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  1. Version 0.1.3


    Big Wheel Game UI statistics. Store Big Wheel Games and Players statistics. Creates a HUD button when a player sits on a game chair. Note: To make players avatars available, in the ImageLibrary config file you need to: set true in the "Avatars - Store player avatars"; set API key in the "Steam API key (get one here https://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey).". bigwheelstats.use - Provides access to use UI. { "ImageLibrary Counter Check": 5, "Big Wheel Game - Default name": "BIG WHEEL GAME", "Big Wheel Game - New best player announce effect prefab name": "assets/prefabs/misc/xmas/advent_calendar/effects/open_advent.prefab", "UI. Text - Font": "RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf", "UI. Text - FadeIn": 1.0, "UI_HUD. Icon - Url": "https://i.imgur.com/HvoFS7p.png", "UI_HUD. Icon - Color": "#808080", "UI_HUD. Icon - Transparency": 0.5, "UI_HUD. Icon - Is Raw Image": false, "UI_HUD. Icon - AnchorMin": "0.8 0.025", "UI_HUD. Icon - AnchorMax": "0.825 0.07", "UI_Stats. MainBackground - Color": "#1A1A1A", "UI_Stats. MainBackground - Transparency": 0.95, "UI_Stats. Icons - BigWheel Url": "https://i.imgur.com/MhW63JV.png", "UI_Stats. Icons - 404 Url": "https://i.imgur.com/ke7jDDm.png", "UI_Stats. Icons - Exit Url": "https://i.imgur.com/O9m6yZF.png", "UI_Stats. Icons - Exit Color": "#D94026", "UI_Stats. Icons - Exit Transparency": 0.6, "UI_Stats. Icons - Exit Is Raw Image": false, "UI_Stats. Icons - Exit AnchorMin": "0.8 0.025", "UI_Stats. Icons - Exit AnchorMax": "0.825 0.07", "UI_Stats. Panel - Background Color": "#4C4C4C", "UI_Stats. Panel - Background Transparency": 0.5, "UI_Stats. Panel - Main AnchorMin": "0.25 0.2", "UI_Stats. Panel - Main AnchorMax": "0.75 0.9", "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Header - Font Size": 16, "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Header - Color": "#4C4C4C", "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Header - Transparency": 1.0, "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Header - Active Color": "#595959", "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Header - Active Transparency": 1.0, "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Header - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Header - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Item - Font Size": 16, "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Item - Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Item - Transparency": 0.3, "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Item - Even Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Item - Even Transparency": 0.3, "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Item - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "UI_Stats. Panel_Column_Item - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "UI_Stats. Panel_404 - Font Size": 20, "UI_Stats. Panel_404 - Icon Color": "#000000", "UI_Stats. Panel_404 - Icon Transparency": 0.5, "UI_Stats. Panel_404 - Font Color": "#CCCCCC", "UI_Stats. Panel_404 - Font Transparency": 0.5, "UI_Stats. Panel_Menu - Font Size": 18, "UI_Stats. Panel_Menu_Buttons - Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Menu_Buttons - Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Menu_Buttons - Active Color": "#3380BF", "UI_Stats. Panel_Menu_Buttons - Active Transparency": 0.6, "UI_Stats. Panel_Menu_Buttons - Font Color": "#CCCCCC", "UI_Stats. Panel_Menu_Buttons - Font Transparency": 0.5, "UI_Stats. Panel_Menu_Buttons - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "UI_Stats. Panel_Menu_Buttons - Font Active Transparency": 1.0, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Info - Font Size": 16, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Info - Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Info_Nick - Online Color": "#CCFFB2", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Info_Nick - Online Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Info_Nick - Offline Color": "#FF0000", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Info_Nick - Offline Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Card - Background Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Card - Background Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Card - Title Font Size": 12, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Card - Value Font Size": 16, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Card - Title Font Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_Card - Value Font Color": "0.8 0.8 0.7 1", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_HitList - Win Color": "#CCFFB2", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_HitList - Win Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_HitList - Lose Color": "#E6004C", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Personal_Top_HitList - Lose Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Players_ItemList_Item_Info - Name Font Size": 12, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Players_ItemList_Item_Info - ID Font Size": 10, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Players_ItemList_Item_Info - Name Font Color": "#505046", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Players_ItemList_Item_Info - Name Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Players_ItemList_Item_Info - ID Font Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Players_ItemList_Item - Even Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Players_ItemList_Item - Even Transparency": 0.3, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Info - Name Font Size": 12, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Info - ID Font Size": 10, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Info - Name Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Info - Name Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Info - ID Font Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Hit - Yellow Color": "#BFBF40", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Hit - Yellow Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Hit - Green Color": "#408C8C", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Hit - Green Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Hit - Blue Color": "#03598C", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Hit - Blue Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Hit - Purple Color": "#8026CC", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Hit - Purple Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Hit - Red Color": "#B24C59", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item_Hit - Red Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item - Even Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheels_ItemList_Item - Even Transparency": 0.3, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_Info - Font Size": 16, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_Info - Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_Info - Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_Info - Font Color": "#FFFFFF", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_Card - Background Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_Card - Background Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_Card - Title Font Size": 12, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_Card - Value Font Size": 16, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_Card - Title Font Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_Card - Value Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_HitList_Item - Font Size": 18, "UI_Stats. Panel_Mid_Wheel_HitList_Item - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer - Font Size": 16, "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer - Color": "#4C4C4C", "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer - Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer_Buttons - Between Button Text": "...", "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer_Buttons - Color": "#808080", "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer_Buttons - Transparency": 0.4, "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer_Buttons - Active Color": "#3380BF", "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer_Buttons - Active Transparency": 0.6, "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer_Buttons - Font Color": "#CCCCB2", "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer_Buttons - Font Active Color": "#FFFFFF", "UI_Stats. Panel_Footer_Buttons_Custom - Command": "", "Version": { "Major": 0, "Minor": 1, "Patch": 3 } } [string]UI. Text - Font - Font for text. List of available fonts: https://umod.org/guides/rust/basic-concepts-of-gui#fonts. [string]UI_HUD. Icon - Color - The HUD icon color. By default, CuiImageComponent is used. To use CuiRawImageComponent, set the value to "0 0 0 0". [string]UI_Stats. Icons - Exit Color - The Exit icon color. By default, CuiImageComponent is used. To use CuiRawImageComponent, set the value to "0 0 0 0". EN: { "MsgMenuButtonsPersonal": "My stats", "MsgMenuButtonsPlayers": "Top players", "MsgMenuButtonsWheels": "Wheel list", "MsgHitYellow": "Yellow", "MsgHitGreen": "Green", "MsgHitBlue": "Blue", "MsgHitPurple": "Purple", "MsgHitRed": "Red", "MsgFooterCustomButton": "My button", "MsgMid404Player": "Player {0} not found", "MsgMid404PlayersList": "Players list is empty", "MsgMid404BigWheel": "BigWheel {0} not found", "MsgMid404BigWheelsList": "BigWheels list is empty", "MsgMidPersonalStatsTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgMidPersonalStatsWinSpins": "Win spins", "MsgMidPersonalStatsLoseSpins": "Lose spins", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapSpend": "Scrap spend", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapWin": "Scrap win", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapResult": "Scrap result", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapRecordBid": "Scrap record bid", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapLastBid": "Scrap last