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Everything posted by Malkizid

  1. Malkizid

    Turbo Weapons

    Nice work, I was following that thread, looked like it took some serious troubleshooting!
    Useful little plugin, which works very neatly with Meven'ts Server Panel - thats a big bonus for me. Wrecks plugins are always convenient, creative and well thought out. This neat lttle freebie really helps tie all the licences together into one place. Its a fun way to give or sell a usable item to the player or simply integraete to server panel like I chose to. Instructions provided in screenshots were helpful too.
  2. Malkizid


    While it may not be for everyones taste this plugin does just as I had hoped, really so simple to use and performs very nicely. Most players on PvE servers want Nightvision (the plugin) but I prefer to set up longer nights without player nightvision, to maintain the importance of Rust's day night cycles both for PvE Survival and for PvP combat I wanted to make the process a little simpler for players and so having this plugin strikes a really nice balance for me. There are options to toggle the lamp on and off both automatically and manually - giving players that hate the dark some ease of mind. Nice work beee
  3. Malkizid


    Yes Please! Cant compile the plugin
  4. A slightly more wise Manky
  5. Malkizid

    Turbo Weapons

    Really nice update in v2.0 very much liking the new configuration features - Happy 12,025!
  6. Hey there, I've also been wondering about that, is this an automatic feature based on the native ping marker system, or can the markers and types be configured? A sample configuration would be helpful
  7. Cool idea! Hope to try it out soon. Question: would it be possible to allowthe "shared economics" somehow have a physical location? The logo image gave me the idea, it would be fun if say the shared economics were held in by a team or caln in a vault, which could be stolen by other players (in certain pvp scenarios)
  8. Malkizid


    Thanks for the reply, if they will not be available here I will write to you in your discord, thanks
  9. Malkizid

    Boss Monster

    I know its way less convenient but it only takes a few more minutes, can make your boss kit on yourself, then check all the item shortnames here https://www.corrosionhour.com/rust-item-list/ then add them to each boss config, I know you gotta go get skinID's from steam and that's anotehr 10 mins of work per set, if you know what skins you are using. Alternatively you can make a kit very quickly and I think BossMonster allows you to set a kit for the boss in the config iirc, so you dont have to write every item shortname, mods, amount, items and skinids
  10. My favourite thing about Christmas is PRESENTS and MINCE PIES! Probably also sharing, giving and makin folks happy. But mostly PRESENTS and pies, "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way, Oh what fun it is to ride a rad-soaked slope n sleigh, hey! Jingle Bells Manky smells, Whispers laid an egg, the snowmobile lost its wheel and San-ta got a-waaaaaay!"
  11. Malkizid


    It's harrd to give an accurate answer as results will vary, depending on your use and configuration of the plugin - also how many other plugins you might have also calling this plugin and vice versa. Ultimately though it depends on the server performance and how many players are actively chatting. All I can tell you is on a 50 pop server I admin for, with normal to low performance specifications, 30+ active players talking frequently, there is no noticable delay and the plugin works great. (And 90% of our chat is translated, as the players are all from different non english speaking countries.) I hope that helps.
  12. Malkizid


    Hi Steenamaroo, Not sure if this was reported, didn't see in the discussion thread. Npc profiles that are set to target animals don't target wolf2, they still ignore it.
  13. Malkizid


    How have I not come across this before, can't wait to get it! I'm gonna have a laughing fest recording ridiculous voices for npcs Nice work
  14. Malkizid

    Airfield Event

    Hi Fruster, that's really great to know. There's no hurry! I'm just glad to know that it might be possible! I think it would have great potential if its not complicated to implement. Thank you for considering this.
  15. Malkizid

    Airfield Event

    Greetings @Fruster - I have a small request / suggestion but a simple question Do you think it would be possible to change the asset (prefab) for the CargoPlane that your plugin uses from "cargo_plane.prefab" to a custom prefab? I'm using some custom vehicles from Karuza's Plugin Corner and I thought, since Facepunch's plane looks so terrible in close render distance it would be amazing to use a custom prefab, like one of the larger planes from Kruzas planes plugin. Would it be possible to make this compatible so people could make use one of Karuza's planes for example, or other assets / prefabs ?
  16. Malkizid

