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Everything posted by BetterDeadThanZed

  1. Looks nice, but I run LSkins. It would be awesome if it supported that too!
  2. I have some requests: Allow the server admin to limit how many recyclers can be placed per player and team by permissions. Allow charging of Economics/IQEconomics/ServerRewards also by permissions (so a player with certain permissions have to pay and others do not).
  3. @MercuryI would like to give a group of players a certain permission for 24 hours through a command in the console. Is there a way to do this?
  4. PVE Mode is a plugin that locks events to the first player/team that does X amount of damage. It prevents other players from looting bodies, crates, etc too.
  5. Does this plugin support the PVE Mode plugin?
  6. How do you use Lustymap? The beancan.io website is offline.
  7. Any chance of adding random chances and quantities for the loot prizes? It would be nice to have the prize be random. Same question for Bot Purge Event.
  8. Yes, the PVE Mode plugin locks the event to a player/team based on certain conditions, including the first player/team to do X amount of damage. I only use plugins that have that support because I had too many people arguing over events. My server is PVE.
  9. Other than the Discord message ID, it's the default config: { "Auto reload [If you change the config and save the file the plugin will reload itself]": true, "Command to open UI": "ucsetup", "Discord WebHook": "", "Discord message ID": "1112756432253751306", "Check Interval(In minutes)": 60, "Ignore not found plugins": false, "Add a link to the plugin to be updated": true, "Enable auto search": { "uMod": true, "Codefling": true, "Lone.Design": true, "Chaos": true, "RustWorkshop": true, "Github": true, "ModPulse": true, "RustPlugins": true, "ServerArmour": true }, "List of plugins": [ { "Name": "RustIO", "Author": "playrust.io / dcode", "Plugin version": "2.17.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/rustio-friendly-fire", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "AbandonedBases", "Author": "nivex", "Plugin version": "2.0.6", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/abandoned-bases/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "AdminHammer", "Author": "mvrb", "Plugin version": "1.13.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/admin-hammer", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "AdminRadar", "Author": "nivex", "Plugin version": "5.3.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/admin-radar", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ArmoredTrain", "Author": "Adem", "Plugin version": "1.3.6", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/armored-train", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ATMSystem", "Author": "David", "Plugin version": "1.8.3", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "AutoBaseUpgrade", "Author": "CASHR#6906", "Plugin version": "1.1.9", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/auto-base-upgrade", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "AutomatedEvents", "Author": "k1lly0u/mspeedie/Arainrr", "Plugin version": "1.0.11", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/automated-events", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BackpackButton", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "1.1.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/backpack-button", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Backpacks", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "3.12.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/backpack-button", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BagOfHolding", "Author": "BlackLightning", "Plugin version": "1.5.0", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/bag-of-holding", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BaseRepair", "Author": "MJSU", "Plugin version": "1.0.24", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/base-repair", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BetterChat", "Author": "LaserHydra", "Plugin version": "5.2.12", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/better-chat-filter", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BetterChatMentions", "Author": "Death", "Plugin version": "1.2.4", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/better-chat-mentions", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BetterChatMute", "Author": "LaserHydra", "Plugin version": "1.2.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/better-chat-mute-voice", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BGrade", "Author": "Ryan / Rustoria.co", "Plugin version": "1.1.5", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/bgrade", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BlockRustPlus", "Author": "Aspect.dev", "Plugin version": "0.0.19", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BotReSpawn", "Author": "Steenamaroo", "Plugin version": "1.2.1", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/botrespawn", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BoxMover", "Author": "Ts3Hosting", "Plugin version": "1.0.11", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BoxSorterLite", "Author": "haggbart", "Plugin version": "1.0.9", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/box-sorter-lite", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BuildingActions", "Author": "Iv Misticos", "Plugin version": "1.1.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/building-actions", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BuildingInfo", "Author": "Iv Misticos", "Plugin version": "1.0.6", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/building-info", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BuildingSkins", "Author": "Marat", "Plugin version": "1.1.