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Everything posted by Malkizid

  1. That would be really useful, I know the feeling. Even skins that appear okay in the workshop and have an image, often don't display an icon in game and must be removed. It is a very tedious process, even with this really useful program.
  2. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    You're welcome and good luck! I'd be interested to know how it runs for you with the train being active so frequently.
  3. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    @Dad Frog Hi, yes the time defined in those settings means from the end of an event in seconds. I haven't tried setting it so there is no time between an event. I would suggest putting a minimum of 30 seconds anda maxiumum of 60 seconds. If you have a test server then you could try less time, inputting 0 seconds may have unexpected results as well as hurt server performance.
  4. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    @mike454 Sorry for stating the obvious then, only trying to point you in the right direction. True PvE or any help regarding set up is not something I can help with. Otherwise I would have gladly offered you assistance already. I am very new to all this, I only know how to manage a couple of plugins as an admin on a server. I recommend trying to get in touch with Nivex the author of true Pve or the community involved with that plugin first.
  5. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    @Adem In a future update, would it be possible to add multiple marker settings for Convoy, so we can add a different Marker colour for each preset? Raidable bases uses an individual Marker colour for each tier and it would work nicely here too. "Marker Setting": { "Do you use the Marker? [true/false]": true, "Radius": 0.2, "Alpha": 0.6, "Marker color": { "r": 0.81, "g": 0.25, "b": 0.15 }, "Outline color": { "r": 0.0, "g": 0.0, "b": 0.0 }
  6. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    If TruePVE is properly set up you wont have this issue with convoy, especially if you follow the settings that aimacak and Adem suggested to edit in your Convoy.json configuration file
  7. Malkizid


    No problem @DySFunction well I'm glad you got it sorted out anyway. I guess this plugin business is at least a bit of a learning curve for us all haha! Keep up the good work.
  8. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    Hi, if you equip the NPC's with non explosive weapons they wont be able to raid a players base, simple. Also lowering this value will help regardless of your servers settings: "Damage multiplier from Bradley to buildings (0 - do not change)": 1.0, try lower it to 0.1 I find a mix of Flashbang, f1, Smoke grenades and multiplegrenadelaunchers makes for a lethal combo for strong npc types that wont destroy buildings yet will hit players hiding in bases or constructions quite well!
  9. Malkizid


    Hi there, loving the plugin all our players are having a great time with it. Zero complaints on functionality or gameplay. However there is one small issue, our players love to reskin their gear, when they do reskin an epic item the bonus is lost. Edit: This is an issue of course is with the Skinner plugin we use, vanilla/player owned skins done on the repair bench, reskin the Epicloot items fine without issue. Might anyone have a work around for using EpicLoot with Skinner? Does Epic Loot change the item ID ? If so I'm guessing skinner changes it back and causes the item to lose its EL bonuses.
  10. Malkizid


    Hi Adem, Do you have any plans to perhaps add a downward pointing light like on the scraptransport helicopter? or some small red lights on the biplane so it could be seen in the night time, when the main lights are toggled off?
  11. Malkizid


    Hi @The_Kiiiing great plugin, our players are loving it - I have a question / request: Would it possible to allow the joint to go out when unequipped from the hotbar/toolbar in a future update? Thanks and keep up the great work!
  12. Malkizid

    Npc Random Raids

    Hi Thanks a lot for the reply. I understand your limitations utilising the boombox, while very useful it has a very short range. Would there be some way to utilise an invisible megaphone connected to the boombox that follows the npc around, to amplify the sound? I'm taking guesses at things you've probably already considered. I know the boombox is the only item that will support url hooks to play. (nice plugin by the way )
  13. Malkizid

    Npc Random Raids

    Hi @Razor we're considering purchasing this for our PVE server, to compliment Raidable Bases. Do you have any plans or ideas in progress for the "Taunt players with .mp3 voices": [] I read through the discussions that this functionality in the config is not currently working? Many thanks in advance
  14. Malkizid


    In the station config there are coordinates for each entity, for example turrets, flamethrowers and in this case you are asking - Bradley's. You should be able to set the coordinates to your preferred location. I haven't used space yet but in theory you should be able to open up rust edit place the assets you want to work with at 0, 0, 0 (X, Y, Z) coordinates and make adjustments based on that. All the coordinates that are set in the sample config are a positive or negative adjustment from a 0, 0, 0 zero X (horizontal plane) Y (vertical plane) Z ( length plane) location dont forget to take rotation into account too. I hope that helps
  15. Malkizid


    Thank you for the prompt reply! (Adem also confirmed this for me)
  16. Malkizid


    Hello and good day, We are running Convoy and Armored train which depend on NPCspawn, but are considering adding BotReSpawn to our server for extra NPC functionality and diversity. Has anybody tried this, would the two plugins conflict in some areas, even if NPC spawn was only utilised from within Armored Train and Convoy configurations? Many thanks for any advice.
  17. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    But then how to add multiple vehicle presets to each difficulty preset? Say for example "convoy hard" has a "Bradley_1" and "Bradley_2" preset, how is it possible to define this in your plugin? Or is this not possible and we misunderstood eachother?
  18. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    You should configure the turret damage parameter in each npc preset. "Turret damage scale": 1.0,
  19. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    { "Name": "medium", "Name displayed on the map (For custom marker)": "Medium Convoy", "Speed": 8.0, "Automatic startup": true, "Probability of a preset [0.0-100.0]": 85.0, "Order of vehicles": [ "bradley_1", "modular_1", "truck_1", "truck_1", "sedan_1", "sedan_3" ], "Enable the helicopter": false, "Bradley preset": "bradley_1", "Sedan preset": "sedan_1,sedan_3", "Truck preset": "truck_1", "Modular preset": "modular_1", "Heli preset": "heli_1" }, The vehicle presets dont seem work in this order for example the sedan_1 and sedan_3 - the sedan 3 doesnt load into the convoy or spawn should I order the presets differently in the sedan preset section in this example?
  20. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    We're running version 2.2.3 great to know, thank you!
  21. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    is it possible to define multiple vehicle presets in each Convoy preset? For example say I have a sedan 1 and sedan 2 and want them both in one convoy difficulty preset. "Enable the helicopter": false, "Bradley preset": "bradley_1", "Sedan preset": "sedan_1", "Sedan preset": "sedan_2", "Truck preset": "truck_2", "Modular preset": "modular_2", "Heli preset": "heli_1" Or would it be like this: "Enable the helicopter": false, "Bradley preset": "bradley_1", "Sedan preset": "sedan_1", "sedan_2", "Truck preset": "truck_2", "Modular preset": "modular_2", "Heli preset": "heli_1"
  22. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    we're currently running 3 plugins by Adem and they are very nicely designed and highly configurable. Since I'm not the product owner on our server, I'll just a have to leave a comment here. Adem is an excellent plugin designer, is patient and incredibly helpful. Will leave a review on the next purchase! Thank you.
  23. Malkizid

    Convoy Reforged

    Exactly, the increased HP on heli in convoy config is not working. Everything else with heli and convoy is working fine, as intended. Convoy_1 mankyedit.json
  24. Malkizid

    Armored Train

    Thank you Adem, I've sent you a friend request on discord yesterday, resent now. I'm Malkizid (Manky)#6538


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