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About Chat Nations

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RUST Plugin Test Server

connect play.thepitereq.ovh:28050

Chat Nations creates new connection between players on chat by splitting chat into more channels that can be assigned for languages, teams and more.
It contains detailed RUST-like UI, private messages, huge chat customization tool, private channels and many other useful features.





  • Split your chat into smaller language channels
  • Add private chats for your teams, friends, admins and more
  • Customize which channels you want to see
  • Select which channels you want to follow and see messages
  • Global chat for server-wide messages
  • Local chat for players near you
  • RUST-like UI design
  • Channel selection based on your localization
  • Customizable primary rank display on chat
  • Toggleable clan tag visibility option (Clans plugin)
  • Nickname and message color customization with gradient support
  • Titles support (PlayerChallenges plugin)
  • Customizable prefix option for each individual player, also with full color support
  • Voice and chat mute with full UI support
  • Different chat message sizes based on permission
  • Highly customizable chat display
  • Full language support
  • Private messages to other players
  • Secured chat formatting
  • Nickname re-format with ads in nickname removal
  • API for developers



  • /ch - Main chat customization menu (Configurable)
  • /pm <nick> <message> - Private message command (Configurable)
  • /r - Respond to last private message (Configurable)
  • /mute /unmute - Opens mute UI
  • mute <c/v/b> <userId> <duration> <reason> - Console mute command (c - chat, v - voice, b - both) (duration in format: d h m s)
    Example: mute b 76561198083939668 3d Test Mute
  • unmute <c/v/b> <userId> - Console unmute command (c - chat, v - voice, b - both)
    Example: mute b 76561198083939668 3d Test Mute



Switchable (Requirement of them can be disabled/enabled in config file)

  • chatnations.option.prefix - Allows user to change prefix
  • chatnations.option.clantag - Allows user to change clan tag visibility
  • chatnations.option.colorclantag.static - Allows user to change clan tag color to static color
  • chatnations.option.colorclantag.custom - Allows user to change clan tag color to static custom color
  • chatnations.option.colorclantag.gradient - Allows user to change clan tag color to gradient color
  • chatnations.option.colornick.static - Allows user to change nickname color to static color
  • chatnations.option.colornick.custom - Allows user to change nickname color to static custom color
  • chatnations.option.colornick.gradient - Allows user to change nickname color to gradient color
  • chatnations.option.colormessage.static - Allows user to change message color to static color
  • chatnations.option.colormessage.custom - Allows user to change message color to static custom color
  • chatnations.option.colormessage.gradient - Allows user to change message color to gradient color
  • chatnations.option.titles - Allows user to change and select title (Requires PlayerLeaderboards or PlayerChallenges)
  • chatnations.option.customprefix - Allows user to set custom chat prefix
  • chatnations.option.customprefix.custom - Allows user to set custom chat prefix color

Other permissions

  • chatnations.mute - Allows to use the mute and unmute command



Plugin fully support plugins like Clans and PlayerChallenges.
If you need some plugin implementation, feel free to ask! 

WARNING! This plugin doesn't work with BetterChat!

Set "Maximum tags to display (Requires BetterChat)" to high value like 30 so all player tags will be available in configuration section.



Dictionary<string, int> API_GetPlayersInChannels() - Returns Dictionary<string, int> with channel code as Key and online player count as Value.
List<ulong> API_GetChannelPlayers(string channel) - Returns list of playerIds from channel.
List<BasePlayer> API_GetChannelPlayersFull(string channel) - Returns players that belong to channel.
bool IsMuted(ulong userId, bool chat = true) - Returns if player is muted.

object OnNationsChat(BasePlayer player, string modifiedMessage, int channel, string channelKey, bool global, bool isOfficial) - Ran on each chat message sent. If non null returned, cancels sending message.

