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Everything posted by GamingHQ

  1. GamingHQ

    Np npc spawns

    hey bud. Thankyou for your offer on trying out the newer version of the plugin. I'm however not on the codefling discord i'm afraid. We will kindly wait untill a new release is released. Good luck! noize.
  2. GamingHQ

    Raidable Bases

    Did you went from a free version to a paid version of raidable bases? possible it could be due to the language file?
  3. GamingHQ

    XP supply drop

    hi there. Something small i came across. With the use of fancy airdrop, if a personal supply drop is been thrown and you limit it to the user only first to be looted before its opened for anyone else, if anyone interacts with it before its looted, they obtain XP even if its not their rightfull supply drop..
  4. GamingHQ

    Skilltree mass XP donation

    Status can be changed to fixed.
  5. GamingHQ

    Np npc spawns

    Hi there. There are no more npc's that spawning when you create a bank. Normally, when placed the npc's with the command /guard create [name] they should pop up when reloading the bank, but for some reason they wont. As i noticed someone else having this issue a month ago, would it mean that not many users are using the plugin. Glady, my players asked for this month to have a bank again, so that i'm able to provide you with the needed information. Skin on garage door ( default one u have in config example ) gets timed out. NPC's wont spawn. ( Assuming due to betternpc or npcspawn conflicting somehow ) When unloading plugin, used items such as the hackable crate and garage door wont despawn ( killed on unload ) Suggestions to add with the plugin ( from my players ) Possible to add support for the pvemode plugin. ? Possible chance on additional backup with NPC's when raiding the bank.
  6. GamingHQ

    Skilltree mass XP donation

    already done one of my players will inform me when he dies again if its resolved or not.
  7. GamingHQ

    Skilltree mass XP donation

    The one from you? no. We do however have the skirmish plugin with the two basic maps that are included. ( sewer and warehouse ) not sure if that would count?
  8. GamingHQ

    Skilltree mass XP donation

    it loses its perm for the night vision mod ( /nv ) Users have then to reload the game in order to regain access to this function again after they died.
  9. GamingHQ

    Skilltree mass XP donation

    A new issue occurred that, where a user dies and respawns, it loses its perms. The user then has to relog in order to resolve this.
  10. GamingHQ

    Skilltree mass XP donation

    Hi there. This morning, my hosting thought it was fun to update the server while my players were playing on it. They had loaded in a new map, and that also means that all XP gets resetted when you have the auto wipe function active. However, players noticed they can still use the commands and buffs that they had unlocked prior before the crash occurred.
  11. GamingHQ

    Raidable Bases

    possible u have a plugin active with the prevention of using wooden ladders and twig foundations on other player made bases? ( just wildly thinking here for possible cause )
  12. GamingHQ

    Boss Monster

    Indeed. Nexus and The industrial stuff is nice. awesome to see...... but not for community servers in my opinion. i mean, i can fully understand if someone wants to auto craft c4 while he is raiding on another server, but i dont see any benefits to have auto crafters or sorting systems on a community related server that already has a few super simple plugins to "auto sort" your items. It will only clutter up the server even more. They are taking too much from other games. Even my own players are saying the same, its is not rust anymore as it used to be before. Since the announcement of the auto crafting system, people are more negative about it then ever. My TCadmin 2.0 has indeed some issues. But, those are common issues as dayz has the same problems when using the TCadmin 2.0 ( a fix is not coming anytime soon, as there is drama in the forums there last time about rights and private lives problems ) I however dont know about other hosting platforms, but as far i know from where i haz mine, it has never been bad except for the past few months ( Technically seen, the drama started when the trains got released above grounds ) Its eating RAM like chocolate cookies. If you then also have other events that are "actively" patrolling on the map, yes... then you ending up without ram very quickly. Cant wait for multitreaded, its gonna be a game changer for the CPU.
  13. GamingHQ

    Boss Monster

    my server has 64 Gigs of ram, yet i'm having 20 SFPS. Its the fault of FacePunch and their half broken game in combination of crappy support from EAC anti cheat. Trust me, Elsewhere ( cant say names cuz of NDA information ) is it a sh*tshow at the moment with EAC anti cheat. it toke us two weeks to find a single problem and we still have a huge list to go for. Its not the hosting fault nor the user/serverowner. Point the fingers and bullets to facepunch.
  14. GamingHQ

