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Everything posted by Malkizid

  1. Malkizid


    Do you use TruePVE ?
  2. Malkizid


    I don't think so but it would be fun if they can - try make an npc kit with the Homing launcher and let us know if it works
  3. Malkizid


    Oh that's good news and no worries, I think all is working fine - we have found no issues other than the minor visual bug with parachute. Suggestion: (not important) but what do you think about an "APC Safe" option also as a per profile or per Faction setting ? I set many factions and NPC types, it would be fun that the Bradley can attack some but not all profiles. (for example one of our zombie or mutant factions) Either way cheers for your quality work!
  4. Malkizid


    Hi, great plugin its improved our server a lot! I have a minor issue / question - when npcs are set to Parachute in, it works as intended but I no longer see their parachutes - is this possibly a rendering issue on client side or a graphical bug since the latest update?
  5. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    Did you have any luck resolving the automatic event start timer issue?
  6. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    Nice idea, I think it may be a limitation of NPC Spawn which this plugin depends on. Perhaps ask the author over there? In my own experience over the last 6 to 8 months I've noticed little performance issues with Convoy or Armored Train, with many many cars, wagons and npcs - though we run a fairly quiet server of 50 pop.
  7. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    What do you mean exactly, what are you hoping to achieve ?
  8. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    @SlayersRust Could you use pastebin please or attach your config as a file next time, posting your entire config as a post makes the discussion thread a mess. I'm no expert on this, I dont notice any mistakes though. Try set the minimum and maximum time between events to be different. Test with min 60 and max 180 for some variation. in the "standart" preset, set automatic startup to false, even though probability is 0.0
  9. Malkizid

    Custom Modules

    Hi, I believe this is a core Rust issue, the contents of signs can't be displayed if the sign is in motion or is removed. Unfortunately there's not really a workaround for this, unless you know to write your own plugins and make your own models for them and in Rust edit where the specific sign and writing is "baked" together as part of the desired vehicle module.
  10. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    EDIT: sorry, This was intended to be posted on Convoy discussion. But it would be nice to be on Armored Train too. @Adem Suggestion / Request: Will it be possible in the future to change map-marker colours for individual Armored Train & Convoy presets? So there would be a Marker setting for each preset. We have many difficulty presets and I think using map marker colours will help our players more quickly recognize the difficulty. Maybe Hex codes would be easier to implement? I would use these for our set up, for example. "Easy": "00FF00", Green "Medium": "FFEB04", Yellow "Hard": "FF0000", Red "Expert": "0000FF", Blue "Nightmare": "000000" Black Thanks for your consideration
  11. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you can but you must configure Zone Manager and edit 'canbypass' flags in permissions to do that, outside of this plugin.
  12. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    No it is not, you can reconfigure the times. Simply alter or remove the values as you like. This is how we have it configured: "The time until the end of the event, when a message is displayed about the time until the end of the event [sec]": [ 300, 60, 30 If you only want one message you can try remove the other options, for example: "The time until the end of the event, when a message is displayed about the time until the end of the event [sec]": [ 60 ],
  13. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    I don't think so, if there was an issue with a bradley leaving a convoy and getting stuck, the whole convoy would stop moving. Even so the convoy event duration ending would prevent this from happening. Some of your convoy presets probably don't have a Bradley in them, for example the easy or regular convoy. sounds like you're running a bi-weekly server and the 24 hour prewipe timer has spawned a lot of bradleys, this is now the standard pre wipe scenario. Try open f1 console and type "printwipe" for more info on that
  14. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    Hi m3dus4, Yes, it is possible to change the colour. Look under "Marker Setting" in your config. Below is an example: "Marker Setting": { "Do you use the Marker? [true/false]": true, "Radius": 0.2, "Alpha": 0.6, "Marker color": { "r": 0.81, "g": 0.25, "b": 0.15 }, "Outline color": { "r": 0.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0 } I hope that Adem will have time and would like to implement an update, that will allow map marker colours for each convoy tier!
  15. Malkizid

