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Found 16 results

  1. Mevent

    Player List

    Version 2.0.4


    Adds a list of players to your server with convenient options for interacting with them Commands players (open interface) Permissions Permission to use: you can set permission in config, for example: "Permission (ex: playerlist.use)": "playerlist.use", playerlist.hide (hides a player from the player list) FAQ Q: Where can I see an example of a config? A: Config
  2. Mevent

    Hit Markers

    Version 1.2.2


    Each user can choose his own marker, which is convenient for him! Commands marker - open an UI Permissions You can set permission in config, for example: "Permission (ex: hitmarkers.use)": "hitmarkers.use", You can also set your own permission for each font and button. Config { "Commands": [ "marker", "hits" ], "Permission (ex: hitmarkers.use)": "", "Work with Notify?": true, "Fonts": { "0": { "Font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf", "Permission (ex: hitmarkers.font)": "" }, "1": { "Font": "robotocondensed-regular.ttf", "Permission (ex: hitmarkers.font)": "" }, "2": { "Font": "permanentmarker.ttf", "Permission (ex: hitmarkers.font)": "" }, "3": { "Font": "droidsansmono.ttf", "Permission (ex: hitmarkers.font)": "" } }, "Min Font Size": 8, "Max Font Size": 18, "Buttons": [ { "Enabled": true, "Title": "Text", "Type": "Text", "Description": "<b>Damage numbers</b> will pop up in the center of the screen!", "Permission": "hitmarkers.text" }, { "Enabled": true, "Title": "Icon", "Type": "Icon", "Description": "The familiar hit icon changes color after a <b>headshot!</b>", "Permission": "hitmarkers.icon" }, { "Enabled": true, "Title": "Heath Line", "Type": "HealthLine", "Description": "A bar appears above the slots, showing the <b>remaining</b> health of the enemy", "Permission": "hitmarkers.line" }, { "Enabled": true, "Title": "Buildings", "Type": "Buildings", "Description": "Displaying damage by buildings", "Permission": "hitmarkers.buildings" } ], "Info Icon": "https://i.imgur.com/YIRjnIT.png", "Show damage to NPC": true, "Show damage to animals": false, "Marker removal time": 0.25, "Default Values": { "Font ID": 0, "Font Size": 14, "Text": true, "Icon": false, "Health Line": false, "Buildings": false } }
  3. Version 0.1.4


