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Everything posted by Malkizid

  1. Malkizid


    No problem, I wasn't sure what was the best way to go about it, as most edits work from the ui and are written I had presumed updating the data while the plugin is loaded would function. Thanks a lot for the reply!
  2. Malkizid


    Hi, When I add a custom profile in game, finish working with it and reload the profile via the ui, all data is saved. I then go into the data folder to edit the customprofiles for botnames and announcement text which I do for our Boss NPCs. However when I change the values here in the data .json file and save them - they dont load in game. If I reload the plugin, the old files reload (.ie before I added the botnames and announcement text etc). If I instead save the .json data then reload the specific custom profile in game they also dont update and the config is overwritten by the in game values, which have no botnames or announcement text. What am I doing incorrectly? Is there a waiting period or command I'm missing ?
  3. Malkizid

    Custom Modules

    we are getting this error when players modify their cars using custom modules - I think its the buoyancy module in specific | [Physics.PhysX] PxRigidBodyExt::setMassAndUpdateInertia: Mass and inertia computation failed, setting mass to 1 and inertia to (1,1,1) Any ideas ?
  4. Malkizid

    Skill Tree

    Thanks so much! I'm an amateur back up admin on our server and I'm learning as I go. So many plugins to handle, I missed the fact that its a prefab and not item short name. I'm hoping this is it "rocket_launcher.entity.prefab"
  5. Malkizid

    Skill Tree

    Hi, we've been having a small issue with the "extended_mag" skill - because we use another plug-in, Doorknocker; a permission based skill we sell in our shop, which lets players load 5 rockets into their launchers. In the SkillTree config, having blacklisted rocket launcher types and all rocket ammo types under the extended mag skill section, we still can't get them to work together, so sadly had t disable the extended mag skill. Essentially what happens is the rocket launcher skill we sell doesnt work. is the mistake mine, in the Weapon prefab section? "Blacklist of weapon prefab shortnames that cannot benefit from the Extended Mag buff": [ "rocket.launcher", "homingmissile.launcher" ], Anybody have any ideas? why do we use the second plugin? Well, we like to limit the use of rocket launchers receiving bonus ammo in the weapon instead of extended mag applying to all weapons, without blocking off the possibility to have rocket launchers gain a buff too but an extra cost.
  6. Malkizid

    Skill Tree

    In my opinion yes, I mean it is fast and seems normal having used this plugin for sometime on our server
  7. Malkizid

    Custom Modules

    Hi @Adem love the plugin, I set it up and configured it now, its working fine and very well. There is one problem for me, we are Pve Server and I have "Allow turrets to attack players? [true/false]": false, but the turret kills players anyway. In our TruePvE config turrets have a rule so that they can not attack players. Solved abov: adding an extra Flag in TruePvE worked both "StaticTurretsIgnorePlayers, TurretsIgnorePlayers" made sure that they could not be hurt. also obviously a rule that "autoturrets cannot hurt players" Cant get water engine to work either, its impossible to drive car to water, it bugs in away that the car is so heavy it cant move to get to the sea. Is there something wrong? ( Patched and fixed in latest update)
  8. Malkizid


    I hope you get around to it, thank you! Still my favourite plugin of the year, with or without this option.
  9. Malkizid

    Npc Random Raids

    I don't have this plugin but I would guess once you load it up onto your server that there is a data folder created, like yourserveraddress/oxide/data/NpcRandomRaids or something like that, in which you can upload the mp3 files and name them.
  10. Malkizid


    Hi there, did you get a chance to take a look at an "APC Safe" per profile setting? As opposed to a Global toggle only.
    A very well thought out map, lots of interesting details, fun loot rooms, designs and challenges. Feels ideal for a close to vanilla PvP and PvE survival experience. The only issue I had was that the map was made with older rust assets (pre Trains update) and so some train features don't work out of the box - HOWEVER, the author very kindly helped me find a solution with the addition of an easy to use and free plugin - now we have trains spawning and automated trains driving around the cool custom train-stations the author built on the map. Despite the slightly older assets, this is one of the best free maps out there that actually works as intended. Try it out! Thanks for all your hard work Ionut Shiro, our players appreciate it!
  11. Malkizid

    Hydrae Oxide

    Hi, sorry to bother you again. I found the plugin you suggested and am setting it up, I wanted to ask you about the train track prefabs on your map. On the plugin page it it says: "This plugin is to be used for your custom maps to automatically allow the work cart to spawn on “assets/content/structures/train_tracks/train_track_3x3_end.prefab" Are those the same prefabs you use for the train station sections on your map? If you use any other ones or if that's incorrect, it would be great if you can let me know. Many thanks for your help
  12. Malkizid

