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MyStatistics 4.2.0

   (2 reviews)
Message added by myst1c,

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About MyStatistics

MyStatistics - Player statistics and the top of the best players in terms of the number of points scored all the time. User-friendly and concise interface.



  • The ability to clear player statistics after wipe
  • The ability to view the list of top players in the menu
  • There are points that can be configured in the configuration
  • There are regular messages with different top players
  • Search for a player by nickname in the menu
  • The ability to replace points with a balance from the Economics plugin
  • The  ability to view statistics of other players
  • The ability to switch the light menu to the dark one for each player.
  • A pleasant and convenient menu
  • The plugin will be in Russian or English, depending on the player's settings
  • The ability not to include certain steam IDs in the top players
  • Detailed customization of interface colors


  • /stats - Opens the statistics menu.
  • /stats rem - Deletes the player's stats.

Plugin Configuration:

  "Basic Settings": {
    "Chat command to open statistics": "stats",
    "Clear data on wipe?": true,
    "Should I turn on the generation of players after the vape?": false,
    "Allow players to view other players' stats?": true,
    "Allow players to delete their stats?": false,
    "How often will the data be saved (in minutes)?": 30,
    "Should I include a message with a random top of the players?": true,
    "How often will a random message with the top players be sent (in seconds)?": 300,
    "Replace points with the balance from the Economics plugin?": false,
    "SteamID of players who will not be included in the top players": []
  "Point Settings": {
    "Number of points for killing a player": 5.0,
    "Number of points for killing an NPC": 1.5,
    "Number of points for killing animals": 1.0,
    "Number of points deducted for death": -1.0,
    "Number of points deducted for suicide": -0.5,
    "Number of points for breaking a barrel": 1.0,
    "Number of points for found scrap": 0.2,
    "Number of points for harvesting crops": 0.2,
    "Number of points for destroying a tank": 20.0,
    "Number of points for gathering resources": {
      "wood": 0.2,
      "stone": 0.5,
      "metalOre": 1.0,
      "sulfurOre": 1.5,
      "hqmetal": 2.0
  "Interface Settings": {
    "Allow players to switch menu themes?": true,
    "What will be the default design? ( true - light; false - dark )": true,
    "The font of the text (clear the line if you want an ordinary one)": "RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf",
    "Configuring interface colors": {
      "Back background color": "0 0 0 0.3",
      "Interface background color for light theme": "1 1 1 1",
      "Interface background color for dark theme": "0.05 0.11 0.16 1",
      "Text background color for light theme": "0 0 0 0.2",
      "Text background color for dark theme": "0.11 0.15 0.23 1",
      "Toggle color for light theme": "0 0 0 1",
      "Toggle color for dark theme": "1 1 1 1",
      "Lock color for open stats in light theme": "0 0 0 1",
      "Lock color for open stats in dark theme": "1 1 1 1",
      "Lock color for closed stats in light theme": "0 0 0 1",
      "Lock color for closed stats in dark theme": "1 1 1 1",
      "\"Home\" button color for light theme": "0 0 0 1",
      "\"Home\" button color for dark theme": "1 1 1 1",
      "\"Exit\" button color for light theme": "1 0 0.24 1",
      "\"Exit\" button color for dark theme": "1 0 0.24 1",
      "Arrow color for light theme": "0 0 0 1",
      "Arrow color for dark theme": "1 1 1 1",
      "Icon color by viewing stats in light theme": "0 1 0.15 1",
      "Icon color by viewing stats in dark theme": "0 1 0.15 1",
      "Notification icon color for light theme": "1 0.55 0 1",
      "Notification icon color for dark theme": "1 0.55 0 1",
      "Setting text colors": {
        "Text color with a light theme": "0 0 0 1",
        "Text color with a dark theme": "1 1 1 0.7",
        "The color of the search text with a light theme": "0.2719052 0.2719052 0.2719052 1",
        "The color of the search text with a dark theme": "0.6304743 0.6304743 0.6304743 1"
  "Setting up Items": {
    "List of mined items": [
    "List of harvested plants": [


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