    Big Wheel Game UI statistics. Collecting statistics of a Big Wheel Game. And abillity to display statistics through UI with scrolling of content. Note: To make players avatars available, in the ImageLibrary config file you need to: set true in the "Avatars - Store player avatars"; set API key in the "Steam API key (get one here https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey).". bigwheelstats.use - Provides access to use UI. It works if the parameter "Is it worth checking permissions for using the UI interface?" is enabled in the config file. { "ImageLibrary Counter Check": 5, "Is it worth checking permissions for using the UI interface?": false, "Is it worth clearing statistics during a wipe?": true, "Big Wheel Game - Default name": "BIG WHEEL GAME", "Big Wheel Game - New best player announce effect prefab name": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/advent_calendar/effects/open_advent.prefab", "UI. Text - Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "Hud - Icon Url": "https://i.imgur.com/HvoFS7p.png", "Hud - Icon Color": "#808080", "Hud - Icon Transparency": 0.5, "Hud - Icon Is Raw Image": false, "Hud - Icon AnchorMin": "1 0", "Hud - Icon AnchorMax": "1 0", "Hud - Icon OffsetMin": "-250 15", "Hud - Icon OffsetMax": "-220 45", "Panel - Main Background Color": "#1A1A1A", "Panel - Main Background Transparency": 0.95, "Hit - Yellow Color": "#BFBF40", "Hit - Yellow Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Green Color": "#408C8C", "Hit - Green Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Blue Color": "#03598C", "Hit - Blue Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Purple Color": "#8026CC", "Hit - Purple Transparency": 0.4, "Hit - Red Color": "#B24C59", "Hit - Red Transparency": 0.4, "Panel - Close Url": "https://i.imgur.com/O9m6yZF.png", "Panel - Close Color": "#D94026", "Panel - Close Transparency": 0.6, "Panel - Close Is Raw Image": false, "Panel - Close AnchorMin": "1 0", "Panel - Close AnchorMax": "1 0", "Panel - Close OffsetMin": "-250 15", "Panel - Close OffsetMax": "-220 45", "Panel - 404 Image Url": "https://i.imgur.com/ke7jDDm.png", "Panel - 404 Icon Color": "#000000", "Panel - 404 Icon Transparency": 0.5, "Panel - 404 Font Size": 24, "Panel - 404 Font Color": "#CCCCCC", "Panel - 404 Font Transparency": 0.5, "Panel - Background Color": "#4C4C4C", "Panel - Background Transparency": 0.5, "Panel - OffsetMin": "-320 -255", "Panel - OffsetMax": "320 255", "Menu - Font Size": 18, "Menu Buttons - Color": "#808080", "Menu Buttons - Transparency": 0.4, "Menu Buttons - Active Color": "#3380BF", "Menu Buttons - Active Transparency": 0.6, "Menu Buttons - Font Color": "#CCCCCC", "Menu Buttons - Font Transparency": 0.5, "Menu Buttons - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Menu Buttons - Font Active Transparency": 1.0, "Wheel - Image Url": "https://i.imgur.com/MhW63JV.png", "Wheel Info - Color": "#808080", "Wheel Info - Transparency": 0.4, "Wheel Info - Font Size": 16, "Wheel Info - Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "Wheel Info Card - Background Color": "#808080", "Wheel Info Card - Background Transparency": 0.4, "Wheel Info Card - Title Font Size": 12, "Wheel Info Card - Title Font Color": "#808080", "Wheel Info Card - Value Font Size": 16, "Wheel Info Card - Value Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Wheel Info Card - Percentage Font Size": 12, "Wheel Info Card - Percentage Font Color": "#808080", "Personal Info - Online Color": "#CCFFB2", "Personal Info - Online Transparency": 0.4, "Personal Info - Offline Color": "#FF0000", "Personal Info - Offline Transparency": 0.4, "Personal Info - Font Size": 16, "Personal Info - Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "Personal Info Card - Background Color": "#808080", "Personal Info Card - Background Transparency": 0.4, "Personal Info Card - Title Font Size": 12, "Personal Info Card - Title Font Color": "#808080", "Personal Info Card - Value Font Size": 16, "Personal Info Card - Value Font Color": "0.8 0.8 0.7 1", "Column Header - Color": "#4C4C4C", "Column Header - Transparency": 1.0, "Column Header - Active Color": "#595959", "Column Header - Active Transparency": 1.0, "Column Header - Font Size": 16, "Column Header - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Column Header - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Column Item - Font Size": 16, "Column Item - Color": "#808080", "Column Item - Transparency": 0.3, "Column Item - Even Color": "#808080", "Column Item - Even Transparency": 0.6, "Column Item - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Column Item - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Wheel HitsList Item - Font Size": 18, "Wheel HitsList Item - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Personal HitsList - Win Color": "#CCFFB2", "Personal HitsList - Win Transparency": 0.4, "Personal HitsList - Lose Color": "#E6004C", "Personal HitsList - Lose Transparency": 0.4, "Players List - Name Font Size": 12, "Players List - ID Font Size": 10, "Players List - ID Font Color": "#808080", "BWGs List - Name Font Size": 