    Abandoned Bases

    hmm, i think it would be best if we would be able to interact with the tool cupboard itself and make it so it wont take any damage at all, yet the raider has to reach the TC in order to have a "success" in the raid. I would say, lets see it a bit like a base defender game, where the raider has to reach the flag ( in case the TC ) in order to complete the raid. ( mabye possible with a foundation check when the foundation with TC gets exposed somehow or a button they have to press that's automatically placed on the TC? ) For the house owner that sees his base being raided, he/she should go towards the TC itself to interact with it. A GUI pops up with a message "o deer, you have been raided" With the message on what the amount of damage is and what the repair costs would be. ( possible of a deer image with a base that's being raided as main logo on top? ) The costs of repairing the base can be defined by the server owner to choose if he/she wants to use economics, RP or any sort of item. I think that, a repair cost of the use of economics or RP would be more friendlier as building up a whole base again with the usual resources, as it could take some time on the more harder servers. This system only works for the first 48H after the raid happened. If the user is later online then the 48H, then his base gets fully purged within the next serverboot or after 24H when the 48H are over. ( this could be changed in config if it would be possible ) Hmm, this could be purrfect as well indeed instead of the holograms. something like with the dangerous treasures event when willing to know where the event is taking place i assume? but instead of coords, its where the raiders came inside and where the dmg will be. What else also could be an idea is, to limit the damages by only allowing to destroy the doors, garage doors, other certain doors, storage chests etc but leaving walls, door frames and such alone? like an actual burgling instead of seeing the whole base being wiped? that would be perfect for RP related servers as well. They would be able to simulate a thief going bonkers on someone else his base.
  15. GamingHQ

    Abandoned Bases

    an idea for some kind of soft core mode? that, if the base is been raided, you still can see holograms of where everything was placed. ( bit like uhm, V Rising ) When user comes back online, they can repair their base by interacting with their cupboard. Not sure if we could use the holograms when we place a item in the base by any chance?
  16. Hi there. Is it possible to add a new boss that's somehow related to cocaine Bear? ( not joking, its a upcoming movie by Universal Studios XD )
  17. GamingHQ

    Raidable Bases

    which technically just fails then? ( when it comes on my ticket )
  18. GamingHQ

    Bases dont despawn

    hi there. The leftover bases are not responding to this command at all. They even give me a nice present eggs randomly popped up when manually deleting a base. The random Trader houses from I'mthenewguy has the same problems. When a server is rebooted, the buildings that should be killed before a serverboot occurs just refuses. All copy/paste........ holdon, i gotta check something. Nah, Copy/paste is also latest version so its not that. But yea, i dont have any errors i'm afraid. All my problems are for now only the despawning during a serverboot issue. Someone suggested me i should use another plugin to unload and load plugins, but i hate it to use another plugin as a bandage.
  19. GamingHQ


    What's the difference between Boss monster and this plugin?
  20. GamingHQ

    Bases dont despawn

    Good morning. Hope you doing alright. For the past few days, i noticed wild bases being alive while they should be despawned. During a server-boot, if there is an event ongoing, its not going to be deleted. Its becoming so annoying, i have it removed from the server until its resolved as i'm tired of manually spamming the ent kill command 500 times a day, just to delete a few wild bases.
  21. GamingHQ

    Raidable Bases

    it might be the case that the user is not a part of the team or clan. Have you checked your settings if a user is allowed to participate if you are a non owner of the raid?
  22. GamingHQ

    Convoy Reforged

    You could also create your own custom routes and save them all together. Once the convoy gets triggered, it picks one of the few routes that you have created.
  23. GamingHQ

    Stores dont despawn

    Good morning. It comes to my attention that some stores dont de-spawn when its intended to de-spawn. Stores remaining near the roadside and remain there until its decayed. You however cannot interact with them. I run a pve server, assuming it could be related to this that it does not despawn or something as the game could see it as a playermade base? ( having similair issues with raidable bases a.t.m where nightmare bases dont despawn during serverboot, but i doubt its related to this. )
  24. GamingHQ

    Raidable Bases

    i believe it gets auto ejected or deleted. not sure tho. ( please correct me if i'm wrong )
  25. GamingHQ

    zip file

    Awesome! Smart thought of the use of dropbox for that tho. i bet it saves quite a lot of time. #closed


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