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/building-skins", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BuildingWorkbench", "Author": "MJSU", "Plugin version": "1.3.3", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/building-workbench", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BuildRevert2", "Author": "nivex", "Plugin version": "0.1.0", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BuoyantHelicopters", "Author": "BlackLightning", "Plugin version": "1.2.3", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/buoyant-helicopters", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BuriedTreasure", "Author": "Colon Blow", "Plugin version": "1.0.22", "Link to plugin": "https://chaoscode.io/resources/buried-treasure.118/", "Marketplace": "Chaos", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "BuyableTugboats", "Author": "imthenewguy", "Plugin version": "1.0.1", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/buyable-tugboats", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CargoTrainEvent", "Author": "Nikedemos", "Plugin version": "1.0.14", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/cargo-train-event-rust/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ChaosUpdateChecker", "Author": "k1lly0u", "Plugin version": "2.0.2", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ChatToNotifications", "Author": "beee", "Plugin version": "1.2.8", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/chat-to-notifications", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ChestStacks", "Author": "supreme", "Plugin version": "1.3.6", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/chest-stacks-rust-plugin/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Clans", "Author": "k1lly0u", "Plugin version": "3.0.34", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/blueprint-share", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ColouredChat", "Author": "collect_vood", "Plugin version": "2.2.87", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/coloured-chat", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Cooking", "Author": "imthenewguy", "Plugin version": "2.0.3", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/ogfurnace", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CopyPaste", "Author": "misticos", "Plugin version": "4.1.37", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/copy-paste", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CovertAdmin", "Author": "redBDGR", "Plugin version": "1.0.9", "Link to plugin": "https://chaoscode.io/resources/covertadmin.61/", "Marketplace": "Chaos", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CraftChassis", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "1.2.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/craft-car-chassis", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CraftingController", "Author": "Whispers88", "Plugin version": "3.2.9", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/crafting-controller", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CraftMenu", "Author": "David", "Plugin version": "1.1.3", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/craft-menu", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CustomBradley", "Author": "shaitobu", "Plugin version": "1.3.13", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CustomButtons", "Author": "David", "Plugin version": "2.0.6", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/custom-buttons", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CustomChatCommands", "Author": "PsychoTea", "Plugin version": "2.1.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/custom-chat-commands", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CustomChinookDrops", "Author": "Wxll", "Plugin version": "1.0.1", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/custom-chinook-drops/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CustomHelicopterTiers", "Author": "Dana", "Plugin version": "2.2.5", "Link to plugin": "https://chaoscode.io/resources/custom-helicopter-tiers.194/", "Marketplace": "Chaos", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CustomIcon", "Author": "collect_vood", "Plugin version": "1.0.4", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/custom-icon", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CustomModules", "Author": "Adem", "Plugin version": "1.1.5", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/custom-modules-rust-plugin/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "CustomVendingSetup", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "2.10.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/custom-vending-setup", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "DailyRewards", "Author": "David", "Plugin version": "1.1.0", "Link to plugin": "https://rustplugins.net/index.php?/file/12-daily-rewards/", "Marketplace": "RustPlugins", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Dance", "Author": "senyaa", "Plugin version": "1.2.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/dance", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "DeathMarker", "Author": "k1lly0u", "Plugin version": "2.0.6", "Link to plugin": "https://chaoscode.io/resources/deathmarker.106/", "Marketplace": "Chaos", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "DeathNotes", "Author": "LaserHydra", "Plugin version": "6.3.8", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/death-notes-toggle", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "DebugMissingParentEntity", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "1.0.1", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "DecayLogger", "Author": "Gt403cyl2", "Plugin version": "1.0.2", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/decay-logger", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "DiscordMessages", "Author": "Slut", "Plugin version": "2.1.8", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/discord-messages", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "DiscordWipe", "Author": "MJSU", "Plugin version": "2.3.6", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/discord-wipe", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "DungCollector", "Author": "imthenewguy", "Plugin version": "1.1.0", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/autodungcollector", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "EasyVote", "Author": "Exel80", "Plugin version": "2.0.43", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/easy-vote", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Economics", "Author": "Wulf", "Plugin version": "3.9.