12, "BWGs List - ID Font Size": 10, "BWGs List - ID Font Color": "#808080", "Footer - Color": "#4C4C4C", "Footer - Transparency": 0.4, "Footer - Font Size": 16, "Footer - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Footer Buttons - Between Button Text": "...", "Footer Buttons - Color": "#808080", "Footer Buttons - Transparency": 0.4, "Footer Buttons - Active Color": "#3380BF", "Footer Buttons - Active Transparency": 0.6, "Footer Buttons - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "Footer Buttons - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "Footer Text - Font Size": 12, "Footer Text - Font Color": "#808080", "Wipe ID": null, "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 4 } } EN: { "MsgMenuPersonal": "My stats", "MsgMenuPlayersList": "Top players", "MsgMenuBWGsList": "Wheel list", "MsgHitYellow": "Yellow", "MsgHitGreen": "Green", "MsgHitBlue": "Blue", "MsgHitPurple": "Purple", "MsgHitRed": "Red", "MsgFooterText": "Showing {0} to {1} of {2}", "Msg404Player": "Player {0} not found", "Msg404PlayersList": "Players list is empty", "Msg404BigWheelGame": "Big Wheel Game {0} not found", "Msg404BWGsList": "Big Wheel Games list is empty", "MsgPersonalCardTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgPersonalCardWinSpins": "Win spins", "MsgPersonalCardLoseSpins": "Lose spins", "MsgPersonalCardScrapSpend": "Scrap spend", "MsgPersonalCardScrapWin": "Scrap win", "MsgPersonalCardScrapResult": "Scrap result", "MsgPersonalCardScrapRecordBid": "Scrap record bid", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastBid": "Scrap last bid", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastWin": "Scrap last win", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderItem": "Item", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderHit": "Hit", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderBidAmount": "Bid amount", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderResultAmount": "Result", "MsgPlayersListHeaderPlayer": "Player", "MsgPlayersListHeaderTotal": "Total", "MsgPlayersListHeaderLoses": "Loses", "MsgPlayersListHeaderWins": "Wins", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordBid": "Record bid", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordWin": "Record win", "MsgPlayersListHeaderResult": "Result", "MsgBWGsListHeaderBigWheelGame": "Big wheel game", "MsgBWGsListHeaderTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgBWGsListHeaderCurrentSpins": "Current session spins", "MsgBWGCardBestPlayer": "Best player", "MsgBWGCardDefaultBestPlayer": "Empty", "MsgBWGCardCurrentSpins": "Current session spins", "MsgBWGCardTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgBWGCardTotalYellow": "Yellow", "MsgBWGCardTotalGreen": "Green", "MsgBWGCardTotalBlue": "Blue", "MsgBWGCardTotalPurple": "Purple", "MsgBWGCardTotalRed": "Red" } RU: { "MsgMenuPersonal": "Моя статистика", "MsgMenuPlayersList": "Топ игроков", "MsgMenuBWGsList": "Список игр", "MsgHitYellow": "Желтый", "MsgHitGreen": "Зеленый", "MsgHitBlue": "Синий", "MsgHitPurple": "Фиолетовый", "MsgHitRed": "Красный", "MsgFooterText": "Отображены с {0} по {1} из {2}", "Msg404Player": "Игрок {0} не найден", "Msg404PlayersList": "Список игроков пуст", "Msg404BigWheelGame": "Игра {0} не найдена", "Msg404BWGsList": "Список игр пуст", "MsgPersonalCardTotalSpins": "Всего ставок", "MsgPersonalCardWinSpins": "Выигрышные ставки", "MsgPersonalCardLoseSpins": "Проигрышные ставки", "MsgPersonalCardScrapSpend": "Потрачено скрапа", "MsgPersonalCardScrapWin": "Выиграно скрапа", "MsgPersonalCardScrapResult": "Итог скрапа", "MsgPersonalCardScrapRecordBid": "Рекордная ставка", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastBid": "Последняя ставка", "MsgPersonalCardScrapLastWin": "Последний выигрыш", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderItem": "Предмет", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderHit": "Число", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderBidAmount": "Ставка", "MsgPersonalHitsListHeaderResultAmount": "Итог", "MsgPlayersListHeaderPlayer": "Игрок", "MsgPlayersListHeaderTotal": "Всего", "MsgPlayersListHeaderLoses": "Проигрышей", "MsgPlayersListHeaderWins": "Выигрышей", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordBid": "Рекордная ставка", "MsgPlayersListHeaderRecordWin": "Рекордный выигрыш", "MsgPlayersListHeaderResult": "Итог", "MsgBWGsListHeaderBigWheelGame": "Игра", "MsgBWGsListHeaderTotalSpins": "Всего вращений", "MsgBWGsListHeaderCurrentSpins": "Вращений за сессию", "MsgBWGCardBestPlayer": "Лучший игрок", "MsgBWGCardDefaultBestPlayer": "Пусто", "MsgBWGCardCurrentSpins": "Вращений за сессию", "MsgBWGCardTotalSpins": "Всего вращений", "MsgBWGCardTotalYellow": "Желтый", "MsgBWGCardTotalGreen": "Зеленый", "MsgBWGCardTotalBlue": "Синий", "MsgBWGCardTotalPurple": "Фиолетовый", "MsgBWGCardTotalRed": "Красный" } BWG_HUD_show - Shows HUD. Works only when player is sitting on the game chair. Permission "bigwheelstats.use" required. BWG_Panel_open - Opens UI panel. Works only when player is sitting on the game chair. Permission "bigwheelstats.use" required.
  4. 0xF