    Dungeon Bases

    Yes, I wasn't implying or suggesting that nobody should post or report issues in the discussion thread. Of course that should be done. All knowledge is helpful. The point of my message was: 1: to state that in my use and testing, the plugin is not faulty and works as intended. 2: The developer is not responsible for conflicts with other plugins 3: To remind users / buyers to perform testing or do research before buying and loading a plugin. Especially if they run a highly modded server, that's the server owners responsibility. A safe practice recommendation, that is all. Of course if a developer is willing to help and make other plugins work with theirs, that is great. And in this case Fruster is clearly wiling to help I'm sorry if you found my message dismissive or misunderstood, that was not my intention. If a product has a fault, devlopers are obliged to post a notice or disclaimer and usually do. I dont think Alpha and Beta testing are in question here.
  17. Malkizid

    Dungeon Bases

    Just to note, I'm having zero issues with doors / card readers/ elements or teleportation not functioning. Whatever issues people are experiencing lately, are almost definitely a conflict. Always test and set up a new plugin on a test server in a clean environment first, then see how it interacts with your configurations and other plugins. This should be a standard procedure before reporting errors and bugs.
  18. I have configured "Online Settings", "Sleepers Settings" and "Time Settings" To all use the same indent values. For Up Indent, which is 25 (in all size categories) Yet, they appear like this. Can you please explain what I should be referencing with these values, or what else the correlate to? or link me to a guide that deals with this because trial and error is not the way to go about this. Example from "Time Settings" Please see the attached screenshot for reference. "Size Settings": { "Sizes": [ { "Image Size": 35, "Title Font Size": 12, "Value Font Size": 16, "Up Indent": 25, "Side Indent": 125, "Lang Key": "sizeBig", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 30, "Title Font Size": 10, "Value Font Size": 14, "Up Indent": 25, "Side Indent": 125, "Lang Key": "sizeMedium", "Permission": "" }, { "Image Size": 20, "Title Font Size": 8, "Value Font Size": 12, "Up Indent": 25, "Side Indent": 125, "Lang Key": "sizeSmall", "Permission": "" } ], "Default Size (index)": 0 } },
  19. Ok thank you. Mevent (and Team) are some of the best developers here on Codefling, no doubts, great support and great plugin design! but these UI and Interface type plugins need to have some basic and slightly user friendly documentation or a warning to stop idiots like me from buying them without first learning what is required to understand ui design. (just a thought for the future) I see the improved video designs and documentation for newer plugins and more updated ones released by Mevent team and its a great step in that direciton. Keep up the good work and thanks again for the reply.
  20. Malkizid

    Conflict with Skill Tree plugin

    SkillTree always causes issues with plugins that modify similar things in the game, as expected. However the reason I'm writing is because Extended Magazines Skill of Skill tree was always problematic with magazines of various weapons, especially if you use any plugin that modifes Magazine Capacity. Wouldn't it make more sense to disable the magazine Capacity skill if you're using Turbo Weapons too? Or an even better idea make and use a permission from Turbo weapons as the the "reward/skill" from skill tree, then everybody wins. I'm obviously not a developer just an annoying experienced plugin user. Anyway, just my thought - Marte6 knows what they are doing.
  21. Malkizid

    Quest System

    Thanks a ton for explaining that to me, really helpful and I also really appreciate your feedback and opinion on the plugin. I admit my excitement to buy it when Ifirst saw it was overwhelming but one can never be sure until testing. Your opionion (and others) have proved to me that this is well worth the asking price and more importantly can do what you explained. Cheers! Best Regards, Manky
    This is a very simple. easy to use and lightweight plugin. It performs well and even has a basic ui to help users configure options. While basic in functionality the ui is actually well designed, looks nice and is more than helpful. While the plugin doesnt have a lot of features, it leaves room for growth - but it does exactly what it says and does it well! I was more than satisfied with this purchase when I bought it. Since then, the Devleoper Marte6 has kept improving and updating the plugin, based on user feedback without straying from the core idea. So far I haven't been disappointed (even slightly) with any of Marte6's work
  22. Malkizid

    Turbo Weapons

    I can't wait to set that up, will make this truly brilliant. Take your time, we look forward to the update when its ready!
  23. There is only the Panel Anchor setting at the beginning of the config, it is already set to "Upper Right", this doesnt explain how to move, orient or place the buttons in question: For Players, Sleepers, Time, etc. There must be another setting to individually set the location of each of those icons? I've messed with everything and I can onyl get them to display in a vertical orientation, top to bottom, (in the upper right) but its a mess. as shown in my first screenshot from the earlier message.


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