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Everything posted by GamingHQ

  1. I have a good example for that. Without the mod if you have a high tiered car, drive around with it like mad. You notice a lot of spikes, rubber banding or trees and other objects being rendered in. In some occasions, you might even see a weird fussy mesh of a tree as its having trouble to keep up with your client. You can easy replicate the weird looking mesh by teleportation to a random location with trees or a large area with monuments. With this mod If you have a high tiered car, you can still enjoy the game with 90% less stutter and drive around like mad. You can easily take sharp turns without lagging, even if a player from another country with a higher ping would coming around the corner saying hi. The area around you is equal rendered, giving your client a drastic boost. I'm running a 5k custom map and everyone really does feel a huge difference in the before the mod and after the mod.
  2. GamingHQ

    /medic does not work

    sadly, i have to inform that chaging the config did not helped. I remain getting the same message somehow. The config however remained untouched besides the number change. Would you still like to have this config file?
  3. GamingHQ

    /medic does not work

    i see i have made a booboo on my side. There was a minimum of two needed in order to activate it. I have set it to one and it works now. My apologies.
  4. GamingHQ

    /medic does not work

    Sadly, this doenst happen. Even with the permissions granted. it only shows the informational trigger that there are 0 medic's active. ( apologies for late reply, not seen that someone had replied )
  5. GamingHQ

    /medic does not work

    The use of /medic and /medicinfo results in the same informational trigger, but does not do anything besides that.
  6. GamingHQ

    Raidable Bases

    Updated raidable bases to latest version. Everything works perfectly fine. No issues at all. thanks nivex
  7. GamingHQ

    Wipe suggestion

    Good afternoon. I would like to pitch in a suggestion, The option to wipe cases when a map wipe happened. Or is there already a command for this? i have a few players collecting cases like they are hamsters looking for an endless stack of food
  8. GamingHQ

    delete config?

    Roger that #closed
  9. GamingHQ

    delete config?

    Why am i forced to deleted the config?
  10. https://umod.org/plugins/signal-cooldown
  11. yea... no. lets just use umod's version.
  12. even custom mapped, 5k mapsize. huge improvements! You sir, if i could hug you right now..
  13. As the title says above, i'm looking for a plugin that allows the server owner to apply a scoreboard based on itemID. When the server wipes, the score wipes with it. The top 3 gets a reward once they log back in after the wipe. Example The server owner would like to track who donate's the most scraps to the server. or any other item. Command example /itemscore add [itemshortname] /isdonate [itemshortname] [amount] If someone would be able to create such plugin, i'm happy to pay a copy for it once its released. Stay safe, stay frosty.
  14. GamingHQ

    Raidable Bases

    then i might be afraid to tell you that this also happened on the free version of the plugin. I helped out a friend of mine with his free version as he has 0 knowledge in the config stuff. his server kept crashing twice a day. ( this was last month ). when doing the ent cleaner mod, it showed over almost a million of blueprints, codelocks and such being deleted. his server ram was spiking like mad and he had 16 gigs, but only 12 mods. ( simple innocent mods like furnace splitter and other QOL mods )
    Besides two minor things, this monument is the perfect alternative monument to give your map a nice twist. Nicely and well build. Value is worth 15 bucks for sure, so 3 bucks is a steal. 10/10 would recommend.
  15. GamingHQ

    two minor things

    Good morning. Two minor things that i spotted during adding the monument on the map. 1. The checkpoint next to the office building is double on each other. 2. There are two static vents that needs a minor realignment. overall, this monument is worth every penny. i would recommend buying boiis.
    The term "simple" has been taken serious here. Floors roofs is a single tile, dragged out like mad. Walls are a test cliff where face punch can do anything with it due to its a test cliff. No white modding cubes is been used here. So sad. Everything has been done in a rush, without testing. Kinda wish i never bought this but meh. 2/5
  16. Checking out some new plugins to see if they would be a great addon to the community servers of us. Having the workbench doing the dirty work would be perfect....... until linking option came around the corner. Is there a way to disable that function completely?
  17. GamingHQ


    another one? Don't we have now like 5 6 versions of a info panel? kinda fishy in my opinion.
  18. GamingHQ


    everything works fine for me. "I'm not seeing the mini heli to add to the shop. In trying to search for the heli's, a bear rug image shows up with heli.repair in the description. " There is no mini copter option in the shop. You need a separate plugin for that with a command trigger.
    A perfect designed gasstation for any occasion. Well designed with the avelable items ingame. Low ents, high FPS. 10/10 would recommend.
    A nice well designed supermarket. We are using it now with a additional vending for clothing sales. Fits perfectly in the map and does not kill your FPS. 10/10 would recommend to buy.
  19. GamingHQ


    * googles for rustlevels as link isunprotected * Sees results.. Nope.


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