    Admin Menu

    Version 1.0.6


    Manage your Rust server easier and more efficiently with the AdminMenu plugin. Track players, interact with them, edit their data and permissions, as well as change server convars and manage plugins. Features: Menu retains its state after closing, you won't lose everything you did before. Ability to fully translate the menu into any language. Large range of permissions for each action, will allow you to flexibly customize the admin menu for each group of administrators. Quick menu that allows you to perform quick actions Full list of players with the ability to filter by online, offline, admins and moderators. Also has a frame of different colors depending on the level of authorization. Wide range of information and actions for the selected player. Editing convars with search. Has a complete list of editable convars with descriptions for some of them. Extensive issue menu by category, with easy management of name, skin and amount (manual, +1, +100, +1000, +10000). Plugin management menu. It is possible to reload, unload or load a plugin easily and quickly. Updates occur in real time. Ability to create your own custom buttons that execute several commands Quick Start: You install the plugin in the plugins folder. Give yourself the adminmenu.fullaccess permission. Commands, use one of your choice, one for the player and one for the admin group: o.grant user {name/steamid} adminmenu.fullaccess o.grant group admin adminmenu.fullaccess Press the X button (swap seat button) or type adminmenu in the console. Enjoy Useful stuff: You can quickly open a player in the admin menu. To do this, point at the player and press X. You don't have to hover over the player exactly, you will be able to open players within a certain radius of the place you are looking at. CUSTOM BUTTONS Custom buttons are buttons that when pressed will execute commands on behalf of the administrator, commands can be several, below will be the details. At the moment, custom buttons can be created in two places: in the quick menu and in the menu when selecting a player. These places are separated in the config. Button Fields: "Label" - Text that will be on the button, for each such inscription creates a field in the lang file, accordingly you can translate this text into several languages. "Commands" - Array of commands that will be executed on behalf of the administrator. Chat commands require a special entry, see examples. Available self-replaceable tags for commands targeting the player: {steamid}, {steamID}, {userID}, {STEAMID}, {USERID} - mean the same thing, namely the id of the selected player. {adminUID} - administrator's id. "Permission"- permission to display and use the button. You need to write the permission that will be after "adminmenu.". Example: if you enter the permission "test" the permission will be adminmenu.test "Position" - The location for the button, the first number is responsible for the row number, the second for the position within the row, starts from 0.There are limits of locations, if you have gone beyond the limit - the button will not be displayed. Example of commands: chat.say \"/{chat command}\" vanish ban {steamID} teleport {steamID} {adminUID} More information about the grant menu: The grant menu includes the full list of items including hidden items as well as custom items created by the CustomItemDefinitions library. The menu can be accessed from the navigation or from the menu of the selected player. When issuing itself has categories. Search works in any registry by any part of the name or short name. Has a page system at any stage. More information about the buttons in the Quick Menu: [Teleport to 0 0 0] - Teleport to coordinates 0 0 0. Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.teleportto000 permission [Teleport to Deathpoint] - Teleport to your deathpoint. Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.teleporttodeath permission [Teleport to Spawn point] - Teleport to a random spawn point. Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.teleporttospawnpoint permission [Kill Self] - Kill Self, kills even when immortal. Does not require permission. [Heal Self] - Fully heal yourself. Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.healself permission [Call Heli] - Call Helicopter to yourself (arrives in time). Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.helicall permission [Spawn Bradley] - Spawn bradley on yourself. Requires adminmenu.quickmenu.spawnbradley permission More information about the buttons in the menu of the selected player: [Teleport Self To] - Teleport yourself to the selected player. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.teleportselfto permission [Teleport To Self] - Teleport the selected player to yourself. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttoself permission [Teleport To Auth] - Teleportation to random authorization (TC). Requires adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttoauth permission [Teleport to Deathpoint] - Teleportation to a player's deathpoint. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttodeath permission [Heal] - Full healing, including metabolism. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.fullheal permission [Heal 50%] - Half healing. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.halfheal permission. [View Inventory] - View and edit player's inventory. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.viewinv permission [Strip Inventory] - Clear player's inventory. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.stripinventory permission [Unlock Blueprints] - Unlock all Blueprints. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.unlockblueprints permission [Revoke Blueprints] - Reset all Blueprints. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.revokeblueprints permission. [Kill] - Kill a player. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.kill permission [Kick] - Kick a player. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.kick permission [Ban] - Ban a player. Requires adminmenu.userinfo.ban permission More information about the buttons in the menu of the selected group: [Remove Group] - Remove group, has confirmation. Requires adminmenu.groupinfo.removegroup permission [Clone Group] - Clone group with the ability to copy users. Requires adminmenu.groupinfo.clonegroup permission Permissions: adminmenu.use - Ability to use admin menu with basic set. Open tab quick menu (each button has its own permission, without permissions is present only kill yourself button) and the list of players. adminmenu.fullaccess - Full access to all functions without the need for each permission, includes also adminmenu.use. It is recommended to give only to the main administrators. adminmenu.quickmenu.teleportto000 - Access to the button in the quick menu, teleportation to coordinates 0 0 0 0. adminmenu.quickmenu.teleporttodeath - Access to the button in the quick menu, teleportation to the point of your death. adminmenu.quickmenu.teleporttospawnpoint - Access to the button in the quick menu, teleportation to a random spawn point. adminmenu.quickmenu.healself - Access button in quickmenu, heal yourself completely. adminmenu.quickmenu.helicall - Access to the button in the quick menu, call a helicopter to yourself (arrives in time). adminmenu.quickmenu.spawnbradley - Access button in quickmenu, spawn bradley. adminmenu.userinfo.teleportselfto - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleportation to the selected player. adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttoself - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleport the selected player to himself. adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttoauth - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleportation to random authorization (TC). adminmenu.userinfo.teleporttodeath - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, teleportation to the place of death of the player. adminmenu.userinfo.fullheal - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, full healing, including metabolism. adminmenu.userinfo.halfheal - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, half healing. adminmenu.userinfo.viewinv - Access to the button in the selected player's menu, view and edit the player's inventory. adminmenu.userinfo.stripinventory - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, clear the player's inventory. adminmenu.userinfo.unlockblueprints - Access the button in the menu of the selected player, unlock all drafts. adminmenu.userinfo.revokeblueprints - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, reset all drafts. adminmenu.userinfo.kill - Access the button in the selected player's menu to kill the player. adminmenu.userinfo.kick - Access the button in the selected player's menu to kick the player. adminmenu.userinfo.ban - Access to the button in the menu of the selected player, ban the player. adminmenu.groupinfo.removegroup - Access to the button in the menu of the selected group, the ability to remove the group. adminmenu.groupinfo.clonegroup - Access to the button in the menu of the selected group, the ability to clone the group. adminmenu.convars - View and edit convars. adminmenu.permissionmanager - View and edit permissions in groups, player groups, create, delete and clone groups (requires additional permissions from these buttons). adminmenu.pluginmanager - Access to plugin management, reloading, unloading, loading plugins. adminmenu.give - Access to give resources, as well as yourself and the selected player.
  5. Yun

