a few suggestions - save the fuel of vehicles when picked up - spawn modular cars in a healthy condition/maybe with config option - eventually support for vehicle deployed locks plugin, the locks as well disappear when picked up and placed again and one Issue: - the default spawn range of the scrap transport heli spawns on the player (cant get the setting to work to make it spawn further away) And thank you for integrating it into the server panel, looks really amazing!
  4. Katze

    F15 AirStrike

    Hey, some players managed to dupe the airstrikes if they "just keep throwing the airstrike drops" Any advice how it can be solved? Thank you! Nvm, just figured out its the plugin Signal Cooldown from umod which caused the dupes.
  5. Katze

    Collection Log

    I run into the same issue especially with sulfur, could this be fixed or could smelting be added as source/acquire option? I tried all furnaces and as well the skill tree perk which gives refined ore when mining, nothing seems to trigger it. Thank you
  6. Hey it's a very awesome plugin idea, i think it would be really cool if the dungeons could be configured with npc types, so you could make different dungeon tiers for as example heavy scientists, or one for the tunnel dwellers etc. Then more settings for those npcs including loot config to make more difficulties. All permission based. Insta buy then
  7. Katze


    Amazing TC Plugin! I got it coz it has repair, upgrade+downgrade, reskin, TC control all in one. No more UI overlaps at the TC which needs to be fixed, or multiple plugin updates. Plugin works very well and has a button to check for newly released skins as well - very easy! Very happy, keep it up and thank you!
  8. Katze


    Love the xStatistics plugin! The UI is awesome and simple to use for such a complex plugin. You can track kinda every action players perform in the game. With a huge leaderboard for each category, and the option to hand out rewards for the most active players after wipe. This plugin made it possible to give something back to my most active players. Players can see other players stats, or they can set their stats to be hidden. On top always very good support from Monster if someone needs help Thank You!
  9. Thank you so much! As well for the own platform option.
  10. happening to me as well, moved it manually now though
  11. Katze


    Just heard it from other server owners too. Thanks for your quick answer!
  12. Katze


    Hey Monster, since the rust christmas update the structures upgraded with gingerbread building pieces became all twig. they can not be upgraded to stone either, only rebuilding fixes it :s
  13. Katze


    have the same, and no loot for oilrig scientists
    This plugin saves me a lot time setting up some x-mas stuff on my server! Plug and play, just adjust the advent calendar a bit and you are ready to go! - scary snowmen to annoy players (perfect i love to annoy them) - junk pile decorations with snow (very cozy feeling) and yayy no map editing needed! - the trees randomly on map make it even more cozy! - gives players a good start with gifts at the junkpiles - already outfitted npcs/vendors, just saves so much work! Thanks The_Kiiiing n keep it up!
  14. Katze

    Discord Link

    Discord Link is a really helpful bot to let players link their steam with discord. I have set it up so that players who are linked, can opt in and out for some plugin permissions with reaction roles, so they can customize their experience, that's where the role sync comes in really handy. With the bot being outside from the Rust server, the server runs much smoother. I can recommend!
  15. Katze


    I left them the research table, reduces the rng a bit. (actually think nobody would go through all this without additional research option) In the old system loot tables could drop blueprints as well. but that can get annoying when players have learned a lot items, and then keep getting blueprints rather than items which could be useful. And thank you for the update Billy Joe :)
  16. Katze


    Hey, any chance that we can get lang options for Your Scrap and Experiment Result texts and their descriptions? Somehow it keeps removing the "...inventory." from the Your Scrap description for me, im not sure if it has to do with my 3240x2160 resolution or if its just too long. thank you anyway, players love it - feeling nostalgic
  17. Hey, getting the following error message after todays update: Failed to call hook 'OnPluginLoaded' on plugin 'InjuriesAndDiseases v1.1.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) at Oxide.Plugins.InjuriesAndDiseases+CustomStatusFrameworkHelper.InitDynamicStatus () [0x00227] in <e7dda0de366640278f0c92ef655d6ce3>:0 at Oxide.Plugins.InjuriesAndDiseases.OnPluginLoaded (Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin name) [0x00037] in <e7dda0de366640278f0c92ef655d6ce3>:0 Thank you
  18. Katze


    Tried a few Skin Plugins - this one is the best in my opinion. It loads skins SUPER FAST and displays them with good icons in a beautiful UI! Can change the title in lang file. Many good skins can be added with just one setting in config file, which saves a lot work. Or just make a collection and add that with a single command.. It as well removes duplicates Has admin options in UI, which makes it even better to maintain. And many customization options for players with just a few button clicks - just perfect. Can recommend!
    A very beautiful designed map. - Prefab Count is not too high so it loads quick for nearly all players. - Offers cool custom monuments/prefabs - has a giant sweet-water river which is perfect for pve players - amazing train tracks above ground, with train station - some very good made large bridges Must say i did not add the custom npcs, so i can't say anything about them. Looking forward for more classic style maps from you!


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