About MyStatistics
MyStatistics - Player statistics and the top of the best players in terms of the number of points scored all the time. User-friendly and concise interface.
The command to open the menu ( can be changed in the plugin config ) - /stats
- The ability to clear player statistics after wipe
- The ability to view the list of top players in the menu
- There are points that can be configured in the configuration
- There are regular messages with different top players
- Search for a player by nickname in the menu
- The ability to replace points with a balance from the Economics plugin
- A pleasant and convenient menu
- The plugin will be in Russian or English, depending on the player's settings
- The ability not to include certain steam IDs in the top players
In the plans:
- Increase player stats
- Make it possible to view statistics of other players
- Add rewards for top 1-3
Plugin Configuration:
{ "Основные настройки | Basic Settings": { "Чат команда для открытия статистики | Chat command to open statistics": "stats", "Очищать данные при вайпе? | Clear data on wipe?": true, "Раз во сколько минут будут сохранятся данные? | How often will the data be saved (in minutes)?": 30, "Включить сообщение с рандомным топом игроков? | Should I include a message with a random top of the players?": true, "Раз во сколько секунд будет отправляться рандомное сообщение с топом игроков? | How often will a random message with the top players be sent (in seconds)?": 600, "Заменить очки на баланс плагина Economics? | Replace points with the balance from the Economics plugin?": false, "SteamID игроков, которые не будут включены в топ игроков | SteamID of players who will not be included in the top players": [ 76561199561802375 ] }, "Настройки очков | Point Settings": { "Кол-во очков за убийство игрока | Number of points for killing a player": 5.0, "Кол-во очков за убийство NPC | Number of points for killing an NPC": 1.5, "Кол-во очков за убийство животных | Number of points for killing animals": 1.0, "Кол-во очков снимать за смерть | Number of points deducted for death": -1.0, "Кол-во очков снимать за суицид | Number of points deducted for suicide": -0.5, "Кол-во очков за разбитие бочки | Number of points for breaking a barrel": 1.0, "Кол-во очков за найденный скрап | Number of points for found scrap": 0.2, "Кол-во очков за сбор урожая | Number of points for harvesting crops": 0.2, "Кол-во очков за взрыв танка | Number of points for destroying a tank": 20.0, "Кол-во очков за добычу ресурсов | Number of points for gathering resources": { "wood": 0.2, "stone": 0.5, "metalOre": 1.0, "sulfurOre": 1.5, "hqmetal": 2.0 } } }
You can find pictures of the plugin - here