    Players UI

    Version 1.0.42


    PlayersUI give to your server with a beautiful and iterative interface for searching users and viewing their profiles. Features - A beautiful player list with a search box and pagination; - A profile for each user; - Permission to customize profile banner; - Badges on user profile with tooltips; - Highlight groups in user list; - Customizable commands; - Custom buttons in the profile; Default Commands /profile [target] - Show user profile; /players - Show the player list; /banner [url or default] - Change your current banner Demonstraton: Default configuration file: { "Player list command name": "players", "Profile command name": "profile", "Banner command name": "banner", "Change banner permission name": "playersui.banners.use", "Server default banner url (Recommended size: 1200x272)": "https://i.imgur.com/VjbhyCO.png", "Badges (don't use spaces in the ID, only alphanumeric chars and _ to replace the spaces)": [ { "id": "admin", "name": "Admin", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/v3ncrRY.png" }, { "id": "mod", "name": "Moderator", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/UV6NOQV.png" }, { "id": "sponsor", "name": "Sponsor", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/7YpivBD.png" }, { "id": "vip", "name": "VIP", "iconUrl": "https://i.imgur.com/E700MO8.png" } ], "Status display settings": { "Show kills": true, "Show deaths": true, "Show KDR": true, "Show killed animals": true, "Show killed NPC's": true, "Count all deaths (suicide, fall, animals, helicopters, etc...)": false }, "Custom buttons on profile": [ { "Button label": "<color=#FFF700>SEND TP</color>", "Button icon url": "https://i.imgur.com/diqgMnn.png", "Button background color": "0.82 0.6 0 1", "Button command": "chat.say /tpr {target_id}", "Is a server command": false, "Only admins can use": false, "Show it to your own profile": false, "Button anchor min": "1 1", "Button anchor max": "1 1", "Button offset min": "-74 -160", "Button offset max": "0 -136" }, { "Button label": "<color=#59ff00>CLAN INVITE</color>", "Button icon url": "https://i.imgur.com/EZWrsAo.png", "Button background color": "0.31 0.56 0.34 1", "Button command": "chat.say /clan invite {target_id}", "Is a server command": false, "Only admins can use": false, "Show it to your own profile": false, "Button anchor min": "1 1", "Button anchor max": "1 1", "Button offset min": "-174 -160", "Button offset max": "-80 -136" }, { "Button label": "KICK", "Button icon url": "https://i.imgur.com/zRr73cJ.png", "Button background color": "0.76 0.19 0.19 1", "Button command": "kick {target_id}", "Is a server command": true, "Only admins can use": true, "Show it to your own profile": false, "Button anchor min": "1 1", "Button anchor max": "1 1", "Button offset min": "-236 -160", "Button offset max": "-180 -136" } ], "Groups highlight": [ { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "default", "Priority": 99, "Background color": "1 1 1 0.1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0 0 0 0", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "admin", "Priority": 1, "Background color": "1 0 0 0.1", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "1 0 0 0.4", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/v3ncrRY.png" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "mod", "Priority": 2, "Background color": "0 1 0 .3", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0 1 0 .5", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/UV6NOQV.png" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "sponsor", "Priority": 3, "Background color": "0.2 0.63 0.17 .3", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0.2 0.63 0.17 .5", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/7YpivBD.png" }, { "Group name (use oxide.groups on console to show all available groups)": "vip", "Priority": 4, "Background color": "0 1 1 .3", "Text color": "1 1 1 1", "Icon background color": "0 1 1 .5", "Icon URL (empty = disabled)": "https://i.imgur.com/E700MO8.png" } ] } Preview images:
  6. Mabel