If you need anything more, message me! 🙂



  "Commands": [
  "Private Message Commands": [
  "Private Message Respond Commands": [
  "PopUpAPI Profile Name": "ChatNations",
  "Message Start Symbol": "»",
  "Clan Tag Default Color": "#aaee32",
  "Clan Tag Format": "[{0}]",
  "Different Tags For Clan Stages": true,
  "Enable Local Chat": true,
  "Leader Clan Tag Format": "[**{0}]",
  "Council Clan Tag Format": "[**{0}]",
  "Mod Clan Tag Format": "[*{0}]",
  "Leader Title Default Color": "#f2db74",
  "Leader Title Format": "[{0}]",
  "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[{0}]</color>",
  "Global Format": "<color=#aaee32>[Global]</color>",
  "Team Format": "<color=#aaee32>[Team]</color>",
  "Local Format": "<color=#aaee32>[Local]</color>",
  "Private Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[{0}]</color>",
  "Custom Prefix Format": "[{0}]",
  "Custom Prefix Default Color": "#55aaff",
  "Default Custom Prefix": "CUSTOM",
  "Check Custom Prefix For Formatting Abuse": true,
  "Require Permission For": {
    "Switch Prefix": false,
    "Switch Clan Tag Visibility": false,
    "Nickname Color - Gradient": true,
    "Nickname Color - Static": true,
    "Nickname Color - Static Custom": true,
    "Message Color - Gradient": true,
    "Message Color - Static": true,
    "Message Color - Static Custom": true,
    "Clan Tag Color - Gradient": true,
    "Clan Tag Color - Static": true,
    "Clan Tag Color - Static Custom": true,
    "Switch Title": false,
    "Custom Prefix - Text": true,
    "Custom Prefix - Color Input": true,
    "Custom Prefix - Color": true
  "Max Custom Channels Created Per Player": 1,
  "Max Custom Channel Name Length": 24,
  "Max Custom Prefix Length": 24,
  "Permission Chat Message Sizes": {
    "chatnations.fontsize.15": 15,
    "chatnations.fontsize.16": 16,
    "chatnations.fontsize.17": 17
  "Max Private Channel Ownership Permissions": {
    "chatnations.privchannels.2": 2,
    "chatnations.privchannels.3": 3,
    "chatnations.privchannels.4": 4
  "Remove Ads In Nicknames": true,
  "Nick Ads List": [
  "Options Display Order": [
  "Static Colors - Clan Tag": [
  "Static Colors - Nickname": [
  "Static Colors - Message": [
  "Static Colors - Custom Prefix": [
  "Valid Title Keys": [
  "Default Channels": {
    "en": {
      "Default Follow": true,
      "Default Quick Code": "en",
      "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[EN]</color>"
    "de": {
      "Default Follow": false,
      "Default Quick Code": "de",
      "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[DE]</color>"
    "es": {
      "Default Follow": false,
      "Default Quick Code": "es",
      "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[ES]</color>"
    "ru": {
      "Default Follow": false,
      "Default Quick Code": "ru",
      "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[RU]</color>"
    "pl": {
      "Default Follow": false,
      "Default Quick Code": "pl",
      "Channel Format": "<color=#aaee32>[PL]</color>"
  "Group Chat Formatting": {
    "admin": {
      "Is Enabled": true,
      "Prefix": "<color=#00e0e8>[ADMIN]</color>",
      "Nickname Color": "#55aaff",
      "Message Color": "white"
    "mod": {
      "Is Enabled": true,
      "Prefix": "<color=#00e0e8>[MOD]</color>",
      "Nickname Color": "#55aaff",
      "Message Color": "white"
    "helper": {
      "Is Enabled": true,
      "Prefix": "<color=#00e0e8>[HELPER]</color>",
      "Nickname Color": "#55aaff",
      "Message Color": "white"
    "vip": {
      "Is Enabled": true,
      "Prefix": "<color=#00e0e8>[VIP]</color>",
      "Nickname Color": "#55aaff",
      "Message Color": "white"
    "default": {
      "Is Enabled": true,
      "Prefix": "",
      "Nickname Color": "#55aaff",
      "Message Color": "white"
  "Channel Country Assign": {
    "en": [
      "United Kingdom",
      "New Zealand",
      "United States",
      "South Africa",
      "South Sudan",
      "Papua New Guinea",
      "Sierra Leone",
    "ru": [
      "Russian Federation",
    "de": [
    "es": [
      "Dominican Republic",
      "El Salvador",
      "Costa Rica",
      "Puerto Rico"
    "pl": [


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