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/vehicle-license", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "EmptyOvens", "Author": "Orange", "Plugin version": "1.0.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/empty-ovens", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "EntityScaleManager", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "2.1.3", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/entity-scale-manager", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "EventHelper", "Author": "imthenewguy", "Plugin version": "1.0.11", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/event-helper", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ExtendedRecycler", "Author": "beee/The Friendly Chap", "Plugin version": "1.2.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/extended-recycler", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ExtraLoot", "Author": "Shady14u", "Plugin version": "1.0.8", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/extra-loot", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "FancyDrop", "Author": "FastBurst", "Plugin version": "3.2.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/fancy-drop", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "FishingContest", "Author": "imthenewguy", "Plugin version": "1.0.2", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/fishing-contest", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "FishingTreasure", "Author": "imthenewguy", "Plugin version": "1.0.4", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/fishing-treasure", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "FrameBox", "Author": "MJSU", "Plugin version": "1.0.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/frame-box", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "FurnaceSplitter", "Author": "FastBurst", "Plugin version": "2.5.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/furnace-splitter", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "GasStationEvent", "Author": "KpucTaJl", "Plugin version": "1.0.9", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/gas-station-event", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "GatherManager", "Author": "Mughisi", "Plugin version": "2.2.78", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/gather-manager", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "DayNightGather", "Author": "klauz24", "Plugin version": "1.1.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/daynight-gather", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Give", "Author": "Wulf", "Plugin version": "3.4.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/give", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "GridAPI", "Author": "Steenamaroo", "Plugin version": "1.0.0", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/gridapi", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "GridPower", "Author": "Nikedemos", "Plugin version": "1.0.15", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/grid-power-rust-plugin/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "HammerTime", "Author": "Shady", "Plugin version": "1.0.20", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/hammer-time", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "HarborEvent", "Author": "KpucTaJl", "Plugin version": "2.1.5", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/harborevent/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Hud", "Author": "ahigao", "Plugin version": "3.0.8", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/ammo-hud", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ImageLibrary", "Author": "Absolut & K1lly0u", "Plugin version": "2.0.62", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/image-library", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "GodmodeIndicator", "Author": "2CHEVSKII", "Plugin version": "2.1.3", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/godmode-indicator", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ImprovedDoorClosers", "Author": "Death", "Plugin version": "1.0.1", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/improved-door-closers", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Inbound", "Author": "Substrata", "Plugin version": "0.6.3", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/inbound", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "IQPermissions", "Author": "Mercury", "Plugin version": "1.7.1", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/iqpermissions-rust-plugin/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ItemPerks", "Author": "imthenewguy", "Plugin version": "1.0.6", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/itemperks", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "JetPack", "Author": "Adem", "Plugin version": "1.1.4", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/jetpack", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Kits", "Author": "k1lly0u", "Plugin version": "4.4.0", "Link to plugin": "https://rustworkshop.space/resources/respawn-kits.75/", "Marketplace": "RustWorkshop", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "LimitEntities", "Author": "MON@H", "Plugin version": "2.0.8", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/limit-entities", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "LimitHorses", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "1.0.0", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "LinkReminder", "Author": "AluminumPowder", "Plugin version": "1.0.1", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/linkreminder", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "LootBouncer", "Author": "Sorrow/Arainrr", "Plugin version": "1.0.10", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/loot-bouncer", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "LootDefender", "Author": "Author