    Hydrae Oxide

    Ah that explains it, ok fair enough. Many thanks for the quick reply and alternative advice. I think if there's ever time to update the map to make trains usable as they are in vanilla rust currently, it would be pretty nice!
  13. Malkizid

    Hydrae Oxide

    Pretty nice map design, overall very fun. However there appears to be some errors with he custom Rail network aboveground, it doesn't connect in a "circular route" because the custom train tunnels don't allow trains to pass through them... als the train yard is not connected to the custom rail network... as well no train cars spawn on the map. Another small issue for is this means we can no longer run Armored Train plugin above ground. Its a shame that the overall above ground rail system does not connect in both directions. The tunnel that does not allow locomotives or wagons to pass through is the one between station 11 and 12 in map grid M16 Otherwise, pretty nice custom work - we're enjoying testing it out on afresh wipe right now.
  14. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    I look forward to seeing your new Halloween experiment!! I wonder how many objects are on it From my experiments with editing train wagons in rust edit and placing tons of extra objects and loot, trains haven't caused performance issues on our server. (except when I accidentally add non-parentable objects to the wagons but as you know I found out the hard way, that just breaks the whole plugin haha, but simple trial and error) We have not updated yet, but wow I see the new screen shots - looks awesome, nice work Adem!
  15. Malkizid

    Skill Tree

    Can confirm the same issue on our server with that particular barrel smash skill. We have also been experiencing an issue with the heli speed skill "Name: Heli_Speed Description: Increases the max thrust speed of the heli by x% per level." It was working previously, now it does not register for players. However sometimes it does, then ceases to function. Reloading the plugin or doing a respec does not have any effect.
  16. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    attach a copy of your config .json file and some one can take a look. I can answer one part of your question which is, I don't believe the NPC's can move as they must be parented to the train. They can turn, fire, reload, switch weapons etc and are usually pretty lethal with the right equipment. Attack distance and other NPC settings within this plugin can affect their behaviour somewhat.
  17. Malkizid


    Thank you very much, sorry I had to ask as this command is not anywhere in the documentation. Edit: The provided command doesn't seem to function, however the config option would be greatly appreciated!
  18. Malkizid


    Hi @imthenewguy would it be possible to add /removemarketnpcall or some such feature in your next update? As each time we wipe every two weeks if I forget to remove them before wipe, they are all floating around the map on a new wipe. So a command would be really nice! So we don't have to go into the data folder and edit them out. Otherwise all good and many thanks for the awesome plugins!
  19. Malkizid


    "skinID" is used. You can see the skinid on steam workshop for custom skins, for example: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2919226184 in the web link is also the skinid for the item. 2919226184
  20. Malkizid


    Hey there, I hate to do this but am at a loss and confused, has anybody got a clue as to what could be causing this. It only began happening this week after the last patch. Error in rcon with EpicLoot Failed to call hook 'OnItemRemovedFromContainer' on plugin 'EpicLoot v1.1.12' (FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.) at System.Number.ParseSingle (System.String value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles options, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo numfmt) [0x00083] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at System.Single.Parse (System.String s, System.Globalization.NumberStyles style, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo info) [0x00000] in <fb001e01371b4adca20013e0ac763896>:0 at System.Single.Parse (System.String s, System
  21. Malkizid

    Skill Tree

    Removed Post, wrong plugin discussion. Sorry (deleting comments should be possible on Codefling)
  22. Nice, I really appreciate that! Can I ask approximately did you change / update? I'm looking through this plugin.cs file and seeing if there is a way to re-write it to work with vehicle license plugin https://umod.org/plugins/vehicle-license#updates instead of depending on: "Spawn Modular Car plugin for police car and police transport vehicle: https://umod.org/plugins/spawn-modular-car " Disclaimer - I am a complete amateur and currently don't know what I'm doing, so don't get your hopes up
  23. Malkizid


    If you set the amount of npcs to 20, then yes 20 should spawn. If you have no other settings enabled on that profile. You have full configuration options for Spawn Radius and NPC spawn amount at day / night time. Spawn Radius is only used if custom spawn points are not enabled on a profile. Its easy to manually set custom spawn locations for any given default or custom profile on your map, like in the case of Biome spawning. There are lots of neat variables in the in plugin menu for each profile regarding spawning, amount, location, time of day, changing spawn point on death, respawn timers etc.
  24. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    Same, can't get Convoy to continue moving after attacking it, if player leaves the area or dies. "The time for which the convoy stops moving after receiving damage [sec.]": 200, this is no longer having an effect


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