    Version 1.0.6


    About: Server pop plugin displays server pop using !pop trigger Server pop plugin displays server pop using !pop trigger Online players Sleeping players Joining players Queued players Show pop on connection Welcome Message Cooldown Configuration: { "Chat Prefix": "<size=16><color=#FFA500>| Server Pop |</color></size>", "Value Color (HEX)": "#FFA500", "Chat Icon SteamID": 76561199216745230, "GlobalResponse (true = global response, false = player response)": true, "Show Online Players": true, "Show Sleeping Players": true, "Show Joining Players": true, "Show Queued Players": true, "Show Pop On Connect": false, "Show Welcome Message": false, "Cooldown (seconds)": 60 } Language: { "Online": "{0} / {1} players online", "Sleeping": "{0} players sleeping", "Joining": "{0} players joining", "Queued": "{0} players queued", "WelcomeMessage": "Welcome to the server {0}!", "CooldownMessage": "You must wait {0} seconds before using this command again." }
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Players will be able to build inside this dome. Build Zone Dome is a safe dome for players to build inside. It contains a door that you can open and close, as well as its own lighting and vertical signs to draw on.
  8. Version 1.1.1


    Put in sale properties (house, building, etc) so that players can buy them, rented. Work with all doors that can include a lock code, Works with Economics Permissions propertybuying.manager.use - Gives access to the (creates, suprimed ) properties propertybuying.manager.admin - See all properties created and (creates , suprimed ) properties Commands /property - Accesses the property management ( added, removed ) How to add a property ? CopyPaste Decay Config Payment Time Model Lang
  9. Version 2.0.1B


    IMRG plugins are currently not for sale. Additionally the "IMR Tools Package" are (or soon to be) unlisted. Those who've already bought our plugins are welcome to still submit support request if necessary. Once we've more time to allocate to Codefling plugins will be relisted again as well as more added. Advanced Combat Logging is a plugin that improves upon the combatlog feature in Rust for both players and admins in a number of key ways. For reference, combatlog is a command players use regularly to see the "combat logs" of their fights, and this plugin takes that many steps further by upgrading the information shown to display the actual steamID and player name of the players involved in the fight (which the normal combat log doesn't show), in addition to allowing customization of the log with such things like the amount of combat interactions or how long ago the combat happened, who it is or isn't shown to, and which type of interactions to log (players, animals, scientists, etc). For admins, it also creates fully customizable persistent server log files with no performance impact with records of combat logs of fights that took place on the server so they can be reviewed later for balance, hacker/scripter investigation, seeing what you missed, and much more! Features • Improves upon the existing combatlog feature for both players and admins • Takes the guesswork out of the logs to include actual steamID and player name for complete accuracy rather than vanilla combatlog which shows neither • Creates customizable log files for server owners so they can conveniently review all combat logs on their server even when they're not actively around and using the command • Through review of the generated log files, allows admins to compare and contrast logs at their own pace to look for patterns of potential hackers, scripters, other foul play, or other things • VIP Ready to allow specific players or groups of players to see better combat logs than normal players and many other options • Lets admins choose which type of combatlogs will be recorded per permission group by specifying the short prefab names (for example, players, specific animals, specific scientists, etc) as well as other possibilities • Can block all or specific players from using the combatlog feature as well if so desired • Great performance • Highly customizable Depends On IMR Tools Package: https://codefling.com/tools/imr-tools-package Always make sure you have the IMR Tools Package installed first when running any plugins by IMR Games. Installation - Make sure you have the IMR Tools Package installed, as explained above. - Put this plugin in your oxide plugins folder. - It will generate a config and lang file. - When in use, will also generate log files in the standard oxide logs directory. - Customize and enjoy! Console Commands combatlog - Brings up the custom combat log in the console combatlog steamid - Brings up the custom combat log in the console for that specific player (admin only) Permissions All permissions in this plugin are completely customizable in the config file. There can be as little or as many permission groups as you like depending on what you want to do. The only requirement is that the beginning of the permission use the plugin name which is imrgadvancedcombatlogging. Permission groups also follow a "priority" system, with the permissions listed first taking higher priority if a player happens to have multiple. Included in the default config are the following permission group examples just to demonstrate a few things you can do: - Example 1: Players with this permission cannot use the combatlog command. Useful if you want to block specific players or even all non-VIP players from using it - Example 2: Permission for admins that unlocks all features of the plugin - Example 3: VIP permission for players with upgraded combatlog features plus the ability to use combatlog - Example 4: Permission that lets players use the command with basic features - Example 5: Permission that lets players only see combatlogs related to animals These are just examples, but the plugin can be used in many ways! Config { "File Log Settings": { "Only Log If Player Has Been Hurt By Another Player Recently": false, //Limits combat logs to only situations where players were hurt by other players. "Max Combat Lines": 60, //Maximum line entries of combat interactions per log to show. "Max Combat Time Lines Seconds": 600.0, //Maximum time in seconds to show a combat interaction, ending in the death of a player and going back that many seconds of combat interactions. "Show Improved Identifiers": true, //Upgrade the standard vanilla combat log with steamID and actual player names. This makes it possible to identify each target involved in combat specifically for a much clearer picture of who was doing what. "Prefab Short Name Whitelist": [ //Short prefab names for which types of combat interactions to log. For example, if including only player, then only PVP interactions will be logged. If adding animal shortnames, then PVP and animal combat interactions will be logged. If this is left empty, then every combat interaction will be logged, including players, animals, scientists, etc. "player" ] }, "Console / RCON Settings": { "Block Combat Log Command": false, //Prevent anyone from using the combatlog command via Console/RCON. "Line Delay Seconds": 0.0, //How many seconds must pass after a combat interaction has occurred before it will show up with the command. "Max Combat Lines": 9999999, //Example of pretty much unlimited combat interactions being visible per combat log. "Max Combat Time Lines Seconds": 9999999.0, //Example of pretty much any length of combat interactions being visible per combat log. "Show Improved Identifiers": true, "Prefab Short Name Whitelist": [] }, "Settings (By Permission)": { "imrgadvancedcombatlogging.blocked": { //Permissions that do different things based on the configuration settings in each permission group. Server owners can make as many permission groups as they like with whatever custom settings they prefer. "Block Combat Log Command": true, "Line Delay Seconds": 0.0, "Max Combat Lines": 0, "Max Combat Time Lines Seconds": 0.0, "Show Improved Identifiers": false, "Prefab Short Name Whitelist": [] }, "imrgadvancedcombatlogging.admin": { "Block Combat Log Command": false, "Line Delay Seconds": 0.0, "Max Combat Lines": 999999, "Max Combat Time Lines Seconds": 9999999.0, "Show Improved Identifiers": true, "Prefab Short Name Whitelist": [] }, "imrgadvancedcombatlogging.vip": { "Block Combat Log Command": false, "Line Delay Seconds": 0.0, "Max Combat Lines": 60, "Max Combat Time Lines Seconds": 600.0, "Show Improved Identifiers": true, "Prefab Short Name Whitelist": [] }, "imrgadvancedcombatlogging.normal": { "Block Combat Log Command": false, "Line Delay Seconds": 10.0, "Max Combat Lines": 30, "Max Combat Time Lines Seconds": 120.0, "Show Improved Identifiers": false, "Prefab Short Name Whitelist": [ "player" ] }, "imrgadvancedcombatlogging.animals": { "Block Combat Log Command": false, "Line Delay Seconds": 10.0, "Max Combat Lines": 50, "Max Combat Time Lines Seconds": 120.0, "Show Improved Identifiers": false, "Prefab Short Name Whitelist": [ "chicken", "stag", "boar", "wolf", "bear", "polarbear", "simpleshark" ] } } } Lang { "Blocked": "You don't have permission to use combatlog" //Message players will receive if they try to use the combatlog command and they're either specifically blocked from using it or they don't have permission to use it. }
  10. Zeeuss