Egor Blagov, Maintainer nivex", "Plugin version": "2.1.3", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/loot-defender", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "LSkins", "Author": "LAGZYA", "Plugin version": "1.7.0", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/lskins", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "MagicLoot", "Author": "collect_vood", "Plugin version": "1.0.5", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/magic-loot", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Marketplace", "Author": "The_Kiiiing", "Plugin version": "1.0.1", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/personal-marketplace", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "MasterKey", "Author": "FastBurst", "Plugin version": "0.7.7", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/master-key", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "MiniCopterOptions", "Author": "Pho3niX90", "Plugin version": "2.4.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/mini-copter-options", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "MonumentAddons", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "0.14.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/monument-addons", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "MonumentFinder", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "3.1.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/monument-finder", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "MonumentLock", "Author": "Rustonauts", "Plugin version": "1.6.5", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/monument-lock", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "MonumentOwner", "Author": "jtedal", "Plugin version": "1.3.0", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/monument-owner", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NightLantern", "Author": "k1lly0u", "Plugin version": "2.0.99", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/night-lantern", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NightVision", "Author": "Clearshot", "Plugin version": "2.4.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/night-vision", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NoDecayCandlesUltra", "Author": "Ultra", "Plugin version": "1.1.2", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NoFlykick", "Author": "August", "Plugin version": "1.3.4", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/no-flykick", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NoFuelRequirements", "Author": "k1lly0u", "Plugin version": "1.8.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/no-fuel-requirements", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NoGiveNotices", "Author": "Wulf", "Plugin version": "0.3.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/no-give-notices", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NoobMessages", "Author": "FastBurst", "Plugin version": "2.0.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/noob-messages", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NpcRustEdit", "Author": "KpucTaJl", "Plugin version": "1.0.4", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NpcSpawn", "Author": "KpucTaJl", "Plugin version": "2.5.5", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/extensions/npc-spawn", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NPCTaxi", "Author": "k1lly0u", "Plugin version": "0.1.17", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NPCVendingMapMarker", "Author": "PinguinNordpol", "Plugin version": "0.1.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/npc-vending-map-marker", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NTeleportation", "Author": "nivex", "Plugin version": "1.7.5", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/nteleportation", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "OnlinePlayers", "Author": "MACHIN3", "Plugin version": "1.1.7", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/online-players", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "PathFinding", "Author": "Reneb / Nogrod", "Plugin version": "1.1.3", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/path-finding", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "HumanNPC", "Author": "Razor", "Plugin version": "0.4.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/human-npc", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Payback", "Author": "1928Tommygun", "Plugin version": "2.0.9", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Payback2", "Author": "1928Tommygun", "Plugin version": "1.5.1", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "PermissionsManager", "Author": "Steenamaroo", "Plugin version": "2.0.9", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/permissions-manager", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "PersonalFarm", "Author": "bmgjet", "Plugin version": "1.0.7", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/personal-farm", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "PlaceAnything", "Author": "David", "Plugin version": "1.0.41", "Link to plugin": "https://rustplugins.net/index.php?/file/17-place-anything/", "Marketplace": "RustPlugins", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "PlaceholderAPI", "Author": "misticos", "Plugin version": "2.2.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/placeholder-api", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "PlayerAdministration", "Author": "ThibmoRozier", "Plugin version": "1.6.8", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/player-administration", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "PooBot", "Author": "Colon Blow", "Plugin version": "1.1.1", "Link to plugin": "https://chaoscode.io/resources/poobot.123/", "Marketplace": "Chaos", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "PopUpAPI", "Author": "ThePitereq", "Plugin version": "2.0.2", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/popup-api", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "PreventLooting", "Author": "CaseMan", "Plugin version": "1.12.