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About Chat Nations


Chat Nations plugin is a big chat update for server's chat.
You can configure different chats for each language, so other players doesn't need to read messages that they don't understand.
It's also a good way to decrease spam on chat.
Plugin also allows you for big player customization that contains rank, visible channels and with other plugins - clan display, visible titles, message and nickname color!

Video Preview (Version 1.1.0)


  • You can add any amount of channels to chat.
  • You can customize channels that you want to see.
  • First channel select based on player's country.
  • You can select which rank do you want to display.
  • Voice/Chat mute system.
  • Custom prefix per player feature. (Require permission)
  • Different chat message sizes based on permission.
  • Highly customizable chat display.
  • You can select a title from all of your titles. (Requires PlayerChallenges Plugin)
  • Titles based on your game language. (Requires PlayerChallenges Plugin)
  • You can change clan display on chat. (Requires Clans Plugin)
  • Customizable nickname and message color. (Requires ColouredChat Plugin)
  • Supports Ignore plugin.
  • API for making plugin add-ons.


  • /ch - Chat channel selection. (Customizable)
  • /chat - Chat customization. (Customizable)
  • /cp - Custom prefix change command.
  • /mute <chat/voice/both> <PlayerNameOrId> [TimeInSeconds] - Mute player on chat.
  • /unmute <PlayerNameOrId> - Unmute player on chat.


  • chatnations.mute - Allows using /mute and /unmute command.
  • chatnations.customprefix - Allows using /cp command.

Supported Plugins Informations

Plugin supports for now 4 plugins: Clans, Ignore, PlayerChallenges and ColouredChat
More plugins will be added soon!

WARNING! This plugin doesn't work with BetterChat!

To make plugin works correctly in ChatNations config in section "PlayerChallenges Title Names" you need to add the same values that are in PlayerChallenges config in "Title for name tag", set "Maximum tags to display (Requires BetterChat)" to 30 and "Format of tags displayed (Requires BetterChat)" to "[{TAG}]". Without editing that, titles might not work correctly. It is caused by no API in PlayerChallenges plugin. Sorry!

In this case, plugin will work in most functions except gradient nickname. To make it work, you need to add in ColouredChat.cs file:

					if (isCalledOnto)
						Interface.CallHook("API_SetGradientNickname", target, ""); 
						Interface.CallHook("API_SetGradientNickname", player, ""); 

After 798 line. (After if (cachedData.ContainsKey(key)) cachedData.Remove(key);)

            if (!isMessage)
                Interface.CallHook("API_SetGradientNickname", iPlayer, gradientName); 

After 908 line. (After for loop bracket)
It is caused by missing API for gradient display name. Sorry!

API for Developers

Dictionary<string, int> API_GetPlayersInChannels() - Returns Dictionary<string, int> with channel code as Key and online player count as Value.
List<ulong> API_GetChannelPlayers(string channel) - Returns list of playerIds from channel.
void OnNationsChat(BasePlayer player, string message, Chat.ChatChannel channel, string internalChannel) - Action called after successful message sent by player.

If you need anything more, message me! 🙂

Default Config (Version 1.1.0)


  "Channel Select Commands": [
  "Chat Customization Commands": [
  "Custom Prefix Command": "cp",
  "Message Indicator": "»",
  "Clan Format": "<color=#33851b>[{0}]</color> ",
  "Title Format": "<color=#33851b>{0}</color> ",
  "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[{0}]</color> ",
  "Global Format": "<color=#aaee32>[Global]</color> ",
  "Team Format": "<color=#aaee32>[Team]</color> ",
  "Disable Chat Modification System": false,
  "Enable Clan Visiblity Change": true,
  "Enable Player Challenges Title Changer": true,
  "UI Color": "0.36 0.51 0.93 1",
  "PlayerChallenges Title Names": [
  "Permission Chat Message Sizes": {
    "chatnations.size.15": 15,
    "chatnations.size.16": 16,
    "chatnations.size.17": 17
  "Language Countries (Codes)": [
  "Channel Country Assign": {
    "DE": [
    "EN": [
      "United Kingdom",
      "New Zealand",
      "United States",
      "South Africa",
      "South Sudan",
      "Papua New Guinea",
      "Sierra Leone",
    "ES": [
      "Dominican Republic",
      "El Salvador",
      "Costa Rica",
      "Puerto Rico"
    "PL": [
    "RU": [
      "Russian Federation",
  "Format Groups And Tags": {
    "default": {
      "Priority": 1,
      "Display Name": "<color=#00e0e8>[default]</color> ",
      "Nickname Color": "#55aaff",
      "Message Color": "white",
      "Chat Size": 14
    "admin": {
      "Priority": 2,
      "Display Name": "<color=#00e0e8>[admin]</color> ",
      "Nickname Color": "#55aaff",
      "Message Color": "white",
      "Chat Size": 14

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