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About Monument Mutations


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RUST Plugin Test Server

connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050


Monument Mutations allows you to apply mutations to any default or custom monument on the map.
You can create positive mutations that give players bonuses for gathering, output, and stats, as well as negative mutations that impact their gameplay.
With almost infinite possible mutations and more to come, this plugin offers extensive customization options.





  • Create mutations with custom effects on any monument using Monument Mutations.
  • Highly configurable with hundreds of options, allowing you to customize the number of active mutations.
  • Adjust radiation resistance on default Hazmat Suits and Heavy Scientist Suits.
  • Supports both default and custom monuments.
  • Create an infinite number of mutation profiles and set their chances of appearing.
  • Almost every programmed bonus comes with additional customizable options.



The 1.0.0 version is just a beginning of the journey.
I made the plugin highly expandable, so if you have any idea of additional mutations, hit me on my Discord! (link above)

Mutation Descriptions

As I said, plugin have a lot of possible options which are not described anywhere because they are different for each mutation type.
Some of the mutations might not work with your server because other plugin is overwriting the RUST behavior, like custom recyclers etc.
You can find all the definitions here!

radMult - Multiplies the radiation on default monuments or radiation spheres in custom maps.

radSet - Sets the radiation on the whole monument radius. If you set the value to 0.001 it will disable radiation on the whole monument.

damageDealt - Multiplies the damage dealt to described entity type.
Currently, the plugin supports 4 Mutation Object References:

  • empty - Multiplies the damage in all cases.
  • bot - The entity is NPC or bot.
  • player - The entity is a player.
  • animal - The entity is an animal.

durability - Multiplies the durability loss on items.

healing - Multiplies the healing amount of used items.

noWounded - Sets the chance that when a player is killed, the wounded state is skipped, and he automatically dies.
Values work in range 0-100. (percentage)

gravity - Multiplies damage dealt by gravity, when players fall from a high place.

recycle - Multiplies speed of the recycler work.
There are a lot of custom recycler plugins that might not work in this case, then I don't recommend using this mutation.

loot - Multiplies the loot in containers in mutated monument.
Currently, the plugin supports 3 Mutation Object References:

  • empty - Works for all items in containers.
  • item shortname (ex. scrap) - Sets the multiplier only on selected item. In this case, it's scrap.
  • item category (ex. Component) - Sets the multiplier only on selected item category. In this case - in all items in Component category.

gather - Multiplies the gather from dispensers in mutated monument.
Currently, the plugin supports 3 Mutation Object References:

  • empty - Works for all resource dispensers.
  • tree - Works only on all trees.
  • ore - Works only on all ores.

upgradeCrate - Sets the chance that when a crate is spawned or mutation started, the spawned crate can be upgraded to another tier.
The tree looks like this: Normal Crate > Military Crate > Elite Crate
Values work in range 0-100. (percentage)

Information about "Possible Mutations" list:
If you set only one value, and it's "All" then it rolls from the whole mutation pool. For better experience, I recommend making it manually, but this function exist ^^.



Example Config (Version 1.0.0)
With additional mutations, more detailed each mutation tier and some smaller customizations. (my private configuration)