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/prevent-looting", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "PveMode", "Author": "KpucTaJl", "Plugin version": "1.1.0", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/airfield-event", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "RaidableBases", "Author": "nivex", "Plugin version": "2.7.3", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/raidable-bases", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "RconEventsCommands", "Author": "Quantum", "Plugin version": "1.3.0", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "RecyclerSpeed", "Author": "Ryz0r/yetzt", "Plugin version": "2.0.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/recycler-speed", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "RemoverTool", "Author": "Reneb/Fuji/Arainrr/Tryhard", "Plugin version": "4.3.40", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/remover-tool", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "RewardGifts", "Author": "ZTL/FastBurst", "Plugin version": "2.2.0", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/reward-gifts/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "RunawayBoats", "Author": "0x89A", "Plugin version": "1.2.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/runaway-boats", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "RustadminOnline", "Author": "misticos", "Plugin version": "1.2.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/rustadmin-online", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "RustRewards", "Author": "Steenamaroo", "Plugin version": "3.1.3", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/rust-rewards", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "RustSpawner", "Author": "Daano123", "Plugin version": "3.0.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/rust-spawner", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SafeKick", "Author": "supreme", "Plugin version": "1.1.0", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/safe-kick/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SelfWipe", "Author": "M&B-Studios / beee", "Plugin version": "1.0.6", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/personal-wipe-plugin", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Shipwreck", "Author": "Adem", "Plugin version": "1.0.8", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/magic-shipwreck-event-panel", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Shop", "Author": "David", "Plugin version": "1.1.81", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/gui-shop", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SignalCooldown", "Author": "Vliek", "Plugin version": "1.0.32", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/signal-cooldown", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SignArtist", "Author": "Whispers88", "Plugin version": "1.4.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/sign-artist", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "TheRedButton", "Author": "NooBlet", "Plugin version": "1.6.0", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/the-red-button", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SignManager", "Author": "Steenamaroo", "Plugin version": "1.0.5", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/sign-manager", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SkillTree", "Author": "imthenewguy", "Plugin version": "1.4.0", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/skill-tree-items-rust-plugin/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SkillTreeItems", "Author": "imthenewguy", "Plugin version": "1.0.0", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/skill-tree-items-rust-plugin/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SmartChatBot", "Author": "Iv Misticos", "Plugin version": "2.0.13", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/smart-chat-bot", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SmoothRestarter", "Author": "2CHEVSKII", "Plugin version": "3.2.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/smooth-restarter", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SortButton", "Author": "MON@H", "Plugin version": "2.0.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/sort-button", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SpawnModularCar", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "5.2.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/spawn-modular-car", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "StackModifier", "Author": "Khan", "Plugin version": "2.0.8", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/stack-modifier", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "StaffRoster", "Author": "Mr. Blue", "Plugin version": "2.0.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/staff-roster", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "StaticLootables", "Author": "Raul-Sorin Sorban", "Plugin version": "2.9.0", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/static-lootables", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "SurvivalArena", "Author": "imthenewguy", "Plugin version": "1.0.9", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/survival-arena", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Telekinesis", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "3.2.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/telekinesis", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "TerrainViolationFix", "Author": "Tryhard", "Plugin version": "1.0.3", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/terrain-violation-fix", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Tip4serv", "Author": "Murgator & Duster", "Plugin version": "1.4.2", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/donation-webstore", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "TruePVE", "Author": "nivex", "Plugin version": "2.0.9", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/zone-manager-auto-zones", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "UberTool", "Author": "FuJiCuRa", "Plugin version": "1.4.33", "Link to plugin": "https://chaoscode.io/resources/ubertool-admins-new-friend.78/", "Marketplace": "Chaos", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "UltimateQueue", "Author": "Bobakanoosh", "Plugin version": "1.0.4", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/ultimate-queue", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "UnlockDlcItems", "Author": "Paulsimik", "Plugin version": "1.0.0", "Link to plugin": "https://rustplugins.net/index.php?