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Everything posted by TheEye

  1. TheEye

    Ultimate Locker

    Yes it was.....Sorry. Thank you. Dave
  2. I think if Push comes to Shove. This might help. Stop your server first. Go to where you change your Map and Server Drescription. It's in your "server.cfg" Change from True to False. And Restart your server. Should work. Check out the Admin Commands Site for more. Put the Top one in your "server.cfg" loadup. And change True to False. Or do it thru Console. I know someone might have a better way. Just trying to help. Take Care.
  3. It'd be nice to see the Axe stuck in a Chopping log also... we ALL use them! Flat like a cut off Stump.
  4. Are these for Custom Map building? Or can a person buy them and use them in any Rust Server?
  5. TheEye

    Treasure Maps

    What he is saying is that somewhere in your json File. You messed something up. You need to Unload it and take out the json in there. Reload it again and create a New one and start over....OR. Go to this site and Drag/n Drop a copy of the one you have the issues with now. It should tell you exactly where your errors are. Note; It's not always 100%. But should help. ( https://jsonlint.com/ ). Another thing is to Keep yours and Carefully go through each line looking for Spelling, comma's, Brackets and everything is Case Sensitive also. Quite often if you open your json in your server again, in your server. Sometimes it tells you the Line and where it is. Sometimes it will tell you there is an Error. The BIG deal is. Double and Triple Check your work....always. Looking for some stupid thing that could have even be just missing a Period or comma or something. Hope this helps in some way. Take care.
  6. TheEye


    First off...Thank you Steenamaroo for that bit of info. I just applied it myself. I never knew that for years until you guys started chatting. So finally....I have resolved that issue. Some people it's better to show them instead of telling them. That's why I am including this picture. It's for those of us that are NOT computer and files friendly. Thanks!
  7. TheEye


    My answer to this would be. Just get rid of that one and use the Umod one: "True PVE". This one has been updated recently also, and has many more Customizations you can make than Simple PVE. I also tried this one....But once Umod had someone do the Updates. I went back to it. Sorry if I overstepped here......... But it made my LIFE a whole lot BETTER!
  8. TheEye

    Convoy Reforged

    I think this one is well maintained. And most times is quick to respond to assisting with a solution. Hopefully he has heard you...lol. I would also like it to run smoother and identify it's Terrain more clearly when it is proceeding. Big fighting with many players and vehicles all dying around each other. Hits a Major Load on the server also. But this is just my opinion...lol Nice to see that you are one of the FEW out there that will offer their advice and Help to others, like myself. Most just read...and "Ignore" another person's "ASK", for some HELP.
  9. TheEye

    Convoy Reforged

    I haven't found any issues with Map Size at all! I use 5-6000 size all the time!!!
  10. TheEye


    Thank you. Was unaware that it was wrong version. I apologize. Thank you.
  11. It happened to me also with "Stack Modifier"!
  12. TheEye

    Vehicle Buy

    Not sure if this helps? If anyone can no longer use their Imgur Images. ..... Which is many of us now. The Images presented in any Plugin that uses "Imgur Images". Will never appear. The Developer needs to aquire his pictures from another source to Prevent this from happening. Now and in the future ones that they create. If YOU continue to have problems then find and insert your own from another source. I have done this and it works!
    I wanted to thank this Developer for thinking of us and our Players. The OLD one that gave us this ability is No Longer Maintained. And Players are use to having these Items in their Homes! Although this appears to be a Mirror Image of the other. This one offers far less strain to your server. And will go "Deeper" into Formations inside the Base. That the older one. Did not Allow. We are using it now and all of us, find no differences in the "In Game Performance". I recommend this for every server that would enjoy having their Players get Spoiled and have this Privilege! And! It cleans up the Landscape from clutter. This is the Best version of Itself! Hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
  13. TheEye


    When I update using your Latest Version. It will not "Load". Or even "Unload"? And when it is "Uploaded". It spits out this Message. After that. It does Not even exist. Like I never even installed it? No idea of how to deal with Pooling stuff. Or anything in the cs. copy? Some help would be greatly appreciated......... I won't use it until I can find a fix. You guys out there are using it. ....... How come you don't have these issues???????? Anyone have any ideas? Thanks Dave
  14. Not sure why no one answered yet? I'm no Master computer guys like most server owners. But sounds like you need to keep your Maps small if you load it up with only 12GB Ram. Raidable Bases can be draining and aggressive if close to another plugin just starting close to doing it's thing at the same time. You really should have a minimum, of at the very Least... 16GB. 24 would be Better. If you are with a Company Server. This is where they make their money. Selling you more Ram. They might offer you a deal if you have been with them for awhile even. Or go smaller with your Map's until you find a good comfortable medium if you want to save some money. But right now. Ram is the issue I believe. Like I said. I'm no whizz at this. But I went through it myself. So really I've just told you the choices I had to make . Now I run a 5000 to 6000, with 50 players.... Take Care. Hope this helps a Tiny bit at least?
    This is really great! A much needed "New" addition! Functions exactly as described and works smoothly. The added Barrels is a Bonus! Plus night time Barrels to light up the area! Worth the $5 just to finally have something that is different and adds to our Beaches. Players luv it! And so do I! And so will you!!!! I love it!
  15. TheEye

    Airfield Event

    For me....It happens ALL day,....everyday! Like he said. I need to restart. And by the way....This has been going on for a couple months now. They accumulate until there are so many. This has been an ongoing issue. Dave
  16. TheEye


    Looks like a Spelling error? ( autoturret ) ( autoturret.bp ) You can always check your json setups in- https://jsonlint.com/
  17. Interested in seeing something that addresses "Only" magazine sizes. Ability to set the size of it's load, and clip. There's nothing out there that I can find anymore. The one I used is no longer maintained. And neither are the others. If someone knows of one. DM me please. Thanks.
  18. I think there is an issue with PermissionsManager anyways. Instead of giving yourself/Admins permissions. Just give it to yourself first. (o.grant user CaptPuffyPants permissionsmanager.allowed) If that works for you. Then you might still have to give player Perms the old fashioned way. But with this Wipe. I had problems with it also.
  19. TheEye

    Chest Stacks

    I had all 3 for coffins, chests and crates. Now I use only 1 for all my Stacking. And with this one you can stack almost everything. "Stack Everything" offered by CodeFling. Worth the investment!!!! It Replaces ALL the others....finally we only need 1 instead of Several!
  20. TheEye

    Risk Factors

    I have a Question please. Will this Mod add your Skins to all the rust Game Barrels? Or are these separate from those? And.... Do they only have Player Affects? Meaning if they are separate and players know they are somehow loaded with a surprise. They won't grab them, except for the thrill. I would! Can these Barrels be confg to contain their own loots? They look nice. But what is the Reward for the "Risk" to the player? Does this fall into the Same Category for Player Fun? Like The Red Button? Or is there more. Thanks Dave


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