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Everything posted by BetterDeadThanZed

  1. He's probably like me. I use the CustomIcon plugin that sets the icon for all plugins to one specific icon. Skill Tree (and Cooking) both override that plugin with your chosen icon.
  2. BetterDeadThanZed


    Due to the water update, I assume this map no longer works? I know it says it's no longer supported, but it would be such a shame not to be able to use such an amazing looking map.
  3. How do you open the door with the red button? I press it and the door doesn't open from the outside.
  4. I no longer put events on my server that don't use PVE Mode due to players arguing over the events. Any chance of adding support for it?
  5. If you've already researched something with this plugin and you put that item in the workbench, it warns you that you've already researched the item. Any way to block the player from being able to research it again?
  6. Where can I read about how to configure this? I'm kind of confused by the instructions.
  7. Cool. I'll be waiting. Can't have it on my server for now because it causes too much conflict without PVE Mode.
  8. I guess you're confused by the suggestion, DezLife? PVE Mode is a plugin that works with events to lock the events to players who do X amount of damage at the event: I had to remove this event from my server because I had too many people being assholes at it. I run a PVE server and players were coming in when other players had already started the event, and they were killing NPC's, starting the hackable crate, etc.
  9. Is there any chance of adding support for the PVE Mode plugin to this plugin?
  10. I know it should be obvious to all players, but I just had a player use the /wipe command and click on Blue prints because he thought that would tell him when the next BP wipe would be. I've since changed the command to /selfwipe but could we get more text added to the UI? I'd include a big bold statement that says something like "Clicking on the buttons below will wipe that item for you. This is irreversible.". I'd also add a little something about how to close out of that menu without clicking on it, and maybe a confirmation saying "Are you sure?" after you click on a button.
  11. BetterDeadThanZed

    images fail

    I recommend imgbb.com as an alternate to imgur. That's what I've used for years.
  12. So you didn't replace the chassis with something else?
  13. I saw you fixed it. What did you do to fix it? I already placed this on my map for the next wipe and would prefer just to fix it than delete what I placed and put the new version.
  14. In the editor, the trailer was there. In-game, it's not there.
  15. Any chance of adding an option to wipe Skill Tree XP too?
  16. BetterDeadThanZed

    images fail

    Imgur has blocked the ability to call an image remotely. A lot of plugins were using imgur and have this same problem. I personally prefer imgbb. You can use Discord to host the image too. Just put it into a channel no one else has access to.
  17. Well, BotReSpawn is one... ATM System, BGrade, CraftChassis, Custom Bradley AI... there's more.
  18. I did that. I deleted the config and it still happened. Some plugins that are on Codefling and the other sites aren't getting their URL filled in.
  19. You're confusing me. Why does the plugin find the URL for some mods, for example: { "Plugin name (it's just a file name without .cs": "BetterChatMute", "Plugin version": "1.2.1", "Link to plugin [Umod | Codefling | LoneDesign | ChaosCode]": "https://umod.org/plugins/better-chat-mute", "Ignore new version": false }, but not others: { "Plugin name (it's just a file name without .cs": "BotReSpawn", "Plugin version": "1.1.9", "Link to plugin [Umod | Codefling | LoneDesign | ChaosCode]": "Not found on: Umod Codefling LoneDesign", "Ignore new version": false }, I didn't put the URL in there for Better Chat Mute but it's in the config. Why?
  20. It found other plugins on these sites without me manually entering them in. I thought it detected that automatically.
  21. That's fine, but why isn't is finding plugins that are on these sites?
  22. I updated today and still getting this: [ATMSystem] - not found [BGrade] - not found [BotReSpawn] - not found [BuildRevert2] - not found [BuriedTreasure] - not found [ChaosNPCDownloader] - not found [CraftChassis] - not found [CustomBradley] - not found [CustomCargoShipTiers] - not found [CustomChinookDrops] - not found [CustomHelicopterTiers] - not found [DailyRewards] - not found [DeathMarker] - not found [DebugMissingParentEntity] - not found [DungCollector] - not found [EpicLoot] - not found [FireworkGun] - not found [GridAPI] - not found [GUIShop] - not found [Hud] - not found [HWCustomMapName] - not found [IQPermissions] - not found [JetPack] - not found [LimitHorses] - not found [LinkReminder] - not found [LSkins] - not found [NoDecayCandlesUltra] - not found [NpcRustEdit] - not found [NpcSpawn] - not found [NPCTaxi] - not found [NPCVendingMapMarker] - not found [NTeleportation] - not found [OregonInjection] - not found [HumanNPC] - not found [Payback2] - not found [PlaceholderAPI] - not found [PooBot] - not found [PopUpAPI] - not found [PveMode] - not found [Raft] - not found [RconEventsCommands] - not found [SelfWipe] - not found [TruePVE] - not found [UberTool] - not found [UnlockDlcItems] - not found [VikingBoat] - not found [WelcomePanelAddons] - not found [WoodShelter] - not found [XDChinookEvent] - not found [XDMapMarkerApi] - not found [XDQuest] - not found [NovaWeather] - not found
  23. Why doesn't this plugin find plugins that it should find: { "Plugin name (it's just a file name without .cs": "ArmoredTrain", "Plugin version": "1.3.2", "Link to plugin [Umod | Codefling | LoneDesign | ChaosCode]": "Not found on: Umod Codefling LoneDesign", "Ignore new version": false }, Not found on Codefling and Lonedesign?
  24. Did more testing, this time with the Junkyard event and Harbor event. While I was the owner of the Harbor, I killed NPC's and Brad and didn't become the owner of the Harbor Event. I went to the junkyard and killed some NPCs at the Junkyard event. It said I couldn't become the owner because I already was the owner of a monument. When the timer for the Harbor owner expired, I killed some NPC's from the Junkyard and I became the owner of that event. I then fulfilled the requirements to be the Junkyard monument event and I was able to be the owner of that too. So, I am able to be both the owner of the event and the monument. I hope all of this is helpful and I'm not misunderstanding all of this.


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