    Force Joiner

    Version 0.1.0


    Force Joiner is an admin plugin, which allows administrators to force join players to different server Usage Let's say you want to wipe your server, but don't want to lose the playerbase, well just connect them for a while to your other server and then you can redirect them back Permissions: forcejoiner.use Gives user ability to use /fjoin command forcejoiner.useall Gives user ability to use /fjoinall command forcejoiner.bypass Admins won't be able to redirect this user Commands: /fjoin (player) (ip:port) This will force join the specified player to specified server. /fjoinall (ip:port) This will force join all players to specified server. Localization: ["Syntax fjoin"] = "Syntax: /fjoin (player) (ip:port)", ["Syntax fjoinall"] = "Syntax: /fjoinall (ip:port)", ["No Player"] = "Couldn't find the target player", ["Fjoin"] = "Forcing {0} to {1}:{2}", ["Fjoinall"] = "Forcing everyone({0} players) to {1}:{2}", ["Bypass"] = "{0} cannot be forced to other server.",
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Set a weight on each item per category, if the player reaches the weight limit, he will no longer be able to run. Permissions inventoryweight.bypass - You can bypass the weight of the inventory Config
  12. Version 1.0.2


    simple console log plugin to find online/sleeprs/your own location and prints it to console and logfile. Features : no config no permissions (Have to be a admin) Prints it to console. Prints it to a Logfile. Player name and steam id are now printed (New v1.0.2) Chat Commands : /position : Prints your position to chat and to console. /position.all : Prints all online players with position and Grid to console. /position.sleepers : Prints all sleepers location and Grid to console. Console Commands : position.all : Prints all online players with position and Grid to console. position.sleepers : Prints all sleepers location and Grid to console. Logfiles : Online players : Oxide --> Logs --> MyLocation(folder) --> mylocation_online.txt Sleepingplayers : Oxide --> Logs --> MyLocation(folder) --> mylocation_sleepers.txt Localization : English language file included to use a different language just make a new file in the language folder. { "All": "Printed all online players and current locations to console", "NoPermission": "<color=green>You do not have permission to use that command!</color>", "NoSleepersFound": "No sleepers found!", "Personal": "Printed to console\n{0} location = {1} Grid : {2}", "Sleepers": "Printed all sleeping players and current locations to console", "Commands": "Current commands to use :\n/position : Your position\n/position.all : Online players\n/position.sleepers : All sleepers" }
  13. Mevent