  "Mutation Info Commands": [
  "Minimal Active Mutations": 1,
  "Maximal Active Mutations": 3,
  "New Mutation Check Inverval (in minutes)": 15,
  "Default Hazmat Protection Override (0 to disable, 0.5 - default)": 0.0,
  "Hazmat Mk.II Protection (0 to disable)": 1.0,
  "Positive Over Negative Mutations": true,
  "Marker Map Scaling Value (Higher = Smaller)": 100.0,
  "Broadcast Mutation Info On Enter": true,
  "Mutations": {
    "DurabilityLoss": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "durability",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": false,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 1.1,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 2.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.1
    "FasterRecycle": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "recycle",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 1.2,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 3.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.2
    "HighGravity": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "gravity",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": false,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 1.5,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 3.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.1
    "InstaKill": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "noWounded",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": false,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 10.0,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 50.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 5.0
    "LessBotResistance": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "damageDealt",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "bot",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 1.1,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 2.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.1
    "LessHealing": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "healing",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": false,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 10.0,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 50.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 5.0
    "LessPlayerResistance": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "damageDealt",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "player",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": false,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 1.1,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 1.5,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.05
    "LowGravity": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "gravity",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 0.1,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 0.9,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.1
    "MoreBotResistance": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "damageDealt",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "bot",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": false,
      "Mutation Weight": 3,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 0.9,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 0.5,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.05
    "MoreDurability": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "durability",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 0.3,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 0.9,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.1
    "MoreHealing": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "healing",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 120.0,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 200.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 10.0
    "MoreLoot": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "loot",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "Component",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 2,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 1.5,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 3.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.5
    "MorePlayerResistance": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "damageDealt",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "player",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 0.6,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 0.95,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.05
    "MoreRocks": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "gather",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "ore",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 1.1,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 1.5,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.05
    "MoreScrap": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "loot",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "scrap",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 2,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 1.5,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 3.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.5
    "MoreWood": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "gather",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "tree",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 1.1,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 1.5,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.05
    "NoRadiation": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "radMult",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 0.001,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 0.001,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.001
    "RadiationMultiplierNegative": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "radMult",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": false,
      "Mutation Weight": 2,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 1.1,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 2.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.1
    "RadiationMultiplierPositive": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "radMult",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 0.2,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 0.9,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.05
    "RadiationSet": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "radSet",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": false,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 10.0,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 75.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 5.0
    "SlowRecycle": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "recycle",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": false,
      "Mutation Weight": 1,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 0.5,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 0.9,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 0.05
    "UpgradedCrates": {
      "Mutation Type (see website for reference)": "upgradeCrate",
      "Mutation Object Reference (see website for reference)": "",
      "Mutation Effect (Negative - false, Positive - true)": true,
      "Mutation Weight": 3,
      "Mutation Value - Min": 5.0,
      "Mutation Value - Max": 25.0,
      "Mutation Value - Rounding": 5.0
  "Profiles": {
    "Basic": {
      "Marker Color - Inside": "#32CD32",
      "Marker Color - Border": "#32CD32",
      "Marker Color - Alpha": 0.3,
      "Positive Mutations - Minimum": 1,
      "Positive Mutations - Maximum": 2,
      "Negative Mutations - Minimum": 0,
      "Negative Mutations - Maximum": 1,
      "Mutation Length (in minutes)": 45,
      "Mutation Start Broadcast": true,
      "Possible Mutations": [
    "Dangerous": {
      "Marker Color - Inside": "#FF0000",
      "Marker Color - Border": "#FF0000",
      "Marker Color - Alpha": 0.3,
      "Positive Mutations - Minimum": 3,
      "Positive Mutations - Maximum": 4,
      "Negative Mutations - Minimum": 2,
      "Negative Mutations - Maximum": 3,
      "Mutation Length (in minutes)": 45,
      "Mutation Start Broadcast": true,
      "Possible Mutations": [
    "Extreme": {
      "Marker Color - Inside": "#000000",
      "Marker Color - Border": "#000000",
      "Marker Color - Alpha": 0.5,
      "Positive Mutations - Minimum": 3,
      "Positive Mutations - Maximum": 5,
      "Negative Mutations - Minimum": 3,
      "Negative Mutations - Maximum": 5,
      "Mutation Length (in minutes)": 45,
      "Mutation Start Broadcast": true,
      "Possible Mutations": [
    "Normal": {
      "Marker Color - Inside": "#FFA500",
      "Marker Color - Border": "#FFA500",
      "Marker Color - Alpha": 0.3,
      "Positive Mutations - Minimum": 2,
      "Positive Mutations - Maximum": 3,
      "Negative Mutations - Minimum": 1,
      "Negative Mutations - Maximum": 2,
      "Mutation Length (in minutes)": 45,
      "Mutation Start Broadcast": true,
      "Possible Mutations": [
  "Monument Names - Strict Name Check": true,
  "Monuments - Add Custom Monuments": false,
  "Monuments": {
    "HQM Quarry": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "Chance Weight": 1,
      "Default Monument Bounds Scale": 1.0,
      "Monument Radius": 0.0,
      "Mutation Length Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Profile Chances": {
        "Basic": 7,
        "Normal": 5,
        "Dangerous": 2,
        "Extreme": 1
    "Giant Excavator Pit": {
      "Enabled": false,
      "Chance Weight": 1,
      "Default Monument Bounds Scale": 1.0,
      "Monument Radius": 0.0,
      "Mutation Length Multiplier": 1.0,
      "Profile Chances": {
        "Basic": 7,
        "Normal": 5,
        "Dangerous": 2,
        "Extreme": 1
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