bid", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapLastWin": "Scrap last win", "MsgMidPersonalStatsHitListHeaderItem": "Item", "MsgMidPersonalStatsHitListHeaderHit": "Hit", "MsgMidPersonalStatsHitListHeaderBidAmount": "Bid amount", "MsgMidPersonalStatsHitListHeaderResultAmount": "Result", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderPlayer": "Player", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderTotal": "Total", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderLoses": "Loses", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderWins": "Wins", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderRecordBid": "Record bid", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderRecordWin": "Record win", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderResult": "Result", "MsgMidWheelsListHeaderBigWheelGame": "Big wheel game", "MsgMidWheelsListHeaderTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgMidWheelsListHeaderCurrentSpins": "Spins after restart", "MsgMidWheelStatsBestPlayer": "Best player", "MsgMidWheelStatsDefaultBestPlayer": "Empty", "MsgMidWheelStatsCurrentSpins": "Spins after restart", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalSpins": "Total spins", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalYellow": "Yellow", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalGreen": "Green", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalBlue": "Blue", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalPurple": "Purple", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalRed": "Red" } RU: { "MsgMenuButtonsPersonal": "Моя статистика", "MsgMenuButtonsPlayers": "Топ игроков", "MsgMenuButtonsWheels": "Список игр", "MsgHitYellow": "Желтый", "MsgHitGreen": "Зеленый", "MsgHitBlue": "Синий", "MsgHitPurple": "Фиолетовый", "MsgHitRed": "Красный", "MsgFooterCustomButton": "Моя кнопка", "MsgMid404Player": "Игрок {0} не найден", "MsgMid404PlayersList": "Список игроков пуст", "MsgMid404BigWheel": "Игра {0} не найдена", "MsgMid404BigWheelsList": "Список игр пуст", "MsgMidPersonalStatsTotalSpins": "Всего ставок", "MsgMidPersonalStatsWinSpins": "Выигрышные ставки", "MsgMidPersonalStatsLoseSpins": "Проигрышные ставки", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapSpend": "Потрачено скрапа", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapWin": "Выиграно скрапа", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapResult": "Итог скрапа", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapRecordBid": "Рекордная ставка", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapLastBid": "Последняя ставка", "MsgMidPersonalStatsScrapLastWin": "Последний выигрыш", "MsgMidPersonalStatsHitListHeaderItem": "Предмет", "MsgMidPersonalStatsHitListHeaderHit": "Число", "MsgMidPersonalStatsHitListHeaderBidAmount": "Ставка", "MsgMidPersonalStatsHitListHeaderResultAmount": "Итог", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderPlayer": "Игрок", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderTotal": "Всего", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderLoses": "Проигрышей", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderWins": "Выигрышей", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderRecordBid": "Рекордная ставка", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderRecordWin": "Рекордный выигрыш", "MsgMidPlayersListHeaderResult": "Итог", "MsgMidWheelsListHeaderBigWheelGame": "Игра", "MsgMidWheelsListHeaderTotalSpins": "Всего вращений", "MsgMidWheelsListHeaderCurrentSpins": "Вращений после рестарта", "MsgMidWheelStatsBestPlayer": "Лучший игрок", "MsgMidWheelStatsDefaultBestPlayer": "Пусто", "MsgMidWheelStatsCurrentSpins": "Вращений после рестарта", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalSpins": "Всего вращений", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalYellow": "Желтый", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalGreen": "Зеленый", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalBlue": "Синий", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalPurple": "Фиолетовый", "MsgMidWheelStatsTotalRed": "Красный" } BWG_HUD_show - Shows HUD. Works only when player is sitting on the game chair. Permission "bigwheelstats.use" required. BWG_Stats_open - Opens UI panel. Works only when player is sitting on the game chair. Permission "bigwheelstats.use" required.
  2. Version 1.0.1


    Drag n' drop! No puzzles, no loot. Nothing crazy looking. Features: Simple, High Detail, low prefab count! 526 prefabs in total! Can easily be inserted into a existing map. A refreshing look on rust's outpost, "minified". Includes an interactive Recycler and Large Oil Refinery. Includes Air-wolf vendor, gambling machines, poker tables, and betting wheel. Questions, critique and feedback is welcomed! DM me through codefling or through my Discord. Stranger#5693 NOTE: It is suggested to place a Monument Marker as there is not one included (not the prefab’s fault, just how RustEdit works).


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