    Clans Top

    Version 1.0.1


    This plugin allows you to monitor real-time clan rankings in real-time! Lively battles right here and right now FAQ Q: What clan plugins does the top work with? A: Only with the Clans by Mevent plugin Config Example { "Interface Settings": { "Max clans on string": 3, "Colors": [ { "HEX": "#FF6060", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#4B68FF", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 }, { "HEX": "#FFD01B", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0 } ], "Background Color": { "HEX": "#000000", "Opacity (0 - 100)": 80.0 }, "Bottom Indent": 0.0, "Side Indent": 0.0, "Width": 70.0, "Height": 17.5, "Margin": 15.0, "Number Text Size": 12, "Text Size": 12, "TextAlign": "MiddleCenter" } }
  14. Version 1.1.7


    Discord Join our community discord for fast support and future updates. We have several channels where you can get help, offer suggestions, see what's coming in future updates, and more. Our discord is the fastest way to get the help and info you need! http://discord.rustlevels.com/ Features Online Player List UI Sleeping Player List UI Online Player HUD Kill Records Profile Icon (Kill Records plugin required) XPerience Profile Icon (XPerience plugin required) NTeleportation TPR Icon (NTeleportation plugin required with tpr permission) Chat Commands Default Commands (can be changed in config) /players - shows online player list UI /sleepers - shows sleeping player list UI /onlinehud (on/off) - turns on/off online player HUD Config { "Hide Admins": false, "Show Online Player Count": true, "Show Sleeper Count": true, "Show Player Avatars (requires ImageLibrary and Store player avatars = true)": true, "Show KillRecords Icon (Requires Kill Records Plugin)": true, "Show XPerience Icon (Requires XPerience Plugin)": true, "Show XPerience Rank Sig (Requires XPerience Plugin)": true, "Show XPerience Level (Requires XPerience Plugin)": true, "Show TPR Icon (Requires NTeleportation Plugin and tpr permission)": true, "Show Discord Report Icon (Requires DiscordReport Plugin)": false, "UI Location (distance from left 0 - 0.80)": 0.05, "UI Location (distance from bottom 0.45 - 1.0)": 0.75, "Chat Command (Online Players)": "players", "Chat Command (Sleepers)": "sleepers", "Show Online HUD": true, "Online HUD Chat Command": "onlinehud", "HUD Location From Left": 0.01, "HUD Location From Top": 0.98, "HUD Width": 0.15, "HUD Height": 0.30, "Max Players On HUD": 5, "HUD Transparency 0.0 - 1.0": 0.25, "HUD Refresh Rate (seconds)": 60.0, "HUD Font Size": 10 } Lang { "OP_01": "Online Players: {0}", "OP_02": "Sleeping Players: {0}", "OP_03": "Online Players:", "OP_04": "Sleeping Players:" }
  15. Version 1.1.8


    RustStatistics is a plugin to recover players and server statistics We have a warning system automatic "Admin System Bans" Whitelist system for your server, can be activated with a click on the dashboard of your server from our website How to install on the server ? Linked the plugin Admin System Bans ( Prenium ) Data Recovery on Players Data Recovery on Servers Config Lang
  16. Billy Joe

    Ban Lockup

    Version 1.0.2


    This is a plugin I had created based off a suggestion, its a basic plugin that handles players that are banned in a way to save time for admins. This plugin is super configurable, and will allow it to take full effect on banned players that maybe were cheating and had friends enjoying their loot. Features: Change all codes within TC of banned player Destroy all beds/sleeping bags within TC of banned player Clear everyone's privilege on TC of banned player Kill banned player and remove items from body Kill banned player and everyone auth'd on TC, will also remove all items on players Remove containers from dropping items in a stash Remove all containers, it will physically delete these objects (Campfires, Furnaces, Boxes, Fridges, etc) Remove all building blocks (Foundations, Walls, Doorways, Ceilings, etc) Configuration: { "Run lockup if player on team": false, // If true, when player is banned all these actions will happen. If false, player will be banned but options wont be ran. "Change all codes within the TC": true, "Clear everyone on the privlidge list": true, "Destroy all beds and bags within TC": true, "Kill banned player and destroy there stash": false, "Kill all players auth'd and destroy there stash": true, "Remove containers dropping items": true, "Remove all containters (Campfires, Furnaces, Storage, and Machines)": true, "Remove all building blocks within tool cupboard range": false }


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