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Everything posted by Malkizid

  1. Malkizid

    Quest System

    Thanks for sharing your insight on how to use permissions to create a Quest chain, I wasn't aware of this. I havent got the plugin yet as I didn't think it was possible. That's pretty awesome and clear! Can I ask you in what way you use TalkingNPCVendors as a work around? Is it also in a similar fashion by granting a permission created in this plugin "XDQuestpermexample" as a reward or transaction from TalkingNPCVendors?
  2. Greetings Mevent, Is there any documentation on "indent" values ? I cant even guess what positions equate to what by looking at other indent values in the configuration files. I would like to get the icons on the right hand side similar to the event ones on the left (pelase see the attached screenshot) the configuration settings are different for each of those sections and the indent values and locations are not usable by guessing. For example the "sleepers", "Online" and "Time" sections seem to share indent values in each size setting, in relation to each other unlike event the icons on the top left. If I can at least mirror the layout on the right side like the left side I will be more than happy Any assistance with this will solve my hours of confusion, thank you in advance.
  3. Malkizid


    @Mercury What does the configuration option IQFakeActive do? I dont see anything about this in thedocumentation and I am a bit confused. Also what is the IQRankSystem, is it a separate plugin and if it is a spearate plugin will it be available, I dont see it for purchase anywhere? }, "Settings IQFakeActive": { "Use support IQFakeActive": true }, "Settings IQRankSystem": { "Rank display format in chat ( {0} is the user's rank, do not delete this value)": "[{0}]", "Time display format with IQRank System in chat ( {0} is the user's time, do not delete this value)": "[{0}]", "Use support IQRankSystem": true, "Show players their played time next to their rank": true }, Many thanks in advance for any info on this.
  4. Malkizid

    AutoRestart UI

    Hi Crash, Thank you for the quick reply. That's good to know about the 1 minute warning, I will removethat then if its is already automatic. Posting gui or notify alerts in game from 60 seconds or less countdowns is fine but being able to toggle it off for discord would be great. Also becuase of discord webhook posting limitations. There's no hurry but that would be really appreciated and I think everyone could benefit from having this option available. Otherwise I'm really liking your plugin- keep up the nice work. Thanks a lot.
  5. Malkizid

    AutoRestart UI

    Hi Crash, pretty nice plugin and neat ui - makes it simple for admins to organise restarts and notify players in game and on discord. I like that, it all works nicely as intended. However I have some minor issues - Perhaps you could help: First, for posting to Discord notifications, is there no way to specify how many times this is done, in the config? it would be really great if we could choose at which intervals discord messages are posted in minutes. Or by using the Alerts, Warning Times config area: For example I have: Alerts": { "WarningTimes": [ 30, 10, 5, 1 ] }, Its very spammy currently and I dont want it to post every alert to discord, like this. Thanks in advance for any assistance with this, Best regards, Manky
  6. Malkizid

    Quest System

    You are the "Fantasy themed" counterpart to my brain. Hahahahah I couldn't have said it better. I've a similar idea and server set up I'm working on but with entirely different themes and less roleplay / rpg elements. But yes I'm also on the fence with the fact that only one npc can be set up. If multiple npc's were possible this would be the ultimate quest plugin!
  7. Well I guess I missed that update on Nov 29th, sorry - I wasn't aware of that update noet with the addition of a new gui for purchasing. As great as this plugin is, I still recommend to use a separate plugin to sell items to players.
  8. I don't remember there being a ui to buy recyclers within this plugin itself? You should be using another plugin to sell the recycler to players or via an NPC trader for example, in the config of which then you would put the costs and run the command within that plugin to give the player the appropriate recycler item. For example using "Shop" by Mevent in the item category section you would do something like: "Command (%steamid%)": "giveindustrialrecycler %username%" this could also be another command and username could be changed to %steamid%
  9. Malkizid


    With usually a minimum of 20 different languages on our server, yeah we do see some really strange translations sometimes. Honestly this plugin works so great overall that most people dont notice its there which is perfect, So aside from that one small thing, yes some way to indicate text has been translated might be helpful, most languages dont auto-translate well into English.
  10. Hi Stark, sorry to ping you with a reply as I've no idea and have no advice.... but now I'm curious as im interested in this, are you using any team management plugins in your set up?
  11. I'm curious about that too, if it would be ideal to use a separate team management plugin to enhance the features of this and help manage / prevent player abuse of the rulesets regarding teams, team limits, changing ofteams etc. I'd imagine using another plugin to manage teams and team limits would not have any conflicts with this. Please note I dont own this and have no experiene with it yet, I'm speculating out of interest in the topic as I would also like to get it.
  12. Regarding Teams, I'm not sure if there are any inherent restriction rules within this plugin iteself. As for Flag limitations and other details: All of the documentation is provided on the plugin page description, it can also be found here - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m_HxA8WpPgVNwKPxSfK5NVVn-AxwNDpcNztrZazgtyE/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.4r4c9u71gbkp
  13. That would be nice indeed!
  14. Malkizid


    @KalviHaving some sort of economics or item / scrap cost for players to do certain actions or import skins /sip etc could be a nice addition or dynamic. If there was a way to make the best skins plugin any better, this is probably one of the only possible things I could also think of.
  15. Malkizid


    That would be a nice option to be able to remove "bad" or "unwanted" skins because of problems with some skins displaying image or text correctly. I know it takes lots of work to remove those skins from the .json configuration file but it can be done, also Beee has a nice free tool to help you manage skins when you have many skins in your configuration file: https://codefling.com/tools/editor-for-skinboxskinnerskins this makes it simpler to add and remove skins, as you can see an image preview.
  16. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    @Adem This "person" ^^ is sending dm's to people asking for your plugin. I already got messages from them now.
  17. Malkizid


    I have to chime in and say that, the rocks in the water areas are actually really nice, we like them a lot and they can lead to some interesting building areas. Itt's definitely a subjective topic rather than an issue.
  18. Malkizid

    Raidable Bases

    In the configuration you can add the option to block vehicles, they simply get turned away from the zone bubble. I'm not sure about "bouncing them into the stratosphere" though... sounds funny
  19. Malkizid

    Npc Random Raids

    Hi Razor, thank you for letting me know. Best regards, Manky
  20. Malkizid

    Npc Random Raids

    That's a shame, I was hoping to get this soon and some of your other work. Do you expect to continue selling on Codefling or not? If not where can we find your work for sale?
  21. Hi 21mac21, thank you for the reply. I'll message you here as 1) I now am sure that the error was due to a mistake on the server. It was running BetterTeams by Ahigao and your plugin, causing a conflict. I only recently discovered this, my apologies for not writing sooner. 2) I'm taking a break from working on that server now but the server owner will be in contact if he has any further issues.
  22. This seems very fun to use. I'm always very interested in anything that adapts vocal or audio capabilities in rust! I see it is as a useful tool and a fun way to increase vocal range and scare players. Would it be possible or within the scope of the plugin to utilise these features on an entity or NPC for example? For example to increase or decrease the audio range of an npc or animal entity, or a SpookySpeaker / Boombox entity ?
  23. Good idea! With so much information on all these Codefling plugin pages and the location of the link directly above the screenshots, it was very easy to miss the previous version.
  24. The Discord is pinned as a link at the top of the plugin description page. To be fair, its pretty Tiny! I missed it myself a few times but that's not The_Kiiiing's fault


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