    Water Patrol

    @Jbird Sorry for the delay in getting back to you and apologies if I came across poorly. I understand the issues with changing the name and how unnecessary that would be, I want to re-clarify that how the description is written was my main issue. I appreciate your constructive approach and helping me understand how the plug-in functions. Best of luck and keep on doing the good stuff that you do.
  16. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    @Thunderchile Since I only work with a handful of the plugins on the server I admin for, I'm not sure what settings to add to the TruePvE ruleset, I knly know that it is possible to do what you were originally asking. We've had both scenarios on various wipes where Bradley could damage bases and when it could not, both times using TruePve. I'll ask the owner as he's the plugin master and if I have anything for you I'll dm you since it goes a bit off topic from Adem's plugin at this point.
  17. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    Have you tried adjusting this: "Damage multiplier from Bradley to buildings (0 - do not change)": 1.0, Ultimately it depends on TruePVE - you may have to customise your settings in this plugin to allow damage to buildings in this case.
  18. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    I haven't noticed these issues on our server over the last month. Are you still having problems with the times? Please carefully check through your config and make sure it is updated.
  19. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    The lever is the default method to stop the train from moving. A player has to approach it and pull it. Optionally you can also enable killing of the driver to stop the train, as well as define the drivers HP + clothing / armor fit in the drivers presets section. It is not possible to take fuel from these trains. In theory if you set the below to true: "Allow wagons to be connected to the train [true/false]": true, If you run a PvP server or allow damage to trains on a PvE server, a player could possibly destroy the locomotive from Armored train and use another Locomotive to attach to the fuel wagons that you have in your train wagon presets, then drive the fuel wagons to the train yard to unload. I have not tested this myself and don't think it will work, as that would stop the event. Anyhow, for example if you wanted to make a Fuel train preset that spawns randomly and mostly load it with a series of Fuel wagons it would be something like this: "Train presets": [ { "Preset Name": "train_fuel", "Train Name": "Fuel Train", "Event time": 2700, "Train can be spawned underground [true/false]": false, "Allow automatic startup? [true/false]": true, "Probability of a preset [0.0-100.0]": 40.0, "Locomotive Preset": "locomotive_default", "Order of wagons": [ "wagon_unloadable_fuel", "wagon_unloadable_fuel", "wagon_unloadable_fuel", "wagon_unloadable_fuel", "wagon_unloadable_fuel" ], "Heli preset": "", "Train Stop time": 120 }, Then make a custom wagon preset in the which in this case is just an unload-able fuel tank wagon with nothing else on it (like below) and add as many as you like to the train preset above. (in this example I added 5 fuel wagons) "Wagon presets": [ { "Preset name": "wagon_unloadable_fuel", "Prefab name": "assets/content/vehicles/trains/wagons/trainwagonunloadablefuel.entity.prefab", "Bradley preset - locations": {}, "Turret preset - locations": {}, "SamSite preset - locations": {}, "NPC preset - locations": {}, "Crate preset - locations": {}, "Decorative prefab - locations": {} }, Hope that helps
  20. Malkizid

    Custom Modules

    I really like this plugin and all of Adem's work but I would really like to see a few additions to Custom modules! Like an attachable rocket launcher addon (something similar to what biplanes plugin does)
  21. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    No, they should not be able to leave the train. The only thing that can move around the train is the heli if you enable it one of your presets. Also the heli roam distance can be limited (it is by default maybe 300) it will only roam once the train has been stopped. If a base is very close to the train track then the bradley wagons and of course the heli could fire upon a player hiding in a base for example. Also, in any plugins using NPC spawn such as this one, the NPCs will not attack construction unless both in range and have the appropriate weapon equipped .ie C4 or a Rocket launcher
  22. Malkizid


    Hi, I'm an amateur here on this but I can tell you that Epic Loot items don't stack due to the random values assigned to each item. So stocking them in vending machine would be tricky, unless you pre-made identical sets, I don't know how to do this however. You could at least sell Epic scrap in a vending machine though. One method I just though of is if you use shop by Mevent and Human Npc to set a custom npc as a shop vendor, you could use the option in Shop to run a command or sell a custom item. So for example you could have the shop sell an Epic loot item tier and Set type and item type /genitem <itemshortname> <set type> <tier> eg /genitem roadsign.kilt jockeys s in your config you could set it so the s tier is always the same value on min and max if you wanted the shop to sell the top tier item with a fixed buff level. For example we sell a Personal recycler on our server using Shop, it looks something like this { "Type": "Command", "ID": 1663039529, "Image": "https://i.imgur.com/RVWcLkm.png", "Title": "Personal Recycler", "Description": "", "Command (%steamid%)": "recycler.give %username%", "Kit": "", "Plugin": { "Hook": "recycler.give", "Plugin Name": "extended-recycler", "Amount": 1 }, "DisplayName (empty - default)": "Personal Recycler", using the same idea I believe you could do this with epic loot items or epic scrap no problem. I hope that helps
  23. That sounds like a pretty neat idea, I hope someone could put that together and implement BotRespawn, which is a really great plugin. I can imagine how that would work very nicely for customising an arena! Especially with all of the available features, options, easy to manage kits and user interface. Arena by K1lly0u does the basics but it is buggy, laggy and lacking in any finesse or rounded features regarding npc's and bots in arenas, it does the basics but not very well.
  24. Malkizid

    Water Patrol

    Hi Jbird, thanks for taking the time to reply and for the detailed explanation. I understand your perspective and have no problem with that, translation can be difficult. Regardless, it is not a patrol - there is no patrolling. I understand why this is difficult to do and resource consuming but it doesn't change what the plugin actually does. Here's a few phrases off the top of my head, Boat Pirates, Ocean Mercs. RHIB Mercenaries, Bounty Hunters, Boat Scavengers, why not play around with those names, mix the m up - something to work with but you get the point, it gives the right impression and doesn't mislead. Functionality like a "Patrol" is anticipated by a buyer if its in the name and the description. I think KpucTaJl does a great job with their plugins and work, I have no other issues. However to me this is a very big and important one that borders on false advertising. Please at least change the description, that is the most important issue. Not the misleading name.
  25. Malkizid

    Water Patrol

    Hi, I really love the plugin idea, looks and sounds great and aims to do something unique, well done for that! The Plugin name alone is misleading, please consider changing it, but you must remove this highlighted part from the plugin description: "Water Patrol is a plugin that spawns in NPC-controlled RHIBS that patrols the ocean and coastline searching for players. Once engaged, players have the choice to attack them for loot or flee for their lives!" As I have read all the discussions and descriptions, this not what the plugin does. The RHIB's sit around waiting for players to attack, there is no patrol. This is incredibly misleading because I would have purchased the plugin based on the idea of a Patrol, which is absolutely not what this does. If this has been changed in the an update I don't see in the changelog, then please do let me know.


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