/file/9-unlock-dlc-items/", "Marketplace": "RustPlugins", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "UpdateChecker", "Author": "tofurahie", "Plugin version": "4.0.0", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/update-checker", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Vanish", "Author": "Whispers88", "Plugin version": "1.8.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/vanish", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "VehicleDeployedLocks", "Author": "WhiteThunder", "Plugin version": "1.9.1", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/vehicle-deployed-locks", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "Vehicles", "Author": "bsdinis", "Plugin version": "0.1.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/portable-vehicles", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "VirtualQuarries", "Author": "ThePitereq", "Plugin version": "2.3.10", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/virtual-quarries", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "WaterBases", "Author": "Nikedemos", "Plugin version": "1.0.14", "Link to plugin": "https://lone.design/product/water-bases-rust-plugin/", "Marketplace": "Lone.Design", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "WaterBikes", "Author": "senyaa", "Plugin version": "1.4.1", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/water-bikes", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "WelcomePanel", "Author": "David", "Plugin version": "4.0.9", "Link to plugin": "https://codefling.com/plugins/welcome-panel", "Marketplace": "Codefling", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "WelcomePanelAddons", "Author": "David", "Plugin version": "4.0.91", "Link to plugin": "https://rustplugins.net/index.php?/file/26-welcome-panel-addons-extended/", "Marketplace": "RustPlugins", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "WhoaBoy", "Author": "Clearshot", "Plugin version": "1.1.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/whoa-boy", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "WipeInfoApi", "Author": "MJSU", "Plugin version": "1.1.0", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/wipe-info-api", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "XDMapMarkerApi", "Author": "DezLife", "Plugin version": "1.0.1", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ZoneManager", "Author": "k1lly0u", "Plugin version": "3.1.3", "Link to plugin": "https://umod.org/plugins/zone-manager-auto-zones", "Marketplace": "uMod", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "NovaWeather", "Author": "Hypernova", "Plugin version": "1.0.0", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false }, { "Name": "ChaosNPCDownloader", "Author": "k1lly0u", "Plugin version": "0.1.0", "Link to plugin": "", "Marketplace": "", "Ignore": false } ] }
  10. BetterDeadThanZed

    Incorrect links

    [Codefling] PveMode 1.0.9 -> 1.2.5 <https://codefling.com/plugins/airfield-event> [uMod] Shop 1.1.81 -> 2.4.45 <https://umod.org/plugins/gui-shop> The link next to PVE Mode is the link to the Airfield Event plugin, not PVE Mode. The Shop I have is David's Shop plugin. The URL is for umod.
  11. So I'm assuming these are just raidable bases made on water?
  12. BetterDeadThanZed


    Did you download the update released yesterday?
  13. I notice this hasn't been updated since May. Will it be getting an update any time soon? I don't presently own it but was thinking of getting it. I did notice the comment about rabies not working so that makes me think there's a possibility other things might be broken.
  14. Have you had a chance to look at adding this function?
  15. I've asked the dev of the Personal Wipe plugin to add wiping of Skill Tree support but he hasn't done it yet. This would achieve what you are looking for if he added it.
  16. The latest update: "change default command to /market to avoid conflicts" That's the same command used by Cooking to sell cooking items.
  17. I thought this was supposed to automatically send decay notifications to Discord but it seems to only send notifications to Discord when the command is used.
  18. Seeing this over and over in my console since a player locked the first monument after the update: 08/03 14:33:26 | [Monument Lock] -- saving data.. 08/03 14:33:26 | [Monument Lock] -- data saved! 08/03 14:33:26 | [Monument Lock] -- saving data.. 08/03 14:33:26 | [Monument Lock] -- data saved! 08/03 14:33:26 | [Monument Lock] -- saving data.. 08/03 14:33:26 | [Monument Lock] -- data saved! 08/03 14:33:26 | [Monument Lock] -- saving data.. 08/03 14:33:26 | [Monument Lock] -- data saved! 08/03 14:33:26 | [Monument Lock] -- saving data.. 08/03 14:33:26 | [Monument Lock] -- data saved! 08/03 14:33:26 | [Monument Lock] -- saving data..
  19. Any chance of adding support for the PVE Mode plugin? I only run events on my server with that because of people arguing over ownership of the event. It's a PVE server.
  20. A pharmacy without medical crates ?
  21. BetterDeadThanZed


    Such a shame. It would be awesome if another map maker could take over the maintenance of the map.
    I love the simplicity of the monument. A nice alternative for Oxums Gas Station.
  22. Thanks! I love the simplicity of the monument. A nice alternative for Oxums Gas Station.
  23. Tuesday's update: " Updated the ChatID default Steam64ID to 76561199514393612." After that update, the chat icon was changed to that Steam ID. I also had to manually change it in the Skill Tree config after the last update because it overrode the Custom Icon plugin for Skill Tree messages.


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